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Stanovení výše pojistného plnění za škodu způsobenou živelnou událostí na rodinném domě v Břeclavi / Determining the Amount of Indemnity for Damage Caused by a Natural Event in a House in BřeclavNešpor, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of determining the amount of indemnity for damage caused by a natural disaster. The introductory part is devoted to approaching the concepts related to valuation and insurance. The next part is devoted to familiarization with the object. Following is the valuation of the property by using the cost method at different times. For the valuation, the extent of the loss event is accurately defined, the cost of the repair and the insurance benefit resulting from the insurance contract are documented. The conclusion of the thesis is devoted to evaluation of achieved results and their graphical representation.
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Imunita v trestním právu / Immunity in criminal lawHalás, Mikuláš January 2021 (has links)
Immunity in criminal law Abstract This thesis aims to offer the reader a view of the institution of parliamentary imunity as it relates to criminal law. This topic frequently divides both the experts in criminal law and also the general public. Despite the fact that most of the time this legal issue is talked about with respect to the constitutional law it has an impact on criminal law, both the substantive criminal law and the procedural criminal law. The complexity of this topic is self-evident and opinions vary greatly across the field, which is one of the reasons why this topic is sought out quite frequently by many students who approach it from various angles. The work is structured in a way to familiarise the reader with the necessary knowledge even if the reader is not an expert in law, but who is, for example, interested in the topic from a political perspective. The thesis covers the basic introduction to the topic, historical evolution of the institution including the legal transformations all the way up to the date this work has been finalised, squaring this institute with the basic principles of democratic state and a comparative analysis of this institute in other European countries. Important part of this thesis is dealing with specific uses of the parliamentary imunity. The conclusion of this...
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人身保險之複保險問題研究 / The problems of double insurance in the field of personal insurance葉勁之, Yeh, Chin-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:損失補償原則、複保險、人身保險、損失補償保險、非損失補償保險 / This paper explores the disputes of double insurance effective to personal insurance. The process, at first, is to clarify the purpose and functions of double insurance and, then, to introduce the viewpoints and stances of scholars as well as the judicial cases. In all, there are four points. Firstly, is double insurance, stipulated in the general provisions, effective to the personal insurance? Secondly, in comparison with the categorization of indemnity insurance and contingency insurance in many other countries, is the categorization of property insurance and personal insurance in our insurance law appropriate? Thirdly, how we verify four main personal insurance products in terms of the three factors of indemnity insurance? Finally, what is the reasonable face amount of a personal insurance contract? The approaches of this paper are exploring the history of insurance laws in the different countries and discriminating the differences of indemnity insurance and contingency insurance. Finally, for the purose of dedicating to the improvement of integrated financial services business in Taiwan, this paper not only makes suggestions with respect to legal amendments in Insurance Law, but also proposes five administrative means to support insurers business development in a constructive environment.
Key Words: The Principles of Indemnity, Double Insurance, Personal Insurance, Indemnity Insurance, Contingency Insurance
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Cláusula de limitação da responsabilidade civil nos contratos empresariais : extensão e limitesDutra, Erika Donin January 2018 (has links)
A cláusula de limitação de responsabilidade é a estipulação pela qual as partes de um contrato decidem estabelecer um limite ao efeito indenizatório da responsabilidade, seja por meio da escolhe de um valor máximo, seja por meio da alteração das regras supletivas do regime legal. No Brasil, essa cláusula não possui previsão legal específica, porém, em razão de sua frequência na prática, faz-se necessário o estabelecimento de critérios para a determinação da extensão e dos limites que devem ser observados para que sejam válidas e produzam os efeitos buscados pelos contraentes. Este trabalho exclui da análise os contratos de adesão e os contratos firmados no âmbito das relações de consumo. Também, não se analisa a cláusula de afastamento integral da responsabilidade (a chamada cláusula de exoneração da responsabilidade). A fim de determinar tais critérios, partiu-se dos limites impostos à autonomia privada em geral – ordem pública e normas cogentes – e dos critérios citados pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência, específicos à cláusula limitativa, quais sejam, o dolo, a culpa grave e o inadimplemento da obrigação principal. Assim, com o objetivo de tornar cada mais clara a incidência de cada uma dessas balizas e, em especial, afastando-se a invalidade/ineficácia automática da cláusula em casos de inadimplemento da obrigação principal, buscou-se delinear como a cláusula interage com a regulação contratual de interesses e com a apuração do montante indenizatório, por meio da análise da composição da indenização. / The limitation of liability clause is the stipulation by which the parties to a contract decide to establish a limit to the indemnifying effect of liability, either by choosing a maximum amount or by changing the rules of the legal regime. In Brazil, this clause does not have specific legal provisions, but because of its frequency in practice, it is necessary to establish the criteria for determining the extent and limits that should be observed for it to be valid and produce the effects sought by the parties. This study excludes from the analysis the adhesion contracts and the contracts signed in the scope of consumer relationships. Neither the exclusion of liability clause is analyzed. In order to determine such criteria, this dissertation starts from the limits imposed on party autonomy in general – public order and cogent norms - and proceeds to the criteria mentioned by doctrine and case law, specific to the limitation clause, namely, willful misconduct and the default of the fundamental term. Thus, to clarify the incidence of each of these limits and, in particular, to remove the automatic invalidity/ineffectiveness of the clause in cases of default of the fundamental term of a contract, this work delineates how the clause interacts with the contractual regulation of interests and with the determination of the indemnity amount, through the analysis of the composition of the indemnification.
