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Développement de systèmes d'analyse en flux imprimés en 3D pour le dosage de Pb, Cd et Hg dans les eaux / Development of 3D printed flow analysis systems for the determination of lead, cadmium, and mercury in waterMattio, Elodie 16 November 2018 (has links)
La quantification des métaux dans les milieux aquatiques est un enjeu majeur, au vu de leur toxicité élevée et de leurs nombreuses sources d’émission dans l’environnement. Dans cette optique, le développement de systèmes d’analyse en ligne portables et à bas coût va permettre de réaliser des contrôles répétés et automatisés sur site. Trois métaux ont été ciblés dans cette étude : le plomb, le cadmium et le mercure. Pour développer ces systèmes, l’impression 3D a été utilisée pour réduire les coûts de fabrication et permettre la conception de modules sur mesure. Trois systèmes ont été développés, selon la méthodologie suivante : dans un premier temps, l’échantillon va être photo-oxydé pour extraire les métaux de la matrice organique et minérale, puis les métaux ciblés vont être ensuite préconcentrés sur phase solide, élués et détectés en spectroscopie UV-Visible ou en fluorescence. Les choix de la phase solide, de l’éluant et du réactif de détection vont ainsi être déterminants pour la caractérisation sélective et sensible de chaque métal. Un premier système pour l'analyse du plomb a été développé, et se compose de trois modules imprimés en 3D, accueillant une colonne de résine, un mélangeur, et une cellule de détection optique. Un second système, sous la forme d’un lab-on-valve, permet la quantification du plomb et du cadmium. Enfin le troisième système, portant sur le mercure, intègre une pièce imprimée en 3D dont la surface a été greffée avec une molécule (dithizone carboxylate) permettant l'extraction sélective du mercure du milieu. Ces systèmes conduisent ainsi à de nouvelles perspectives pour le développement de systèmes en flux plus complexes imprimés en 3D. / Metals determination in aqueous samples is a major challenge nowadays, in the light of their high toxicity and their numerous emission sources into the environment. In this context, the development of on-line and low-cost analytical systems allows to carry out automated on-site measurements. Three metals (lead, cadmium and mercury) have been targeted in this study. 3D printing has been used in this study to reduce fabrication costs and to allow a tailor-made conception of the units. The developed flow systems in this study are based on the same analytical methodology: first, the sample is photo-oxidized to extract targeted metals from organic and mineral matrix of the sample. Then, metals are preconcentrated on a solid phase, then eluted and detected by UV-Visible or fluorescence spectroscopy. The choices of preconcentration solid phases, eluents, and detection reagents are decisive for the selective and sensitive characterisation of each metal. The first developed system concerns lead analysis, and consists of three 3D printed units, which contain a resin column, a mixing coil, and a spectroscopic flow-cell. The second system for lead and cadmium determination contains a 3D printed lab-on-valve with eight ports, two resin columns, and a mixing coil with baffles. Finally, the third system includes a 3D printed unit whose surface has been modified by grafting a molecule with high affinity for mercury (dithizone carboxylate). This 3D printed unit provides a selective extraction of mercury after modification of its surface. The systems thus developed allow to explore the possibilities of 3D printing for the development of more complex flow systems.
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Multiplexeurs Accordables pour Application Spatiale / Tunable Multiplexers for Space ApplicationFeuray, William 22 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d’étudier le principe d’un multiplexeur de sortie accordable pour la charge utile d’un satellite de télécommunication. La première étape consiste à analyser les principales topologies de multiplexeur de sortie utilisables et les comparer pour en retirer le meilleur candidat pour cette application. Par la suite, diverses études ont été menées sur des composants passifs imprimés en 3D plastique et métallisés de diverses manières, en cherchant à comprendre comment améliorer au mieux les résultats de ces prototypes. La dernière partie de ce manuscrit détaille la conception d’un multiplexeur à deux canaux pouvant être utilisé sur trois états différents en large bande à 19 GHz. Ces états sont créés par des bandes passantes relatives variant de 1,6 à 4,8 % et une réalisation de deux maquettes sert de preuves de concept et de performance (une en plastique métallisé et la seconde en aluminium usiné). / This thesis is about study of tunable output multiplexer principle for telecommunication satellite payload. The first step is analysis of the main topologies of output multiplexers and to compare them to conclude with the best candidate. Then, several studies were conducted on 3D plastic printed passive components with specific metallizations, searching how to improve results in term of losses and precision. Last part detailed two channels multiplexer design which can be used on three different states of relative bandwidth from 1.6 to 4.8 % at 19 GHz, and realization of two concept proof prototypes (one in metallized 3D printed plastic and another one in machined aluminum).
