Spelling suggestions: "subject:"history off ideas"" "subject:"history oof ideas""
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Formação e Diferença: o problema da relação entre os discursos de formação nacional e antropofagia na crítica brasileira / Formation and Difference: the problem of the relationship between national formation speeches and anthropophagy within Brazilian criticismRaphael Meciano 05 June 2018 (has links)
A dissertação propõe uma análise comparativa entre os discursos de formação nacional e a antropofagia. Os exemplos privilegiados de análise são respectivamente: a obra de An-tonio Candido A formação da literatura brasileira (1959) e a tese de Oswald de Andrade A crise da filosofia messiânica.(1950). A pesquisa enfatiza os anos posteriores a 1950, os quais correspondem ao período em que Oswald de Andrade retoma o conceito de antro-pofagia, cunhado primeiramente no Manifesto Antropófago (1928) como vanguarda mo-dernista. Este período coincide também com a consolidação da instituição universitária no país. Busca-se, portanto, entender a relação entre aqueles dois discursos dentro da uni-versidade, tendo como contexto a vida universitária em São Paulo nos anos 1950 até me-ados dos anos 1970. / This dissertation proposes a comparative analysis between national formation speeches and anthropophagy. The privileged examples of analysis are respectively: Antonio Can-dido\'s book \"A formação da literatura brasileira\" (1959) and Oswald de Andrade\'s thesis \"A crise da filosofia messiânica\" (1950). This research emphasizes the following years after the 1950\'s, corresponding to the period in which Oswald de Andrade revalues the concept of anthropophagy, first mentioned in \"Manifesto Antropófago\" (1928) as a mo-dernist vanguard. This period also coincides with the consolidation of universitary insti-tutions in the country. Therefore, there is a search to understand the relation between those two speeches within the university, inside the context of the universitary life in São Paulo from the 1950\'s to mid-1970\'s.
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Vid vetandets gräns : om skiljelinjen mellan naturvetenskap och metafysik i svensk kulturdebatt 1870-1920Jonsson, Kjell January 1987 (has links)
The object of this dissertation is to describe the opinions about the limits of natural science in their social and cultural context There exist two antagonistic positions to this matter restrictionism and expansionism. Restrictionism assumes that the natural sciences have no influence on metaphysics. Expansionism, on die other hand, argues that the natural sciences can legitimise the positions of beliefs and values. During the 1870b a restrictionist attitude on scientific knowledge established itself among influential German and British scientists. Emil Du Bois-Reymond, Rudolf Virchow, Hermann von Helmholtz and Thomas Henry Huxley were some of the famous scientists who rejected attempts to adduce science in religious and metaphysical matter. This restrictionism was rejected by other scientists and philosophers who believed that the modern natural sciences constituted a complete Weltanschauung, hostile to obsolete Christianity and philosophy. The thesis primarily deals with the debate on the limits of scientific knowledge in Sweden. We follow the development of the discussion from the 1870's to the years after the First World War. At the end of the 19th century Swedish scientists freed themselves from dominant natural philosophy and natural theology. Restrictionism was later on supported, in different ways, by recognized scientists, theologians, conservative critics, and philosophers. At the turn of the centuiy the restrictionist view of science was turned against metaphysical materialism, monism, naturalism, and an emergent, radical counter-culture. The controversies continued as long as the mechanical world picture dominated the natural sciences. With social and cultural changes, and the new physics of Rutherford, Einstein, Bohr, and Heisenberg, the debate slowly faded. / digitalisering@umu
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Kreativitetsmysteriet : ledtrådar till arbetslivets kreativisering och skrivandets metafysikEricsson, Daniel January 2001 (has links)
