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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Total quality management in the civil engineering consultancy industry in South Africa / Danie Van Rensburg Botha

Botha, Danie Van Rensburg January 2012 (has links)
Consulting Engineers worldwide, and in South Africa, render a professional service to clients consisting of project feasibility studies, planning reports, design, documentation and construction monitoring for infrastructure projects. In rendering this service, consulting engineers are subject to certain project risks that can have a huge influence on their company’s success and hence their profitability. Quality Management is an instrument through which the risks associated with consulting engineering can be mitigated to a certain degree, if a Quality Management System (QMS) is successfully introduced and continuously managed. The QMS must conform to the requirements of a recognized system like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and in this particular case ISO 9001, which is a model for quality assurance systems in design, development, production, installation and servicing. The quality system requirements of ISO 9001 are aimed at preventing nonconformity at all phases of the product life cycle from design and/or development to servicing. The study was carried out by obtaining a convenience sample of qualitative questionnaires among professional civil engineers in consulting management positions, testing their experience of a QMS. This study has indicated that a QMS can only be successful in a company if the users have a positive attitude towards the system, and if they believe in the benefits thereof. It is therefore required that the system be launched and maintained in a user-friendly manner, with the emphasis on real risk-reducing aspects. As one of the requirements of ISO 9001 is continuous improvement of the system, recommendations are made in this study towards improving the QMS of the particular company. The influence of a QMS on the frequency and extent of Professional Indemnity cases against a company was investigated and reported on by studying 20 case studies of projects that have experienced difficulties, and have resulted in lawsuits against the consulting engineer. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Nový vývoj v institutu právní imunity / "New Development in Institution of Legal Immunity".

Břečková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on legal institute of immunity in Czech system of law. It deals especially with the legislative development in institute of immunity and contemporary legislation, but it is focused on judicial practice as well. The aim of this thesis is to present some controversial issues, which appears within the application of immunity and to analyse the judicial practice of the Czech courts. This thesis is composed of introduction, four chapters and conclusion. The first chapter is theoretical and tries to define the institute of immunity according to the legal theory. This chapter introduces the origin of the institute of immunity and its differentiation at the same time. The essential part of this thesis is the second chapter, which concerns with the parliamentary immunity, and is divided into five subchapters. The subchapter 2.1. deals with the legislative development of the parliamentary immunity and presents all the bills. The aim of these bills was to regulate, particularly to narrow the parliamentary immunity. In the subchapter 2.2. is analysed new concept of indemnity, specifically concept of recourse, vote, body of the Assembly of Deputies or Senate and speech, with regard to judicial practice of the Czech courts. The subchapter 2.3. provides the transgressional immunity of...

L’exclusion de l’associé : étude comparée du droit français et du droit libanais

Zein, Tala 04 July 2013 (has links)
Cette acception n'est plus vraie puisque le droit français montre une consécration plus importante de l'exclusion d'un associé. C'est en raison de l'utilité que peut présenter ce procédé qu'il y a eu une multiplication des cas d'exclusion depuis le XXe siècle. Cette multiplication a pour objectif principal de préserver l'intérêt de la société ou de l'entreprise, et de sanctionner l'associé fautif. Cependant, son utilité n'a pas pu fonder une généralisation d'un droit d'exclusion en droit des sociétés. Jusqu'ici, l'exclusion unilatérale demeure une hypothèse rejetée.En effet, la généralisation du droit d'exclusion se heurte à d'importants risques d'exercice arbitraire des gérants ou des organes de société. C'est donc au niveau de la mise en œuvre de l'exclusion que se fondent les hésitations concernant la validation de l'exclusion comme technique ordinaire et utile, indépendamment de toute clause ou texte légal. Notre présente étude met l'accent sur l'utilité de l'exclusion dans ses deux formes validées par le législateur (imposée et acceptée), ainsi que sur les failles dans les règles régissant la mise en œuvre de ces formes d'exclusion. La mise en œuvre de l'exclusion est une question qui préoccupe toujours la jurisprudence et la doctrine. / The endorsement of the exclusion technique was linked to the context of social capital variability. This articulation is no longer valid since the French laws showed a more important utilization of the concept of “exclusion”. There has been an increase in cases of exclusion during the 20th century because of the utility in presenting this process. This rise's main objective is to preserve the interests of the companies or businesses, and to punish the guilty partner. Its usefulness did not lead to generalize the exclusion laws into corporate laws. The unilateral exclusion is a hypothesis rejected until now. Indeed, the generalization of an exclusion law faces significant risks of arbitrary usage by the managers or members of society. It is the implementation of exclusion that makes the basis for hesitations concerning the validation of exclusion as a common and useful technique regardless of any clause or legal text. Our present study focuses on the usefulness of the exclusion in its two forms approved by the legislature (imposed and accepted), as well as the loopholes in the rules governing the realization of these forms. Till date, the implementation of exclusion remains a perplex matter, jurisprudence and doctrine.

