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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Women Rights and Islam : A study of women rights and effects of Islamic fundamentalism and Muslim feminism in the Kurdish area of Iraq

Khan, Zaynab January 2005 (has links)
<p>Lack of women rights in the international society is something that UN and other international human organizations are striving against. Women oppression is common in many countries, but is often connected with the Muslim countries. Women oppression is something that is against UN: s definition of human rights. The international society has therefore tried to protect the women, and has formed resolutions, conventions and so on, for their security.</p><p>According to the Iraqi regime, human rights are an important question. The country has therefore signed the UN: s convention about women rights. Since the year of 1992, when the Kurdish area of Iraq became self- governed, Kurdistan has started programs that favour women rights. Organizations and institutions have for example been established, that are struggling for the women in the society. The ruling government has also instituted some laws that favour women rights.</p><p>Islamic fundamentalism and Muslim feminism are two theories that today have supporters in the international society. Both of those theories and their supporters believes in the Quran and use it to justify their own actions, but in different ways. The fundamentalists emphasize the differences that, by the nature, exist between the sexes. According to the fundamentalists, women and men have different responsibilities in the society. The feminists on the other hand believe in equality between the sexes and mean that women oppression has its origin in an erroneous interpretation of the Quran.</p><p>Different kinds of crimes against women rights issues are today common in Kurdistan. Many of those crimes don’t have any support in neither UN, nor the Quran. Muslim feminists, the department for human rights and the women organizations all has agreed about the meaning of women rights. They believe in UN: s definition of women rights and they all use the Quran to justify women right issues. Islamic fundamentalists on the other hand also use the Quran for justifying their actions, but they don’t believe in UN: s definition of women rights.</p><p>So both Muslim feminists and Islamic fundamentalists exist today in Kurdistan, and their engagement in women issues is therefore affecting the work of the organizations and the department.</p>

Om att våga lyfta frågan : en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till hedersrelaterat förtryck och frivilligorganisationers attitydförändringsarbete

Bergfeldt, Marie, Bergman, Pia January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research has been to investigate possible reasons for why honour related oppression exist in Sweden as well as to find out how some voluntary organisations work to change honour oppression related attitudes. The questions that the reserachers were trying to answer were (1) What are the possible causes for honour related oppression in Sweden? (2) How can honour related oppression be identified? (3) What are the voluntary organisations doing to change these attitudes? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used. The reserachers examined what leading researchers in this area thought were the reasons to why honour related oppression exist and then carried out interviews with participants from four voluntary organisations. A social constructional approached were chosen as the theoretical framework for this research and the results were also analysed from several perspectives. The reserachers found that the reasons for the honour related oppression links to the upkeep of old traditions and customs as well as gaps in the Swedish integration of immigrants. The researchers concluded that the honour related oppression exist due to old habits that can change over time.

Länsrättens bevishantering i LVU-mål med hedersrelaterad problematik

Gavlevik, Lena, Jelic, Lena January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to look into how evidence evaluation in verdicts considering 2 § LVU (Care of Young Persons Act) linked to honor related problems are handled by the County Administrative Court of Stockholm. The questions at issue were how the County Administrative Court handles the prerequisites regarding 2 § LVU verdicts, how the County Administrative Court proceeds when evaluating evidence in 2 § LVU verdicts, and how the County Administrative Court handles indications of that a child is living in an honor-related context. To answer this, five verdicts have been analyzed. In addition to this, two interviews were made as a complement. In the analysis of the collected material, the authors proceeded from a theory of evidence and used a hermeneutic method for the analysis. Through the study, it has been observed that the court doesn’t seem to use any verified method to evaluate evidence. Further on, the results show that the court, in their verdicts, seems to prefer to assign to the most general prerequisite in the actual paragraph and doesn’t refer or even mention honor in the verdicts. The authors believe these circumstances make it difficult for the parties in the lawsuit to understand how the court has reached its judgement.

Hedersrelaterad problematik : - En kvalitativ studie om skolans möjlighet till förebyggande arbete / Honour related problems : -  A qualitative study about school opportunities for prevention

Rashid, Asha, Hoxha Ekström, Tima January 2012 (has links)
The issue of honour related problems in schools are important social problems in Sweden. It’s not unusual that honour related problem has had serious consequences before any action has been inserted by society. Sometimes the efforts made by society have had no impact whatsoever due to them being inserted too late. We can conclude based on our literature and our interviews, the importance of prevention. For all involved, both schools and social services, the work of prevention regarding honour related problems before the situation becomes acute, is beneficial. If the parents have confidence in the school they will release some of their need of control for the student. If the parents are not included in their child’s curriculum there’s a risk that they will loose the sense of security for the school. It is important for school counsellors to have competence in the field, to be able to handle and to do proper risk assessment. It is also important for the school to establish and maintain a good relationship with the parents. The condition for this is already in the curriculum, which encourages all those who work in schools to promote a good relationship with parents. The education act guarantees all students equal opportunities to education regardless of background.

