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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonlinear interactions of fast and slow modes in rotating, stratified fluid flows

Williams, Paul David January 2003 (has links)
This thesis describes a combined model and laboratory investigation of the generation and mutual interactions of fluid waves whose characteristic scales differ by an order of magnitude or more. The principal aims are to study how waves on one scale can generate waves on another, much shorter scale, and to examine the subsequent nonlinear feedback of the short waves on the long waves. The underlying motive is to better understand such interactions in rotating, stratified, planetary fluids such as atmospheres and oceans. The first part of the thesis describes a laboratory investigation using a rotating, two-layer annulus, forced by imposing a shear across the interface between the layers. A method is developed for making measurements of the two-dimensional interface height field which are very highly-resolved both in space and time. The system's linear normal modes fall into two distinct classes: 'slow' waves which are relatively long in wavelength and intrinsic period, and 'fast' waves which are much shorter and more quickly-evolving. Experiments are performed to categorize the flow at a wide range of points in the system's parameter space. At very small background rotation rates, the interface is completely devoid of waves of both types. At higher rates, fast modes only are generated, and are shown to be consistent with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability mechanism based on a critical Richardson number. At rotation rates which are higher still, baroclinic instability gives rise to the onset of slow modes, with subsequent localized generation of fast modes superimposed in the troughs of the slow waves. In order to examine the generation mechanism of these coexisting fast modes, and to assess the extent of their impact upon the evolution of the slow modes, a quasi-geostrophic numerical model of the laboratory annulus is developed in the second part of the thesis. Fast modes are filtered out of the model by construction, as the phase space trajectory is confined to the slow manifold, but the slow wave dynamics is accurately captured. Model velocity fields are used to diagnose a number of fast wave radiation indicators. In contrast to the case of isolated fast waves, the Richardson number is a poor indicator of the generation of the coexisting fast waves that are observed in the laboratory, and so it is inferred that these are not Kelvin-Helmholtz waves. The best indicator is one associated with the spontaneous emission of inertia-gravity waves, a generalization of geostrophic adjustment radiation. A comparison is carried out between the equilibrated wavenumbers, phase speeds and amplitudes of slow waves in the laboratory (which coexist with fast modes), and slow waves in the model (which exist alone). There are significant differences between these wave properties, but it is shown that these discrepancies can be attributed to uncertainties in fluid properties, and to model approximations apart from the neglect of fast modes. The impact of the fast modes on the slow modes is therefore sufficiently small to evade illumination by this method of inquiry. As a stronger test of the interaction, a stochastic parameterization of the inertia-gravity waves is included in the model. Consistent with the laboratory/model intercomparison, the parameterized fast waves generally have only a small impact upon the slow waves. However, sufficiently close to a transition curve between two different slow modes in the system's parameter space, it is shown that the fast modes can exert a dominant influence. In particular, the fast modes can force spontaneous transitions from one slow mode to another, due to the phenomenon of stochastic resonance. This finding should be of interest to the meteorological and climate modelling communities, because of its potential to affect model reliability.

Inertia and practice change related to greenhouse gas reduction : Essays on institutional entrepreneurship and translation in Swedish agri-food

