Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informacijos"" "subject:"informacija""
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Informacinė sistema "Lietuvos Respublikos jūrų laivų registras" / Information system "The sea ship register of the Republic of Lithuania"Grigas, Andrius 17 January 2006 (has links)
This document contains the full specification of the sea ship register. The objective is to create computerized information system of the existing sea ship register. This register is of primary type among the other registers of the Republic of Lithuania and it is for gathering and storing the ship data, the data connected to the ship and generating the unique identification code, which will be used in other state registers and information system to uniquely identify the ship. During the creation process of this register, the project drivers, activity diagrams, user requirements, functional and non-functional system requirement specifications, project constraints and other specifications and diagrams were analyzed, produced and documented in this documentation. The detailed specifications of database objects (datafiles, tables, functions, procedures, packages, triggers and etc.), forms, reports and libraries were generated and attached here. The information system of the sea ship register helps personel to easily enter and store the required data into the database, to quickly find the needed ship by various search criterias. The register provides all the required certificates and other reports in printable version. The register is fully functional and officially put in use since 2006-01-01.
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Kardiovaskulinės reabilitacijos klinikos informacinės sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas / Development and research of information system of patients with heart diseasePociūnas, Ernestas 24 May 2006 (has links)
Today information is very expensive and useful. If you want to get wanted information when you need it, get information in wanted form and get information which you expected, you need an information system. The main purpose of this project is to create web-based information system of patients with heart disease, which let store, modify information about patients and their medical testing. There will be a possibility to generate reports for the period you want or for the wanted patient. The point of this information system is to store information, process necessary information faster, to facilitate and make faster personnel work. Medical testing results can be put into the database in two ways: from specific file or from interface. Other part of master‘s work is research named „SQL performance speed in Java and PL/SQL stored procedures“. PL/SQL is the procedural language extension to SQL and it encapsulates SQL statements in procedural logic. Starting with Oracle8i, Oracle supports Java in the database. Java stored procedures also can encapsulate SQL statements that run within the database via procedural logic. In this paper you can find the answer for the question, where do I have to put the SQL, Java or PL/SQL stored procedures.
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Gimnazijos pažangumo ir lankomumo informacinė sistema / Information system of progress and attendance at GymnasiumJėckienė, Rasa 08 January 2007 (has links)
This work is an information system of progress and attendance at Kedainiai Sviesioji gymnasium. This information system will store data – grades and absences from school. It will also include information about schoolchildren and teachers. One of the aims of the informative society development nowadays is to reduce time expenditures. Thus the users of IS would be able to spend more time familiarizing with latest technologies and its perspectives as well as analysing the activity of rivals as in the times of market economy one of the main criteria of prosperous activity is to keep in step with modern technologies. The aim - to project and introduce the information system of progress and attendance. Problems solved: • The problem of progress and attendance record – therefore the grades and absences from school will be entered up. • The function of control – it will enable to control the grades and absences from school. • The function of information storage – it will enable to collect information about schoolchildren (information is constantly renewed and sorted according to particular criteria) and give the accounts that can be viewed or/and printed (the information in database can be also viewed or printed).
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Skirstomųjų elektros tinklų skolų valdymo proceso IS / Company dept control process ISPlatūkis, Valdas 09 January 2007 (has links)
The main objective of this project is to automtion of dept control process. Providing this project we can have electronic list, electronic observation of consumers pay-roll; we can formating reports and warnings to our consumers. This information system realize dept control procedure and dept control document of company AB Rytu skirstomieji tinklai. Researching this project will be inspected and analysed oraganization's work activity, process models, business and users specifications. Will be delivered the archtectural model of the asylum information system, tested released system model, prepared maintenance and user's instruction documents, corrected any logical and others mistakes. New automation of dept control process information system will provide centralised data gathering, filing, accumulating, usage, processing, storage, presentation and will have many advantages as: faster processing time, easy report’s generation, data receiving more simply, automation of consumers pay-roll, automation of time observation.
