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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sifa-Portfolio – a Continuing Education Concept for Specialists on Industrial Safety Combining Formal and Informal Learning

Stanik, Krzysztof, Kahnwald, Nina 09 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – Specialists on industrial safety (Sifas) are appointed by companies due to German occupational safety act (ASiG) as safety advisors, to analyse the work environments and the work procedures. Their principal task is to inspect workplaces for adherence to regulations on health, safety and environment, and design actions to prevent from disease or injury of workers and environmental damages. Due to variety of settings in which work safety specialists are involved, they are obliged to continuous further education and permanent adoption to changing circumstances of occupational context. To do so, Sifa’s need access to tools which provide the following three key features: - possibility to share knowledge with experienced specialists on industrial safety (Sifa-Community), - ability to promptly recognize critical topics in the field of their activities (Trend- Monitoring), - opportunity to create track of records of further education on current topics, including the validation and certification of work-related informal learning (Sifa-Portfolio). Sifa-Portfolio and Trend-Monitoring are based on Sifa-Community, an exchange platform (www.sifa-community.de) with currently 5.000 members established in the context of a longitudinal study on Sifas. This paper will focuses on the concept of Sifa-Portfolio that was developed as a prototype of further education application based on the concept of EPortfolios. It allows Sifa’s to share their knowledge, recognize critical topics and create track of records of their informal further education to showcase their competencies and eventually receive certification. Design/methodology/approach – In the paper authors present the approach of Sifa- Portfolio - an application for further education, based on Sifa long-term study (Sifa- Langzeitstudie), data mining (text mining), and user centred design. It starts with the description of results of an online study and specific requirements that have to be considered when designing applications for specialists on industrial safety. It then presents the trend monitor based on Sifa-Community posts, which provides up to date information about most important topics that are being discussed within the community. It finally introduces Sifa-Portfolio, a high fidelity prototype of an expansion module for Sifa-Community. Originality/value – Until now, there are no dedicated solutions for further education of professional group of Sifas, which comply to the specific requirements of this group and which enable to react promptly to changing demands of the safety issues in dynamicly growing companies. Practical implications – The presented approach delivers a concept of a softwaremodule that could be implemented into Sifa-Community Forum. Due to evaluation with users, we could identify requirements and specifications of Sifa-Portfolio. Furthermore this concept can be transferred to variety of professional-groups, which are working in dynamic professions to support their work-related informal further education.

Förhållandet mellan informellt lärande, stress och sjukfrånvaro : En kvantitativ studie av en kommunal verksamhetför särskilda boenden för äldre. / The relationship between informal learning, stress and sick leave : A quantitative study of a municipal activity for special accommodation for the elderly.

