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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural Distance and International Acquisition Performance

Lundborg, Jona, Nouri, Iman January 2008 (has links)
Based on Hofstede's findings, this study breaks down Kogut and Singh's index of cultural distance, examining implications for acquisition performance of each individual dimension. Hypotheses are formulated, and based on deal data covering 488 acquisitions with American companies as acquirers, tested through linear regression. We find support for a positive relationship between cultural distance of power distance and performance, and an inverse relationship between cultural distance of masculinity and performance. Significant results are not obtained for the remaining dimensions.

Dealing with Guanxi and Mianzi : Challening the Traditional Unifying Approach towards Culture

Rask, Hannes, Pan, Kishi Di, Nyreröd Sandahl, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
This paper will display a comparative analysis on how one culture is viewed, differently and similarly, by two other cultures, and how such perceptions impact on cross-cultural management. Hofstede’s (1980) studies on culture dimensions are incorporated substan-tially in the research, nevertheless, his assumption that culture is apprehended universal-ly will be refuted. The contribution of this research is that it is based on the presump-tion that culture will be viewed divergently by people of different cultural backgrounds, by employing a triangular comparison among three countries; Sweden, Australia and China.Whilst working in China, expatriates will encounter Chinese social values of guanxi and mianzi, which are terms well imprinted within the Chinese culture. Guanxi deals with how people in China establish, handle and maintain interpersonal relationships. Mianzi is a term for describing how Chinese preserve their pride and honour in social situa-tions. The concepts will be employed when conducting the comparisons of Australian and Swedish expatriate managers’ interpretations on the two respectively. Findings were qualitatively collected by interviewing expatriates from Australia and Sweden, to-gether with the theoretical framework, combined in a triangular analysis. It was con-cluded that the young Australian entrepreneurs scrutinized guanxi and mianzi in a more critical manner in comparison to the elder Swedish managers, who had a more neutral approach towards the Chinese social values.

Kommunikation över kulturella gränser : Kultur - ett hinder vid internationella samarbeten

Eriksson Hörlin, Daniella, Gustafsson, Hanna January 2009 (has links)
Globaliseringen har lett till att länders ekonomi, politik och kultur ständigt integreras och förändras i ett komplext nätverk. Den teknologiska utvecklingen som värderingar medfört har underlättat för snabb och effektiv kommunikation. Detta fenomen sätter krav på företag att vara innovativa och flexibla inför förändringar. Strävan efter att överleva på den globala marknaden och att möta kunders efterfrågningar har lett till en internationalisering av företag. Detta kräver ett samarbete mellan organisationer som är lokaliserade i olika länder. I ett samarbete krävs effektiv kommunikation med ett flöde av förstålig och meningsfull information mellan involverade parter. I en interaktion mellan individer med olika kulturella bakgrunder uppstår gärna störningar. Anledningen till detta på grund av att parterna inte delar samma uppfattning av symboler och tolkar därmed meddelandet annorlunda.   Syftet med uppsatsen är att närmre undersöka den interkulturella kommunikationsprocessen, med fokus på hur olika kulturmönster bildar störningar i kommunikationen. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metod med ett deduktivt angreppssätt. Den empiriska delen innefattar intervjuer med anställda på ledningsnivå i två olika internationella företag som ingår i varsin global koncern med organisationer placerade i olika länder. Företagen vi har valt att använda som underlag för vår empiriska del är Haldex Traction och Assa Abloy Entrance System. I analysen kopplar vi samman den teoretiska referensramen med insamlad empiri och avslutar kapitlet med en egenskapad modell som resultat, samt egna reflektioner. Det avslutade kapitlet besvarar uppsatsen syfte och frågeställning i problemdiskussionen.

A Cross-cultural Study on Brand Experience

Chu, Ching 05 July 2011 (has links)
When globalization as accelerated, consumers worldwide can make their own decisions from a large number of brands, either foreign or domestic. This circumstance evokes the question of whether consumers from different nations would have different perceptions of brand experience. The answer can help marketers when determining if they should apply same brand strategies across nations. Thus, as brands in a multinational competitive market, marketers should first position their brands in those markets and clarify the cultural characteristics that would cause impacts to the brand. This study examines the discrepancies caused by cultural differences on consumers¡¦ brand experience, which contains sensory, affective, behavioral, and intellectual factors. Using responses from 180 Taiwan and 179 French consumers, this study found consumers within cultures low on power distance, collectivistic, and low uncertainty avoidance have more intensive relationship with brand experience. This research provides global brand management an insight to optimize brand positioning and improving brand experience across cultures.