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Informacinių technologijų taikymas teisnėje praktikoje / The application of information technology in legal practiceLaukytė, Miglė 18 May 2005 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjamas informacinių technologijų taikymas teisinėje praktikoje trimis kryptimis: 1) informacinės technologijos, kurios gali būti naudojamos kasdieniame teisiniame darbe, pradedant informacijos paieška, elektroninių notaro paslaugų diegimo galimybėmis bei baigiant komandiniu teisiniu darbu, kurį skatina šiuolaikinės informacinės technologijos; 2) informacinės technologijos, kurios yra naudojamos teisinių institucijų veikloje, konkrečiai aptariamos tos technologijos, kurias naudoja teismai ir valstybės registrai. Teismuose naudojamos informacinės technologijos analizuojamos tiek per Europos Sąjungos elektroninio teisingumo erdvės kūrimo iniciatyvą, tiek per Lietuvoje vykdomą teismų kompiuterizavimo projektą (LITEKO). Lietuvos registrų sistema taip pat aktyviai kuria savo informacines sistemas, kurių kokybė jau yra įvertinta ir tarptautiniu mastu. 3) informacinės technologijos, kurios įgalina teikti elektronines teisines paslaugas privatiems asmenims, aptariant tiek Lietuvos iniciatyvas šioje srityje (Teisingumo ministerija ir tinklas “Skynet”), tiek užsienio valstybių (Australijos “LawMail”). / The author analyses the application of information technology in legal practice through three dimensions: 1. information technologies applied by the lawyer in his everyday work: starting with the search of the legal information, the possibilities of installation of the electronic notary services and finishing with legal group work, supported by information technologies; 2. information technologies applied in the activities of the legal institutions, concretely discussing these technologies, which are being used by the court system and the state register system. The technologies used in the court system is being discussed through the initiative of the establishment of the electronic justice space in the European Union, and also through Lithuanian court computerization project (LITEKO). Lithuanian state registers system as well is actively establishing it own information systems, the quality of which was evaluated in the international level; 3. information technologies applied in order to supply electronic legal services to the private persons, discussing Lithuanian initiatives in this field (the ministry of Justice and the net “Skynet”) and the practice of foreign countries (Australian “LawMail” project).
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Informacinių technologijų panaudojimas UAB "Lintel" darbuotojų kvalifikacijai kelti / Usage of information technologies for qualification raise for workers of joint stock company „Lintel“:Plučiūtė, Ingrida 30 May 2005 (has links)
The main goal of the Master’s theses is to raise joint stock company „Lintel“ workers self-reliance and help them to plan monthly knowledge evaluation. Quick information technologies development becomes the most important reason for requirements chancing to education. Workers must learning all live and raise qualification if they want to survive in work market. Quick chance of information is very important not only for joint stock company „Lintel“. This problem is important for all companies, which work in information sector. Distance learning is the way, which can help to workers learning where they want; when they want and choose a temp how quickly they want to learn information. Workers can learn without going out from the work for a long time. The most important subject in this kind of studies is student. Students in distance learning course can study information, make self-tests and quizzes. The results of quizzes and self-tests allow to workers to know limitation of they profession knowledge’s.
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Mokesčių administravimo pokyčiai valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje diegiant integruotas informacines sistemas / Changes of tax administration in state tax authority in process of implementation of integrated information systemŠvažinskienė, Gerarda 30 May 2005 (has links)
Master final work, 55 pages, 12 figures, 8 tables, 40 sources of literature, in Lithuanian language. The object of research – tax administration in State Tax Authority implementing integrated information systems. The objective of research is to identify the main problems of implementation of integrated information systems of taxes and to present suggestions for its solving. The main tasks are solved: 1) to determine the objectives and principles of Lithuania and EU tax harmonization; 2) to determine the necessity of harmonization of taxes; 3) to determine the objectives and tasks of administration of taxes and its compatibility with the Europe Council directives; 4) to identify the changes of tax administration and the problems of implementation of integrated informative systems of taxes that are established in State Tax Authority and the ways of the problems solving. Research methods. In order to achieve the objective, logical analysis and synthesis, comparable analysis, the analysis of juridical documents and statistical data, the analysis of STA projects of informational systems were done; the methodics of prognostication of transactions efficiency (developed by T.Magyla and V. Bagdonas) and Pareto method were applied. The author contributed with the employees of the Department of International Information Change of Ministry of Finance doing this research. Besides, part of information was collected in the inside Intranet network of STA.
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Programavimo kalbų Visual Basic 6.0 ir Visual Basic .NET palyginimas greito programų kūrimo požiūriu / Comparison of the programming languages Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic .NET with respect to rapid application developmentBareikis, Marius 13 June 2005 (has links)
Programming languages Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET have been compared from the point of view of rapid application development in the work. Environment differences of the programming systems have been analysed. New possibilities of Visual Basic .NET language have been investigated concerning menu creation, text files tasks, user forms creation, class heredity. Syntax changes in Visual Basic .NET programming language have been analysed. Database programming tools have been presented and compared. Differences of both systems have been illustrated by practical examples. Various rates of creating indexes for bibliographical documents have been analysed. Standard documents of construction cost data in the MS Word document format have been moved to the MS Access database. Various speed rates of database reading and editing have been analysed.