Įžeidimas ir teisinė atsakomybė už jį / Insult and legal liability for it

Panina, Svetlana 24 February 2010 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tema yra įžeidimas ir teisinė atsakomybė už jį. Ši tema yra ypač aktuali šiuolaikinėje demokratinėje visuomenėje, kurioje puoselėjamos tokios svarbios asmens vertybės kaip orumas ir garbė. Šių vertybių svarbą liudija tai, kad už jų pažeidimą numatyta įvairaus pobūdžio atsakomybė, tame tarpe ir baudžiamoji. Lietuvos baudžiamosios teisės mokslininkų tarpe ši tema nepasižymėjo populiarumu, nors mokslinės ir praktinės medžiagos analizė patvirtina problemų gausą šioje srityje. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėties požymių turinį. Tyrimo objektas – įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėtis. Tyrimo uždaviniai: nustatyti įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėties įstatymo saugomas vertybes; atskleisti pažeminimo kaip įžeidimo sudėtį sudarančios veikos turinį, esminius požymius ir būdus; pateikti įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos tyčios turinį; nustatyti kriterijus, pagal kuriuos įžeidimą galima atriboti nuo kitų nusikalstamų veikų; pateikti Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo kai kurių įžeidimą sudarančių požymių paaiškinimą. Darbe iškelta hipotezė: įžeidimas nepasižymi tokiu pavojingumu, kuris galėtų būti pagrindu traukti asmenį baudžiamojon atsakomybėn. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas analizuojant Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių baudžiamosios teisės literatūrą, Lietuvos teismų ir EŽTT praktiką, susijusią su įžeidimu. Atlikdami tyrimą, priėjome prie išvadų, kad įžeidimo kaip nusikalstamos veikos sudėties įstatymo saugomos vertybės yra orumas ir garbė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this investigation is the insult and its legal liability. The subject is very relevant in modern democratic society, where there are being fostered such important values as human dignity and honour. The significance of these values testifies the fact that for infringements of human dignity and honour provided various character of legal responsibility, including the criminal. This theme was not popular among scientists of criminal law of Lithuania, though the analysis of a scientific and practical material has confirmed the presence of a considerable quantity of problems in this range. The aim of the investigation is to reveal the elements of such crime as the insult. The object of the research is the structure of insult as criminal action. The task of the investigation is to determine the law protected values of the insult as criminal action structure, reveal the matter of basic signs and ways of the humiliation, as the action making the insult, determine the mens rea as element of structure of the insult, identify criteria on which the insult can be distinguished from other criminal actions, to submit the description of some elements of the insult, given by European Human Rights Court. Work hypothesis: the insult is not especially dangerous act, which could be the basis for the criminal liability of the person. The investigation was made analyzing the literature of criminal law of Lithuania and foreign countries, the Lithuanian courts and the European Human... [to full text]

"Offer eller förövare?" : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om socialtjänstens handlingsutrymme i ärenden med hedersrelaterat våld med fokus på pojkar / Social services discretion regarding honour-related violence, with a focus on boys

Sendi, Chimen January 2014 (has links)
The honour-related violence and opression got more attention in the years 1999 and 2002, when two young women were murdered in the name of honour in Sweden. Honour-related violence is associated with a so called honour culture, which for many symbolize the oppression of a women. It is a fact that not only girls and women are victims of this culture but also many young men and boys are exposed. The aim of this study is to illustrate how individual social workers handle cases where boys and young men are exposed to violence and oppression on the basis of the theory of discretion. In this study a qualitative research strategy has been used which involves the implementation of semi-structured interviews in the collection of empirical data. This is because I am interested in social workers own experiences and perceptions but also for having my researched questions being answered. The results show that in all five communities there are no local guidelines or plan to work for an effective management of honour-related cases.

