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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uso de mapas conceituais em associação com o círculo hermenêutico-dialético na construção de conceitos de biologia no ensino médio / Use of conceptual maps in association with the hermeneutic-dialectical circle in the construction of biology concepts for high school

Ligabo, Mateus 20 March 2017 (has links)
O ensino de biologia requer ferramentas adequadas para a aprendizagem dos alunos. Argumenta-se que os conflitos diários vivenciados na sala de aula podem ser minimizados ou até mesmo resolvidos através do envolvimento de técnicas de aprendizagem significativas. Para apoiar a aprendizagem significativa surge o mapa conceitual (MC) desenvolvido por Joseph Novak como uma ferramenta para organizar e representar o conhecimento. Há também o círculo hermenêutico-dialético (CHD) que é um método interativo e dinâmico realizado em grupo que permite captar a realidade em estudo, através de uma análise que se configura em um consenso entre os grupos pesquisados. O ambiente cultural, em conjunto com a metodologia de ensino escolhida, pode influenciar a forma como os alunos aprendem. Hofstede apresentou um método de identificação de dimensões culturais: índice de distância hierárquica (PDI), individualismo versus coletivismo (IDV), masculinidade versus feminilidade (MAS), índice de aversão à incerteza (UAI) e orientação de longo prazo versus orientação normativa de curto prazo (LTO). Neste trabalho, estudou-se a construção de mapas conceituais (CM) em associação com uma sequencia didática interativa (SDI) envolvendo a aplicação do círculo hermenêutico-dialético (CHD). Além disso, as dimensões culturais de Hofstede foram verificadas para os estudantes. Os resultados mostraram que as características das dimensões culturais de Hofstede, como o baixo índice de distância hierárquica (-11 pontos) associado a um baixo índice de individualismo (5 pontos) indicaram que os estudantes foram participativos e gostaram de realizar atividades em conjunto. Além disso, os alunos apresentaram índices moderadamente elevados de masculinidade (68 pontos) e orientação de longo prazo (51 pontos), contribuindo para um grupo competitivo e comprometido. Foi proporcionado um ambiente estruturado e motivador em função do elevado nível de incerteza (88 pontos) dos estudantes. Os alunos ensinados usando o método de mapeamento conceitual associado ao círculo hermenêutico-dialético (MC-CHD) obtiveram melhores resultados do que quando construíram os mapas conceituais individualmente. A construção de mapas conceituais associada ao CHD foi estruturalmente mais complexa do que os mapas construídos individualmente. A aplicação do CHD devido à sua própria funcionalidade proporcionou um diálogo motivacional/interativo entre os alunos e professor favorecendo a aprendizagem significativa usando os mapas conceituais. De acordo com a escala de Hake esta proposta mostrou um ganho de aprendizagem a um nível médio. Este trabalho gerou um material complementar ao manual do professor da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo enriquecido com a construção de mapas conceituais e discussões no CHD. Além disso, usando as dimensões culturais de Hofestede. Esta proposta traz uma perspectiva inovadora para o uso do CHD e poderá contribuir para futuros estudos na área de ensino e aprendizagem. / Teaching biology requires appropriate tools for student learning. It is argued that everyday conflicts experienced in the classroom can be minimized or even solved through the involvement of meaningful learning techniques. To support meaningful learning emerges the conceptual map (CM) developed by Joseph Novak as a tool to organize and represent knowledge. There is also the hermeneutic-dialectic circle (HDC) that is an interactive and dynamic method carried out in a group that allows capturing the reality under study, through an analysis that is configured in a consensus among the groups surveyed. The cultural environment, together with the chosen teaching methodology, can influence the way students learn. Hofstede presented a method to identify cultural dimensions as power distance index- PDI, individualism versus collectivism-IDV, masculinity versus femininity-MAS, uncertainty avoidance index-UAI and long term orientation versus short term normative orientation-LTO. In this work, the construction of conceptual maps (CM) in association with an interactive didactic sequence (IDS) involving the application of the hermeneutic-dialectic circle (HDC) was studied. In addition, the Hofstede cultural dimensions were verified for the students. The results showed that the characteristics of the cultural dimensions of Hofstede, such as the low hierarchical distance index (-11 points) associated with a low individualism index (5 points) indicated that the students was participative and enjoyed doing activities together. In addition, students had moderately high rates of masculinity (68 points) and long-term orientation (51 points), contributing to a competitive and compromised group. A structured and motivating environment was provided due to the students\' high level of uncertainty (88 points). Students taught using the conceptual mapping method associated with the hermeneutic-dialectical circle (CM-HDC) obtained better results than when constructing the conceptual mapping individually. The construction of conceptual maps associated with the HDC was structurally more complex than the maps constructed individually. The application of HDC due to its own functionality provided a motivational/interactive dialogue between students and teacher favoring meaningful learning by using concept maps. According to the Hake scale, this proposal showed a learning gain at an average level. This work generated a complementary material to the teacher\'s manual of the public network of the State of São Paulo enriched with the construction of conceptual maps and discussions in HDC. In addition, the Hofstede cultural dimensions were used. This proposal brings an innovative perspective to the use of CHD and could contribute to future studies in the area of teaching and learning.

