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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ut ur hedersförtryck : En studie baserad på sju självbiografier skrivna av kvinnor som levt under hedersförtryck. / Out of honourbases opression : A study based on seven autobiographies written by women who lived during honourbased opression

Bengtsson Rapp, Elin, Eriksson, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand which strategies helped women escape honourbased violence, by reading the autobiographies of seven women. Honourbased violence is a relatively new problem in Sweden, but it has existed for a long time. According to FN (2012) 5000 women are murdered every year in the name of honour. Honourbased violence is about maintaining the honour of the family. Womens sexuality is connected to men´s honour, and because of that they are not allowed to express it. They are being under constant control and surveillance by their family, to make sure they don´t violate the line. The father of the family has the right to make all the decisions of the whole family. In some cases, this leads to woman wanting liberation and successfully escape, starting a new life. In this study we wanted to investigate which persons and organizations meant the most to those women, during their journey. The study also investigates which strategies they used to become free. To help us analyze our result we used a theory based on power. We mean that honourbased violence rely on power and it´s structures, to maintain men´s power over women. We used a qualitative method using textual analyses. Results show that both single individuals and also organizations helped them escape. The most important strategies turned out to be hope, acceptance, denial, isolation, escape, resistance and even suicide attempt.

Stadsgemenskapens resurser och villkor : Samhällssyn och välfärdsstrategier i Linköping 1600-1620 / The Foundations of the Town's Sense of Community : Views of Society and Welfare Strategies in Linköping 1600-1620

Sandén, Annika January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation studies early seventeenth century local government, both the secular and religious, in order to investigate that period’s concepts of ”the good society”, and the strategies that were used to achieve and retain this ideal. The goal of the investigation is to give a broader understanding of early modern society at the local level. Order and balance appear to have been the overriding goal for the local institutions in Linköping. Justice and well-being were not a question of individual rights, but rather were found in corporative associations in which differences together created a hierarchical harmony and order. People who stood outside these were threatened by marginalization. For those who were “on the inside” resources were available. In the town were found material resources such as wells and gristmills, the community of the parish and the rådsturätt. Local authorities do not express any concept of development or a utopia of change. It did not seek to redistribute material resources or systematize support for specific vulnerable groups. A fundamental welfare strategy was to fit people into households within which they could support themselves. In the same way the religious punishments, can be seen as an important welfare strategy. To recreate order was also a way of appeasing God. If God liked what he saw, then perhaps he would rest his hand over the congregation. In summary it can thus be said that the local government tried to formulate the conditions for welfare by creating the premises for two important spheres—the home and the parish.

I Sverige omfattas alla kvinnor och flickor av mänskliga rättigheter-inte bara vissa : En kvalitativ studie om olika svenska aktörers arbete med hedersrelaterat våld / In Sweden, all women and girls are included in the human rights-not just some : A qualitative study about different swedish organization´s work with honour-related violence

Blomqvist, Therese January 2018 (has links)
Titel: I Sverige omfattas alla kvinnor och flickor av mänskliga rättigheter–inte bara vissa. En kvalitativ studie om olika svenska aktörers arbete med hedersrelaterat våld. Författare: Therese Blomqvist Studiens syfte var att ta reda på hur olika aktörer i Sverige arbetar med hedersrelaterat våld, om de skiljer det från våld i nära relationer och ur vilket perspektiv de ser HRV, samt hur arbetet kan förbättras. För att besvara dessa frågor har en kvalitativ metod använts i form av intervjuer med fyra oberoende personer som arbetar med hedersrelaterat våld på olika organisationer och föreningar i Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av begreppen könsperspektiv och kulturellt perspektiv. Resultatet har visat att de flesta intervjupersonerna särskiljer hedersrelaterat våld från våld i nära relationer och att de till stor del ser hedersrelaterat våld ur ett kulturellt perspektiv. Vidare har studien visat att detta kulturella perspektiv påverkar deras arbetsmetoder och att en del av förbättringarna som behöver göras inom fältet handlar om kulturella aspekter såsom en bättre integration och en ökad kompetens inom polisen. Även förändringar på strukturell nivå föreslogs av intervjupersonerna, som att samma regler ska gälla alla så att man inte har specifika badtider för kvinnor, vilket är ett exempel på könsperspektivet. Nyckelord: hedersrelaterat våld, kulturellt perspektiv, könsperspektiv, arbetsmetod, organisation. / Title: In Sweden all women and girls are included in the human rights–not just some. A qualitative study about different Swedish organization´s work with honour-related violence. Author: Therese Blomqvist The aim of this study was to examine how different organizations in Sweden work with honour related violence, if they separate it from domestic violence, how their work can improve and if the work can improve by seeing the honour related violence as a cultural phenomenon. To answer these questions a qualitative method have been used through out interviews with four independent professionals who work with honour related violence in different organizations and associations in Sweden. The interviews were analyzed by using the concept gender perspective and cultural perspective. The result showed that most of the participants separate honour related violence from domestic violence and that they mostly regard honour related violence from a cultural perspective. Furthermore, the study has shown that it affects their work methods and that some of the improvements that is necessary within the field are about cultural aspects, such as a better integration and higher competence within the police force. Also changes on a structural level such as the same rules should apply for everyone so there are no specific rule that separetes men and women when they bathe, which is an example of the gender perspective. Keywords: honour related violence, cultural perspective, gender perspective, work method, organization.

