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O tonel das danaides: um estudo sobre o debate do meio circulante no Brasil entre os anos de 1850 a 1866 nas principais instâncias decisórias / The Danaides\' jar: a study on the debate of the currency in Brazil between the years 1850 to 1866 in key decision-making bodiesSáez, Hernán Enrique Lara 20 June 2013 (has links)
Uma das preocupações fundamentais desta pesquisa foi acompanhar e entender o processo decisório em torno das políticas econômicas que, ao contrário do que muitas vezes se alegou, demonstrou ter uma importância central no Estado brasileiro, em meados do século XIX. A análise dos discursos políticos sobre a moeda e o sistema bancário foi utilizada como ferramentas que ajudassem a entender melhor os consensos temporários sobre as questões econômicas e as posições políticas da elite política imperial. O estudo revelou que as inversões de rumo adotadas pelos parlamentares brasileiros não estavam relacionadas apenas com transformações estruturais centradas nos partidos políticos, o que revelou um quadro mais complexo e dinâmico tanto no campo político, quanto no econômico, do que se costuma supor. Pelo acompanhamento dos debates depreende-se que os projetos saneadores da moeda adotados pela elite política foram sinceros, o que significa dizer que ao enfrentar os problemas econômicos os representantes da nação utilizaram seus conhecimentos para encontrar soluções viáveis aos obstáculos que se apresentavam, nem sempre sendo bem-sucedidos nos resultados obtidos. Portanto, ressaltei que se tratava também de uma história de anseios e frustrações, readequações e sucessos, mas, acima de tudo, das transformações de conceitos econômicos que foram refinados, de posições políticas alternadas e de projetos paulatinamente adaptados. / One of the main concerns of this research was to follow and understand the decision-making process surrounding the economic policies that, contrary to what is often claimed, demonstrated a central role in the Brazilian State in the mid-nineteenth century. The analysis of political speeches on the currency and the banking system has been used as tools to help better understand the temporary consensus on economic issues and the political elite of imperial policy. The study revealed that the reversals of direction taken by Brazilian legislators were not only related to structural transformations centered on political parties, which revealed a more complex and dynamic both in the political field and on the economic, than is commonly supposed. By tracking the discussions it appears that projects correctives currency adopted by the political elite were sincere, which means that the economic problems facing the nation\'s representatives used their expertise to find viable solutions to the obstacles that presented themselves, not always being successful the results. So I pointed out that it was also a story of longing and frustrations, and successes, adjustments, but, above all, the transformations of economic concepts that have been refined, political positions and alternate projects gradually adapted.
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O direito à educação no período imperial: um estudo de suas origens no Brasil. / The right to education during the imperial period: a study of its origins in Brazil.Zichia, Andrea de Carvalho 19 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a o direito à educação no Brasil, focalizando o Período Imperial (1822 a 1889). A reflexão incorpora uma análise históricocomparativa acerca do sentido do direito à educação, sua interpretação nos documentos legais e o correspondente debate legislativo. O mapeamento realizado observou a inserção da gratuidade e da obrigatoriedade na legislação. Vale ressaltar que a gratuidade foi explicitada na Constituição Política do Império do Brasil, de 1824. Com o Ato Adicional, em 1834, descentralizou-se a administração pública, ficando a educação primária a cargo das províncias. Assim, a gratuidade não se efetivou em algumas delas no período estudado. Já a obrigatoriedade enfrentou resistências e permeou inúmeros debates parlamentares, de modo que sua implantação aconteceu pontualmente apenas em algumas legislações provinciais. Apesar da explicitação do direito à educação, enquanto dever do Estado, só ter sido realizada no nível federal com a Constituição de 1969, o presente trabalho indica que, em nível provincial, houve inserções já no Período Imperial. / The purpose of this study is to analyze the idea of the right to education during the Imperial Period (1822 to 1889). The reflection incorporates comparative historical analyzes about the right to education, its interpretation on the legal documents and corresponded debates. The right to education mapping began with the observation of the concept of free tuition and compulsory education by the law. In 1824, the Imperial Constitution (Constituição Política do Brasil Imperial) established the principle of free tuition to elementary schools. With the Amendment Constitutional (Ato Adicional) of 1834 the public administration was decentralized and the provinces were made responsible for primary education. But it was not applied at some provinces at that time according this research. On the contrary, the compulsory concept was discussed by the parliament, so it was implemented in a punctual way, just established as a law in some provinces. Although the right to education as a state duty was officially declared only in 1969, this study shows that there were previous statements, in some provinces, during the Imperial Period.
