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Integrable Highest Weight Modules over Affine Superalgebras and Appell'sVictor G. Kac, Minoru Wakimoto, kac@math.mit.edu 31 July 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Categorification of quantum sl_3 projectors and the sl_3 Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant of framed tanglesRose, David Emile Vatcher January 2012 (has links)
<p>Quantum sl_3 projectors are morphisms in Kuperberg's sl_3 spider, a diagrammatically defined category equivalent to the full pivotal subcategory of the category of (type 1) finite-dimensional representations of the quantum group U_q (sl_3 ) generated by the defining representation, which correspond to projection onto (and then inclusion from) the highest weight irreducible summand. These morphisms are interesting from a topological viewpoint as they allow the combinatorial formulation of the sl_3 tangle invariant (in which tangle components are labelled by the defining representation) to be extended to a combinatorial formulation of the invariant in which components are labelled by arbitrary finite-dimensional irreducible representations. They also allow for a combinatorial description of the SU(3) Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev 3-manifold invariant. </p><p>There exists a categorification of the sl_3 spider, due to Morrison and Nieh, which is the natural setting for Khovanov's sl_3 link homology theory and its extension to tangles. An obvious question is whether there exist objects in this categorification which categorify the sl_3 projectors. </p><p>In this dissertation, we show that there indeed exist such "categorified projectors," constructing them as the stable limit of the complexes assigned to k-twist torus braids (suitably shifted). These complexes satisfy categorified versions of the defining relations of the (decategorified) sl_3 projectors and map to them upon taking the Grothendieck group. We use these categorified projectors to extend sl_3 Khovanov homology to a homology theory for framed links with components labeled by arbitrary finite-dimensional irreducible representations of sl_3 .</p> / Dissertation
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Degsnės maumedyno taksacinių parametrų ir būklės analizė / Analysis of taxonomy parameters and condition of the larch trees in Degsnė arboretumLazauskaitė, Odeta 01 June 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe įvertinti Degsnės maumedyno kiekybiniai ir kokybiniai taksaciniai parametrai, maumedžių būklė ir jos priežastys.
Darbo objektas - Prienų miškų urėdijos, Balbieriškio girininkijos 29 kv. 1 skl., 1,79 ha plote augantis Degsnės maumedynas, įeinantis į Nemuno kilpų regionino parko teritoriją.
Tyrimo tikslas - Atlikti Nemuno kilpų regioninio parko teritorijoje augančio Degsnės maumedyno realių taksacinių parametrų (kiekybinių, kokybinių) įvertinimą ir sanitarinės būklės analizę.
Darbo metodai – instrumentinis dendrometrinių rodiklių nustatymas, vizualinis maumedžių būklės įvertinimas.
Darbo rezultatai – 2011 metais nustatyta, kad Degsnės maumedyno vid.aukštis yra 39,8 m, o vid. skersmuo – 64,6 cm. Maumedyne auga 2 aukštesni maumedžiai, už aukščiausiu Lietuvoje laikomą medį - jų aukštis siekia 46,5 m. 3 maumedžių skersmuo daugiau nei 1 m. Storiausio maumedžio skersmuo – 108 cm.
Medyno pakraštyje augantys medžiai yra vid. 2 m žemesni už medyno viduje augančius medžius (atitinkamai 38,4 m ir 40,4 m ), tačiau 10 cm storesni (atitinkamai 73,3 cm ir 62,6 cm), turi vid. 5 m ilgesnes lajas (atitinkamai 23,9 m ir 18,9 m) ir storesnes šakas.
Medyno tūris - 1198 m3/ha. Vid. vieno medžio tūris – 5,8 m3. Net 18 medžių tūris didesnis nei 10 m3. Po maumedžių danga susiformavo II ardas (7L3E+Ą), kurio tūris dar 93 m3/ha.
I Krafto klasės medžiai medyne sudaro 91,1%. L.tiesūs ir tiesūs medžiai maumedyne sudaro 86,2%.
Tyrimų metu nustatyta, jog maumedžiai buvo sodinti kas 2,6x2,6 m... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master work evaluated quantitative and qualitative taxonomy parameters of larch trees in Degsnė arboretum, condition of larch trees and the reasons for such condition.
