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Modulação da resposta imune a aloantígenos por células-tronco derivadas do tecido adiposo / Modulation of Immune alloresponse by Adiposetissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem CellsLarocca, Rafael Assumpção 19 October 2009 (has links)
A identificação e caracterização das células reguladoras (Treg) trouxeram uma nova perspectiva para a indução da tolerância imunológica nos transplantes e um aumento na sobrevida dos enxertos. Uma vez que as células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo (ADSC) possuem a capacidade de suprimir uma resposta imune, nos questionamos se as ADSC poderiam melhorar a sobrevida de um enxerto em camundongos C57BL/6, associada à indução de Treg. Nossos resultados mostram que o tratamento com as ADSC aumentou a média de sobrevida do enxerto, com uma melhora na morfologia do tecido transplantado, um aumento na população de linfócitos Treg e na expressão de IFN-g e IL-10, alem de uma inibição da expressão de IL-17 e na proliferação de células T CD4+. Nossos achados sugerem que as ADSC suprimem a resposta imune ao enxerto por meio da indução de Treg, a qual inibe a participação das células Th17, com uma melhora no enxerto. Estes dados ajudam a desenvolver novos aspectos na estratégia terapêutica e possivelmente o uso futuro dessas células na prática clínica. / The identification and characterization de regulatory T cells that can control immune responsiveness to alloantigens opened up opportunities for new therapies in transplantation. After exposure to alloantigens in vivo, antigen-specific immunoregulatory activity is enriched in a population of CD4+ T cells that express high levels of CD25 and Foxp3. Adipose tissue contains one type of mesenchymal stem cells (ADSC) with capacity of suppressing immune response. In this work we propose the correlation of the ADSC cells in ameliorating skin graft survival, and if is associated with Foxp3 expression. Graft survival was enhanced in animals that received ASCs from the donor. Interesting, in the animals treated with ASCs from CBA presented a higher expression of Foxp3+ cells in the lymph-nodes. In treated mice Foxp3 expression was increased and IL-17 were increased in allogeneic group, suggesting a potent inflammatory response inside the graft. So far, these data suggest the ADSCs increase TReg population cells, inhibit IL-17 expression and prolonging skin graft survival.
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Estudos sobre o isolamento e expansão de células Natural Killer (NK) do sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário na presença de células mesenquimaisFurlan, Juliana Monteiro January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A célula NK possui uma importante função no sistema imune inato de defesa primária contra vírus e patógenos e também realiza a imunovigilâcia tumoral. Muitos estudos clínicos tem avaliado o uso dessas células na imunoterapia adotiva. A expansão e a ativação da célula NK requer sinais e estímulos para manter a sua sobrevivência. Atualmente existem muitos protocolos para a expansão e ativação da célula NK, porém não existe uma definição do melhor método para uso clínico. Objetivo: O estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a melhor forma para expansão das células NK isoladas de células mononucleares do sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário.Método: Foram avaliadas cinco diferentes condições para expansão de células NK de mononucleares isoladas do sangue do cordão umbilical e placentário. Foram testados protocolos utilizando as interleucinas (IL), IL-2, IL-3, IL-15; com ou sem a presença do co-cultivo com células-tronco mesenquimais do cordão umbilical (CTM-CU) e, também o co-cultivo com células apresentadoras de antígeno artificiais ligadas a IL-21 à membrana (mbIL21 APC). Resultados: Os protocolos utilizando co-cultivo com APC mbIL21 foram superiores aos demais quanto à capacidade de expansão de células NK (CD3-, CD56+, CD16+). O protocolo de co-cultura de APC, CTM-CU e estímulo com IL-2 apresentaram um aumento significativo de NK (CD3-, CD56+, CD16+) quando comparado ao protocolo de APC/IL-2 sem CTM-CU (p<0,05). Conclusão: A expansão ex vivo de células NK na presença das APC e CTM-CU apresentaram uma proporção estatisticamente superior de célula NK CD16+ quando comparada com condições de cultivo com apenas a APC, tendo essas células NK potencial para utilização na imunoterapia adotiva associada com anticorpos monoclonais ou anticorpos bi-específicos. / Background: Natural killer (NK) cells play a major role in innate immunity, especially against viral pathogens, and are also a part of the immune surveillance of tumors. Several clinical trials have evaluated the use of these cells for adoptive cell immunotherapy. Ex vivo expansion of NK cells, however, is a complex process which requires multiple cell signals to ensure cell survival, proliferation, and activation. There are many protocols used for NK cell expansion and activation, however, there is a lack of evidence regarding which method is the most effective for clinical