Plötsligt en dag står de där, mitt i centrum för arbetslivets ‘förnyelse’. Räddarna i den postmoderna nöden och den nya ekonomins frälsare: De kreativa människorna. Företagsledare, forskare och politiker tar dem till sina hjärtan. Med stor självklarhet ges de utrymme i maktens korridorer. Men vilka är de egentligen? Var kommer de ifrån? Vad vill de? Vart är de på väg? Och varför är de så hett eftertraktade? Trots att de verkar vara på allas läppar är det ingen som riktigt vet. De är gäckande och undflyende, som mystiska fantomer hämtade ur religionens, konstens och känslans värld. Med ett signalement över den kreativa människan, framvaskat ur kreativitetens idéhistoria, ledtrådar sig författaren in i kunskapens och kreativitetens labyrinter. På spaning efter kreativitetens osynliga orsaker och o(av)sedda konsekvenser leder spåren till en början in i mediavärlden och mot det kreativa ledarskapet. Men snart nog tätnar intrigen. Från redaktionsmötena på en affärstidning, via ett porträtt av en av landets mäktigaste chefredaktörer, till turerna kring tillsättandet av en ny VD för Sveriges Television, väver den röda tråden ett förbryllande mönster. Vad är det, förutom kreativitet, som förenar en rådgivare till den danska regeringen med styrelseordföranden för Aftonbladet? Vad sammanlänkar Dramatenchefen och en reklambyrå-VD med Platon? Vad har den nye SVT-chefen gemensamt med Sherlock Holmes? Vad har reportrarna på Finanstidningen med Karl Marx att göra? Och vilken betydelse har Kungsgatan 18 i sammanhanget? Upplösningen blir allt annat än prydlig. Offer blir till gärningsmän, gärningsmän blir till offer och i skuggan av den ‘logiska’ intrigen lurar en annan. Avhandlingen döljer en komplott. Men en skenbar sådan. Den akademiska deckaren är inte vad den synes vara. Logiken är bruten. Ledtrådarna finns överallt. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001
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Glädje i vårdandets värld / Joy in the world of caringSelander, Ginger January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande vårdvetenskapliga studie har som syfte att avtäcka och synliggöra glädjesom idé i vårdandets värld. Glädje sammanbinds med vårdandet genom kärleken somden tongivande kraften hos glädje. Vårdandets sak har genom historien alltid varit attlindra lidande och att tjäna liv och hälsa i en anda av kärlek och barmhärtighet. Dennastudie om glädje i vårdandet har en övergripande idéhistorisk inriktning och resultatetsammanställs i form av ett idémönster. Tolkningen sker genom en hermeneutisk ansatsmed fokus på förståelse av själva vårdandet. För att djupare förstå glädje, dessursprungsidé, väsen och uttrycksformer granskas begreppet ’glädje’ och de näraliggandebegreppen ’glad’ och ’ljus’ i etymologiska ordböcker samt i svenska, engelska ochlatinska ordböcker. Som stöd för tolkningen används klassiska texter innehållandefilosofers tankar om glädje. Glädje som idé glimtar fram i form av ett sjufaldigtmönster. Detta mönster innehåller särdrag hos glädje och det hjärtas natur somrespektive särdrag förverkligas i. I andlig mening utgör hjärtat livets medelpunkt ochkänslornas hemvist. Mönstret bildar bakgrund och blir vägledande vid den hermeneutiska läsningen omglädje, så som den framträder i berättelser om vårdande under åren 1900–1933. Dehistoriska källorna utgörs av facktidskriften Svensk sjukskötersketidning, böcker medberättelser om vårdande, arkivmaterial samt läroböcker om vårdarbete. Resultatetmynnar ut i ett idémönster, där idéer om det som gör glädje verksamt som vårdandeframträder. Dessa är det sanna hjärtats rena glädje – kärlek, glädje är ett kärleksbevis.Det brinnande hjärtats djupa glädje – livsglädje, glädje inspirerar och genererar kraft.Det bärande hjärtats glansfulla glädje – generositet, glädje är en gåva till den andra medlöfte om hjälp. Det inbjudande hjärtats glittrande glädje – gemenskap, glädje inbjudertill gemenskap. Det upprymda hjärtats uppsluppna glädje – integration, glädje gör attmänniskan kan glömma sitt lidande och närma sig den hon önskar vara. Detstämningsfulla hjärtats högtidliga glädje – bevärdigande, glädje skapar en anda ochatmosfär där människan upplever sig hedrad. Det fridfulla hjärtats stora glädje –räddning, en glädje visar sig när människan har erhållit det som kan begäras av gott ochundsluppet ont och är förnöjd med sin levnads lott. Förhoppningen är att dennagrundforskning ska öppna för ett nytt seende som kan leda till att glädjeuppmärksammas i vårdandets värld och artikuleras där. / The present study is made in the context of basic research within the field of caringscience. The overall aim is to uncover and make joy visible as an idea in the world ofcaring. The core of caring has historically always been to alleviate suffering and