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Preâmbulo, estabelecimento e consequências de uma expedição britânica no Brasil: a Expedição Mato Grosso (1967-1969)Haag, Carlos Alberto Martins 25 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Between 1967 and 1969, invited by Fundação Brasil Central, an ad hoc expediton of The Royal Society and The Royal Geographical Society, known as the Mato Grosso Expedition, came to Brazil. The expedition‟s researches were closely related to the Brazilian military regime‟s plans to occupy and develop the so called Brasil Central. The documentation of the Mato Grosso Expedition shows the resumption of post colonial practices and the movement of a so called pure science towards an applied science according to the national developmentist project. The expedition also shows the maintenance of the british prospecting model in untouched territories and their consequences to science / Entre 1967 e 1969, a convite da Fundação Brasil Central, veio ao Brasil a expedição conjunta Royal Society/Royal Geographical Society, conhecida como Expedição Mato Grosso . Os estudos feitos pelo grupo de cientistas ligaram-se estreitamente ao projeto desenvolvimento de ocupação do Centro-Oeste brasileiro pelo governo militar e a documentação sobre a expedição revela a retomada de práticas pós-coloniais e a passagem da ciência pura para uma ciência aplicada nos moldes do desejado para o projeto desenvolvimentista nacional. A análise da Expedição Mato Grosso mostra a manutenção do modelo britânico de prospecção de territórios ainda intocados e suas consequências sobre a ciência
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A Faculdade de Direito de São Paulo e as interferências imperiais no ensino Jurídico: uma edição de legislações de 1827 a 1879 / University of São Paulo School of Law and the imperial interference in legal education: an edition of laws from 1827 to 1879Ana Paula Navarro 02 June 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta a edição de setenta e quatro documentos do século XIX referentes à administração da Academia de Sciencias Juridicas de São Paulo, atual Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Com base na edição desta documentação, relatamos as interferências imperiais na Academia, desde a época de sua fundação em 1827 até 1879. Foram editadas legislações imperiais que revelam interferências do Governo, cujo objetivo era o controle do Curso Jurídico. Estas interferências regulavam, por um lado, vários aspectos do cotidiano acadêmico como a nomeação de professores, o conteúdo a ser lecionado, os cursos preparatórios e a resolução de dificuldades relacionadas à deficiência do ensino, à falta de professores, à indisciplina dos alunos e, por outro lado, anulavam e substituíam os estatutos da Faculdade quando havia um motivo conveniente ao Governo. O estudo dos aspectos históricos da fundação da Faculdade e das interferências imperiais revela que a Academia tinha por função manter a estrutura do Poder Monárquico, com a formação de bachareis alinhados à ideologia dominante. / This Masters dissertation is a presentation of seventy-four 19th Century documents referring to the management of the Academia de Sciencias Juridicas in São Paulo, now the University of São Paulo School of Law (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo). Based on the edition of these documents, we discuss imperial interference in the Academy, from its foundation in 1827, until 1879. Imperial legislation from this period shows interference from the government, whose aim was to control the Law Course (Curso Jurídico). On one hand, this interference served to regulate various aspects of academic life, such as the appointment of professors, course content, preparatory courses and resolution of problems related to inadequacies in teaching, absence of tutors and student discipline, and on the other hand, it served to annul and substitute the Schools own bylaws whenever the government considered it necessary. The study of the historic aspects of the Schools foundation and of imperial interference shows that the function of the Academy was to preserve the structure of Monarchical Power, by producing graduates aligned with the dominant ideology of the time.