A cláusula de não indenizar: uma releitura do instituto à luz do atual código civil brasileiro / The non-indemnity clause: a reinterpretation in light of the current Brazilian civil code

Avelar, Letícia Marquez de 13 June 2011 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo acerca da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, mecanismos utilizados pelos contratantes com vistas a aliviar a sobrecarga das indenizações, que se aproximam de institutos como o seguro de responsabilidade civil e a cláusula penal, apresentando também pontos de coincidência com a transação, a renúncia e o consentimento do ofendido. Embora sejam conhecidas desde o direito romano, foi no Estado liberal que essas convenções tiveram maior aceitação, a qual foi sendo, no entanto, paulatinamente reduzida, à medida que foi se configurando o que posteriormente se convencionou chamar de dirigismo contratual, que tem em mira corrigir as injustiças resultantes do modelo individualista de outrora, na busca por uma igualdade real entre as partes contratantes. No ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não há regra geral disciplinando a matéria, mas apenas disposições pontuais que regulam campos específicos; esta a origem de toda a controvérsia que gravita em torno da validade e eficácia da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, questões, ao que se entende, que se devem resolver pelas regras de admissibilidade dos contratos em geral, respeitando-se, sempre, evidentemente, os limites da ordem pública, o que significa, nos tempos atuais, observância, também e principalmente, aos princípios da boa-fé objetiva, do equilíbrio contratual e da função social do contrato / It is a study on the non-indemnity clause and on the limitation of indemnity clause, mechanisms utilized by contractors in order to relieve the burden of indemnities which approach institutes such as the civil liability insurance and the penalty clause and also show intersection points with the settlement, the waiver and the consent of the offended party. Although known since roman law, it was in liberal State that such conventions have received greater acceptance, which nonetheless was gradually reduced as what later to be denominated contractual interventionism emerged, whose purpose is to correct the inequities resulting from the individualist model of yesteryear in the quest for true equality between the contracting parties. There is not a general legal rule in the Brazilian legal system regulating the matter, but only specific provisions governing specific cases; this is the origin of all controversy towards the validity and effectiveness of the non-indemnity clause and of the limitation of indemnity clause, these are issues that, as one comprehends, should be solved with the admissibility rules of contracts in general, provided that the limits of public order, evidently, are always respected, what means, nowadays, observance, also and mainly, of the principles of objective good faith, contractual balance and social purpose of the contract

O destino das famílias removidas e indenizadas pelas obras do monotrilho em São Paulo: o caso das indenizações no programa de reassentamento de famílias vulneráveis para as obras de expansão do metrô: linha 17 - ouro / The destination of the families removed and compensated for the works of the Monorail in São Paulo: the case of the compensations in the Program of Resettlement of vulnerable families for the Works of Expansion of the Subway: Line 17 - Gold

