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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historical responsibility : Assessing the past in international climate negotiations

Friman, Mathias January 2013 (has links)
Assessments of the past are essential to the struggle over the right to define the normative position of history under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Despite this importance, attempts to analyze the use of history in this context are rare. This thesis aims to investigate how assessments of the past are used in UNFCCC negotiations on responsibilities to act, focusing on negotiations on historical responsibilities. The research questions concern how discourse on historical responsibility: 1) can be structured, 2) is influenced by UNFCCC negotiating practice, 3) has been structured in the UNFCCC, and 4) has enabled agreement despite considerable conflict. Official UNFCCC documentation between 1991 and 2011 was studied using discourse analysis. This study suggests: first, the UNFCCC discourse on historical responsibility conveys two main assessments—a proportional and a conceptual one—of how the past could be used to differentiate responsibilities to act. Second, the strong consensus focus necessitates rationales underlying an “agreeable history” that is neither too flexible, allowing arbitrariness, nor too rigid, reducing Parties’ likelihood of ratifying. Third, as the past evolves, new situations challenge discourse that potentially engages policy makers with a need to rearticulate history. Fourth, if the context changes, so may the importance ascribed to particular assessments of the past. If the stakes increase over time, even more effort is required to reach agreement, which simultaneously becomes more important in solving problems of common concern. Fifth, power seems difficult to circumvent, even by means of cleverly designed negotiating practice. If so, multilateral environmental negotiations could increase the legitimacy of outcomes among Parties in two principal ways: first, by identifying the core conflict that drives negotiations and, second, by evaluating how multilateral environmental negotiations handle conflict. Obscuring or ignoring conflict will likely only reduce the legitimacy of the negotiations.

Historical Responsibility : The Concept’s History in Climate Change Negotiations and its Problem-solving Potential

Friman, Mathias January 2006 (has links)
<p>The thesis primarily tracks the history of historical responsibility in negotiations to and under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The concept aims at attributing individual country burdens in mitigating climate change based on the relative levels of past emissions. A hermeneutic approach and discursive theory has been applied to the empirical material consisting of documents form UNFCCC’s main bodies. Even though the concept was part of the discursive struggle over the content of the UNFCCC, it has been more central in the struggle to operationalise the Convention’s principles on equity. Historical responsibility has been most elaborated in a proposal by Brazil to the 1997 pre-Kyoto negotiations. This proposal combined a biophysical approach (preferred by the North) with that of a political economic approach (preferred by the South). However, the proposal was soon pushed of the central agenda and discussions on the topic turned technical and centred on scientific uncertainties. The biophysical framing excluded equity. At the same time as the proposal was marginalised within UNFCCC as a whole, it was central in discussions on comprehensive approaches to historical responsibility. Any that wanted to discuss comprehensive approaches were referred to this forum wherein talks on equity were excluded from the rules of discussion. This echoes a world system of a periphery, the global South, dependent upon core countries, the global North. The last mentioned have the capacity to set the agenda. The argument for marginalising the Brazilian proposal has been compared to the accepted Kyoto protocol with the result that the official arguments for marginalisation do not hold. The thesis also investigates historical responsibility’s problem solving potential as a concept that could create much needed dialogue across the North/South divide.</p> / <p>Uppsatsen söker främst följa konceptet ”historisk skuld” i klimatförhandlingarna som ledde till, och som senare fördes under, FNs ramkonvention om klimatförändringar (FCCC). Historisk skuld tillskriver länder eller regioner ett ansvar för klimatförändringar som baseras på dess historiska utsläppsnivåer av växthusgaser. Ansvarsberäkningarna ligger sedan till grund för bördefördelning. Empirin, beståendes av dokument från FCCCs organ, har analyserats genom hermeneutik och diskursteori. Historisk skuld fanns med i den diskursiva kampen över FCCC men blev centralt först i kampen över hur FCCCs rättviseprinciper skulle operationaliseras. Som mest genomarbetat har konceptet varit i det så kallade brasilianska förslaget vilket lades fram inför Kyotoförhandlingarna. Förslaget kombinerade en naturvetenskaplig gestaltning, som föredras av länder i nord, med en politisk ekonomisk dito, vilken föredras av syd. Det exkluderades emellertid fort från den beslutsfattande agendan och hänvisades till rådgivande organ där frågan teknifierades med fokus på vetenskapliga osäkerheter. Den naturvetenskapliga gestaltningen exkluderade samtal om rättvisa. Samtidigt som förslaget marginaliserades inom FCCC som helhet så blev det centralt i detaljerade diskussioner om historisk skuld. Om någon ville diskutera operationaliserade varianter av historisk skuld inom FN så hänvisade de till detta forum, ett forum där samtal om rättvisa exkluderats genom de tysta regler som styr diskussionen. Detta speglar ett världssystem där en periferi, det global syd, är beroende av centrala länder, det globala nord. De sistnämnda har kapaciteten att styra dagordningen. Argumenten bakom marginaliseringen av det brasilianska förslaget har sedan jämförts med det accepterade Kyotoprotokollet. Det visar sig då att de officiella argumenten för marginalisering inte håller. Uppsatsen undersöker också konceptets potential till att initiera välbehövlig dialog mellan nord och syd.</p>

