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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TraÃando destinos, entrecruzando territÃrios: sociabilidade dos redeiros de Patos-PB / Tracing destinations, intercrossing territories: sociability of redeiros Patos-PB

Maria Rodrigues de Souza 18 November 2004 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Neste trabalho analiso as formas de sociabilidade dos redeiros de Patos-PB, incluindo as vivÃncias com seus cÃnjuges, a partir da observaÃÃo e mergulho nos aspectos do cotidiano de suas vidas. A perspectiva teÃrica adotada tem como principais matrizes:os conceitos de dÃdiva e reciprocidade na constituiÃÃo de redes de sociabilidade (MarcelMauss0; a noÃÃo de honra (Bourdieu)e forma de sociabilidade (Simmel) (1) a contribuiÃÃo de Marcel Mauss, com sua discussÃo relativa Ãs redes de sociabilidade constituÃdas em torno das estruturas de dÃdiva e de reciprocidade; (2) a contribuiÃÃo de Bourdieu, em seus estudos sobre a honra entre os Kabilia; (3) a contribuiÃÃo de Simmel, com sua discussÃo a respeito das formas de sociabilidade. Para compreender a organizaÃÃo social dos redeiros-vendedores e das suas mulheres no contexto das vendas das redes, cangas e mantas, bem como as maneiras pelas quais eles constroem e reconstroem as mais diversas formas de sociabilidade e trabalho frente a outros sujeitos sociais nos mÃltiplos espaÃos por onde transitam ao efetivarem suas vendas, utilizei a etnografia como metodologia, realizando entrevistas semi-estruturadas, conversas informais, observaÃÃo participante e sistematizando algumas histÃrias de vida. Dentre as principais conclusÃes do trabalho destaco as seguintes: (1) a honra entre os redeiros de Patos-PB à construÃda a partir da lÃgica da dÃvida; (2) a sociabilidade dos redeiros à determinada pela reciprocidade obrigatÃria da dÃvida, que favorece a construÃÃo e fortalecimento de laÃos sociais; (3) a honra se expressa de vÃrias formas nos diferentes lugares e papÃis sociais ocupados e desempenhados pelos redeiros na relaÃÃo da dÃdiva / In this work I analyse forms of sociability among hammock sellers from Patos, PB, including living experiences with their marital partners, using the methodology of interviews and the direct observation of aspects of their daily lives. The theoretical perspective has as main founts: (1) contributions done by Marcel Mauss on the theme of sociability nets, which are built around structures of giving and reciprocity; (2) the contributions done by Bourdieu on the theme of honour among the Kabila; (3) the contributions done by Simmel, with his discussion on sociability forms. In order to understand the social organisation of hammock sellers and theirs wives in the context of hammocks and other sales and other craft-works sales, I used the ethnographic method and did semi-structured interviews. Besides it I made direct observation and participated in informal chats between hammock sellers I chose, in order to have some life stories. Among the main outcomes of my research I bring out the following: (1) the honour of the hammock sellers from Patos-PB is built with reference to the debt logic; (2) the sociability of hammock sellers is determined by the imposed reciprocity of debt, which helps them in building and make strong social links; (3) the hammock sellers honour expresses itself in varied forms according to the different places in which hammock sellers circulate. It varies as well as a function of social roles they play at the community.

Women’s bodies and Men’s Honour : Supporting Middle eastern migrant women who have experienced honour violence

Al, S. January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a study of gender and honour, focusing on NGO’s who work to support women in Sweden who have escaped honour violence. The purpose of this thesis is to find out and explain how they make sense of honour and more specifically, to investigate how does Swedish authorities can help the Middle Eastern women who are victims under this tradition. My focus through this thesis will be on the data analysis, moreover, using intersectionality as an analytical tool will help to explain the intersections which lead to the honour killings. The results show that the honour violence still exists in the Swedish society as well as the Middle East, in addition, some Middle Eastern people who moved to Sweden still believe and practice the honour culture in the Swedish society. More than that, I got the answers for all the research questions which helped me to clarify the relation between honour and its intersections which helped me to know the reasons why does the Honour violence/killings can happen. The answers agree that the honour violence is connected to the shame and guilt cultures. The meaning of honour is different in different cultures. Most of the honour related cases have women as victims. The honour has many intersections, most of them related to virginity, homosexuality, out marriage relations and rape. The Swedish organisations offer help for the victims of honour.  More than that, reading my thesis will give the reader the understanding of the phenomena of Honour, its intersections and how it does exist in the Middle Eastern culture and its old traditions. / Gender Studies

”Men självklart är flickorna oerhört mer utsatta” : En vinjettstudie om gymnasielärares uppfattning om och agerande kring pojkar i en hederskontext / “But Naturally the Girls Are Significantly More Vulnerable” : A Vignette Study on how High School Teachers View and Act in Regards to Boys in the Context of Honour.

