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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Familjespår, uppdrag och jakter : Om hur museum skapar historiemedvetande i pedagogiskt material riktat till barn.

Leek, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att bidra med kunskap om vilket historiemedvetande fyra historiska museer i Stockholm skapar i sina pedagogiska material riktat till barn. Utifrån en diskursanalys undersöktes materialet utifrån analysverktygen transitivitet och modalitet för att ringa in huruvida museerna lägger någon värdering i kunskapsinnehållet och vilket sanningsanspråk de tar. Det undersökta materialet var sex olika broschyrer riktade till barn, hämtade från Armémuseum, Historiska museet, Nordiska museet och Vasamuseet. Då museerna skiljer sig åt i innehåll, använde de olika typer av värderande ord utifrån på vad de presenterade, beroende på om de ville skapa en positiv eller negativ bild av skedet eller objektet. Större likhet fanns i vilket sanningsanspråk museerna tog i sitt material, då alla museer nästan uteslutande använder sig av ett högt sanningsanspråk, som inte gav utrymme för några alternativa tolkningar på historien. Undersökningens slutsats blev att museerna producerar en homogeniserande historieskrivning. Det beror troligtvis på att materialet är riktat till barn och därför finns det viss förenkling i hur kunskapen presenteras. Men syftet med materialen var inte nödvändigtvis att ge barnen historisk kunskap, utan att genom berättelser låta barnen bli en del av historien och göra den mer tillgänglig för att skapa ett historiemedvetande. / The purpose of this essay was to gain knowledge on how four historical museums in Stockholm creates historical consciousness in educational material directed toward children. Using a discourse analysis, the aim was to, with the help of the analysis tools transitivitet and modalitet, point out what values the museums put in how they present the knowledge and what level of truth they claim. The material consisted of six brochures from the Army Museum, the Swedish History Museum, the Nordic Museum, and the Vasa Museum. Since the museums varies in content, they differed in what words they used to describe the exhibitions they presented, depending on if they wanted to create a positive or negative image of the historical period or object. The level of truth they claimed in their material was more alike between the museums. None of them gave any leeway for alternative interpretations of the history they presented. In the end, the museums create a homogeneous picture of history. The reason for that might be the fact that the material is aimed toward children and therefore simplified. But the purpose of the material wasn’t necessary to give the children specific historical knowledge, but through storytelling let the children be a part of history and make it more available, to create a historical consciousness.

Lokalhistoria i förorten

Falk, Jerry January 2006 (has links)
SammanfattningHuvudsyftet med detta arbete är att få en inblick i hur två skilda förortsskolor med helt olika elevsammansättning i Malmö använder sig av närområdet (lokalhistoria) i historieundervisningen. Vilka olikheter finns mellan dessa två skolor? Vilka är skillnaderna och om det finns skillnader, vad beror detta i så fall på? Jag har även velat få kunskap om hur elevernas intresse för historia/lokalhistoria ser ut. Vilka för- och nackdelar det finns med att använda sig av lokalhistoria? Den ena skolan är belägen i Malmös södra del i stadsdelen Hyllie. Här är majoriteten av eleverna svenska. Den andra skolan är belägen i Malmös östra del i stadsdelen Rosengård, där majoriteten av eleverna har invandrarbakgrund. Själva undersökningen har jag genomfört i form av enkäter som gått ut till tre lärare respektive tre nionde klasselever på de båda skolorna. De skillnader som finns på dessa skolor rör sig främst om sättet att lägga upp undervisningen på. I Hyllie arbetar historielärarna på ett mer traditionellt vis där lärobokens innehåll styr mycket av undervisningen. Där är det upp till varje lärare att använda sig av lokalhistoria. På Rosengård arbetar lärarna med tema i undervisningen som är tematiskt upplagd. Eleverna där arbetar mycket självständigt i en tidrymd på 5-6 veckor, dessutom arbetar de i årskurs sex med Malmö och deras närområde. De olika sätten att lägga upp undervisningen på, tycker jag avspeglar sig i elevernas intresse för ämnet. / AbstractThe main purpose with this essey is to get an insight in how two different suburbpreschools with totaly different pupilcompostion in Malmö is using the immediate surroundings (local history) in their historyeducation. What differences are there between these schools? What are the distiction and if there are any, and in that case, why ? I have also wanted to get some knowledge about how the pupils interest are on history/ localhisory now a days. What advantages and disadvanteges there are of using localhistory? One of the school is located in Malmös south district Hyllie. The majority of the pupils here are Swedish. The other school is located in Malmös east district Rosengård, were the majority of the pupils has a foreign background. The examination in it self I’ve done trough questionnaires wich I gave to three teachers in three 9th grades in both schools. The differences that exist in these schools are mostly the way that they plan their education. In Hyllie the teachers works in a more traditionell way, were the textbok controls a lot of the teaching. I’ts up to each and everyone of the teachers to use localhistory there. In Rosengård the teachers works with themes in their education wich is thematic inclined and the pupils work independent in a period of 5-6 weeks, in addition to that the 6th graders are reading about Malmö and their immediat suroundings. I think that the different ways they plan the education reflects in the pupils interest.