Historical Responsibility : The Concept’s History in Climate Change Negotiations and its Problem-solving Potential

Friman, Mathias January 2006 (has links)
The thesis primarily tracks the history of historical responsibility in negotiations to and under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The concept aims at attributing individual country burdens in mitigating climate change based on the relative levels of past emissions. A hermeneutic approach and discursive theory has been applied to the empirical material consisting of documents form UNFCCC’s main bodies. Even though the concept was part of the discursive struggle over the content of the UNFCCC, it has been more central in the struggle to operationalise the Convention’s principles on equity. Historical responsibility has been most elaborated in a proposal by Brazil to the 1997 pre-Kyoto negotiations. This proposal combined a biophysical approach (preferred by the North) with that of a political economic approach (preferred by the South). However, the proposal was soon pushed of the central agenda and discussions on the topic turned technical and centred on scientific uncertainties. The biophysical framing excluded equity. At the same time as the proposal was marginalised within UNFCCC as a whole, it was central in discussions on comprehensive approaches to historical responsibility. Any that wanted to discuss comprehensive approaches were referred to this forum wherein talks on equity were excluded from the rules of discussion. This echoes a world system of a periphery, the global South, dependent upon core countries, the global North. The last mentioned have the capacity to set the agenda. The argument for marginalising the Brazilian proposal has been compared to the accepted Kyoto protocol with the result that the official arguments for marginalisation do not hold. The thesis also investigates historical responsibility’s problem solving potential as a concept that could create much needed dialogue across the North/South divide. / Uppsatsen söker främst följa konceptet ”historisk skuld” i klimatförhandlingarna som ledde till, och som senare fördes under, FNs ramkonvention om klimatförändringar (FCCC). Historisk skuld tillskriver länder eller regioner ett ansvar för klimatförändringar som baseras på dess historiska utsläppsnivåer av växthusgaser. Ansvarsberäkningarna ligger sedan till grund för bördefördelning. Empirin, beståendes av dokument från FCCCs organ, har analyserats genom hermeneutik och diskursteori. Historisk skuld fanns med i den diskursiva kampen över FCCC men blev centralt först i kampen över hur FCCCs rättviseprinciper skulle operationaliseras. Som mest genomarbetat har konceptet varit i det så kallade brasilianska förslaget vilket lades fram inför Kyotoförhandlingarna. Förslaget kombinerade en naturvetenskaplig gestaltning, som föredras av länder i nord, med en politisk ekonomisk dito, vilken föredras av syd. Det exkluderades emellertid fort från den beslutsfattande agendan och hänvisades till rådgivande organ där frågan teknifierades med fokus på vetenskapliga osäkerheter. Den naturvetenskapliga gestaltningen exkluderade samtal om rättvisa. Samtidigt som förslaget marginaliserades inom FCCC som helhet så blev det centralt i detaljerade diskussioner om historisk skuld. Om någon ville diskutera operationaliserade varianter av historisk skuld inom FN så hänvisade de till detta forum, ett forum där samtal om rättvisa exkluderats genom de tysta regler som styr diskussionen. Detta speglar ett världssystem där en periferi, det global syd, är beroende av centrala länder, det globala nord. De sistnämnda har kapaciteten att styra dagordningen. Argumenten bakom marginaliseringen av det brasilianska förslaget har sedan jämförts med det accepterade Kyotoprotokollet. Det visar sig då att de officiella argumenten för marginalisering inte håller. Uppsatsen undersöker också konceptets potential till att initiera välbehövlig dialog mellan nord och syd.