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Sensitivity to the magnitude of people's help depends on how it is framedWingren, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
A study was conducted to examine if people’s sensitivity to the magnitude to which somebody helps depends on how the help is framed. To test this, participants read vignettes about moral agents whose help had one of three different magnitudes: a base level, a medium level (the base level times 5) and a high level (the base level times 10). The moral agents’ help was also framed in one of three ways. They either helped victims, volunteered a number of hours, or donated an amount to charity. To measure the sensitivity, participants rated how likeable they found the agent. It turned out that if the help was framed as helping victims, the participants were not at all sensitive to the different magnitudes of help. That is, an agent was not liked more if they helped a high or medium number of victims than if they helped a low number; neither were they liked more if they helped a high number than if they helped a medium number. However, in the two other types of framing, participants were more sensitive. When help was framed as volunteering a number of hours, participants liked an agent more if they volunteered a medium or high number of hours than if they only volunteered a low number of hours. But they did not like a participant more if they volunteered a high number of hours than if they volunteered a medium number of hours. The same exact pattern was found when framing help as donating to charity. A possible explanation for the result is given in the discussion.
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“Fake it till you make it” : En kvalitativ studie om hur rekryterare bedömer personligheter och hanterar utmaningar vid chefsrekryteringNilefrii, Melina, Persson, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
In order to be hired, an applicant is expected to possess and live up to a variety of requirements. Though competences such as previous work experience and levels of studies are easily presented and measurable, this presumably may not be the case of more inexplicit information such as people's personalities and attitudes. The purpose of this study is to understand how recruiters value and determine personalities of candidates applying for executive positions. Furthermore it seeks to examine how recruiters handle potential challenges with trying to determine these personalities. Addressing these questions, we integrate semi-structured interviews with recruiters and an analysis of 100 job advertisements for executive positions. The interviews were performed with 6 highly qualified recruiters possessing substantial experience in recruitment regarding executive positions. Found was that recruiters do not seek to determine personalities, but rather personality traits relevant to the job position in question. These personality traits were something that recruiters argued being taken highly in to consideration when determining who to hire. In order to determine these traits, recruiters proposed several methods. Usually, a personality test filled by the applicant set the tone for the rest of the recruitment process. The recruiters alleged that the result of the test formed behaviour related questions during the job-interview regarding the personality traits of interest. Another method used, which had a clash of believed validity, was the estimation of applicants personality traits by looking at their behaviour during the actual interview. The challenges with trying to determine these personality traits proved to be 1) Misunderstandings between applicants and recruiters 2) Differences in applicants love of ease and skill regarding the job interview as a format 3) Candidates telling outright lies. In order to avoid misunderstandings recruiters asked candidates to give examples from real life experiences. To handle the risk of candidates being skillful in doing interviews a trial of employment was used so that the recruiter had a chance to evaluate the candidate in its executive position. The risk of applicants telling lies was resolved by either a) Trying to explain as little as possible regarding the job, so that the applicant would not be able to form their answers b) By asking follow up questions regarding the personality traits of interest without revealing what was looked for.
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"Moldagem em prótese parcial fixa com afastamento gengival: estudo histológico comparativo em cães entre a técnica de anel de cobre e godiva e cordão de algodão associado a cloreto de alumínio" / FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE IMPRESSION WITH GINGIVAL DISPLACEMENT: COMPARATIVE HISTOLOGICAL STUDY IN DOGS USING COPPER BAND TECHNIQUE AND STRING IMPREGNATED WITH ALUMINIUM CHLORIDESantos, Lydia de Brito 07 May 2002 (has links)
O presente estudo submeteu três cães ao afastamento gengival comparando a técnica de afastamento e moldagem com anel de cobre e godiva de baixa fusão com a técnica de afastamento gengival com cordão de algodão associado a cristais de cloreto de alumínio, e moldagem única com silicona de condensação. O objetivo foi comparar a biocompatibilidade periodontal entre as duas técnicas. Foram obtidas amostras nos períodos de 0 (zero), 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias, as quais foram avaliadas histologicamente, utilizando-se a técnica de coloração hematoxilina e eosina. Como resultado, para todos os métodos testados, as conseqüências histológicas para o periodonto foram consideradas reversíveis. / This study carried out three dogs to gingival displacement comparing the copper band and compound gingival displacement and impression technique with string impregnated in aluminium chloride with gingival displacement technique, and single impression by condensing silicone impression material. The objective was to compare the periodontal biocompability between the two techniques. Blocks specimens including the teeth and the soft tissue were taken immediately, 3, 7, 14 e 21 days, and had histological analysis with stain hematoxilin and eosin. The results showed that all groups had reversible histological consequences.
