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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Se mig för den jag är : Homosexuella personers erfarenheter av omvårdnad / See me for who I am : Homosexual persons´ experiences ofnursing

Dahlén, Anneli, Korsheden, Liza January 2017 (has links)
Heteronormativitet styr i dagens samhälle. Inom hälso- och sjukvården har alla rätt till likvärdig och jämlik vård. Det kan dock finnas attityder bland sjuksköterskor som kan bidra till en ojämlik vård för homosexuella personer. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa homosexuella personers erfarenheter av omvårdnad. Litteraturstudien grundades på nio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar och en kvantitativ artikel. Resultatet visade att homosexuella personer upplevde negativa attityder, okunskap och diskriminering inom omvårdnad vilket tog sig olika uttryck. Det ledde till brister i kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten och många homosexuella personer kände att de riskerade att få en sämre vård om de valde att vara öppna med sin sexualitet. Resultatet av detta kunde vara att de undvek sjukvården av rädsla för att bli diskriminerade. Homosexuella personer kunde använda sig av olika strategier i kontakten med sjukvården för att underlätta bemötandet. Homosexuella personer som hade erfarenheter av att ha mött fördomsfria sjuksköterskor ledde till att de kände sig bekräftade och sedda av sjuksköterskan för den de var. Sjuksköterskan kan ha bearbetat sina egna värderingar, vilket har mynnat ut i en värdegrund avseende sexuell identitet för att alla patienter ska få en likvärdig vård. Resultatet av studien kan användas i utbildningen av sjuksköterskestudenter och färdiga sjuksköterskor för att medvetandegöra detta normperspektiv. / Heteronormativity prevails in today's society. In the field of healthcare, everyone is entitled to equal care. However, there may be attitudes among nurses who can contribute to unequal care for homosexual persons. The purpose of the literature study was to illustrate homosexual persons´ experiences of nursing. The literature study was based on nine qualitative scientific articles and one quantitative article. The results showed that homosexuals experienced negative attitudes, ignorance and discrimination in nursing, which appeared in different ways. This led to shortcomings in communication between the nurse and the patient and many homosexuals felt that they were at risk of poorer care if they chose to be open with their sexuality. The result of this could be that they avoided the medical care for fear of being discriminated against. Homosexuals could use different strategies in contact with healthcare to facilitate the treatment. Homosexuals who had experiences of meeting nurses without prejudices made them feel confirmed and seen for whom they were. The nurse may have processed her own values, which has resulted in a value base for sexual identity in order to ensure that all patients receive an equal care. The results of the study can be used in the education of nurses and professional nurses to raise awareness of this norm perspective.

Ungdomars attityder till homosexuella och homosexualitet - Vad tycker ungdomar egentligen?

Andersson, Catarina, Kilic, Lotta January 2007 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att få en inblick i vilka attityder ungdomar har gentemot homosexuella och homosexualitet. Således valde vi att göra en attitydundersökning om gym-nasieelevers syn på homosexuella och homosexualitet. Vår metod bestod av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning samt kvalitativa intervjuer i två fokusgrupper. Resultaten visar att ungdomarna ansåg sig vara positivt inställda till homosexualitet och att homosexuella ska behandlas jämlikt med och ha samma rättigheter som heterosexuella. Dock visade det sig också att ungdomarna, trots denna uttalade positiva inställning mot homosexuella, även gav uttryck för negativa attityder, som att homosexualitet är motbjudande. Resultatet visade också att flickorna var mer positivt inställda till homosexuella än pojkarna, samt att ungdomarna med utländsk härkomst var mer positivt inställda än vi väntat oss. / This essay aims to attain insight into the attitudes of youths towards homosexuals and homosexuality. Thus, we have chosen to conduct an attitude survey concerning the view students in Upper Secondary School hold on homosexuals and homosexuality. Our method consisted of a quantitative questionnaire along with qualitative interviews in two focus groups. The results show that the youths considered themselves to hold a positive approach towards homosexuality and stated that homosexuals should be treated equally and have the same rights as heterosexuals. Nonetheless, it also became evident that, despite this pronounced positive approach towards homosexuals, the youths also expressed negative attitudes, such as the opinion that homosexuality is appalling. The results also demonstrated that girls were more positive than boys towards homosexuals, and that the attitudes of the youths with foreign background were more positive than we had expected.