Macedo, Sara Messaggi 06 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa de mestrado aporta temas relacionados as remoções de favelas em São Paulo diante de um cenário de avanço das políticas neoliberais, a partir da experiência da remoção de aproximadamente 500 famílias da região do Aeroporto de Congonhas para a implantação da Linha 17 - Ouro do Metrô, em formato de Monotrilho ou Veículo Leve sobre Trilhos (VLT). A remoção das famílias afetadas foi iniciada pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano (CDHU) em 2012, seguindo diretrizes do convênio firmado com o Metrô no ano anterior. Até o momento a obra de mobilidade não foi finalizada pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo, tampouco as unidades habitacionais prometidas, como uma das formas de reassentamento, foram sequer iniciadas. O que diferencia esta remoção das demais é a oferta pelo poder público - sem restrições de valores para o acesso - de indenizações que mimetizam as indenizações oferecidas para proprietários que possuem título, ou seja, o pagamento de uma recompensa monetária pelo valor da terra (neste caso, tempo de permanência) somada à recompensa pela benfeitoria. Entre 2012 e 2014 a maioria das famílias foi removida compulsoriamente das áreas afetadas e mais de 70% optaram pela indenização em detrimento da unidade habitacional no mesmo local da remoção. Este alto percentual surpreendeu a todos os envolvidos, principalmente, pelo fato de que as famílias em questão moravam há muitos anos nesses assentamentos precários, datados em sua maioria da década de 1950, o que em tese deveria ampliar seu desejo de permanência no local. Por meio de pesquisa de campo realizada em 2015 com 47 famílias que fizeram a opção pela indenização, identificou-se na amostra uma grande preocupação em investir a indenização em habitação (mesmo que não houvesse uma preocupação na mesma proporção com a regularidade formal das novas moradias), porém de maneira independente do poder público, com quem a relação de descrédito esteve presente durante todo o processo de remoção e após ela. Ainda que o objetivo de reassentar tenha sido cumprido na maioria dos casos, os resultados apontam para uma dispersão no território que implicou em perda de vínculos afetivos, profissionais, institucionais, além do aumento do deslocamento das famílias - que via de regra foram ocupar locais mais distantes que o ponto de remoção -, desconectando estas famílias do território de origem. / This master\'s research study deals with issues related to the removal of favelas in São Paulo from a scenario of advancement of neoliberal policies, based on the experience of the removal of approximately 500 families from the region of Congonhas Airport for the implementation of Line 17 - Gold of the Subway, in Monorail or Light Rail Vehicle (VLT) format. The removal of the affected families was initiated by the Housing and Urban Development Company (CDHU) in 2012, following guidelines of the agreement signed with the Metro in the previous year. Up to now, the work of mobility has not been finished by the São Paulo State Government, nor have the promised housing units, one of the forms of resettlement, had their construction even started. What differentiates this removal from the others is the offer from the public power - without restrictions of values for access - of indemnities that mimic the ones offered to owners who hold title, that is, the payment of a monetary reward for the value of the land (in this Case, length of stay) added to the reward for the house improvement. Between 2012 and 2014 most families were compulsorily removed from the affected areas and more than 70% opted for compensation at the expense of the housing unit at the same place of removal. This high percentage was surprising for everyone involved, mainly by the fact that the families in question had lived in these precarious settlements for many years, most of them dating back to the 1950s, which in theory should have broaden their desire to stay in the area. Through a field survey conducted in 2015 with 47 families who made the option of compensation, the interviewees showed a great concern in investing the compensation in housing (even though there was not a concern in the same proportion about the formal regularity of the new housing), but independent from the public authority, with whom the relationship of discredit was present throughout the removal process and after it. Although the goal of resettlement has been fulfilled in most cases, the results point to a dispersion in the territory that has entailed loss of affective, professional and institutional ties, as well as an increase in the displacement of families - which, as a rule, were to occupy areas that are mostly distant from the point of removal - by disconnecting these families from their home territory.

O destino das famílias removidas e indenizadas pelas obras do monotrilho em São Paulo: o caso das indenizações no programa de reassentamento de famílias vulneráveis para as obras de expansão do metrô: linha 17 - ouro / The destination of the families removed and compensated for the works of the Monorail in São Paulo: the case of the compensations in the Program of Resettlement of vulnerable families for the Works of Expansion of the Subway: Line 17 - Gold