Kulturens modererande effekt på sambandet mellan andelen kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och CSP : En kvantitativ studie på 673 börsnoterade företag i Europa

Hollström, Sara, Törnqvist, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: I takt med att konsumenter och övriga intressenters medvetenhet ökar ställs det högre krav på företagens sociala prestation (CSP) för att de ska förbli framgångsrika. Dessa ökade krav har bidragit till nya restriktioner och lagar om rapportering av icke-finansiell information, för vilken företagens styrelse är ansvariga. De ökade kraven på rapportering innebär även att vissa större företag ska rapportera om mångfald. Denna studie syftar undersöka sambandet mellan andelen kvinnor i styrelsen och CSP samt huruvida nationella kulturella särdrag har en modererande effektpå sambandet. Metod: Studien tillämpar en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats. Studien har en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi och en longitudinell forskningsdesign som genomförts med data för sexårsperioden 2012-2017 för 673 publika europeiska företag. Studien bygger på sekundärdata som hämtats från databasen Thomson Reuters Datastream, som sedan analyserats i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS. Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan andelen kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och CSP, samt att nationella kulturella särdrag har en modererande effekt på detta samband. Resultatet indikerar att kvinnors påverkan i styrelsen när det kommer till CSR-aktiviteter påverkas av nationella kulturella särdrag. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv till den företagsekonomiska forskningen genom att undersöka nationella kulturella särdrags effekt på sambandet mellan andelen kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och CSP och därmed öka kunskapen kring ämnet. Denna studie bidrar med praktiskt viktig information för företag som vill förbättra sin sociala prestation. Förslag till vidare forskning: Vi har i denna studie endast undersökt kulturens modererande effekt på sambandet mellan andelen kvinnor i styrelsen och total CSP. Det vore intressant att se effekten på respektive dimension av CSP för att kunna avgöra om det är någon skillnad mellan dem. Det finns även möjlighet att genomföra en liknande studie men där länder från fler världsdelar inkluderas. / Aim: As the awareness of consumers and other stakeholders increases, higher demands on Corporate Social Performance (CSP) are required to keep the companies successful. These increased requirements have contributed to new restrictions and law on reporting non-financial information, for which corporate governance is responsible. The increased reporting requirement also mean that some major companies should report on their diversity. This study aims at investigating the relationship between female board members and CSP as well as whether national cultural features have a moderating effect on the relationship. Method: The study applies a positivistic research philosophy with a hypothetical-deductible approach. The study has a quantitative research strategy and a longitudinal research design carried out with data for the six-year period 2012-2017 for 673 public European companies. The study is based on secondary data retrieved from the Thomson Reuters Datastream, which is then analyzed in the IBM SPSS statistics program. Result & Conclusion: The studys results show that there is a positive link between female board members and CSP, and that national cultural features have a moderating effect on this relationship. The result indicates that women's power in the board when it comes to CSR activities is influenced by national cultural features. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes from a theoretical perspective to business research by examining the impact of national cultural features on the relationship between female board members and CSP, thereby increasing knowledge about the subject. This study provides practically important information for companies that want to improve their social performance. Suggestion for future research: In this study, we have studied only the moderating effect of cultural on the relationship between female board members and total CSP. It would be interesting to see the effect on the respective dimension of CSP in order to determine if there is any difference between them. There is also the possibility of conducting a similar study but including countries from more continents.

