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La création d'ambiances architecturales relatives au climat nordique : l'érosion comme processus d'explorations formelles et lumineuses par modèles maquettes/imagesMazauric, Louise 02 February 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire de recherche s'intéresse à concevoir l'architecture en milieu nordique, en abordant la question de savoir comment habiter dans un environnement climatique froid et extrême. En effet, les flux naturels tels que le vent, la neige et la glace créent des conditions de confort indésirables pendant la saison froide. Cette recherche prend donc l'hypothèse d'intégrer le climat nordique hivernal dans tout son potentiel de recherche et de création de formes en explorant sa valeur poétique où le climat serait utilisé comme déclencheur d'inspiration formel. Ainsi, par l'expérimentation des flux climatiques de l’hiver, ce mémoire de recherche développe un processus de conception dans le but de créer de nouvelles formes architecturales. La méthode développée intitulée le « processus d'habitabilité de la forme par le climat » a pour objectif de valider l'habitabilité de ces nouvelles typologies climatiques, réalisées au travers d'étapes expérimentales successives au moyen d'une approche à la fois tactile et numérique, qui pourraient offrir diverses ambiances une fois transposées à l'échelle de l'architecture. En combinant différents éclairages, matériaux et échelles, des maquettes sont produites afin de visualiser la possible habitabilité des nouvelles formes générées. Celles-ci sont étudiées au travers d'explorations photographiques, où les images sont ensuite davantage contextualisées au moyen de collages numériques par l'insertion de personnages et d'un environnement extérieur. Ces résultats formels, spatiaux et ambiants ont ainsi inspiré le développement d'un projet d'architecture qui, appuyé d'images éloquentes, a pour but de servir à inspirer les architectes concepteurs à concevoir et à expérimenter leur projet en milieu nordique. Pour finir, le processus développé sert à encourager la création de nouvelles formes et ambiances architecturales adaptées au défi critique imposé par le climat et propose une nouvelle représentation de notre rapport à l'hiver et à l'architecture. / This research focuses on designing architecture in the undesirable conditions of northern climates by addressing the question of how to inhabit the Nordicity by conceptualizing with a cold climatic environment. Indeed, natural flows such as wind, snow and ice create undesirable comfort conditions during the cold season. This research therefore takes the hypothesis of integrating the northern climate into all its potential for research and creation of forms by exploring its poetic value, where the climate would be used as a trigger for inspiration. Thus, by experimenting with winter cold climate fluxes, this research thesis develops a design process with the aim of creating new architectural forms. The method that has been developed entitled the « process of habitability of form by climate » aims to validate the habitability of these new climatic typologies, carried out through successive experimental stages using both a tactile and a digital approach, which could offer various atmospheres once transposed to the scale of architecture. By combining different lighting, materials and scales, models are produced to visualize the possible habitability of the new shapes generated. These are studied through photographic explorations, where images are thereafter contextualized by means of digital collages through the insertion of characters and an external environment. These formal, spatial and ambient results have thus guided the development of an architectural project. Supported by eloquent rendering images, this project has the purpose of inspiring architects and to convince them to design and experiment their project with the cold climatic environment. Finally, the process developed serves to encourage the creation of new architectural forms and atmospheres adapted to the critical challenge imposed by the climate and proposes a new representation of our relationship to winter and architecture.
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Le Rules as code vers l'efficacité à tout prixGomes, Joao Pierre 13 December 2023 (has links)
Le présent projet de recherche tente ultimement de rapprocher la pensée première du législateur aux effets produits par ses outils législatifs par le truchement d'une nouvelle technique de rédaction technologique appelée Rules as code. L'accélération du développement technologique de nos sociétés modernes a certes mis en exergue l'impuissance des législateurs face aux problèmes croissants qu'ils sont censés résoudre. La fonction législative est au cœur de la démocratie et de la capacité des États d'agir, de moduler et de répondre aux problématiques de façon efficace est fortement mise en doute. Devant ce constat, l'acceptation de nouvelles formes de normativité s'avère fort pertinente. Dans cette lignée, les outils technologiques ont su façonner le paysage malgré les critiques et les préoccupations soulevées. Le présent texte vise l'analyse du Rules as code, sous l'angle de l'efficacité. Pour compléter dûment cette analyse, nous nous tournons vers les enseignements de la légistique, cette science au cœur de la création législative. C'est grâce à ses barèmes sur l'efficacité et la mise en œuvre que se fonde la recherche à savoir si le Rules as code est un instrument efficace dans l'application d'une loi ou d'une règle. Cette exploration mènera à de la normativité contenue dans le code informatique et son impact sur les comportements des usagers. Enfin, il sera étudié les possibles contrecoups d'une efficacité forte sur le principe de légitimité. / The present research project ultimately attempts to bring the original thought of the legislator closer to the effects produced by his legislative tools with the means of a new technological drafting technique called Rules as code. The acceleration of technological development in our modern societies has certainly highlighted the powerlessness of legislators faced with growing problems they are supposed to solve. The legislative function is at the heart of democracies and the capacity of States to act, answer and respond to problems in an efficient way is strongly questioned. In this context, the acceptance of new forms of normativity is highly relevant. That same normativity is brought by technological tools who have been able to shape the landscape despite the criticisms and raised concerns. The present master thesis aims at analyzing Rules as code, from the point of view of efficiency. To duly complete this analysis, we turn to the lessons of legislative drafting (légisprudence), the science at the heart of law-making. It is through its perspective of effectiveness and implementation that the search for whether the Rules as code an effective instrument in the application of a law or rule is based. This exploration will lead to the normativity contained in the computer code and its impact on the behavior of the users. At last, the possible backlash of a strong efficiency on the principle of legitimacy will be studied.