Object of work - Degsnė arboretum of larch trees growing in Prienai Forestry enterprise, Balbieriškis Forest Stewardship 29 sq. 1 land parcel, 1,79 ha area, included in Nemunas Loops regional park territory.
Goal of research – To carry out the evaluation of taxonomy parameters (quantitative and qualitative) and analysis of sanitary condition of larch trees in Degsnė arboretum in Nemunas Loops regional park territory.
Methods of work – instrumental determination of dendrometric indicators, visual immolation of larch tree condition.
Work results – in 2011 it was found that the medium height of larch trees Degsnė arboretum 39,8 m, and the medium diameter is 64,6 cm. The larch trees arboretum has 2 high trees, higher than the tree which was considered to be the highest in Lithuania – their height is 46,5 m. Diameter of 3 exceeds 1 m. The diameter of the thickest larch tree is 108 cm.
The trees growing at the edge of the arboretum in average 2 m lower than the tress in the middle of the arboretum (38,4 m and 40,4 m accordingly), however, they are thicker by 10 cm (73,3 cm and 62,6 cm accordingly), and have on average 5 m longer canopies (23,9 m and 18,9 m accordingly) and thicker branches.
Volume of the trees is 1198 m3/ha. Average single tree volume is 5,8 m3. As many as 18 trees have the volume exceeding 10 m3... [to full text]
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A ética do prazer de Lorenzo Valla / The Ethics of Pleasure of Lorenzo VallaAdami, Ana Letícia 02 July 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho de doutorado tem por objetivo expor e comentar a tese do prazer (voluptas, em latim, edoné, em grego) como o sumo bem (summum bonum), conforme a defesa do humanista romano Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457), inscrita no seu diálogo De Voluptate (Do Prazer), publicado pela primeira vez em 1431. Nesta obra, que foi alvo de inúmeras polêmicas entre pensadores humanistas e escolásticos de seu tempo, a Europa do Renascimento, Valla propõe um debate entre um representante estoico e um epicurista acerca da questão sobre o fim último que dirige nossas ações, dito também o sumo bem. Como representante do partido da virtude ou do honesto (o honestum ou a honestas), o estoico, Valla escolhe ninguém menos do que um dos maiores representantes do republicanismo italiano do renascimento, o chanceler de Florença Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444). Do lado oposto, como representante do partido do prazer (a voluptas), isto é, o epicurista, ele escolhe ninguém menos do que o autor do primeiro volume de epigramas satíricos da Renascença, o poeta panormitano Antonio Beccadelli (1394-1471). Através desse debate, Valla procura rebater as críticas feitas por escolásticos e humanistas ao modelo de vida epicurista, pejorativamente chamado por seus detratores de vida dos agricultores ou rústicos, por oposição ao modelo de vida estoico do homem de negócios públicos, compromissado com deveres (officia) muito elevados, pois que visam a proteção e glória de sua cidade. / The purpose of this dissertation is to expose and comment on the thesis of pleasure (voluptas, in Latin, edoné, in Greek) as the highest good (summum bonum), according to the Roman humanist Lorenzo Valla\' defense (1407-1457) inscribed in his dialogue De Voluptate (On Pleasure), published for the first time in 1431. In this work, which was the subject of numerous controversies between humanists and other scholastics of his time in Renaissance Europe, Valla proposes a debate between a Stoic representative and an Epicurean on the question about the ultimate end that directs our actions, also said the highest good. As a representative of the party of virtue or of the honest (honestum or honestas), that is to say, the Stoic, he chooses no one but one of the greatest representatives of the Italian republicanism of the Renaissance, the chancellor of Florence, Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444). On the opposite side, as the representative of the pleasure party (voluptas), that is, the Epicurean, he chooses no one but the author of the first volume of satirical epigrams of the Renaissance, the panormitan poet, Antonio Beccadelli (1394-1471). Through this debate, Valla seeks to counter scholastic and humanist criticisms of the \"epicurean\" model of life, pejoratively called life of \"farmers or rustics\" by his detractors, as opposed to the \"stoic\" model of public business man, committed to very high duties (officia), as they seek the protection and glory to his city.