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Přístupy pojišťoven k likvidaci pojistných událostí / Approaches of the insurance companies to the settlement of claimsLazáková, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
This paper analyzes the approaches of the insurance companies on the Czech insurance market to the settlement of claims. It deals with activities of the settlement of claims from report of a claim to the payment of an indemnity. In the analysis of the approaches of insurance companies to the settlement of claims this paper focuses on the five topics: direct settlement, elektronic file application, approach to the solutions of the insurance fraud, product advantage in connection with the claims experience and approach to the amortization.
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Jazz Babies, a Femme Fatale, and a Joad: Women and the Automobile in the American Modernist EraBremmer, Jessica 12 June 2006 (has links)
The 1920’s and 30’s saw the advent of the automotive era in America as Henry Ford’s vision of production and technological progress was fully realized. But the pleasure of automobility was initially afforded to a select few, and so the automobile revealed a growing chasm between social classes. Additionally, the automobile contributed to a transformation of the social ideology of gender as more and more women spent time in cars as passengers and as drivers. And while some viewed this ideological shift as a welcome change, many Americans worried about the negative implications of women in cars. Representations of automobiles in American literature reveal this juxtaposition between positive and negative reactions, and this thesis explores the cultural impetus behind this duality, as well as the manifestations of this duality in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, James M. Cain’s Double Indemnity, and John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath.
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Estudos de processos judiciais de insalubridade / Studies of legal process for insalubrityRodrigues, Eduardo Martinho 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecida Mari Iguti / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T12:07:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: O termo insalubridade aparece inicialmente na legislação brasileira em 1932 ligada à proibição do trabalho feminino, e em 1943 aos menores de idade. Em 1938, através do decreto _ 399 surge o direito ao adicional de insalubridade, vinculado à implantação do salário mínimo, determinando-se a elaboração de uma listagem das atividades em indústrias insalubres e em 1939 uma portaria foi publicada legalizando os referidos quadros. A partir de 1965 as condições insalubres de trabalho foram regulamentadas pela Portaria _ 491 modificada com pequenas alterações em 1967 e consolidada pela Norma Regulamentadora _ 15 (NR 15) "Atividades e Operações Insalubres" instituída, por sua vez, pela Portaria _ 3.214/78 que se mantêm praticamente inalterada até os dias de hoje. Muitos processos são abertos com o pedido do adicional de insalubridade, e, neste contexto este estudo será realizado. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar processos judiciais de pedido de adicional de insalubridade quanto ao perfil dos litigantes, aos agentes insalubres, aos aspectos periciais e a sentença proferida. Realizar alguns estudos de caso para compreender a dinâmica de uma solicitação de adicional de insalubridade. MÉTODOS: Estudo documental exploratório de processos judiciais procedentes do Fórum Trabalhista de Campinas - 15a Região, contendo a instrução processual. Assim, foram levantados trinta processos em cinco das doze Varas do Trabalho existentes em Campinas, contemplando a análise documental da petição inicial, da contestação, do laudo pericial, da impugnação, dos pareceres de assistentes técnicos, dos quesitos das partes litigantes e a sentença. Em sequência, foram selecionadas qualitativamente as variáveis do estudo, às quais foram ordenadas, tabuladas e estruturadas sendo dispostas em formulários para a petição inicial, laudo, impugnação e sentença. Para casos singulares, dos trinta processos estudados, foram realizados três estudos de casos, com o histórico da demanda, os resultados da perícia e a sentença do juiz. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: A respeito dos processos estudados, algumas divergências foram apontadas nos laudos. Os peritos e assistentes técnicos apresentam diferentes dados, indicando distintas abordagens. A sentença do juiz sofre influências em função da qualidade destes laudos o que poderia determinar um julgamento favorável ou não ao trabalhador. Em relação à qualidade dos laudos, destaca-se a expertise, onde a formação, experiência e certa cultura de origem devem ser apontadas; outro fator se relaciona ao próprio contexto do processo, onde a implicação dos diferentes atores sociais afeta a qualidade das informações obtidas. Neste contexto, tem-se a considerar a decalagem entre o momento das atividades exercidas pelo trabalhador e o momento da realização da perícia, período no qual podem ter ocorrido alterações substanciais das situações de trabalho. Em relação às sentenças, entre as variáveis, uma importante refere-se ao laudo pericial; entretanto no seu julgamento (qualidade avaliada pelo juiz), outros meios de prova são considerados, como a oitiva de testemunhas. CONCLUSÕES: Observa-se