Memória empresarial: interesse utilitarista ou responsabilidade histórica? / Corporate Memory: utilitarian interest or historical responsibility?

Sousa, Sara Barbosa de 16 April 2010 (has links)
A pesquisa tem por objetivo refletir o papel desempenhado pela memória empresarial, analisando sua atuação estratégica no reforço da imagem institucional e na construção ou fortalecimento da identidade corporativa. A reflexão engloba ainda as motivações das empresas para a construção de espaços de memória e o uso da memória pelas organizações. A análise envolve a discussão de conceitos de áreas multidisciplinares do conhecimento: história, administração, arquivologia e biblioteconomia e documentação. Aborda os conceitos de história bem como sua associação com o passado e sua valorização por setores da sociedade e como efeito do processo de globalização. Apresenta a conceituação de memória, abordando sua valorização e busca generalizada feita por diversos setores sociais, destacando o interesse e importância pelas organizações, repercutindo em eventos comemorativos ou no resgate da história da empresa. Aborda a conceituação do termo cultura expressando sua complexidade conceitual e ampla significação, dando ênfase para a cultura organizacional e analisando seus principais componentes: valores, heróis, mitos e ritos para a compreensão de seu imaginário. Analisa a empresa além da produção de bens e serviços, como parte integrante da sociedade, enfatizando sua atuação frente aos seus públicos de relacionamento: consumidores, clientes, fornecedores, colaboradores, comunidade. Avalia os mercados de memória empresarial, abordando a temática dos trabalhos produzidos, destacando-se a importância do rigor científico e a legitimidade das fontes de pesquisa nos projetos de memória, objetivando a veracidade da história. Analisa os projetos de memória empresarial para identificar se estes constituem estratégia de marketing para valorização da imagem institucional ou são resultantes da consciência da responsabilidade história da organização. / The research aims to reflect the role played by the corporate memory, analyzing its strategic importance in enhancing the institutional image and building or strengthening the corporate identity. The reflection also encompasses the motivations of the companies for the construction of memory spaces and memory usage by organizations. The analysis involves the discussion of concepts of multi-disciplinary areas of knowledge, such as: history, management, archivology and librarianship, and documentation. Comprises the concepts of history and their association with the past, and their recovery by the sectors of the society, and as an effect of the globalization process. Introduces the concept of memory, encompassing its recovery and generalized search made by various social sectors, highlighting the relevance and importance by organizations, resulting in celebratory events or in the recovery of the companys history. It broads the definition of the term culture, expressing its conceptual complexity and wide-ranging significance, with emphasis on organizational culture and analyzing its major components: values, heroes, myths and rituals to the understanding of its imagery. Analyzes the company beyond the production of goods and services as an integral part of the society, emphasizing its actions before its stakeholders: customers, clients, suppliers, cooperators, community. Evaluates the markets of corporate memory, by addressing the thematic produced works, highlighting the importance of the scientific rigor and the legitimacy of the research sources on memory projects, aiming at the truth of the history. Analyzes the corporate memory projects in order to identify whether they are of marketing strategy for the institutional memory enhancement or whether they are the result of the awareness on the companys historical responsibility.