Att sälja landet lagom : En studie om Sverigebilden och Svenska Institutets arbete med nation branding

Thungren, Ellinor, Dahl, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
Title: To sell the country of Lagom: a study of the Swedish Institute’s re-branding of Sweden and impact on the swedish citizens Authors: Rebecca Dahl & Ellinor Thungren Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish Institute’s branding of Sweden. We have explored if the branding is consistent with the picture that Swedes generally have of themselves and Sweden, and also looked at which consequences differences in this picture may have. Method/Material: Semiotic analysis and interview Main Results: The results of the thesis shows that SI’s branded image of Sweden agree with the picture that Swedes have of themselves and Sweden. However, there are some points where these two images differ, which may have impact on the population's self-image. Number of pages: 55 Course: Media and Communication studies C Department: Department of Informatics and Media University: Uppsala University Period: Autumn semester 14 Tutor: Anne-Marie Morhed

Statiskt och kulturellt ledarskapsperspektiv : En studie om ledarskap i Sverige

Kücükgöl, Larvina January 2013 (has links)
Den här magisteruppsatsen behandlar två perspektiv på ledarskap som jag kallar för statiskt och kulturellt. Det statiska perspektivet handlar om att betrakta ledarskapskompetenser som oföränderliga och därför samma i alla situationer. I kontrast till detta står det kulturella perspektivet som handlar om att betrakta ledarskapskompetenser som processer.  Syftet i den här uppsatsen är att påvisa att dessa två ledarskapsperspektiv förekommer och att i en empirisk kontext pröva de här perspektiven för att se om och hur de får stöd av deltagarna i studien. Genom den hermeneutiska metoden har jag intervjuat fem deltagare som är svenska ledare med många års erfarenhet av ledarskap. De respresenterar olika branscher och företag. Tillsammans med deltagarna och med stöd av Hofstedes kulturdimensionsteori samt Bolman & Deals ledarskapsteori har resultatet i den här studien visat att både det statiska och det kulturella perspektivet får stöd av deltagarna. Detta visar sig genom deltagarnas upplevelser och beskrivningar av tre centrala teman; ledarskapet generellt, det svenska ledarskapet och respondenternas ledarskap. / This master´s thesis examines two perspectives of leadership what I would call the static leadership model and the cultural leadership model. The first model is about seeing leadership competence in terms of unchangeable regardless of situation. The second model sees leadership competence like a process; witch means to consider that leadership competence change depending on the situation.  The aim of this study is firstly to detect that these two leadership models do exist and secondly to examine if the participants in this study supports these leadership models and how they do it. Through the hermeneutic method I have interviewed five participants who are Swedish leaders with many years of leadership experiences. They represent different companies and sectors. Using the leadership experiences of the participants and the cultural dimension theory of Hofstede and the leadership theory of Bolman & Deal I have come to the conclusion that the participants do support both the static leadership perspective and the cultural leadership perspective. Through the participant’s experiences and descriptions of these three themes: leadership in general, the Swedish leadership and the leadership of the participants it becomes clear that they support these leadership models.

Uso de mapas conceituais em associação com o círculo hermenêutico-dialético na construção de conceitos de biologia no ensino médio / Use of conceptual maps in association with the hermeneutic-dialectical circle in the construction of biology concepts for high school