que os julgamentos tendem a aceitar os argumentos periciais constatando-se a presença de agentes insalubres, confirmando assim, o adicional de insalubridade, e de forma geral, o baixo controle sobre as condições de trabalho, com a persistência da exposição aos agentes de risco à saúde / Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The term insalubrity first appears in Brazilian legislation in 1932 related to the prohibition of female labor, and in 1943 related to children labour. In 1938, by the decree _ 399, it was created the right to the "hazard pay" linked to the implementation of the minimum wage. This act determined the establishment of a listing of activities in insalubrious industries and in 1939, a regulation was published legalizing the mentioned listing. Since 1965, the insalubrious working conditions have been regulated by the decree _ 491 which was modified with minor changes in 1967 and consolidated by the Regulatory Norm nº 15, "Insalubrious Activities and Operations", established by the Act _ 3.214/78, unchanged to nowadays. Many civil actions demand the application of the insalubrity premium. It is in this context that this study is conducted. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to characterize the mentioned actions according to: the profile of the litigants, the insalubrious agents, the expertise aspects and the sentence given. Carry out some case studies in order to better understand the dynamics of a request for the additional by insalubrity. METHODS: A documentary exploration of lawsuits coming from the Labor Forum of Campinas - 15th Region, containing procedural instructions. Thus, thirty cases were selected in five of the twelve Labor Courts in the region, contemplating the documentary analysis of the application, the defense, the expert report, the impugnation, the technical assistant's opinions, the litigant's questions and the sentence. Following, we selected the qualitative variables which were sorted, tabulated and structured. Quantitative data was arranged in initial petition, report, appeal and sentencing forms. For singular cases, three were conducted concerning the historical demand, the results of the expertise and the judge's sentence. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Concerning the studied litigations, some discrepancies in the expertise reports were pointed out. The experts and technical assistants have presented different data in the reports, thus, indicating distinctive approaches. The judge's sentence is influenced by the quality of these reports which could determine whether a positive verdict or not for the employee. In relation to the quality of the reports, the expertise training, experience and background culture must be pointed out; another factor relates to the context of the lawsuit itself, where the involvement of different social actors affects the quality of the information obtained. We still have to consider the gap between the activities performed by the worker and the moment the technical report was carried out, when substantial changes could have occurred in the work place. Regarding the judicial sentences, an important variable refers to the expert report; however, during its assessment (quality carried out by the judge), other evidences are also considered, such as the hearing of witnesses. CONCLUSIONS: It has been observed that the judgments tend to consider the expert arguments noting the presence of insalubrious agents, thus, confirming the right to the hazard pay, and generally, the low control over working conditions with the persistent exposure to health risk agents / Mestrado / Política, Planejamento e Gestão em Saúde / Mestre em Saude Coletiva
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Warranty & indemnity-försäkring för takeover-transaktioner på aktiemarknaden / Warranty & indemnity insurance for public takeoversHellgren, Petter January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Právní garance nezávislého výkonu mandátu člena parlamentu / Legal guarantees ensuring independent exercise of the parliamentary mandateČástková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This PhD. thesis is dedicated to the legal regulation of instruments presenting guarantees of the independence of the member of parliament during the performance of his/her functions. The aim of this thesis is in particular to present a comprehensive picture of the topic concerning protection of independent performance of the parliamentary mandate, evaluate the Czech legal regulation in force and, last but not the least, to find an answer to the question to what extent is the Czech legal regulation in force complete and effective as well as present possible alternatives de lege ferenda. Member of parliament must be independent with regard to all aspects of the exercise of his/her mandate. Independency of the member of parliament is necessary precondition for his/her ability to exercise the mandate in such a way, which will enable him/her to face external pressures, not only from the state bodies, but also from other subjects or phenomenons. Instruments protecting independent performance of the mandate also support the possibility of members of parliament to fulfil their role freely and as a result to constitute working parliament. Presented PhD. thesis deals with the topic of parliamentary immunity, particular focus is put on the part presenting protection of freedom of voting and freedom of...