Mötet mellan HIV-smittade homosexuella män och hälso-och sjukvårdpersonal internationellt : en litteraturöversikt / The meeting between homosexual HIV-infected men and healthcare professionals internationally : a literature review

Falk, Matilda, Muse, Salma January 2017 (has links)
Background: in the late 1970s, HIV had a sudden outbreak in Africa, and in the late 1980 ́s the rest of the world was informed about the epidemic. Due to increased level of the infected people around the world HIV has been the cause of many deaths worldwide, and unfortunately HIV continues to spread. HIV is today, considered to be a incurable virus disease, but due to antiviral medication that allows individuals who are infected with HIV cancause of spreading HIV during 1980, which subjected these men to stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes, especially in health care.  Aim: To explore how homosexual HIV-infected men describe their experiences of treatment from healthcare professionals. Method:  A literature review based on six qualitative articles, three quantitative article and one mixed approach article Results: The result consisted of one main themes and three subthemes. The first theme is experienced lack of knowledge with three subthemes: experiences of worthy care, experience of being denied care and the experiences of stigmatizing and/ or discriminatory attitudes. The main theme highlights how healthcare professionals lack of knowledge affects healthcare. The different subthemes discusses HIV-infected homosexual men ́s experiences of healthcare as both negative and positive. Discussion: The discussions are divided into four sections: the need for increased knowledge, experiences of being denied care and/or experiences of worthy care, stigmatization and discriminatory attitudes impact on patients care and geographical differences. This section was discussed by using Katie Eriksson nursing theory about care suffering, the background of the literature review and by using new research. / Bakgrund: I slutet av 1970-talet fick HIV ett plötsligt utbrott i Afrika, och i slutet av 1980-talet fick resten av världen höra talas om epidemin. Sjukdomen har orsakat många dödsfall världen över, och fortsätter att spridas sig. Idag anses HIV att vara en obotlig virussjukdom, som på grund av antivirala mediciner gör att individer som är smittade med HIV kan leva ett normalt liv. Homosexuella HIV-smittade män blev under 1980-talet skuldbelagda för att förorsaka HIV. Som resultat av detta har dessa män utsatts för stigmatiserande och diskriminerande attityder, speciellt inom sjukvården. Syfte: Att undersöka hur homosexuella HIV-smittade män beskriver sina upplevelser kring bemötandet från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som baserades på sex kvalitativa artiklar, tre kvantitativa artiklar och en mixad metod. Resultat: Resultatet bestod av ett huvudteman och tre subteman. Det första temat var: Upplevd kunskapsbrist, med tre subteman: upplevelsen av att få värdig vård, upplevelsen att bli vägrad vård samt rädsla för stigmatiserande och/eller diskriminerande attityder. Huvudtemat lyfter upp hur hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens kunskapsbrist påverkar sjukvården. De olika subteman behandlar HIV-smittade homosexuella mäns upplevelser av sjukvården som både negativ och positiv. Diskussion: Resultatdiskussionen delades in i fyra avsnitt: upplevelsen av att bli nekad vård och/eller upplevelsen av att bli hörd, stigmatiserande och diskriminerande attityders påverkan på patientens vård, behov av ökad kunskap samt geografiska skillnader. Avsnittet diskuteras utifrån Katies Erikssons omvårdnadsteori om vårdlidande, litteraturöversiktens bakgrund samt med hjälp av ny forskning.

Heteronormativets lag : En rättssociologisk studie av rättsligt homosexuellt föräldraskap

Braconier, Emma, Blom, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis has focused on the construction of homosexual parenthood in Swedish law and preparatory work. The purpose was to describe the norms about legal parenthood and examine if and how homosexual parenthood was included in the normative parenthood. The study was jurisprudential and based on methods such as sociology with a juridical focus and critical discourse analysis of the juridical texts. The theoretical framework was the critical discourse analysis as well as a queer perspective, both influenced by social constructionism and a poststructional theory. The conclusion of the study is that parenthood is described from what is presumably best for the child, which is two parents of different sexes and biological origin. Homosexual parenthood is described as “good” as heterosexual parenthood, which is described as the norm. Homosexual parenthood is also described as different with flaws in comparison to the norm and for those flaws the homosexuals have to compensate. With a standpoint in queertheory this shows both how homosexual parents are assimilated and excluded from the norm of parenthood.</p>

Osynliggörandet av äldre HBT-personer : Upplevelser och föreställningar om äldreomsorg / How the elder LGBT population is being made invisible : Experiences and perceptions of elderly care

Söderlind Serrander, Rasmus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Although Sweden is considered to be in the lead concerning an open-minded perception of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population, very little attention has been given to the elderly within this target group. The elder LGBT population’s got special needs that haven’t been made sufficiently visible, neither as a research field, from social institutions nor from the LGBT movement itself. This study has described the target group's specific needs, based on the results of a focus group consisting of older LGBT people. Their experiences and stories have given an idea of what adjustments must be made to satisfy their specific needs. These needs have included the development of housing with LGBT focus, education for health care workers, information about the existence of the target group to other elderly and changes in the practice of social workers. Respondents' attitudes, opinions and ideas have been analyzed by means of queer theory, ageism and the intersectional perspective. Finally, the results have been discussed and a few recommendations are provided.</p>

Heteronormativets lag : En rättssociologisk studie av rättsligt homosexuellt föräldraskap

Braconier, Emma, Blom, Emma January 2009 (has links)
This thesis has focused on the construction of homosexual parenthood in Swedish law and preparatory work. The purpose was to describe the norms about legal parenthood and examine if and how homosexual parenthood was included in the normative parenthood. The study was jurisprudential and based on methods such as sociology with a juridical focus and critical discourse analysis of the juridical texts. The theoretical framework was the critical discourse analysis as well as a queer perspective, both influenced by social constructionism and a poststructional theory. The conclusion of the study is that parenthood is described from what is presumably best for the child, which is two parents of different sexes and biological origin. Homosexual parenthood is described as “good” as heterosexual parenthood, which is described as the norm. Homosexual parenthood is also described as different with flaws in comparison to the norm and for those flaws the homosexuals have to compensate. With a standpoint in queertheory this shows both how homosexual parents are assimilated and excluded from the norm of parenthood.