Mateus Ligabo 20 March 2017 (has links)
O ensino de biologia requer ferramentas adequadas para a aprendizagem dos alunos. Argumenta-se que os conflitos diários vivenciados na sala de aula podem ser minimizados ou até mesmo resolvidos através do envolvimento de técnicas de aprendizagem significativas. Para apoiar a aprendizagem significativa surge o mapa conceitual (MC) desenvolvido por Joseph Novak como uma ferramenta para organizar e representar o conhecimento. Há também o círculo hermenêutico-dialético (CHD) que é um método interativo e dinâmico realizado em grupo que permite captar a realidade em estudo, através de uma análise que se configura em um consenso entre os grupos pesquisados. O ambiente cultural, em conjunto com a metodologia de ensino escolhida, pode influenciar a forma como os alunos aprendem. Hofstede apresentou um método de identificação de dimensões culturais: índice de distância hierárquica (PDI), individualismo versus coletivismo (IDV), masculinidade versus feminilidade (MAS), índice de aversão à incerteza (UAI) e orientação de longo prazo versus orientação normativa de curto prazo (LTO). Neste trabalho, estudou-se a construção de mapas conceituais (CM) em associação com uma sequencia didática interativa (SDI) envolvendo a aplicação do círculo hermenêutico-dialético (CHD). Além disso, as dimensões culturais de Hofstede foram verificadas para os estudantes. Os resultados mostraram que as características das dimensões culturais de Hofstede, como o baixo índice de distância hierárquica (-11 pontos) associado a um baixo índice de individualismo (5 pontos) indicaram que os estudantes foram participativos e gostaram de realizar atividades em conjunto. Além disso, os alunos apresentaram índices moderadamente elevados de masculinidade (68 pontos) e orientação de longo prazo (51 pontos), contribuindo para um grupo competitivo e comprometido. Foi proporcionado um ambiente estruturado e motivador em função do elevado nível de incerteza (88 pontos) dos estudantes. Os alunos ensinados usando o método de mapeamento conceitual associado ao círculo hermenêutico-dialético (MC-CHD) obtiveram melhores resultados do que quando construíram os mapas conceituais individualmente. A construção de mapas conceituais associada ao CHD foi estruturalmente mais complexa do que os mapas construídos individualmente. A aplicação do CHD devido à sua própria funcionalidade proporcionou um diálogo motivacional/interativo entre os alunos e professor favorecendo a aprendizagem significativa usando os mapas conceituais. De acordo com a escala de Hake esta proposta mostrou um ganho de aprendizagem a um nível médio. Este trabalho gerou um material complementar ao manual do professor da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo enriquecido com a construção de mapas conceituais e discussões no CHD. Além disso, usando as dimensões culturais de Hofestede. Esta proposta traz uma perspectiva inovadora para o uso do CHD e poderá contribuir para futuros estudos na área de ensino e aprendizagem. / Teaching biology requires appropriate tools for student learning. It is argued that everyday conflicts experienced in the classroom can be minimized or even solved through the involvement of meaningful learning techniques. To support meaningful learning emerges the conceptual map (CM) developed by Joseph Novak as a tool to organize and represent knowledge. There is also the hermeneutic-dialectic circle (HDC) that is an interactive and dynamic method carried out in a group that allows capturing the reality under study, through an analysis that is configured in a consensus among the groups surveyed. The cultural environment, together with the chosen teaching methodology, can influence the way students learn. Hofstede presented a method to identify cultural dimensions as power distance index- PDI, individualism versus collectivism-IDV, masculinity versus femininity-MAS, uncertainty avoidance index-UAI and long term orientation versus short term normative orientation-LTO. In this work, the construction of conceptual maps (CM) in association with an interactive didactic sequence (IDS) involving the application of the hermeneutic-dialectic circle (HDC) was studied. In addition, the Hofstede cultural dimensions were verified for the students. The results showed that the characteristics of the cultural dimensions of Hofstede, such as the low hierarchical distance index (-11 points) associated with a low individualism index (5 points) indicated that the students was participative and enjoyed doing activities together. In addition, students had moderately high rates of masculinity (68 points) and long-term orientation (51 points), contributing to a competitive and compromised group. A structured and motivating environment was provided due to the students\' high level of uncertainty (88 points). Students taught using the conceptual mapping method associated with the hermeneutic-dialectical circle (CM-HDC) obtained better results than when constructing the conceptual mapping individually. The construction of conceptual maps associated with the HDC was structurally more complex than the maps constructed individually. The application of HDC due to its own functionality provided a motivational/interactive dialogue between students and teacher favoring meaningful learning by using concept maps. According to the Hake scale, this proposal showed a learning gain at an average level. This work generated a complementary material to the teacher\'s manual of the public network of the State of São Paulo enriched with the construction of conceptual maps and discussions in HDC. In addition, the Hofstede cultural dimensions were used. This proposal brings an innovative perspective to the use of CHD and could contribute to future studies in the area of teaching and learning.

How cultural values influence participation in Sharing Economy platforms : A systematic literature review of the potential expansion of Airbnb in Thailand / Hur kulturella värden påverkar deltagandet i Sharing Economy plattformar : En systematisk litteraturstudie av Airbnbs potentiella expansion i Thailand

