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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání českého a kanadského systému pojištění automobilů / Comparison of the Czech and Canadian Automobile Insurance System

Kučera, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The thesis compares automobile insurance system in the Czech Republic with that of the province of Alberta, Canada. Automobile insurance system represents the framework consisting of third party liability coverage and first party coverages regardless of how many policies in total it is required to arrange. The first part of the thesis introduces the readers into automobile insurance system in the Czech Republic, the second part deals with the system being in existence in Alberta, Canada. The primary conclusion coming out of the thesis is the definition and explanation of the distinctions between the two systems, the consideration of implementing some components of the Canadian system into the Czech system (and conversely) is discussed afterwards.

Stanovení výše pojistného plnění u chaty v Horních Loučkách poškozené pádem stromu / Determining the Amount of Indemnity in a Holiday House Damaged by a Fallen Tree in Horní Loučky

Somogyi, Vanessa January 2019 (has links)
Subject of master’s thesis is determination of the amount of insurance benefits in a holiday house damaged by a fallen tree due to gale in Horní Loučky. The introductory part focuses on property valuation theory. It includes basic conecepts, legislation of property valuation and methods of valuation. Inseparable part of thesis is to outline the field of insurance and it´s procedures. Following part of master’s thesis contain own solution of this problematics. It determines default price of property valued, relative to three different time events. Default price is taken into account of building established by the analytical method. The determination of insurance benefits will be based on the itemized budget of the delivery and montage of newly replaced building construction. In part of analysing achieved results, we examine the impact of repairs made after damage on the value of the holiday house.

Stanovení výše pojistného plnění u dřevostavby / Determination of the Amount of Indemnity for a Wooden House

Válková, Dagmar January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to determine the insurance indemnity after a storm on real estate. The first theoretical part is focused on definitions of basic terms in the field of real estate and insurance. The second part is practical, which deals with the valuation of the assessed construction cost method, ensuring the necessary costs for repair. Subsequently, the amount of the insured property value is determined.

Návrh efektivního financování bytového domu hypotečním úvěrem / Proposal of Effecive Financing of Flat-building by means of Mortage Loans

Lemon, David January 2008 (has links)
The object of my thesis work called "Suggestion of an effective financing of Flat-building by means of mortgage" is to compare possible investment, choosing an optimal alternative and propose potential changes in a specific mortgage already offered by a bank. It is analyzing particular products for financing rent-destined real property on the Czech market and realization study, which also includes client demands. We are focusing on theoretical and practical information that are contributing to high effectiveness and customer adjustment of offered services.

Ocenění výše škody způsobené zásahem blesku do rodinného domu v obci Šebetov / Valuation of damage caused by a lightning strike to a house in the village of Šebetov

Šumberová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine the amount of indemnity for damage caused by a lightning strike to a house in the village Šebetov. The thesis is dividend into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the basic concepts, associated with the topic. Furthermore, the approach of valuation of assets and insurance. The practical part uses theoretical knowledge addresses a specific case. First, the location is described, house and insured event (natural event – flash). Following the calculation of the time value immediately before the insured event, further costs are quantified to repair the damage incurred and then is detected current value after repairs. At the end, there is comparison of the time price comparisons of costs incurred for repairs and evaluation of the agreed sum insured in the insurance contract.


