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The capability approach and the sustainable development goals: Inter, multi and trans disciplinary perspectives / The Capability Approach and the Sustainable Development Goals: Inter, Multi, and Trans Disciplinary PerspectivesIkejiaku, Brian V. 07 February 2024 (has links)
No / This book demonstrates how the capability approach to human development can contribute to the realisation of the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The capability approach dictates that success should not be measured by economic indicators, but by people leading meaningful, free, fulfilled, happy or satisfied lives. Drawing from a range of disciplinary perspectives, this book argues that it is vital that the focus for the SDGs should shift to benefiting the most vulnerable. Case studies from across Asia, Africa, Latin America (global south), and the USA, UK, and Australia (global north) consider how the capability approach can contribute as a practical framework to achieving the SDGs’ ambitions for social, economic, political, and legal progress.
Drawing on insights from a range of disciplines, this book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners from law, politics, international relations, criminology, international development, sociology, public policy, area studies and others.
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Estudo do desenvolvimento humano no Bairro Resistência (Vitória-ES)Ferreira, Deiwson Henrique Gomes 30 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-30 / This work aimed to study the human development in the neighborhood Resistência belonging to the region of São Pedro in the city of Vitória-ES, based on the calculation of the Municipal Human Development Index (HDI-M) and Living Conditions Index (LCI). The latter is an extension of the Human Development Index (HDI), covering more information, that is, while the HDI comprises only three dimensions: health, education and income, embodied in four indicators, the LCI incorporates the addition of these children and housing, total of 18 indicators. This study is necessary to obtain information relating to living conditions of local people in order to help the local public policies. Since this calculation can be done periodically, serving as a diagnosis and evaluation of policies implemented, indicating the areas where the greatest failures occur, thus signaling the need for public interventions in these areas for improving the quality of life of the community. The methodology used in the research was based adopted by João Pinheiro Foundation (FJP) and the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) of 1998, since the HDI-M and LCI were created by these two bodies. Data were collected by the application of 317 questionnaires in a sample of homes of neighborhood Resistência, statistically defined. The main findings were: 1 - The HDI-M of neighborhood Resistência found himself in the range of medium human development (0.5 <HDI-M <0.8) resulting in the value LCI 0.769 and studied the region remained in the range of high human development, (LCI> 0.8), and more specifically the order of 0.813. 2 - The size and longevity income they remained in the category of medium human development, while the size education remained in the category of high human development for the HDI-M. Already the areas education and income were the worst results they obtained in the LCI, both located in the range of medium human development, the other areas were found to be in the range of high human development. / O presente trabalho procurou estudar o desenvolvimento humano no bairro Resistência pertencente à região do São Pedro no município de Vitória-ES, com base no cálculo do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDH-M) e do Índice de Condições de Vida (ICV). Esse último é uma extensão do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), abrangendo mais informações, isto é, enquanto o IDH engloba apenas três dimensões: saúde, educação e renda, incorporadas em quatro indicadores, o ICV incorpora além destas a infância e habitação, totalizando 18 indicadores. Esse estudo se faz necessário para obter informações relacionadas às condições de vida da população local com o intuito de auxiliar nas políticas públicas locais. Sendo que este cálculo poderá ser feito periodicamente, servindo ainda como diagnóstico e avaliação das políticas implementadas, indicando as áreas onde ocorrem as maiores deficiências, sinalizando assim a necessidade de intervenções públicas nestas áreas para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da comunidade. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi baseada na adotada pela Fundação João Pinheiro (FJP) e do Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas Aplicadas (IPEA) do ano de 1998, uma vez que, o IDH-M e o ICV foram criados por estes dois órgãos. Os dados foram levantados pela aplicação de 317 questionários em uma amostra de domicílios do bairro Resistência, estatisticamente definida. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: 1- O IDH-M do bairro Resistência encontrou-se na faixa de médio desenvolvimento humano, (0,5 < IDH-M < 0,8) resultando no valor 0,769 e o ICV da região estudada situou-se na faixa de elevado desenvolvimento humano, (ICV > 0,8), sendo mais precisamente da ordem de 0,813. 2- As dimensões longevidade e renda situaram-se na categoria de médio desenvolvimento humano, enquanto a dimensão educação situou-se na categoria de elevado desenvolvimento humano para o IDH-M. Já as áreas educação e renda foram as que obtiveram piores resultados no ICV, ambas situadas na faixa de médio desenvolvimento humano, as demais áreas situaram-se na faixa de alto desenvolvimento humano.