Rutegård, Regina January 2024 (has links)
The Sharing Economy (SE) and its platforms has been on the uprise since the 2008’s Great Recession. Although previous researchers have found that culture influences consumers' willingness to adapt new innovations and technologies, very few studies on SE and collaborative consumption focus on how cultural values can play a role. Additionally, most studies on SE do not include Asian countries, event hough they contributed to 57% of the global GDP growth between the years 2015 and 2021. Thailand has one of the highest GDP in Southeast Asia, where the tourism sector comprises a large portion. In 2022, Thailand was Airbnb’s most visited country in the region, yet no study has been conducted on how the country’s cultural values influence SE participation and the potential expansion of Airbnb. As domestic tourism in the country is also big, Thai nationals’ answers from the 7th wave of World Value Survey, were used to establish where the country is situated on Hofstede’s scales. Thailand was deemed to be closer to having a Large Power Distance, High Uncertainty Avoidance, Collectivism, Femininity, Short-term Orientation, and Restraint. After the cultural values had been established, a systematic literature review was performed to identify previous studies done on how cultural values, as defined by Hofstede’s model, influence SE participation and adaptation. The results from the sestudies were then applied to Thailand, to establish how Thailand’s cultural values would influence Airbnb’s expansion in the country. Thailand’s Collectivism and Femininity were found to be to Airbnb’s benefit. However, the Large Power Distance, High Uncertainty Avoidance, and Restraint, were to Airbnb’s disadvantage. For the dimension Long-term vs Short-term Orientation, it was difficult to draw any clear conclusions as the studies did not agree on its influence. / Sharing Economy (SE), eller delningsekonomi, och dess plattformar har sitt ursprung i börskraschen 2008. Även om tidigare studier pekat på att en individs kultur påverkar dennes tendens att anamma nya innovationer och teknologier, har väldigt få studier gällande SE och dess koppling till kulturella värden gjorts. Vidare har få studier utförts inom länder i Asien, även om dessa länder bidrog med 57% av den globala BNP tillväxten mellan åren 2015 och 2021. Thailand är ett av de länder med högst BNP i Sydostasien, där turismsektorn utgör en stor del av detta. År 2022 var Thailand Airbnb’s mest besökta land i regionen, trots detta har ingen studie gjorts på hur landets kulturella värden påverkar SE deltagande och Airbnbs potentiella expansion i landet.   Eftersom den nationella turismen inom landet också är stor, användes thailändares svar från 7e vågen för World Value Survey för att etablera vart landet befinner sig på Hofstedes skalor. Baserat på detta så anses Thailand vara närmare till att ha Large Power Distance, High Uncertainty Avoidance, Collectivism, Femininity, Short-term Orientation, och Restraint. Efter att landets kulturella värden hade etablerats, genomfördes en systematisk litteraturstudie för att identifiera tidigare studier som genomförts på hur kulturella värden, enligt Hofstedes modell, påverkar SE deltagande. Resultaten från dessa studier applicerades sedan på Thailand, för att etablera hur Thailands kulturella värden påverkar Airbnbs expansion i landet.   Thailands Collectivism och Femininity är till Airbnbs fördel, medan dess Large Power Distance, High Uncertainty Avoidance, och Restraint är till Airbnbs nackdel. För den kulturella dimensionen Long-term vs Short-term Orientation, var det svårt att dra några tydliga slutsatser då de identifierade studierna inte höll med varandra om dess påverkan.

Att anpassa eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om butikskommunikationen anpassas till ett lands kultur / To adapt or not? : A qualitative study of visual merchandising adapted to a country's culture.