Nörgaard, Angela, Öberg, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Metod Vi ämnar undersöka om samband finns mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress samt om sambandet skiljer sig åt mellan att vara sjukskriven och icke sjukskriven.Teoretisk referensram utifrån krav-kontroll-stödmodellen (Karasek & Theorell, 1990).Studien utgår från en kvantitativ metod där korrelationsanalyser samt regressionsanalyser genomfördes av variabler som sammanställts från LPW (α = .82) samt PSS-14 (α = .89). All data sammanställdes i IBM SPSS.27. Urvalsgrupp var personal inom särskilda boende för äldre. Resultat En multipel regressionsanalys visar att ett negativt medelstarkt samband(Beta = -.48, p < .01) fanns mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress. Ingen modererande effekt förelåg i förhållandet mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress kopplat till sjukfrånvaro. Av de 131 medarbetarna som erbjöds delta svarade 52 personer på enkäten (N=52).  Slutsats Det informella lärandet och stress har utifrån tidigare forskning visat ha en inverkanpå medarbetarnas arbetsprestation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Informellt lärande skapar konkurrenskraftiga verksamheter där ett gott arbetsresultat uppnås samt stimulerar till engagemang och positivitet för både verksamhet och medarbetare. En hög grad av stress uppvisar motsatt effekt på arbetsprestation och arbetstillfredsställelse.Vår slutsats är att både samhälle och organisationen kan vinna ekonomiska fördelar genom att minska stress och öka det informella lärandet då detta kan generera en ökad kvalitet i offentlig sektor. Detta då vårt funna resultat visat på ett signifikant medelstarkt negativt samband mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress, men som varken förstärks eller försvagas bland sjukskrivna respektive icke-sjukskrivna respondenter inom studerad verksamhet i offentlig sektor. / Method We intend to investigate whether there is a connection between informal learning and work-related stress and whether the connection differs between being on sick leave and not on sick leave. Theoretical frame of reference based on the requirements-control-supportmodel (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). The study is based on a quantitative method where correlation analyzes and regression analyzes were performed on variables compiled fromLPW (α = .82) and PSS-14 (α = .89). All data was compiled in IBM SPSS.27. The selection group was staff in special housing for the elderly. Results A multiple regression analysis shows a negative medium-strong relationship (Beta = -.48, p <.01) was found between informal learning and work-related stress. There was no moderating effect in the relationship between informal learning and work-related stress linked to sick leave. Of the 131 employees who were offered to participate, 52 people responded to the survey (N = 52). Conclusion Based on previous research, informal learning and stress have been shown to have an impact on employees' work performance and job satisfaction. Informal learning creates competitive operations where a good work result is achieved and stimulates commitment and positivity for both operations and employees. A high degree of stress has the opposite effect on job performance and job satisfaction.Our conclusion is that both society and the organization can gain economic benefits by reducing stress and increasing informal learning as this can generate increased quality in the public sector. This is because our found results showed a significant moderate negative relationship between informal learning and work-related stress, but which is neither strengthened or weakened among sick-listed and non-sick-respondents in studied activities inthe public sector.

HR-arbetet, ett konstant lärande : En kvalitativ studie om HR-anställdas upplevelser av de formellaoch informella lärprocesserna i det egna arbetet / HR, a constant learning process

Svensson, Emilia, Nordström, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
HR har en viktig funktion i att ta tillvara de mänskliga resurserna på bästa möjliga sätt utifrån organisationernas mål och visioner. Det är därför av hög relevans att belysa hur och på vilket sätt de HR-anställda själva lär för att kunna genomföra sitt dagliga arbete. Syftet med studien är därmed att, med hjälp av de HR-anställas erfarenheter, beskriva hur processer av formellt och informellt lärande kan ta sig uttryck i det egna arbetet. För att besvara vårt syfte har vi intervjuat 10 HR-anställda inom den privata sektorn och det insamlade materialet har analyserats tematiskt. Formellt och informellt lärande, krav-kontroll-stödmodellen samt erfarenhetsbaserat lärande har använts som teoretiska verktyg för att kunna besvara våra frågeställningar. Av resultatet har tre teman framkommit, den HR anställde i organisationen, stöd från organisationen samt det egna ansvaret för lärande och att dessa är aspekter som påverkar lärandet för de HR-anställda. Resultatet indikerar att det formella och informella lärandet tar sig uttryck på olika sätt för de HR-anställda. I många avseenden går studiens resultat hand i hand med teori och tidigare forskning rörande hur arbetsplatsen kan verka som en lärandemiljö. Resultatet av studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för att de HR-anställda bär ett stort eget ansvar för det egna lärandet på arbetsplatsen. Vidare har frågor dykt upp i diskussionen kring hurde HR-anställdas egna värderingar påverkar upplevelserna av lärande, samt hur chefers inverkan och ansvar för kunskapsutbyte kan påverka de HR-anställdas upplevelser av lärande. Det finns därför ett fortsatt behov av forskning gällande HR-anställdas lärande i deras eget arbete. / HR has an important function to utilize the human resources in the best possible way based on theorganizations' goals and visions. Therefore, it is of high relevance to shed light on how, and in whatway the HR employees themselves learn in order to carry out their daily work. The purpose of thestudy is thus, with the help of the experience of the HR employees, to make visible how processes of formal and informal learning can be expressed in their own work. In order to answer our purpose, we have interviewed 10 HR employees in the private sector and the collected material has been analyzed thematically. Formal and informal learning, the demand-control-support model and experience-basedlearning have been used as theoretical tools to answer our questions. From the result, it has emerged that the HR employees in the organization, support from the organization and their own responsibility for learning are aspects that affect the learning for the HR employees. The result indicates that formal and informal learning is expressed in different ways for the HR employees. In many respects, the study's results go hand in hand with theory and previous research on how the workplace can act as a learning environment. The result of the study contributes to an increased understanding that HR employees bear a great deal of responsibility for their own learning in the workplace. Furthermore, questions have arisen how the HR employees own values in the workplace effects the experiences of learning, as well as how the managers influence and responsibility for the exchange of knowledge can influence the HR employees' experiences of learning. Therefore, the research regarding the HR employee's learning in their own work need further research.