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Temples of divine rulers and urban transformation in Roman-Asia : the cases of Aphrodisias, Ephesos and PergamonÖztürk, Onur 30 October 2013 (has links)
This study provides an in depth analysis of three temples dedicated to emperors in Roman Asia (western Asia Minor): the Temple of Divine Rulers at Aphrodisias, the Temple of Divine Rulers at Ephesus and the Temple of Zeus Philios and Trajan at Pergamon. Focusing on each case study in a separate chapter, the project provides a brief introduction to each city's history and a detailed discussion of each temple's name, dating, patronage structure, architectural form, sculptural program, and the application techniques of sculptural and architectural details. The study proposes an understanding of these temples as key monuments of constantly changing dynamic urban landscapes rather than simple symbolic gestures towards the Roman emperors. Utilizing Kevin Lynch's terminology, the project suggests close links between each monument and the already existing urban elements of each individual city, further strengthening its overall urban image. These structures were essential to their urban contexts, and their meanings and functions were directly linked to the culture and history of each city. Finally, the project demonstrates that through their architectural designs and sculptural programs, each temple emphasized the perspectives of the local elite. The methodology of the project involves a careful study of the city plans, an analysis of context-specific local features and finally a consideration of multiple-viewer perceptions. This dissertation aims to provide an alternative model for later studies in Roman provincial art and architecture. / text
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Ambivalent loyalties and Imperial citizenship on the Russo-Ottoman border between 1878 and 1914 : an analysis of the Ottoman perspectiveYazici Cörüt, Gözde January 2016 (has links)
Taking as its subject the Russo-Ottoman borderland during the period between the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and the start of the First World War (1914), and making extensive use of Ottoman archival documents covering this period, this thesis focuses on the ways in which the Ottoman state attempted to establish two types of boundary in order to ensure sovereignty over its territory. Firstly, there was a new geo-political border, the line dividing the Russian and Ottoman Empires at the juncture of north-eastern Anatolia and the southern Caucasus, created by the Treaty of Berlin. Secondly, there was what can be called a citizenship boundary, shaped by various laws and regulations defining the Ottoman citizenry. The main issues examined in respect of the first boundary are various types of human movement across this border and their control by the Ottoman state. Primary concerns regarding the second boundary revolve around the inclusion in and exclusion from the Ottoman citizenship of ethno-religious groups as a result of the Ottoman state's enforcement of the border. Our approach to studying how the citizenship boundary was established is two-fold, reflecting both local and state perspectives. The local perspective shows the actions of the inhabitants and travellers passing through this border region as shaped by their own day-to-day needs, livelihood patterns and pre-existing socio-economic relations; these resisted limitation by the logic of the sovereign state. The state perspective reflects the Ottoman view of Russia as the main threat to its border territories; this view led the Ottoman central authorities to perceive the entanglements and overlapping positions of its subjects in and with Russia as the cause of their ambiguous loyalties to the Ottoman state. In focusing on the specific policies and practices that the Ottoman state applied in order to deal with this ambiguity, two groups of people, Muslims and Armenians, are singled out. Notwithstanding the all-embracing state laws and discourse of legal equality, Ottoman border policy in respect of its Muslim subjects is shown to have differed greatly from that designed for its Armenian subjects. Therefore, the thesis offers a nuanced framework with which to understand Ottoman citizenship in the Russo-Ottoman border context, by revealing the normative and practical measures the Ottoman state employed to classify its Muslim and Armenian populations, thereby differentiating their status as subjects. This thesis - the first English-language work on the Russo-Ottoman border region during the late nineteenth century and pre-WWI period- offers a range of original insights into this borderland in particular and related issues more generally. It unfolds the details of everyday life and represents the local people as active agents - active, moreover, in relation both to the changing nature and effectiveness of the state's assertion of territorial authority and also to the differences between the two empires' policies and practices. Overall, the thesis focuses on the end-of-empire border politics and the issue of Ottoman citizenship not only from the perspective of macro-level political developments and central state power but also in terms of the peripheral specificities of administration and the movements and subjecthood choices of villagers. Thus, this thesis presents a new type of multi-faceted account of borderland development in which ethno-religious considerations came to inform a somewhat messy production of sovereignty in the context of the modernizing transition between empire and nation-state.