Andersson, Evelina, Hedlund, Linda, Skoglund, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Att anpassa eller inte?  En kvalitativ studie om butikskommunikationen anpassas till ett lands kultur.   Problemställning: Examensarbetet är inriktad på följande problemställning: Hur är butikskommunikationen anpassad till kulturen i Sverige.   Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att analysera om butikskommunikationen anpassas till ett lands kultur.   Avgränsningar: För att få studien mer fokuserad har avgränsningar utförts. Då butikskommunikation är ett brett ämne har författarna valt att rikta butikskommunikationen på modebranschen, där Företag A och Företag B utgör exempel för denna studie.   Metodik: I denna uppsats har en kvalitativ forskningsmetodik genomförts. Där vikten på ord och tolkning vid insamling samt analys av data haft relevans. Studien har resulterat i en abduktiv forskningsansats där tillvägagångssättet har varit flexibelt då studien har uppvisat en blandning av deduktion, induktion samt inslag av iterativt pendlade mellan empiri och teori. Metoden är baserad på observation där två företag används som exempel. Observationerna har varit av blandad karaktär, där den mest centrala delen var att studera fenomenet butikskommunikation i sin rätta miljö.   Slutsatser: Studiens slutsats visar på hur butikskommunikation är anpassad till kulturen i Sverige. Detta göras genom att ta kulturens beståndsdelar i beaktning. Vad gäller till exempel språk, färgers kulturella betydelser, traditioner och högtider. Studien har även påvisat att genom specialexponering av säsong och högtid kan värderingar med mera kommuniceras tydligt. Butikskommunikationen anpassas genom att visa en förståelse för en kulturs etnicitet. Studiens slutsatser visade också på att företag anpassar sin butikskommunikation genom att ta hänsyn till Hofstede´s kulturdimensioner att undvika osäkerhet, individualism och kollektivism, maskulinitet och femininitet samt långsiktigt- och kortsiktigt inriktning / Title: To adapt or not? A qualitative study of visual merchandising adapted to a country's culture.   Research question: The study is aimed at reviewing the following issue: How is visual merchandising adapted to the culture of Sweden?   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse if visual merchandising are adapted to a county’s culture.   Limitations: To achieving a more focused study, limitations were carried out. Because visual merchandising is a wide subject, the authors choose  to focus on the fashion industry. Two companies, Company A and Company B are made as examples for this study.   Method: In this study a qualitative research method was applied, where words and the interpretation in the collection of data and the analysis of it, had an  important relevance for this study. The study had an abductive approach. The study has shown a mixture of deduction, induction and elements of an iterative change between empiricism and theory. The method was based on the observation of two companies that were made as examples. The observations were of mixed characters, but the most central part was to study the phenomenon of visual merchandising in the right environment.   Conclusion: The study concludes how visual merchandising can be adapted to a country’s culture. This can be done by taking the cultural elements into consideration. With the regard of language, cultural meaning of colors, traditions and celebrations. The study has also shown that the visual communication can be more clearly communicated through special displays of seasonal and celebration products and values. Visual merchandising can be adjusted to a culture by showing an understanding of a culture’s ethnicity. The study also concludes that companies can adapt their visual merchandising by taking into account Hofstede's cultural dimensions to avoid uncertainty, individualism and collectivism, masculinity and femininity and long- versus short-term orientation.