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La contribution des attentes à la régulation de la douleurCormier, Stéphanie 02 1900 (has links)
L’expérience de douleur et la réponse à son traitement sont teintées par les facteurs psychologiques, parmi lesquels figurent les attentes. Cette thèse propose de raffiner la compréhension de l’effet des attentes sur la régulation de la douleur par l’entremise de deux études quantitatives. D'abord, une étude expérimentale explore l'impact des attentes sur l'analgésie induite par contre-stimulation. Des volontaires sains ont été assignés à une condition contrôle ou à l’un des trois groupes au sein desquels les attentes étaient évaluées (attentes a priori) ou manipulées par l’entremise de suggestions (hyperalgésie ou analgésie). La douleur, l’anxiété et le réflexe nociceptif de flexion en réponse à des stimulations électriques ont été mesurés avant, pendant et après l’application d’un sac de glace. Les résultats suggèrent que les attentes a priori prédisent l’amplitude de l’analgésie, tandis que les attentes suggérées parviennent à potentialiser ou à bloquer les mécanismes endogènes d'inhibition de la douleur déclenchés par la contre-stimulation, indépendamment du niveau d’anxiété. Ensuite, une étude clinique se penche sur l'apport des attentes aux issues thérapeutiques de patients traités en centres multidisciplinaires de gestion de la douleur chronique. Préalablement au traitement, les attentes des patients quant aux résultats anticipés après six mois de traitement ont été évaluées. Les changements dans l’intensité douloureuse, les symptômes dépressifs, l’interférence de la douleur et la dramatisation face à la douleur, ainsi que l’impression de changement et la satisfaction face au traitement ont été évalués au suivi de six mois. Les résultats d'analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles appuient la relation prédictive entre les attentes et les issues thérapeutiques et soulignent l’impression de changement du patient comme variable médiatrice de cette association. En plus de se montrer supérieur à un modèle alternatif, ce modèle s'est avéré pertinent à travers différents sous-groupes. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse contribue à démontrer le rôle déterminant des attentes dans le contexte de la douleur, tant au niveau physiologique que thérapeutique. Les conclusions qui se dégagent de cet ouvrage entraînent des retombées non négligeables et réitèrent la nécessité de considérer la perspective du patient afin d'optimiser les soins destinés au soulagement de la douleur. / The experience of pain and response to pain treatments are influenced by psychological factors, such as expectations. This doctoral dissertation aims at refining the comprehension of the impact of expectations on pain regulation through two quantitative studies. First, an experimental study examined the impact of expectations on analgesia induced by heterotopic noxious counter-stimulation. Healthy volunteers were assigned to a control group or one of three experimental groups in which expectations were either assessed (a priori expectations) or manipulated using suggestions (hyperalgesia or analgesia). Acute shock-pain, shock-related anxiety and the nociceptive flexion reflex were measured in response to electrical stimulations before, during and after the application of a tonic cold pain. Results suggest that a priori expectations predict the magnitude of analgesia, while manipulated expectations either enhance or block counter-stimulation analgesia, independently of anxiety processes. Subsequently, a clinical study examined the association between expectations and clinical outcomes of chronic pain patients treated in multidisciplinary pain centers. Prior to their initial visit, patients' expected treatment outcomes were assessed. Six months after their initial visit, changes in pain intensity, depressive symptoms, pain interference and pain catastrophizing, along with satisfaction with treatment and impression of change were measured. Structural equations modeling analyses support the predictive association between expectations and all clinical outcomes as well as the mediating effect of patient’s impression of change. In addition to being superior to an alternative model, the proposed model was shown to be relevant across subgroups. Overall, this thesis contributes to the demonstration of the determinant role of expectations on physiological and therapeutic processes in the context of pain regulation. These findings reiterate the need to consider the patient's perspective and offer a valuable avenue towards the optimization of treatments intended at relieving pain.