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Gerenciamento de impressão em relatórios de sustentabilidade no Brasil: Uma análise do uso de gráficos / Impression management in sustainability reports in Brazil: An analysis of the use of graphics.Penteado, Isabela Alves de Morais 25 October 2013 (has links)
O crescente número de empresas brasileiras que preparam e divulgam voluntariamente relatórios de sustentabilidade, bem como as motivações propostas pela Teoria da Legitimidade para a adoção dessa prática, causam questionamentos a respeito da idoneidade da informação oferecida. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho investigou se os gráficos apresentados nos relatórios de sustentabilidade publicados por cinquenta empresas brasileiras de capital aberto foram utilizados como ferramentas para o gerenciamento de impressões, sendo manipulados de forma a melhorar a apresentação do desempenho obtido por essas organizações e auxiliar em seus processos de legitimação. A amostra final compreendeu 3.422 informações gráficas e as análises realizadas abrangeram duas formas de gerenciamento de impressões por meio do uso de gráficos abordadas na literatura: a seletividade e a distorção de medidas. Os resultados encontrados, embora explicativos, não forneceram evidências seguras de que os gráficos identificados foram empregados como ferramentas para o gerenciamento de impressão. Apesar da predominância da utilização de gráficos para a representação de notícias positivas e das distorções de medidas físicas identificadas, as evidências conduzem com maior segurança para a interpretação de que tais resultados decorrem de um despreparo e/ou desatenção dos responsáveis pela elaboração dos relatórios de sustentabilidade. / The growing number of Brazilian companies that voluntarily prepare and disclose sustainability reports, and the reasons proposed by the Legitimacy Theory for the adoption of this practice, lead to questions about the trustworthiness of the information offered. Thus, the present study investigated whether the graphs in sustainability reports published by fifty publicly traded Brazilian companies were used as tools for managing impressions, being manipulated in order to improve the presentation of the performance achieved by these organizations and assist in process of legitimation. The final sample consisted of 3,422 raphical information and the analyzes encompassed two forms of impression management through the use of graphs addressed in the literature: selectivity and measures distortion. The results, although explanatory, did not provide good evidence that the identified graphs were used as tools for managing print. Despite the prevalence of the use of graphs to represent positive news and distortions of physical measurement distortions identified, the evidence leads to more safely to the interpretation that such results derive from of a lack of both preparation and/or attention of those responsible for the preparation of sustainability reports.