Karlsson, Thomas, Morley, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how boys, in the context of honour, are perceived by teachers and what kind of efforts are being taken in specific situations. The study is based on seven qualitative interviews with high school teachers, from four different schools in the Stockholm County, using five vignettes. The interviews were processed using a thematic analysis and the result was analysed with the help of Christie’s theory about ideal and non-ideal victims, the theory of street-level bureaucracy and to some extent pathological altruism. The results show that the teachers in general find it easier to define girls as victims rather than boys. The teachers themselves think the reason for that can be that boys are perceived to have more power over their own situation and a freedom that the girls lack. Loud and aggressive behavior complicates the boy’s victimhood further. Reports of concern to Social services are rarely mentioned and is to be taken care of by school counselors or principals. The teachers defined it as the process, but also expressed a feeling of lack of knowledge and in some cases an unwillingness to act due to a fear of prejudging.

"Orkar du, utan din familj?" : Betydelsen av stödinsatser till ungdomar som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Dahrén, Maria, Hennoks, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Title:  Will you cope, without your family? – The importance of support for youths who are subject to honour related violence.   The aim of this study has been to examine which support has been given to the youths who have been subjected to honour related violence and their experiences about the support. The data were collected through four semi-structured, qualitative interviews with youths who had separated from their families. The result showed that according to an intersectional perspective the individual needs should dictate the support offered and that honour related violence is a complex problem. System theory, shows us that it is important to belong to a family system, whether it is biological or not – is of less importance. The social services and the foster homes are important for the youths in their efforts to cope without their families Based on the results, our conclusion is that many need a lot of therapy in order to return to a “normal life”. / Orkar du, utan din familj? – Betydelsen av stödinsatser till ungdomar som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilket stöd, ungdomar som blivit utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (HRV), fått samt deras upplevelse av detta. Data samlades in genom fyra semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer med ungdomar som har haft ett uppbrott från sin biologiska familj. Resultatet visade att enligt intersektionellt perspektiv bör individuella behov styra det erbjudna stödet och att HRV är ett komplext problem. Systemteorin ger oss förståelse för familjens betydelse och vikten av att tillhöra ett familjesystem, biologiskt eller inte är av mindre betydelse. Både socialtjänsten och familjehemmen är viktiga för ungdomarna i deras strävan att orka utan sina familjer. Utifrån resultatet är vår slutsats att det för många krävs mycket samtalsstöd för att återgå till ett ”normalt liv”.

Understanding implementation gaps in honour-related violence & oppression policy : A case study exploring the promises and pitfalls faced by teachers when implementing policy in a Swedish school environment

Thalin, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Honour-related violence and oppression has been politically prioritised in Sweden during the past two decades. National policies have been formulated, laws adopted, and the school has been identified as a crucial actor for preventing this type of violence at the local level. Yet, the prevalence of the violence still constitutes a threat to the freedom and safety of children and youths in the Swedish society. To gain a deeper understanding about the apparent discrepancy between policy and practice, this study adopts a micro-level perspective and zooms in onto the actors responsible for implementing existing policies. Teachers from four different purposefully selected schools have been interviewed. Drawing on insights from street-level policy implementation theories, the study explores how the teachers work to implement the National Agency for Education’s policy targeting honour-related violence and oppression. Notably, Lipsky’s analytical categories for successful street-level policy implementation, comprehension, capacity and will, function as point of departure. The broad nature of the categories have allowed for contextual insights to be included and a number of constraining and enabling mechanisms for successful micro-level policy implementation to be identified. The findings demonstrate how the teachers’ access to information is contingent upon their personal interest in the topic or on other individuals’ commitment. The large room for manoeuvre permits teachers to use their creativity to include the perspective of honour, but likewise allows for misunderstandings and resistance to influence the policy outcomes. The lack of clear bureaucratic goals, limited resources and a high level of discretion force teachers to find their own strategies to adequately implement the policy. To deal with increased pressure they are however likely to resort to simplifications and familiar routines. In turn these may obstruct at-risk students from receiving appropriate support. Finally, the findings confirm the importance of taking the strategies, decisions and motivations of implementing actors seriously when trying to understand policy success or policy failure.

