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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck som en mångfacetterad diskurs / Honour-related violence and oppression as a multi-faceted discourse

Berglund, Nike, Simonsson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to conduct a discourse analysis of how school and social services professionals talk about/explains honour-related violence and oppression. The analysis was complemented by an intersectional perspective. The study was conducted through semi-structured qualitative interviews with eight people working in schools and social services. The material from the interviews was analyzed through Fairclough’s three-dimensional framework and intersectional theory. We concluded that the discourse about honour-related violence should be understood as multi-faceted. The complexity of the discourse is exemplified by the different positions and the consequences these risk to lead to. We found a difference in how the school and social services staff explain and give content to honour-related violence and oppression. School staff had a tendency to explain honour-related violence and oppression as something which only occurs in certain cultures. Social services staff, on the other hand, wanted to explain honour-related violence as a universal oppression against women. Our study shows that honour-related violence and oppression are primarily understood as men as perpetrators of violence and women as victims. A view that renounces women as perpetrators and men as victims. Through this study it is possible to understand the problem of finding a definition of honour-related violence and oppression, and why it is so debated. We propose future studies concerning young people's experiences of living in a context characterized by honour-related violence and oppression. We also propose research concerning HBTQ issues related to honour-related violence and oppression.

Child protection through an abuse-focused lens : Adolescent victimization and Swedish social services responses

Linell, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Knowledge concerning the social services’ use of the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act 1990:52 (CYPA) is relatively scarce, especially when it comes to the protection of adolescents victimized by abuse. The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate and discuss different conceptualisations of abuse, adolescents’ agency regarding abuse, victimization and social intervention, and how abuse and adolescent victimization are responded to, primarily by the social services. This is done from a stance influenced by critical realism as well as victim- and child-centred responses. The dissertation consists of four papers and examines these themes in two samples of judgments and related documents concerning applications for care of adolescents aged 13-17 under the CYPA. The findings from the total study of all judgments in the selected year clearly confirm § 2 CYPA as a rare intervention to protect adolescents. In only 85 of Sweden's 290 municipalities was a CYPA application made, but a main finding is that such care to a large extent was used to protect adolescents from various forms of abuse. In the total study, the applications of § 2 CYPA concerned 196 adolescents, for 70 per cent of whom abuse was described, and where more girls (96) than boys (41) were being considered for care based on abuse. Of all the girls, 79 per cent were described as subjected to abuse and of the boys 55 per cent. Also in the smaller sample consisting of judgments for 37 girls in care under § 2 CYPA and §§ 2 and 3 CYPA, abuse was described for many. For several adolescents in both samples abuse was described as having been exerted to maintain standards of honour, shame and virginity, and/ or to enable a forced marriage. The initiative and agency of the adolescents themselves in both the disclosure of abuse as well as the decision on alternative care is one of the most striking findings in the thesis. The majority of the adolescents, 71 per cent, were categorized as having intentionally disclosed the abuse. The aftermath of the disclosure was for many of the adolescents described as intensely challenging. For the majority the abuse was denied during the investigation, not only by the alleged abusers but also by non-abusing parents and other relatives. The findings relating to the social services responses suggest that the initial response to a high degree could be understood as parent-oriented. For 33 per cent, the judgment also revealed that the abuse had been disclosed to authorities one or several times prior to the investigation leading to the application for care under the CYPA. That the abuse in these cases had been known to the social services for on average 5 years can from a child-centred position be seen as a major failure regarding the system’s ability to reach children and stop abuse. A central conclusion is that the various forms of abuse described seem more connected to domination, fear, power and control than to conflict; to some extent mirroring the kind of systematic oppression described for victimized adults seeking the protection of NGOs and public authorities. The findings imply that interventions under the CYPA may enable more child-centred, safe and stable protection of children subjected to this kind of abuse. Given the findings in the present thesis it is argued that it may be important to differentiate the concept of abuse as well as to acknowledge the agency of children in both research and in practice. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

