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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O intelectual fracassado : uma análise dos personagens escritores em Angústia, de Graciliano Ramos, e em Extensão do domínio da luta, de Michel Houellebecq

Oliveira, Denise Maria Hudson de 13 July 2011 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, 2011. / Submitted by Shayane Marques Zica (marquacizh@uol.com.br) on 2011-11-08T17:29:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011-DeniseMariaHudsondeOliveira.pdf: 1222327 bytes, checksum: f29075c23d4805737e7ba754bf985681 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Leila Fernandes (leilabiblio@yahoo.com.br) on 2011-12-20T11:10:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2011-DeniseMariaHudsondeOliveira.pdf: 1222327 bytes, checksum: f29075c23d4805737e7ba754bf985681 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-12-20T11:10:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011-DeniseMariaHudsondeOliveira.pdf: 1222327 bytes, checksum: f29075c23d4805737e7ba754bf985681 (MD5) / A dissertação analisa os protagonistas – personagens escritores – dos livros Angústia, de Graciliano Ramos, e de Extensão do domínio da luta, de Michel Houellebecq. As obras são aproximadas no que diz respeito à presença da intelectualidade, da valorização do saber e da forte insatisfação dos dois personagens com o mundo em que vivem, inclusive com as relações humanas. Essas e outras condições levam os protagonistas a universos conflituosos que misturam reflexão, insatisfação, angústia, desesperança e fracasso. Os dois livros, do ponto de vista das histórias narradas, são tristes e sofridos porque não possuem perspectivas; não há horizonte para os dois personagens. Esses pontos são abordados levando-se em conta que os autores das obras utilizaram-se de certos recursos muito semelhantes para criarem suas histórias, como a questão da aparência física e de um assassinato. Profissionais do jornalismo e da engenharia de redes de informática; e também criadores de textos literários, portanto intelectuais, os dois protagonistas são desamparados pelo saber e não são poupados do sentimento de fracasso. Com o poder econômico sendo o elemento-chave em cada uma dessas obras; o homem caminhando rumo à civilização, mas cada vez mais voltando a sua origem; a inversão de valores, o extraordinário avanço da tecnologia sobrepondo-se sobre nós e nos afastando de nós mesmos e dos outros, diante ainda da ausência de um horizonte que conforte e que faça valer o nosso conhecimento adquirido ao longo da história humana, indagamos: não estará de volta, esteticamente, um novo fracassado, um novo incapacitado para viver? Eis uma hipótese. É preciso um trabalho extenso e intenso para respondê-la e prová-la. O que podemos afirmar, é que a conjuntura e o contexto mundial ocidental demonstram que para a existência de uma nova gama de personagens fracassados o “terreno” é bem propício. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / This dissertation analyzes the protagonists – writers characters – from Graciliano Ramos' Angústia, and Michel Houellebecq's Extensão do domínio da luta. The works have in common the presence of intellectuality, the appreciation of knowledge, and the strong dissatisfaction of both characters regarding the world they live in, including human relations. These and other conditions lead the protagonists to conflicting worlds that mix reflection, dissatisfaction, anguish, hopelessness, and failure. The two books, from the narrative point of view, tell about sadness and suffering, because there are no perspectives; there is no horizon for the two characters. These issues are discussed taking into account that both authors made use of very similar features to create their stories, such as the physical appearance and a murder. Journalists and computer engineers; and also literary texts creators, thus intellectuals, both protagonists become helpless by knowledge and are not spared by the feeling of failure. With the economic power being the key element in each of these works; the man walking towards civilization, but increasingly returning to their origin; the inversion of values, the extraordinary advancement of technology superimposing on us, and taking us away from ourselves and from others, and yet before the absence of a horizon that comforts us and makes our acquired knowledge throughout human history worth, we wonder: aesthetically, will not be back a new loser, a new unable to live life? Here's a hypothesis. It takes an extensive and intensive work to answer it and confirm it. What we can say is that the Western world context and situation show that the ground is very friendly and supportive to the existence of a new range of loser-type characters.

Traversee des frontieres litteraires: La litterature-monde face aux malaises de nos societes

Skrzeszewski, Aline 16 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

La réception de Michel Houellebecq en Suède : Une étude des discours de trois médiateurs

Synnemar, Per Olov January 2020 (has links)
Michel Houellebecq is since the 1990s one of the most controversial French authors and today one of the most read, in particular after the publication of his work Submission in 2015 where the action takes place in a future France where an Islamist party has been elected to power. Houellebecq has acquired notoriety and popularity far beyond France, including Sweden. He deals with subjects such as religion, morality, globalization, consumerism, liberalism, sexuality, to name a few. The research perspectives linked to Houellebecq's literature are numerous, notably from an ideological/political point of view. Given the complexity of Houellebecq’s image, the question arises of whether there is a link between this image and the mediators that have introduced Houellebecq in Sweden? Based on this, the objective of this essay is to study the type of mediation which Houellebecq has been subjected to in Sweden. More specifically, we will be interested in knowing what are the types of mediators that introduce and present Houellebecq in Sweden and what are the characteristics of the discourse that they produce? In order to achieve this, we have chosen a corpus consisting of 89 newspaper articles published between 1998 and 2018 and selected three mediators that have written three or more articles. As method for analyzing these, we have used the theories of Gisele Sapiro and Pascale Casanova.  The application of these theories has enabled us to discern two distinct types of mediators, and one with a slightly less distinct characteristic.