grade NK cells expansion. Objective: The main purpose of this study is to evaluate an optimal protocol for the ex vivo expansion of NK cells isolated from umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells (CB-MNC). Methods: Five different conditions for the expansion of umbilical cord-derived NK cells were evaluated. Each protocol was a different combination of interleukins (IL-2, IL-3, and IL-15) with or without the presence of feeder cells or artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPCs). Feeder cells utilized were umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSC), and aAPCs were membrane-bound IL-21 artificial APCs (mbIL21 aAPCs). Results: Protocols employing mbIL21 aAPCs demonstrated greater expansion of natural killer cells (CD3- CD56+) than the other protocols. The protocol employing aAPCs, IL-2 and UC-MSC feeder cells had a statistically significant higher proportion of CD16+ NK cells when compared to the protocol without the MSC feeder cells, but there was no significant difference in the expansion of total natural killer cells concerning these two protocols. Conclusion: Ex vivo expansion of NK cells in the presence of aAPCs and UC-MSC feeder cells yielded a significant higher proportion of CD16+ NK when compared to the aAPCs only culture condition, and could be a better product for NK adoptive immunotherapy in conjunction with monoclonal or bi-specific antibodies.
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Production et caractérisation de l'allergène recombinant Bet v 1 utilisé à des fins d'immunothérapie allergénique / PRODUCTION & CHARACTERIZATION OF Bet v 1 RECOMBINANT ALLERGEN INTENDED FOR IMMUNOTHERAPYNony, Emmanuel 09 January 2015 (has links)
L'allergie respiratoire au pollen de bouleau affecte un nombre important de personnes dans le monde. Il est estimé que 100 millions d'individus sont sensibilisés à l'allergène majeur du pollen de bouleau nommé Bet v 1. L’immunothérapie allergénique, basée sur l'administration répétée de l'allergène incriminé, permet la rééducation du système immunitaire du patient d’un profil TH2 vers un profil TH1/Treg et à terme la diminution des symptômes allergiques. Ces travaux de thèse avaient donc pour finalité de produire et de caractériser l'allergène recombinant Bet v 1, à des fins d’immunothérapie allergénique. Dans ce cadre, différentes méthodes analytiques ont été développées et appliquées afin d'optimiser le procédé de production via l'élimination de différentes impuretés liées au produit ou au procédé de production et de documenter la structure de l’allergène. En particulier, l'utilisation de la spectrométrie de masse a permis la détermination de la masse exacte de l'allergène ainsi que la vérification complète de sa séquence en acides aminés. Les travaux en spectrométrie de masse ont également contribué aux détections et identifications de diverses impuretés et produits de dégradations et ont ainsi conduit à plusieurs optimisations du procédé industriel de production de l'allergène recombinant. Les activités immunologiques de certains produits de dégradations ont également été investiguées. La structure tertiaire (spatiale) de l'allergène a été déterminée par diffraction aux rayons X. Enfin, ces travaux ont permis de documenter la qualité de l'allergène recombinant rBet v 1 afin i) de l'établir comme substance de référence pour la Pharmacopée Européenne et ii) de procéder à une étude clinique d’immunothérapie allergénique de phase II auprès de 483 patients allergiques au pollen de bouleau. / Respiratory allergy to birch pollen affects a large number of people in the world. It is estimated that 100 million people are sensitized to the major allergen from birch pollen, namely Bet v 1. Allergen immunotherapy, based on the repeated administration of the allergen of interest, allows the modification of the patient's immune response from a TH2 to a TH1/Treg pattern and thus the reduction of allergic symptoms. This study was therefore aimed to produce and characterize the recombinant Bet v 1 (rBet v 1) allergen, for immunotherapy purpose.In this context, various analytical methods have been developed and applied in order to optimize the production of rBet v 1 via the reduction of process or product-related impurities as well as to document the quality of the purified allergen. In particular, the use of mass spectrometry has allowed the determination of the exact mass of the intact allergen and the complete verification of its amino acid sequence. Mass spectrometry data have also contributed to the detection and identification of impurities and degradation products and have therefore led to several optimizations of the industrial process for the production of the recombinant allergen. Immunological activities of certain degradation products were also investigated and the allergen tertiary structure was determined by X-ray diffraction. Finally, this study was decisive in order i) to establish rBet v 1 as a chemical reference substance for the European Pharmacopoeia as well as ii) to perform a phase II clinical study conducted in 483 patients with birch pollen-induced rhinoconjunctivitis.