A Multiple Case Study Exploration of Undergraduate Subject Searching

Graham, Rumi Y. 30 August 2011 (has links)
Subject searching—seeking information with a subject or topic in mind—is often involved in carrying out undergraduate assignments such as term papers and research reports. It is also an important component of information literacy—the abilities and experiences of effectively finding and evaluating, and appropriately using, needed information—which universities hope to cultivate in undergraduates by the time they complete their degree programs. By exploring the subject searching of a small group of upper-level, academically successful undergraduates over a school year I sought to acquire a deeper understanding of the contexts and characteristics of their subject searching, and of the extent to which it was similar in quality to that of search and domain experts. Primary data sources for this study comprised subject searching diaries maintained by participants, and three online subject searches they demonstrated at the beginning, middle, and end of the study during which they talked aloud while I observed, followed by focused interviews. To explore the quality of study participants’ subject searching I looked for indications of advanced thinking in thoughts they spoke aloud during demonstration sessions relating to using strategy, evaluating, and creating personal understanding, which represent three of the most challenging and complex aspects of information literacy. Applying a layered interpretive process, I identified themes within several hundred instances of participants’ advanced thinking relating to these three information literacy elements, with evaluative themes occurring most often. I also noted three factors influencing the extent of similarity between the quality of participants’ advanced thinking and that of search and domain experts which reflected matters that tended to be i) pragmatic or principled, , ii) technical or conceptual, and iii) externally or internally focused. Filtered through these factors, participants’ instances of advanced thinking brought to mind three levels of subject searching abilities: the competent student, the search expert, and the domain expert. Although relatively few in number, I identified at least some advanced thinking evincing domain expert qualities in voiced thoughts of all but one participant, suggesting the gap between higher order thinking abilities of upper-level undergraduates and information literate individuals is not always dauntingly large.

Har jag gjort tillräckligt? : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetarnas upplevelser av sitt arbetet med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Berg, Sanna, Mårshagen, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett kollektivt utövat våld som främst drabbar unga flickor. Fenomenet har uppmärksammats nyligen och regeringen har under tidigt 2000-tal gjort stora satsningar i hopp om att kunna förse individer som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck med rätt hjälp. De som sedan bär det yttersta ansvaret för de våldsutsatta är socialarbetare på socialtjänsten. Socialtjänsten ansvarar för kommunens invånare och för att förse dem med rätt skydd och hjälp. Det finns många utmaningar som socialarbetarna står inför i arbetet med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck då problematiken är komplex och svårfångad. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur socialarbetare på socialtjänsten arbetar med problematiken hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck med fokus på socialarbetarnas egna upplevelser i arbetsprocessen. För att samla in material till studien intervjuade vi åtta socialarbetare på socialtjänster i Västerbotten, Västernorrland och i Jämtlands län. Resultatet visade att det som var avgörande i socialarbetarens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är utbildning och styrning, samverkan mellan olika myndigheter och aktörer samt stöd från kollegor. Utifrån de intervjuade socialarbetarnas berättelser framkom det att de kände en osäkerhet i sitt arbete med ärenden som involverade hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Intervjupersonerna beskrev möjligheter som att arbeta förebyggande och långsiktigt med familjer där hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck förekommer.

Duely v českých zemích raného novověku / Duels in Bohemia in Early Modern Period

ŠÁRO, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the problems of Early Modern Period duels concentrating on aristocratic milieu in Bohemia. The thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 outlines the problems based on up to now findings especially foreign historical science. A necessary part is the evaluation of the existing literature on up-to-date subject, brief introduction of the methodological approach and an outline of the possible thematic areas. In association with the thematic areas, it is possible to pay attention to the problems of duels. In this Chapter is also a detailed introduction to the chosen methodological solution {--} historical-anthropological draft of honour in the Early Modern Period. The Early Modern Period is based on many categories as e.g. inward and outward honour, honour of a male and a female or individual and collective honour. Chapter 2 puts the Early Modern Period in a spatiotemporal context and tries to introduce not only the predecessor in the way of medieval court duels, aristocratic hate perhaps even knightly tournaments but also his successors in the way of strictly ritualistic duels of the long 19th century. A special attention is paid to an analysis of duel books of references of the 19th century, which is supposed to serve as a solution for the third chapter. Chapter 3 is a personal analysis of the Early Modern Period considering all possible aspects which are possible to be discovered in the context. Attention is paid to all possible reasons of the beginning of the Early Modern Period duels, direct and indirect participants, circumstances which accompanied the Early Modern Period as well as potential results for all parties concerned. The Early Modern duel should be roughly outlined as an original development in the history of duels in terms of untold references in the source of personal nature and personal research. The same emphasis is put in the involvement of a duel as a indivisible part of the intellectual world of the Early Modern period of a human being with a special consideration to the milieu of the noble people. The aim of the thesis is to prove the peculiarity of the Early Modern Period duel and to refer to the characteristic place in the inward world of the then noble rank as well as other ranks of the society.