Warriors, Guardians or Both: A Grounded Theory Approach of Exploring the Development of Patrol Officers in Urban Community Relations

Znamenak, Kyle 21 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

“Att vara mellanchef är en del av min livsstil” : En intervjustudie om hur mellanchefers work-life balance och informella lärande påverkar varandra

Faringstam, Alexandra, Jansson, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
In today's job market, but also in society in general, there is a discussion about the importance of having a good balance between work and private life, to minimize negative stress and sick leave. Middle managers are often highlighted as being exposed to these issues. The purpose of this study was to explore how middle managers' work-life balance and informal learning have an impact on each other. The aspiration was to get a better understanding of what contributes to work-related stress in relation to workplace learning in employees with both staff responsibilities and managers above them. The model of demand-control-support and informal learning have been used as a theoretical framework to analyze the empirical material collected. Through five semi-structured interviews the study has established that a healthy balance between working life and private life contributes to increasing commitment and learning in the workplace amongst middle managers. Furthermore, the study has concluded that non-formal learning in the workplace can contribute to a healthier balance between working life and private life, but also that learning in the workplace can contribute to negative stress outside of working hours. The key factors for this are opportunities to influence one's own work, have social support from managers, employees, family and friends, as well as clear demands from management. These have proven to be important in relieving stress and increasing workplace learning where there is a lack of work-life balance in middle managers. Keywords: Work-life balance, informal learning, demand-control-support, work-related stress

Extending the Apprenticeship through Informal Learning on Facebook: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Music Faculty

Meredith, Tamara R. 05 1900 (has links)
Facebook studio groups/pages are commonly used by applied music faculty to communicate with current students, recruit new students, share students' activities, and promote faculty members' professional performances and academic endeavors. However, the blurred lines between academic, professional performance, and social activities in the field have led to a wide variety of approaches to Facebook use by music faculty. This dissertation documents the first generation of music faculty social media users and investigates the beliefs, intent, and lived experiences of music faculty who use Facebook studio groups/pages to communicate with their students. Four music faculty were interviewed and a semester's Facebook studio group/page data collected for each faculty member. Interviews and Facebook data were analyzed using Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to identify emergent, and ultimately super-ordinate, themes from the data. The three super-ordinate themes that emerged were: Impact of Social Media on Studio Teaching and Learning, Learning through Enculturation, and Faculty Lived Experiences with Facebook Studio Groups/Pages. Findings of the study included: faculty concerns about personal and professional risk; the observation that teaching and learning are occurring through these Facebook studio groups/pages by way of the process of enculturation, but without evidence of a Virtual Community of Practice; and, a multitude of group/page management practices developed in isolation that suggest a need for discussion/debate and training in the field to determine best practices for using Facebook studio groups/pages as an extension of the physical studio. Recommendations include training for music faculty that situates Facebook studio groups/pages within the enculturation process of students pursuing careers in music, music department development of guidelines for Facebook group/page creation and management based upon their institutions' rules and oversight procedures, and the sharing of exemplar Facebook studio groups/pages by professional music education organizations to encourage discussion of best practices for teaching and learning in informal environments.