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Caractérisation et suivi chez l’Homme des réponses lymphocytaires T CD4 périphériques spécifiques d’allergènes, naturelles ou induites lors de traitement par immunothérapie allergénique / Characterization and monitoring of human peripheral allergen-specific CD4 T cell responses in healthy and allergic individuals or during allergen-specific immunotherapyBonvalet, Mélodie 16 December 2011 (has links)
L’immunothérapie allergénique (ITA) est la seule thérapie capable d’agir sur l’étiologie des allergies. La compréhension des mécanismes d’action de ce traitement et la mise en évidence de biomarqueurs d’efficacité favoriserait l’optimisation de l’ITA. A l’aide des tétramères de classe II, nous avons suivi les lymphocytes T CD4 périphériques spécifiques d’allergènes, acteurs centraux de la réaction allergique, dans des conditions normales, pathologiques ou en cours d’ITA, afin d’établir un lien entre ces trois situations physiologiques. Nous avons mis en évidence des différences entre les réponses lymphocytaires T CD4 spécifiques d’allergènes saisonniers et perannuels, chez les individus sains et allergiques. Puis, lors de 2 études cliniques d’ITA sublinguale, l’une menée chez des adultes allergiques aux pollens de graminées traités pendant 4 mois et l’autre menée chez des enfants allergiques aux acariens traités pendant 1, nous avons respectivement observé une diminution des lymphocytes Th2A et une augmentation de la production d’IFN- γ liées au traitement. Toutefois, ces variations ne corrèlent pas avec l’efficacité clinique de l’ITA observée dans ces deux études. Les limites d’utilisation des tétramères de classe II nous ont amené à rechercher si l’expression de marqueurs d’activation membranaires pouvait remplacer un marquage « tétramère ». Alors qu’une corrélation insuffisante a été observée entre le marquage « tétramère » et l’expression des marqueurs d’activation testés, nous avons mis en évidence 3 populations cellulaires aux propriétés fonctionnelles diverses, soulignant l’hétérogénéité des réponses lymphocytaires spécifiques d’allergènes. De plus, la découverte des lymphocytes Th2A pourrait être une approche prometteuse pour le suivi des réponses lymphocytaires T CD4 spécifiques d’allergènes lors d’ITA à plus long terme. / Allergenic immunotherapy (AIT) is currently the only curative treatment for allergic disease. Whereas efficacy of this treatment is well established, its mechanisms of action are not clearly understood and predictive as well as surrogate biomarkers are needed to further support AIT development. We focused on allergen specific CD4 T cells, highly involved in allergic inflammation, and monitored their responses both in normal and pathologic conditions, or during AIT. Using MHC class II tetramers, we highlighted distinct patterns of polarization between seasonal and perennial allergen-specific CD4 T cells as well as between healthy and allergic individuals. Then, allergen-specific CD4 T cell responses were monitored during 2 double-blind placebo-controlled sublingual AIT clinical trials. After short term AIT (4 months), we observed a decrease of Th2A cells, a newly define subset, thought to contain most allergen-specific CD4+ T cells. IFN-γ production was increased after one year of treatment. However, these variations were not related to AIT clinical efficacy. We further compared the expression of various activation markers and MHC class II tetramer staining following in vitro stimulation in order to circumvent inherent limitation of tetramers. No correlation could be established between tetramer staining and the expression of multiple activation markers in allergen-stimulated CD4 T cells. Combining these methods helps understanding patient heterogeneity regarding CD4 T cell responses. Moreover, Th2A cells detection is likely a promising approach to identify allergen-specific CD4 T cell during long-term AIT.