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Le design urbain et l'effet des facteurs culturels et sociaux : imagibilité orientale et occidentale : Le Caire et Marseille / The cultural and social factors affecting the urban design : mental impressions of eastern and western urban areas : a study of Cairo and MarseilleEl Baramony, Nermin 30 November 2012 (has links)
Les espaces urbains paupérisés, perdant leur identité culturelle et sociale, attirent des immigrés et leurs habitants ou usagers qui y ont un sentiment d'appartenance moindre, notamment parce que les projets de développement urbain sont rarement expliqués. Ainsi, il est nécessaire qu'une évaluation des facteurs orientant la perception des publics et de leurs espaces urbains soit établie : l'influence de la culture sur le type d'impression mentale généré par les zones urbaines et les élévations est indéniable dans nos études de cas, Marseille et Le Caire, comme elle l'est sur l'orientation de projets de développement urbain futur.La recherche propose de mettre en lumière l'influence des facteurs sociaux et culturels sur l'impression mentale que l'on peut avoir d'un espace urbain ? Alors, en étudiant « l'imagibilité » orientale et occidentale dans le contexte architectural et urbain, nous verrons, au-delà des similitudes des deux études de cas, Le Caire et Marseille, qu'il existe aussi une différence entre l'impression voulue et conçue par un spécialiste, que nous qualifions d'émetteur et celle perçue par son destinataire, le public, qu'il soit usager ou habitant / This subject of this thesis is “The Mental Image of Urban Areas”. It uses Cairo and Marseille as case studies. The research was fulfilled through an academic study of the historical development & urban growth of Cairo and Marseille. The aim was to identify the major elements forming of the mental image of the two cities. The researcher determined these elements through a historical and analytical study the urbanism and architecture of the two cities, with particular focus on downtown areas. Through a limited field study, conducted on a sample of residents in each city, the hypotheses developed by the researcher were tested to identify the important characteristics of the different mental impressions for both the eastern city (Cairo) and the western city (Marseille). As well as the social and cultural impacts, the researcher also identifies the physical elements of the mental impression the inhabitants have of the study areas
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Uticaj metoda otiskivanja i angulacije implanata na tačnost definitivnog radnog modela za izradu implantno nošenih zubnih nadoknada / The impact of impression methods and implant angulation to the accuracy of the definitive working cast for the production of implant-supported dental restorationsĐurović Koprivica Daniela 13 October 2017 (has links)
<p>U uvodnom delu doktorske disertacije opisane su osnovne konvencionalne metode otiskivanja, kao i modifikovane tehnike koje se koriste u savremenoj implant protetici. Prikazana je specifičnost biomehanike implantno nošenih i poduprtih nadoknada u odnosu na biomehaniku nadoknada retiniranih prirodnim zubima. Akcenat je stavljen na kompleksnost problematike postizanja apsolutno pasivnog naleganja nadoknade na nosač implanta (abatment), sa posebnim osvrtom na uticaj same procedure otiskivanja implanata i angulacije implanata na tačnost naleganja. Detaljno su opisani i svi ostali faktori koji mogu da utiču na tačnost radnih modela pri izradi nadoknada na implantima, pozivajući se na aktuelne podatke iz literature i naučno opravdanje za potrebe istraživanja. Cilj rada je bio ispitati uticaj metode otiskivanja, angulacije implanata i vrste otisnog materijala na tačnost definitivnog radnog modela za izradu implantno nošenih zubnih nadoknada. Eksperiment je obavljen u in vitro uslovima. Istraživanje je bazirano na ispitivanju tačnosti otiskivanja pomoću tri različite metode otiskivanja (direktne, indirektne i modifikovane „splint“ metode), dve vrste elastičnih otisnih materijala (adicionog silikona i polietra) i uticaja dve različite grupe implanata (anguliranih od 20° i paralelnih implanata) na tačnost otiskivanja. Master (referentni) model je isplaniran tako da simulira čest klinički slučaj parcijalne bezubosti gornje vilice (klasa Kenedi I), koji je osim dva ugrađena angulirana implanta sa jedne, i dva paralelna implanta sa druge strane, podrazumevao i prisustvo brušenih zuba, pripremljenih za prihvatanje keramičkog mosta u frontalnoj regiji. Otiskivanje zuba i implanata vršeno je istovremeno i drugi deo istraživanja je obuhvatao ispitivanje uticaja primenjene metode i materijala na tačnost otisnutih površina zuba. Time je prošireno polje istraživanja i omogućeno donošenje zaključka o pravoj indikaciji metode i materijala za otiskivanje konkretnog kliničkog slučaja. Kompletna metodologija izrade master i definitivnih radnih (replika) modela, kao i sama procedura otiskivanja, izvedena je po najsavremenijim principima istraživanja, uz upotrebu instrumenata i materijala vodećih svetskih proizvođača. Za potrebe analize odstupanja implanata i zuba na replica modelima u odnosu na referentni, modeli su podvrgnuti optičkoj 3D (trodimenzionalnoj) digitalizaciji pomoću dva savremena laboratorijska