Edition critique de la Prise d'Alexandrie de Guillaume de Machaut / Edition and study of Guillaume de Machaut's The Take of Alexandria

Hardy, Sophie 21 June 2011 (has links)
La Prise d’Alexandrie est une chronique rimée retraçant les exploits de Pierre Ier de Lusignan (1328-1369), roi de Chypre et de Jérusalem, nouveau Godefroy de Bouillon ; elle a été composée par Guillaume de Machaut vers 1370, peu après le meurtre de Pierre Ier ; ce régicide avait soulevé une très vive émotion en Occident, en particulier en France, qui connaissait par ailleurs une grave crise. Cette chronique, à la fois récit historique, épopée, éloge posthume, hagiographie, poème lyrique, est la dernière oeuvre d’un auteur connu etre connu ; on peut considérer cette biographie royale comme le testament de Guillaume de Machaut, le couronnement de son oeuvre. La Prise d’Alexandrie est le récit d’une croisade, une croisade qui ne se vit plus sur les champs de bataille, mais qui se joue dans les cours royales et papales ; une croisade qui ne se vit plus, mais qui se dit ; une croisade qui se marchande aussi ; une croisade menée par un poète : Machaut a en effet composé ici une véritable satire de son siècle.A travers notre travail, nous souhaitons faire découvrir ou redécouvrir cette oeuvre mal connue ; nous fournissons, avec le texte original et sa traduction, la description des manuscrits, une présentation de l’auteur et de son oeuvre, une étude littéraire et une analyse linguistique du texte, des notes critiques, un glossaire, un index des noms propres, la liste des proverbes et expressions, une chronologie des événements et une bibliographie sélective. / The Take of Alexandria is a rhymed narrative which recounts the exploits of Peter I of Lusignan, kingof Cyprus and Jerusalem, new Godefrey of Bouillon ; it was written by Guillaume de Machaut around 1370, justafter Peter’s murder; this murder moved deeply the French people, and the West, which was moreover in crisis.This chronicle, at the same time historical, epic, eulogistic, hagiographic, lyric, was wrotten by a known andrecognized author at the end of his life: this royal biography can be considered as his testament, a crowning ofhis works. The Take of Alexandria is the story of a crusade, a crusade not anymore on battlefields, but in royaland papal courts; not in acts anymore, but in words; a crusade which overshadows the trades exchanges too; thecrusade of a poet: Machaut composed here a real satire of his time.Through our study, we hope to discover or rediscover this underrated work; we will provide original text andtranslation, descriptions of the manuscripts, a biography of the author and a presentation of his work, a literaryreview and a linguistic study, critical notes, a glossary, an index, a list of proverbs, a count on historical events,and a comprehensive bibliography.

The rhetoric of honour and shame in 1 Corinthians 1-6

McNamara, Derek Michael 29 October 2009 (has links)
The subject and scope of this dissertation is Paul’s use of honour and shame language in 1 Cor 1–6. The methodology applied is a modified socio-rhetorical criticism as developed by George A. Kennedy. Two interrelated aspects of first century Corinthian culture will also be examined in connection with Paul’s rhetoric in 1 Cor 1–6; that of the patron-client relationship and the role of honour and shame in that relationship and in the larger society. It will be argued that Paul’s rhetorical argument in 1 Cor 1–6 is heavily based upon the social values of honour and shame. This study will examine 1 Cor 1–6 in three sections. The first section to be examined will be that of 1:1–2:5. Paul begins this section by presenting Jesus as the super-patron who is over and above all the members of the congregation. This presentation of Jesus rebukes the patronal based factionalism and it also elevates Paul to the unique status as that of apostle and proclaimer Jesus. The second section to be examined will be 1 Cor 4. In this section Paul continues to reduce the status of the patrons as he elevates his own status. By the end of this section Paul seeks to re-establish himself not only as the apostle and proclaimer of Jesus, but also as the Corinthians’ father through the gospel. The third section to be examined will be 1 Cor 5–6. In this section it will be argued that Paul addresses three issues in connection with patronal abuse; that of the incestuous man in 1 Cor 5, the abuse of the law courts in 6:1–10, and immoral banquets in 6:11–20. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)