Da memória ao storytelling: em busca de novas narrativas organizacionais / From memory to the storytelling: in search of new organizational narratives

Cogo, Rodrigo Silveira 10 September 2012 (has links)
Constatações cotidianas no fazer comunicação apontam para uma lacuna significativa entre as intenções dos profissionais e de suas organizações e a efetiva atração, retenção e transformação de públicos de interesse. Há uma distância considerável entre a projeção da identidade e a percepção gerada, o que evidencia que informar e comunicar são instâncias muito diferentes no processo de relacionamento e de diálogo. Isto é ainda mais radical numa época de multiprotagonismo, adensamento das fontes de confiança e sobrecarga de mensagens circulantes. É neste panorama que o presente estudo foi motivado e proposto: como busca por inspiração e por uma nova lógica de pensamento na estruturação de conteúdos de e sobre organizações. A proposição é reunir, observar, analisar, entender, esquematizar e auxiliar a aplicar o formato narrativo do storytelling, especialmente aquele baseado na experiência da fonte evocadora. Trata-se de suscitar a rememoração de histórias de vida e seu entrelace com a trajetória no tempo de agentes organizacionais, derivando conteúdos mais envolventes, significativos e memoráveis. O paradigma narrativo se afasta do tradicional linguajar objetivo, quantitativo, superficial e facilmente esquecível da comunicação organizacional e dá uma abertura para as afetividades e uma linguagem de encontro, compreensão, qualidade e reencantamento das relações, aplicada a estratégias de compartilhamento de organizações geridas em ambientes humanizados. Além de revisão bibliográfica, é feita uma análise de conteúdo audiovisual institucional de 10 organizações, pela técnica da análise estrutural da narrativa, e proposta uma matriz estruturante de elementos em storytelling. Tudo está a serviço da melhor compreensão das interfaces da Comunicação com ações de responsabilidade histórica e suas narrativas decorrentes, num recurso plenamente adequado a um panorama de reconhecimento da multiplicidade de vozes e do descentramento do sujeito. O storytelling pode ser a voz deste novo tempo: conversacional, inclusivo, colaborativo, afetivo, duradouro e memorável. / Findings in everyday communication to indicate a significant gap between the intentions of the professionals and their organizations and the effective attraction, retention and transformation of stakeholders. There is a considerable distance between the projection of identity and the perception generated, which shows that inform and communicate instances are very different in the process of relationship and dialogue. This is even more radical in an era of multiple players, change in sources of trust and overload of messages circulating. In this panorama the present study was motivated and proposed: to search for inspiration and a new logic of thinking in the structuring of content and on organizations. The proposition is to collect, observe, analyze, understand, and help lay to implement the narrative format of storytelling, especially one based on the experience of the evocative power. It raises the recollection of stories of life and its intertwining with the trajectory in time of organizational agents, deriving content more engaging, meaningful and memorable. The narrative paradigm departs from the traditional language objective, quantitative, superficial and easily forgettable organizational communication and provides an opening for the affections and a language encounter, understanding, quality and enchantment of relationships, sharing strategies applied to organizations in managed environments humanized. In addition to literature review, an analysis is made of audiovisual content from 10 institutional organizations, the structural analysis of narrative, and proposed an array of structural elements in storytelling. Everything is in the service of better understanding of the communication interfaces with the actions of historical responsibility and their narratives resulting in a fully appropriate to feature a scene of recognition of the multiplicity of voices and the decentering of the subject. The storytelling can be the voice of this new time: conversational, inclusive, collaborative, affective, long lasting and memorable.

Memória empresarial: interesse utilitarista ou responsabilidade histórica? / Corporate Memory: utilitarian interest or historical responsibility?

