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Brazil and Bashō: Negotiating Japanese-Brazilian Hybrid Identity Through Mujōkan in Adriana Lisboa’s RakushishaShibuta, Suzanne Noelle 01 April 2019 (has links)
Hybrid identities occupy a unique space within the field of identity and culture. Due to the instability and transitory nature of hybrid identities, individuals who fall within the category of hybridity often struggle to recognize and accept their identities. Do such individuals identify with one culture, the other, neither, or both? Adriana Lisboa’s novel Rakushisha offers new insight into the realm of hybridity through the exploration of mujōkan, a uniquely Japanese awareness of impermanence that also helps to explain the cycle of suffering, continuity, and regeneration that Lisboa’s characters experience. Although hybrid identities by nature are unstable, constantly in motion and imbalanced, mujōkan presents a conceptual framework that allows for the possibility of accepting this instability and impermanence as a way of being, allowing Japanese-Brazilians to untangle the web of uncertainty surrounding their identity and embrace the transience of their culture and hybridity. Lisboa’s novel and the concept of mujōkan work together to show not only the possibility of Japanese-Brazilians to accept and understand the transitivity of their identity but also to expand this concept to contemporary Brazilians, regardless of whether they claim Japanese heritage or not.
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Bilingualism in Minority Settings in Canada: Fusion or Assimilation?Freynet, Nathalie 25 July 2013 (has links)
Despite the prevalence of bilingual identity among linguistic minority youth in Canada, few studies have empirically investigated its acculturative consequences. This study explores the nature of bilingual identity, as determined by language confidence, in various ethnolinguistic contexts. More specifically, it investigates the relation between language confidence and identity as moderated by ethnolinguistic vitality. It also verifies whether bilinguals can be distinguished from predominantly unilingual participants on factors related to the maintenance of identity, namely subjective ethnolinguistic vitality and language usage and evaluates the impact of ethnolinguistic vitality on these differences. Data from the Survey on the Vitality of Official-Language Minorities collected by Statistics Canada among francophones outside of Quebec and anglophones in Quebec (N = 7377) was used for analysis. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses of variance show that language confidence is significantly related to levels of identity for all regions. Bilinguals are significantly distinct from predominantly monolingual participants on most factors for maintenance of identity. However, among all francophone samples, bilinguals most resemble the franco-dominant participants. The implications of these findings on the understanding of the nature of bilingual identity are discussed.
Malgré la prévalence de l’identité bilingue parmi les jeunes de groupes minoritaires linguistiques au Canada, peu d’études ont vérifié ses conséquences acculturatives de façon empirique. Cette étude explore la nature de l’identité bilingue telle que déterminée par la confiance langagière, dans divers contextes ethnolinguistiques. De façon plus spécifique, la relation entre la confiance langagière et l’identité, modérée par la vitalité ethnolinguistique est
examinée. Par ailleurs, l’étude explore si les gens bilingues se distinguent de ceux qui ont une prédominance langagière sur des facteurs liés au maintien de l’identité, soit la vitalité ethnolinguistique subjective et l’utilisation langagière, et évalue l’impact de la vitalité ethnolinguistique sur ces différences. Les analyses ont été menées à partir des données de l’Enquête sur la vitalité des minorités de langue officielle de Statistique Canada recueillies auprès des francophones de l’extérieur du Québec et des anglophones du Québec (N = 7377). Les résultats d’analyses univariées et multivariées dévoilent que pour chacune des régions ethnolinguistiques, la confiance langagière est significativement liée à l’identité. Les bilingues se distinguent significativement de ceux à prédominance langagière sur la plupart des facteurs importants au maintien de l’identité. Toutefois, parmi les groupes francophones, les bilingues ressemblent le plus aux participants franco-dominants. Les conséquences de ces résultats sur la compréhension de la nature de l’identité bilingue sont discutées.
