Spelling suggestions: "subject:"initiatives.""
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Energiföretagens hållbara utveckling : En kvalitativ studie om process, rapportering och granskning av hållbarhetNorlin, Fanny, Hillervik, Erica January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Prüfung der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Unternehmen - Eine empirische Analyse nach den Richtlinien der Global Reporting InitiativeLoitsch, Nadja 29 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Mit der zunehmenden Berichterstattung der Unternehmen erfolgt ein ebenso rasant ansteigender Trend die eigene Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung durch externe Dritte bestätigen zu lassen. Untersucht wird der Stand der Prüfung der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung mittels Zusammenführung und Diskussion von 29 thematisch relevanten Studien aus dem Zeitraum 1996 bis 2009. Neben den Fragen nach Treibern und Hemmnissen der Entscheidung für eine Prüfung der Berichterstattung werden die Bedeutung und der Nutzen sowie die Charakterisierung der Prüfung (Prüfungstiefe, Prüfungsstandards, Prüfungsvermerk) und die Einflussfaktoren (Branche, Land, Prüfungsanbieter, Unternehmensgröße) auf die Prüfung eruiert. Frage-stellungen und Implikationen aus dem empirischen Forschungsstand finden Eingang in die empirische Untersuchung. Geleitet wird die Analyse von 86 Nachhaltigkeitsberichten des Energiesektors aus der GRI-Online-Berichtsdatenbank von der Fragestellung, ob die externe Prüfung der Berichterstattung einen Einfluss auf die qualitative und quantitative Ausgestaltung des Nachhaltigkeitsberichts ausübt und sie als Qualitätssignal für die Stakeholder relevant ist. Bewertet wird der Stand der Berichterstattung der ökologischen Umweltleistungsin-dikatoren mittels des GRI-basierten Bewertungsschemas des LEHRSTUHLS FÜR BETRIEBLICHE UMWELTÖKONOMIE der TU DRESDEN. Die Unterschiede in der Berichtsqualität und –quantität zwischen verifizierten und nicht verifizierten Nachhaltigkeitsberichten werden anhand der Varianzanalyse als signifikant und praktische bedeutsam geprüft. Verifizierte Nachhaltigkeitsberichte weisen eine bessere Performance auf als nicht verifizierte Berichte.
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"Två decennier med amningsvänliga sjukhus - upplever mammorna stöd vid amningen på BB?"Haug Johansson, Trude January 2010 (has links)
<p>SAMMANFATTNING</p><p> </p><p>Amningen kan ibland vara svår att komma igång med. En del mammor får det att fungera utmärkt medan andra behöver mera stöd. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) och ”tio steg till lyckad amning” var tänkt att uppmuntra amningen på BB genom åtgärder som utbildning av barnmorskorna i att stödja mammorna. <strong>Syftet </strong>med denna studie var att beskriva mammors känslor inför amning och deras upplevelse av stöd från personal och pappa under BB-tiden samt att jämföra med en grupp mammor från 1993. <strong>Metoden</strong> var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. En enkätstudie genomfördes bland mammor på en förlossningsklinik i Sverige. Deltagande mammor var fördelade på 91 mammor 1993 och 16 mammor 2010. För bearbetning av data användes Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). <strong>Resultatet </strong>visade att mammorna upplevde en större känsla av osäkerhet och oro 2010 jämfört med 1993. Av mammorna 2010 kände också majoriteten att amning var något de ”måste lära sig”. Mammorna upplevde papporna som mer stödjande 2010 jämfört med 1993. Initiativet till den första amningen togs 2010 i högre grad av en barnmorska än 1993. År 2010 fick en högre andel av mammorna hjälp av personalen på BB vid amningstillfällena jämfört med 1993. <strong>Konklusionen </strong>är att amningen kunde vara en känslig tid för mammorna och det behövdes stöd. BFHI har haft en positiv effekt på arbetet med att stödja mammorna vid amningen på BB, men det finns fortfarande behov av uppföljning och kontroll av verksamheten. Papporna tar ett större ansvar och är mera stödjande 2010 jämfört med 1993.</p> / <p>ABSTRACT</p><p> </p><p>Sometimes breastfeeding initiating can be hard. Some mothers get a good start others need more support. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) and “ten steps to successful breastfeeding” were meant to encourage breastfeeding at maternity hospital through measures like education of midwifes in supporting the mothers. The <strong>aim</strong> of this study was to describe mother’s feelings for breastfeeding and their experience of support from nursing staff and fathers during the stay on BB and to compare with a group of mothers from 1993. The <strong>method </strong>was a quantitative cross-sectional study. A survey study was accomplished among mothers in a birth-Clinique in Sweden. Participating mothers was 91 in 1993 and 16 in 2010. Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used to processing data. The <strong>result </strong>showed that mothers experienced a greater feeling of uncertainty and anxiety in 2010 compared with 1993. The majority of mothers 2010 also felt that breastfeeding was something they “had to learn”. Mothers experienced that fathers were more supportive in 2010 than 1993. Initiative to the first breastfeeding was in most of the cases in 2010 taken by a midwife and a higher share of the mothers 2010 got help from the nursing staff at breastfeeding time. The <strong>conclusion </strong>is that breastfeeding might be a sensitive period to the mothers and that support was needed. BFHI has had a positive effect on the work in supporting mother’s breastfeed in the maternity hospital, but there are still needs of following-up and controls of the activity. The fathers took in 2010 more responsibility and are more supporting to the mothers compared with 1993.</p>
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An online environmental approach to service interaction management in home automationWilson, Michael E. J. January 2005 (has links)
Home automation is maturing with the increased deployment of networks and intelligent devices in the home. Along with new protocols and devices, new software services will emerge and work together releasing the full potential of networked consumer devices. Services may include home security, climate control or entertainment. With such extensive interworking the phenomenon known as service interaction, or feature interaction, appears. The problem occurs when services interfere with one another causing unexpected or undesirable outcomes. The main goal of this work is to detect undesired interactions between devices and services while allowing positive interactions between services and devices. If the interaction is negative, the approach should be able to handle it in an appropriate way. Being able to carry out interaction detection in the home poses certain challenges. Firstly, the devices and services are provided by a number of vendors and will be using a variety of protocols. Secondly, the configuration will not be fixed, the network will change as devices join and leave. Services may also change and adapt to user needs and to devices available at runtime. The developed approach is able to work with such challenges. Since the goal of the automated home is to make life simpler for the occupant, the approach should require minimal user intervention. With the above goals, an approach was developed which tackles the problem. Whereas previous approaches solving service interaction have focused on the service, the technique presented here concentrates on the devices and their surrounds, as some interactions occur through conflicting effects on the environment. The approach introduces the concept of environmental variables. A variable may be room temperature, movement or perhaps light. Drawing inspiration from the Operating Systems domain, locks are used to control access to the devices and environmental variables. Using this technique, undesirable interactions are avoided. The inclusion of the environment is a key element of this approach as many interactions can happen indirectly, through the environment. Since the configuration of a home’s devices and services is continually changing, developing an off-line solution is not practical. Therefore, an on-line approach in the form of an interaction manager has been developed. It is the manager’s role to detect interactions. The approach was shown to work successfuly. The manager was able to successfully detect interactions and prevent negative interactions from occurring. Interactions were detected at both device and service level. The approach is flexible: it is protocol independent, services are unaware of the manager, and the manager can cope with new devices and services joining the network. Further, there is little user intervention required for the approach to operate.
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La promotion de l’allaitement maternel en milieu défavorisé dans le cadre de l’implantation de l’Initiative des amis des bébés : le cas des infirmières de santé communautaireDoucet, Marie-Hélène 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Pour favoriser l’allaitement, la Condition 3 de l’Initiative des amis des bébés (IAB) (OMS / UNICEF) vise à offrir une information complète aux femmes enceintes. Or, cette condition est implantée de façon variable dans les CLSC de Montréal car les intervenants de la santé ne semblent pas confortables à faire la promotion de l’allaitement en prénatal, surtout dans les milieux « québécois » et défavorisés.