Sara Barbosa de Sousa 16 April 2010 (has links)
A pesquisa tem por objetivo refletir o papel desempenhado pela memória empresarial, analisando sua atuação estratégica no reforço da imagem institucional e na construção ou fortalecimento da identidade corporativa. A reflexão engloba ainda as motivações das empresas para a construção de espaços de memória e o uso da memória pelas organizações. A análise envolve a discussão de conceitos de áreas multidisciplinares do conhecimento: história, administração, arquivologia e biblioteconomia e documentação. Aborda os conceitos de história bem como sua associação com o passado e sua valorização por setores da sociedade e como efeito do processo de globalização. Apresenta a conceituação de memória, abordando sua valorização e busca generalizada feita por diversos setores sociais, destacando o interesse e importância pelas organizações, repercutindo em eventos comemorativos ou no resgate da história da empresa. Aborda a conceituação do termo cultura expressando sua complexidade conceitual e ampla significação, dando ênfase para a cultura organizacional e analisando seus principais componentes: valores, heróis, mitos e ritos para a compreensão de seu imaginário. Analisa a empresa além da produção de bens e serviços, como parte integrante da sociedade, enfatizando sua atuação frente aos seus públicos de relacionamento: consumidores, clientes, fornecedores, colaboradores, comunidade. Avalia os mercados de memória empresarial, abordando a temática dos trabalhos produzidos, destacando-se a importância do rigor científico e a legitimidade das fontes de pesquisa nos projetos de memória, objetivando a veracidade da história. Analisa os projetos de memória empresarial para identificar se estes constituem estratégia de marketing para valorização da imagem institucional ou são resultantes da consciência da responsabilidade história da organização. / The research aims to reflect the role played by the corporate memory, analyzing its strategic importance in enhancing the institutional image and building or strengthening the corporate identity. The reflection also encompasses the motivations of the companies for the construction of memory spaces and memory usage by organizations. The analysis involves the discussion of concepts of multi-disciplinary areas of knowledge, such as: history, management, archivology and librarianship, and documentation. Comprises the concepts of history and their association with the past, and their recovery by the sectors of the society, and as an effect of the globalization process. Introduces the concept of memory, encompassing its recovery and generalized search made by various social sectors, highlighting the relevance and importance by organizations, resulting in celebratory events or in the recovery of the companys history. It broads the definition of the term culture, expressing its conceptual complexity and wide-ranging significance, with emphasis on organizational culture and analyzing its major components: values, heroes, myths and rituals to the understanding of its imagery. Analyzes the company beyond the production of goods and services as an integral part of the society, emphasizing its actions before its stakeholders: customers, clients, suppliers, cooperators, community. Evaluates the markets of corporate memory, by addressing the thematic produced works, highlighting the importance of the scientific rigor and the legitimacy of the research sources on memory projects, aiming at the truth of the history. Analyzes the corporate memory projects in order to identify whether they are of marketing strategy for the institutional memory enhancement or whether they are the result of the awareness on the companys historical responsibility.

Justice environnementale globale et responsabilité historique : une approche restauratrice / Global environmental justice and historical responsibility : A restorative approach

Engone Elloué, Nestor 17 January 2018 (has links)
Le traitement des inégalités environnementales globales doit se faire en tenant compte de la différence d’impact des pays dans l’avènement de la crise environnementale. Ces inégalités n'impliquent pas seulement des injustices de redistribution liées au partage du fardeau environnemental ou des injustices historiques liées aux passifs écologiques coloniaux et aux émissions historiques de gaz à effet de serre du Nord. Elles impliquent également des injustices de participation et de reconnaissance. L’approche distributive et l’approche corrective des injustices environnementales ne permettent pas de réparer l’ensemble de ces injustices. Pour surmonter leurs limites et leurs défauts, nous proposons de recourir au paradigme de la justice restauratrice. L'approche restauratrice comporte deux avantages principaux. Le premier est qu’elle permet de prendre en compte la nature multidimensionnelle des injustices environnementales et de se recentrer sur un large éventail de besoins de justice des victimes étatiques et non étatiques : besoin de réparation des injustices historiques, besoin de reconnaissance, besoin de participation, besoin de redistribution et besoin d'assistance. Le second est qu’elle inscrit le processus de justice dans une logique transformatrice qui permet de prévenir les injustices futures. Dans cette optique, nous proposons l'institutionnalisation d'une « démocratie écologique mondiale » par le biais de la transformation du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) en une institution écologique, démocratique, et dotée d'une souveraineté supranationale. / The treatment of global environmental inequalities must take into account the difference in the impact of countries in the advent of the environmental crisis. These inequalities do not emphasize only redistribution injustices related to the sharing of environmental burdens or historical injustices related to colonial ecological liabilities and historic greenhouse gas emissions from the Northern countries They also imply injustices of participation and recognition. The distributive approach and the corrective approach to environmental injustices do not make it possible to repair all these injustices. The use of the paradigm of restorative justice could allow to overcome their limitations and defects. The restorative approach has two main benefits. The first one is to consider the multidimensional nature of environmental injustices and to refocus on a wide range of justice needs of state and non-state victims : need for redressing historical injustices, need for recognition, need for participation, need for redistribution and need for assistance. The second advantage is the consideration of the process of justice into a transformative logic for the prevention of environmental injustices. With this aim in mind, we propose the institutionalization of a "global ecological democracy » through the transformation of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) into an ecological and democratic institution with supranational sovereignty.