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Diasporic Narratives of Sexuality : Identity Formation among Iranian- Swedish WomenFarahani, Fataneh January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with the sexuality of Iranian women living in Sweden. Considering sexuality as gendered and socio-culturally constructed, I examine the impact of Iranian Islamic discourses, contemporary socialization and migration on women’s narrations of sexuality. The theoretical platform arises from a Foucauldian discursive analysis of sexuality, including Iranian and/or Islamic discourses on sexuality, and diasporic and feminist postcolonial theories. The empirical basis of the thesis consists of ten in-depth interviews with first generation Iranian immigrant women in Sweden. The narratives are the textual field for exploring the divergent and contingent intersections of discourses that constitute the women’s sexuality. Themes that surface in the narratives are the importance of virginity, veiling practices, requirements for modest dress codes, lack of sexual education, first sexual experience, marriage, divorce and diasporic experiences. With sexuality as the main subject of analysis, my focus draws on articulations involving gender, otherness, agency and marginality. Being alert to different (at times contradictory) discourses, I study the tension that develops between the process of (self)disciplining the body and the women’s coping tactics. The study examines the ways women take part in existing institutions while exhibiting agency and creating new ways to negotiate across discourses. This thesis shows how moral values regarding sexual behavior undergo various and sometimes contradictory transformations. The women report being torn between two different cultures. Yet, while consistently facing a crossroads of racist and sexist discourses filled with stereotypes of so-called natives and outsiders, I argue that the women are not caught between two cultures. Rather, they live a hybrid experience of ‘Swedishness,’ ‘Iranianness’ and other social relations. Complexity defines their tactics; the women exist in the interstices of culture(s) and discourses.
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Bilingualism in Minority Settings in Canada: Fusion or Assimilation?Freynet, Nathalie January 2013 (has links)
Despite the prevalence of bilingual identity among linguistic minority youth in Canada, few studies have empirically investigated its acculturative consequences. This study explores the nature of bilingual identity, as determined by language confidence, in various ethnolinguistic contexts. More specifically, it investigates the relation between language confidence and identity as moderated by ethnolinguistic vitality. It also verifies whether bilinguals can be distinguished from predominantly unilingual participants on factors related to the maintenance of identity, namely subjective ethnolinguistic vitality and language usage and evaluates the impact of ethnolinguistic vitality on these differences. Data from the Survey on the Vitality of Official-Language Minorities collected by Statistics Canada among francophones outside of Quebec and anglophones in Quebec (N = 7377) was used for analysis. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses of variance show that language confidence is significantly related to levels of identity for all regions. Bilinguals are significantly distinct from predominantly monolingual participants on most factors for maintenance of identity. However, among all francophone samples, bilinguals most resemble the franco-dominant participants. The implications of these findings on the understanding of the nature of bilingual identity are discussed.
Malgré la prévalence de l’identité bilingue parmi les jeunes de groupes minoritaires linguistiques au Canada, peu d’études ont vérifié ses conséquences acculturatives de façon empirique. Cette étude explore la nature de l’identité bilingue telle que déterminée par la confiance langagière, dans divers contextes ethnolinguistiques. De façon plus spécifique, la relation entre la confiance langagière et l’identité, modérée par la vitalité ethnolinguistique est
examinée. Par ailleurs, l’étude explore si les gens bilingues se distinguent de ceux qui ont une prédominance langagière sur des facteurs liés au maintien de l’identité, soit la vitalité ethnolinguistique subjective et l’utilisation langagière, et évalue l’impact de la vitalité ethnolinguistique sur ces différences. Les analyses ont été menées à partir des données de l’Enquête sur la vitalité des minorités de langue officielle de Statistique Canada recueillies auprès des francophones de l’extérieur du Québec et des anglophones du Québec (N = 7377). Les résultats d’analyses univariées et multivariées dévoilent que pour chacune des régions ethnolinguistiques, la confiance langagière est significativement liée à l’identité. Les bilingues se distinguent significativement de ceux à prédominance langagière sur la plupart des facteurs importants au maintien de l’identité. Toutefois, parmi les groupes francophones, les bilingues ressemblent le plus aux participants franco-dominants. Les conséquences de ces résultats sur la compréhension de la nature de l’identité bilingue sont discutées.