Stål, Herman January 2014 (has links)
To avoid dangerous climate change a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is required in a relative short time span. However, as development is moving in the wrong direction, there appears to be great inertia in changing activities. This dissertation’s overarching purpose is, from an institutional perspective, to advance the understanding of greenhouse gas-related inertia, as well as change, in industrial agri-activities. This purpose is addressed in four individual but related papers and an introductory chapter. A case study methodology is utilized to advance knowledge regarding greenhouse gas-related inertia and change. Two change initiatives involving the Swedish Board ofAgriculture, the designated expert authority on agricultural matters, were chosen and explored with qualitative methods. The first case consisted of a project to create at an Action Plan, a policy suggestion regarding strategies to reduce emissions from agriculture. The second case focused on the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s co-owned agricultural extension service, Greppa Näringen. More specifically, the case consisted of the provision of climate advice to farmers. The analyses of the initiatives focused on assessing, discussing and explaining the types of change advanced within them. The papers show how and why convergent rather than divergent change was pursued, describing different mechanisms generating this inertia. / För att undvika farliga klimatförändringar krävs massiva minskningar av växthusgasutsläpp på relativt kort tid. Detta kan inte uppnås utan omfattande förändringar av utsläppsintensiva aktiviteter. Det förefaller dock finnas en stor tröghet avseende detta, eftersom utvecklingen går i fel riktning. Såväl tröghet som förändring kan analyseras på olika nivåer, och den industriella nivån är speciellt relevant eftersom industriella aktiviteter bidrar med stora utsläpp. I detta sammanhang är primärproduktion av livsmedel av relativ betydelse, både med anledning av utsläppens storlek och produktionens betydelse för mänsklighetens överlevnad. För att förstå de ofta värdeladdade och idédrivna beteendena involverade i miljörelaterade förändringsprocesser använder jag mig av institutionell teori, en icke-reduktionistisk organisationsteori innehållande ett antal, i sammanhanget passande begrepp. Jag kombinerar institutionell teori med en positionering i det ”starka” hållbarhetsparadigmet, vilket ger ett analytiskt ramverk som betonar betydelsen av divergent, snarare än konvergent, förändring av industriell praktik. Följaktligen är denna avhandlings syfte att, ur ett institutionellt perspektiv, öka förståelsen av tröghet och förändring, relaterat till växthusgasutsläpp och industriella jordbruksaktiviteter. Syftet adresseras i fyra individuella men relaterade papper och en inledande kappa. Kappan presenterar det teoretiska ramverket, metoden, en översikt över artiklarna och en avslutande diskussion av artiklarnas sammanlagda bidrag i relation till litteraturen och avhandlingens syfte. Avhandlingen använder en fallstudie metodologi för att öka förståelsen av tröghet och förändring relaterat till växthusgasutsläpp. Två förändringsinitiativ relaterade till Statens jordbruksverk, expertmyndigheten på jordbruksområdet, valdes ut och utforskades med kvalitativa metoder. Bägge dessa initiativ riktade sig specifikt emot primärproduktion, där de största utsläppen sker. Det första fallet utgjordes av ett projekt för att skapa en handlingsplan: ett förslag på strategier för att reducera utsläpp från jordbruket. Det andra fallet fokuserade på Jordbruksverkets rådgivningsorganisation, Greppa Näringen, och utgjordes av klimatrådgivning riktat mot lantbrukare. Analysen av fallen sökte bedöma, diskutera och förklara den typ av förändring som eftersträvades. Resultaten har beskrivits i de fyra artiklarna, där de två första koncentrerade sig på studiet av handlingsplanen och de två senare på klimatrådgivningen. Artiklarna visar hur och varför som konvergent, snarare än divergent, förändring eftersträvades, genom att beskriva olika mekanismer som skapar denna tröghet. Konvergent förändring inbegriper ett fokus på effektivitet eller rådande politiska mål snarare än att minska förekomsten av utsläppsintensiva aktiviteter. I diskussionen av artiklarnas sammanlagda resultat föreslås att förändringsinitiativen bidrar till tröghet inom industrin genom att påverka öppenheten och motivationen gentemot divergent förändring hos andra aktörer. Avhandlingen bidrar till hållbarhetsfältet genom att ge en institutionell analys av tröghet och förändring på industriell nivå, vilket visar på hur begreppen konvergent/divergent förändring kan användas för att utforska hållbarhetsfrågor. Genom detta exempel kan förändringsprocesser i andra industrier inbegripande andra hållbarhetsfrågor förstås bättre. Utöver detta bidrar avhandlingen till institutionell teori, mer specifikt till diskussionen rörande hållbart entreprenörskap och institutionella logiker. Det förstnämnda bidraget inkluderar förbättrad förståelse av möjliggörande såväl som institutionellt entreprenörskap i fält karakteriserade av institutionell komplexitet, medan det sistnämnda utgörs av konceptualiseringen av konkurrerande institutionella logiker och deras inflytande på översättning.