skenera koje karakteriše izuzetna tačnost skeniranih površina. Prvo je digitalizovan master model za potrebe dobijanja nominalne geometrije, a nakon toga 30 replika modela, za potrebe uporedne geometrijske analize. Analiza je vršena pomoću najnovijeg specijalizovanog softverskog programa, primenom metode CAD-inspekcije (eng. Computer-Aided Design). Geometrijska analiza odstupanja brušenih zuba (patrljaka) izvedena je tehnikom preklapanja odnosno superpozicije (eng. bestfit) realne geometrije (na replika modelu) sa nominalnom geometrijom (na master modelu). Za razliku od analize patrljaka, za potrebe geometrijske analize odstupanja implanata kreiran je lokalni koordinatni sistem za svaki analizirani implant, pomoću specijalnih abatmenta upotrebljenih za digitalizaciju i uvozom 3D modela implanata iz CAD biblioteke proizvođača. Odstupanja su analizirana u odnosu na centar baze implanta (odstupanje od centra) i u odnosu na centralnu osu implanta (ugao odstupanja), što je omogućilo tačno prostorno orijentisanje implanata na replika modelima u poređenju sa referentnim. Ova metodologija je originalna, jer je u odnosu na metodologije koje su do sada korišćene u svrhu prostorne orijentacije implanata, uvođenjem novih parametara u analizu, omogućila tačnije defi nisanje prostornog odstupanja analiziranih implanata. Rezultati dobijeni u istraživanju doveli su do zaključka da metoda otiskivanja i vrsta otisnog materijala utiču na tačnost otiskivanja implanata. Takođe, angulacija implanata od 20° ima veći uticaj na tačnost definitivnih radnih modela u poređenju sa paralelnim angulirana implanta sa jedne, i dva paralelna implanta sa druge strane, podrazumevao i prisustvo brušenih zuba, pripremljenih za prihvatanje keramičkog mosta u frontalnoj regiji. Otiskivanje zuba i implanata vršeno je istovremeno i drugi deo istraživanja je obuhvatao ispitivanje uticaja primenjene metode i materijala na tačnost otisnutih površina zuba. Time je prošireno polje istraživanja i omogućeno donošenje zaključka o pravoj indikaciji metode i materijala za otiskivanje konkretnog kliničkog slučaja. Kompletna metodologija izrade master i definitivnih radnih (replika) modela, kao i sama procedura otiskivanja, izvedena je po najsavremenijim principima istraživanja, uz upotrebu instrumenata i materijala vodećih svetskih proizvođača. Za potrebe analize odstupanja implanata i zuba na replika modelima u odnosu na referentni, modeli su podvrgnuti optičkoj 3D (trodimenzionalnoj) digitalizaciji pomoću dva savremena laboratorijska skenera koje karakteriše izuzetna tačnost skeniranih površina. Prvo je digitalizovan master model za potrebe dobijanja nominalne geometrije, a nakon toga 30 replika modela, za potrebe uporedne geometrijske analize. Analiza je vršena pomoću najnovijeg specijalizovanog softverskog programa, primenom metode CAD-inspekcije (eng. Computer-Aided Design). Geometrijska analiza odstupanja brušenih zuba (patrljaka) izvedena je tehnikom preklapanja odnosno superpozicije (eng. bestfit) realne geometrije (na replika modelu) sa nominalnom geometrijom (na master modelu). Za razliku od analize patrljaka, za potrebe geometrijske analize odstupanja implanata kreiran je lokalni koordinatni sistem za svaki analizirani implant, pomoću specijalnih abatmenta upotrebljenih za digitalizaciju i uvozom 3D modela implanata iz CAD biblioteke proizvođača. Odstupanja su analizirana u odnosu na centar baze implanta (odstupanje od centra) i u odnosu na centralnu osu implanta (ugao odstupanja), što je omogućilo tačno prostorno orijentisanje implanata na replika modelima u poređenju sa referentnim. Ova metodologija je originalna, jer je u odnosu na metodologije koje su do sada korišćene u svrhu prostorne orijentacije implanata, uvođenjem novih parametara u analizu, omogućila tačnije definisanje prostornog odstupanja analiziranih implanata. Rezultati dobijeni u istraživanju doveli su do zaključka da metoda otiskivanja i vrsta otisnog materijala utiču na tačnost otiskivanja implanata. Takođe, angulacija implanata od 20° ima veći uticaj na tačnost definitivnih radnih modela u poređenju sa paralelnim implantima. Time su potvrđene radne hipoteze doktorske disertacije. „Splint“ metoda otiskivanja i adicioni silikon izdvojili su se kao najtačniji pri otiskivanju implanata. Kombinacije „splint“ metode sa adicionim silikonom i polietrom i otvorene metode sa adicionim silikonom dale su bolje rezultate pri otiskivanju anguliranih implanta, dok je u grupi paralelnih implanata zaključeno da metoda i materijal ne utiču na tačnost otiskivanja. „Splint“ i otvorena metoda i adicioni silicon pružili su najtačnije otiske brušenih zuba. „Splint“ metoda u kombinaciji sa adicionim silikonom dala je najmanja ukupna odstupanja pri otiskivanju implanata i zuba zajedno. Prezentovana studija je specifi čna, kako po izboru zadatog kliničkog slučaja I uporednoj analizi tačnosti istovremenog otiskivanja implanata i zuba, tako i po samoj metodologiji analiza odstupanja implanata, te predstavlja originalni doprinos naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti.</p> / <p>The introductory part of the PhD-theses describes fundamental conventional impression methods, as well as modified techniques used in modern-day implant prosthetics. The biomechanics specificity of the implant supported prosthesis in relation to the biomechanics of natural-teeth retained prosthetics is showed. The emphasis is on the issue’s complexity at accomplishing the absolute passive fit of the prosthesis onto the abutment, with particular regard to the impact of the implant impression procedure and implant angulation its elf. A detailed description is provided for all other factors which can influence the accuracy of working casts during implant-based dental prosthesis, making reference to the current data in the literature, as well as to the scientific justification for research. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of the impression method, implant angulation and type of the impression material on the accuracy of the definitive working model for production of the implant-supported dental prosthesis. The experiment was conducted in the in vitro conditions. The research is based on examining the impression accuracy by using three different impression methods (direct, indirect, as well as modifi ed “splint” method), by using two types of elastic impression materials (addition silicone and polyether), as well as the impact from two different implant groups (angled at 20°, and parallel ones). Master (referential) model was planned to simulate a common clinical case of the upper jaw partial edentulism (Kennedy 1st class), which apart from the two angulated implants on one side, and two parallel implants on the other, also presupposed presence of milled teeth, prepared to accept ceramic dental bridge in the frontal region. Impression of teeth and implants was conducted simultaneously, and second part of the research encompassed examination of the applied method’s and material’s impact onto accuracy of the impressed teeth surfaces. This expanded the research fi eld and enabled drawing conclusions regarding the appropriate method indication and material for impression of a particular clinical case. Complete production methodology of master and definitive working casts (replicas), as well as the impression procedure itself, were all conducted according to the cutting-edge research principles, as well as with the application of instruments and materials of leading world producers. For the purpose of the analysis of implants and teeth deviation on replica models in relation to the reference model, the models underwent optical 3D (three-dimenzional) digitalization by using two state-of-the-art laboratory scanners characterized by exceptional accuracy of scanned surfaces. First model to be digitalized was the master one, in order to obtain nominal geometry, following which 30 model replicas were scanned, for the purpose of comparative geometrical analysis. The analysis was conducted by using latest specialized software designed for CAD (Computer-Aided Design) inspection method. Geometric analysis of the milled teeth (tooth abutments) deviation was conducted by using the overlapping superposition technique (bestfit) real geometry (on the replica model) with nominal geometry (on the master model). As opposed to the teeth-stump analysis, for the purpose of geometrical analysis of implant deviations, a local coordinate system for each analyzed implant was created, by using special abutments used for digitalization and by importing 3D implant models from the manufacturer’s CAD library. Deviations were analyzed in relation to the implant base center (deviation from the center), and in relation to the implant central axis (deviation angle), which enabled accurate implant spatial orientation on the replica models in comparison the referential ones. This methodology is original, since unlike methodologies used so far for implant spatial orientation, it has enabled, through introducing new parameters into analysis, a more accurate defining of analyzed implants spatial deviation. Results obtained during research have led to the conclusion that that the impression methodology and type of the impression material influence the implant impression accuracy. Also, implant angulation of 20° has a higher impact on accuracy of definitive working models in comparison with parallel implants. This confirms the PhD-thesis working hypotheses. The “splint” impression method and addition silicone have excelled as most accurate at implant impression. Combination of “splint” methods with addition silicone and polyether and opened methods with addition silicone proved to obtain better results when impressing angulated implants, while in the group of parallel implants, it was concluded that the method and material do not infl uence the impression accuracy. The “splint” and the open method and addition silicone provided most accu rate imprints of ground teeth. The “splint” method in com bination with addition silicone provided the least over all deviation at impression of implants and teeth together. The presented study is a specifi c one, both in terms of selection of the given clinical case and comparative analysis of the simultaneous impression of teeth and implants, but also in terms of the methodology itself used to analyze implant deviation, which in its own right represents an original contribution to the scientific and expert public.</p>
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Selvpresentasjon på Facebook : Hva skjer når sosiale roller blandes på Facebook? / Self presentation on Facebook : What happens when social roles mix on Facebook?Mathisen, Ulrikke Irene January 2010 (has links)