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Reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade: o que o IDH e o IDHM podem nos mostrar?Orsi, Rafael Alves [UNESP] 07 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2009-12-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:44:04Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
orsi_ra_dr_rcla.pdf: 1286379 bytes, checksum: e1e0154f576c0776c7ab755111090e5f (MD5) / Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado de São Paulo / Qualquer tentativa de compreensão do significado do conceito de desenvolvimento e suas implicações, certamente, confronta-nos com inúmeros olhares e concepções. Diante das diferentes maneiras de concebê-lo, nem sempre encontraremos coerência entre as formas distintas de estruturar o conhecimento e apreender a realidade. Foi com essa preocupação que nos lançamos na elaboração desta pesquisa, questionando o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM), a partir de três indagações: Serão esses índices bons indicadores para aferir o desenvolvimento das mais diferentes e diversas comunidades? Qual concepção de desenvolvimento está embutida em cada um deles? De acordo com essas concepções, poderíamos inferir algum grau de sustentabilidade ambiental aos índices? Para trilhar um caminho que nos permitisse asseverar sobre essas perguntas, selecionamos alguns países e municípios paulistas e cruzamos informações do IDH e IDHM com indicadores ambientais, como a Pegada Ecológica para os países e o Índice de Avaliação Ambiental (IAA) para os municípios. Acreditamos que a partir da análise desses dados e à luz de diversos teóricos pudemos ponderar sobre importantes aspectos na compreensão de um desenvolvimento que não seja fragmentado e reducionista e possa estruturar-se para, ao mesmo tempo, proporcionar equidade social, fortalecimento econômico e conservação dos sistemas naturais. / Any attempt to understand the meaning of the concept of development and its implications certainly confronts us with several views and notions. When facing the different ways of looking upon it, we will not always find coherence between the different forms of structuring knowledge and apprehending reality. By taking into account this concern, we decided to carry out this research, which calls into question the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI) based on three queries: Are these indices good indicators to estimate the development of so many different communities? What notion of development is integral to each of them? According to such notions, could we assume these indices to have any degree of environmental sustainability? In order to go through a path that allowed us to verify these queries, we selected some countries and some cities in São Paulo state and then we crossed information from the HDI and the MHDI with environmental indicators, such as the Ecological Footprint (for the countries) and the Environmental Assessment Index (for the cities). We believe that based on these data and in the light of many theorists we were able to reflect on important aspects related to the understanding of a development that is not fragmented or reduced and is capable of structuring itself to simultaneously provide social equity, economic enhancement, and conservation of natural systems.
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Reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade : o que o IDH e o IDHM podem nos mostrar? /Orsi, Rafael Alves. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Manuel Rolando Berrios / Banca: Ana Tereza Cáceres Cortez / Banca: Solange Terezinha de Lima Guimarães / Banca: Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte / Banca: Paulo Roberto Joia / Resumo: Qualquer tentativa de compreensão do significado do conceito de desenvolvimento e suas implicações, certamente, confronta-nos com inúmeros olhares e concepções. Diante das diferentes maneiras de concebê-lo, nem sempre encontraremos coerência entre as formas distintas de estruturar o conhecimento e apreender a realidade. Foi com essa preocupação que nos lançamos na elaboração desta pesquisa, questionando o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM), a partir de três indagações: Serão esses índices bons indicadores para aferir o desenvolvimento das mais diferentes e diversas comunidades? Qual concepção de desenvolvimento está embutida em cada um deles? De acordo com essas concepções, poderíamos inferir algum grau de sustentabilidade ambiental aos índices? Para trilhar um caminho que nos permitisse asseverar sobre essas perguntas, selecionamos alguns países e municípios paulistas e cruzamos informações do IDH e IDHM com indicadores ambientais, como a Pegada Ecológica para os países e o Índice de Avaliação Ambiental (IAA) para os municípios. Acreditamos que a partir da análise desses dados e à luz de diversos teóricos pudemos ponderar sobre importantes aspectos na compreensão de um desenvolvimento que não seja fragmentado e reducionista e possa estruturar-se para, ao mesmo tempo, proporcionar equidade social, fortalecimento econômico e conservação dos sistemas naturais. / Abstract: Any attempt to understand the meaning of the concept of development and its implications certainly confronts us with several views and notions. When facing the different ways of looking upon it, we will not always find coherence between the different forms of structuring knowledge and apprehending reality. By