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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uso de linhagens parcialmente endogâmicas S3 para a produção de híbridos simples de milho. / Use of partly inbred s3 lines for the production of maize single-crosses.

Alexander Chavez Cabrera 03 December 2001 (has links)
Linhagens endogâmicas (F@1,0) são usualmente utilizadas para a produção de híbridos de milho. Devido a elevada depressão por endogamia no milho, as linhagens endogâmicas apresentam baixa produtividade, encarecendo o custo das sementes de híbridos simples e tornando-os inacessíveis para grande parte dos agricultores dos países em desenvolvimento. Uma alternativa para contornar o problema seria utilizar linhagens parcialmente endogâmicas (0,0 < F < 1,0), selecionadas para capacidade de combinação e uniformidade. Relatos de literatura mostram que (a) híbridos simples de linhagens S3 (F=0,875) devem apresentar performances superiores as de híbridos triplos e duplos de linhagens endogâmicas; (b) a correlação genética entre híbridos simples de linhagens S3 e de linhagens endogâmicas (F@1,0) é elevada (r=0,94); e (c) a produtividade de linhagens S3 é em média 20% superior a de linhagens endogâmicas. Entretanto, a maior dificuldade em se produzir híbridos simples de linhagens parcialmente endogâmicas refere-se à manutenção destas, por apresentarem variabilidade genética. Devido a isto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a viabilidade de se produzir e utilizar híbridos simples de linhagens parcialmente endogâmicas S3. Para isso, oito linhagens S3 da população BR-105 e dez linhagens da população BR-106, as quais estão alocadas em grupos heteróticos distintos, selecionadas para capacidade de combinação e uniformidade, originais e mantidas por intercruzamentos e seleção moderada por cinco gerações, foram utilizadas. Durante as gerações de manutenção, pelo menos 50 plantas foram usadas. Estas linhagens e cruzamentos destas com dois testadores de grupos heteróticos diferentes, foram avaliados em quatro ambientes no ano agrícola de 1999/2000. Além disso, as linhagens originais e mantidas foram genotipadas utilizando o marcador molecular AFLP para estimar a similaridade genética entre elas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, excetuando-se uma linhagem da população BR-105 em que provavelmente ocorreu contaminação, apenas dois caracteres nas linhagens per se e apenas um caráter nos cruzamentos apresentaram alterações positivas e significativas, de treze caracteres avaliados. Entretanto estas alterações são muito pequenas para serem detectadas visualmente. Os resultados das similaridades genéticas entre as linhagens originais e mantidas, mostraram valores elevados, sendo que o limite superior do intervalo de confiança para a maioria das linhagens atingiu o valor 1,0, indicando que a manutenção das linhagens da forma como foi conduzida as suas integridades genéticas foram mantidas. Estes resultados permitiram concluir que seria viável a utilização de linhagens parcialmente endogâmicas S3 para a produção comercial de híbridos simples de milho. / Inbred lines (F@1.0) are usually used for the production of maize single-crosses. Because of the high inbreeding depression in maize, the inbred lines are lower yielding, which causes the seed prices to be costly and then inaccessible for most of the farmers in the developing countries. One way to circumvent the problem would be the use of partly inbred lines (0.0< F<1.0) selected for combining ability and for uniformity within the lines. Reported results have shown that: (a) theoretically, single-crosses from S3 lines (F=0.875) are expected to have superior performance than that of three-way and double-crosses; (b) the genetic correlation of single-crosses from S3 lines and from their inbred lines (F@1.0) counterparts is fairly high (r=0.94); and (c) S3 lines are on the average 20% higher yielding than highly inbred lines. However, the main difficulty in the production of single-cross from partly inbred lines is the maintenance of their genetic integrity because of the variability within them. Therefore, the ob-jective of this research was to study the feasibility of the development and the production of single-crosses from S3 lines. The genetic material included eight original S3 lines from the BR-105 population, and ten original S3 lines from the BR-106 population, selected for combining ability and for uniformity within them, and their counterparts maintained by sib-mating and mild selection for five generations. During the generations of maintenance at least 50 plants per line were used. The populations BR-105 and BR-106 have been assigned to distinct heterotic groups. The original, the maintained lines and their crosses with testers from different heterotic groups were evaluated in four environments in the growing season of 1999/2000. Also, the S3 lines were genotyped with the AFLP molecular marker in order to estimate the genetic similar-ity between the original and their maintained counterparts. The results showed that out of the 13 traits evaluated only two traits in the lines per se, and only one trait in the crosses changed significantly from the original lines to the maintained counterparts. However those changes are too low to be visually detected. The estimates of the genetic similarities between the original and their maintained counterparts S3 lines were high, and the upper bound of the confidence interval for most of the lines reach the limit value, i.e., 1.0. These results showed that the ap-proach uses for the maintenance of the S3 lines was effective and thus the genetic integrity of the lines were maintained. The results of this research could allow one to expect that would be feasible the use of partly inbred S3 lines for the commercial production of maize single-crosses.