Introduction à la théorie de la viabilité

Charest, Marie-Ève January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Thermal Barrier Effect, Non-Fourier Effect and Inertia Effect on a Cracked Plate under Thermal Shock Loading / Effet de barrière thermique, effet non-Fourier et effet d'inertie sur une plaque fissurée sous chargement en choc thermique

Li, Wei 29 January 2016 (has links)
Les chocs thermiques provoquent, en général, l’endommagement et la fissuration des matériaux. Ces phénomènes sont observés, par exemple, dans le revêtement de barrière thermique pour les moteurs des turbines, le traitement des surfaces ou la soudure par laser etc. Plusieurs travaux de recherche ont été réalisés au cours des dernières décennies dans l’objectif d’améliorer les performances thermiques et/ou mécaniques des matériaux sous chargement thermique. L’étude des dommages et de la fissuration des matériaux provoqués par les chocs thermiques, tels que le décollement des interfaces et de décohésion de revêtements, a reçu également une attention considérable par les chercheurs. La majorité de ces travaux utilisent les théories classiques, tels que la loi de Fourier de conduction thermique et l'hypothèse de quasi-statique. Malheureusement ces théories ne sont pas adaptées dans le cas de charges extrêmes provoqués par le choc thermique et dans le cas des matériaux micro-fissurés. En conséquence, les théories conventionnelles doivent être enrichies.L'objectif de la thèse est de montrer le rôle crucial des termes non Fourier et les termes inertiels dans le cas de choc thermique sous conditions sévères et dans le cas où les fissures sont petites. Pour cela nous avons mené des études sur deux structures particulières soumises à des chocs thermiques. Chaque structure contient une fissure parallèle au bord libre de la structure située au voisinage de ce dernier. L’influence de la présence de fissure sur la conductivité thermique est prise en compte. Nous avons utilisé la théorie Hyperbolique de transfert de chaleur par conduction pour les champs thermique et mécanique à la place de la théorie traditionnelle classique de Fourier. Pour mener cette étude, nous avons utilisé les Transformées de Laplace et de Fourier aux équations de mouvement et à l’équation de transfert de chaleur. En s’intéressant en particulier aux champs de contrainte au voisinage de la pointe de fissure et aux facteurs d'intensité de contrainte dynamiques. Le problème se ramène à la résolution d’un système d'équations intégrales singulières dans l'espace de Laplace-Fourier. On utilise une méthode d'intégration numérique pour obtenir les différents champs. Nous résolvons ensuite un système d'équations algébriques linéaires. En effectuant des inversions numériques des transformées, nous obtenons les champs de contrainte de température et les facteurs d'intensité de contrainte dynamiques dans le domaine temporel.Les résultats numériques montrent que la conductivité thermique du milieu est affectée par l’ouverture de la fissure ce qui perturberait fortement le champ de température ainsi que l'amplitude des facteurs d'intensité de contrainte dynamiques. Les amplitudes sont supérieures à celles obtenues à partir de la théorie classique de Fourier ainsi que dans le cadre de l'hypothèse quasi-statique. On constate également qu’elles oscillent au cours du temps. La prise en compte simultanément de l’influence de la fissure sur la conductivité thermique, de l'effet non-Fourier ainsi que les effetsIVd'inertie induit un couplage entre les trois phénomènes qui rendrait le problème de choc thermique très complexe. L'effet de barrière thermique induit par la fissure affecte d’une manière significative les champs de température et des contraintes. Les effets d’inertie, et des termes non-Fourier joueraient également un rôle non négligeable lorsque la longueur de la fissure est petite. Comme dans de nombreux problèmes d'ingénierie, l'initiation et la propagation des micro-fissures sont des mécanismes dont il faut tenir compte dans les prévisions de la rupture des structures. Ces effets non conventionnels ne sont plus négligeables et doivent être inclus dans l'analyse de la fracture des structures soumises à des chocs thermiques. / Thermal shock problems occur in many engineering materials and elements, which are used in high temperature applications such as thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), solid propellant of rocket-engine, pulsed-laser processing of materials, and so on. The thermal shock resistance performances and the thermal shock damages of materials, especially the interface debonding and spallation of coatings, have received considerable attention in both analysis and design. Some conventional theories, such as the Fourier’s law of thermal conduction and the quasi-static assumption of the thermoelastic body, may no longer be appropriate because of the extreme loads provoked by the thermal shock. Therefore, these conventional theories need to be enriched or revised.The objective of this thesis is to develop the solutions of the transient temperature field and thermal stresses around a partially insulated crack in a thermoelastic strip under thermal shock loading. The crack lies parallel to the heated traction free surface. The thermal conductivity of the crack gap is taken into account. Hyperbolic heat conduction theory is used in solving the temperature field instead of the traditional Fourier thermal conduction theory. Equations of motion are applied to obtain the stress fields and the dynamic stress intensity factors of the crack. The Laplace and Fourier transforms are applied to solve the thermal-elastic governing equations such that the mixed boundary value problems are reduced to solving a singular integral equations system in Laplace-Fourier space. The numerical integration method is applied to get the temperature field and stress fields, respectively. The problems are then solved numerically by converting the singular integral equations to a linear algebraic equations system. Finally, numerical inversions of the Laplace transform are performed to obtain the temperature field and dynamic stress intensity factors in the time domain.Numerical results show that the thermal conductivity of the crack gap strongly affects the uniformity of the temperature field and consequently, the magnitude of the dynamic stress intensity factors of the crack. The stress intensity factors would have higher amplitude and oscillating feature comparing to those obtained under the conventional Fourier thermal conduction and quasi-static hypotheses. It is also observed that the interactions of the thermal conductivity of the crack gap, the non-Fourier effect and the inertia effects would make the dynamic thermal shock problem more complex. The magnitude of the thermal barrier, non-Fourier and inertia effects is estimated for some practical cases.