Women Rights and Islam : A study of women rights and effects of Islamic fundamentalism and Muslim feminism in the Kurdish area of Iraq

Khan, Zaynab January 2005 (has links)
Lack of women rights in the international society is something that UN and other international human organizations are striving against. Women oppression is common in many countries, but is often connected with the Muslim countries. Women oppression is something that is against UN: s definition of human rights. The international society has therefore tried to protect the women, and has formed resolutions, conventions and so on, for their security. According to the Iraqi regime, human rights are an important question. The country has therefore signed the UN: s convention about women rights. Since the year of 1992, when the Kurdish area of Iraq became self- governed, Kurdistan has started programs that favour women rights. Organizations and institutions have for example been established, that are struggling for the women in the society. The ruling government has also instituted some laws that favour women rights. Islamic fundamentalism and Muslim feminism are two theories that today have supporters in the international society. Both of those theories and their supporters believes in the Quran and use it to justify their own actions, but in different ways. The fundamentalists emphasize the differences that, by the nature, exist between the sexes. According to the fundamentalists, women and men have different responsibilities in the society. The feminists on the other hand believe in equality between the sexes and mean that women oppression has its origin in an erroneous interpretation of the Quran. Different kinds of crimes against women rights issues are today common in Kurdistan. Many of those crimes don’t have any support in neither UN, nor the Quran. Muslim feminists, the department for human rights and the women organizations all has agreed about the meaning of women rights. They believe in UN: s definition of women rights and they all use the Quran to justify women right issues. Islamic fundamentalists on the other hand also use the Quran for justifying their actions, but they don’t believe in UN: s definition of women rights. So both Muslim feminists and Islamic fundamentalists exist today in Kurdistan, and their engagement in women issues is therefore affecting the work of the organizations and the department.

''När varningsklockorna ringer'' : En kvalitativ studie om hur yrkesverksamma inom socialt anknutna arbeten definierar och hanterar hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / When red flags starts showing : A qualitative study on how professionals in socially connected jobs define and assess honor-related violence and oppression

Warming, Isabelle, Rashid, Bryar January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma inom socialt anknutna arbeten definierar och hanterar ärenden som rör hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Det för att öka kunskapen om utvecklingsområdet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck i det sociala arbetets yrkesutövning. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där empirin baseras på sex intervjuer, med sju yrkesverksamma respondenter inom socialt anknutna arbeten, vilka hanterar ärenden som rör hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Det teoretiska begreppet som appliceras på studien är Karpmans dramatriangel (2014) för att kunna förklara, analysera och tolka vårt funna datamaterial. I studiens resultat fann vi att tidigare forskning och respondenternas uppfattning om definitionen av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck delvis överensstämmer. Sammantaget definierar det som en kollektivistisk patriarkalisk struktur vars största tyngd ligger i kollektivets anseende. Vi belyser även den rådande konflikten som existerar inom forskningsområdet som utgår ifrån tre olika förklaringsmodeller om varför hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck uppstår. Vi kunde i våra respondenters svar finna nyanser av den kulturbetingade förklaringsmodellen. Med denna utgångspunkt görs sedan kopplingar till de yrkesverksammas bedömningar av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, som någonting som främst görs på grund av yrkeserfarenhet, livserfarenhet samt utifrån andra yrkesverksammas kunskap om ämnet. Utarbetade metoder används i vissa fall i form av socialstyrelsens modell PATRIARK samt egna modeller som de yrkesverksamma har skapat själva. Det är dock valfritt och således har vi inte funnit någon genomgripande metod för hur bedömningen och hanteringen av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck sker. Resultatet pekar på ett omfattande behov av nationellt utarbetade riktlinjer och förhållningssätt i arbetet med hedersproblematik där alla kommuner i landet arbetar på samma sätt. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how professionals in social works define, assess and handle a matter regarding honor-related violence and oppression. This is to increase knowledge about the development area of honor-related violence and oppression in practice of social work. The study is a qualitative interview study, where the empirical data is based on six interviews with seven professional respondents within socially connected works that handle and assess matters related to honor-related violence and oppression. The theoretical concept applied to the study is Karpman's dramatriangle (2014) this in order to explain, analyze and interpret our found data material. In the study results we found that the earlier research and respondents 'perception of the definition of honor-related violence and oppression matched and defines it as a collectivist patriarchal structure whose main weight lies in the collective's perception. We will also highlight the current conflict that exists in the research area which is based on three different explanatory models of why-related violence and oppression, and in our respondents response we could find a nuanced answer in the cultural explanation model. With this as a starting point, connections to the professionally made assessments of honor-related violence and oppression then make connections as something primarily done because of professional experience, life experience and also from other professions 'knowledge of the subject. Developed methods are used in some cases in the form of “Socialstyrelsen” model “PATRIARK” and own models that the professionals have created themselves. However, this is optional and because of that, we have not found any exhaustive method for how the assessment and management of honor-related violence and oppression takes place. The result points to an extensive need for development of nationwide guidelines and approaches in the work on honor-related violence where all municipalities in the country