L'honneur statuaire dans la Rome antique / The statuary honour in Ancient Rome

Fréville, Gontran 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les statues comptent parmi les plus remarquables témoignages matériels de l’Antiquité qu’il nous est donné de contempler. Si chacun d’entre nous voit ce qu’elles sont, leur réelle signification nous échappe cependant dans l’ensemble. Délaissant la démarche du catalogage et de la classification typologique, ce travail se propose de les replonger dans une atmosphère sociale parfaitement révisée, reconstituée et interrogée. À quoi cela servait-il d’ériger une statue dans la Rome antique ? À quoi cela sert-il de les étudier présentement ? À cela nous répondons que derrière ces vestiges, c’est la motivation de retrouver une conception du monde différente de la nôtre, mais capable de l’éclairer sous un jour nouveau qui fut pour nous déterminante. Derrière les statues, c’est retrouver l’Homme qu’il soit d’hier ou d’aujourd’hui. C’est surtout dépasser l’inertie apparente pour repenser une vie communautaire dans laquelle l’honneur prévalait et dont la réception s’avère encore à notre temps des plus vivaces. / Statues are the most noticeable tangible testimonies from Antiquity that we are given to contemplate. If each of us can see what they are, yet we can not get their true meaning in their whole. Abandoning the approach of cataloguing and typological classification, this work intends to throw us back to the statues’ social atmosphere that is perfectly revised, reconstituted and questioned. What is the use of erecting a statue in Ancient Rome? What is the use of studying them so far? To answer this question, we can say that beyond these ruins, it is the drive to find again a conception of a world that is different from ours, but a world that is capable of shedding a new light into the meaning of the Statues, which is essential for us. Behind the statues, it is to find again the Man, either the old type or the new type. It is above all to transcend the seeming inertia to think again a community life, in which the honour prevailed and whom reception turns out to be the most vivid in our modern world.

Doxa and related concepts in the fourth Gospel : an inquiry into the manifestation of Doxa in Jesus' cross

Jin, Soo Keum 03 July 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Thesis (PhD (New Testament Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted

Utbildning om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - det förebyggande arbetets nyckel?

Adlerson, Amanda, Wirén, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
It has been found that society sometimes fails to protect its citizens from being exposed to honor-related violence and oppression (HRV). A contributing factor is suggested to be lack of knowledge about HRV among practitioners within various fields of social work. This could inhibit practitioners’ ability to act on any signs of oppression among clients who may be exposed to HRV. The current thesis aims to explore this problem further by studying three projects which provide education on HRV to practitioners. Interviews have been conducted with both project managers and project participants in order to access experiences of incorporating education as a preventive factor of HRV, as well as access information on whether the target group, primarily children, have been affected by the work of the projects. The results show that informants respond differently to the term HRV which could infer limitations of the provided education. However, all informants agree that there is a need of education on HRV, especially in order to properly attend to clients who are perceived as pertain to a honor context. Some results show potential obstacles within preventive work against HRV. Such obstacles may be practitioners’ receptiveness to education, as well as practitioners’ perceived difficulties in attending to children between two cultures. All informants agree that education should be viewed as part of an long-term process of preventive work against HRV which needs continuous attention.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : Multidimensionell utsatthet och kulturell stereotypifiering

Nadr Ali, Mona, Salwan, Diwan January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to highlight discourses that appear in professionals’ descriptions of various aspects of honor-related violence and oppression. The study is based on seven qualitative semi-structured interviews with professionals who are in contact or have been in contact with the phenomenon within the social services. The theoretical and methodological approach has been based on a Foucauldian-inspired interpretation method and an intersectional perspective in order to gain a depth and a breadth in the analysis of the empirical data. We concluded among other things that honor-related violence and oppression can and should be understood without a perspective of we against them. The professionals explain the phenomenon as something that only exists within people with a different background than Swedish. Other cultures, religions and nationalities are opposed to Swedishness. Furthermore, the participants mention that the problem occurs everywhere around the world where no specific culture, religion or nationality is seen as the bearer of honor-related violence and oppression. By contrast, individuals from the Middle East who have Islam as faith are categorized more easily in honor related cases. This is based on prejudice and stereotypical notions of predetermined roles when it is the question of who the perpetrator and the oppressed is in the honor-related context. In addition, it may result in vulnerability in several dimensions. We propose research where vulnerable people can come to speak, get their voices, thoughts and feelings heard. Also, research that can make hidden groups visible for the social services in relation to honor-related violence and oppression, such as LGBTQ individuals.