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The Relation Of Aesthetic Experience To The Truth And The Good In KantAvci, Nil 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to explore the role and significance of the aesthetic experience in Kant&rsquo / s philosophy. To accomplish this aim / firstly, the role of aesthetic power of judgment is discovered in subject&rsquo / s production of truths about the sensible world which is attributed to the cognitive power of understanding. Secondly, the role of aesthetic power of judgment in subject&rsquo / s representation of the good and in formation of moral judgments is demonstrated. Aesthetic power of judgment which enables both the reception and production of the beauty as a necessary harmony and unity brings an aesthetic and intuitive determinability to the acknowledged transcendent field for knowledge. The thesis is concluded by the affirmation that aesthetic power of judgment as an orienting interpretative power is a necessary condition for the subject, who is limited in knowledge and sensibly conditioned in the realization of moral purposes, in order to know and to have a moral life.
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Įmonės savininko ir aukščiausio vadovo atskyrimo problematika / The peculiarity of separating firm’s owner and highest managerMotiečiūtė, Rima 06 August 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama aukščiausio įmonės vadovo ir savininko atskyrimo problematika. Vadybos literatūroje yra menkai nagrinėta vadovo kaip savininko ir vadovo kaip ne savininko įtaka organizacijai, bei būdai ir metodai kaip atskirti vadovą nuo savininko. Darbo tikslas – parengti siūlymus, kaip atskirti aukščiausią įmonės vadovą ir savininką. Pirmojoje dalyje nustatytas ir atskleistas aukščiausio vadovo ir savininko santykis, jų atskyrimo problematika remiantis vadybos literatūra. Antrojoje dalyje aprašomas atliekamas UAB „Gelžbetonis“ tyrimas, tyrimo vertė, tyrimui naudojami metodai ir šaltiniai, pristatomi ir įvertinami analizės rezultatai, išskiriami taisytini aspektai. Atliktos analizės rezultatai rodo, kad įmonės generaliniam direktoriui iškyla nemažai problemų derinant aukščiausio vadovo ir savininko vaidmenis. Trečiojoje dalyje siūlomas vadovo ir savininko atskyrimo projektas UAB „Gelžbetonis“ pavyzdžiu. / In this paper there is analyzed the peculiarity of separating firm’s owner and highest manager. In management literature the influence to organization of manager as an owner and manager as not an owner, and methods how to separate manager from owner are very weak analyzed. The target of this thesis is to prepare offers, how to separate manager from owner. In the first part there is a defined highest manager’s and owner’s relation, the facility of their separation appealing to management literature. In the second part there are describing the research of JSC “Gelžbetonis”, research value, methods and sources used in research, introducing and evaluating results of research. In third part there are a project, how to separate highest manager and owner in JSC “Gelžbetonis” example.
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O Sumo Bem como complementação necessária da teoria moral kantiana / Highest good as necessary complement to Kant's Moral TheoryDifante, Édison Martinho da Silva 21 March 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The following thesis aims at offering a broad and systematic interpretation of the doctrine highest good. Based on that, we defend that the idea of highest good represents a necessary complement to Kant‟s moral theory. In order to defend that, it is needed to present the context in which the idea of highest good is introduced by Kant, observing that in this period there was no moral theory itself yet, which was based on the autonomy of the will. It is important to emphasize that both during development and among the different phases of critical philosophy the idea of highest good has been there. Thus, it is essential to analyze the relationship between the idea of highest good and the theory of morality, taking into consideration that sometimes the concept seems to be unstable regarding the foundations of the moral theory. It happens that, although the concept or idea of highest good has already its legitimacy ensured since the beginning of critical period, it is from a practical perspective of reflective judgment that it will become an essential part of the moral theory and of the architectonic of pure reason. On one hand, the following thesis has the objective of rebuilding Kant‟s argumentation regarding the idea of highest good during the critical period and, on the other hand, showing that the concept of highest good does not compromise the fundamental principle of morality. Besides that, considering that the idea of highest good is constantly retaken by Kant himself in his critical philosophy, we defend that the highest good not only has an assured place, but a privileged one in moral philosophy. Even though the highest