張如雯, Chang,Ru Wen Unknown Date (has links)
再保險之目的,在於提供保險人保險保障。其方式乃再保險人就原保險人在原保險契約中所負之給付責任,予以部份或全部的補償。再保險契約就再保險人之再保險給付責任所為之約定,最常見者為「同一命運原則」之約定。依「同一命運條款」之字面解釋,此條款係指再保險人須與原保險人「同一命運」,於原保險人對被保險人為保險給付後,補償原保險人因對被保險人為保險給付所生之損害。 依據損害補償原則,須保險人之保險給付在保險契約及再保險契約之承保範圍內,再保險人始負再保險給付之責任。為了避免嚴格依據損害補償原則解釋再保險人之責任,造成保險人無法取得再保險保障之結果,並提高對於保險人之保障,再保險契約雙方乃藉由同一命運條款的相關約定,約定保險人只須證明其已向被保險人為補償給付且其給付係依「誠信」所為,再保險人即須同其命運,向保險人為補償給付。再保險人此一契約義務,乃再保險契約雙方當事人基於契約自由,於再保險契約中特別加入同一命運條款的結果。 保險人之「誠信」乃同一命運原則適用之基石,此為法院所共同肯認。然而,對於同一命運原則於個案中之具體適用,法院之看法似乎並無足夠的一致性。究竟,決定再保險契約雙方當事人權利義務的同一命運原則,法院如何解釋其適用上發生之爭議?又,法院對於抽象的誠信原則如何解釋?在同一命運原則的背景下,再保險人是否可以提出何種抗辯以免除其保險給付責任?最後,是否這些問題的解答可以有某程度的預測可能性,以供日後再保險契約雙方草擬同一命運條款之參考? 針對保險人對被保險人所應為之補償,再保險人與原保險人可能有不同解釋,前者認為再保險人與保險人同一命運之範圍,應以原保險及再保險約定之範圍為限;後者則認為凡保險人所給付與被保險人者,再保險人皆須與其同一命運,負擔給付責任。縱使再保險契約雙方皆主張其以再保險契約之約定為給付責任範圍之界定基礎,然基於利益彼此對立之立場,雙方對於「契約約定」往往有不同詮釋。再保險契約雙方間之爭議,實務上常見者如,原保險人對被保險人所給付之通融賠款(Ex-gratia payment)、懲罰性賠償(Punitive damages)等,是否屬於再保險人與保險人同一命運之範圍?將此類爭議一般化,須探究者為,同一命運條款何種程度限制了再保險人對原保險人之給付表示異議的權利? 另外,倘若再保險契約中沒有同一命運條款的約定,是否可認為此條款為再保險契約所「默示」(Implied)?此問題涉及同一命運原則的歷史背景,與再保險市場的運作實務息息相關,對於契約的解釋方法也有重要啟示。 同一命運原則為再保險交易發展史上,最常受到爭議的問題之一。現今之再保險交易環境已然愈趨複雜,不僅是所保危險之價額日趨提高,投入再保險交易之保險人數增加且交易類型複雜化,皆使得再保險交易雙方之風險分配及責任分擔,不再可以全然依賴保險人對於誠信原則之遵守。反之,應同時強調再保險與保險之不同,亦即,前者係由專業之保險人為交易雙方而進行之交易,故再保險人應可依其專業,對所保危險主動向保險人提出詢問,此亦顯示了保險人及再保險人間彼此合作愈趨重要,為再保險人負擔再保險給付責任之正當性基礎。本文嘗試處理以上提出的爭議問題,並對可能之解決提出建議。 / The reinsurance loss settlement clause, which appears in a variety of forms of wordings, historically has been one of the most difficult aspects of reinsurance law and practice. In recent days, more and more litigation has arisen as a result of such clauses. This study centers upon the interesting and oftentimes confusing issue of the scope and effect of such clauses, and how they define both the reinsured’s and the reinsurers’ liability. The purpose of reinsurance is to provide insurance protection by the reinsurer for the reinsured, namely, the insurer. At the beginning of reinsurance history when there were only a small number of insurers operating in the insurance market, insurers were fairly familiar with one another, and that resulted in a minimum of formality in doing business. In terms of reinsurance, reinsurers, when asked to pay by their reinsured, normally did not go out of their way to initiate a de novo review or assessment of the risk insured. The main reasons for such practice were, for one, insurers were so familiar with their business partners that they did not see the need for such re-assessment of the risk, and for another, in the past, the nature of the risks insured was not as complicated as those we are faced with nowadays. With a view to enhancing business efficiency and providing better protection for insurers, the parties that engaged in a reinsurance agreement oftentimes would insert into the agreement a “follow the fortunes” or “follow the settlements” clause. Such clauses bound the reinsurers to follow the fortunes/settlements of their reinsured without the reinsured’s liability having been proved, and restrained the reinsurers from refusing to indemnify the reinsured on the ground that liability did not exist under the original policy, provided that the reinsured had acted in a bona fide and businesslike way. In a word, the existence of the loss settlement clause was a logical consequence of the purpose of reinsurance, and the reinsurers’ obligation under such clauses was conditioned on the reinsured’s good faith. Reinsurance loss settlement clauses have been interpreted by the court rather favorably for the reinsured. Courts would normally find coverage for the reinsured, once they decided that the reinsured had acted in good faith in settling with the insured, even if they held that the reinsured had not been legally liable. This fact highlights the importance of the reinsured’s duty of utmost good faith in reinsurance law and practice. However, what exactly is good faith, and what are the reinsured’s obligations under the good faith requirement? Is there a general rule that the courts have developed to justify their finding of the reinsured’s good faith? If good faith, being abstract in itself and susceptible to courts’ subjective discretion, serves as the “standard” to evaluate or define the liability of the parties to a reinsurance agreement, how does it usually function? Does it at times seem so abstract and variable that the reinsurance agreement parties have a hard time predicting their liability under such a standard? Also, in this study, the questions of the implication of loss settlement clauses and the scope or effect of such clauses are explored. The former question asks, where the reinsurance contracts do not contain any “follow the fortunes or settlements” provisions, does the law, custom or practice read into the contracts any obligation on the reinsurer to follow its reinsured’s fortunes or settlements? This question is important in that it deals with the applicability of loss settlement clauses, and thus has a fundamental impact on how reinsurance contracts are interpreted. The latter question aims at clarifying how loss settlement clauses are applied to pertinent areas such as ex gratia payments, punitive damages, reinsurers’ liability caps, payments related to the Wellington Agreement and claims cooperation clauses. Specific examples are given here in order to better understand how loss settlements clauses are put to practical use. Discussion concerned with this question also demonstrates how a loosely worded loss settlement clause could give rise to disputes between the parties. To better define the parties’ rights and obligations under a reinsurance agreement, a more detailed review of how the reinsurance environment as a whole is functioning and how the courts interpret reinsurance loss settlement clauses is required. This issue will be even more worth pondering now that we are seeing a more complex reinsurance market where the parties’ interests are potentially conflicting, which is per se a challenge to the general view that the reinsurers should follow the fortunes or settlements of the reinsured.