Effekten kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och ämbetstid i styrelsen har på CSR samt kulturella skillnaders inverkan på sambanden : En kvantitativ studie på 704 börsnoterade företag i USA samt 598 börsnoterade företag i Europa / The impact of female board members and board tenure have on CSR and cultural differences on these relationship

Andersson, Celine, Eriksson, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Titel: Effekten kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och ämbetstid i styrelsen har på CSR samt kulturella skillnaders inverkan på sambanden   Nivå: ​Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi.   Författare: Celine Andersson och Louise Eriksson.   Handledare: ​Jan Svanberg.   Datum: ​2019 – Juni.   Syfte: ​På grund av påtryckningar från samhället har företagens intresse för CSR-aktiviteter på senare år ökat, och även skapat reglering och restriktioner kring detta. Ansvaret för att dessa regler och restriktioner efterföljs är styrelsens, där styrelsens agerande kan bero på dess sammansättning. Studien syftar till att undersöka om kvinnliga styrelseledamöter samt ämbetstiden i styrelsen kan ha en påverkan på företagens CSR genom ändrat intresse i dess CSR-aktiviteter, och även se om kulturella skillnader har en inverkan på ett eventuellt samband.   Metod: ​Studien har en positivistisk utgångspunkt med en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats. Forskningsstrategin som studien utförs inom är kvantitativ, där data angående kvinnliga styrelseledamöter, ämbetstid i styrelsen och CSP hämtats från 598 respektive 704 företag från Europa respektive USA, vilket resulterat i 2990 respektive 3520 observationer under femårsperioden 2013-2017. För insamling av datan har vi använt databasen Thomson Reuters Datastream. Vi har även hämtat data angående nationers kulturella skillnader från Hofstede Insights, med hjälp av Country Comparison Tool. Sammanställning av datan har skett med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS.   Resultat & slutsats: ​Det resultat studien kommer fram till är att det finns ett positivt samband mellan kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och CSR. Vi ser att ämbetstiden i styrelsen har en liten effekt på CSR, men här behövs det ytterligare forskning. Kulturella skillnader kan vi fastställa har en modererande effekt på båda ovanstående samband.   Examensarbetets bidrag: Bidraget som studien ger är en ökad kunskap kring hur styrelsens ämbetstid påverkar företagets CSR, den ger även en påbörjad fyllnad av forskningsgapet som finns kring hur kulturella skillnader påverkar sambandet. Vidare har vi ökat ett säkerställande av det positiva sambandet mellan kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och CSR, samt fastslagit att kulturella skillnader påverkar kvinnliga styrelseledamöters makt gällande CSR, samt hur ämbetstiden i styrelsen påverkar beslut kring CSR.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: ​För framtida forskning på ämnet efterfrågar vi studier för den optimala andelen kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och var gränsen går för att det positiva sambandet mellan kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och CSR blir svagare. Vidare forskning på ämnet kan även vara att djupare studera om ämbetstiden har en påverkan på företagets CSR.   Nyckelord: ​Kvinnliga styrelseledamöter, ämbetstid i styrelsen, kulturella skillnader, CSP, CSR, Hofstede och ESG. / Abstract   Title: The impact of female board members and board tenure have on CSR and cultural differences on these relationship   Level: ​Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration   Author: ​Celine Andersson and Louise Eriksson   Supervisor: ​Jan Svanberg   Date: ​2019 - June   Aim: ​Due to pressure from the society, companies interest in CSR activities has increased in recent years, and has also caused regulation and restrictions on this. The board is responsible for ensuring that these rules and restrictions are complied with, where the boards actions may depend on its composition. This study aims to investigate whether female board members and the board tenure can have an impact on the companies CSR through a changed interest in the the companies CSR-activities, and also see if cultural differences might have an impact on a possible relationship.   Method: ​The study has a positivistic starting point with a hypothetical-deductive approach. The research strategy in which the study is conducted is quantitative, where data on female board members, board tenure and CSP were obtained from 598 and 704 companies from Europe and the US, which resulted in 2990 and 3520 observations during the five-year period 2013-2017. For data collection, we have used the Thomson Reuters Datastream database. We have also collected data on nations' cultural differences from Hofstede Insights, using the Country Comparison Tool. Compilation of the data has been made using the statistical program SPSS.   Result & Conclusions: ​The result we found in the study is that there is a positive correlation between female board members and CSR. We can see that the board tenure has a small effect on CSR, but here further research is needed. Furthermore, we can determine that cultural differences have a moderating effect on both of the above relationships.   Contribution of the thesis: ​The contribution that the study provides is an increased knowledge of how board tenure affects the company's CSR, it also provides a commenced filling of the research gap that exists about how cultural differences affect the relationship. Furthermore, we have increased the assurance of the positive relationship between female board members and the CSR and has established that cultural differences affect the power of women board members regarding CSR, and how the board tenure affects decisions about CSR.   Suggestions for future research: ​For future research on the subject, we demand studies for the optimal proportion of female board members and where the limit goes for the positive relationship between female board members and CSR to be weaker. Further research on the subject can also be on whether the board tenure has an impact on the company's CSR.   Key words: ​Women on boards, board tenure, cultural features, CSP, CSR, Hofstede and ESG.