good is an object of faith for practical pure reason moral it theologically complements moral theory representing pure reason ultimate goal for rational human beings. / A presente tese procura oferecer uma interpretação abrangente e sistemática da doutrina do sumo bem. Nessa perspectiva, defende-se que a ideia do sumo bem representa uma complementação necessária à teoria moral kantiana. Para tal empreendimento faz-se necessário apresentar o contexto no qual a ideia do sumo bem é introduzida por Kant, observando que nesse período ainda não existia uma teoria moral propriamente dita, baseada na autonomia da vontade. Cabe ressaltar que tanto no desenvolvimento quanto nas diferentes etapas da filosofia crítica a ideia do sumo bem esteve presente. Com efeito, torna-se imprescindível analisar a relação entre a ideia do sumo bem com a teoria da moralidade, tendo em vista que em alguns momentos esse conceito parece instável no tocante à fundamentação da teoria moral. Ocorre que, embora o conceito ou ideia de sumo bem já tenha a sua legitimidade assegurada desde o início do período crítico, é a partir de uma perspectiva prática da faculdade de julgar reflexionante que ele passa a se constituir como uma parte indispensável da teoria moral e da arquitetônica da razão pura. A tese tem, por um lado, o objetivo de reconstruir a argumentação kantiana referente à ideia do sumo bem no período crítico e, por outro lado, demonstrar que essa ideia do sumo bem não compromete o princípio fundamental da moralidade. Além disso, visto que a ideia de sumo bem é constantemente retomada pelo próprio Kant em sua filosofia crítica, defende-se que a ideia do sumo bem não somente tem um lugar assegurado, mas um lugar privilegiado na filosofia moral. Mesmo que o sumo bem seja um objeto de fé da razão prática pura moral ele complementa teleologicamente a teoria moral representando o fim último da razão pura para os seres racionais humanos.
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O SUMO BEM E A MORALIDADE EM KANT: a função do conceito de Sumo Bem no processo de desenvolvimento da filosofia crítica / THE HIGHEST GOOD AND MORALITY IN KANT: The function of the concept of Highest Good in the process of the development of critical philosophyCortes, Rafael da Silva 16 July 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This master thesis aims at reconstructing the Kantian concept of the Highest Good (höchstes Gut) since its presentation in the Critique of pure reason`s Transcendental doctrine of method (1781), passing by Groundwork of the metaphysic of morals (1785) and the
Critique of practical reason (1788), until the preface of The religion within the limits of reason alone (1793). We intend here to clarify the definition that Kant presents about the concept of the Highest Good, as well as its relation with morality. That way, we maintain that
in the development of the critical philosophy Kant presented different perspectives about the Highest Good, taking into account the different meanings this concept has in Kant. The same applies to Kant s conception of the foundations of moral, considering that his arguments in
different stages of the critical philosophy sometimes are unstable about the determination of the origin of the moral law. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the relation of morality to the Highest Good, because it is an extremely important element of this concept. After clarifying this relation, we approach the question, linked to Highest Good and morality, about how happiness can be an element of the concept of such object without compromising its characteristic of originating from pure rational will. Furthermore, we approached the problem
of the importance of the Highest Good for Kant`s practical philosophy. We take the doctrine of the practical reason`s postulates as relevant to this question. Finally, we go into Kant`s philosophy of religion in which the concept of the Highest Good seems to adopt an anthropological character, representing the final end that rational human beings aim to attain. / Este trabalho consiste em uma reconstrução do conceito kantiano de Sumo Bem (höchstes Gut) desde sua apresentação na Doutrina transcendental do método da Crítica da razão pura (1781), perpassando pela Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes (1785) e a
Crítica da razão prática (1788), até o prefácio de A religião nos limites da simples razão(1793). Busca-se aqui, esclarecer a definição que Kant apresenta do conceito de Sumo Bem,
assim como, de sua relação com a moralidade. Nesse sentido, observa-se que no desenvolvimento da teoria crítica, Kant expõe diferentes perspectivas a respeito do Sumo
Bem, merecendo, por isso, atenção aos distintos significados usados desse conceito. O mesmo ocorre com a compreensão que ele possui da fundamentação moral, tendo em vista que sua argumentação nas diferentes etapas da filosofia crítica, por vezes, se revela instável no tocante à determinação da origem da lei moral. Por isso, faz-se necessário analisar a relação da moralidade com o Sumo Bem, uma vez que ela consiste num elemento extremamente relevante para esse conceito. Tendo esclarecida essa relação, aborda-se a questão vinculada ao Sumo Bem e a moralidade acerca de como a felicidade pode compor o conceito de tal objeto