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Uma abordagem jurídica à questão do ressarcimento de danos elétricos pelas distribuidoras de energia. / The legal aproach to the consumer reimbursement matter due to electrical equipment damage.Salomão, Ana Carolina Oliveira 23 October 2012 (has links)
Com o aumento da necessidade e do consumo da energia elétrica, aliado a uma maior conscientização dos consumidores acerca de seus direitos e deveres perante a sociedade, constatou-se o surgimento de um crescente número de contendas envolvendo estes últimos e as concessionárias de energia elétrica, principalmente no que tange ao setor de distribuição de energia elétrica. Isto se deve à ocorrência de danos ocasionados por falhas na prestação do serviço público de energia elétrica, destacando-se, sobremaneira, os danos em aparelhos eletroeletrônicos, que dão origem aos pedidos de indenização por danos elétricos (tecnicamente conhecidos como PIDs). Faz-se incontestável que o ordenamento jurídico vigente prima por um serviço público de qualidade e, nesse ínterim, em se vislumbrando danos ocasionados em razão da prestação do serviço público, não há dúvidas de que sobrevém o dever de indenizar pelo causador do dano, uma vez que prepondera no Brasil a teoria do risco administrativo. Assim sendo, considerando que a prestação do serviço público pode ser delegada às pessoas jurídicas de direito privado, estendeu-se a estas últimas a responsabilidade das pessoas jurídicas de direito público em relação aos danos eventualmente ocasionados a outrem, inserindo-se nesse contexto a responsabilização das concessionárias de energia elétrica por eventuais danos causados aos seus usuários. Entretanto, há que se ressaltar que não é em toda e qualquer situação que será devida a indenização por eventuais danos elétricos, uma vez que a concessionária de energia elétrica poderá ter por elidida a obrigação de indenizar em se constatando alguma das excludentes de responsabilidade. Nesse contexto e diante do crescente número de contendas envolvendo os pedidos de indenização por danos elétricos, a presente dissertação visa contribuir oferecendo subsídios para o enfrentamento da problemática, elencando aquelas situações em que de fato é devida a indenização por danos elétricos, bem como aquelas nas quais incide alguma excludente de responsabilidade da concessionária, elidindo, pois, o dever de indenizar. / With the increasing need and growing consumption of electricity, coupled with greater consumer awareness about their rights and duties towards society, there has been noticed a growing number of disputes involving customer and utilities, especially in regard to the sector of electric power distribution. This is due to the occurrence of damage caused by failures in the provision of public power, especially, above all, the damage in electronic devices, which give rise to claims for damages in customers electrical equipment (technically known as PIDs). It is undeniable that the current law envisages adequate levels of quality of service. As one glimpses damages originated in the public service concessionary, there is no doubt that the duty to indemnity befalls on the damage caused, since the theory of administrative risk prevails in Brazil. It is undeniable that the current press law by a public service quality and in the meantime, as we are glimpsing damages on grounds of public service delivery, there is no doubt that befalls the duty to indemnify the damage caused by the prevalence of the theory of administrative risk in Brazil. Thus, given that sometimes the public service delivery is delegated to legal persons of private rights, the responsibility under public law in relation to any damage caused to the consumer has been extended to the supplier authority. However, it should be noted that not in every situation that will be due compensation for any electrical damage, since the electric utility may have elided by the obligation to indemnify being observed in any of the exclusive responsibility. In this context and in view of the growing number of disputes involving claims for electrical damages, this dissertation aims to contribute by offering subsidies to face the problem, listing those situations in which in fact is due to compensation for electrical damage as well as those in which some exclusive responsibility of the utility is covered, suppressing, therefore, the duty to indemnify.
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