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Конструкција идентитета у књижевном делу Растка Петровића / Konstrukcija identiteta u književnom delu Rastka Petrovića / The Identity Construction in Rastko Petrović’sLiterary WorkStevanović Kristina 25 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања у овом раду представља одређивање чворишних тачака<br />око којих се образује идентитет у поетици Растка Петровића. Циљ је доказивања тезе<br />да његово стваралаштво антиципира савремено схватање и разумевање идентитета<br />као конструкције, која се одвија унутар дискурса моћи, а он настоји да регулише<br />идентификацијске процесе унутар субјекта. Дело Растка Петровића указује на<br />чињеницу да идентитет представља сложену и динамичну мрежу сачињену од<br />идентитетских конституената који се непрекидно укрштају, те се на местима укрштаја<br />образују амбивалентне субјекатске позиције из којих аутор исповеда своју онтолошку<br />стрепњу и свест о конститутивној амбиваленцији. Укључивањем методолошких<br />премиса из области студија културе (маргинализација, трансгресија, лиминалност) у<br />проучавање аутентичних авангардних поетичких стратегија Растка Петровића, указали<br />смо на чињеницу да је аутор трагајући за собом остваривао своје поетско биће. На тај<br />начин образовао се хибридни и лиминални идентитет у динамичком пољу<br />антагонистичких дискурса, који се непрекидно међусобно пресецају.<br />Реч је, дакле, о томе да поетичко-естетско-филозофско исходиште<br />стваралаштва Растка Петровића чини идеја да се биће (оно што јесте), као и<br />конституенти његовог идентитета (пол, род, раса, нација, класна, верска и<br />професионална припадност...) разумевају као процесуалне категорије које су<br />непрекидно изложене променама. Петровић, заправо, отвара пут савременом<br />антиесенцијалном тумачењу бића као флукса (оно што је ток и што се мења) унутар<br />симболичких мрежа, односно дискурзивних пракси. На тај начин, ствара се могућност<br />да се појам, односно концепт идентитета тумачи као стратегијски и позицијски, те је у<br />Петровићевом делу идентитет увек релационо конструисан и изратито обележен не-<br />припадањем. Истовремено, идентитет сугерише истост и подржава неки облик<br />заједништва који варљиво испуњава онтолошку празнину.<br />Овај рад своје методолошко утемељење проналази у претпоставци да је<br />плуралитет у теоријским приступима и критичким праксама нужан, управо због<br />2<br />сложености и амбивалентности појма идентитет, који је интердисциплинаран по своме<br />досегу. Истовремено, овај рад се бави различитим аспектима идентитета са циљем да<br />се сачува и истакне свест о интеракцији између конституената идентитета и теоријско-<br />критичких пракси које се њима баве. У фокусу нашег истраживања налази се културни,<br />родни и наративни идентитет, тачније, модуси њихових конструкција. У том смислу,<br />ова студија доказује да поетика, али и живот Растка Петровића представљају<br />парадигму културолошке и родне лиминалности. Сходно томе, путујући модел<br />егзистенције показује се као пресудан у творби идентитета који се формира као<br />хибридни, услед седиментације различитих култура.<br />Исцрпна анлиза родног идентитета, односно маскулинитета, истиче<br />субверзивни потенцијал Петровићевог дела у односу на патријархалну<br />фалогоцентричну бинарну културолошку матрицу. Растко Петровић несумњиво<br />исказује свест о идеолошком карактеру родне улоге која му је намењена, те је процес<br />„постајања“ мушкарцем изузетно сложен, обележен противуречностима и стрепњом.<br />Посебан комплекс питања која се нужно намећу када је у питању ауторефлексија<br />представља језик, јер је писац принуђен да доказ властитог постојања тражи у језику, у<br />појмовима који су такође производ дискурса који не одобрава алтернативну мушкост.<br />Тумачење наративног иденитета као ипсеитета које смо користили у раду,<br />дакле, упознавање и конституисање себе као метакатегоријалног Другог, маркирало је<br />значај културног дијалога коме је Растко Петровић несумњиво стремио. У питању је<br />дијалог у коме припадници мањинских/маргиналних култура и субкултура постају<br />равноправни саговорници. Истовремено, размена културних дарова обезбеђивала би<br />потенцијал за, из данашње перспективе посматрано, повлашћен статус агенса у<br />стварању сопствене културе, као и активно учешће у мапирању културе у свету.