Past and present genetic diversity and structure of the Finnish wolf population

Jansson, E. (Eeva) 14 May 2013 (has links)
Abstract Many species and populations have perished as a consequence of human actions. During the last ~200 years, large carnivores have been almost completely extirpated from Western Europe. Large-scale wolf hunting started in Finland around the 1850s, and the population size quickly collapsed. The population was very small until the mid-1990s, when wolves started to regularly reproduce in Finland again. The wolf is an endangered species in Finland, and the biggest threat to the species’ survival is excessive hunting. In this doctoral thesis study, I inspected the genetic structure and diversity of the Finnish wolf population using neutral genetic markers. Almost 300 wolves from the contemporary Finnish population and over 50 wolves from the north-western Russia were analyzed with genetic methods. Additionally, the genetic history of the population was examined with the help of over 100 museum samples. The modern Finnish wolf population proved to be genetically as diverse as the non-endangered Eastern European and North American wolf populations. However, the genetic diversity decreased significantly during the study period (1995–2009), and was at its lowest level in the final phase of the examination. In tandem, the inbreeding coefficient rose to a relatively high level. Genetic sub-structures were observed due to social structures within wolf packs. The mean dispersal distances of wolves were approximately only 100 km. The Finnish wolf population is divided into neighbourhoods of related individuals, and their size substantially decreased during the study period. This pattern, together with the growth of the inbreeding coefficient, suggests that lost alpha individuals in wolf packs are replaced by their offspring. This study demonstrated that Russian and Finnish wolf populations are nowadays genetically differentiated. Gene flow between the populations is low, despite the geographic interconnection. Only a few possible immigrants from Russia into Finland were detected in the study. The effective size of the Finnish wolf population proved to be small, and was mainly below the often-considered critical size of 50. Historical analysis revealed that the Finnish wolf population was formerly genetically more diverse, more continuous with the Russian wolf population, and had a more than 90% larger effective size. On the basis of this study, the genetic status of the Finnish wolf population is worrying and needs to be monitored. The population should be substantially larger than today and/or the amount of gene flow higher, so that the population viability could be considered secured even in the short term. / Tiivistelmä Ihmisen toiminnan seurauksena lukuisat eliölajit ja –populaatiot ovat hävinneet. Viimeisten noin 200 vuoden aikana suurpedot hävitettiin lähes koko Länsi-Euroopasta. Laajamittainen sudenmetsästys alkoi Suomessa 1850-luvun paikkeilla ja kanta romahti nopeasti. Populaatio oli hyvin pieni lähes koko 1900-luvun, ja sudet ovat jälleen lisääntyneet yhtäjaksoisesti Suomessa vasta 1990-luvun puolivälistä. Susi on erittäin uhanalainen Suomessa ja merkittävin uhka lajin säilymiselle on liiallinen metsästys. Tarkastelen tässä väitöskirjatyössäni Suomen susipopulaation geneettistä rakennetta ja monimuotoisuutta neutraaleja geenimerkkejä käyttäen. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin geneettisin menetelmin lähes 300 sutta nyky-Suomesta sekä yli 50 sutta Luoteis-Venäjältä. Lisäksi populaation geneettistä historiaa selvitettiin yli 100 museonäytteen avulla. Nykyinen Suomen susipopulaatio osoittautui tutkimuksessa geneettisesti yhtä monimuotoiseksi kuin ei-uhanalaiset susipopulaatiot Itä-Euroopassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa. Geneettisen muuntelun määrä kuitenkin laski tutkimusajanjaksolla (1995–2009) merkitsevästi ollen matalin tarkastelujakson lopussa. Samanaikaisesti populaation sukusiitoskerroin nousi verrattain korkeaksi. Susipopulaatiossa havaittiin sosiaalisista rakenteista johtuvia geneettisiä alarakenteita. Susien dispersaalimatkat olivat keskimäärin vain noin 100 km. Suomen susipopulaatio on jakautunut toisilleen sukua olevien yksilöiden naapurustoiksi, joiden koko pieneni huomattavasti tutkimusajanjaksolla. Tämä yhdessä sukusiitoskertoimen kasvun kanssa viittaa susilaumojen menetettyjen alfayksilöiden korvautumiseen jälkeläisillään. Tutkimus osoitti, että Venäjän ja Suomen susipopulaatiot ovat nykyisin geneettisesti erilaistuneet. Geenivirta populaatioiden välillä on maantieteellisestä yhteydestä huolimatta vähäistä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin vain muutamia todennäköisiä immigrantteja Venäjältä Suomeen. Suomen susipopulaation efektiivinen koko osoittautui pieneksi ollen pääosin alle kriittisenä rajana pidetyn 50:en. Historiallinen tarkastelu osoitti Suomen susipopulaation olleen aiemmin geneettisesti monimuotoisempi, yhtenäisempi Venäjän susipopulaation kanssa ja efektiiviseltä kooltaan yli 90&#160;% nykyistä suurempi. Tutkimuksen perusteella Suomen susipopulaation geneettinen tila on huolestuttava ja tarvitsee seurantaa. Populaation tulisi olla nykyistä huomattavasti suurempi ja/tai geenivirran määrän korkeampi, jotta populaation elinvoimaisuuden voitaisiin katsoa olevan turvattu edes lyhyellä aikavälillä.