"Liksom man ser ju hur det har utvecklats nu och då utvecklas det ju mer i framtiden". En sociokulturell analys av barns historiemedvetande

Rudnert, Joel January 2010 (has links)
Enligt den svenska läroplanen, LPO 94, är utvecklandet av elevernas historiemedvetande en av de viktigaste uppgifterna för undervisningen i ämnet historia. Det finns dock i forskningen ännu inga vedertagna beskrivningar av hur ett historiemedvetande känns igen i elevers uttryck och hur en progression av detta medvetande kan mätas. Föreliggande uppsats undersöker historiemedvetandet hos 50 barn mellan 4 och 10 år på två skolor och en förskola. Barnen delades efter ålder in i fokusgrupper och presenterades ett antal olika gamla vardagsföremål av samma typ, till exempel tre olika gamla telefoner. I samtal med uppsatsens författare och en pedagog diskuterades det temporala sambandet mellan föremålen. Samtalen i fokusgrupperna videofilmades och transkriberades. I analysen undersöktes framförallt om barnen i sina utsagor kunde foga samman föremålen i narrativa sekvenser och om de i dessa sekvenser använde sig av någon narrativ mall. Narrativa mallar är de socialt, historiskt och kulturellt framförhandlade strukturer kring vilka berättelser byggs upp. Därför kan narrativa mallar betraktas som kulturella verktyg med vilka vi agerar i verkligheten men som också genom internalisering förändrar vår varseblivning av densamma. Den teoretiska basen för analysen utgörs av Lev Vygotskijs sociokulturella teori och James V. Wertschs utveckling av denna. Jerome Bruners narrativa teorier är också centrala. Progression av historiemedvetande tolkas i studien som ett ökat kvalitativt användande av sociokulturella verktyg framförallt i form av narrativa mallar. Resultatet av studien visar att de fyra- och femåringar som omfattas av studien inte använde narrativa mallar. Sjuåringarna använde narrativa mallar i sina berättelser men inte på samma varierade och kritiska sätt som tioåringarna. Studien visar att sociokulturella analyser av barns berättande kan vara en framkomlig väg i sökandet efter en progression av historiemedvetande. / According to the Swedish curriculum, Lpo 94, the development of students' historical consciousness is one of the major tasks in teaching history. There are, however, in research no accepted descriptions of how a historical consciousness is recognized in students' expressions and how a progression of this consciousness can be measured. This paper examines historical consciousness in 50 children ages 4 to 100 at two schools and one kindergarten. The children were divided by age into focus groups and presented a variety of old everyday objects of the same type, for example, three old phones. In conversations with the report's author and a teacher, the group discussed the temporal relationship between the objects. The talks in the focus groups were videotaped and transcribed. The analysis focused primarily if the children in their statements could put together objects in a narrative sequences and if they made any use of a schematic narrative template. Narrative templates are socially, historically and culturally negotiated structures around which stories are built up. Therefore, the narrative templates are considered cultural tools with which we act in reality but they also by internalization alter our perception of it. The theoretical basis for the analysis consists of Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory and James V. Wertsch’s development of this. Jerome Bruners narrative theories are also important. Progression of historical consciousness is interpreted as an increased qualitative use of sociocultural tools especially in the form of schematic narrative templates. The study showed that the four- and five-year olds did not use narrative templates. The seven-year olds used narrative templates but not in the same varied and critical way as the ten-year olds. The study shows that sociocultural analysis of children's narrative constructs can be a way forward in search of a description of progression of historical consciousness.