MARCELO DA CRUZ PEREIRA 05 June 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese apresenta o estudo dinâmico de três sistemas pendulares e de um sistema de corpo livre no espaço com 3 graus de liberdade. O primeiro sistema pendular consiste de um pêndulo acoplado ao centro de uma roda, que rola sem escorregar na direção horizontal, enquanto o segundo, se baseia num pêndulo simples, porém com comprimento variável, que ao mudar seu tamanho consegue ganhar/perder energia para aumentar/diminuir a amplitude de seu movimento e finalmente o terceiro está baseado num pêndulo duplo que, a despeito de restrições impostas ao movimento consegue inserir/retirar energia do sistema de forma similar ao segundo. O modelo de corpo livre no espaço está baseado na suspensão cardânica de um giroscópio e se utiliza de um modelo didático real de um giroscópio para observação das características dinâmicas. A partir destes exemplos estudou-se formas de controle não-linear para movimentar os sistemas de maneira a utilizar-se da mudança de posição interna do centro de massa para injetar e retirar energia dos sistemas. Foram gerados modelos matemáticos simulados no Simulink valendo-se do Matlab para análise, e geradas animações também com o Matlab para melhor observação dos efeitos. Em paralelo, para dois destes sistemas foram construídos em bancada experimentos para comprovação dos resultados numéricos, e os resultados são comparados em cada caso, analisando as diferenças. Ao final, todas as observações sobre os estudos foram analisadas, e comentários feitos baseados nos resultados, além de sugerir trabalhos futuros. / [en] This thesis presents the study of the dynamics of three pendulum systems and a 3DoF free body in space. The first pendular system is based on a simple pendulum coupled to the center of a wheel that translates horizontally without slip; while the second system is based on a simple pendulum, with variable length, which is able to acquire/lose energy to grow/diminish the amplitude of its movement; and finally the third one is based on a double pendulum that, in spite of movement restrictions, can as well inject/drop energy like the second system. The free body in space is based on a real gyroscope for didactical use, which is helpful for the observation of the dynamic characteristics of the motion. Using these examples a non-linear control was designed to drive the system by using the property that changing the internal position of the center of mass it is possible to inject or to subtract energy from the systems. Mathematical models were simulated with Simulik software, Matlab was used for the analysis, and animations were created also with Matlab for a better sight of the effects. In parallel, there were developed 2 test rig systems for verification of the numerical results. In the conclusions all the considerations about the study were analyzed, and comments made on the results, as well also future developments are suggested.