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja određivanje čvorišnih tačaka<br />oko kojih se obrazuje identitet u poetici Rastka Petrovića. Cilj je dokazivanja teze<br />da njegovo stvaralaštvo anticipira savremeno shvatanje i razumevanje identiteta<br />kao konstrukcije, koja se odvija unutar diskursa moći, a on nastoji da reguliše<br />identifikacijske procese unutar subjekta. Delo Rastka Petrovića ukazuje na<br />činjenicu da identitet predstavlja složenu i dinamičnu mrežu sačinjenu od<br />identitetskih konstituenata koji se neprekidno ukrštaju, te se na mestima ukrštaja<br />obrazuju ambivalentne subjekatske pozicije iz kojih autor ispoveda svoju ontološku<br />strepnju i svest o konstitutivnoj ambivalenciji. Uključivanjem metodoloških<br />premisa iz oblasti studija kulture (marginalizacija, transgresija, liminalnost) u<br />proučavanje autentičnih avangardnih poetičkih strategija Rastka Petrovića, ukazali<br />smo na činjenicu da je autor tragajući za sobom ostvarivao svoje poetsko biće. Na taj<br />način obrazovao se hibridni i liminalni identitet u dinamičkom polju<br />antagonističkih diskursa, koji se neprekidno međusobno presecaju.<br />Reč je, dakle, o tome da poetičko-estetsko-filozofsko ishodište<br />stvaralaštva Rastka Petrovića čini ideja da se biće (ono što jeste), kao i<br />konstituenti njegovog identiteta (pol, rod, rasa, nacija, klasna, verska i<br />profesionalna pripadnost...) razumevaju kao procesualne kategorije koje su<br />neprekidno izložene promenama. Petrović, zapravo, otvara put savremenom<br />antiesencijalnom tumačenju bića kao fluksa (ono što je tok i što se menja) unutar<br />simboličkih mreža, odnosno diskurzivnih praksi. Na taj način, stvara se mogućnost<br />da se pojam, odnosno koncept identiteta tumači kao strategijski i pozicijski, te je u<br />Petrovićevom delu identitet uvek relaciono konstruisan i izratito obeležen ne-<br />pripadanjem. Istovremeno, identitet sugeriše istost i podržava neki oblik<br />zajedništva koji varljivo ispunjava ontološku prazninu.<br />Ovaj rad svoje metodološko utemeljenje pronalazi u pretpostavci da je<br />pluralitet u teorijskim pristupima i kritičkim praksama nužan, upravo zbog<br />2<br />složenosti i ambivalentnosti pojma identitet, koji je interdisciplinaran po svome<br />dosegu. Istovremeno, ovaj rad se bavi različitim aspektima identiteta sa ciljem da<br />se sačuva i istakne svest o interakciji između konstituenata identiteta i teorijsko-<br />kritičkih praksi koje se njima bave. U fokusu našeg istraživanja nalazi se kulturni,<br />rodni i narativni identitet, tačnije, modusi njihovih konstrukcija. U tom smislu,<br />ova studija dokazuje da poetika, ali i život Rastka Petrovića predstavljaju<br />paradigmu kulturološke i rodne liminalnosti. Shodno tome, putujući model<br />egzistencije pokazuje se kao presudan u tvorbi identiteta koji se formira kao<br />hibridni, usled sedimentacije različitih kultura.<br />Iscrpna anliza rodnog identiteta, odnosno maskuliniteta, ističe<br />subverzivni potencijal Petrovićevog dela u odnosu na patrijarhalnu<br />falogocentričnu binarnu kulturološku matricu. Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo<br />iskazuje svest o ideološkom karakteru rodne uloge koja mu je namenjena, te je proces<br />„postajanja“ muškarcem izuzetno složen, obeležen protivurečnostima i strepnjom.<br />Poseban kompleks pitanja koja se nužno nameću kada je u pitanju autorefleksija<br />predstavlja jezik, jer je pisac prinuđen da dokaz vlastitog postojanja traži u jeziku, u<br />pojmovima koji su takođe proizvod diskursa koji ne odobrava alternativnu muškost.<br />Tumačenje narativnog ideniteta kao ipseiteta koje smo koristili u radu,<br />dakle, upoznavanje i konstituisanje sebe kao metakategorijalnog Drugog, markiralo je<br />značaj kulturnog dijaloga kome je Rastko Petrović nesumnjivo stremio. U pitanju je<br />dijalog u kome pripadnici manjinskih/marginalnih kultura i subkultura postaju<br />ravnopravni sagovornici. Istovremeno, razmena kulturnih darova obezbeđivala bi<br />potencijal za, iz današnje perspektive posmatrano, povlašćen status agensa u<br />stvaranju sopstvene kulture, kao i aktivno učešće u mapiranju kulture u svetu.