Cultural differences - Hinder or Opportunities : A study of Swedish subsidiaries in Turkey

Svensson, Andreas, Öksûz, Bahar January 2005 (has links)
<p>During 2001 experienced Turkey a deep financial crisis with high inflations, large public dept and a growing currency account deficits that caused a loss of confidence among investors. However, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Turkish government together established a stand-by-arrangement which gave remarkable results. The recover of Turkey’s economy has been a success story with an average growth of 10 percent that has attracted Foreign Direct Investments facilitated by the investors’ recognition of the country’s valuable opportunities. This has also attracted Swedish companies and today it is over 400 Swedish companies represented in Turkey. Hofstede (1997) study shows that there are significant cultural differences between Swedes and Turks which will imply that the expanding Swedish companies will face problems that hinder their effectiveness due to these differences. The aim of this study is therefore to identify the common cultural differences in order to facilitate the cultural interaction in the workplace. This thesis applies Hofstede (1997) study of nationalities as a foundation to identify the cultural differences. The authors have also used qualitative methods and ethnographic science to be able to interpreted and analyse the findings. The information was gathered from the managers of Volvo Cars, Tetra Pak and IKEA and was also complemented by a questionnaire to the Swedish and Turkish employees. The findings shown important cultural differences that is essential to consider in man-agement in order to increase the effectiveness in the workplace. The analysis show that Turks want to be provided clear directives rather than guidelines, while Swedes want a consultative manager, take more responsibility and solve their task independently. Turks are also very emotional integrated with their tasks and thereby take criticism more per-sonally. Swedes, on the other hand, handle the criticism more professionally due to their emotional distance to their work. The findings also shown that there are differences in risk taking where Swedes are willing to take risk at a greater extent than the Turks. The nationalities moreover belong to different time cultures which require the managers to be tolerant to delays. However, there are also similarities as both Turks and Swedes value team-work as a prior motivator. The conclusion state that it exist common cultural differences but that are not considered as troublesome in the studied companies due to the expatriates cultural experience and intercultural skills.</p><p>ii</p>

Kulturers påverkan på ledarskap i multinationella företags dotterbolag

Hallin, Helena, Moor Larsson, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
Betydelsen av kulturer har ökat till följd av globaliseringen och uppkomsten av multinationella företag. En intressant aspekt är därför att undersöka huruvida det är nationell kultur eller organisationskultur som präglar ledarskapet i ett utländskt dotterbolag vars kultur är vitt skild från moderbolagets. Därför ämnar denna studie att undersöka vad som influerat utformningen av ledarskapet på det svenska multinationella företaget Perten Instruments dotterbolag i Kina. Detta genom att se om ledarskapet speglar landets egna nationella kultur eller om det har influerats av företagets organisationskultur och därmed mer stämmer överens med den svenska kulturen. Studien utfördes genom intervjuer med anställda på moderbolaget i Sverige och dotterbolaget i Kina. Litteraturen som legat till grund för studien är Hofstedes kulturdimensioner och Scheins modell för organisationskultur. I uppsatsen framkommer det att Perten Instruments organisationskultur överensstämmer med den svenska kulturen och har beträffande de av Hofstedes kulturdimensioner som förekommer i organisationskulturen influerat ledarskapet i det kinesiska dotterbolaget. En av de undersökta kulturdimensionerna, individualism, hade ingen tydlig prägel i organisationskulturen. Det var således endast gällande denna kulturdimension som den kinesiska nationella kulturen yttrade sig i det kinesiska dotterbolagets ledarskap.

The perils of parsimony. "National culture" as red herring?

Macfadyen, Leah P. January 2008 (has links)
This paper discusses the ways in which Hofstede’s model of ‘dimensions of (‘national’) culture’ – and similar models developed in a functionalist paradigm – are problematically used to classify people. It briefly surveys critiques of Hofstede’s research method, but focusses on the dangers of attempting to develop models of culture within a functionalist paradigm. Although such models may be parsimonious and rapidly applied, I argue that they are a poor fit for CATaC investigations of the dynamic and reciprocal interactions between human cultures and technology. Instead, I contend, we must abandon this paradigm, and embrace methodologies that permit meaningfully explorations of the multiple and dynamic conditions influencing the field of cultural practices in human societies. I discuss the merits of ‘articulation’ as theory and method, and offer Hacking’s theory of “dynamic nominalism” as one example.