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Neįgalių vaikų abilitacijos informacinė sistema / Information system for children with disabilitiesGudavičius, Darius 16 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to help children with disabilities to talk through special cards using available new information technologies. These kids are from ages 8 till 15. I collaborated with KVAC(Kauno Vaikų Abilitacijos Centras) and there met children who cant talk normally because of their physical condition, however their mental condition is quite evolved or even sterling for their age. These special cards are created by Norwegian doctors especially for this kind of disability and for people with such mental and physical condition. In KVAC children used them for very long time. These cards are made from paper and colored in black and white. Each of these cards represents emotion, feelings, things, occupations and many others real word objects. So my solution was to move these cards to computer and adapt them for better usage and also to make kind of chat where more than one person can be involved and naturally would help person with disabilities. Main advantages of this software is that it can be used over LAN or thru the Internet there is no difference, also new technologies like AJAX let the system perform faster(saving bandwidth) then other available technologies. Besides there is no complex installation process, system is ready to work immediately without requiring detailed customization. Also one of the main thing why I developed this system is because of lack of such type of software over Lithuania and even over the world.
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Unifikuotos KMUK klinikinių duomenų informacinės sistemos sukūrimo analizė bei tyrimas / Unified information system of clinical data in Kaunas university of medicineŽuklys, Tomas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra išstudijuoti procesus, procedūras, priemonės ir problemas susijusias su klinikinių duomenų rinkimu, kaupimu, panaudojimu, informacijos judėjimu Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikose bei pasiūlyti idėjas, kaip patobulinti jau veikiančius duomenų rinkimo bei kaupimo metodus, pagerinti sukauptų duomenų analizavimą, statistikos rinkimą, apžvelgti integravimosi su kitomis egzistuojančiomis informacinėmis sistemomis, ir apibendrinant – pagerinti bei pagreitinti informacijos judėjimą gydymo įstaigoje sukuriant naują unifikuotą KMUK klinikinių duomenų informacinę sistemą.
Šis tyrimas yra sutelktas ties informacijos rinkimu, apdorojimu bei apsikeitimu ne tik vietiniu mastu, t.y. tarp atskirų klinikų, bet ir visos Lietuvos mastu, t.y. su kitomis Lietuvos gydymo įstaigomis, bei kuriamu nacionalinės e. sveikatos sistemos projektu. Tyrimas parodė, jog duomenų rinkimas yra pakankamai sudėtingas. Yra naudojamos skirtingos priemonės, tokios kaip: pacientų kortelės, registrai, įvairios formos. Visos šios skirtingos duomenų rinkimo bei kaupimo priemonės rodo, jog yra didelis poreikis vieningos sistemos, kuri apimtų visus klinikose vykstančius procesus, realizuotų skirtingų profilinių klinikų darbo savitumus.
Viso tyrimo metu diskutuojant tiek su gydymo įstaigų darbuotojais, tiek nagrinėjant jau esamas sistemas aš supratau, jog yra nemažai problemų susijusių su informacijos valdymu bei apdorojimu. Vienos iš jų – nepakankamas suvokimas poreikio kaupti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main aims and objectives of this study are, to explore the procedures, tools and problems
related to primary health care data collection, storage, use and information flows in Kaunas university of medicine and to offer ideas and suggestions on how to improve the systems of routine data collection, storage, analysis and use of information and more generally to improve the flows of information and also to explore challenges related to realizing the potential for cooperative, integrated information systems in healthcare and more generally – to improve the flows of information by creating a new unified information system of clinical data.
This study is based on data collection, processing and exchanging not only in the area of Kaunas university of medicine, but also, with the other institutions of health care and the „NESS“ project which is now being developed.
The study showed that the process of data collection is rather complex. A number of data collection tools are used: patient cards, registers, various forms. All of this shows that a unified information system of clinical data is needed. It will involve all the processes inside clinics, deal with the individuality of every single clinic.
Through a cross – case analysis and discussions with people who work in health care I found that there are several problems related to the use and management of information like lack of clear understanding of the purpose of data collection, poor knowledge of working with computer... [to full text]
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