Laser scanner terrestre: uma ferramenta eficaz para medidas de estruturas geológicas em afloramentos

Souza, Marcelo Kehl de 31 January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-07-15T16:40:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Kehl de Souza.pdf: 8811133 bytes, checksum: 60e926db27cbf5fa1c6577c32be6adfa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-15T16:40:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Kehl de Souza.pdf: 8811133 bytes, checksum: 60e926db27cbf5fa1c6577c32be6adfa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-31 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / FAPERGS - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Petrobras - Petróleo Brasileiro S. A. / PROSUP - Programa de Suporte à Pós-Gradução de Instituições de Ensino Particulares / Este estudo desenvolveu um método para a obtenção da orientação espacial de estruturas geológicas planares com a utilização da técnica Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), especificamente com o Laser Scanner Terrestre. A área de estudo localiza-se na Incopel- pedreira de basalto, no município de Estância Velha, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo cobriu levantamento de campo com as determinações das atitudes de planos utilizando bússola e clinômetro e o imageamento digital utilizando a técnica LIDAR. Três métodos foram utilizados para computar os planos selecionados na nuvem de pontos, sendo eles: Três pontos, Regressão Planar e Momento de Inércia. A eficiência dos métodos utilizados foi avaliada pelos métodos tradicionais de medidas (bússola e clinômetro). O método de Três Pontos é simples e fácil para computar a orientação de planos, contudo, não possui ferramentas de análise de qualidade. O método de Regressão Planar é efetivo para medir a orientação de planos e possui ferramenta de análise de grau de ajuste ao plano calculado. O método de Análise de Momento de Inércia, além de apresentar menores diferenças em relação aos métodos tradicionais, apresenta análise de grau de ajuste e análise da confiabilidade com relação aos planos computados, provando ser uma ferramenta eficiente para o processamento da orientação de planos a partir de pontos. Palavras-chave: LIDAR. Formação Serra Geral. Orientação de fraturas. Três Pontos. Análise de Momento de Inércia. Regressão Planar. / This study aimed to build a model to survey geological planar structures geometries by using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technique, specifically with the Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The area chosen for the survey and application of the proposed method is located at Incopel basalt quarry, in the town of Estância Velha, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The study covered a field survey with the determinations of planes attitude using compass and clinometer and digital images using LIDAR. Three methods were used to compute the selected planes in the point cloud, namely: Three Points, Planar Regression, and Moment of Inertia analysis. The methods were evaluated and compared to traditional methods of measurement (compass and clinometer). The Three Point method is quick and simple to measure planar geological structures orientation; however, it does not have any tool for quality analysis. The Planar Regression method proves to be effective in calculating the orientation of planes and features a tool for analyzing the degree of fit to the calculated plane. The Moment of Inertia presents minor measurement differences compared to traditional methods, and provides degree of fit and reliability analysis to the calculated plane, proving to be an efficient tool for processing the orientation of planes from points.

Évaluation expérimentale et par simulation des performances thermiques de techniques passives appliquées aux toitures pour le rafraîchissement des bâtiments en climat chaud / Thermal and energy performance assessment of some passive cooling techniques in the building under a hot and semi-arid climate