Evolutions des stratégies reproductrices au sein du genre Plagiolepis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Thurin, Nicolas 18 June 2010 (has links)
Selon la théorie de la sélection de la parentèle, les individus peuvent transmettre des copies de leurs gènes à la génération suivante sans accéder eux-mêmes à la reproduction, mais en aidant des apparentés à augmenter leur propre succès reproductif. Ce concept reste aujourd'hui l'explication la plus probable pour justifier l'évolution de l’altruisme de reproduction dans le règne animal. Les coefficients de corrélations génétiques entre les membres d’un groupe ont une importance capitale, puisqu'ils influencent directement les bénéfices génétiques indirects associés au comportement altruiste. Trois principaux facteurs sont cependant connus pour influencer profondément l'architecture des sociétés: (i) le nombre de reines présentes dans un nid (polygynie), (ii) le nombre d'accouplements des reines (polyandrie), et (iii) l’accouplement entre apparentés (consanguinité).<p>\ / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Flowering time and natural selection in <em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>

Riihimäki, M.-A. (Mona-Anitta) 12 August 2005 (has links)
Abstract Arabidopsis lyrata is a close outcrossing relative of Arabidopsis thaliana, the model organism of plant physiology and molecular biology. I studied variation in flowering time and the factors shaping the variation within and between A. lyrata populations in different environments. The role of the two important proximate factors determining flowering time, day length and temperature, were studied in climate chambers. The southern A. lyrata populations were found to flower in high frequency and quicker than northern A. lyrata populations in all studied environments, but the reaction of northern populations on long day length was found to be stronger than that of southern populations. Differences in vernalization requirement between A. lyrata populations were found in outdoor common garden, but in the climate chambers the results of vernalization experiments were not consistent. Strength and direction of selection on flowering time and other life history traits were studied in alpine and lowland A. lyrata populations in Scandinavia. Differences in selection were found both between populations and between years. Grazing sheep caused high levels of damage in inflorescences in the alpine population. In the lowland population there was less herbivory, caused by insects and hares. The difference in selection on flowering traits in the two study populations might be partly caused by selective grazing. Completely outcrossing mating system in A. lyrata is due to well developed self-incompatibility system. However, biparental inbreeding is likely to exist in natural populations and it may lead to spatial structuring of genetic variation within populations. I studied the effects of biparental inbreeding on components of fitness in A. lyrata in three different environments. I found inbreeding depression after sib-mating to be substantial. Stressful environment reduced the overall performance of the plants, but had no effect on the magnitude of inbreeding depression. A literature survey indicates that the observed levels of inbreeding depression in self-incompatible A. lyrata were higher than those of self-compatible species. This suggests that self-compatible species have purged some of their genetic load. The genetic basis of flowering time variation in A. lyrata can be further studied by using A. thaliana molecular tools.

Análise genética da produção in vitro de embriões em bovinos Guzerá / Genetic analysis of in vitro embryo production in Guzerá cattle

