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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rapid transformation and inertia in planning and e-commerce : A qualitative study about e-commerce and planning in Sweden

Hultgren, Viktoria January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates the rapid transformation of e-commerce innovation in relation to planning intention inertia. This research explores the development of e-commerce prior to the Covid-19 pandemic effects and during, in relation to authority’s recognition of the development. The thesis also explores consumers’ reasons and choices for purchasing products through e-commerce. Furthermore, it explores last mile delivery solutions and logistics, together with future aspects and collaborations. Qualitative methodology is applied in the thesis involving semi-structured interviews with ten respondents from nine organisations, conversation analysis from a digital event in the form of one moderator and four attendees and content analysis from five documents and reports. The theoretical approach involves theories on diffusion and technological change and planning intention inertia together with collective action.

Återspeglingen av digitalisering i ekonomiutbildningar : En fallstudie av ett svenskt universitet

Lindahl, Johanna, Norgren, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen är något som ständigt påverkar samhället och medför att arbetsuppgifterförändras. Det leder till att vissa arbetsuppgifter utförs automatiskt och byts ut mot exempelvismer analytiska arbetsuppgifter. Förändringar som sker i samhället medför att bådeekonomiarbetsmarknaden och ekonomiutbildningar behöver anpassa sig efter dessaförändringar vilket inte alltid är helt enkelt. Tidigare forskning visar på att förändringar inomuniversitet ofta tar längre tid att genomföra än på arbetsmarknaden då universitet kan ansesvara trögrörliga. Därav kan det upplevas att det existerar ett gap mellan ekonomiyrken ochekonomiutbildning. Det ledde till studiens syfte som var att skapa en förståelse för hurinnehållet i ekonomiutbildningar återspeglas av de förändringar som sker inom ekonomiyrkeni samband med digitaliseringen samt att undersöka huruvida det existerar ett gap mellanarbetsmarknaden och ekonomiutbildningen. För att kunna undersöka detta gjordes en fallstudieav Handelshögskolan i Göteborg som är en av de största handelshögskolorna i Sverige. Denteoretiska referensram som skapades ämnade att ligga till grund för att kunna analysera ämnet. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod då empiriinsamlingen som genomfördes främstfokuserade på tolkning och granskning av data. Empirin som samlades in hade som syfte skapaen förståelse för hur ekonomiutbildningarna ser ut idag och samlades in genom att studeraprogrambeskrivning och kursplaner på Handelshögskolan i Göteborg samt genom en intervjumed en programansvarig på samma universitet. Resultatet av analysen visade på attdigitalisering framträder i programbeskrivningen och kursplaner genom digitala verktyg ochkompetenser samt att studenterna får förståelse för digitaliseringens effekter i samhället. Vidarevisade resultatet att universitets förändringar i undervisningen inte alltid är synliga iutbildningens kursplaner vilket kan vara en anledning till att det upplevs att digitaliseringeninte tar sig anspråk i utbildningen i den omfattning som den faktiskt gör. / Digitization is something that constantly affects society and causes tasks to change. This leadsto certain tasks being performed automatically and being replaced by more analytical tasks.Changes that take place in society result in that both the economics labor market and economicseducation need to adapt to these changes, which is not always simple. Previous research showsthat changes within universities often take longer to implement than in the labor market becauseuniversities can be sluggish. Therefore, it can be experienced that there is a gap betweeneconomics professions and economics education. This led to the purpose of the study, whichwas to create an understanding of how the content of economics education is reflected in thechanges that are taking place in the economics professions in connection with digitalization,and to investigate whether there is a gap between the labor market and economics education.In order to investigate this, a case study was conducted by the Gothenburg School ofEconomics, which is one of the largest business schools in Sweden. The theoretical frameintended to form the basis for analyzing the subject. The study was based on a qualitativemethod since the empirical collection that was carried out mainly focused on interpretation andreview of data. The purpose of the empirical data collection was to create an understanding ofwhat economics education looks like today and was collected by studying program descriptionsand syllabi at the Gothenburg School of Economics and an interview with a program managerat the same university. The results of the analysis showed that digitization appears in theprogram description and syllabi by digital tools and competencies together with that studentsgain an understanding of the effects of digitization in society. Furthermore, the results showedthat the university's changes in teaching are not always visible in the education's syllabi, whichmay be a reason why it is felt that digitalization does not take hold in the education to the extentthat it actually does.