Proposta de avaliação formativa aplicando aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP) no ensino médio / Proposal of formative evaluation applying problem-based learning (PBL) in high school

Silva, Fabiana Carvalho 13 March 2017 (has links)
Avaliação de aprendizagem é um tema muito controverso. É um dos maiores problemas no desenvolvimento do processo pedagógico nos diferentes níveis e modalidades de ensino. A avaliação é classificada em diferentes tipos como diagnóstica, formativa e somativa (classificatória). O objetivo da avaliação diagnóstica é descobrir as causas dos problemas de aprendizagem e planejar ações corretivas. A avaliação formativa é usada para monitorar o progresso de aprendizagem do aluno durante a instrução com a finalidade de fornecer feedback contínuo aos alunos e professores sobre o sucesso e ou fracasso no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. A avaliação somativa é dada no final do curso ou unidade de instruções para descobrir qual aluno, até que ponto tem dominado os resultados de aprendizagem pretendidos. Avaliação é uma questão importante discutida também na aplicação de metodologias de ensino como a aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP). A ABP é uma metodologia de aprendizagem no qual os alunos encontram-se primeiro com um problema, seguido de um processo de investigação e reflexão sistemático centrado no aluno. Além disso, o ambiente cultural, em conjunto com a metodologia de ensino escolhida, pode influenciar a forma como os alunos aprendem. Desta forma, Hofstede (1980) apresentou um método de identificação de dimensões culturais: índice de distância hierárquica (PDI), individualismo versus coletivismo (IDV), masculinidade versus feminilidade (MAS), índice de aversão à incerteza (UAI) e orientação de longo prazo versus orientação normativa de curto prazo (LTO). Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se a ABP poderia promover a integração da avaliação formativa como elemento de redirecionamento e motivação para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos estudantes de biologia no ensino médio. Os perfis culturais de Hofstede dos alunos foram levados em consideração durante a aplicação desta metodologia. Esta metodologia foi aplicada para duas salas de aula diferentes durante três bimestres. Os alunos foram avaliados considerando suas atitudes durante a aplicação da ABP e testes escolares. A metodologia ABP integrada na avaliação formativa foi favorecida pela elaboração do formulário de acompanhamento do professor. Além disso, outro formulário auxiliar favoreceu uma rápida anotação do professor sobre o desempenho acadêmico do aluno em ABP. Cada aluno preencheu o seu formulário de autoavaliação, o que contribuiu positivamente para mudar a postura do estudante aumentando o seu interesse durante as aulas. Durante o período de aplicação da metodologia, observaram-se melhoras nas médias dos testes escolares dos alunos a um nível de 95% de confiança. A proposta de integrar a avaliação formativa com a aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP) no ensino médio melhorou o desempenho dos alunos também em aspectos comportamentais. Os formulários utilizados neste trabalho foram disponibilizados para serem incluídos no plano pedagógico de uma escola pública do estado de São Paulo para favorecer a avaliação formativa dos alunos. / Learning evaluation is a very controversial topic. It is one of the greatest problems in the development of the pedagogical process in the different levels and modalities of teaching. Evaluation is classified into the different types as diagnostic, formative and summative (classificatory). The aim of diagnostic evaluation is to find out the causes of learning problems and plan to take remedial actions. Formative evaluation is used to monitor student\'s learning progress during instruction with the purpose of providing ongoing feedback to students and teachers regarding success and failure of teaching/learning process. Summative evaluation is given at the end of the course or unit of instructions to find out which student, to what extent has mastered the intended learning outcomes. Evaluation is an important issue also discussed during the application of different teaching methodology as problem-based learning (PBL). The PBL is a method of learning in which learners first encounter a problem followed by a systematic, learner-centered inquiry and reflection process. Also, the cultural environment together with the chosen teaching methodology can influence the way of students learns. In this way, Hofstede (1980) has presented an identification method of cultural dimensions: power distance index (PDI), individualism versus collectivism (IDV), masculinity versus femininity (MAS), uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) and long term orientation versus short term normative orientation (LTO). In this context, this work aimed to ascertain if PBL could promotes the integration of formative evaluation as an element of redirection and motivation for the teaching-learning process for high school biology students. The Hofstede\'s cultural profiles of the students were taking account during the application of the methodology. This methodology was applied for two different classrooms during three set of bimester. The students were evaluated considering their attitudes during the PBL application and school tests. PBL methodology integrated into formative evaluation was favored by the elaboration of the teacher\'s follow-up form. Also, another auxiliary form favored a quick teacher annotation about the attitudinal student performance in PBL. Each student had it on self-evaluation form, which contributed positively to change student posture by increasing interest during the classes. During the period of the methodology was applied it was observed an improvement in the averages of the students school tests at a 95% confidence level. The proposal to integrate the formative evaluation into problem-based learning (PBL) for high school biology students improved student\'s performance also in behavioral aspects. The forms used in this work were made available to be included in the pedagogical plan of a public school in the state of São Paulo to favor the formative evaluation of the students.

Vad har påverkat utvecklingen av den etiska klädmarknaden? : En jämförande kvalitativ studie av Storbritannien och Sverige / What has affected the development of the ethical clothing market? A comparing qualitative research of the United Kingdom and Sweden

Palmér, Emma, Sjögren, Ulrika January 2007 (has links)
There is a growing interest for ethical consumption, in general as well as inthe clothing industry. The consumption of ethical clothes is a complexphenomenon though, where aspects such as quality, style, function, price,time assets, accessibility and ethical attitudes affect the decision making.Researches that have been executed show the diversities in developmentbetween different countries. There are fairly strong indications that theethical clothing market is more advanced in the United Kingdom than inSweden and therefore these two countries are objects of this research.The aim with this thesis is to describe and explain what have affected thedevelopment of the ethical clothing market in the United Kingdom comparedto Sweden. For that reason a qualitative approach has mainly been used,where deep interviews with people within the ethical clothing industry havecontributed to most of the empirical part. As a complement secondary datasuch as statistics of the two countries have been used in order to investigateour area.One useful tool, among others, to investigate the macro environment is theSLEPT model. With this model the surroundings are being evaluated withinthe areas of social/cultural, legal, economical, political and technologicalfactors. They influence differently on the possibility for new companies andbusinesses to operate and the factors can all together contribute to a betterunderstanding of the market environment. Population, income levels,Internet usage, political government and legislation regarding theenvironment and business are data that have been studied in this thesis.Sweden and the United Kingdom are rather similar when it comes toeconomical, political, legal and technological aspect, why the social/culturaldifferences are more distinct. The index of national culture, created byHofstede (2005) helps to explain some of the dissimilarities. The diversity inshort-term thinking, masculinity and individualism in the two countries maycontribute to an explanation of what have affected the development of theethical clothing market. / <p>Program: Textilekonomutbildningen</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

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