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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektroninės komercijos informacinių sistemų architektūrinis aspektas / Architectural aspects of E-commerse informational systems

Kazlauskas, Dalius 22 June 2005 (has links)
E-Commerce can be used to support and improve various areas of business activity, as well as provide new business opportunities not possible before eCommerce. The main reason for it’s rapid expansion was the development of new networks, protocols and ECommerce software. E-Commerce involves buying, selling, transferring or exchanging products, services and/or information via computer networks and is a major distribution channel for goods, services and managerial and professional jobs. At the moment E-Business technologies became one of leading fields for developing and improving new standarts, protocols, solutions in the IT world.

Smulkios teisinės įmonės apskaitos sistema / Small juristical companies financial system

Merkys, Justas 29 May 2006 (has links)
Small juristical companies financial system The main purpose of this project was to analyze financial activity of chosen small company and to create the appropriate software tool. Using it, data would be centralized, and well protected. This system works in the Local Area Network. Also here is compared the functionality of various financial systems, which are adjusted to small companies. There are three types of users in the system – director, accountant and workers. The modeled activities are: • Director – has ability to edit information about company, it’s members, and also to insert/edit/delete all the information in the database and of course print reports. • Accountant – has ability to manage everything in this program. • Workers – have ability to view data in the database. The modern CASE tool “Rational Rose 2003” was used to design, create and analyze necessary diagrams. PHP and HTML programming languages were chosen to implement this system.

Mėsos perdirbimo įmonės gamybos valdymo sistemos "Meat Master" prekių ženklinimo modulis / Manufacturing Execution System "Meat Master" for Meat Processing Company Labeling Module

Grėbliūnas, Rimantas 05 June 2006 (has links)
Manufacturing execution system "MeatMaster" for meat processing company - labeling module Most of meat processing companies in Lithuania and other Baltic countries are sophisticated and their productivity have increased. Strong competition in market motivates the companies to seek for methods how to raise efficiency in accounting. ERP systems implemented in most of companies doesn’t secure the effective management of production and accounting. Therefore the companies are investing in a development of Manufacturing execution systems and their installation. In this project the process of production labeling in meat processing company “Utenos mėsa” is analysed. Equally, the main problems are described and are offered the solutions. In this project the requirements for the software were specified, described the designed part of Manufacturing execution system "MeatMaster" labeling module, user documentation and system installation process at a company and the results of installation.

Fizikinių reiškinių kompiuterinio modeliavimo technologijos / Computer Simulation Technologies of the Physical Phenomena

Eičinaitė, Sandra 09 June 2006 (has links)
Computer technologies progressively penetrate into the education, have influence to learning and teaching of various subjects, and to all the training process. When teaching physics, computer technologies extend facility. There can be made many experiments, which practically are very expensive or sometimes even dangerous, and take a long period of time. There can also be created computer simulators, explored phenomena, which cannot be investigated realistically. Simulators and simulation are very important in physics. Experimentation and simulation programs can be useful for the development of the computer simulators. Using these programs the parameters of the simulating phenomena can be changed, their operating can be observed, the phenomena can be simulated and their consistent pattern can be investigated. The teaching computer simulation is important as it makes the educational process more attractive and dynamic. In the master’s work “Computer Simulation Technologies of the Physical Phenomena”, there is the analysis of the usage of computer simulator’s method at schools and universities of Lithuania. With reference to the general programs of Lithuanian education and its standards, there is made the analysis of knowledge of simulation during the lessons of different subjects. With the reference to the 2004/2005 years university programs of Lithuania, there is made the analysis of the simulation courses in different faculties of Lithuanian universities. When building the... [to full text]

Adaptyvaus atlyginimų skaičiavimo modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas / Development and Research of Adaptive Model of Salary Calculation

Zlatkauskas, Giedrius 09 January 2007 (has links)
The work provides the results of the survey on the present situation of salary calculation information systems in the market trying to distinguish advantages and disadvantages of the usable systems, their compatibility with organizations’ administrative information systems as well as possibilities to adjust them to the requirements of users. The survey confirmed that most of examined information systems are either old, or cause many problems then combining them with organizations’ administrative information systems. Moreover, only some of the examined salary calculation information systems provide users with a possibility to change calculation formulas, reports or other properties of information system. This work presents the description of adaptive salary calculation model. This model gives the version of a possible solution of a problem which reduce the influence of determinate salary calculation information systems’ drawbacks. In this work preferred basic diagrams and descriptions of adaptive model of salary calculation. Late was created project of adaptive model of salary calculation according to diagrams and descriptions. Development of adaptive model of salary calculation gives possibility to change calculation formulas, reports and other properties of information system. Analysis gives that adaptive model of salary calculation information system solves the problem and is more comfortable for the user then other salary calculation information systems. According to this... [to full text]