Bruno da Costa Perez 04 February 2016 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar aspectos genéticos que relacionados à produção in vitro de embriões na raça Guzerá. O primeiro estudo focou na estimação de (co) variâncias genéticas e fenotípicas em características relacionadas a produção de embriões e na detecção de possível associação com a idade ao primeiro parto (AFC). Foi detectada baixa e média herdabilidade para características relacionadas à produção de oócitos e embriões. Houve fraca associação genética entre características ligadas a reprodução artificial e a idade ao primeiro parto. O segundo estudo avaliou tendências genéticas e de endogamia em uma população Guzerá no Brasil. Doadoras e embriões produzidos in vitro foram considerados como duas subpopulações de forma a realizar comparações acerca das diferenças de variação anual genética e do coeficiente de endogamia. A tendência anual do coeficiente de endogamia (F) foi superior para a população geral, sendo detectado efeito quadrático. No entanto, a média de F para a sub- população de embriões foi maior do que na população geral e das doadoras. Foi observado ganho genético anual superior para a idade ao primeiro parto e para a produção de leite (305 dias) entre embriões produzidos in vitro do que entre doadoras ou entre a população geral. O terceiro estudo examinou os efeitos do coeficiente de endogamia da doadora, do reprodutor (usado na fertilização in vitro) e dos embriões sobre resultados de produção in vitro de embriões na raça Guzerá. Foi detectado efeito da endogamia da doadora e dos embriões sobre as características estudadas. O quarto (e último) estudo foi elaborado para comparar a adequação de modelos mistos lineares e generalizados sob método de Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita (REML) e sua adequação a variáveis discretas. Quatro modelos hierárquicos assumindo diferentes distribuições para dados de contagem encontrados no banco. Inferência foi realizada com base em diagnósticos de resíduo e comparação de razões entre componentes de variância para os modelos em cada variável. Modelos Poisson superaram tanto o modelo linear (com e sem transformação da variável) quanto binomial negativo à qualidade do ajuste e capacidade preditiva, apesar de claras diferenças observadas na distribuição das variáveis. Entre os modelos testados, a pior qualidade de ajuste foi obtida para o modelo linear mediante transformação logarítmica (Log10 X +1) da variável resposta. / The objective of this research was to evaluate genetic aspects permeating in vitro embryo production in Guzerá cattle. The first study aimed for estimating genetic and phenotypic (co)variances among embryo production traits and detecting possible genetic association with the age at first calving (AFC). Low and medium heritabilities were detected for oocyte and embryo production traits. A weak genetic association between artificial reproduction traits and AFC was identified. The second study evaluated genetic and inbreeding trends in the Brazilian Guzerá population. Female donors and in vitro produced embryos were considered as two subpopulations in order to perform comparisons and infer over differences in inbreeding and genetic annual variations. Embryos\' subpopulation showed higher genetic gains for age at first calving and milk production than donors\' subpopulation and the general population. Higher annual mean inbreeding values were also detected for the embryos\' subpopulation. The third study examined the effects of donor, sire (used for in vitro fertilization) and embryos\' inbreeding coefficient over in vitro embryo production traits in Guzerá cattle. Donors\' and embryos\' inbreeding effects over the analyzed traits were detected. Fourth and final study was designed to compare the performance of Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models under Restricted Maximum Likelihood method when fitting discrete variables. Four hierarchical models assuming different distributions for the response variable were fit to the (count) data. Inference was performed upon residual diagnostics and comparison of variance component ratios between models within each trait. Poisson models outperformed both linear (with and without variable transformation) and negative binomial models for goodness of fit and predictive ability despite clear differences in each trait\'s distribution. Logarithmic transformation (Log10 X +1) showed lowest goodness of fit among all models tested.