</p> / <p>This thesis aims to determine the crucial points of identity formation in Rastko<br />Petrović’s poetics with the intention to verify the idea that Rastko Petrović’s work<br />anticipates the modern understanding of identity as a construct which emerges from the<br />discourse of power with its identificational processes within the subject. Rastko Petrović’s<br />oeuvre is an excellent example of the fact that identity represents a complex and dynamic<br />network of identity constituents that constantly intertwine, and, in the places where the<br />contacts happen, they form ambivalent subject positions from which the author narrates his<br />ontological fear and the awareness of the constitutive ambivalence. By including some of<br />the methodological premises from the field of cultural studies (such as marginalization,<br />transgression, liminality) into the research of Petrović’s authentic avant-garde poetic<br />strategies, the thesis shows that, while searching for his inner self, Petrović was epitomizing<br />his poetical self, thus forming a hybrid and liminal identity in the dynamic field of<br />antagonistic discourses that constantly intersect.<br />Therefore, we can say that the poetic, philosophical and aesthetic sources of<br />Petrović’s work are found in the idea that self (what is), as well as the constituents of his<br />identity (sex, gender, race, nation, class, religious beliefs, professional orientation…) are<br />understood as processing cathegories constantly exposed to changes. What is more, it can<br />be said that Rastko Petrović clears the path for the modern, antiessetialist interpretations of<br />self as flux (that which is a flow, which changes constantly) within the symbolic network, i.e.<br />discoursive practices. In this way, arises the possiblity of interpretation of the notion, or the<br />idea of identity, as strategic, or positional, meaning that in Petrović’s works identity is<br />always relationally constructed and strongly marked by non-belonging. At the same time,<br />identity means sameness and supports at least some kind of unity feebly fulfilling the<br />onthological void.<br />Methodological foundation of this thesis is found in the assumption that the plurality<br />in critical and theoretical approaches is necessary, precisely because of the complexity and<br />ambivalence of identity, the term whose scope and range are interdisciplinary positioned. At<br />the same time, the thesis examines various aspects of identity with the objective to<br />preserve and enhance the awareness about the interaction between the constituents of<br />4<br />identity and theoretical and critical practices that deal with it. Cultural, gender and narrative<br />identities or, more precisely, the modes of their constructions, form the central part of the<br />thesis. In this sense, this thesis shows that the poetics, but also the life of Rastko Petrović,<br />represent a paradigm of cultural and gender liminality, while the life on the constant move<br />proves to be crucial in the creation of identity which is formed as a hybrid one because of<br />many layers coming from various cultures. A detailed analysis of gender identity or, more<br />precisely, masculinity, stresses the subversive potential of Petrović’s work when juxtaposed<br />to patriarchal, logocentric, binary cultural matrix. Rastko Petrović expresses an awareness of<br />the ideological character of the gender role he was assigned with; therefore, the process of<br />“becoming” a man is a highly complex one, marked with contradictions and fear. A separate<br />cluster of questions that inevitably appear with introspection is found in language, since<br />writer is compelled to search for the proofs of his existence in the language and in the<br />notions which are also a product of discourse that does not approve of the alternative<br />masculinity.<br />The interpretation of narrative identity as ipseity, used in this work, as well as the<br />introduction and constitution of self as a meta-categorical Other, marked the importance of<br />cultural dialog which Rastko Petrović undoubtedly strived for. It is a dialog where the<br />members of minority cultures and subcultures are equal participants. At the same time, the<br />exchange of cultural gifts provides the potential for a privileged status of agens in creation<br />of one’s own culture, and also in active mapping of the world culture.</p>