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CULTO IMPERIAL E O APOCALIPSE DE JOÃO Uma análise exegética de Ap 13,1-18Ribeiro, Gilvaldo Mendes 21 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation investigates the narrative of the apocalyptic vision found in Ap 13,1-18. Its starting point is a question about the reality which influenced the author at the time of writing by using baffling language. The hypothesis is that John s Apocalypse which is an important source of the experiences of primitive Christianity at the end of the first century offers a strong criticism of the demands of adoration offered to the Roman authorities by means of the Imperial Cult. The images of the beasts described in Ap 13,1-18 express this theme by using provocative language grounded in the force of the word and mythical tradition of the Ancient Near East. In this way, the author demonizes and stigmatizes the expressions of official religion that treat the governors as divine beings as well as the promoters of the Imperial Cult in Asia Minor.(AU) / Esta dissertação investiga a narrativa de visão apocalíptica encontrada em Ap 13,1-18. Ela parte da pergunta sobre a realidade que influenciou o autor no momento da composição, utilizando-se, assim, de uma linguagem provocativa. Nossa hipótese indica que o Apocalipse de João, importante fonte das experiências do Cristianismo primitivo no final do primeiro século, proporciona uma dura crítica às exigências de adoração dirigidas às autoridades romanas através do Culto Imperial. As imagens das bestas descritas em Ap 13,1-18 expressam este tema através de uma linguagem provocativa, fundamentada na força da palavra e na tradição do mito do antagonista encontrado no Antigo Oriente Próximo. Neste sentido, acreditamos que o autor demoniza e estigmatiza as expressões da religião oficial, as quais tratam os governantes como seres divinos, e os promotores do Culto Imperial na região da Ásia Menor.(AU)
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Moral, educação e religião na civilização da infância no Segundo Reinado (1854-1879) / Morals, education and religion: the civilization of childhood in the Brazilian Empire (1854-1879)Narita, Felipe Ziotti [UNESP] 10 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Felipe Ziotti Narita (fznarita@gmail.com) on 2016-11-11T14:14:34Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Dans cette thèse, j’analyse le rôle de l’éducation, de la morale et de la religion dans la construction des images et des savoirs sur l’enfance à Rio de Janeiro au XIXe siècle. Cette démarche est delimité par des réformes importantes concernant l’enseignement primaire: la réforme du ministre Couto Ferraz en 1854 et la réforme du ministre Leôncio de Carvalho en 1879. Il s’agit d’une période où l’enfance est effectivement apparu à l’horizon politique de l’Empire brésilien à partir de processus sociaux d’éducation spécifiques: la publication des manuels scolaires, les débats des élites culturelles sur l’instruction et l’éducation et la formation des préoccupations institutionalisées à l’égard de l’enfance (écoles, conférences publiques, instituts d’enseignement, etc.). La recherche est basée sur rapports officiels de l’Empire, documents des institutions d’enseignement et charité, manuels scolaires, journaux et documentation manuscrite. Dans l’ordre politique impérial, instruction, éducation et moralisation forment un ensemble pour la structuration de l’enfance dans la mesure où cette dynamique constitue les rélations entre une sphère de l’éducation et sa cohérence dans une forme sociale fondée sur la routinisation des valeurs du champ de la moralité. / Neste trabalho pretendo analisar o lugar da educação, da moral e da religião na construção de imagens e de saberes sobre a infância na Corte imperial (Rio de Janeiro), especificamente no período compreendido entre as duas importantes reformas do ensino: a reforma do ministro Couto Ferraz, em 1854, e a do ministro Leôncio de Carvalho, em 1879. Trata-se de um momento em que a infância era efetivamente objetivada nas atenções do Império a partir de processos de educação específicos, já que, além da produção livresca destinada àquele público (tanto livros de leitura quanto livros didáticos), os grupos letrados debatiam dimensões da instrução/educação em congressos e periódicos, apoiando, inclusive, a formulação de preocupações intitucionalizadas para a educação da infância (escolas, conferências públicas, institutos para crianças cegas e surdas, asilos para crianças desvalidas e sociedades de instrução). A pesquisa está fundamentada, sobretudo, em relatórios oficiais do Império, documentos de instituições de ensino e de caridade, livros escolares, periódicos e pareceres manuscritos de professores. Instruir, educar e moralizar: três fundamentos para que os jovens engenhos fossem inseridos no conjunto da sociedade imperial – momento em que a infância era construída, sobretudo, no horizonte político do Império, estabelecendo alguns importantes nexos entre uma nascente esfera educacional e a coerência de sua forma social estruturada a partir da rotinização de valores do campo da moralidade. / In this thesis, my purpose is to analyze how education, morals and religion constitute structural relations in the formation of images and knowledge on childhood in nineteenthcentury Rio de Janeiro. I analyze this problem between two important political reforms in education: the first was conducted by minister Couto Ferraz in 1856, and the second was implemented by minister Leôncio de Carvalho in 1879. In formulating this cronological approach, I would like to emphasize this period as an important moment in the emergence of childhood on the political horizon of the Brazilian Empire, taking into account important social processes that took place in Imperial Brazil from the 1850s through the 1870s: schoolbooks publication, institutionalized attentions on the education of children (schools, public lessons, asylums) and debates concerning instruction and education. The research is based on official reports, schoolbooks, newspapers and manuscripts. Instruction, education and moralization are understood in terms of structuration process of an educational sphere which gives a definite form to a society through the prism of the routinization of values from the realm of morality.