Sara Messaggi Macedo 06 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa de mestrado aporta temas relacionados as remoções de favelas em São Paulo diante de um cenário de avanço das políticas neoliberais, a partir da experiência da remoção de aproximadamente 500 famílias da região do Aeroporto de Congonhas para a implantação da Linha 17 - Ouro do Metrô, em formato de Monotrilho ou Veículo Leve sobre Trilhos (VLT). A remoção das famílias afetadas foi iniciada pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano (CDHU) em 2012, seguindo diretrizes do convênio firmado com o Metrô no ano anterior. Até o momento a obra de mobilidade não foi finalizada pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo, tampouco as unidades habitacionais prometidas, como uma das formas de reassentamento, foram sequer iniciadas. O que diferencia esta remoção das demais é a oferta pelo poder público - sem restrições de valores para o acesso - de indenizações que mimetizam as indenizações oferecidas para proprietários que possuem título, ou seja, o pagamento de uma recompensa monetária pelo valor da terra (neste caso, tempo de permanência) somada à recompensa pela benfeitoria. Entre 2012 e 2014 a maioria das famílias foi removida compulsoriamente das áreas afetadas e mais de 70% optaram pela indenização em detrimento da unidade habitacional no mesmo local da remoção. Este alto percentual surpreendeu a todos os envolvidos, principalmente, pelo fato de que as famílias em questão moravam há muitos anos nesses assentamentos precários, datados em sua maioria da década de 1950, o que em tese deveria ampliar seu desejo de permanência no local. Por meio de pesquisa de campo realizada em 2015 com 47 famílias que fizeram a opção pela indenização, identificou-se na amostra uma grande preocupação em investir a indenização em habitação (mesmo que não houvesse uma preocupação na mesma proporção com a regularidade formal das novas moradias), porém de maneira independente do poder público, com quem a relação de descrédito esteve presente durante todo o processo de remoção e após ela. Ainda que o objetivo de reassentar tenha sido cumprido na maioria dos casos, os resultados apontam para uma dispersão no território que implicou em perda de vínculos afetivos, profissionais, institucionais, além do aumento do deslocamento das famílias - que via de regra foram ocupar locais mais distantes que o ponto de remoção -, desconectando estas famílias do território de origem. / This master\'s research study deals with issues related to the removal of favelas in São Paulo from a scenario of advancement of neoliberal policies, based on the experience of the removal of approximately 500 families from the region of Congonhas Airport for the implementation of Line 17 - Gold of the Subway, in Monorail or Light Rail Vehicle (VLT) format. The removal of the affected families was initiated by the Housing and Urban Development Company (CDHU) in 2012, following guidelines of the agreement signed with the Metro in the previous year. Up to now, the work of mobility has not been finished by the São Paulo State Government, nor have the promised housing units, one of the forms of resettlement, had their construction even started. What differentiates this removal from the others is the offer from the public power - without restrictions of values for access - of indemnities that mimic the ones offered to owners who hold title, that is, the payment of a monetary reward for the value of the land (in this Case, length of stay) added to the reward for the house improvement. Between 2012 and 2014 most families were compulsorily removed from the affected areas and more than 70% opted for compensation at the expense of the housing unit at the same place of removal. This high percentage was surprising for everyone involved, mainly by the fact that the families in question had lived in these precarious settlements for many years, most of them dating back to the 1950s, which in theory should have broaden their desire to stay in the area. Through a field survey conducted in 2015 with 47 families who made the option of compensation, the interviewees showed a great concern in investing the compensation in housing (even though there was not a concern in the same proportion about the formal regularity of the new housing), but independent from the public authority, with whom the relationship of discredit was present throughout the removal process and after it. Although the goal of resettlement has been fulfilled in most cases, the results point to a dispersion in the territory that has entailed loss of affective, professional and institutional ties, as well as an increase in the displacement of families - which, as a rule, were to occupy areas that are mostly distant from the point of removal - by disconnecting these families from their home territory.


侯傑中, Hour, Jye Jong Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分為八章,茲就各章內容扼要說明如下:第一章 結論本章主要說明本文之研究動機、研究方法、研究範圍,並對本文所欲探討之問題,作一概述。第二章 請求權代位之概忥及理論基礎本章主要是確定請求權代位之意義,再就各國立法理論加以歸納整理,最後就此予以解析。第三章 請求權代位之性質本章主要係承襲前一章之理論,分析請求權代位之性質。第四章 請求權代位之成立要件本章旨在釐清保險人於何法定條件下,始可取得代位權。第五章 請求權代位之效力本章主要是對於保人取得代位權,對被保險人、第三人、保險人名產生何種效力。第六章 請求權代位取得之範圍與行使之限制保險人在依第四章之規定取得之代位權,其範圍因其是否給付全部保險金而異,而取得權後之行使,亦於一定之條件下受有限制。本章旨在就此為一探討。第七章 請求權代位之保金在保險人取得請求權代位,前如因被保險人之行為以致保險人在給付保險金後無法取得代位權時,應如何處理,則是本章所欲研究之範圍。第八章 結論與建議綜合前述之研究、整理,針對我國保險法之問題作一檢討,並提出建議,以作為將來修法之參考。

Modelling Weather Index Based Drought Insurance For Provinces In The Central Anatolia Region