Le figure dell’invenzione negli inediti di Francesco Orlando : teoria, prospettive, applicazioni / Les figures de l'inventio dans les inédits de Francesco Orlando : théorie, perspectives et applications / Figures of Invention in Francesco Orlando’s Unpublished Works : theory, perspectives, implementations

Sturli, Valentina 26 March 2019 (has links)
La thèse est née de la possibilité qui nous a été donnée d’analyser en exclusivité une partie des travaux inédits du critique italien et théoricien de la littérature, Francesco Orlando (1934- 2010), qui portent sur le thème de l’invention littéraire. Les perspectives contenues dans ces inédits, dûment contextualisées, sont autant de contributions au débat sur les instruments et les méthodes de recherche dans le domaine critico-thématique. Cette matière première, qui se compose de fiches de notes et d’un corpus consistant de leçons et d’interventions intégralement enregistrés à l’aide d’un appareil audio, permet de grands développements interprétatifs; elle se prête parfaitement à une recherche qui a pour point de départ le cadre de la proposition théorique et s’ouvre ensuite, dans une seconde phase de notre travail, à l’application des résultats à l’analyse comparée des œuvres de deux auteurs de la littérature italienne, Walter Siti, et française, Michel Houellebecq, que rapprochent d’importantes convergences aussi bien thématiques, formelles que du point de vue des figures utilisées. / The thesis considers previously unpublished works by Italian literary critic and theoretician Francesco Orlando (1934-2010) concerning the subject of literary invention. The ideas expressed in these works, with due contextualization, provide interesting contributions in the debate about methodologies and tools of research in the field of thematic criticism. The material I consider consists in notes and in the audio tapes of a consistent corpus of lectures and conferences, and leaves room for further interpretative developments. My research considers Orlando’s material as a theoretical frame for an analysis of Italian author Walter Siti and French author Michel Houellebecq, who share important common features both thematically and stylistically.

L'oeuvre d'art fictive dans le roman contemporain : immersion, intermédialité et interaction.

Savard-Corbeil, Mathilde 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à la présence des œuvres d’art fictives dans le roman contemporain. Leur description précise remet en question les codes de la représentation et soumet le lecteur à une autre forme d’expérience face à l’œuvre d’art. C’est à travers les concepts d’immersion, d’intermédialité et d’interaction que la fiction de l’œuvre d’art dans le texte sera ici abordée à travers trois différents romans, soit The Body Artist de Don DeLillo, La Carte et le territoire de Michel Houellebecq et Œuvres d’Édouard Levé. La transformation de l’expérience de lecture suggère un renouvellement de l’esthétique littéraire, accentuant l’importance de la participation du lecteur dans la démarche créatrice, et ouvrant les possibilités de la transmission de l’art contemporain. Les dispositifs propres au récit sont mis de l’avant pour intégrer le médium visuel, et ainsi questionner le rapport à l’attribution du sens de l’œuvre d’art, à son interprétation et à sa perception. Le présent mémoire tentera de proposer des possibilités pour l’art contemporain de se manifester à l’extérieur des institutions muséales traditionnelles, permettant ainsi de considérer l’immersion littéraire comme étant non seulement une expérience de lecture, mais aussi une approche face à l’art visuel. / This thesis focuses on the presence of fictional works of art in the contemporary novel. Through their precise descriptions, the fictional works of art challenge the codes of representation and transform the reader’s experience in front of the artwork. It is through the concepts of immersion, intermediality and interaction that the fictional nature of the works of art in the text will be addressed here through three different novels which are The Body Artist by Don DeLillo, La carte et le territoire by Michel Houellebecq and Oeuvres by Édouard Levé. The transformation of the reading experience suggests a renewal of literary aesthetics, showing the importance of the reader’s participation in the artistic process and creating new opening possibilities for the transmission of contemporary art. Specific narrative devices are put forward to integrate the visual medium and to questions the meaning of the work of art, its interpretation and perception. This thesis attempts to provide opportunities for contemporary art to manifest itself outside the traditional museum institutions, thus considering the literary immersion not only as a reading experience, but also as an approach to experience visual art .