toserve life and health in a spirit of love and mercy. This study has a comprehensivedirection focusing on history of ideas and culminates in a pattern of ideas contenting joyin the world of caring. Knowledge formation is based on creating understanding,wholeness and meaning with regard to the knowledge related to a context. For that ahermeneutical approach is used throughout the study. In order to understand joy moredeeply, the original idea, the essence and expression, the concept of 'joy' and the relatedconcepts of 'glad' and 'light' are examined in etymological dictionaries and in Swedish,English and Latin dictionaries. To support the interpretation classical texts containingphilosophers’ thoughts about joy are used. Joy as an idea glimpses forth and ispresented in the form of seven-fold pattern of ideas. Through the meaning-nuances ofsynonyms a realization of joy could be discerned and anchored in the heart. The seven-fold pattern form the background and represent a guide for the hermeneuticreading of joy, as it appears in the stories about caring for the years 1900–1933. Thehistorical sources consist of the trade magazine Svensk sjukskötersketidning, bookscontaining stories about caring, archival materials and textbooks on nursing. The resultculminates in the seven-fold pattern of ideas contenting what makes joy active as caring.The true heart's pure joy - love, joy is a proof of love. The ardent heart's deep joy - joyof living, joy inspires and generates strength. The bearing heart's radiant joy -generosity, joy is a gift to the other with the promise of help. The inviting heart'ssparkling joy – communion, joy invites communion. The elated heart's exhilarated joy -integration, joy enables the human to forget his or her suffering and approach to whathe or she wants to be. The atmospheric heart's solemn joy - dignifying, joy creates amood and an atmosphere where people perceive themselves dignified. The peacefulheart's great joy - rescuing, a joy turns out when the human has received what may berequested of what is good, is eluded from what is evil and is contented with his or herliving lot. It is hoped that this basic research will open up for a vision that can contributeto joys further attention in the world of caring and be articulated there.
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Palestinagrupperna i Sverige : En solidaritetsrörelses syn på det palestinskafolket och dess representanter / Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden : A solidarity movement and its concept of thePalestinian people and of their political leadersSundberg, Kjell January 2018 (has links)
This study analyses a Swedish solidarity organisation, The Palestine Solidarity Association ofSweden. In original language Palestinagrupperna i Sverige, abbreviated PGS. Like other solidaritygroups the PGS was founded in sympathy with liberation movements during the decolonisation erain the 1960s. The PGS supports the Palestinian attempt to form an independent state partly on thesame land as Israel.Many of the groups were organised in a different manner than traditional leftist organisations. Thisstudy tries to apply the theory of Social Contentious Movements to the PSG. The general idea isthat new social groups mobilise in new ways and apply confrontational tactics towards the state.Renowned scholars in this field are Sidney Tarrow and Charles Tilly. Some of these groups wereformed transnationally and used new ways of communication like the internet.The PGS is active in one such transnational organisation called BDS, Boycott, Divestment andSanctions. PGS have put pressure on Swedish businesses to boycott the Israeli factory SodaStreamthat has been producing on occupied Palestinian territory still labelling the products Made inIsrael.The study shows support for the fact that the PGS has gradually turned from mainly radical critic toan organisation of development aid in Palestine. The main hostile counterpart is the Israeligovernment, which has promised to stop PGS-members entering the country because of itsengagement in the BDS.The results of the study gives support to explanation of its survival where other leftist solidaritygroups have ceased to exist due to its work with development aid.The PGS supports the rights of the Palestinian people. The interest of the people has beenarticulated in different ways of the leadership. The initial wholehearted support seems to havechanged to a more sceptical one. The support now is more directed towards the civil society.