Brian D Tedeschi (15306241) 19 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Informal learning environments are critical to supplemental student learning outside the formal classroom space. The problem the research addressed is the lack of informal STEM learning programs for underrepresented minority, female, urban, and rural students. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the effect informal STEM learning has on the population’s self-efficacy and interest in STEM. The intervention for this research study was a seven-day informal learning summer camp involving five STEM projects from around the field and aligned with relevant fields offered by the Purdue University Polytechnic Institute. The participants worked in large and small group sessions with program volunteers to gain foundational learning outcomes. The outcome was measured using the STEM-CIS survey instrument in a pre-and post-testing format. The data was coded from the Likert scale and then used to calculate statistics and effect size for Likert-style data. The intervention was performed during the summer of 2021 and yielded results showing that students felt the effect of having role models and professionals involved in the STEM field. </p>

Antecedents of Informal Learning: A Study of Core Self-Evaluations and Work-Family Conflict and Their Effects on Informal Learning

Scheurer, Andrew J. 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Learning Copyright in Chinese Fandom: A Study of Informal Learning in Cyberspace

Lai, Yang January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Medborgarforskning : En miljöutbildning för allmänheten? / Citizen science : An environmental education for citizens?

Andersson, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att studera deltagarnas uppfattade beteendeförändringar som medverkande i medborgarforskningsprojektet Växtkalendern. Ett vidare syfte med studien är att studera hur medborgarforskningsprojektet Växtkalendern kan påverka klyftan mellan medvetenhet och handlingskraft hos deltagarna i frågor rörande klimatförändringen, så kallat action gap. Studien har sin utgångspunkt ur en abduktiv ansats, där det empiriska materialet påverkar litteraturen och omvänt. Relevant empiri har samlats in genom en enkätundersökning. Undersökningen har skickats ut till alla deltagare i forskningsprojektet Växtkalendern, dessutom har intervjuer och samtal med specialister inom området medborgarforskning genomförts. Resultatet visar att medborgarforskningsprojektet Växtkalendern har potential att påverka deltagarna. Ur enkäten framkommer det att deltagarna anser att möjligheten att hjälpa forskningen är den klart viktigaste anledningen till deltagande. Med hjälp av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna och det empiriska materialet analyserades medborgarforskningsprojektets möjlighet att förändra beteenden hos deltagarna i frågor gällande klimatförändringen. Studien visar att klyftan mellan medvetenhet och handlingskraft kan minskas med hjälp av medborgarforskning då deltagarna upplever en ökad medvetenhet och ett förändrat beteende i och med deltagandet i projektet. / The purpose of the study is to study the behavioral changes in participants in the citizen science project "Växtkalendern". The purpose is also to study how the citizen science project "Växtkalendern" can influence the gap between awareness and action in terms of climate change issues, so-called action gap, among the participants. The study is conducted based on an abductive approach, where the empiric material influences the literature study and vice-versa. The relevant empirical was collected through a survey sent out to all the participants in the project "Växtkalendern". In addition, interviews and discussions with specialists in the field of citizen science research have been conducted. The results shows that the citizen science project "Växtkalendern" has potential to influence participants. The survey revealed that the participants felt that the opportunity to assist research was clearly the most important reason for participation. Using the theoretical standing points and the empirical material, the citizen science project ability to create behavioral changes in the participants in terms of climate change issues was analyzed. The study shows that the gap between awareness and action can be reduced with the help of citizen science as participants experienced increased awareness and a changing behavior through participation in the project "Växtkalendern".

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