<p>Social theory by Goffman in the 60’s can still be applied to our society, especially to the new social form of Facebook. ”What precautions do Facebook members take when they publish content (text, photos, video) to avoid problems caused by the collapse of different social arenas? What do they think of their own self-presentation on the social website?” Data was collected trough an online survey, available for my Facebook friends in April-May 2010, and personal interviews with seven of the respondents. The results show that 126/128 respondents state they are their “true self” in their daily life, and not Facebook. Simultaneously, 75 respondents claim they have never had problems being themselves on Facebook. 65 people don’t recognize the presentation of people they know on Facebook, but 124 people say they have never received comments stating this. The norms and rules of social interaction on this social site are not yet set, and Facebook members respond to this by strict control of what they publish. It is evident that Facebook members enjoy peeking behind the self-presentation of people they know. Further research could show that this is one of the reasons why Facebook is so popular.</p> / <p>Goffmans sosialteori fra 60-tallet kan fortsatt appliseres på vårt samfunn, spesielt på den nye sosiale formen; Facebook. ”Hvilke forhåndsregler tar Facebooks medlemmer når de publiserer innhold (tekst, bilder, video) for å unngå problemer som følge av sammenslåingen av ulike sosiale arenaer? Hva tenker de om sin egen selvpresentasjon på det sosiale nettstedet?” Data ble samlet inn gjennom en webbasert spørreundersøkelse, tilgjengelig for mine Facebook venner i April-Mai 2010, og personlige intervjuer med seks av respondentene. Resultatene viser at 126/128 respondenter påstår at de er sitt ”sanne selv” i dagliglivet, og ikke på Facebook. Samtidig uttaler 75 respondenter at de aldri har hatt problemer med å være seg selv på Facebook. 65 personer kjenner ikke igjen presentasjonen av personer de kjenner på Facebook, men 124 personer sier de aldri selv har mottatt kommentarer som tilsier dette. Normene og reglene for sosial interaksjon på denne sosiale nettsiden er ikke satt enda, og Facebooks medlemmer reagerer med å ha streng kontroll over det de publiserer. Det er tydelig at Facebooks medlemmer nyter å kikke bak selvpresentasjonen til personer de kjenner. Framtidig forskning kan vise om dette er en av grunnene til at Facebook er så populært.</p>
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Selvpresentasjon på Facebook : Hva skjer når sosiale roller blandes på Facebook? / Self presentation on Facebook : What happens when social roles mix on Facebook?Mathisen, Ulrikke Irene January 2010 (has links)
Social theory by Goffman in the 60’s can still be applied to our society, especially to the new social form of Facebook. ”What precautions do Facebook members take when they publish content (text, photos, video) to avoid problems caused by the collapse of different social arenas? What do they think of their own self-presentation on the social website?” Data was collected trough an online survey, available for my Facebook friends in April-May 2010, and personal interviews with seven of the respondents. The results show that 126/128 respondents state they are their “true self” in their daily life, and not Facebook. Simultaneously, 75 respondents claim they have never had problems being themselves on Facebook. 65 people don’t recognize the presentation of people they know on Facebook, but 124 people say they have never received comments stating this. The norms and rules of social interaction on this social site are not yet set, and Facebook members respond to this by strict control of what they publish. It is evident that Facebook members enjoy peeking behind the self-presentation of people they know. Further research could show that this is one of the reasons why Facebook is so popular. / Goffmans sosialteori fra 60-tallet kan fortsatt appliseres på vårt samfunn, spesielt på den nye sosiale formen; Facebook. ”Hvilke forhåndsregler tar Facebooks medlemmer når de publiserer innhold (tekst, bilder, video) for å unngå problemer som følge av sammenslåingen av ulike sosiale arenaer? Hva tenker de om sin egen selvpresentasjon på det sosiale nettstedet?” Data ble samlet inn gjennom en webbasert spørreundersøkelse, tilgjengelig for mine Facebook venner i April-Mai 2010, og personlige intervjuer med seks av respondentene. Resultatene viser at 126/128 respondenter påstår at de er sitt ”sanne selv” i dagliglivet, og ikke på Facebook. Samtidig uttaler 75 respondenter at de aldri har hatt problemer med å være seg selv på Facebook. 65 personer kjenner ikke igjen presentasjonen av personer de kjenner på Facebook, men 124 personer sier de aldri selv har mottatt kommentarer som tilsier dette. Normene og reglene for sosial interaksjon på denne sosiale nettsiden er ikke satt enda, og Facebooks medlemmer reagerer med å ha streng kontroll over det de publiserer. Det er tydelig at Facebooks medlemmer nyter å kikke bak selvpresentasjonen til personer de kjenner. Framtidig forskning kan vise om dette er en av grunnene til at Facebook er så populært.