”En medvetenhet som vi inte hade tidigare” : Hur socialtjänsten arbetar med sönerna i en familj vid misstanke om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / “An awareness that we didn’t have before” : How the social services work with the sons in a family in suspicion of honor-related violence and oppression

Abasova, Berivan, Lundström, Mia January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare beskriver socialtjänstens arbete med situationen för hemmaboende söner i en familj där det finns misstanke om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med fem socialsekreterare som arbetade på utredningsenheter i tre olika kommuner. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter var intersektionella och systemteoretiska perspektiv med för studien relevanta begrepp. Resultaten visar att socialsekreterarna hade kunskap om sönernas situation i hedersrelaterade ärenden men att nivån på kunskapen varierade. Ingen av socialsekreterarna hade arbetat med “specifika pojkärenden” utan hade endast utrett sönerna i ärenden som rörde flickor. De svåraste utmaningarna rörde inte heller sönerna utan syftade till svårigheten att få flickorna att stanna i sina placeringar. Ingen av kommunerna hade specifika insatser riktade till sönerna utan det var allmänna insatser som erbjöds via kommunernas öppenvård. I alla kommuner var insatserna främst riktade mot flickornas skydd, alternativt att erbjuda föräldrar familjebehandling. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how the social services work with the situation of home-based sons in a family where there is suspicion of honor-related violence and oppression. Five social secretaries in three municipalities who worked on investigative units were interviewed. The theoretical points of the study were intersectionality and system theory. The results show that the social secretaries had varied levels of knowledge regarding the sons' situation in honor related cases. None of the social secretaries had worked on "specific boy cases" and boys were only investigated in cases concerning girls. Challenges for the social secretaries aimed at the difficulty of getting girls to stay in their placements. None of the municipalities had specific interventions directed at the sons. There were general interventions offered through the municipalities' outpatient care. In all municipalities, the interventions were mainly directed towards the protection of the girls or to offer parents family treatment.

Hur skyddar samhället barn och unga som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck? : En kvalitativ studie om omhändertagande enligt LVU för barn som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. / How does society protect children and young people who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression? : A qualitative study on care according to LVU for children who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression.

Lindström, Cindy, Alm, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Många unga idag utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck i Sverige. Syftet med studien är att se hur alla parter i ett mål kom till tals i förvaltningsrättens domslut och vems utsaga som väger tyngst i avgörandet om de unga ska omhändertas enligt Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (1990:52). 31 domslut har analyserat från två förvaltningsrätter i Sverige. Analysen har skett genom en riktad innehållsanalys. Genom analysen av domsluten hittades teman på vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är för något och hur det definieras i förvaltningsrättens domslut. Det studien kom fram till var att förvaltningsrätten oftast går efter de ungas utsagor och att det sällan finns någon konkret bevisning som styrker att de unga utsatts för våld. Genom analysen av domsluten hittades ett tema som visade på att för att omhändertas enligt Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (1990:52) krävs det att de unga utsatts för antingen fysiskt- eller psykiskt våld och att förtrycket kommer i skymundan.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck ur ett helhetsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om socionomers implementering av signs of safety inom hedersärenden / Honour -based violence from a holistic perspective

Falk, Vanessa, Nilsson, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Att bli utsatt av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck kan påverka en individs hälsa både psykisktoch fysiskt. Det som utmärker hedersrelaterat våld är att det utövas av personer med starkkoppling till varandra i syfte att bevara familjens heder. Konsekvenser som hedersrelaterat våldför med sig är att den som utsätts riskerar att utsättas för våld, hot, kränkningar, bli bortfördmot sin vilja eller i värsta fall hedersmord. Socialtjänsten har en skyldighet att stötta och hjälpade individer som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Signs of safety är en metod somidag används inom barnskyddsutredningar i många av Sveriges socialtjänster. Det är därmedav relevans att veta hur metoden kan användas inom ett aktuellt ämne som hedersärenden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur socionomer implementerar metoden Signs ofsafety inom hedersärenden samt vilka utmaningar som finns med metoden. För att besvarafrågeställningarna utgick studien från tidigare befintlig forskning samt tre kvalitativa intervjuerav yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete. I resultatet framkom det skilda åsikter om Signs ofsafety är en lämplig metod inom hedersärenden. Samtliga intervjupersoner var dock överensom vikten av att utforska nätverket noggrant och att som professionell vara öppen ochriskmedveten under hela utredningen. Slutsatsen från denna studie visar på att än fast det kan vara en utmaning att arbeta mednätverket som är en stor del av Signs of safety, kan metoden vara behjälplig under etthedersärende. Metoden medför ett helhetsperspektiv och en fördomsfri process, vilket är tillfördel för professionella som möter och hanterar olika människor. Kunskapen omhedersrelaterat våld är en viktig förutsättning för att kunna ge lämplig hjälp och stöd till utsatta.

”I want to be free, and live my dreams” : Designing an interactive application to inform and support young women subject to honor-related pressure at home.

Anwar, Pakezea January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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