Kachkouch, Salah 14 December 2018 (has links)
Le bâtiment est l'un des secteurs les plus consommateurs d'énergie et producteurs de CO2 au monde. Au Maroc, ce secteur représente actuellement 33% de la consommation totale d’énergie à l'échelle nationale. Le nouveau règlement thermique au Maroc vise à introduire des pratiques éco énergétiques dans ce secteur pour réduire ces consommations. En effet, dans la région méditerranéenne, l’architecture du bâtiment a un impact primordial sur sa performance énergétique et thermique. Par ailleurs, l’intégration des techniques passives et l’utilisation des matériaux locaux pourraient réduire considérablement la consommation d’énergie dans le secteur du bâtiment. C’est dans ce contexte que se situe cette thèse de doctorat dont l’objectif est d’évaluer la capacité de rafraîchissement de quelques techniques passives pour la protection solaire des toitures et de montrer l’importance de l’utilisation des matériaux naturels locaux dans le climat chaud et semi-aride de Marrakech. En effet, trois techniques passives de rafraîchissement de l'air dans les bâtiments sont testées dans des conditions climatiques réelles dans la ville de Marrakech. Les techniques passives, à savoir la peinture blanche, l'ombrage et l'isolation thermique, sont appliquées sur les toits de trois cellules test métalliques placées à l’extérieur. Les performances thermiques de ces techniques sont évaluées simultanément via un monitoring de 29 jours d’été de quatre cellules test identiques, dont une cellule test de référence à toit nu (sans traitement). Ces cellules test ne représentent pas des bâtiments réels là où nous pouvons mener une étude approfondie. Pour cela, nous avons construit un bâtiment réel qui représente une salle de classe dans le milieu rural du Sud marocain, et ceci en utilisant des matériaux naturels et en intégrant des techniques passives dans la toiture. Les performances thermiques et énergétiques des mêmes techniques sont évaluées par le biais des simulations thermiques dynamiques sur l’outil TRNSYS ainsi qu’une étude expérimentale. / The building is one of the most energy-consuming and CO2-producing sectors in the world. Nowadays, this sector accounts for 33% of total energy consumption in Morocco. The new thermal regulation in Morocco aims to introduce eco-energy practices in this sector to reduce this consumption. Indeed, in the Mediterranean region, building architecture has a major impact on its energy and thermal performance. In addition, the integration of passive techniques and the use of local materials could significantly reduce energy consumption in the building sector. In this context where this thesis is located and whose objective is to evaluate the cooling capacity of some passive techniques for the solar protection of roofs and to show the importance of the use of local natural materials in the hot and semi-arid climate of Marrakech. Indeed, three passive cooling techniques are tested in real conditions in the Marrakech region. Passive techniques, namely white paint, shading and thermal insulation, are applied to the roofs of three outside test cells. The thermal performances of these techniques are evaluated simultaneously via a 29-day summer monitoring of four identical test cells, including a bare roof reference test cell (without treatment). Small scale test cells do not represent real buildings where an in-depth study can be conducted. To remedy this, we built a single-zone building that represents a classroom in rural region in southern Morocco, using natural materials and incorporating passive techniques into the roof. The thermal and energetic performances of the same techniques are evaluated by means of dynamic thermal simulations on TRNSYS as well as an experimental study.