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La contribution des attentes à la régulation de la douleurCormier, Stéphanie 02 1900 (has links)
L’expérience de douleur et la réponse à son traitement sont teintées par les facteurs psychologiques, parmi lesquels figurent les attentes. Cette thèse propose de raffiner la compréhension de l’effet des attentes sur la régulation de la douleur par l’entremise de deux études quantitatives. D'abord, une étude expérimentale explore l'impact des attentes sur l'analgésie induite par contre-stimulation. Des volontaires sains ont été assignés à une condition contrôle ou à l’un des trois groupes au sein desquels les attentes étaient évaluées (attentes a priori) ou manipulées par l’entremise de suggestions (hyperalgésie ou analgésie). La douleur, l’anxiété et le réflexe nociceptif de flexion en réponse à des stimulations électriques ont été mesurés avant, pendant et après l’application d’un sac de glace. Les résultats suggèrent que les attentes a priori prédisent l’amplitude de l’analgésie, tandis que les attentes suggérées parviennent à potentialiser ou à bloquer les mécanismes endogènes d'inhibition de la douleur déclenchés par la contre-stimulation, indépendamment du niveau d’anxiété. Ensuite, une étude clinique se penche sur l'apport des attentes aux issues thérapeutiques de patients traités en centres multidisciplinaires de gestion de la douleur chronique. Préalablement au traitement, les attentes des patients quant aux résultats anticipés après six mois de traitement ont été évaluées. Les changements dans l’intensité douloureuse, les symptômes dépressifs, l’interférence de la douleur et la dramatisation face à la douleur, ainsi que l’impression de changement et la satisfaction face au traitement ont été évalués au suivi de six mois. Les résultats d'analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles appuient la relation prédictive entre les attentes et les issues thérapeutiques et soulignent l’impression de changement du patient comme variable médiatrice de cette association. En plus de se montrer supérieur à un modèle alternatif, ce modèle s'est avéré pertinent à travers différents sous-groupes. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse contribue à démontrer le rôle déterminant des attentes dans le contexte de la douleur, tant au niveau physiologique que thérapeutique. Les conclusions qui se dégagent de cet ouvrage entraînent des retombées non négligeables et réitèrent la nécessité de considérer la perspective du patient afin d'optimiser les soins destinés au soulagement de la douleur. / The experience of pain and response to pain treatments are influenced by psychological factors, such as expectations. This doctoral dissertation aims at refining the comprehension of the impact of expectations on pain regulation through two quantitative studies. First, an experimental study examined the impact of expectations on analgesia induced by heterotopic noxious counter-stimulation. Healthy volunteers were assigned to a control group or one of three experimental groups in which expectations were either assessed (a priori expectations) or manipulated using suggestions (hyperalgesia or analgesia). Acute shock-pain, shock-related anxiety and the nociceptive flexion reflex were measured in response to electrical stimulations before, during and after the application of a tonic cold pain. Results suggest that a priori expectations predict the magnitude of analgesia, while manipulated expectations either enhance or block counter-stimulation analgesia, independently of anxiety processes. Subsequently, a clinical study examined the association between expectations and clinical outcomes of chronic pain patients treated in multidisciplinary pain centers. Prior to their initial visit, patients' expected treatment outcomes were assessed. Six months after their initial visit, changes in pain intensity, depressive symptoms, pain interference and pain catastrophizing, along with satisfaction with treatment and impression of change were measured. Structural equations modeling analyses support the predictive association between expectations and all clinical outcomes as well as the mediating effect of patient’s impression of change. In addition to being superior to an alternative model, the proposed model was shown to be relevant across subgroups. Overall, this thesis contributes to the demonstration of the determinant role of expectations on physiological and therapeutic processes in the context of pain regulation. These findings reiterate the need to consider the patient's perspective and offer a valuable avenue towards the optimization of treatments intended at relieving pain.
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Influência de técnicas de moldagem com e sem casquetes na exatidão dimensional de modelos de gesso e adaptação marginal de infraestruturas em zircônia / Influence of impression techniques with and without acrylic copings on the dimensional accuracy of gypsum casts and marginal fit of zirconia frameworksSilva, Stephania Caroline Rodolfo [UNESP] 20 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Stephania Caroline Rodolfo Silva null (stephaniacrsilva@foar.unesp.br) on 2016-08-18T20:52:01Z
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Dissertação Defesa Stephania C. R. Silva 18.08.pdf: 885533 bytes, checksum: cf1bd5bf272a148a2e397dbde32c3029 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-08-19T20:19:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente estudo analisou a exatidão de modelos de gesso, obtidos a partir de diferentes técnicas de moldagem, incluindo casquetes individuais, isolados ou unidos, bem como mensurou o desajuste marginal cervical de infraestruturas de zircônia sobre preparos dentais para coroa total. Foi utilizado um modelo mestre (controle), com preparos nos dentes 14, 16, 21 e 25, sobre o qual infraestruturas de zircônia foram confeccionadas por tecnologia CAD/CAM. Para cada técnica de moldagem: simultânea com silicone de condensação (T1a), ou adição (T1b); casquetes individuais isolados (T2); unidos com cilindros de resina acrílica (T3); unidos com cilindros metálicos (T4); foram obtidos 8 moldes totais, por único operador calibrado, com moldeira de estoque. As moldagens com casquetes foram realizadas com poliéter e as transferências com silicone de condensação. Para a análise da adaptação marginal cervical das infraestruturas de zircônia, as mesmas foram passivamente adaptadas sobre os preparos nos modelos de gesso, sendo as mensurações do desajuste marginal cervical realizadas em estereomicroscópio (50x). Para a análise de exatidão dimensional linear oclusal global, os modelos foram escaneados