Evkaya, Ozan Omer 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Drought, which is an important result of the climate change, is one of the most serious natural hazards globally. It has been agreed all over the world that it has adverse impacts on the production of agriculture, which plays a major role in the economy of a country. Studies showed that the results of the drought directly affected the crop yields, and it seems that this negative impact will continue drastically soon. Moreover, many researches revealed that, Turkey will be affected from the results of climate change in many aspects, especially the agricultural production will encounter dry seasons after the rapid changes in the precipitation amount. Insurance is a well-established method, which is used to share the risk based on natural disasters by people and organizations. Furthermore, a new way of insuring against the weather shocks is designing index-based insurance, and it has gained special attention in many developing countries. In this study, our aim is to model weather index based drought insurance product to help the small holder farmers in the Cental Anatolia Region under different models. At first, time series techniques were applied to forecast the wheat yield relying on the past data. Then, the AMS (AgroMetShell) software outputs, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) values were used, and SPI values for distinct time steps were chosen to develop a basic threshold based drought insurance for each province. Linear regression equations were used to calculate the trigger points for weather index, afterwards based on these trigger levels / pure premium and indemnity calculations were made for each province separately. In addition to this, Panel Data Analysis were used to construct an alternative linear model for drought insurance. It can be helpful to understand the direct and actual effects of selected weather index measures on wheat yield and also reduce the basis risks for constructed contracts. A simple ratio was generated to compare the basis risk of the different index-based insurance contracts.

A cláusula de não indenizar: uma releitura do instituto à luz do atual código civil brasileiro / The non-indemnity clause: a reinterpretation in light of the current Brazilian civil code

Letícia Marquez de Avelar 13 June 2011 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo acerca da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, mecanismos utilizados pelos contratantes com vistas a aliviar a sobrecarga das indenizações, que se aproximam de institutos como o seguro de responsabilidade civil e a cláusula penal, apresentando também pontos de coincidência com a transação, a renúncia e o consentimento do ofendido. Embora sejam conhecidas desde o direito romano, foi no Estado liberal que essas convenções tiveram maior aceitação, a qual foi sendo, no entanto, paulatinamente reduzida, à medida que foi se configurando o que posteriormente se convencionou chamar de dirigismo contratual, que tem em mira corrigir as injustiças resultantes do modelo individualista de outrora, na busca por uma igualdade real entre as partes contratantes. No ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não há regra geral disciplinando a matéria, mas apenas disposições pontuais que regulam campos específicos; esta a origem de toda a controvérsia que gravita em torno da validade e eficácia da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, questões, ao que se entende, que se devem resolver pelas regras de admissibilidade dos contratos em geral, respeitando-se, sempre, evidentemente, os limites da ordem pública, o que significa, nos tempos atuais, observância, também e principalmente, aos princípios da boa-fé objetiva, do equilíbrio contratual e da função social do contrato / It is a study on the non-indemnity clause and on the limitation of indemnity clause, mechanisms utilized by contractors in order to relieve the burden of indemnities which approach institutes such as the civil liability insurance and the penalty clause and also show intersection points with the settlement, the waiver and the consent of the offended party. Although known since roman law, it was in liberal State that such conventions have received greater acceptance, which nonetheless was gradually reduced as what later to be denominated contractual interventionism emerged, whose purpose is to correct the inequities resulting from the individualist model of yesteryear in the quest for true equality between the contracting parties. There is not a general legal rule in the Brazilian legal system regulating the matter, but only specific provisions governing specific cases; this is the origin of all controversy towards the validity and effectiveness of the non-indemnity clause and of the limitation of indemnity clause, these are issues that, as one comprehends, should be solved with the admissibility rules of contracts in general, provided that the limits of public order, evidently, are always respected, what means, nowadays, observance, also and mainly, of the principles of objective good faith, contractual balance and social purpose of the contract

Stanovení výše pojistného plnění za škodu způsobenou živelnou událostí na rodinném domě v Břeclavi / Determining the Amount of Indemnity for Damage Caused by a Natural Event in a House in Břeclav

Nešpor, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of determining the amount of indemnity for damage caused by a natural disaster. The introductory part is devoted to approaching the concepts related to valuation and insurance. The next part is devoted to familiarization with the object. Following is the valuation of the property by using the cost method at different times. For the valuation, the extent of the loss event is accurately defined, the cost of the repair and the insurance benefit resulting from the insurance contract are documented. The conclusion of the thesis is devoted to evaluation of achieved results and their graphical representation.

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