Enablers and Inhibitors of Digital Startup Evolution : A Multiple-Case Study of Swedish Business Incubators

Page, Andrew January 2020 (has links)
Global advances in digital technology are facilitating a corresponding rise in digital entrepreneurship and its startup manifestation. Many uncertainties exist upon the road to digital startup evolution; a number of which may be successfully navigated with the assistance of business incubators. While these organisations provide valuable guidance and support to the startup community, their efforts are, at least in some part, constrained by the lack of a consistent and coherent roadmap to guide both them and their incubatees. This work proposes a solution to that deficiency by addressing the question -  What are the enabling and inhibiting factors in digital startup evolution within an incubator setting? - via a multiple-case study that examined digital startups under the umbrella of three business incubators in the city of Umeå, Sweden. This work builds on the existing literature both through its narrowed focus on incubators as well as through its presentation of the Ideation Dynamics Model as a proposed guide for both incubators and digital startups to follow.

Dispelling inertia towards behavior-driven development : An assessment tool for development practice readiness

Petäjävaara, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a development practice focusing on behaviors and requirements from users and stakeholders. It is designed to develop behaviors which contribute directly to system outcomes. BDD encourages multiple stakeholders to collaborate by minimizing communication gaps and create a shared understanding of the project between technical and non-technical speakers. As a result, the development process becomes faster and the cost lower. Although BDD has many benefits, there are teams who feel inertia towards using it as their main development practice.This thesis work took place at a company with a strong agile foundation. It had the goal to investigate reasons why teams feel inertia against BDD, and thus contribute to BDD research and assist the company. The assumption that positive motivation would help in dispelling inertia was the idea behind this thesis work, and that a stronger motivation for a practice can be achieved by assessing a team’s suitability for it. To reach the goal of the thesis a qualitative research methodology was used, with a focus on obtaining a better understanding of opinions and behaviors that exist, with rounds of interviews and forms as the main method of data collection. Interviews were also consistently used throughout the thesis work to validate that it followed the right track.The inertia which teams at the company have experienced was clustered into different dimensions. These dimensions were used to develop a self-assessment tool intended to help people starting a project to assess how well BDD might fit their context. It allows people to assess their inertia in the different dimensions identified, and as well as attempting to give an overall guide to readiness, also giving some recommendations where gaps could be identified.The deliverable of the thesis work is the tool for managing inertia against BDD. It was developed in a spreadsheet-format for quick development and easy access for multiple users. However, it is important to highlight that this tool focuses on agile autonomous teams. The tool is not about forcing the development practice on someone but rather acts as an aid in giving insight into how well BDD could work for a specific project and team. Finally, to grasp the validity of the tool teams who had previous success developing projects using BDD at the company were able to try it out to see how well it reflected their project reality. The tool also got tested on teams who felt strong inertia towards BDD, to verify whether it helped them manage it or not. / Beteendedriven utveckling (BDD), är ett arbetssätt som fokuserar på beteenden och krav från både användare och intressenter. Det är utvecklat för att främja och skapa beteenen som bidrar till det önskade målet. Några av BDDs fördelar är att arbetssättet uppmuntrar intressenterna till tätt samarbete, att minska luckor i kommunikation och information samt att det skapar en delad förståelse för projektet mellan teknisktoch icke-tekniskt kunniga intressenter. En positiv konsekvens av detta är att utvecklingen tenderar att bli snabbare och kostnaderna lägre. BDD ser till att alla inblandade är eniga om vilket resultat man kan förvänta sig från ett utvecklingsprojekt, redan innan utvecklingen börjar. Detta gör att de missförstånd som är vanligt förekommande mellan intressenter och utvecklingsteam reduceras. Trots att BDD, som nämnts, har flera fördelar finns det team som känner motstånd mot att använda BDD som sitt huvudsakliga arbetssätt.Antagandet att motivation kan bidra till att minska motståndet och att motivationen kan skapas genom att påvisa för team hur lämpligt BDD skulle vara för just dem var ideén bakom detta arbete. Det utfördes på ett företag med stark agil bas. Målet var att identifiera och utreda orsakerna till att team känner motstånd mot BDD, och på så sätt bidra till forskningen och samtidigt hjälpa företaget med en ökad insikt i detta. Syftet med arbetet var att utveckla ett verktyg för att hjälpa team förstå sitt motstånd mot BDD och guida dem till hur de kan hantera det. För att nå målet användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med fokus på att få en bättre förståelse för åsikter och beteenden som finns angående BDD. Olika rundor av intervjuer utgjorde den huvudsakliga datainsamlingen. Intervjuer användes också kontinuerligt för att validera att arbetet höll rätt kurs.Det motstånd mot BDD som påträffades på företaget grupperades i olika dimensioner. Dessa användes för att utveckla slutprodukten av kandidatexamensarbetet, ett självskattningsverktyg. För att underlätta utvecklingen valdes ett spreadsheet-format på verktyget, detta även för att enkelt kunna dela det mellan flertalet intressenter.Det är viktigt att understryka att verktyget fokuserar på autonoma team. Det har inte som mål att tvinga någon att använda BDD, utan att agera som hjälp för att visa hur arbetssättet skulle kunna fungera för ett specifikt projekt och team. Slutligen, för att kunna verifiera kvaliteten på verktyget, utvärderades det i samarbete med team som tidigare på ett framgångsrikt sätt utvecklat ett projekt med BDD. Detta för att se om självskattningsverktygets utsägelse motsvarade teamets helhetsupplevelse. Verktyget testades också av andra team för att se om det var till hjälp för dem eller inte.