Genome Evolution Model (GEM): Design and Application

McSweeny, Andrew 29 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Forest Fragmentation on the Abundance, Distribution, and Population Genetic Structure of White-Footed Mice (<i>Peromyscus Leucopus</i>)

Anderson, Christine Schandorsky 06 August 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Detecting structural variants in the DNA of the inbred Scandinavian wolf

Huson, Lars January 2023 (has links)
Only 40 years ago, just three individuals made the journey from Finland/Russia to found the current wolf population in the southwest of Sweden. This population, that to this date descends from less than 10 founders, has a substantial increased extinction risk due to inbreeding. Several previous studies have used SNPs to monitor the level of inbreeding and homozygosity in the population, as well as measure immigration and the inflow of new genetic material. This study uses both short- and long-read data to discover structural variants (SVs) and small indels in the population, so that they may be used to extend the analyses and provide more insight into the current state of the Scandinavian wolf population. After the calling of the SVs, strict filtering and manual curation were applied to the data, thereby removing many false positive calls and increasing confidence in the remaining SVs. Short-read and long-read SV-callers found 31,800 and 57,821 SVs respectively, with relatively little overlap between the two sets. By far, the most common SV-types were deletions and insertions, at about 30,000 each with varying length ranging from a 50 base pairs to several tens of Mbp. Analyses on the data, such as PCAs and parent-offspring trio analyses, reveal high-confidence calls and consistent results between SV-types and SV-callers, as well as a low estimated genotyping error rate. PCAs performed on the SVs resembled those performed on SNPs, which strengthens the credibility of the identified variants. Finally, this study suggests several alternative steps for possible improvement to the dataset, along with some proposals for subsequent research topics that may use the variants discovered in this study.

Genetic, socio-ecological and fitness correlates of extra-group paternity in the European badger (Meles meles)

Annavi, Geetha January 2012 (has links)
The evolution of extra-group paternity (EGP) is a contentious issue in evolutionary biology. This thesis examines the factors and adaptive benefits driving EGP in a high-density, group-living population of European badgers (Meles meles). To improve power to assign parentage, I isolated and characterised 21 new polymorphic microsatellite markers. I genotyped 83% of 1410 badger trapped 1987‒2010 using 35 autosomal microsatellite markers. Maternity and paternity were assigned at 80% confidence ca. 82% of individuals. 48% of paternities were extra-group, where 85% were attributable to neighbouring-group males and EGP was detected in 47% of litters; thus badger social group do not correspond with a breeding unit. I tested whether indirect genetic benefits explain these high EGP rates. (1) ‘Good-gene-as-heterozygosity Hypothesis’: Paternal heterozygosity, but not maternal or an individual’s own heterozygosity, associated positively with first-year survival probability. Under benign environmental conditions, cubs fathered by more heterozygous males had a higher first year survival probability. Despite this correlation, the EGP rate per litter correlated with neither average nor maximum within-group heterozygosity of candidate fathers. (2) Fitness benefit Hypothesis: Extra-group offspring (EGO) had lower first-year survival probability and lived 1.3 years less than within-group offspring (WGO). Female WGO produced more litters and offspring over their lifetime than female EGO, whereas male EGO produced more offspring than male WGO. (3) Inbreeding avoidance hypothesis: The EGP rate within a litter increased with greater average pair-wise relatedness between mothers and within-group candidate fathers. No inbreeding depression on first-year survival probability was detected, but small sample sizes limited statistical power. Socio-ecologically, at the litter level, EGP correlated negatively with the number of within-group candidate fathers, and positively with neighbouring-group candidate fathers. In conclusion, EGP in badgers may reduce inbreeding and be maintained in the population through a sex-specific antagonistic selection and indirect genetic benefits may occur when the total fitness benefits of producing extra-group sons outweigh the costs of producing extra-group daughters. These indirect genetic benefits only partially explain the evolution of promiscuity in European badgers, highlighting that evolutionary factors underlying promiscuity remain unclear.