The Influence of the Culture dimension ‘Power Distance’ on product choice: A Cross Cultural Exploration of Effects of Country of Origin on the Choice of Branded Products

Cordeiro Socha, Adriana 14 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Eat the food, drink the booze and settle the deal! : A study of intercultural differences in China from a Swedish B2B perspective

Svedberg, Nathalie, Svensson, Tim January 2014 (has links)
Background: China is today regarded as Sweden’s most important business partner in Asia. Even if there are cultural differences between Sweden and China the intercultural distance has successively decreased. One of the reasons is the globalisation. Another reason is the consecutive development of Swedish-Chinese relations. The interpretation from common understanding has increased the level of trade between the nations. There is an on-going development of business co-operation between Sweden and China.  The Purpose: This Bachelor Thesis will examine the differences between the Swedish-Chinese business culture and how the cultural differences affect the Swedish B2B in China. The purpose is formulated by the basis of our main research questions; “How do Swedish B2B companies perceive the cultural differences between the Swedish and Chinese way of doing business?“ and “how do Swedish companies operating in China deal with business cultural diversity in China?”  Theoretical Framework: The basis of our Bachelor Thesis examines the theories within cultural dimension. The theoretical framework is based on proven studies from e.g. Hofstede’s Five Dimensions, Trompenaars Cultural Diversity, CVS, the GLOBE Study, Cross-Cultural- Communication &amp; Adaptation and Guanxi.  Methodology: We have used an abductive approach with the basis of a qualitative research strategy. The primary data is gathered from six different case studies; Scania, Ludvig Svensson AB, Formox AB, Century 21, Business Sweden and Småland-China Support Office. The empirical findings will further be interpreted with the theoretical framework, analysed and we will finish up with our conclusion.  Conclusion: From the research examined we have identified a numerous of business cultural differences between Sweden and China. Even if the cultural barriers including communication, decision-making, co-operation, relations and business behaviour differs there are numerous of essential exploratory effort that can be initiated to prevent cultural misunderstandings and barriers. This fundamental will be presented as our suggestions.

Konfliktų valdymas tarptautinėse kompanijose / Conflicts ruling in the multinational companies

Motiejūnaitė, Laura 26 June 2014 (has links)
Tarptautinis verslas 20 a. pabaigoje tapo civilizacijos fenomenu, be kurio verslo neįsivaizduoja nei viena didesnė kompanija tiek užsienio šalyse, tiek Lietuvoje. Sėkmingas dalyvavimas tarptautinėje rinkoje gali suteikti puikias galimybes pasinaudoti visais jo privalumais - didesne rinka savo produkcijai ir paslaugomis, naujomis idėjomis, geresne gyvenimo kokybe, pigesniais kapitalo ir darbo ištekliais, kvalifikuotais žmoniškaisiais ištekliais. O kita vertus, skatina prisiimti ir didesnę investicijų riziką, aukštą konkurencijos lygį ir kt. Kaip ir nacionalinis, taip ir tarptautinis verslas susiduria su mažesniais ar didesniais sunkumais. Tai ganėtinai paprasta ir aišku: mažesnėje kompanijoje mažesnės problemos, didesnėje kompanijoje - didesnės problemos. Viena iš pagrindinių ir svarbiausių problemų, kuri stipriai įtakoja darbo efektyvumą yra konfliktai. Nepaisant realybės, konfliktai yra neatsiejama kompanijos dalis todėl labai svarbus yra požiūris į konfliktus: kaip kompanijoje reaguojama į juos, kokie pasirenkami konfliktų sprendimo būdai, kaip bandoma išvengti konfliktinių situacijų. Taigi norint turėti sėkmingą verslą, privaloma suprasti, kad konflikto galimybės plėtotis yra tiesiogiai susijusios su jo gebėjimu spręsti ir valdyti konfliktines situacijas. Tačiau tai nėra lengva užduotis, o ypatingai sunku tai suvaldyti tarptautinėse kompanijose, kuomet yra susiduriama su kultūros skirtumais, kalbos barjerais, skirtingai yra suprantamos vienos ar kitos vertybės, skirtingi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / International business became a phenomenon of the civilisation at the end of the 20th century, without it none of the bigger companies both abroad and in Lithuania can imagine their business. Successful participation in international market can provide excellent opportunities to take advantage of all the advantages thereof: larger market for the production and services, new ideas, better quality of life, smaller capital and labour output, qualified human resources. On the other hand, it encourages undertaking also bigger risk of investments, high level competitiveness and etc. Both national and international business faces smaller or bigger drawbacks. That is quite simple and obvious: smaller companies have smaller problems, bigger companies have bigger problems. One of the main and most important problems, having significant influence on the capacity of work comes from conflicts. Despite the reality, conflicts constitute an inseparable part of the company; therefore, the attitude towards conflicts is very important: how the company reacts to them, what conflict solving solutions are selected, what attempts are made to avoid conflict situations. Therefore, to have successful business, it must be understood, that the possibilities of the conflict to develop are directly related to the ability of solving it and managing conflict situations. Nevertheless, that is not an easy task, it is especially difficult to control conflicts in international companies, where culture... [to full text]

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