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Assessing Situations On Social Media: Temporal, Demographic, And Personality Influences On Situation ExperienceUnknown Date (has links)
Social media posts are used to examine what people experience in their everyday
lives. A new method is developed for assessing the situational characteristics of social
media posts based on the words used in these posts. To accomplish this, machine learning
models are built that accurately approximate the judgments of human raters. This new
method of situational assessment is applied on two of the most popular social media sites:
Twitter and Facebook. Millions of Tweets and Facebook statuses are analyzed. Temporal
patterns of situational experiences are found. Geographic and gender differences in
experience are examined. Relationships between personality and situation experience
were also assessed. Implications of these finding and future applications of this new
method of situational assessment are discussed. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Preparação por inkjet e caracterização de dosímetros poliméricos para radiação UV-azul. / Fabrication using inkjet and characterization of polymer radiation dosimeter for UV-blue.Santos, Helton Almeida dos 26 May 2008 (has links)
Ao final da década de 1980, pesquisadores da empresa Eastman Kodak anunciaram as propriedades eletroluminescentes de materiais orgânicos não poliméricos. Seguindo essa linha, em 1990, um grupo de pesquisadores ingleses demonstrou propriedades semelhantes para os polímeros, utilizando-os como elementos ativos de dispositivos emissores de luz. Era este o início de uma nova área de pesquisa que tinha interface na eletrônica e nos novos semicondutores poliméricos. Surgiram os chamados polímeros luminescentes - resultado das descobertas das propriedades semicondutoras dos polímeros e copolímeros, blendas e heteroestruturas orgânico-inorgânicas. Os materiais semicondutores poliméricos apresentam diversas vantagens associadas à sua característica de fácil processamento e baixo custo de produção. Podem ser utilizados na forma de filmes finos que têm boas propriedades mecânicas e que permitem a sua utilização em substratos flexíveis. Diversas empresas como Philips, Sony, Pioneer, DuPont, Kodak e Uniax têm investido fortemente em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de dispositivos eletroluminescentes, memórias, sensores de imagem e outros sensores que aproveitam as propriedades dos polímeros semicondutores. A radiação, numa variada faixa de comprimentos de onda, pode afetar as propriedades de alguns desses polímeros semicondutores. A característica de material semicondutor, inerente a esses materiais, pode ser degradada por efeito de foto-oxidação que pode ser estimulado pela exposição à radiação. Surge a possibilidade de desenvolver dispositivos baseados em polímeros semicondutores para uso em detectores de radiação. Este trabalho consiste num estudo de desenvolvimento de dosímetros poliméricos de radiação para a faixa de comprimento de onda entre 400 nm e 500 nm, especificamente usada em ambientes hospitalares no tratamento intensivo de neonatos. Com o objetivo descrito, foi realizado o estudo de substratos adequados para a finalidade desejada, o desenvolvimento de um processo de deposição para os dispositivos de filmes-finos e o estudo da influência da radiação na faixa do ultravioleta-visível (UV-Vis) em suas propriedades. Das diversas técnicas de deposição de filmes finos existentes, foi selecionada para este estudo, a de deposição por jato de tinta (\"inkjet printing\") devido às suas características de simplicidade, potencial custo baixo e, principalmente, o menor nível de perda do polímero a ser depositado, já que a referida técnica permite a deposição de quantidades mínimas do material. Como material ativo foi selecionado um semicondutor polimérico da família dos polifluorenos, devido ao seu relativamente fácil manuseio. Pesquisadores da área, cada vez mais, acreditam que a impressão por jato de tinta seja uma das técnicas de deposição mais promissoras para a produção em grande escala. O objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir com um novo instrumento a ser usado no monitoramento da irradiação no tratamento fototerápico da hiperbilirrubinemia no ambiente da neonatologia hospitalar. Atualmente os bebês recém-nascidos são tratados com empirismo considerável tendo em conta não haver procedimentos de controle para a dose da irradiação aplicada ao neonato nas incubadora neonatal das maternidades. Os riscos de hiperbilirrubinemia severa do neonato incluem a possibilidade de surdez, de paralisia cerebral ou mesmo de lesão cerebral em casos extremos. A observada Icterícia pode estar ligada à imaturidade do fígado do bebê. A bilirubinemia é muito freqüente em neonatos e precisa ser tratada para a redução dos citados riscos. O tratamento mais comum é a fototerapia com radiação na faixa do UV-próximo/azul. A fototerapia é realizada por várias sessões de muitas horas que dependem do nível de hiperbilirrubinemia no sangue, TBS (Total Bilirrubine Serum) do bebê. A hiperbilirrubinemia é crítica quando seu nível for igual ou maior que 428 micromol/litro ou 25 mg/dL (Referencia - Previsão e prevenção de hiperbilirrubinemia de neonatal extremo, T.B., Newman et al., Arco Pediatr Adolesc Med/Vol 154, Nov. 2000 pp 1140-1147). Além de permitir reduzir o empirismo do tratamento com o uso de um dosímetro para a faixa de radiação em tela, este pode ser usado para avaliar a condição da fonte de radiação específica de luz usada neste tipo de tratamento. O dosímetro proposto, como instrumento