L'oeuvre d'art fictive dans le roman contemporain : immersion, intermédialité et interaction

Savard-Corbeil, Mathilde 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

François, l’ami désenchanté : La figure de Huysmans et l’altruisme dans Soumissionde Michel Houellebecq

Klingenheim, Bettina January 2020 (has links)
Ce mémoire interroge la place qu’occupe le personnage historique, Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907) dans le roman Soumission (2015) de Michel Houellebecq. Située en France en 2022, l’histoire met en scène François, spécialiste de Huysmans. Afin de cerner le rôle de Huysmans dans l’histoire, nous nous sommes intéressée à l’amitié que François exprime pour lui, leurs affinités et leurs divergences. Les polémiques suscitées lors de la parution du roman nous ont poussé à également considérer la moralité de l’histoire. L’aspect temporel du roman, situé dans un futur proche, est important car il laisse supposer une comparaison. Ainsi, notamment la notion de politique-fiction - anticipation de faible amplitude -, ainsi que des concepts narratologiques empruntés à Genette - transtextualité, voix et mode -, ont fourni des outils d’analyse. De même, la recherche de Viard sur la vision politique de Houellebecq, et sa conception comtienne de la religion, a servi de guide. En premier lieu, nous avons ainsi montré que Houellebecq a créé l’illusion d’une réalité possible dans un cadre familier aux lecteurs, puis, en deuxième lieu, nous avons constaté que le narrateur est autodiégétique et la focalisation interne, ce qui nous a permis de faire le rapprochement entre le héros et la vie et l’oeuvre de Huysmans. Plus loin, l’association des caractéristiques de la politique fiction avec les fonctions testimoniale et idéologique du narrateur ont fait apparaître la figure de Huysmans comme plus largement le représentant de la décadence de la modernité. La vision antilibérale et critique exprimée par François rappelle donc le désenchantement dans la littérature « fin de siècle » dont Huysmans était un grand représentant. De plus nous avons constaté que si François et Huysmans ne partagent pas la même vision de la religion, ils partagent le même idéal conservateur de la femme et du couple. Enfin, ces éléments réunis, nous en sommes arrivée à la conclusion que plutôt que nihiliste, la moralité exprimée serait altruiste. / This essay interrogates the part played by the historical figure, Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907) in Michel Houellebecqs novel Submission (2015). The story, set in France in 2022, revolves around François, specialist in Huysmans. In order to establish Huysmans role, we have focalized on François’s friendship, expressed by him, their affinities and their differences. The polemics brought on when the novel was published has also made us consider the moral of the story. The temporal aspect is important since it underscores a comparison between a plot set in the future and a historical figure. Here especially one notion of political fiction – speculation in a nearby future – has proven useful. It was furthermore the case of concepts in the field of narratology developed by Genette, intertextuality and metatextuality, voice and mode. Moreover, we have been guided by Viards theory regarding Houellebecqs political view as well as his vision on religion, inspired by Auguste Comte. Considered all together, this shows that Houellebecq has created an illusion of reality taking place in a familiar environment to which readers can relate. Further on, the narrator being homo-diegetic with an internally focalized perspective, makes it possible for us to conciliate the life of the hero with the life and works of Huysmans. We have also seen that the notions of political fiction, combined with the testimonial and ideological functions of the narrator, relates to the character of Huysmans as a representant of the decadency of modernity. Moreover, François’s anti-liberal and critical vision of France has a clear affinity with the disenchantment expressed in the 19th century, fin de siècle literature, of which Huysmans was a principal figure. We argue that although François and Huysmans don’t share the same vision of religion, they share the same conservative ideal of femininity and the couple. This all together has led us to the conclusion that the moral of the story rather than nihilistic is altruistic.

Representation d'une " neo-humanite " chez Maurice Dantec, Michel Houellebecq et Jean-Christophe Rufin

January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, we first propose to look at science-fiction as literary genre and consider the forefathers of Francophone science-fiction, determine the role of the twenty-first century writer and the role of literature in our society and future society. Secondly, we attempt a detailed textual analysis of selected works by authors Maurice Dantec, Michel Houellebecq and Jean-Christophe Rufin. Our focus lies primarily on the importance of language, its potential decline and how humans can still hope to redeem their lives with the medium of art. Finally, we consider the concepts of post-humanity, "end of humanity" and "end of history" in order to help establish criteria for a neo-humanity as described by the aforementioned novelists.

Sublime Evil: The Immoral Writers' Celebration of Life

January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the problematic relationship between ethics and aesthetics as reflected in the works of six highly controversial French and American authors of the Twentieth century. The study sets out to investigate the possible reasons why we keep on reading, cherishing and rejoicing in the works of writers who present us with an extremely unsettling ethical situation. Using the notion of Sublime Evil as it plays out in the works of Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, Jean Genet, Vladimir Nabokov, William Burroughs and Michel Houellebecq, I explore the mechanism through which works of literature, thoroughly reprehensible from the point of view of conventional morality, prove to be compelling and irresistible. By analyzing at length the escape vaults of love, religion, art, ideology, drugs anti-social behavior such as Nazism, anti-Semitism, pedophilia, prostitution, homicide and theft, in the seven novels, I demonstrate that ultimate dejection ends up paradoxically and inextricably bound with supreme aesthetic beauty.

Se tirer hors du monde : absence, vide et disparition dans Folle de Nelly Arcan et Les Particules élémentaires de Michel Houellebecq

Fortin, Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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