e, a partir de três pontos pré-definidos, realizadas mensurações látero-laterais (LL) e anteroposteriores (AP) bilaterais do arco dental no programa ImageJ. Além disso, mensurações das dimensões áxio-cervicais de cada preparo e da distância entre os preparos do segmento 14-16 foram realizadas com paquímetro digital. Métodos estatísticos (α=0,05) foram empregados para avaliar a influência das técnicas de moldagem. Para o desajuste cervical, não houve diferença (p>0,05) para o dente 21. Para os dentes 14 e 16, apenas a técnica com casquetes individuais isolados apresentou diferença (p<0,05) em relação ao controle; enquanto para o dente 25 todas as técnicas com casquetes diferiram (p<0,05) do controle. Na mensuração da exatidão dimensional global, nenhuma técnica apresentou diferença (p>0,05) em relação ao controle. Para as mensurações áxio-cervicais do dente 25, todas as técnicas com casquete foram diferentes (p<0,05) do controle. Não houve diferença (p>0,05) nas dimensões do dente 21 e da distância interpreparos do segmento 14-16. De maneira geral, a técnica com casquetes isolados produziu modelos com maior desajuste marginal cervical. A forma de união dos casquetes, não apresentou influência sobre a exatidão dos modelos. / This study examined the accuracy of gypsum casts obtained from different impression techniques, including individual acrylic copings, and measured the cervical misfit of zirconia frameworks on dental preparations for fixed prosthodontics. A master cast with preparations in the teeth #14, 16, 21 and 25, on which zirconia frameworks were made by CAD/CAM technology, was used as control (baseline measurements). For each impression technique: single-step with condensation silicone (T1a), or vinyl polysiloxane (T1b); individual acrylic copings (T2); acrylic copings bonded with acrylic resin cylinders (T3) or metal cylinders (T4), 8 impressions were obtained by a single calibrated operator using stock trays. For the techniques T2, T3 and T4, polyether was used into the acrylic copings and condensation silicone was used for their pick-up. For the analysis of cervical marginal fit, zirconia frameworks were passively seated on the dental preparations of the gypsum casts, and measurements of cervical misfit calculated in stereo (50x). For the analysis of occlusal linear dimensional accuracy, the casts were scanned and, from three pre-defined points, side-to-side (LL) and bilateral anteroposterior (AP) measurements were performed by means of digitized images in the ImageJ software. Additionally, measurements of axio-cervical dimensions of each dental preparation and the distance between the preparations of the #14-16 fixed prosthodontics’ segment were taken with a digital caliper. Statistical analyzes (α=.05) were used to evaluate the influence of impression techniques. For cervical misfit, there was no difference (p>.05) for the tooth #21. For the teeth #14 and 16, only the technique T2 showed significant difference (p<.05) comparing to control; while for the tooth #25 all techniques with acrylic copings (T2, T3 and T4) differ (p<.05) from control. No significant differences were found among the techniques and the control (master cast) for the occlusal linear dimensions (p>.05). For axio-cervical measurements of tooth #25, all techniques using acrylic copings differ (p<.05) from control. There was no difference (p>.05) in the axio-cervical dimensions of tooth #21 and interpreparation distance of the #14-16 segment. In general, the technique with isolated acrylic copings (T2) produced casts with larger cervical misfit. The method for bonding the acrylic copings, by acrylic or metal cylinders, had no effect on the accuracy of the casts.
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Merits of first impressions and of conscious deliberation in complex decision making: a critique and reinterpretation of unconscious thought theory / Mérites des premières impressions et de la délibération consciente en matière de décisions complexes: une critique et une réinterprétation de la théorie de la pensée inconscienteWaroquier, Laurent 17 December 2009 (has links)
Devrions-nous nous fier à notre inconscient pour l’achat de notre maison ou de notre prochaine voiture ?Dijksterhuis, Bos, Nordgren et van Baaren, (2006), répondent par l’affirmative à cette question. En effet, d’après ces chercheurs, effectuer une tâche de distraction, comme résoudre des anagrammes pendant quelques minutes, permettrait de « penser inconsciemment » et d’améliorer la qualité des décisions complexes. Avant de prendre une décision complexe, il faudrait donc s'abstenir de réfléchir à l'ensemble des avantages et inconvénients que présenterait chaque option. Etant donné les implications de ces résultats dans divers domaines tels que le management, la politique ou encore la justice, l’objet de cette thèse consistera à réexaminer et passer au crible la méthodologie des expériences relatives à la « théorie de la pensée inconsciente » (Diksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006). Les sept études menées suggèrent que l’apparente supériorité des décisions prises après une période de distraction n'est pas le fruit de la "pensée inconsciente" mais résulte en fait d'un effet néfaste de la <p>réflexion consciente pouvant survenir lorsqu’une première impression de bonne qualité a été formée au préalable. Les résultats indiquent également qu’en l’absence de première impression, la réflexion s’avère bénéfique. / Should we trust our unconscious when buying a house or a new car? That is exactly what Dijksterhuis, Bos, Nordgren and van Baaren, (2006) have been recommending. Indeed, according to these researchers, performing a distraction task such as solving anagrams would allow to think unconsciously and therefore enhance the quality of complex decisions. Before making a complex decision, we should thus avoid thinking consciously about the advantages and drawbacks of each alternative. Given the implications of these findings in various areas such as management, politics, or justice, this thesis will thoroughly reexamine the method of experiments relative to the unconscious thought theory (Diksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006). The seven experiments suggest that the apparent superiority of decisions made after distraction does not result from unconscious thought but rather from the fact that further conscious deliberation can deteriorate high quality first impressions. The results also suggest that thinking consciously enhances the quality of decisions in the absence of such prior first impressions.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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