Da memória ao storytelling: em busca de novas narrativas organizacionais / From memory to the storytelling: in search of new organizational narratives

Rodrigo Silveira Cogo 10 September 2012 (has links)
Constatações cotidianas no fazer comunicação apontam para uma lacuna significativa entre as intenções dos profissionais e de suas organizações e a efetiva atração, retenção e transformação de públicos de interesse. Há uma distância considerável entre a projeção da identidade e a percepção gerada, o que evidencia que informar e comunicar são instâncias muito diferentes no processo de relacionamento e de diálogo. Isto é ainda mais radical numa época de multiprotagonismo, adensamento das fontes de confiança e sobrecarga de mensagens circulantes. É neste panorama que o presente estudo foi motivado e proposto: como busca por inspiração e por uma nova lógica de pensamento na estruturação de conteúdos de e sobre organizações. A proposição é reunir, observar, analisar, entender, esquematizar e auxiliar a aplicar o formato narrativo do storytelling, especialmente aquele baseado na experiência da fonte evocadora. Trata-se de suscitar a rememoração de histórias de vida e seu entrelace com a trajetória no tempo de agentes organizacionais, derivando conteúdos mais envolventes, significativos e memoráveis. O paradigma narrativo se afasta do tradicional linguajar objetivo, quantitativo, superficial e facilmente esquecível da comunicação organizacional e dá uma abertura para as afetividades e uma linguagem de encontro, compreensão, qualidade e reencantamento das relações, aplicada a estratégias de compartilhamento de organizações geridas em ambientes humanizados. Além de revisão bibliográfica, é feita uma análise de conteúdo audiovisual institucional de 10 organizações, pela técnica da análise estrutural da narrativa, e proposta uma matriz estruturante de elementos em storytelling. Tudo está a serviço da melhor compreensão das interfaces da Comunicação com ações de responsabilidade histórica e suas narrativas decorrentes, num recurso plenamente adequado a um panorama de reconhecimento da multiplicidade de vozes e do descentramento do sujeito. O storytelling pode ser a voz deste novo tempo: conversacional, inclusivo, colaborativo, afetivo, duradouro e memorável. / Findings in everyday communication to indicate a significant gap between the intentions of the professionals and their organizations and the effective attraction, retention and transformation of stakeholders. There is a considerable distance between the projection of identity and the perception generated, which shows that inform and communicate instances are very different in the process of relationship and dialogue. This is even more radical in an era of multiple players, change in sources of trust and overload of messages circulating. In this panorama the present study was motivated and proposed: to search for inspiration and a new logic of thinking in the structuring of content and on organizations. The proposition is to collect, observe, analyze, understand, and help lay to implement the narrative format of storytelling, especially one based on the experience of the evocative power. It raises the recollection of stories of life and its intertwining with the trajectory in time of organizational agents, deriving content more engaging, meaningful and memorable. The narrative paradigm departs from the traditional language objective, quantitative, superficial and easily forgettable organizational communication and provides an opening for the affections and a language encounter, understanding, quality and enchantment of relationships, sharing strategies applied to organizations in managed environments humanized. In addition to literature review, an analysis is made of audiovisual content from 10 institutional organizations, the structural analysis of narrative, and proposed an array of structural elements in storytelling. Everything is in the service of better understanding of the communication interfaces with the actions of historical responsibility and their narratives resulting in a fully appropriate to feature a scene of recognition of the multiplicity of voices and the decentering of the subject. The storytelling can be the voice of this new time: conversational, inclusive, collaborative, affective, long lasting and memorable.