Bitky romských teenagerů Kulturní modely násilí / Fights of Roma Teenagers Cultural Models of Violence

Trachtová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the meaning of violence within groups of Roma youth. It discusses questions regarding how they understand, verbalise and reflect on violence. Answers to these questions presented in the work are based on long-term communication with Roma teenagers visiting a low-threshold club, where I worked. Afterwards, the research was carried out outside the club, in their private space and also in a boxing club. The Roma teenagers formed a fixed group, identifying themselves with a particular Prague district. The dialogues revealed an interesting topic of "fights" among Roma groups coming from different Prague districts. The aim of the thesis is to provide answers to the questions what teenagers are actually saying when they are talking about "fighting" one another, how they assess such behaviour and what meanings it carries for them. The theoretical part presents definitional frameworks concerning the term of violence as well as the concept of physical violence appearing in different socio-scientific contexts. In literature, violence is often referred to in connection with young people, gender, masculinity, social exclusion and honour. Furthermore, this part concentrates on defining the Roma minority and outlining their situation in Prague and the Czech Republic. The theoretical and...

Barnbrudar i Sverige : Hur hanteras ärenden gällande barnäktenskap inom socialtjänsten? / Childbrides in Sweden : How are the social services handling cases concerning child marriage?

Henriksson, Elin, Öfverman, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Studien har syftat till att undersöka hur socialtjänsten hanterar ärenden rörande barnäktenskap. Detta har uppnåtts genom att studera Socialstyrelsens riktlinjer, metodstöd från utvalda kommuner samt genom att utföra intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom socialtjänsten som handlägger ärenden som rör barnäktenskap. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven barnets bästa och feministiskt perspektiv. Resultatet av studien visar att de studerade kommunerna enbart har metodstöd för hedersrelaterat våld, men inga upprättade rutiner eller metodstöd för ärenden gällande barnäktenskap. Återkommande är att socialtjänsten saknar struktur och verktyg i hur man bemöter barn som är utsatta för risker förknippade med barnäktenskap. För att barnen ska få det stöd och skydd som de har rätt till behöver socialtjänsten ha specifik kunskap om vad hedersrelaterat våld och barnäktenskap innebär. / The purpose of this study was to examine how the social services are handling cases concerning child marriages. This has been achieved by studying the guidelines of The National Board of Health and Welfare, guidelines formed by selected municipalities and by conducting interviews with professionals who handle cases concerning child marriage. The collected data has been analyzed from the theoretical perspectives: the best interest of the child and a feminist perspective. The results of the study show that the chosen municipalities only have guidelines for honour-related violence, but no established guidelines or routines for cases concerning child marriage. Recurring is that the social services lack structure and tools on how to deal with children who are exposed to risks associated with child marriage. In order for children to receive the support and protection to which they are entitled, the social services need to have specific knowledge of what honour-related violence and child marriage mean.

A Matter of Honour : Conflicts Between Royal Servants in Danish-Norwegian Colonial Greenland 1728-1731

Andersen, Emil January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is a micro-historical study of the role of honour in interpersonal conflicts in the Danish-Norwegian crown colony of Greenland between 1728 and 1731. In the two settlements that constituted the colony, the highest-ranking officials, including the governor, were all oath-sworn royal servants; they were also almost constantly embroiled in personal quarrels. The thesis asks why and how this strife arose, how it developed over time, and what its consequence was for the short- lived crown colony. The argument is that the strife was due to a volatile combination of cramped living quarters in an inhospitable milieu, an ambiguously defined leadership structure, the remoteness of the colony, and, above all, the royal servants’ tendency to view their charge as being closely linked to their personal honour. Furthermore, there was not a sufficiently developed legal system in the colony to handle the strife and attempts by the colonial council to do so made the conflicts worse instead of settling them. The ongoing strife divided the colonists between those loyal to the governor and those loyal to his enemies, but over time the governor became increasingly politically isolated in the face of a united colony council. Ultimately, the thesis argues that, as a final consequence of the antagonism, a sort of silent coup was carried out against the governor. This, in turn, contributed to the termination of the Greenland crown colony. Honour was not the main cause of conflict, but it helped the conflict to grow from technical disagreements into bitter grudges and anxieties, and finally into an attack on the integrity of the colonial leadership structure itself. / Activating Arctic Heritage, National Museum of Denmark

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