Timber modern methods of construction : a comparative study

Sanna, Fausto January 2018 (has links)
The doctoral research revolves around a comparative study of timber modern methods of construction for low-rise, residential buildings in Scotland. The building techniques studied involve both timber-frame panel construction (open-panel and closed-panel systems and structural insulated panels) and massive-timber construction (cross-laminated and nail-laminated timber panels). A non-timber technique is also included in the study: more traditional, load-bearing masonry (blockwork). These different building techniques have been analysed from two complementary aspects: environmental impacts and thermal performance. The environmental study is based on the life-cycle assessment methodology and embraces various aspects: environmental impacts (e.g., climate change, acidification, eutrophication, ozone depletion, etc.), consumption of energy (renewable and non-renewable resources) and production of waste (from non-hazardous to radioactive). The assessment takes a cradle-to-gate approach and, in its structure and method, is informed by the current recommendations of the international standards in the field (i.e., ISO 14040 series). Various environmental trade-offs between construction methods have been identified. In terms of global-warming potential (excluding biogenic carbon sequestration), results suggest that timber-frame buildings show a better performance than masonry buildings; this is particularly true for the open-panel system, which emits about 10% less carbon than the masonry counterpart. Massive-timber buildings tend to cause more carbon emissions than masonry ones. In terms of consumption of non-renewable primary energy, timber buildings do not generally show significant advantages with respect to blockwork-based masonry. In particular, structural-insulated panel systems tend to show very high energy requirements. Timber-based buildings show a tendency to cause increased acidification, eutrophication and creation of low ozone than their masonry counterpart. The level of offsite fabrication that is employed for the erection of the buildings plays an important role in the magnitude of most environmental impacts, which show an average decrease between 5% and 10% when some of the operations are shifted from the construction site to the factory. v The thermal study investigates the performance of the building envelope, and, in particular, of external walls, by means of tests whereby the thermal behaviour of a sample of walls (of full-size section) has been observed and measured over time. On the outside, the walls were exposed to real, natural weather variations throughout the summer. The study especially focuses on the time-dependent response of three different walling systems (which results from their individual cross-sectional arrangements of building components and the associated combination of heat-storage capacity and thermal resistance): a timber-framed wall, a cross-laminated-timber wall and a masonry wall. Thus, the main goal of the study was to characterise the thermal-inertia parameters of these walls. This type of thermal behaviour is related to the repercussions of global climate change at UK level, especially in terms of increase in solar irradiance and temperature, which requires an adaptation of the building-envelope such that it can perform well both during wintertime and summertime, by providing maximum indoor comfort with minimum economic and environmental costs from the construction and operation of buildings. The timber-framed wall possesses the greatest capacity to slow down the propagation of temperature waves from the outer surface to the inner surface (time lag), whereas the masonry wall performs best with respect to reducing the amplitude of temperature oscillation on the inner surface (decrement factor). The cross-laminated-timber wall exhibits intermediate values of both time lag and decrement factor, relative to the other two walls. Both the thermal and life-cycle assessment of the construction alternatives aim at assisting the design and decision-making process in the residential field and at suggesting areas that need to be addressed and improved, towards a coherent evolution of the building techniques included in this study and a step forward in the realisation of sustainable, low-rise dwellings.

Contribution à l'évaluation in situ des performances d'isolation thermique de l'enveloppe des bâtiments / In situ assessment of the thermal insulation performance of building envelopes