Den Andre i hyllan och på webben : Benämnandets makt i sociala taggar och ämnesord knutna till HBTQ-relaterad skönlitteratur / The Other on the Shelf and on the Web : The Power of Naming in Social Tags and Subject Headings Attributed to LGBTQ-fiction

Nääs, Lina January 2012 (has links)
The motivation for this thesis lies in the knowledge that there is a crucial information need amongst LGBTQ-persons wanting to read fiction related to LGBTQ in order to strengthen their own identity. This particular information need regarding identification has been said to be more central within LGBTQ-communities than within other user groups, largely because they represent a marginalized group in society. Critical feminists, such as Hope A. Olson, have proved that knowledge organization based on systems of subject representation in fact may lead to further marginalization and exclusion of already marginalized groups. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to compare subject representation and social tagging as methods of organizing LGBTQ-fiction. The empirical data is drawn from the collaborative tagging platform LibraryThing and five public library catalogs.Within a feminist framework based on queer theory, the advantages of user-generated metadata in the form of social tagging over professional knowledge organization in the form of subject representation are discussed, and in the end dismissed as an adequate replacement or alternative for the latter. The results of this study show that social tagging presents users with more diverse access points than those created within a controlled vocabulary system. However, while some of the social tags are more specific and in some ways inclusive, most of the tags consist of general terms describing the works of fiction. This is a two years master’s thesis.

Osynliggörandet av äldre HBT-personer : Upplevelser och föreställningar om äldreomsorg / How the elder LGBT population is being made invisible : Experiences and perceptions of elderly care

Söderlind Serrander, Rasmus January 2010 (has links)
Although Sweden is considered to be in the lead concerning an open-minded perception of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population, very little attention has been given to the elderly within this target group. The elder LGBT population’s got special needs that haven’t been made sufficiently visible, neither as a research field, from social institutions nor from the LGBT movement itself. This study has described the target group's specific needs, based on the results of a focus group consisting of older LGBT people. Their experiences and stories have given an idea of what adjustments must be made to satisfy their specific needs. These needs have included the development of housing with LGBT focus, education for health care workers, information about the existence of the target group to other elderly and changes in the practice of social workers. Respondents' attitudes, opinions and ideas have been analyzed by means of queer theory, ageism and the intersectional perspective. Finally, the results have been discussed and a few recommendations are provided.

Internalisering av kategoriella par i form utav homosexuella asylsökande

Nygren, Magnus January 2013 (has links)
Titeln på denna studie är Internalisering av kategoriella par i form utav homosexuella asylsökande. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om och hur föreställningar utifrån ett heteronormativt synsätt, hos handläggaren på Migrationsverket, påverkar asylprövningen av homosexuella. Studien berör hur diskursen i samhället formar föreställningar av den homosexuelle mannen och hur dessa föreställningar blir gällande inom myndighetsutövningen vid Migrationsverket. Studien utgår från teorier av Michel Foucault, samt är kompletterad och avgränsad med hjälp av andra teorier, bland annat Queerteorin. Studien bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer av sju handläggare vid Migrationsverket, verksamma vid två olika kontor i Stockholm. Undersökningen visar att föreställningar om homosexuella förekommer inom Migrationsverket och att detta kan påverka utfallet av asylprövningen. Migrationsverket arbetar själva med dessa frågor genom utbildning av sin personal, vilket tyder på en insikt kring problematiken. Denna studie är en del av min kandidatexamen på Södertörns Högskola inom Socialt arbete med storstadsprofil. / The title of this study is The internalization of categorical pairs in the form of gay asylum seekers. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether and how the preconceived view of homosexuals from a hetero normative perspective, by desk officers at the Swedish Migration Board, affects the asylum trial of homosexuals. The study addresses how the discourse in society forms perceptions of the gay man, and how these perceptions become effective within the exercising of authority at the Swedish Migration Board. This study relies on several theories of Michel Foucault and it is supplemented and delimited by other theories, including Queer Theory. The study is based on interviews with seven desk officers at the Swedish Migration Board, active at two different offices in Stockholm. The investigation shows that perceptions of homosexuals occur at the Migration Board and that this may affect the outcome of the asylum trial. The Swedish Migration Board is working with these matters through education of their personnel, suggesting an awareness of the problem. This study is a part of my bachelor´s degree at Södertörn University in Social Work with urban profile.

Heteronormativity in a nursing context : attitudes toward homosexuality and experiences of lesbians and gay men /

Röndahl, Gerd, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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