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Marcado pela própria natureza = o Imperial Instituto Fluminense de Agricultura e as ciências agrícolas - 1860 a 1991 / Bound by its very nature : The Imperial Instituto Fluminense of Agriculture and agricultural science, 1860-1991Bediaga, Begonha, 1958- 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Margaret Lopes, Léa Maria Leme Strini Velho / Tese ( doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T21:06:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Analisa-se na tese a trajetória do Imperial Instituto Fluminense de Agricultura (IIFA), instituição de caráter privado criada por membros do Estado, proprietários rurais e homens das ciências. O Instituto tinha como objetivo o melhoramento da agricultura no Brasil, com propostas de mudanças na rotina da lavoura, de incorporação de princípios científicos e de introdução de máquinas e instrumentos agrícolas nas atividades rurais. Os homens das ciências vinculados ao IIFA buscavam o 'ideal de progresso de país civilizado' e empenhavam-se na 'missão' de convencer o lavrador a adotar uma agricultura baseada em princípios das ciências. Constituíam o IIFA: o Jardim Botânico da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, que adicionou à sua atribuição anterior de pesquisa e espaço de lazer a função de produzir mudas e sementes em grande escala e distribuí-las aos agricultores; a Fazenda Normal, que funcionava como espaço para a prática de experimentações tecnocientíficas; e o Asilo Agrícola, que acolhia órfãos desvalidos oriundos da Santa Casa de Misericórdia e ensinava-lhes o ofício da lavoura e as primeiras letras. O IIFA publicou, durante 22 anos ininterruptos, a Revista Agrícola, de periodicidade trimestral, destinada à divulgação de temas relacionados com as atividades da lavoura, com vistas a melhorar e aumentar a produção agrícola. Na tese, mostra-se que o Instituto serviu de lócus de institucionalização de áreas científicas relacionadas à agricultura, como química agrícola, silvicultura, pedologia, meteorologia agrícola, fitopatologia e zootecnia, até que elas constituíssem seus próprios espaços científicos / Abstract: This thesis analyses the trajectory of the Imperial Instituto Fluminense de Agricultura (IIFA), a private institution founded by State officials, landowners and "men of sciences". The Institute's main goal was to improve agricultural production in Brazil, through changes in farming practices, adoption of new equipment and the introduction of scientific principles into the rural activities. The men of sciences linked to IIFA aimed at the 'ideal of progress of civilized countries' and, took as their 'mission' to convince farmers to adopt a science-based agriculture. IIFA was constitute by: the Jardim Botânico [Botanical Garden] da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, which besides being a leisure area, was also responsible for the production of seedling and seeds in large scale to be distributed to farmers; the Fazenda Normal, a farm with the purpose of serving as grounds to the practice of technical and scientific experimentation; and the Asilo Agrícola [Agricultural Asylum], a foster home that sheltered orphans from the Santa Casa da Misericórdia and taught them reading and writing and the profession of farming. IIFA issued the Revista Agricola [Agricultural Journal] consistently for 22 years. The three-monthly magazine aimed at spreading farming-related themes, with a view to improving and raising agricultural production. The thesis shows that the Institute served as a locus for institutionalizing the scientific fields related to Agriculture in Brazil, such as Agricultural Chemistry, Forestry, Pedology, Agricultural Meteorology, Phytopatology and Animal Husbandry, to the point they could conquer their own spaces / Doutorado / Ensino e Historia de Ciencias da Terra / Doutor em Ciências
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Um dia de aulas na Academia Imperial de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro - entre 1826 e 1851 / A day of classes at the Imperial Academy of Arts of Rio de Janeiro - between 1816 and 1851Cortelazzo, Patricia Rita, 1971- 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Milton Jose de Almeida / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T08:36:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa mostra como seria um dia de aulas na Academia Imperial de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro, através de documentos e obras que eram usados nas aulas e, também, outros textos e imagens que surgiram na memória de maneira hipotética, mas, que poderiam ter feito parte daquele universo. / Abstract: This research shows how a day of classes would be at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Rio de Janeiro, through documents and articles which were used in the classroom, and also other texts and images that emerged in the memory in a hypothetical way; but they could have been part of that universe. / Doutorado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Doutor em Educação
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