taking into account this concern, we decided to carry out this research, which calls into question the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI) based on three queries: Are these indices good indicators to estimate the development of so many different communities? What notion of development is integral to each of them? According to such notions, could we assume these indices to have any degree of environmental sustainability? In order to go through a path that allowed us to verify these queries, we selected some countries and some cities in São Paulo state and then we crossed information from the HDI and the MHDI with environmental indicators, such as the Ecological Footprint (for the countries) and the Environmental Assessment Index (for the cities). We believe that based on these data and in the light of many theorists we were able to reflect on important aspects related to the understanding of a development that is not fragmented or reduced and is capable of structuring itself to simultaneously provide social equity, economic enhancement, and conservation of natural systems. / Doutor
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Happiness orientation & life satisfaction of emerging adultsRarick, Timothy Michael January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Bronwyn S. Fees / Research has determined three main pathways or orientations to happiness: Meaning, Pleasure, and Engagement (Peterson, Park, & Seligman, 2005). Each has shown to have a substantial impact on an individual's satisfaction with life. These orientations to happiness and their impact on life satisfaction were investigated among 342 emerging adults between the ages of 18-25 attending college. Linear multiple regression was conducted to assess the relationship between Life satisfaction and the three orientations of happiness after identifying the variance explained by demographics factors and personality traits. Results indicated first that each orientation to happiness was empirically distinguishable and related among the emerging adult population. Secondly, both Meaning and Pleasure were significant predictors of Life Satisfaction beyond the variance explained by personality; however, Engagement was not. Congruent with previous personality studies (Lykken & Tellegen, 1996; Lynn & Steel, 2006), life satisfaction was positively correlated with extraversion and negatively correlated with neuroticism. These findings indicate a need to understand how happiness and life satisfaction are filtered through a cultural, developmental, and academic lens. Further studies are necessary to determine the attitudes and behaviors in other countries, other life stages, and emerging adults not attending college.
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Mobile-enabled payment methods and public service delivery in Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaKrolikowski, Aaron Michael January 2013 (has links)
Rapid expansions of mobile communication technologies across sub-Saharan Africa have generated considerable optimism regarding their impact on socioeconomic development outcomes. Key payment applications, such as mobile-enabled payment instruments (i.e. SMS-based mobile money and wireless pay point services) are experiencing substantial adoption in East Africa and Dar es Salaam was the first city in sub-Saharan Africa to integrate these payment instruments into the urban water sector in mid-2009. Tanzania's largest city is demonstrative of the potential of mobile communication technologies to overcome water provision challenges such as inefficient billing and collection systems and revenue under-collection. This thesis uses Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD) as an organising theoretical perspective to examine relationships between the use of mobile-enabled payment methods for water bill payments and customer payment behaviours, water utility performance, and access to water services. Data were collected using a survey methodology that tested hypotheses related to financial sustainability, petty corruption, satisfaction and service quality in payment practices, and neighbourhood resale in the informal water sector. Data sources include a survey administered to a stratified random sample of 1097 water utility customers; 42 semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders within the water sector and telecommunications industry; and a unique water payments database with information on approximately 1,000,000 water-related transactions made by over 106,000 customers. Qualitative and quantitative analyses provide evidence that the use of mobile-enabled payment methods can significantly improve customer payment behaviours (i.e. frequency of payment, annual revenue collection per customer), reduce opportunities for petty corruption (i.e. theft, bribery, and record-keeping), and support better access to improved water sources by unconnected households through neighbourhood resale practices. Implications for urban water provision in sub-Saharan Africa include higher collection efficiencies, more active customer bases, and wider direct and indirect reliance on utility-provided services. This thesis also contributes to ICTD scholarship by providing evidence that the use of mobile-enabled payment methods represents a disruptive transformation that enables more extensive and active citizen participation in the billing and payment processes of public service provision.