Für eine neue Geschichtsphilosophie

Rohbeck, Johannes 23 June 2020 (has links)
The central idea of this paper is that our contemporary historical awareness which is increasingly turning towards the future is accessible to philosophical reflection. This raises the question whether we need a new Philosophy of History which refers less to the past, but rather aims primarily at present and future problems. If thereby a moral responsibility for future generations is addressed, Philosophy of History then goes hand in hand with Future Ethics. By means of this programme I expressly follow the Philosophy of History since the European Enlightenment. This entails an ethical perspective since progress in history is not simply predicted, but is more or less explicitly declared as desirable tendency. / Der zentrale Gedanke dieses Papiers ist, dass unser zeitgenössisches historisches Bewusstsein, das sich zunehmend der Zukunft zuwendet, einer philosophischen Reflexion zugänglich ist. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob wir eine neue Geschichtsphilosophie brauchen, die sich weniger auf die Vergangenheit bezieht, sondern vor allem auf gegenwärtige und zukünftige Probleme zielt. Wenn dabei eine moralische Verantwortung für künftige Generationen angesprochen wird, geht Geschichtsphilosophie dann mit einer Zukunftsethik einher. Mit diesem Programm verfolge ich ausdrücklich die Geschichtsphilosophie seit der europäischen Aufklärung. Dies bringt eine ethische Perspektive mit sich, da der Fortschritt in der Geschichte nicht einfach vorhergesagt, sondern mehr oder weniger explizit als wünschenswerte Tendenz deklariert wird.


KELLER, EMILY MARGARET 11 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the discourses surrounding the subject of climate change, with particular emphasis on the discourse(s) of the emerging social movement for climate justice. Positioned within the social constructivist and critical research paradigms, the methodology involves a Foucauldian-inspired discourse analysis in which discourse is defined as a historically-situated, materially-embodied, and power-imbued set of statements and rules that comprise a unique and coherent representation of the world. A review of the climate change-related literature reveals four primary discourses on the phenomenon of rising greenhouse gas emissions: early scientific, climate modernization, climate change denial, and climate justice. The statements and rules of these four discourses, as well as the theoretical trends and sociopolitical, economic, and ecological factors affecting their historical development are described. A deeper analysis using 26 primary documents representing every major climate justice organization reveals that rather than a single coherent discourse, the climate justice movement encompasses four individual sub-discourses: global, peasant-oriented, Indigenous, and civil rights. Focussed on climate-related inequities in developing countries of the Southern Hemisphere, the global discourse constructs climate change as a problem of the structures and logic of the globalized capitalist economy. The peasant-oriented discourse emphasizes inequities to peasant farmers, and represents climate change as largely the result of industrialized agriculture and food systems. With specific concern for the wellbeing of Indigenous communities, the Indigenous discourse locates the cause of climate change in the “violation of the sacred” and the loss of harmony with Mother Earth. The United States-based civil rights discourse primarily emphasizes the rights and interests of African American communities and constructs climate change as a problem of externalized ecological costs and failure to incent a “green” economy. The relations of power between the four climate justice sub-discourses and the prevailing climate modernization discourse are tentatively explored on the basis of three indicators of strength (internal coherence, material foundations, and adaptive capacity), on which basis several questions related to discursive resistance are proposed as possible avenues of future research. / Thesis (Master, Environmental Studies) -- Queen's University, 2012-10-11 09:45:29.397

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