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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Så absolut, vi behöver vara vid kaffemaskinen faktiskt" : En fallstudie om medarbetares upplevelser av kontextuella villkor för informellt lärande inom Arbetsförmedlingens HR-avdelning / "Absolutely, we actually need to be at the coffee machine" : A case study on employees' experiences of contextual conditions for informal learning within the HR department of the Swedish Public Employment Service

Caldevi, Sofia, Nastrand, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en ökad förståelse för vilka kontextuella villkor som HR- medarbetare inom Arbetsförmedlingen upplever påverkar möjligheterna till informellt lärande samt om dessa upplevelser skiljer sig åt mellan kvinnor och män. Studien är en kvalitativ enfallsstudie som är utförd på Arbetsförmedlingens HR-avdelning. Kvalitativa metoder som använts är semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokumentgenomgång. Studiens resultat har analyserats utifrån en tematisk analys med en abduktiv ansats. Resultatet visar att respondenternas upplevelser av de kontextuella villkoren inte är helt samstämmiga, vilket implicerar att svaret på vår forskningsfråga om vilka villkor som främjar respektive hindrar ett informellt lärande är tvetydig. Vad gäller huruvida det finns skillnader mellan hur kvinnor och män upplever de kontextuella förutsättningarna till informellt lärande visar våra resultat att medarbetarna överlag är samstämmiga i sina svar. Dock framgår ett fåtal skillnader där det ur ett genusperspektiv kan tolkas som att det framträder en genusordning som främjar män, men det går inte inom ramen för denna studie att utesluta att det även kan finnas andra bakomliggande orsaker till denna slutsats. / The purpose of this study is to create an increased understanding of which contextual conditions experienced by HR employees within the Swedish Public Employment Service affect the opportunities for informal learning and whether these experiences differ between women and men. The study is a qualitative one-off study carried out at the HR department of the Swedish Public Employment Service. Qualitative methods used are semi-structured interviews and document review. The study's results have been analyzed based on a thematic analysis with an abductive approach. The results show that the respondents' experiences of the contextual conditions are not completely consistent. This implies that the answer to our research question about which conditions promote and hinder informal learning is ambiguous. Regarding whether there are differences between how women and men experience the contextual conditions for informal learning, our results show that the employees are generally unanimous in their answers. A few differences were apparent from a gender perspective, that can be interpreted as the appearance of a gender order that favors men, but it is not within the scope of this study to rule out that there may be other underlying reasons for this conclusion.

Workplace Learning of Professional Academic Advisors at Urban Universities: A Basic Interpretive Qualitative Investigation

Tokarczyk, Kristy January 2012 (has links)
No description available.


Owens, John Thomas 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Computers as Roommates: The Ohio University Residence Hall Computer Project and the Lives of the First-Year Students

Elmahdi, Ismail Alam January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationships Among Investment in Workplace Learning, Organizational Perspective on Human Resource Development, Organizational Outcomes of Workplace Learning, and Organizational Performance Using the Korea 2005 and 2007 Human Capital Corporate Panel S

Park, Yoonhee 10 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Vikten av relationsskapande som nyckel till lärande : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares upplevelser av undervisning innan, under och efter coronapandemin / The importance of relationship building as a key to learning : Upper secondary school teachers’ experience of distance learning before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic

Berglund, Aron, Brodin, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka gymnasielärares förändrade arbetssituation under Covid-19-pandemin och vilken påverkan det innebär på undervisningen samt hur villkor för lärande har förändrats som en effekt av pandemin. Detta genomfördes genom en kvalitativ fallstudie med hjälp av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex olika gymnasielärare, vilka valdes på basen av ett bekvämlighets- och snöbollsurval. Studiens insamlade data bearbetades därefter med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att pandemin medfört en ökad arbetsbelastning relaterat till olika läroverktyg på distans och en ändrad syn på lärarnas självförtroende i deras yrkesutövande. För att skapa förutsättningar för en god lärandemiljö har deltagande, relationsbyggande samt kommunikation, dels mellan elever, dels mellan lärare och elever, visat sig utgöra väsentliga villkor. / We assessed the change in working situation of upper secondary school teachers due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its effect on teaching and learning conditions based on teleworking. We conducted a qualitative case study involving six different teachers, chosen through convenience and snowball sampling, on which we performed semi-structured interviews. The collected data were then analyzed through a thematic analysis. The results show that the pandemic has led to an increased workload related to various distance learning tools and a changed view of teachers' self-confidence in their professional practice. To create good learning environment, participation, relationship building and communication between students and between teachers and students, have been most important. In conclusion, the teachers emphasize that working during the pandemic has brought them closer to the core of what gives them motivation in their profession, namely their students.