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Livelihoods under stress : household assets and responses to environmental change in the Mekong Delta, VietnamChun, Jane M. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a response to broad stroked claims that climate change and sea-level rise will cause mass displacements in areas such as the Mekong Delta. Instead, I argue for a more nuanced approach to understanding vulnerability and household response measures in contexts of environmental stress, and highlight the importance of deciphering differentiations of vulnerability across households of varying characteristics. I propose that in this way, by empirically understanding differentiated household vulnerabilities and response measures to stress rather than focusing on one type of stressor (environmental change) and response (migration), we would be better positioned to holistically address the root causes of vulnerability. To this end, I take a micro household-level approach, using an asset vulnerability framework, to assess the role of various household assets in mediating vulnerability and resilience in the rural Mekong Delta context. As a result, we are able to understand the interactions of numerous elements, including the effects of environmental stress and mobility decision-making processes, within the context of household asset profiles, which are in turn shaped by the broader political ecology. The main findings of this study furthermore include the ‘counterintuitive’ role of environmental stress, where it is found to be one of many stressors, often paling in comparison to the pressure of others. In the process of analysing resettlement outcomes, we encounter the process of vulnerability shifts, whereby some vulnerabilities are alleviated while others are increased as a result of resettlement. Finally, in terms of the link between environmental change and migration, a direct relationship is found to be tenuous. Instead, the key drivers, deterrents, and facilitators of migration are identified, pointing to the significance of assets and their role in shaping mobility decisions and outcomes for households. This leads us to not only think about those who move, but also those who do not have the option to move as a result of their poor asset profiles.
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Measuring control over nursing practice among hospital staff nursesWalls, Steven Edward, 1956- January 1992 (has links)
An adequate measure of Control Over Nursing Practice (CONP) at the organizational level of the nurse's work unit was needed. The purpose of this study was to estimate the reliability and validity of a new unit-level version of an existing CONP scale using a descriptive survey design. A convenience sample of 91 staff Registered Nurses from two urban hospitals voluntarily completed two versions (individual-level and unit-level) of the CONP scale, and an index of work satisfaction.
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Sustainable Community Development in the Supply Chains of Swedish Multinationals located in Developing Countries: A Case Study of the CSR Strategy at IKEA & Ericsson AB, using the HDI as a benchmark to measure progress.Wadvalla, Irshaad January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is based on a case study approach investigating the impact of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies on community development in corporate supply chains that are located in developing countries. The cases chosen for the in-depth analysis are two notable Swedish multinationals, Ericsson, and IKEA. These cases were not fully comparable due to the imbalance in the available data. The study employed the Brundtland definition of sustainable development, under the broader theoretical framework of stakeholder theory. The impact of the two CSR strategies were measured against the eight variables of the Human Development Index (HDI), centred on the proposition that positive progress on these would be an enabler for accomplishing the objectives of the sustainable development goals (SDG’s). In the case of IKEA, using both semi-structured interviews and empirical data, it was premised that the partnership between IKEA and Rangsutra, as part of the CSR strategy titled, “People Planet Positive 2020” is delivering meaningful change in line with the suggested benchmark of the HDI/SDG. In the case of Ericsson, it was not possible to determine what change has been effected due to the lack of primary and secondary information, though they are helping to develop communities through certain pilot programs in association with other actors. It was further determined that there is a lack of source material available, and additional studies are required to evaluate the extent of empowerment that CSR programs in global Swedish enterprises generate in communities that are part of their supply network.
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DEMOKRATINS GODA HUMÖR, NERVER AV STÅL OCH GNUTTA TUR -En kvantitativ studie om demokratiska principer och dess relation till mänsklig utveckling.Byrskog, Bruce, Hedlund, Tomas January 2019 (has links)
The United Nation has declared a number of articles that protect human rights and with those articles imposing special obligations on the state to enforce these requirements. With this in mind it's not too hard to understand the democratic triumph over other regimes. The democratic regime has great theoretical and empirical support for its ability to bring higher levels of human development to citizens. This could be one of the reasons why democracy has spread over the world since the 19th century. But in recent years the importance of democracy has been questioned. The purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the connection of various democratic principles to human development. We are particularly interested in analyzing 1) if dissimilar democratic principle have any relation to human development and 2) if there are any democratic principles that tends to have a distinguishable relation to human development over recent decades. In this paper we use correlation- and regression analysis to analyze this relationship. The democratic principles are measured with the democratic components created by the V-Dem institute while human development is measured with the Human Development Index. Our findings give support to the existence of a relation between all measured democratic principles and human development. According to our findings, the democratic principle of equality has a distinguishable relationship to human development that runs over recent decades. This paper concludes the several shapes of relationships that occur between democratic principles and human development.
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