Personalo valdymo pokyčiai taikant IT / Changes in personnel management practising it

Mačiulaitis, Paulius 25 November 2010 (has links)
Sparčiai besivystančių ir plačiai įvairiose srityse taikomų informacinių technologijų naudojimas versle kelia naujų iššūkių verslo organizacijoms. Įmonės pasitelkdamos šiuolaikines priemones siekia operatyviai valdyti verslą, didinti pajamas, efektyviau išnaudoti išteklius, mažinti veiklos kaštus ir padėti realizuoti kitus įmonės tikslus. Lietuvoje informacinės technologijos taip pat tampa prieinamos vis didesnei visuomenės daliai. Tačiau darbas šiomis naujomis informacinių technologijų plėtros sąlygomis gali turėti ne tik privalumų, bet sukelti ir tam tikrų problemų ar net konfliktų organizacijos viduje. Personalo valdyme taikomų modelių ir šiuolaikinių rinkos reikalavimų neatitikimas gali lemti verslo organizacijų konkurencingumo sumažėjimą, kas sąlygotų esamų ar galimų rinkų praradimą bei iš to kylančias socialines problemas. Darbo objektas – informacinių technologių įtaka personalo valdymo procesui. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti informacinių technologijų reikšmę personalo valdymo procese ir pateikti sprendimą personalo valdymo gerinimui informacinių technologijų pagalba. Siekiant iškelto tikslo, yra sprendžiami tokie uždaviniai: 1) panaudojant literatūros apžvalgą, apibrėžti personalo valdymo bei informacinių technologijų sampratas; 2) aptari informacinių technologijų reikšmę įmonės valdymo sistemoje šiuolaikinėmis rinkos sąlygomis; 3) išnagrinėti jau esamus personalo valdymo modelius; 4) remiantis teorinėmis ir empirinėmis įžvalgomis, sudaryti personalo valdymo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relying on modern information technologies companies seek to run the business efficiently, increase profit, use resources effectively and help realize the company's other goals. However, work based on this new information technology development can have not only the benefits but also cause certain problems or even conflicts inside the organization. The purpose of the work is to develop, according the science literature and the analysis of other sources, the influence of the information technologies on to the process of personnel management and provide a solution for the improved personnel management based on the information technologies. In order to reach the aim of the work these objectives were set: 1) to define the concepts of personnel management and information technology through literature review’ 2) to discuss the information technology influence to company’s management system considering the resent market conditions; 3) to examine the existing models of personnel management; 4) to present a new personnel management and information technology interaction model according the theoretical material; 5) to evaluate the applicability of the new model to modern organisations. It was found out that IT changes had a considerable influence on organizations and their structures. Traditional personnel management models do not correspond the processes that occur in modern organizations. In addition, taking a consideration to traditional personnel management models and the impact of... [to full text]

IT įtaka darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje / IT influence on employee communication in the organization

Šimatonytė, Miglė 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame magistriniame darbe analizuojama IT įtaka darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje. Ši tema labai svarbi, kadangi IT naudojimas kompanijos tikslams pasiekti ne tik pagreitina užduočių sprendimą, bet ir veikia darbo atmosferos pakitimus, žmonių savijautą. Darbe analizuojama komunikacija tarp darbuotojų bei informacinių technologijų naudojimas. Išanalizavus įvairius IT komunikacijos modelius, sukurtas IT įtakos komunikacijai vidiniame darbo jėgos procese modelis. Problemos esmė – kaip taikyti informacines technologijas, norint pagerinti darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikaciją organizacijos vidiniuose procesuose. Darbo objektas – informacinių technologijų įtaka darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje. Darbo tikslas yra ištirti IT įtaką darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje, išskiriant, kokiomis informacinėmis technologijomis naudojantis ši komunikacija pagerinama. Darbo uždaviniai yra šie: remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize ir skirtingomis autorių interpretacijomis, išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti teorinius organizacijos, naudojančios IT, bei komunikacijos aspektus; įvertinus IT įtakos darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje teorinių bei empirinių tyrimų rezultatus, suformuoti IT įtakos komunikacijai vidiniame darbo jėgos procese modelį; atlikti IT įtakos komunikacijai vidiniame darbo jėgos procese modelio empirinį tyrimą ir nustatyti elektroninio pašto bei intraneto įtaką darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai; ištirti naujų IT... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem of influence of the information technologies application to the employee’s communication in organization is disputed in this master’s work. The problem is very topical if we want to increase the organization performance by adjusting the fitting mediums. The purpose of this work is to examine, how to optimize the IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization. There is analyzed communication between employees and the usage of information technologies. Also a model of IT influence in the organization workflow process is created. The object of this paper is the IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization. The goal of this paper is to investigate IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization. The main tasks of this master work are: to review the theoretical aspects of communication, organization and IT; to analyse the empirical researches of IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization; to create a model of IT influence on the internal organization workflow communicational process; to make an empirical research using a new model; to find out what new IT can be used in the organization. The main results of the research. The survey was made in purpose to find out IT influence on organizational workflow process. The results show, that the best IT in this process in organizational communication level is intranet and in inter-personal level is e-mail. Also there was found a problem in the organization, that... [to full text]