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The role of human Natural Killer cells (NK) in anti-tumour immune responses / Le rôle des cellules Natural Killer humaines dans les réponses immunes anti-tumoralesFregni, Giulia 28 October 2011 (has links)
Les cellules Natural Killer (NK) sont des effecteurs cytotoxiques impliqués dans la réponse immune contre les infections et les tumeurs. Pendant ma thèse j’ai étudié la fonctionnalité des cellules NK humaines en réponse à des lignées cellulaires de carcinome rénal à cellules claires (RCC) et de mélanome métastatique, deux tumeurs immunogènes. Nos résultats montrent que certaines mutations de VHL augmentent la susceptibilité des lignées RCC à la lyse NK. La perte de fonction de VHL corrèle avec une expression membranaire diminuée des molécules HLA-I par les lignées RCC mutées pour VHL. Chez les patients atteints de mélanome métastatique de stade IV, nous avons décrit un phénotype particulier des NK sanguines (NKp46dim/NKG2Adim) qui leur confère une forte activité antitumorale. Après traitement des patients par chimiothérapie, la fonctionnalité NK était réduite et le phénotype modifié. Pour étudier les cellules NK infiltrant les mélanomes, nous avons mis au point des conditions expérimentales pour caractériser les cellules NK de ganglions métastatiques de patients de stade III. Nos résultats préliminaires montrent que, par rapport aux ganglions sains, les NK des ganglions métastatiques présentent un phénotype altéré et un potentiel fonctionnel diminué. Nos résultats suggèrent que d’une part l’immunogénicité dépendante des oncogènes et d’autre part les altérations NK induites par la tumeur et/ou par la chimiothérapie sont des facteurs importants à considérer dans le choix des protocoles d’immunothérapie basés sur les cellules NK. / Natural Killer cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes involved in the immune response against tumours and infections. We investigated the NK-mediated functions in response to clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and metastatic melanoma, two human immunogenic tumours. We showed that certain VHL mutations increased RCC cell susceptibility to NK lysis. VHL loss of function correlated with lower expression levels of membrane HLA-I molecules on VHL-mutated RCC and a decreased triggering of inhibitory NK receptors compared to RCC with a functional VHL. In stage IV melanoma patients, we showed that blood NK cells displayed a unique NKp46dim/NKG2Adim phenotype and high lytic potential towards melanoma cells. Following chemotherapy, NK cell function was reduced and the phenotype modulated. To study melanoma-infiltrating NK cells, we have set up experimental conditions to characterise NK cells in metastatic LNs from stage III melanoma patients. Our preliminary data show that, compared to normal LNs, NK cells from metastatic LNs are altered. Our findings suggest that oncogenic-dependent immunogenicity, tumour-associated NK alterations and chemotherapy are important factors that must be taken into account in the choice of immunotherapeutic protocols based on NK cells.
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Etude du « dialogue » entre cellules tumorales rénales et cellules NK / Study of the “dialogue” between renal cancer cells and NK cellsWittnebel, Sebastian 08 February 2012 (has links)
Le cancer du rein (CCR) est une néoplasie immunogène. Le travail présenté ici porte sur les interactions entre les cellules Natural Killer (NK) et les cellules du cancer du rein. Les caractéristiques particulières des cellules tumorales rénales, telles que les mutations de VHL, l’événement phare dans le développement des cancers du rein, ou encore l’expression d’une forme membranaire de la cytokine IL-15 interfèrent avec l’activation des cellules NK. On a identifié une forme membranaire de la cytokine IL-15 particulière sur les cellules tumorales rénales, qui contrôlerait l’homéostasie des cellules NK au sein de la tumeur. Par ailleurs, on montre que certaines mutations de VHL des cellules du cancer du rein favorisent l’activation des cellules NK en diminuant l’expression des molécules HLA de classe I par les cellules tumorales. / Renal cell carcinomas (RCC) are immunogenic. The work presented here describes the interactions between NK cells and RCC. We have investigated particular characteristics of RCC, like the mutation of the VHL gene, the key event in carcinogenesis of kidney cancers of the clear cell type, or a particular expression of IL-15 by the tumor cells. We show that certain RCC cell lines express a unique form of membrane bound IL-15. Our work indicates that the expression of IL-15 by the tumor cells might play a role in the homeostasis of NK cells infiltrating kidney cancers. Furthermore we show that mutations of the VHL gene cause diminished HLA expression favoring thereby the activation of NK.