Estrutura genética de populações de Euterpe edulis Mart. submetidas à ação antrópica utilizando marcadores alozímicos e microssatélites. / Genetic structure of Euterpe edulis Mart. populations submitted to human exploitation using allozymic and microsatellite markers.

Conte, Rudimar 22 April 2004 (has links)
O palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis Mart.) é uma espécie nativa da Mata Atlântica cujas populações naturais encontram-se degradadas pelo extrativismo. Considerando a escassez de informações relativas às conseqüências genéticas da exploração de palmito, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto do processo de exploração sobre os níveis de diversidade, estrutura genética e tamanho efetivo de populações da espécie. Também foram estudados aspectos genéticos do recrutamento de plantas e o sistema reprodutivo da espécie. O estudo foi realizado em duas localidades do Estado de Santa Catarina, nos municípios de São Pedro de Alcântara e Ibirama. Em cada localidade foram escolhidas duas áreas de ocorrência natural de E. edulis, uma sem influência antrópica e outra que sofreu exploração de palmito, totalizando quatro populações. Os sistemas de exploração foram: (i) extrativismo - onde todos os indivíduos acima de 2 m de altura são cortados, incluindo plantas reprodutivas; and (ii) manejo - onde somente indivíduos acima de 9 cm de DAP são cortados, com a manutenção de 50 plantas reprodutivas por hectare. Em cada população foram examinadas plântulas, jovens e adultos, usando oito locos microssatélites e dez locos alozímicos. Os resultados revelaram que a espécie se reproduz por alogamia ( m tˆ = 0,996 para microssatélites e m tˆ = 1,000 para isoenzimas), porém a ocorrência de cruzamentos entre indivíduos aparentados (até 5%) e cruzamentos biparentais (10%) indica a ocorrência de cruzamentos não aleatórios. Em locos alozímicos, observaram-se as seguintes amplitudes de variação das estimativas de diversidade entre as categorias: Aˆ : 3,05 a 3,15; e Hˆ : 0,416 a 0,431; o Hˆ : 0,378 a 0,403. Em locos microssatélites, a variação observada foi a seguinte: Aˆ : 14,12 a 14,72; e Hˆ : 0,781 a 0,785; o Hˆ : 0,678 a 0,709. Nas populações não exploradas, houve um aumento na freqüência de heterozigotos na direção do estádio adulto, o que sugere a ação da seleção favorecendo o aumento de heterozigotos. Valores altos e significativos do índice de fixação ( fˆ ) foram observados, especialmente nos marcadores microssatélites, indicando desvios do equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. De modo geral, ambos os marcadores revelaram um aumento dos valores de fˆ nas populações exploradas, especialmente entre as plântulas. As estimativas ST Gˆ e ST Rˆ não revelaram alterações na estrutura genética das populações exploradas e demostraram uma divergência genética inferior a 5% na maioria das comparações aos pares, em ambos os marcadores. O tamanho efetivo ( e Nˆ ) dos indivíduos adultos por hectare foi superior a 110 nas populações não pertubadas, enquanto nas populações exploradas, o tamanho efetivo por hectare foi reduzido para 45, sob manejo, e 14, sob extrativismo. Porém, o tamanho efetivo total das populações exploradas ainda é elevado, o que explica a manutenção dos altos níveis de diversidade nessas populações. Finalmente, a informação genética conjunta desses marcadores demonstrou que os efeitos da exploração foram pouco pronunciados até o momento em relação aos níveis de diversidade e estrutura genética das populações de E. edulis. Entretanto, a redução da população de cruzamentos resultou em alterações no comportamento reprodutivo dos indivíduos, promovendo um aumento nos níveis de endogamia nas coortes mais jovens das populações exploradas. Contudo, os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicaram questões adicionais a serem estudadas. Em função do elevado nível de variabilidade dos locos microssatélites observado em E. edulis, recomenda-se aumentar o tamanho das amostras visando otimizar a informação genética proporcionada por esses marcadores. Além disso, novos estudos são