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Election, héritage, apprentissage : la transmission chez les pirates dans la culture populaire anglophone / Electing, inheriting, learning : transmission amongst pirates in english-speaking popular cultureMauduit, Benjamin 17 November 2017 (has links)
Le but de ce travail est d'analyser les représentations des pirates dans la culture populaire anglophone, représentations qui s'inspirent en premier lieu d'un contexte historique et tendent à montrer les pirates comme des révoltés aux prétentions démocratisantes face aux puissances absolutistes, faisant de l'élection un principe maître qui fait écho à différentes visions de l'implication politique des XXe et XXIe siècles. En parallèle se développe la notion d'une attirance inévitable pour la piraterie due aux liens du sang, un héritage qui mène souvent à diverses formes d'hybridation en mettant sans cesse en question les contenus ainsi transmis. Enfin, que l'on parle d'élection ou d'héritage, ce qui est transmis doit être appris, et les modalités de cet apprentissage sont variables bien que s'inscrivant dans un schéma reconnaissable à travers les artefacts culturels examinés. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the representations of pirate in English-speaking popular culture, representations whose foremost source of inspiration for such works is a historical context, and they tend to show pirates as rebels with claims to forms of democracy facing absolutist powers, turning election into a major principle that echoes different visions of political involvement in 20th- and 21st-century America. Along this tendency, the notion of an irresistible attraction towards piracy, due to blood ties, is developed into a form of legacy often leading to diverse forms of hybridization endlessly questioning the contents thus transmitted. Finally, whether election or legacy be dealt with, what is transmitted must be learnt, and the modalities of such learning vary even though they are embedded in a pattern recognizable throughout the cultural artifacts under examination.
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Förberedelsernas år : Deltagande och subjektsformering kring den svenska socialdemokratin 1889-1891Jansson, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis revolves around the means of participation established around the newly formed Social Democratic Party in Sweden at the end of the 19th century. In 1889 the party was organized in close proximity to the editorial office of the party newspaper, Social-demokraten, and dependent on the support of its subscribers to uphold and increase circulation. Simultaneously, the consolidation of the Second socialist international provided a new framework for the national organisations as it was decided that May 1 of 1890 would be the date of synchronized mass- demonstrations for the legislation of the 8-hour working day. The thesis examines the means of participation and the associated construction of participatory political subjects in relation to the newspaper, the demonstration and the question of work time regulation. The analysis shows that the Swedish campaigns promoted an increased sense of self-awareness and obligation towards the larger organizational structures as well as society as a whole. Participation was put forth as a means of confessing to a genuine and unadulterated identity. This identity and its assigned biological features, as they were portrayed in relation to the question of work time regulation, created the physical characteristics of the participant as a focal point of the political project. The question was used to create knowledge about the participant as an objective outset in the quest for legitimacy. This process can also be seen as the creation of a situated public as an origin of power.
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Fysisk aktivitet på recept? : Artiklar i Läkartidningen under 20 år.(1996-2016)Jernudd Wilhelmsson, Ylva January 2018 (has links)
This paper investigates how articles in Läkartidningen concerning the importance of physical activity have been formulated over the last twenty years. The paper analyses not only how a possible discursive change in the contents of the articles has occurred, but also how an attitude change among doctors can be detected. This is reflected in the increased amount of prescribed physical activity (“FaR”) that is notable during the investigated time period and thus could be considered a variable of effect.