Rumours Matter : A Literature study on Honour killings Focusing on the link between gender, religion, and rumours

Al, S January 2020 (has links)
This literature study investigates the link between gender, religion, and honour related violence with a focus on the intersection of rumours. Rumours as an intersection of honour will help to find out the answers to the research questions. The literature study concentrates on two honour killings cases, Fadime ’s and Sorya M. The research questions, therefore, will focus on three themes, religion and honour, gender, and honour and rumours and the side effects onMuslim women. At the end of the 20th century lots of families moved to Sweden; from different regions from the Middle East such as Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt; due to conflict. Those families like many other migrants brought their traditions and beliefs. Some of them successfully integrated into Swedish society while others; refused to integrate, holding their beliefs hard and ignoring some Swedish law and policy. The concept of honour killings was brought from theMiddle East, a term which will be explained further in the paper. Three Arabic migrant women interviewed in this study in order to discover the meaning of rumours and how it relates to honour killings. The results show that gender differences existed in Fadime and Soraya ’s case. Rumoursas honour intersection could cause to honour killings and violence. However, the term rumours were not discussed in previous literature was not mentioned in other papers.Honour killings exist in the Swedish society and the Middle Eastern society, but it is not related to the Islamic religion, rather than a tradition, therefore, the old Middle Eastern societies were based on power rather than gender equality and justice. Keywords: Honour killings, Religion, Gender, Rumours, Middle East, Islam.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En innehållsanalys av domar före och efter straffskärpningsgrunden den 1 juli 2020 / Honour-related violence and oppression : A qualitative content analysis of sentences before and after the increased penalty the 1st of July 2020

Antonsson, Lisa, Hatheyer, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
1 juli 2020 trädde en ny straffskärpningsgrund i laga kraft, som innebar att hedersmotiv ska utgöra en försvårande omständighet. Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka skillnaden mellan hur tingsrätten och åklagaren motiverar och argumenterar kring hedersmotivet i sex utvalda domar, innan och efter straffskärpningsgrunden. Vi valde att göra en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av dessa domar och valde ut materialet med hjälp av ett kriteriestyrt urval. De teorier vi valde att utgå från var det ideala offret och kulturkriminologi. Vår analys av domarna resulterade i ett flertal mönster, som exempelvis: kontrollbehov hos gärningspersonen och övervåld. Vi drog slutsatsen att både tingsrätten och åklagaren redan innan straffskärpningsgrunden tillkom tog hänsyn till hedersmotivet, på så sätt att man ansåg att brottet var särskilt hänsynslöst. / On the 1st of July 2020 a new increase in the severity of a penalty gained legal effect. This means that a crime where the motive is honour-related is supposed to be seen as an aggravating circumstance. The purpose with our study is to examine the difference between how the court and prosecutor motivates and argue around the motive before and after the increased penalty.The method we chose was a qualitative content analysis and we chose the sentences with a criteria-driven selection. The theories that we chose were the ideal victim and cultural criminology. Our analysis resulted in a few patterns: need of control from the perpetrator and assault. Our conclusion is that both the court and the prosecutor before the increased penalty took the honour-related motive into account because they saw the crime as especially ruthless.