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La identidad híbrida en poesía : Una comparación entre un poema de Gloria Anzaldúa y uno de Julia Alvarez / The problems with a hybrid identity expressed in poetryPersson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
El propósito de la tesina presente es analizar la manera de expresar las dificultades de una identidad híbrida en dos poemas contemporáneos de dos escritoras de origen latinoamericano, Gloria Anzaldúa y Julia Alvarez. Se han analizado los dos poemas elegidos teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de una identidad híbrida y los problemas que ello conlleva en una sociedad llena de normas y fronteras entre grupos étnicos, culturales y sexuales. Después del análisis de los poemas sigue una comparación entre los resultados de la investigación y finalmente presentamos nuestras conclusiones. El estudio muestra que a pesar de que los poemas parezcan muy diferentes se han encontrado puntos de relación, como por ejemplo la similitud de los mensajes principales de los poemas; que necesitamos aceptar las mezclas de culturas, etnias y sexos. / The purpose of this study is to analyse the expression of the difficulties with a hybrid identity in two contemporary poems written by two authors from Latin America, Gloria Anzaldúa and Julia Alvarez. The analysis of the two poems take into account the perspective of a hybrid identity and the problems that this entails in a society filled with rules, standards and boundaries between different ethnic, cultural and sexual groups. The analysis of the two poems is followed by a comparison of the results of the investigation and ultimately is presented the conclusions. The study shows that the poems share several respects, despite that they at first seems very different. An example is the similarities of the main messages that the poems convey, that we need to accept the mix of cultures, ethnics and sexualities.
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Community-based Culturally Relevant Art Education for Korean-American Elementary Students: Impact and Policy ImplicationsKoh, Youngaah 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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O caixeiro viajante da poesia, ou um estrangeiro inventado: ensaio biográfico sobre o poeta líbano-brasileiro Jamil Almansur Haddad (1914-1988) / The traveling salesman of poetry, or an invented foreigner: biographical essay on the Lebanese-Brazilian poet Jamil Almansur Haddad (1914-1988)Queiroz, Christina Stephano de 13 November 2017 (has links)
Ao acompanhar a trajetória intelectual de Jamil Almansur Haddad desde suas primeiras publicações até sua morte, esta Tese de doutorado traz à luz o percurso de um literato pertencente à segunda geração de imigrantes libaneses e suas relações paradoxais com o meio intelectual brasileiro e, em especial, o paulistano. Seu percurso biográfico ilustra um desdobramento do movimento literário árabe da imigração, que desempenhou papel central no processo de renascimento da literatura árabe no final do século XIX. Imerso no contexto cultural de um país em busca da conformação de sua verdadeira identidade nacional e vivendo na cidade de São Paulo - que em meados do século XX foi um dos maiores polos de imigração do mundo Jamil, através de sua experiência biográfica e de seu caminho literário, revela nuances de um processo intermediário de hibridação cultural. / This thesis follows the intellectual trajectory of Jamil Almansur Haddad from his first publications to his death, bringing to light the trajectory of a poet that belongs to the second generation of Lebanese immigrants and his paradoxical relations with the Brazilian intellectual environment and, in particular, the paulistano one. His biographical journey illustrates an unfolding of the Arab literary movement of immigration, which played a central role in the process of rebirth of Arab literature in the late nineteenth century. Immersed in the cultural context of a country in search of the conformation of its true national identity and living in the city of São Paulo - which in the mid-twentieth century was one of the largest poles of immigration in the world - Jamil, through his biographical experience and his literary path, reveals nuances of an intermediate process of cultural hybridization.