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Study of the involvement of autophagy in the acquisition of tumor resistance to Natural Killer-mediated lysis / Etude de l'implication de l'autophagie dans l'acquisition de résistance tumorale à la lyse par les lymphocytes "Natural Killer"Baginska, Joanna 28 November 2013 (has links)
Les lymphocytes « Natural Killer » (NK) sont des effecteurs de l’immunité innée, capables de lyser les cellules cancéreuses grâce au relargage de la protéase cytotoxique Granzyme B (GzmB). Récemment, de nouvelles stratégies anti-cancéreuses, basées sur l’utilisation des cellules NK, ont émergé et se sont révélées très prometteuses. Il est maintenant clairement établi que le microenvironnement tumoral hypoxique influence la réponse immunitaire et constitue, de ce fait, un obstacle majeur pour établir des protocoles d’immunothérapies efficaces. Des études récentes ont montré que l’autophagie est un régulateur important de l’immunité innée dans le microenvironnement tumoral, mais les mécanismes de régulation impliqués restent encore peu connus. Nous avons montré in vitro que l'hypoxie diminue la sensibilité des cellules de carcinome mammaire à la lyse dépendante des cellules NK par un mécanisme impliquant l'activation de l'autophagie. De manière intéressante, cette diminution de lyse est reversée par l’inhibition de l’autophagie. Nous avons démontré que la résistance des cellules tumorales hypoxiques à la lyse par les cellules NK n'est liée ni à un défaut de reconnaissance des cellules cibles, ni à une altération de l’activité cytotoxique des effecteurs. Nous avons mis en évidence que l'activation de l’autophagie conduit à la dégradation de GzmB dans les lysosomes des cellules hypoxiques. Ainsi, ces cellules deviennent résistantes à l’apoptose, qui est normalement induite par GzmB, transféré par les cellules NK. L’invalidation génétique et pharmacologique de l'autophagie permet de restaurer le niveau intracellulaire de GzmB et réduit la résistance des cellules cibles hypoxiques in vitro. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que l'autophagie est un régulateur primordial de la réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale dépendante des cellules NK. Nous avons validé ce concept in vivo en montrant que l’inhibition de l'autophagie favorise de manière significative la prise en charge de la tumeur par les cellules NK dans des modèles murins de mélanome et de carcinome mammaire. Cette étude contribue à l’avancé des connaissances sur la manière dont l'autophagie, induite par l'hypoxie, affecte la lyse dépendante des cellules NK et ouvre la voie à la formulation de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques anti-tumorales combinant l’utilisation des cellules NK à des inhibiteurs d'autophagie. / Natural killer (NK) cells are effectors of the antitumor immunity, able to kill cancer cells through the release of the cytotoxic protease granzyme B. NK-based therapies have recently emerged as promising anticancer strategies. However, it is well established that hypoxic microenvironment interferes with the function of antitumor immune cells and constitutes a major obstacle for cancer immunotherapies. Recent studies demonstrated that autophagy is an important regulator of innate immune response in this microenvironment, but the mechanism by which autophagy regulates NK cell-mediated antitumor immune responses remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that hypoxia impairs breast cancer cell susceptibility to NK-mediated lysis in vitro via the activation of autophagy. This impairment was not related to a defect in target cell recognition by NK cells but to the degradation of NK-derived granzyme B in autophagosomes of hypoxic cells. Inhibition of autophagy by targeting beclin1 (BECN1) restored granzyme B levels in hypoxic cells in vitro and induced tumor regression in vivo by facilitating NK-mediated tumor cell killing. Together, our data highlight autophagy as a mechanism underlying the resistance of hypoxic tumor cells to NK-mediated lysis and provides a cutting-edge advance in our understanding of the underlying mechanism. This study might pave the way for the formulation of more effective NK cell-based antitumor therapies.