Integrated Estimation and Motion Control for Electric Vehicles

Yu, Zitian 08 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Ready or not, here AI comes! : A case study of the future of AI in healthcare

Persson, Hanna, Vesterlund, Frida January 2022 (has links)
New and innovative technology has changed the way we do things in all parts of our lives. Intelligent machines that can mimic human cognition and exceed its brainpower are on an uprise in all domains of the society we live in today. The concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is increasing in popularity, especially in the field of medical practice and research. Areas such as radiology have come a long way in using AI and ML to diagnose and decide on treatments but many other areas in healthcare are still behind in the research and usage of this technology. This study aimed to investigate AI management in relation to medical professionals and their current professional practice. This was done through a case study format of a project currently developing an AI application for future use in primary healthcare. Interviews with project members and physicianswere conducted and provided a foundation for analysis. The thesis shows that the current understanding of AI and its application is limited amongst the professionals, and the attitudes and trust are highly individual. Our conclusions highlight the need for a holistic view of the management of AI in healthcare, where perspectives from all actors involved in the change need to be raised and utilized in future developments and implementations.


RAFAEL DE CASTRO RUSAK 02 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso realizado a partir da análise da indústria fonográfica brasileira, entre o período de 1990 até 2010. Com base no que foi observado na revisão da literatura, a natureza da pesquisa é qualitativa. Foram realizadas 6 entrevistas com executivos das principais firmas multinacionais e nacionais da indústria (Som Livre, WEA, EMI, Universal, Sony, RCA, etc.). Por objetivo, busca-se identificar como as principais firmas da indústria fonográfica brasileira perceberam as turbulências do ambiente decorrentes da inovação tecnológica, como desenvolveram respostas a partir de suas capacidades dinâmicas e quais aprendizados e transformações ocorreram em um novo cenário da indústria. Foram considerados três momentos pelos quais a indústria fonográfica passou no recorte de tempo da pesquisa: mudança dos suportes de mídia, adoção de novos hardwares para reprodução e consumo de fonogramas e desintermediação dos processos, rotinas, produções, distribuições e consumo de fonogramas. Os resultados do estudo mostram que as mudanças tecnológicas apresentaram dois cenários distintos para a indústria fonográfica brasileira: os atores obtiveram grandes receitas com a nova tecnologia digital, ao mesmo tempo, em que as transformações, não previstas pela indústria, ocasionaram mudanças radicais, tanto no ambiente de negócio quanto, no ambiente tecnológico das firmas. Fato que gerou sérias consequências ao tradicional modelo de negócio de comercialização de fonogramas. Nesse sentido, o que pode ser destacado é uma inércia dos atores em relação às turbulências do ambiente. Com base nos achados foram elaboradas contribuições acadêmicas e sugestões para pesquisas futuras. / [en] The present work is a case study based on the analysis of the brazilian phonographic industry, between the period from 1990 to 2010. Based on what was observed in the literature review, the nature of the research is qualitative. Six interviews were carried out with executives from the multinational and national majors in the industry (Som Livre, WEA, EMI, Universal, Sony, RCA, etc.). By objective, this research seek to understand how the main companies of the Brazilian music industry perceived the turbulence of the environment resulting from technological innovation, how they developed responses from their dynamic capabilities and what learnings and transformations took place in a new industry scenario. Three moments were taken into account that the phonographic industry passed through in this period: change of media supports, adoption of new hardwares for reproduction and consumption of phonograms and disintermediation of processes, routines, productions, distributions and consumption of phonograms. The results of the study show that technological changes presented two different scenarios for the brazilian music industry: the actors obtained large revenues from the new digital technology, at the same time that the transformations, not foreseen by the industry, caused radical changes, both in the business and in the technological environment of firms. This fact has had serious consequences for the traditional business model of commercialization of phonograms. In this sense, what can be highlighted is an inertia of the actors in relation to the turbulence of the environment. Based on the findings, academic contributions and suggestions for future research were made.