Honra, honor e fama em Las Siete Partidas de Alfonso X, o Sábio (1252 - 1284) / Honour, honor and fame in Las Siete Partidas of Alfonso X, the Wise (1252 - 1284)

Guaragna, Alessandra Wink, 1988- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Néri de Barros Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T20:59:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guaragna_AlessandraWink_M.pdf: 880977 bytes, checksum: c8a202681de3c9d1aa4706a438c558fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A presente pesquisa visa abordar os termos `honra¿, `honor¿ e `fama¿ em Las Siete Partidas, com o objetivo de compreender sua função no quadro jurídico dado pela obra. Escritas sob a direção do monarca castelhano Alfonso X, o Sábio (1252 ¿ 1284), as Partidas, ao realizarem um tratado doutrinal sobre a justiça, incluindo grande referência à tradição legal romana, representaram um marco jurídico importante no período medieval hispânico. Além de serem recorrentes na literatura do período, os preceitos de `honra¿, `honor¿ e `fama¿ apresentaram-se atrelados a um teor jurídico e social. O estudo será procedido considerando a presença dos termos em questão nos quadros de resolução de delitos e crimes que se sucedem de modo particular na Sétima Partida. Buscou-se compreender, a partir das Partidas, como a sociedade castelhana do século XIII entendia juridicamente os termos `honra¿, `honor¿ e `fama¿ e de que maneira esses preceitos se refletiram em termos criminais e penais segundo o código selecionado. Para isso realizou-se uma apreciação geral do reinado de Alfonso X de Castela, observando seu papel ativo na tradução e produção de obras literárias, cientificas e jurídicas, dando ênfase especial à produção da Las Siete Partidas. Analisaram-se as principais características e formulações dos termos `honra¿, `honor¿ e `fama¿ tomando como fonte tanto documentos literários consagrados do reino no período como também fontes jurídicas ¿ legais castelhanas precedentes do código alfonsino. E por fim, avaliou-se o destaque conferido aos termos nos quesitos relacionados a delinquência e a afronta social, observando as diversas modalidades criminais e penais que invocaram a honra, o honor e a fama. Constatou-se que tais termos se apresentaram como referenciais sociais simbólicos que desempenhavam um papel importante nas praticas sociais cotidianas da sociedade castelhana do século XIII. Observou-se que os termos apresentaram uma forte invocação e importância na esfera criminal a partir da análise do código jurídico alfonsino / Abstract: This research aims to address the terms ' honour ', ' honor ' and ' fame ' in Las Siete Partidas , aiming to understand their function within the legal framework provided by the work . Written under the direction of the Castilian monarch Alfonso X the Wise (1252 - 1284) , Las Partidas , to conduct a doctrinal treatise on justice , including extensive reference to the Roman legal tradition , represented an important milestone in the legal hispanic medieval period . Besides being recurrent in the literature of the period , the precepts of ' honour ', ' honor ' and 'fame' presented themselves tied to a legal and social content . The study will be undertaken considering the presence of the terms in question in cases of resolution of offenses and crimes which happen in particular the Setima Partida . We sought to understand , from Las Partidas , as the thirteenth-century Castilian society legally understood the terms ' honour ', ' honor ' and ' fame' and how these principles are reflected in criminal and penal terms on the selected code . To this there was a general appreciation of the reign of Alfonso X of Castile , watching his active role in the translation and production of literary , scientific and legal works , with special emphasis on the production of Las Siete Partidas . We analyzed the main features and formulations of the terms ' honour ', ' honor ' and 'fame' taking as a source of both literary documents established in the kingdom in the period as well as legal sources - legal precedents of the Castilian alfonsino code. Finally , we assessed the importance attached to the terms in the questions related to delinquency and social outrage, noting the various criminal and criminal procedure that invoked the honour, honor and fame . It was found that such terms are presented as symbolic social references that played an important role in everyday social practices of the spanish society of the thirteenth century . It was observed that the terms had a strong invocation and importance in the criminal sphere from the analysis of the legal code alfonsino / Mestrado / Historia Cultural / Mestra em História

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