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O caixeiro viajante da poesia, ou um estrangeiro inventado: ensaio biográfico sobre o poeta líbano-brasileiro Jamil Almansur Haddad (1914-1988) / The traveling salesman of poetry, or an invented foreigner: biographical essay on the Lebanese-Brazilian poet Jamil Almansur Haddad (1914-1988)Christina Stephano de Queiroz 13 November 2017 (has links)
Ao acompanhar a trajetória intelectual de Jamil Almansur Haddad desde suas primeiras publicações até sua morte, esta Tese de doutorado traz à luz o percurso de um literato pertencente à segunda geração de imigrantes libaneses e suas relações paradoxais com o meio intelectual brasileiro e, em especial, o paulistano. Seu percurso biográfico ilustra um desdobramento do movimento literário árabe da imigração, que desempenhou papel central no processo de renascimento da literatura árabe no final do século XIX. Imerso no contexto cultural de um país em busca da conformação de sua verdadeira identidade nacional e vivendo na cidade de São Paulo - que em meados do século XX foi um dos maiores polos de imigração do mundo Jamil, através de sua experiência biográfica e de seu caminho literário, revela nuances de um processo intermediário de hibridação cultural. / This thesis follows the intellectual trajectory of Jamil Almansur Haddad from his first publications to his death, bringing to light the trajectory of a poet that belongs to the second generation of Lebanese immigrants and his paradoxical relations with the Brazilian intellectual environment and, in particular, the paulistano one. His biographical journey illustrates an unfolding of the Arab literary movement of immigration, which played a central role in the process of rebirth of Arab literature in the late nineteenth century. Immersed in the cultural context of a country in search of the conformation of its true national identity and living in the city of São Paulo - which in the mid-twentieth century was one of the largest poles of immigration in the world - Jamil, through his biographical experience and his literary path, reveals nuances of an intermediate process of cultural hybridization.
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Organizational Values in a Family-Owned Aquatic Center A Case Study : A Neo-Institutionalist view on the influence of meaning systems, as manifested by organizational values, in a Family-Owned Aquatic CenterHoyos de la Garza, Ernesto January 2020 (has links)
The main objective of this case study is to understand how organizational values of a family business are influenced – or are the outcome of – the interactions between the controlling family, their employees, and the social context by which they are surrounded. To investigate this topic a case study research design was applied and a family-owned and -managed Aquatic Center was selected as the company in focus. First, the organizational values were determined through the application of semi-structured interviews and observations. The units of analysis for the case study were the Top Management Team (TMT) and the employees of the organization. The former is composed by three members of the controlling family and the latter by the employees who are in most contact with the TMT and the clients of the Aquatic Center. After the Thematic Analysis of the empirical data eight organizational values were identified. These organizational values, along with excerpts from the interview, were analyzed from a Neo-Institutionalist lens and three meaning systems were identified to be influencing the organization and its structures. These three meaning systems were labeled as (1) Swimming the Sport; (2) Health Club Business; and (3) The Owning Family. The set of rules, enforcement mechanisms, and effects that these three meaning systems have on the overall organization were also defined.
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