LUIZ FELIPE FERREIRA MARQUES DA SILVA 09 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os sistemas elétricos de grande porte estiveram sempre fortemente associados à utilização de máquinas síncronas para a geração de energia e atendimento às cargas, tendo como outros benefícios, a possibilidade de prover o controle dinâmico do perfil de tensão da rede e a regulação da frequência elétrica. Em relação ao controle da frequência, as máquinas síncronas agregam resposta inercial, ou seja, convertem em energia elétrica parte da energia cinética armazenada em seus rotores, e vice-versa, sempre que caracterizado um desequilíbrio entre carga e geração. Este comportamento determina as taxas iniciais de variação da frequência elétrica (RoCoF – Rate of Change of Frequency), as quais podem ser definidas principalmente por dois fatores: a magnitude do desbalanço de potência ativa e a inércia global do sistema, sendo esse último dependente do número de geradores sincronizados e da inércia de cada gerador. O crescimento cada vez maior na matriz de energia elétrica de usinas eólicas e solares fotovoltaicas, que usualmente conectam-se à rede por meio de conversores eletrônicos e, portanto, não agregam resposta inercial ao sistema, trará impactos na regulação da frequência e nos valores de RoCoF. Nesse cenário, o principal objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma análise quantitativa da evolução das taxas de variação da frequência no SIN durante perdas de grandes blocos de geração. Os valores de RoCoF são analisados tanto do ponto de vista global, através da frequência no centro de inércia do sistema, quanto do ponto de vista regional, a partir de barras que representam as regiões do SIN. / [en] Large electrical systems have always been strongly associated with the use of synchronous machines for power generation and load service, with other benefits, possibility of providing dynamic control of the system voltage profile and frequency regulation. Regarding frequency control, synchronous machines aggregate inertial response, i.e., convert part of the kinetic energy stored in their rotors into electrical energy (and vice-versa), whenever there is an imbalance between load and generation. This behavior determines the initial Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF), determined mainly by two factors: a magnitude of the active power unbalance and the global inertia of the system, that is dependent on the number of synchronized generators and the inertia of each generator. The increase of wind and solar photovoltaic plants in electrical energy matrix, which are usually connected to the system through inverters and do not aggregate inertial response to the system, will impact on frequency regulation and RoCoF values. In this scenario, the main objective of this thesis is to present a quantitative analysis of the evolution of RoCoF in the Brazilian Electrical System during outages of large generation blocks. RoCoF values are analyzed from a global point of view, through the frequency at the center of inertia of the system, and from a local point of view, through buses that represent the Brazilian Electrical Subsystems.

5‑HTT genotype and inertia of negative affect in adolescents and young adults from the general population

Ollmann, Theresa M., Seidl, Esther, Venz, John, Pieper, Lars, Voss, Catharina, Hoyer, J., Kische, Hanna, Poppenhäger, Sophie R., Schiele, Miriam A., Domschke, Katharina, Beesdo-Baum, Katja 19 March 2024 (has links)
The study aims to replicate the previous found association of 5-HTTLPR and inertia of negative affect in daily life of adolescents and young adults. Data of 877 adolescents (aged 14–21 years) of the Behavior and Mind Health (BeMIND) study (epidemiological cohort study, Dresden, Germany) were genotyped for 5-HTTLPR/rs25531, grouped into SS/SLG/SLA/ LGLA/LGLG vs. LALA, and provided ratings on negative affect items, depression and anxiety (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) eight times a day over 4 days. Multilevel regression models did not reveal an association of 5-HTTLPR genotype and inertia of negative affect, nor associations with inertia of anxiety or depression. Inertia of negative affect seems not to be a psychological mechanism through which 5-HTTLPR acts on psychopathology.

Разработка варианта модернизации 1 ступени очистки воздуха для ГПА-Ц-16 : магистерская диссертация / Developing options for the modernization of 1 st stage air cleaning for GPA-С-16

Каракчиев, А. С., Karakchiev, A. S. January 2019 (has links)
В работе проведено исследование двухфазного течения потока в инерционном пылеуловителе со штампованными решетками и батарейного циклона для газоперекачивающего агрегата ГПА-Ц-16 на базе конвертированного двигателя НК-16СТ. В результате исследований было определено гидравлическое сопротивление, глубина очистки, структура течения. Проведен анализ потерь давления и структуры течения в его элементах. / In work the research of a two-phase current of a stream in the inertial dust collector with stamped lattices and a battery cyclone for the gas-distributing GPA-С-16 unit on the basis of the converted NK-16ST engine is conducted. As a result of researches the hydraulic resistance, cleaning depth, structure of a current was determined. The analysis of pressure losses and structure of a current in its elements is carried out.

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