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Passage et écriture de l’entre-deux dans El Pasajero de Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa / Exchange and the writing of in-betweenness in Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa's EL PASAJERODaguerre, Blandine 02 December 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail de recherche se propose d’étudier comment se décline le concept d’entre-deux dans El Pasajero de Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa, en prenant pour point de départ l’épineuse question de l’appartenance générique de cette œuvre. La première partie de cette étude définit les influences diverses dont s’abreuve le texte. Par-delà l’inspiration italienne, le texte plonge ses racines dans un substrat folklorique hispanique réaffirmant ainsi la prégnance du concept d’entre-deux dans la prose figuéroène. Ce dernier se manifeste, en effet, dès le paratexte puisque le titre complet de l’œuvre, El Pasajero, advertencias utilísimas a la vida humana doit être lu comme une invitation à une pratique étendue de la transtextualité, une invitation que viennent confirmer les dires du meneur de l’interaction. La porosité des frontières entre réalité et fiction tend à ériger le texte en laboratoire d’expérimentation littéraire et en lieu de passage vers de nouvelles formules littéraires, aspect auquel est consacrée la deuxième partie de cette étude. Le traitement de l’espace et du temps mais aussi celui des personnages sont autant de points qui attestent de la fonction déterminante que joue le concept d’entre-deux dans la genèse de l’œuvre figuéroène. Celle-ci oscille perpétuellement entre tradition et innovation littéraires. Enfin la dernière partie de cette étude montre comment au-delà d’une certaine bigarrure, l’entre-deux confère aussi au texte figuéroen une cohérence et une homogénéité en devenant un élément structurant, à l’instar du discours sur le mérite qui sous-tend l’œuvre. Autrement dit, l’entre-deux, chez Figueroa, devient une stratégie d’écriture qui passe par différents mécanismes de glissements qui confirment la nature profondément hybride de El Pasajero. / The purpose of this PhD thesis is to study the in-betweenness concept in Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa's El Pasajero in all its forms and will first deal with the thorny issue raised by the generic identity of the work. The first part of this study aims to define the different influences pervading the text. Besides being Italian-inspired, the text is deeply rooted in the Hispanic folk substrate, which thus testifies to the prevalence of the in-betweenness concept in Figueroa's prose. Indeed, the concept emerges as soon as one reads the paratext, for the full title of the work, El Pasajero, advertencias utilísimas a la vida humana, has to be construed as an invitation to indulge in extensive transtextual practices, as confirmed by the words of the character who presides over interaction. The porous frontiers between reality and fiction tend to transform the text into a laboratory where literary forms are experimented on and a place of exchanges leading to new literary patterns, which are the focus of attention in the second part of the study. The treatment of space and time and characterization all contribute to underlining the key role played by the in-betweenness concept in the genesis of Figueroa's work. The latter keeps wavering between literary tradition and innovation. Finally, the last part of the study shows that beyond the colourful patchwork, in-betweenness gives consistency and homogeneity to Figueroa's text by becoming a structuring principle, like the discourse on merit inscribed in the work. In other words, in Figueroa's work, in-betweenness is the cornerstone of a writing strategy based on different slippage mechanisms that account for the profoundly hybrid nature of El Pasajero.
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Thelema em Aleister Crowley: Magick e Ciência da ReligiãoCampos, Humberto Miranda de 21 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-10-30T15:09:29Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-08-21 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar Thelema de Aleister Crowley, tendo como ponto de partida o livro Magick Without Tears. Parte-se da hipótese de que, pelo fato de Aleister Crowley ter experiência com filosofias esotéricas ocidentais, e por ter recebido uma educação cristã, sua concepção e estruturação dos dogmas e doutrinas apresentem considerável viés judaico-cristão que podem não ter sido descartados e sim reconstruídos e relidos. Desta maneira, a investigação se focará em realizar uma pesquisa genealógica das leituras e dos símbolos trabalhados por Aleister Crowley. Como referencial teórico, adota-se Wouter J. Hanegraaff e sua metodologia denominada História das Ideias. Através deste paradigma, pretende-se identificar e analisar pontos de diálogo entre elementos do corpus de Thelema e as variadas influências esotéricas com as quais o autor trabalhou, e que são encontrados no livro escolhido. Além disso, tenta-se explicar como a mesma se desdobra num corpo de práticas denominadas Magick, resultando naquilo que Crowley definiu como Iluminismo Científico. Culminando assim, na resposta à pergunta: Thelema é uma Religião? / The aim of this research is to analyze Thelema of Aleister Crowley. Taking as a starting point the book Magick Without Tears. It is hypothesized that, based in Aleister Crowley’s experience with Western Esoteric philosophies, and in function of his christian education, his conception and structuring of dogmas and doctrines present considerable Judeo-Christian bias that may not have been discarded but reconstructed and reread. In this way, the research will focus on performing a genealogical investigation on the readings and symbols worked on by Aleister Crowley. As a theoretical reference, Wouter J. Hanegraaff and his methodology called History of ideas are adopted. Through this paradigm, we intend to identify and analyze points of dialogue between elements of the corpus of Thelema and the various esoteric influences with which the author worked, and which are found in the chosen book. In addition, it attempts to explain how it unfolds in a body of practices called Magick, resulting in what Crowley defined as Scientific Enlightenment. Culminating thus, in the answer to the question: Is Thelema a Religion?.
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