De l'accident du travail à la maladie : la métamorphose du risque professionnel : enjeux et perspectives / From work accident to occupational disease : the metamorphosis of occupational hazard (stakes and perspectives)

Keim, Morane 01 October 2013 (has links)
La métamorphose du risque professionnel puise ses sources dans la mutation de la représentation du risque professionnel factuel qui a permis la consécration de la notion de maladie professionnelle. Substituée à l’accident du travail comme centre de gravité du droit des risques professionnels, elle devient le point d’impulsion d’une réflexion nouvelle du concept juridique de risque professionnel entraînant la mutation du risque professionnel pris en charge. Cette métamorphose, dans le droit de la Sécurité sociale, permet la réactivation de l’obligation de sécurité de l’employeur qui irradie le droit du travail et entraîne l’affirmation du droit à la santé et à la sécurité des travailleurs. Partant, la réparation des atteintes à la santé du travailleur est considérablement étendue. Néanmoins, cette construction se heurte à des obstacles de taille, et s’accompagne d’incohérences, qu’il faut dépasser. / The metamorphosis of occupational hazard has its sources in the mutation of the representation of factual occupational hazard that led to the consecration of the notion of occupational disease. Substituted for the occupational accident as the centre of gravity of the occupational hazards law, it becomes the impetus for a new reflection about the legal concept of occupational hazard causing the mutation of occupational hazard taken charge of. This metamorphosis in the Social Security law, allows the reactivation of the employer's duty to ensure security that radiates labour law and causes the assertion of the workers’ right to health and safety. Therefore, the compensation of damages to workers’ health is considerably extended. However, this construction is fraught with obstacles, and is accompanied by inconsistencies that must be overcome.

Comprensión y justificación de la responsabilidad extracontractual

Papayannis, Diego M. 18 October 2010 (has links)
Dos teorías dominantes en el ámbito académico se atribuyen la mejor explicación de la responsabilidad extracontractual. El análisis económico sostiene que los conceptos fundamentales de la práctica cobran su mayor sentido cuando se los inter¬preta a la luz del objetivo social de mantener el coste de los accidentes en un nivel óptimo. Para los partidarios de la justicia correctiva, en cambio, la responsabilidad extracontractual regula las interac¬ciones privadas de los indi¬viduos imponiendo al causante del daño la obligación de indemni¬zar de modo que se rectifiquen a la vez las pérdidas y las ganancias injus¬tas. Argumentaré que la responsabilidad extracontractual es una práctica mucho más compleja de lo que estas dos teorías suponen. Su estructura está con¬formada tanto por principios correctivos como distributivos. A su vez, la noción de derechos y deberes de indemnidad permite comprender de qué manera estos principios están articulados. / Two important theories claim to provide the best explanation of tort law. The Law and Economics movement holds that the fundamental concepts of the practice are best understood when they are interpreted in light of the social goal of maintaining the costs of accidents at an optimal level. According to corrective justice proponents, on the other hand, tort law regulates the private interactions of persons imposing the duty to compensate upon the causal agent of the harm, in order to rectify at the same time wrongful gains and losses. I will argue that tort law is a much complex practice that these two theories assume. Its structure is conformed both by corrective and distributive principles. In turn, the notion of indemnity rights and duties allow us to understand the way these principles are articulated.

Problematika pojistného podvodu v ČR / The insurance fraud issue in the Czech Republic

Svoboda, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is being concerned with one of the serious criminal acts causing each year damages worth hundrends of millions Czech crowns. The main aim of the thesis is to provide a complex view of the problems. The thesis analyses the issue from both legal and economic angle of view, deals with the insurance fraud typology and proves the theory by evidence of particular cases. The thesis thereinafter discovers causations of commiting insurance frauds and describes the insurence fraud abatment. In the end the thesis tries to disclose the weak points of the system of prevention, to point at them and to come up with the improvement suggestions and recommendations.

Stanovení výše pojistného plnění / Assessment of Claims

Holomčíková, Hana January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to determine the insurance payment that should be paid to the insured person in case of fire of a detached house in Louka. The theoretical part defines basic terms related to valuation of real estates and insurance industry. The following practical part focuses on the valuation of the immovable property in Loučka using the cost approach in three different periods of time. Subsequently the expenses for repairs are determined by using the method of itemized budget, using BUILDPower S. Lastly the determined insurance payment is compared to the insurance contract.

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