necessários sobre os efeitos do manejo tecnificado, uma vez que os resultados obtidos podem ter sido influenciados por outros eventos de exploração ocorridos no passado e pelas populações existentes nas proximidades devido ao elevado fluxo gênico da espécie. / Heart-of-palm tree (Euterpe edulis Mart.; Arecaceae) is a native species of the Atlantic forest whose natural populations are degraded by extractivism. Regarding the relative scarcity of information on the genetic consequences of palm heart exploitation, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two exploitation systems - extractivism and management - on the levels of variability, genetic structure and effective size of Euterpe edulis Mart. populations. We also investigated genetic aspects of the plant recruitment and the reproductive system of the species. Four natural populations of E. edulis with different histories of disturbance were surveyed in the districts of São Pedro de Alcântara and Ibirama, Santa Catarina, Brazil. At both sites, we sampled an undisturbed and an exploited population. The exploitation systems were: (i) extractivism - where most individuals higher than 2 m are harvested, including reproductive plants; and (ii) management - where only individuals with more than 9 cm of DBH are harvested, with the maintainance of 50 reproductive plants per ha. Three categories of plants, from seedlings to adults, were examined using eight microsatellite loci and ten allozyme loci. Results demonstrated the preferentially allogamic behaviour of the species ( m tˆ = 0.996 for microsatellites and m tˆ = 1.000 for allozymes), but the occurrence of matings among related individuals (5%) and biparental matings (10%) indicated the existence of non-random matings in this species. For allozymic loci, the following diversity estimates were obtained among the categories: Aˆ : 3.05 to 3.15; e Hˆ : 0.416 to 0.431; o Hˆ : 0.378 to 0.403. For microsatellites, the estimates were as follows: Aˆ : 14.12 to 14.72; e Hˆ : 0.781 to 0.785; o Hˆ : 0.678 to 0.709. In undisturbed populations, there was an increase in heterozygote frequency towards the adult stages, suggesting the action of natural selection favouring such heterozygote increase. Highly significant values of fixation index ( fˆ ) were observed, mainly at microsatellite loci, indicating departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectation. Both markers displayed an increase of fˆ values in the exploited populations, especially for seedlings. The estimates of interpopulation genetic variation ( ST Gˆ ; ST Rˆ ) revealed that more than 95% of the molecular genetic variability of the species is distributed within populations, and there was no evidence of changes in genetic structure of the exploited populations. Effective size ( e Nˆ ) per hectare of the adult individuals was higher than 110 in the two undisturbed populations, while in the exploited populations the effective size per hectare was reduced to 45 under management, and 14 under extractivism. However, the total effective size of the exploited populations was still high, which explains the maintenance of high diversity levels in these populations. Finally, the genetic information from both markers displayed small pronounced effects of the exploitation process on variability and population genetic structure of E. edulis, with the exception of an increase in the inbreeding levels among seedlings and juveniles of the exploited populations. However, our results raised further questions for study. Because of the hypervariability of microssatellite loci used in this work, we would recommend an increase in the sample size (>100) in order to optimize the genetic information provided by these markers. Moreover, new investigations are necessary on the effects of management, since the results from this study could have been influenced by other exploitation events that have occurred in the past and by the existence, due to the high gene flow of the species, of surrounding undisturbed populations.

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