Vad är skillnaden mellan Lutter am Barenberg och Lützen?

Hansson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
I både den svenska och den danska kursplanen för historia på grundskolan står det att eleverna ska känna till det egna landets kulturarv respektive historia. Men vad är kulturarvet och hur förmedlas det? Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka det svenska och det danska kulturarvet under en tidsperiod då länderna har många gemensamma beröringspunkter, d.v.s. svensk stormaktstid. Undersökningen jämför tre svenska och två danska historieläroböcker. Metoden som används är att ställa beskrivningar och förklaringar av skeenden, händelser och aktörer i de olika läroböckerna mot varandra. Dessutom jämförs läroböckerna till viss del också kvantitativt. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de två ländernas kulturarv från denna tid, i alla fall det konstruerade kulturarv som finns i läroböckerna, har mycket gemensamt åtminstone gällande den utrikespolitiska historien som är den som främst undersöks. Skillnaderna ligger i att de danska läroböckerna främst fokuserar på historien ur ett danskt perspektiv och de svenska ur ett svenskt perspektiv. Av denna anledning är vissa händelser inte lika viktiga i båda länderna.I diskussionen diskuteras även hur den danska kanon som införs nästa läsår kan tänkas påverka kulturarvet och om hur det, i läroböckerna, befintliga kulturarvet om tidsperioden svensk stormaktstid kan tänkas påverka läsarnas historiemedvetande. / Both the Swedish and the Danish syllabus for history in elementary school says that the students should be acquainted with the own country’s cultural heritage and history. But what is the cultural heritage and how is it being told? The aim of this paper is to examine the Swedish and the Danish cultural heritage during a time period when the countries have many common interests, the time period when Sweden was a great power. The examination compares three Swedish and two Danish history books. The method that’s being used is to put the descriptions and explanations of occurrences and characters in the different history books against each other and also to do a quantitative comparison of the history books. The result of the examination showed that the cultural heritage about the 17th century given in the examined history books has a lot in common about the history of foreign politics which is the main examination area. The differences lie in the fact that the Danish history books mainly concentrates on history from a Danish point of view and the Swedish history books from a Swedish point of view. This means that some occurrences aren’t equally important in both countries history books. Finally it’s being discussed what effect the Danish canon that is being introduced next term can have on the Danish cultural heritage. It’s also being discussed what effect the cultural heritage existing in history books can have on the readers historical consciousness.

Att undervisa historiebruk i teori och praktik / The theory and practice of teaching the uses of history

Byberg, Filip, Cunrath, Teddy January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Studies show that teachers struggle to teach one of the core aspects of history teaching in Sweden, namely use of history. This problem was the reason behind the creation of this overview. The aim of this overview is to examine the theories that surround the didactical concept of use of history. The methods used to establish the ground of this overview are inquiries in several databases and review of scientific publications. The results show that the concept of use of history includes many different aspects that can be emphasized depending on the perspectives that researchers apply. Followingly, history didacticians have developed different possible frameworks to tackle the teaching of this concept in the classroom. However, teachers are not always aware of how teaching can be done and their views on history affect their perspectives. Nonetheless, the overview shows how it can be done in an effective way and that the use of history can be a functional tool to develop students’ historical consciousness. Since the use of history and historical consciousness are core aims in the Swedish curriculum of history, this overview can be helpful for teachers.

Det digitala Rom : En historiedidaktisk undersökning om dataspelet The Forgotten City / The digital Rome : a historical-didactic investigation about the video game The Forgotten City

Sjövik, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyse the 2021 video game The Forgotten City from a historical didactical theoretical framework. The study aims to highlight how the game can contribute to the players historical consciousness with its digital recreation of ancient Rome. The method used for analyzing the video game was a playthrough of the game with careful notetaking that was then analyzed with a qualitative method. The result of this analysis found many interesting aspects of how the game can contribute to the players historical consciousness. The game utilized moral-philosophical debates, an epistemological immersion in the game world, and a digital museum like presentation of history. The main problems that were identified was that there is no clear distinction between pure fiction and history which can lead to players without a historical framework of ancient Rome to assume that fiction is historical fact. Finally, the study presents a use case for how a video game like The Forgotten City can be used in a Swedish classroom setting.