adicional para os neonatologistas poderá monitorar as doses de radiação aplicada durante a fototerapia e evitar excessos, reduzindo o tempo no protocolo de tratamento neonatal. / At the end of the 1980s, researchers from Eastman Kodak announced the electroluminescent properties of non-polymeric organic materials. At the beginning of the 1990s, researchers from the UK showed similar properties of organic polymers, using them as active elements in light emitting devices. It was the beginning of a new research area interfacing the electronics and the new polymeric semiconductors. As a result of the findings on the semiconducting properties of polymers and copolymers, blends and organic-inorganic heterostructures, a new class of materials became the research subject of several groups. Polymer semiconductors exhibit several advantages like simple processing and low production cost. They can be utilized as thin-films with good mechanical properties for use in flexible substrates. Several high-tech enterprises like Philips, Sony, Pioneer, DuPont, Kodak and Uniax are investing strongly in the research and development of such materials and devices, including memories, image sensors, light-emmiting devices, among others. Radiation in a very broad range of wavelengths can affect characteristics of some semiconductor polymers. Their inherent semiconducting feature can be degraded by the photo-oxidation effect, activated by radiation exposition. This suggests the possibility of the development of semiconductor polymer based radiation sensing devices. This work deals with a study of radiation dosimeters for the wavelength range of 400 nm to 500 nm, specifically important at the maternity hospitals in the therapy of newborn babies. To cope with this objective, the study of adequate substrates, development of suitable deposition process for the thin-film devices and study of its properties changes with radiation in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) range was done. From the different thin-film deposition techniques, the inkjet deposition technique was selected for this study thanks to its production simplicity, potential low cost an, mainly, because it permits the deposition of minute amounts of material, leading to very little material losses. As the active material a polymeric semiconductor of the fluorene family was selected thanks to its easy processing. Researchers of this area, more and more, believe that the Inkjet Printing is one of the very promising deposition techniques for mass production of those devices. The aim of this research is to offer a new tool to be used in the monitor of the irradiation in the phototherapy for severe hyperbilirubinemia of newborn babies. In most cases newborn babies are treated with a considerably empiric protocol considering the inexistence of procedures to control the radiation doses in the treatments. The risks of extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinemia include possibility of deafness, cerebral palsy or brain damage in extreme cases. Jaundice may be due to the immaturity of baby\'s liver. Bilirubinemia is most frequent in newborn and must be treated to reduce such risks. The most common treatment is phototherapy with nearUV-blue radiation. Phototherapy is accomplished by several sessions of many hours depending on the Total Bilirubin Serum (TBS) found in the baby blood. Hyperbilirubinemia is very dangerous to the near-term newborn when its level is equal or greater than 428 micromol/liter or 25 mg/dL (Reference Prediction and prevention of extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, T.B., Newman et al., Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med/Vol 154, Nov. 2000 pp 1140-1147). Besides reducing the empiric treatments based on the nearUV-blue radiation, the use of a sensor can be important to evaluate the condition of the specific type of lamp used in the treatments. The proposed dosimeter can be an additional instrument for the neonatologists to be used in the determination of the phototherapy radiation dose, thus reducing, in the medical protocol, the jaundice treatment time.
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Český rozhlas Dvojka - budování kontaktu s posluchači / Czech Radio Dvojka - building contact with the audienceJežek, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis Czech Radio Dvojka - building contact with the audience analyses the instruments, which is this station used to address listeners, respectively the recipients of media content. The thesis is based on the theoretical framework which is postulated by the sociologist John B. Thompson in the book The Media and Modernity, on his triad of interactions, which characterizes the effect of communication media. Whereas the first type "mediated quasi- interaction" characterizes unidirectional transmission of the radio station to a listener, the other two types - "mediated interaction" and "face to face interaction" characterize ways how the medium could overcome this unidirectional communication. Therefore this master's thesis analyses the selected programs of the station Czech Radio Dvojka, which represent these mentioned types. Thereafter the qualitative analysis analyses especially the instruments of moderators with use of the triple coding's type (open coding, axial coding, selective coding), because the moderators represent the station and substantially determine its communicative style. The master's thesis wants to verify the premise that the moderators significantly contribute to creating of impression, that the communication between the radio station (the media house) and listeners...