sem comprometer sua característica de ter origem na vontade racional pura. Ademais, aborda-se o problema referente à importância do Sumo Bem à filosofia prática de Kant. Para tanto, toma-se a doutrina dos postulados práticos como relevantes para a tentativa de solucionar essa questão. Por fim, adentra-se na filosofia da religião de Kant em que o conceito de Sumo Bem parece adquirir caráter antropológico, tendo em vista que ele representa o fim último da razão
pura que os seres humanos racionais visam alcançar.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This master's degree work approaches the concept the highest good in three different
moments of the Kant s philosophy practical. Its objective is to show that Kant attributes
different papers in the ethics, in the religion and in the political philosophy for the highest
good, that is, it can have different functions in the horizon of his philosophy. In the first
chapter, the highest good is characterized in the Dialectics of the Critique of Practical Reason
as object of the pure practical reason and it is sustained that is necessary to admit for his
accomplishment that the postulates of the practical reason, God and immortality of the soul,
as their possibility conditions. In the second chapter, from the Religion Within the Limits of
Reason Alone, it is described the idea of the highest good as last end of the man's moral
conduct through the moral community's formation and it is shown how the radical evil show
itself in the human nature. In the last chapter, it is presented the conception secular or political
of the highest good as a social end. This subject is analyzed in the context of the political
philosophy of Kant and it is sustained that the accomplishment of the highest good political
requests the union of States in a common juridical body and, besides, it is necessary the
elaboration of a cosmopolitan Constitution. / Este trabalho de mestrado aborda o conceito de sumo bem em três diferentes momentos da
filosofia prática kantiana. Seu objetivo é mostrar que Kant atribui diferentes papéis na ética,
na religião e na filosofia política para o sumo bem, isto é, que ele pode ter diferentes funções
no horizonte da sua filosofia. No primeiro capítulo, caracteriza-se o sumo bem na Dialética da
Crítica da Razão Prática como objeto da razão prática pura e sustenta-se que para a sua
realização é preciso admitir que os postulados da razão prática (Deus e imortalidade da alma)
são as suas condições de possibilidade. No segundo capítulo, descreve-se, a partir da Religião
nos Limites da Simples Razão, a idéia do sumo bem como fim último da conduta moral do
homem através da formação da comunidade moral e mostra-se como o mal radical figura na
natureza humana. No último capítulo, apresenta-se a concepção secular ou política do sumo
bem como um fim social. Essa questão é analisada no contexto da filosofia política de Kant e
sustenta-se que a realização do sumo bem político requer a união dos Estados num corpo
jurídico comum e, além disso, é necessária a elaboração de uma Constituição cosmopolita.
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Determinants of unemployment and earnings in South AfricaMathebula, Inocent Nelson January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Statistics)) --University of Limpopo, 2017. / South Africa is one of the countries with chronic high unemployment rate. The unemployment rate has consistently been above 24% for a considerable period of time. It is important for policy and decision makers to know the type of persons who are unemployed, and underemployed in order to come up with the right intervention. The purpose of this study was to find and describe the determinants of unemployment, underemployment, and earnings in South Africa.
In order to realize the objectives of the study, secondary data from 2012 Quarterly Labour Force Survey was used. Statistics South Africa collects labour market related information from persons between the age of 15 and 64. The data have information on status of unemployment, underemployment and earnings and other related to variables.
Logistic regression was applied on the data and it was found that age, gender, population group, marital status, level of education, and province were significant determinants of unemployment in South Africa. Gender, population group, sector, marital status and contract duration were found to be significantly associated with time-related underemployment. Generalised linear model was applied on the data and it was found that gender, population group, marital status, level of education contract duration, geographical location, and sector were the determinants of earnings.
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