Coding in the Curriculum: Learning Computational Practices and Concepts, Creative Problem Solving Skills, and Academic Content in Ten to Fourteen-Year-Old Children

Donley, Kevin Scott January 2018 (has links)
The fundamentals of computer science are increasingly important to consider as critical educational and occupational competencies, as evidenced by the rapid growth of computing capabilities and the proliferation of the Internet in the 21st century, combined with reimagined national education standards. Despite this technological and social transformation, the general education environment has yet to embrace widespread incorporation of computational concepts within traditional curricular content and instruction. Researchers have posited that exercises in computational thinking can result in gains in other academic areas (Baytak & Land, 2011; Olive, 1991), but their studies aimed at identifying any measurable educational benefits of teaching computational concepts to school age children have often lacked both sufficient experimental control and inclusion of psychometrically sound measures of cognitive abilities and academic achievement (Calao, Moreno-León, Correa, & Robles, 2015). The current study attempted to shed new light on the question of whether using a graphically-based computer coding environment and semi-structured curriculum –the Creative Computing Course in the Scratch programming language –can lead to demonstrable and significant changes in problem solving, creative thinking, and knowledge of computer programming concepts. The study introduced 24 youth in a summer educational program in Philadelphia, PA to the Scratch programming environment through structured lessons and open-ended projects for approximately 25 hours over the course of two weeks. A delayed treatment, control trial design was utilized to measure problem solving ability with a modified version of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Fourth Edition (WJ-IV), Concept Formation subtest, and the Kaufman Tests of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3) Math Concepts and Applications subtest. Creative problem solving was measured using a consensual assessment technique (Amabile, 1982). A pre-test and post-test of programming conceptual knowledge was used to understand how participants’ computational thinking skills influenced their learning. In addition, two questionnaires measuring computer use and the Type-T (Thrill) personality characteristic were given to participants to examine the relationship between risk-taking or differences in children’s usage of computing devices and their problem solving ability and creative thinking skills. There were no differences found among experimental and control groups on problem solving or creative thinking, although a substantial number of factors limited and qualified interpretation of the results. There was also no relationship between performance on a pre-test of computational thinking, and a post-test measuring specific computational thinking skills and curricular content. There were, however, significant, moderate to strong correlations among academic achievement as measured by state standardized test scores, the KTEA-3 Math Concepts and Applications subtest, and both the pre and post Creative Problem Solving test developed for the study. Also, higher levels of the Type T, or thrill-seeking, personality characteristic were associated with lower behavioral reinforcement token computer “chips," but there were no significant relationships among computer use and performance on assessments. The results of the current study supported retention of the null hypothesis, but were limited by small sample size, environmental and motivational issues, and problems with the implementation of the curriculum and selected measures. The results should, therefore, not be taken as conclusive evidence to support the notion that computer programming activities have no impact in other areas of cognitive functioning, mathematic conceptual knowledge, or creative thinking. Instead, the results may help future researchers to further refine their techniques to both deliver effective instruction in the Scratch programming environment, and also target assessments to more accurately measure learning. / Educational Psychology

Examining the Design of a Collaborative Learning Space: Case Study of OhioUniversity's CoLab

Komey, Audrey N.K. 16 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.