Thébault, Simon Romain 27 January 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’économie d’énergie et de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, de nombreux efforts ont été réalisés en France pour renforcer l’isolation de l’enveloppe des bâtiments afin de contribuer à réduire les consommations de chauffage. Toutefois, il arrive souvent que la performance thermique calculée avant construction ou rénovation ne soit pas atteinte sur le terrain (erreur de calcul, défauts de mise en œuvre, etc.). Or, pour pouvoir généraliser la construction de bâtiments à basse consommation et la rénovation, il faut pouvoir garantir aux maîtres d'ouvrage une performance réelle de leur bâtiment après travaux. Le fait de mesurer in situ la performance intrinsèque d'isolation thermique de l'enveloppe permet de contribuer à cette garantie. Il existe à l’échelle internationale de nombreuses méthodes basées sur le suivi des consommations et des conditions thermiques intérieures et extérieures. Certaines ont déjà fait leurs preuves sur le terrain, mais sont souvent soit contraignantes, soit peu précises. Et surtout, les calculs d’incertitude associés sont souvent rudimentaires. L’objectif de ce travail financé par le CSTB est de consolider scientifiquement une nouvelle méthode de mesure de la qualité d’isolation globale d’un bâtiment à réception des travaux (méthode ISABELE). Dans le premier chapitre, un état de l'art sur les méthodes existantes a été réalisé afin de dégager des pistes d'amélioration sur la base d'une synthèse comparative. La piste prioritaire identifiée porte sur le calcul d'incertitude (un point central du problème). La propagation des erreurs aléatoires par un approche bayésienne ainsi que des erreurs systématiques par une approche plus classique feront l'objet de la méthodologie globale proposée dans le second chapitre. L'une des importantes sources d'incertitude porte sur l'évaluation du débit d'infiltration. La caractérisation de cette incertitude et de l'impact sur le résultat de mesure fera l'objet du troisième chapitre, avec un comparatif de différentes approches expérimentales (règle du pouce, modèles aérauliques, gaz traceur). Enfin, une amélioration de la prise en compte de la dynamique thermique du bâtiment au cours du test sera proposée dans le dernier chapitre. Son fondement repose sur l'adaptation du modèle thermique inverse en fonction du bâtiment et des conditions du test. Pour cela, une sélection parmi une banque de modèles simplifiés est réalisée sur la base de critères statistiques et du principe de parcimonie. Ces différentes dispositions ont été testés sur une large série de mesures menées sur un même bâtiment à ossature bois (chalet OPTIMOB). La robustesse et la précision du résultat de mesure ont ainsi pu être légèrement améliorées. La méthode de calcul du débit d'infiltration, ni trop simple ni trop complexe, a pu également être validée. Enfin, le temps de mesure minimal nécessaire a pu être déterminé en fonction de la classe d'inertie du bâtiment. / The global context of energy savings and greenhouse gases emissions control led to significant efforts in France to boost the thermal insulation in buildings in order to reduce heating consumption. Nevertheless, the stated thermal performance before construction or refurbishment is rarely achieved in practice, for many reasons (calculation errors, defects in materials or workmanship, etc.). Yet, guaranteeing the real thermal performance of buildings on the spot is crucial to enhance the refurbishment market and the construction of energy efficient buildings. To do so, measurement techniques of the intrinsinc thermal insulation performance indicators are needed. Such techniques already exist worldwide, and consist in processing the measurement data from the indoor and outdoor thermal conditions and the heat consumption. Some of them have already proved themselves in the field, but are either binding or very imprecise. And above all, the related uncertainty calculations are often rough. The objective of this thesis funded by CSTB is to consolidate a novel measurement method of the thermal insulation quality of a whole building after reception of work (ISABELE method). In the first chapter, a state of the art of the existing methods allows to identify possible ways to pursue this goal from a comparative synthesis. The primary reflection is about the uncertainty calculation method (which is a central issue). The second chapter presents a global methodology to combine the propagation of random and systematic errors from bayesian and classical approaches. One of the most important uncertainty sources deals with the infiltration air flow evaluation during the test. The third chapter investigates the characterization of this uncertainty, as well as its impact on the final result, depending on the chosen experimental approach (rule of thumb, simplified aeraulic models, tracer gases). Lastly, an improvement of the inclusion of the bluiding thermal dynamics during the test will be proposed in the last chapter. The basis of this improvement is to adapt the inverse model according to the building type and the test conditions. To do so, the proposed algorithm selects a model form a variety of simplified greybox models based on statistical criteria and parcimony. All these contributions have been tested on a large serie of measurements on a same timber-framed building (OPTIMOB shed). The robustness and precision of the results have been slightly improved. The intial infiltration air flow calculation, neither too simple of too complicated, has also been validated. Finaly, a better ordrer of magnitude of the minimal test duration has been determined, depending on the building inertia.

台灣地區行政革新經驗之深層解釋 / A Depper Explanation of Taiwan's Administrative reform Experience

呂振興, Leu, Jenn Shing Unknown Date (has links)
過去四十餘年來,政治力一直主導國家發展的方向行政體系尤然。在我國民主政治逐漸成熟,社會日益開放下,威權體制所潛藏的諸多弊端一浮現,行政革新一詞,逐漸成為各界所重視的議題。行政革新(Administration Reform),就是針對公共行政的運作與政府的能力,有計劃的加以改革、創新而達成發展的目的。同時行政革新亦是社會變遷(Social Change)的一部分,應與社會的脈動相契合。從中央政府遷台以來,我國政治體制歷經剛性威權、柔性威權與民主轉型時期的蛻變,期間亦都有行政革新的推動,而政治力一直主導行政革新的方向。本文旨在探討我國各體制階段行政革新經驗的意涵,解釋行政革新的原因與所蘊含的意義。從理性面、政治力、制度面與社會力的理論探討,配合我國政治發展的實況,建構出本文的研究架構,做為分析、解釋本文的基礎。因為「行政體系不僅被期望完美,亦被期望具有社會性」,所以本文最後除了提出對我國現階段行政革新的具體建議外,更進一步建構出未來行政革新的架構—是理性面、制度面、政治力與社會力四者平衡互動,來共同從事行政革新的努力。

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