Apostlagärningarna 29 : Pingströrelsens bibelbruk, bibelsyn och historiemedvetande mellan 1915-1935 / Acts 29 : The Swedish Pentecostal movement´s view of the Bible and its historical consciousness between 1915-1935

Alenklint, Emanuel January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Folkmord i historieundervisningen : En översikt av forskning kring hur historielärare reflekterar, planerar och genomför undervisning om folkmord / Genocide in History Teaching : An Overview of Research on How History Teachers Reflect, Plan, and Implement Teaching about Genocide.

Grahn, Isabella, Giorgelli, Karine January 2024 (has links)
This knowledge overview, known as SAG, aims to answer questions regarding what the national and international research in didactics shows about how history teachers in secondary and upper secondary schools reflect, plan, and teach about genocide. The methods used for this overview were a systematic search of relevant research and the processing of chosen research articles. Our results show that teachers consider genocide to be significant but also a complex subject. Furthermore, teachers aim to not only teach about genocide as a historical factual phenomenon but also open the door to discussions among learners regarding moral aspects of genocide throughout history.  Prominent strategies that teachers use was shown through research on teaching about different narratives about genocide, but also getting learners actively involved in studying history, emphasizing human rights, and highlighting the consequences when these rights are ignored. In addition, research also shows the absence of certain aspects, such as the absence of explicit aims for teaching and too much focus on the political, ideological, and economic perspectives when teaching about genocide. To conclude, teaching about genocide should be a subject that teachers approach with carefulness and explicit strategies to make learners more engaged in the diverse historical contexts being discussed in the classroom and develop historical consciousness and narrative competence.

Eurocentrism i svensk historieundervisning? : En kunskapsöversikt kring eurocentrismens konsekvenser för historieundervisningen samt vilka alternativa arbetssätt lärare kan använda sig av i undervisningen / Eurocentrism in Swedish history education? : An overview of research concerning the consequences of Eurocentrism in history education and alternative teaching methods that educators can utilize

Edvardsson, Linnea, Radjab Adel, Jihan January 2024 (has links)
The increased multiculturalism and globalization in both Sweden and Swedish classrooms poses new demands on history education. This knowledge overview aims to answer questions regarding Eurocentrism, one in which we dive into the consequences of the eurocentric history view and the other where we look into alternative methods to work with or against Eurocentrism in history education. The Methods to execute this knowledge overview was through a systematic search for relevant research, in which the databases Swepub och Google Scholar was used. The collected material was also supplemented with material given by a professor at Malmö University. The result in this overview conveys that there is in fact an eurocentric view in the Swedish curriculum and in history textbooks, which reflects the education that some teachers conduct. It leads to limited history knowledge and therefore are the pupils not given an equitable education. Furthermore, the presence of Eurocentrism in history education leads to structural discrimination and symbolic violence against students of ethnic backgrounds other than Swedish, as their own experiences and identities are disregarded and excluded. Regarding the second question, research outlines various methods for teachers to address and approach Eurocentrism in education. These methods tackle Eurocentrism differently, including approaches like historical self-reflection and incorporating additional narratives. Most of the methods have their own set of pros and cons, requiring adaptation based on the student composition within the classroom.

Gymnasieelevers inställning till och förståelse av historieämnet med fokus på lärarens betydelse

Grundström, Markus January 2021 (has links)
This study examines students’ attitude towards and understand of history as a school subject. The study is particularly interested in how the teachers’ role affects the student’s attitude. The results of this study may help to shed some light on the relationship between attitudes towards the subject and the opinion of the teacher. The study is based on qualitative interview method where twelve (12) students have been interviewed through a semi-structured interview with help of an interview guide. The students are from preparatory and vocational programs from different upper secondary schools (gymnasium) in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden.The results show that most of the students have a positive view of history as a subject, with no distinctive differences between the programs. A common idea teacher have is that students from an occupational preparing program show less motivation and engagement towards a theoretical subject as history, this study proves that idea wrong. Moreover, the results show that teachers hold a significant impact on the students’ attitude towards the subject. The relationship between the teacher and the students is critical for the motivation and commitment from the students. According to this study’s results, the teacher must have a commitment towards the profession as well as the students. It is evident if the students feel a commitment from the teacher, their own motivation is empowered.

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