Grahovac Dragan 28 November 2013 (has links)
<p>Докторска дисертација разматра утицај<br />информалног учења на ниво информационе<br />писмености ученика. У циљу тога, анализирају се<br />карактеристике информалног учења, начини<br />коришћења информалних извора знања, као и<br />начини на који ученици најчешће долазе до<br />информација и знања о ИКТ. Истраживање је<br />вршено на узорку од 930 ученика четвртих разреда<br />средњих школа, а мерни инструмент за<br />истраживање је наменски конструисан као<br />сумациона скала за процену начина стицања и<br />усвајања знања о ИКТ. На основу резултата<br />истраживања, утврђено је да ученици у великој<br />мери користе информалне изворе знања, утврђени<br />су начини на који ученици најчешће долазе до<br />информација и знања о ИКТ, а посебно се истиче<br />значај коришћења Интернета као информалног<br />извора знања. Такође, резултатима истраживања је<br />утврђено да се коришћењем информалних извора<br />знања доприноси повећању нивоа информатичке,<br />дигиталне и мултимедијалне писмености ученика.<br />Резултати истраживања могу да послуже као<br />допринос валидацији информалног учења.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija razmatra uticaj<br />informalnog učenja na nivo informacione<br />pismenosti učenika. U cilju toga, analiziraju se<br />karakteristike informalnog učenja, načini<br />korišćenja informalnih izvora znanja, kao i<br />načini na koji učenici najčešće dolaze do<br />informacija i znanja o IKT. Istraživanje je<br />vršeno na uzorku od 930 učenika četvrtih razreda<br />srednjih škola, a merni instrument za<br />istraživanje je namenski konstruisan kao<br />sumaciona skala za procenu načina sticanja i<br />usvajanja znanja o IKT. Na osnovu rezultata<br />istraživanja, utvrđeno je da učenici u velikoj<br />meri koriste informalne izvore znanja, utvrđeni<br />su načini na koji učenici najčešće dolaze do<br />informacija i znanja o IKT, a posebno se ističe<br />značaj korišćenja Interneta kao informalnog<br />izvora znanja. Takođe, rezultatima istraživanja je<br />utvrđeno da se korišćenjem informalnih izvora<br />znanja doprinosi povećanju nivoa informatičke,<br />digitalne i multimedijalne pismenosti učenika.<br />Rezultati istraživanja mogu da posluže kao<br />doprinos validaciji informalnog učenja.</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation examines the impact of<br />informal learning on the students&rsquo; information literacy<br />level. For that purpose, it analyses characteristics of<br />informal learning, the ways informal knowledge<br />sources are used, as well as the methods most<br />frequently used by students to obtain the information<br />and knowledge on ICT. The research has been<br />conducted on a sample of 930 fourth grade secondary<br />school students, and the research measuring instrument<br />has been a questionnaire created with a specific<br />purpose to assess the ways knowledge on ICT has been<br />obtained and acquired. Based on the research results, it<br />has been concluded that students use informal<br />knowledge sources to a large extent, the means<br />students use most frequently to obtain information and<br />knowledge on ICT have been identified as well,<br />whereas the significance of the use of internet as<br />informal knowledge source is most remarkable. The<br />research results have also shown that use of informal<br />knowledge sources contribute to the increase of the<br />level of the students&rsquo; information, digital and<br />multimedia literacy. The research results may serve as<br />a contribution to validation of informal learning.</p>

Framing perceived values of education : when perspectives of learning and ICTs are related / Inramning av upplevda värden av utbildning : när perspektiv på lärande och IKT är relaterade

Norqvist, Lars January 2016 (has links)
This thesis offers dialogue about the relations between learning and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The dialogue is guided by the question of how to design education to increase perceived values of learning. It pays attention to how learners approach learning availabilities in various learning settings based on learners’ perceived values of learning. The aim is to understand the perceived values of learning in order to reflect its relation to ICTs. The field of learning is understood from the perspectives of formal, non-formal and informal learning. The field of ICTs is understood from the perspectives of information, communication and technology. The perspectives of learning and ICTs are chosen as a way to understand them by ‘going back to basics’ to find an origin or a point of departure for reinterpreting and understanding them. This approach has influenced the presentation of the thesis and how it is structured so that dialogic and interpretive research opens up dialogic spaces for reflections regarding the relations between learning and ICTs. Two studies in two different education systems, formal and non-formal, are included in the thesis work. The data are collected via qualitative methods such as photo interviews and individual and group interviews in which learners’ expressions of learning are in focus. The approach of the included articles that present the two studies was to first understand learning and then relate it to the understanding, potential and use of ICTs. The results and contributions from the articles are summarised via the three perspectives of the perceived values of learning, the relations between learning and ICTs and the influences of perceived values of learning. The theoretical tools, pedagogical attitude and positioning of ICTs guide the discussions and analysis of these perspectives towards the conclusions of the thesis work. The reader of the thesis can expect a journey along a winding road, which both addresses and involves policies’ and researchers’ implications and conceptions of learning and education. A framework for the perceived values of education when perspectives of learning and ICTs are related is considered to represent the understanding of the coherent whole of the thesis work. Three main contributions of the thesis work are put forth. The first contribution is the framework for perceived values of education, or the perceived value framework (PVF). The second contribution is the understanding of perceived values of learning. The third contribution is the specific photo interviews about learning situations that is considered to be a contribution to already existing methods such as photo-eliciting (Cappello, 2005) and stimulated recall (Haglund, 2003).

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