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Etude des mécanismes d’action de l’anticorps anti-CTLA4 et de leurs liens avec le microbiote intestinal / Study of Anti-CTLA4 Antibody Mechanisms of Action and their Association with the Gut MicrobiotaVétizou, Marie 08 July 2015 (has links)
Le CTLA4 permet de maintenir la tolérance du soi et prévient le développement d’auto-immunités. Contenu au sein de vésicules intra-cytoplasmiques des lymphocytes T au repos, le CTLA4 est exprimé à la membrane plasmique suite à l’activation du TCR, on le qualifie de rétrocontrôle inhibiteur du système immunitaire (ICB). L’anticorps bloquant le CTLA4, l’ipilimumab induit un contrôle immunitaire à long terme chez une fraction de patients atteints de mélanomes métastatiques. Deux études cliniques de phase III ont conduit à son autorisation de mise sur le marché dans le traitement du mélanome métastatique par la FDA et l’EMA en 2011. Cependant le blocage du CTLA4 est souvent associé au développement d’effets indésirables liés à l’immunité, irAEs, majoritairement au niveau de la peau et de l’intestin, deux sites colonisés par la flore microbienne. Afin de continuer le développement des ICB et des combinaisons de traitements, de nombreux efforts visent à découpler l’efficacité anti-tumorale de la toxicité associée à l’anti-CTLA4. Bien que la stimulation du système immunitaire soit responsable des effets thérapeutiques de l’anti-CTLA4, aucun biomarqueur immunologique d’efficacité n’a été décrit. Dans notre première étude nous avons étudié le mécanisme d’action de l’anti-CTLA4 et nous avons décrit un rôle de l’IL-2 et de ses récepteurs dans l’activité anti-tumorale de l’anticorps. Nous avons également décrit la fraction soluble du récepteur à l’IL-2, le sCD25 comme un biomarqueur potentiel de résistance au traitement. Une concentration élevée de sCD25 dans le sérum des patients atteints de mélanome prédit la résistance à l’ipilimumab. Dans notre second projet, nous avons révélé le rôle du microbiote intestinale et particulièrement de bactéries Gram négatives, des Bacteroides, dans l’efficacité anti-tumorale de l’anti-CTLA4. L’absence d’efficacité du blocage du CTLA4 chez les animaux dépourvus de flore intestinale peut être rétablie par l’administration de Bacteroides fragilis, ou bien de DC, ou encore de lymphocytes T spécifiques de B. fragilis, sans déclencher de colites. Ces travaux suggèrent de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour espérer améliorer la balance bénéfice / toxicité / coût de l’ipilimumab. / CTLA4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4, which is present in the intracytoplasmic vesicles of resting T cells, is upregulated at the surface of activated T cells where it maintains self-tolerance and prevents autoimmunity. The CTLA4-blocking antibody, ipilimumab, induces immune-mediated long term control of metastatic melanoma in a fraction of patients, leading to its approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medical Agency (EMA) in 2011 for the treatment of advanced metastatic melanoma. However, blockade of CTLA4 by ipilimumab often results in immune-related adverse events (irAEs) at sites that are exposed to commensal flora, namely the gut and the skin. Uncoupling efficacy from toxicity is a challenge for the development of immune checkpoint blockers and therapeutic combinations. Although ipilimumab undoubtedly exerts its therapeutic effects via immunostimulation, relevant immune biomarkers that predict treatment efficiency remain elusive. Firstly, we unravel a role for IL-2 and IL-2 receptors in the anticancer activity of CTLA-4 blockade. Importantly, our study provides an immunologically relevant biomarker, elevated serum sCD25, which predicts resistance to CTLA-4 blockade in patients with melanoma. Secondly, we show that the antitumor effects of CTLA4 blockade depend upon intestinal Gram-negative bacteria, mostly Bacteroides species. These bacteria accumulate at the bottom of the intestinal crypts and elicit an IL-12-dependent Th1 immune response specific for distinct Bacteroides species, both in tumor bearing mice and in cancer patients. CTLA4 blockade lost its anticancer efficacy in antibiotic-treated or germ-free mice. This defect could be overcome by oral administration of Bacteroides fragilis (Bf), immunization with Bf polysaccharides, or adoptive transfer of Bf-specific T cells, all of which in the absence of colitis. Our study unravels the key role of Bacteroides in the immunostimulatory effects of CTLA4 blockade, suggesting novel strategies for safely broadening its clinical use
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Monofosforil lipídeo A e diidrolipoil desidrogenase de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis têm efeito terapêutico na paracoccidiodomicose experimental / Monophosphoryl lipid A and diidrolipoil dehydrogenase from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis have therapeutic effect on experimental paracoccidioidomycosisLandgraf, Taise Natali 26 September 2016 (has links)
Paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma micose sistêmica causada por fungos dimórficos do gênero Paracoccidioides - P. brasiliensis ou P. lutzii. A alta incidência da PCM no Brasil, somada à gravidade que o quadro clínico pode assumir e ainda à ausência de um antifúngico de baixa toxicidade para tratamento de curta duração, motivaram a avaliação de adjuvantes e caracterização dos componentes antigênicos de P. brasiliensis em um modelo imunoterapêutico de PCM. Assim, inicialmente, avaliou-se o efeito de monofosforil lipídeo A (MPLA) de Salmonella minnesota, PAM3CSK4, hidróxido de alumínio e AS04 em camundongos cronicamente infectados com P. brasiliensis. Quando camundongos da linhagem BALB/c foram infectados pela via intratraqueal com 3 × 105 leveduras de P. brasiliensis, tratados no dia 20 após a infecção com um dos adjuvantes e analisados 30 dias após a administração do tratamento, observou-se que MPLA, ao contrário dos outros adjuvantes, induziu (1) uma redução significativa no número de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC), (2) uma expressiva diminuição no número de granulomas e células fúngicas no tecido pulmonar e (3) uma resposta imunológica protetora (Th1) quando comparado aos animais controle tratados com PBS. Quanto ao rastreamento de antígenos de P. brasiliensis candidatos a agentes terapêuticos, evidenciou-se que as frações proteicas da preparação de exoantígenos (ExoAg) eram as mais promissoras. Dentre essas frações, a que continha o ExoAg majoritário diidrolipoil desidrogenase induziu maior porcentagem de proliferação de linfócitos T CD3+ esplênicos de camundongos infectados e tratados com MPLA. O gene de diidrolipoil desidrogenase foi clonado em vetor de expressão e a proteína recombinante produzida, purificada e utilizada no protocolo terapêutico da PCM experimental. Surpreendentemente, a administração terapêutica de diidrolipoil desidrogenase recombinante induziu uma redução significativa na contagem de UFC dos animais infectados cronicamente com P. brasiliensis, mesmo na ausência de adjuvantes, o que não foi observado quando foi administrada a preparação de ExoAg nos animais. A localização subcelular de diidrolipoil desidrogenase, por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, utilizando anticorpos policlonais de camundongos contra essa proteína, mostrou que a mesma está localizada na mitocôndria e também no citoplasma. A análise da expressão gênica diferencial de diidrolipoil desidrogenase em P. brasiliensis mostrou que essa proteína é significativamente mais expressa em leveduras em comparação a hifas e formas de transição. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram os efeitos benéficos de MPLA na PCM experimental e sugerem que diidrolipoil desidrogenase é um alvo terapêutico potencial para o tratamento da PCM. / Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides - P. brasiliensis and P. lutzii. The high incidence of PCM in Brazil, added to the severity of the disease and the absence of an antifungal that brings together low toxicity and short-term treatment, led us to evaluate adjuvants and characterize antigenic components of P. brasiliensis that could be used as immunotherapy in an experimental model of PCM. In this work, firstly, we evaluated monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) from Salmonella minnesota, PAM3CSK4, aluminum hydroxide and AS04 in mice chronically infected with P. brasiliensis. When mice were infected intratracheally with 3 × 105 P. brasiliensis yeasts, treated with one of the adjuvants or vehicle on day 20 postinfection, and analyzed 30 days after the treatment, we observed that MPLA, unlike other adjuvants, induced (1) a significant reduction in the number of colony forming units (CFU) in the lungs of the mice, (2) an expressive decrease of granulomas and yeast cells in lung tissue, and (3) a more protective immune response (Th1) when compared with the control mice. Concerning to detection of antigens for PCM therapy, we noticed that among the fractions of a preparation of exoantigens (ExoAg), the one containing the protein identified as dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase induced a high percentage of proliferation of splenic CD3+ T lymphocytes from mice infected and treated with MPLA. The gene of dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase was cloned into expression plasmid vector, and the recombinant protein produced, purified and used in the therapeutic protocol of experimental PCM. Surprisingly, the therapeutic administration of recombinant dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, but not ExoAg preparation, induced a significant reduction in fungal load in the animals chronically infected with P. brasiliensis, even in the absence of adjuvants. Immunogold labeling and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase is localized in mitochondria and cytoplasm of P. brasiliensis. The differential expression of dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase gene in P. brasiliensis showed that yeast had an expression more significant than hyphae, with an intermediate level of gene expression in the transitional forms. In conclusion, our results show that MPLA and dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase are potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of PCM due to their beneficial effects in a therapy model of PCM.