“How can we ensure that they get support?”: A qualitative study of professionals' experiences of cooperation and support for girls and young women exposed to honour-related oppression

Vornanen, Juulia January 2021 (has links)
In Sweden, honour-related oppression has received more attention in recent years at the political and academic level but also in social work. Honour-related problems are largely in conflict with the rights and freedoms of children and women, and attempts have been made to alleviate the issue. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the professionals’ experiences of the challenges of cooperation, support and personal treatment of girls and young women who are exposed to honour-related oppression. The professionals mainly represent the social services and other actors who work with honour-related problems, such ashealth care personnel. Based on a qualitative approach using focus group and individual interviews, the results illustrate the importance of cooperation and knowledge when working with girls and young women who are exposed to honour-related oppression. The study illustrates challenges for cooperation, such as professional confidentiality, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the professional’s work with the matter. Honour-related oppression can be described as a challenging problem that still needs further recognition in society. The study can contribute to the work of social services and other actors by presenting challenges and opportunities for the work with honour-related oppression

Nullis honoribus functus : Emotions, honour, and family among slaves and freedmen in the Roman Empire / Nullis honoribus functus : Känslor, ära och familj bland slavar och frigivna i den romerska kejsartiden

Spalla, Fabio January 2023 (has links)
Research on Roman slavery has mainly been focued on questions of market economy since the beginning of the twentieth century. With the interest in the treatment of slaves and their experience of slavery, the master-slave relationship has been the object of increased interests, until recent exploration of the influence of freed slaves' culture on traditional practices. this thesis tries to assess the construction of parallel value systems among slaves and freedmen, which not only contrasted worldviews in free society but often reshaped them. Instrumentalization of the emotional concepts of honour and dishonour in the context of the family and in funerary commemoration are central to such assessment. / Forskningen om romerskt slaveri har främst varit fokuserad på frågor om marknadsekonomi sedan 1900-talets början. Genom intresset för behandlingen av slavar och deras upplevelse, har relationen mellan ägare och slavar varit objekt av växande intresse, fram till nutida forskning rörande frigivna slavars kulturella influens på traditionell praxis. Denna uppsats försöker förklara konstruktionen av parallela värdesystem bland slavar och frigivna, som inte bara kontrasterade med det fria samhällets världsbilder, utan reformerade dem. Instrumentaliseringen av de emotionella koncepten ära och vanära, kontextualiserad inom familjen och begravsningminnen är centrala för en sådan slutsats.

Heder på schemat : En didaktisk studie av hederskultur i svensk ungdomslitteratur

Thörnqvist, Petter January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the concept of honour and why this is a relevant concept in the teaching of literature in the school subject of Swedish. In order to investigate this I have analyzed two Young Adult books; Heder (2002) and Fallen flicka (2009) by the author Christina Wahldén. These books show how young women of today are systematically subordinated and how their lives are controlled by male relatives. This culturally specific oppression of young women is constituted by ancient concepts of honour, which in turn are interlinked with women’s sexuality and the male control of it. The oppression has its roots in patriarchal and traditional thinking which is specifically characteristic for an honour culture. Both the male as well as the female characters are modeled by the author in order to make a didactic point. She wants to put the oppressive males on display in order to make us (the readers) aware of the horrific situation that many young women of today suffer from. In order to problematize this I apply postcolonial theory. This theoretical approach allows me to question the way in which the characters are constructed in the books. The standpoint which Christina Wahldén takes in writing her books is disputed, and in this thesis I discuss different viewpoints on this matter. On the one hand there are those intellectuals who agree with the above stated. On the other hand there are others who disagree and instead of a clear-cut cultural pattern, view the concept of honour and how it is used in societal debate with great suspicion. For them the finger pointing only cements prejudices and construct clear-cut difference-markers between Us: the good and modern, and Them: the evil and barbaric. Postcolonial theory lends its support to this latter way of thinking. In this thesis I therefore discuss postcolonial theory at lengths. In this discussion I rely on three theorists’ viewpoints in particular: Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak and Homi Bhabha. My own understanding of postcolonial theory is founded on the central thoughts which these theorists advocate. Besides lending its theoretical viewpoints to my readings of Christina Wahldén’s books, Postcolonial theory also influences my didactic discussions. In these discussions I try to explore why, and in what way, Postcolonial theory is applicable to the school subject of Swedish. My own view is that it can be used as a pedagogic tool to enable critical readings. I find this theoretical approach valuable in order for the school subject of Swedish to become a democratic one which engages the students to practice critical thinking and together read, write and discuss texts dealing with the conflicts that surrounds them in today’s multicultural society. In this thesis I argue strongly for this kind of awareness, an awareness which results in an understanding for the purpose of teaching Literature as a way of dealing with topics of significance for the students as members of a democratic society.

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