Baigiamųjų klasių moksleivių kompiuterinio raštingumo žinių tyrimas / Knowledge of ICT of secondary school graduates

Babravičius, Kęstutis 31 July 2012 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama kompiuteriniam raštingumui mokyklose bei visuomenėje, tuo siekiant ugdyti, bei gerinti informacinę visuomenę. Rašant šį darbą buvo apžvelgta informacinių technologijų plėtra Lietuvos mokyklose ir kompiuterinis raštingumas Lietuvoje. Magistrinio darbo metu atliktas anketinis tyrimas, kurio tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti baigiamųjų klasių moksleivių kompiuterinio raštingumo įsisavintas žinias. Tyrimui atlikti buvo sudaryta anketa, apklausti 1596 mokiniai iš įvairių Lietuvos apskričių, atlikta duomenų analizė. Magistrantūros metu iš surinktų duomenų buvo paruoštas ir perskaitytas pranešimas „Baigiamųjų klasių moksleivių informacinių technologijų žinios“ Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjungos surengtame renginyje „Kompiuterininkų dienos – 2011“, X mokyklinės informatikos konferencijoje. Pagal pranešimą buvo parašytas straipsnis anglų kalba „Knowledge of ICT of secondary school graduates“, jis yra priimtas ir bus išspausdintas tarptautiniame Rytų ir Vidurio Europos mokslo žurnale „Informatics in Education“. / In recent years more and more attention has been given to computer literacy at schools and overall society in order to develop and improve information society. The expansion of the information technologies at Lithuanian schools as wells as overall computer literacy in Lithuania has been reviewed for the preparation of this thesis, As a part of the thesis, a survey has been conducted in order to determine the level of computer literacy in the students of the final years at secondary schools. For this survey the questionnaire had been created, 1596 school students of various Lithuanian districts have been questioned and the data has been analyzed. During the Master studies, the data received from the survey has been used to prepare and to deliver the presentation entitled “Information Technology Knowledge of the Students in the Final Years at School” at the “Kompiuterininkų dienos – 2011“ organized by Lithuanian Computer Society and at 10 th Conference of School Informatics. Based on the presentation, an article “Knowledge of ICT of Secondary School Graduates” was written and submitted to be published in the international East and Central European science journal “Informatics and Education”.

Šablonų naudojimas kuriant duomenų apdorojimo sistemas internete / Using Patterns for Development of Data Processing System on the Web

Rutkauskaitė, Ramunė 22 September 2004 (has links)
In this work object-oriented patterns were used for development of gata processing system on the Web. Nowadays a lot of systems are developing for they use in internet. In my final work these patterns were used: MVC, Page Controller, Front Controller, Intercepting Filter and others. Model-View-Controller pattern separates the modeling of domain, the presentation, and the actions based on user input into three separate classes: Model, View, Controller. This pattern is a fundamental design pattern for separation of user interface logic from business logic. Unfortunately, the popularity of the pattern has resulted in a number of faulty descriptions. Using a Page controller for a Web application is such a common need that most Web application frameworks provide a default implementation of the page controller. Most frameworks incorporate the page controller in the front of server page. Server pages actually combine the functions of view and controller and do not provide the desired separation between the presentation code and controller code.A common implementation of Page Controller invokes creating a base class for behavior shared among individual pages. Front Controller solves the decentralization problem present i Page Controller by chanelling all requests through a single controller. The controller itself is usually implemented in two parts: a handler and a hierarchy of commands. A straightforward implementation of Interceptong Filter is a filter chain that iterates through a... [to full text]

Elektroninių komunikacijų ir dokumentų valdymo sistema / Electronic communications and document management system

Babilius, Povilas 16 January 2005 (has links)
In this work designs document management and communication system for small office or average company. This system operation is based on internet technologies and allows to use it form any remote computer. Also there is drafted reporting to concerned persons about changes via various ways. This electronic communications and document management system is an unique work, originally coming out of a PHP and MySQL web application. It was the first time to directly learn the differences between Microsoft and Open Source modeling; to understand technology methods aim to accomplish the same thing in different ways. This project turned out quite as expected coming from using a working web version of this application. The flow of the web application is directed and purposeful, while the web application doesn’t require additional scripting to enforce user login, grouped permission setting, and actual file upload capability.

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