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Desvio da resposta imunológica deflagrada por morte celular em melanoma experimental pelo imunoestimulador P-MAPA: uma potencial estratégia antitumoral dependente da ativação de receptores TOLL-LIKE? / Deviation of the immune response triggered by cell death in experimental melanoma by immunostimulator P-MAPA: a potential antitumor strategy dependent on the activation of Toll-Like receptors?Adalberto Alves Martins Neto 22 November 2017 (has links)
O melanoma é o mais agressivo tumor da pele, cuja resistência aos tratamentos quimioterápicos tem promovido a crescente utilização de imunoquimioterapia, como é o caso da utilização de agonistas dos receptores Toll-Like (TLRs). Nesse contexto, os compostos abreviados por P-MAPA e seu sintético estrutural MRB-CFI-1 com reconhecidas propriedades antitumorais e imunológicas, são fortes candidatos na terapia e prevenção desse tipo de câncer. Esse estudo visa determinar o potencial anticâncer do P-MAPA e de MRB-CFI-1 contra o melanoma murino em consequência ao padrão de resposta microambiental semelhante ao de morte imunogênica, em regimes de tratamento terapêutico ou vacinal, na vigência de quimioterapia com cisplatina e/ou em associação com antígenos de células tumorais totais. Após avaliação In vivo do crescimento de tumores B16F10 implantados em modelos murinos selvagem e nocaute para o gene Myd88, na vigência ou não do tratamento com cisplatina e/ou P-MAPA, nossos resultados mostraram que o P-MAPA apresentou atividade pró-tumoral e antagonizou a ação da cisplatina em inibir o crescimento dos tumores, de forma dependente de Myd88. Além disso, através de análises qualitativa e quantitativa pelo software ImageJ em fotomicrografias de secções tumorais coradas histologicamente, observamos que o P-MAPA promoveu mudanças microambientais nos tumores que podem impactar negativamente em seu desempenho. Como monoterapia em esquema de vacinação com lisado tumoral total em combinação com quimioterapia, o P-MAPA em dose baixa falhou em suprimir o crescimento de tumores B16F10, mas o seu sintético MRB-CFI-1 foi capaz de prevenir o crescimento desse tipo de melanoma num regime de vacinação profilática. Apesar do sucesso terapêutico desse imunomodulador em diversos modelos de câncer e de doenças infecciosas, o P-MAPA não foi eficaz em produz respostas microambientais contra o melanoma murino, dados esses que limitam a aplicabilidade clínica do composto. De outro modo, o composto fosfato inorgânico MRB-CFI-1 foi protetivo em retardar o aparecimento desse tipo de doença. Assim, o presente estudo foi importante por ampliar o entendimento funcional do P-MAPA numa abordagem imunoquimioterápica em modelos biológicos de tumores de melanoma, e representa uma importante mudança na utilização de constituintes individuais similares ao P-MAPA que sejam mais eficazes, de fácil obtenção, e de produção controlada e garantida / Melanoma is the most aggressive skin cancer, whose resistance to chemotherapeutic treatments has promoted the increasing use of immunochemotherapy, as is the case for the use of Toll-Like receptor agonists (TLRs). In this context, the compounds abbreviated by P-MAPA and its structural synthetic MRB-CFI-1 with recognized antitumor and immunological properties are strong candidates in the therapy and prevention of this type of cancer. This study aims to determine the anti-cancer potential of P-MAPA and MRB-CFI-1 against murine melanoma as a consequence of the microenvironmental response pattern similar to that of immunogenic death in therapeutic or vaccine treatment regimens when using chemotherapy with cisplatin alone or in combination with whole tumor cell antigens. After In vivo evaluation of the growth of B16F10 tumors implanted in wild-type and Myd88 gene knockout mice, under treatment or not with cisplatin and / or P-MAPA, our results showed that P-MAPA showed pro-tumor activity and antagonized the action of cisplatin in inhibiting the growth of tumors in a Myd88-dependent manner. In addition, using qualitative and quantitative analysis by ImageJ software in histological images of tumor sections, we observed that P-MAPA promoted microenvironmental changes in tumors that may negatively impact its performance. As monotherapy in vaccination schedule with total tumor lysate in combination with chemotherapy, low dose P-MAPA failed to suppress the growth of B16F10 tumors, but its synthetic MRB-CFI-1 was able to prevent the growth of this type of melanoma in prophylactic vaccination regimen. Despite the therapeutic success of this immunomodulator in various cancer models and infectious diseases, P-MAPA has not been effective in producing microenvironmental responses against murine melanoma, data that limit the clinical applicability of the compound. Otherwise, the inorganic phosphate compound MRB-CFI-1 was protective in delaying the onset of this type of disease. Thus, the present study was important because it broadened the functional understanding of P-MAPA in an immuno-chemotherapeutic approach in biological models of melanoma tumors and represents an important change in the use of individual constituents similar to P-MAPA that are more efficient, easily obtainable, and controlled and guaranteed production
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