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Tintas y materiales compuestos anisotrópicos basados en nanotubos de carbono / Anisotropic nanotube-based inks and composite materials / Encres et composites anisotropes à base de nanotubes de carboneTorres-Canas, Fernando José 29 May 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude d'encres, de composites et de dépôts de nanotubes de carbone monofeuillets (SWNT). Le contrôle de la dispersion et de l'orientation des nanotubes dans ces matériaux composites nanostructurés vise à optimiser leurs propriétés, en particulier électriques et optiques.La première partie du travail est consacrée à l'optimisation de la dispersion des SWNT dans des suspensions aqueuses stabilisées par des tensio-actifs, des sels biliaires, et à l'étude de leurs propriétés optiques, et en particulier de leur photoluminescence (PL) dans le proche infrarouge. La spectroscopie d'absorption nous permet de sonder la dispersion des SWNT et de mesurer leur coefficient d'absorption. Nous montrons que ce dernier est très sensible au degré d'individualisation des nanotubes. Par ailleurs, nous revisitons l'interprétation des spectres de PL excités dans le proche infrarouge (en particulier à 1,17 et 1,58 eV) et attribuons les différents pics mesurés à différents mécanismes : transitions excitoniques directes, à des couplages exciton-phonon ou à des transferts d'énergie entre nanotubes. Nous montrons que l'évolution de l'intensité de PL avec l'individualisation permet de distinguer ces différents mécanismes.La seconde partie du travail est dédiée à la préparation de suspensions aqueuses stabilisées par des polymères hydrosolubles (PVA et PVP), et de composites SWNT/polymère, sans tensio-actifs. Les suspensions de nanotubes sont mélangées à des solutions de polymère, puis dialysées pour éliminer le tensio-actif. Le rendement, i.e. la concentration de la suspension finale, est de l'ordre de 75 fois plus élevée que pour une suspension préparée directement avec des polymères. Par ailleurs, les spectres de PL sont sensibles à l'environnement diélectrique des nanotubes et leur étude permet de mettre en évidence un échange entre les agents dispersants tensio-actifs/PVA à la surface des nanotubes, échange qui n'est pas observé dans le cas du PVP. Dans la troisième partie de la thèse, nous utilisons la technique d'impression jet d'encre pour imprimer des lignes continues micrométriques de SWNT, et proposons des méthodes originales pour étudier leur morphologie et leur anisotropie. La morphologie des dépôts peut varier entre deux cas limites, le dépôt homogène et la ‘‘paire de rails'', en faisant varier la concentration de nanotubes dans les encres, la distance entre gouttes et la température du substrat. L'orientation des nanotubes au bord des dépôts est très élevée (paramètre d'ordre orientationnel S entre 0,6 et 0,9), les nanotubes sont également bien orientés dans les rails (S~0.5) et dans une moindre mesure dans les lignes homogènes S~0.3. / This thesis focus on the study of inks, composites and deposits of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT). The control of dispersion and orientation of nanotubes in such nanostructured composites materials allows to optimize their properties, and especially their electrical and optical properties.The first part of the work is devoted to the optimization of dispersion of SWNT in aqueous suspensions stabilized by bile salts surfactants, and to the study of their optical properties, and especially their near infrared photoluminescence (PL). Dispersion of the nanotubes is probed by absorption spectroscopy. We show that their absorption coefficient is very sensitive to the individualization of the nanotubes. On the other hand, we revisit the interpretation of the PL spectra excited in the near infrared (especially at 1.17 and 1.58 eV), and we assign the different peaks to different mechanisms, namely direct excitonic transitions, exciton-phonon coupling, and energy transfer between nanotubes. We show that the evolution of PL intensity as a function of individualization allows to distinguish the different mechanisms.The second part of the work is dedicated to the preparation of aqueous suspensionsstabilized by hydrosoluble polymers (PVA and PVP), and SWNT/polymer composites, without surfactants. SWNT suspensions are mixed with polymer solutions, and then the surfactant is removed by dialysis. The yield, i.e. the relative concentration of SWNT in the dialyzed suspension, is ~75 times higher than for a suspension prepared directly with polymers. On the other hand, PL signatures are sensitive to the dielectric environment of the nanotubes which allows to evidence an exchange between the dispersing agents bile salts/PVA on the nanotube surface, such an exchange is not observed in the case of PVP.In the third part of the thesis, we use the inkjet printing technique to print continuous micrometric lines of SWNT, and we propose original methods to study their morphology and their anisotropy. The morphology of the deposits varies between two limit cases, an homogeneous deposit and a ‘‘pair of tracks'', by varying nanotube concentration in the inks, inter-drop distance and substrate temperature. The orientation of the nanotubes is very high at the edge of the deposits (orientational order parameter S between 0.6 y 0.9), the nanotubes are well-oriented as well in the tracks (S~0.5) and to a lesser extent in the homogeneous lines (S~0.3).
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