Objectif : Explorer les expériences personnelles et professionnelles des infirmières en santé communautaire qui sont reliées à la promotion de l’allaitement en prénatal en milieu défavorisé. Dans la présente étude, les informations moins souvent transmises, soit les risques du non-allaitement ainsi que la recommandation de poursuite de l’allaitement jusqu’à deux ans ou au-delà, ont été examinées.
Méthodologie : La collecte des données de cette recherche qualitative s’est effectuée auprès d’infirmières de huit CLSC montréalais offrant des services à une population importante de femmes défavorisées, francophones, nées au Canada et ce, sous forme d’entrevues individuelles (n=12 infirmières) et d’entrevues de groupe (n=36 infirmières).
Résultats : Les principaux facteurs favorables au niveau de confort des infirmières à faire la promotion de l’allaitement sont d’avoir suivi 20 heures ou plus de formation en allaitement dans les cinq dernières années, et d’avoir des croyances profondes positives quant à la valeur de l’allaitement comparativement aux préparations commerciales pour nourrissons (PCN). Craindre de susciter la culpabilité nuit à la promotion de l’allaitement. De plus, les infirmières exposées à la culture d’allaitement pendant l’enfance, ayant eu une expérience personnelle d’allaitement positive, qui perçoivent que leur rôle est d’encourager les mères à allaiter, ou qui recommandent rarement de donner des PCN en postnatal en cas de problèmes d’allaitement, sont plus confortables à informer les femmes enceintes des risques du non-allaitement.
Conclusion : Plusieurs infirmières semblent manquer de connaissances sur la qualité supérieure de l’allaitement par rapport à l’alimentation artificielle et sur les risques du non-allaitement. De plus, il semble que plusieurs infirmières n’aient pas les habiletés cliniques optimales pour soutenir les mères dans leur allaitement. Des formations appropriées aideraient les infirmières à avoir davantage confiance dans leur capacité à soutenir les mères en postnatal, ainsi qu’à promouvoir l’allaitement en prénatal. Finalement, les infirmières devraient prendre conscience de leurs biais personnels, afin d’en réduire les impacts négatifs sur leur pratique professionnelle. / Background: In order to increase breastfeeding rates, the third Step of the Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) (WHO / UNICEF) aims to offer complete information on breastfeeding to pregnant women. However, this step’s implementation varies among the Montreal’s CLSCs as healthcare professionals seem uncomfortable to promote breastfeeding prenatally, especially in French speaking and underprivileged areas.
Objective: To explore the personal and professional experiences of community health nurses which are linked to the promotion of breastfeeding during the prenatal period in underprivileged areas. Information less often offered were examined in this study: the risks of not breastfeeding and the recommendation to continue breastfeeding up to 2 years or beyond.
Methodology: The data of this qualitative study were collected in 8 CLSCs of Montreal, offering services to an important population of underprivileged women, French speaking and born in Canada, through nurses’ individual interviews (n=12 nurses) and group interviews (n=36 nurses).
Results: The most important factors for the level of comfort of nurses to promote breastfeeding are: to have followed 20 hours or more of training on breastfeeding within the 5 past years, and to have positive profound beliefs about the value of breastfeeding compared to artificial infant formula (AIF). Fear of causing guilt by promoting breastfeeding hinders breastfeeding promotion. Furthermore, nurses exposed to breastfeeding culture during their childhood, with a positive personal breastfeeding experience, who perceived that their role is to support women to breastfeed, or those who rarely recommended mothers to give AIF postnatally in case of breastfeeding problems, are more comfortable to inform pregnant women about the risks of not breastfeeding.
Conclusion: Many nurses seem to have a lack of knowledge about the superior quality of breastfeeding in comparison with artificial feeding and about the risks of not breastfeeding. Moreover, it seems that many nurses do not have the optimal clinical abilities to support mothers in their breastfeeding experience. Appropriate training could greatly help nurses to have greater confidence in their abilities to support mothers during the postnatal period, as well as to promote breastfeeding in the prenatal period. Finally, nurses should become aware of their personal bias, in order to reduce as much as possible negative impacts on their professional practices.
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Hållbarhetsrapportens omfattning : En kvantitativ studie om hur svenska företags miljöinformation påverkas av deras storlek och miljöprestandaNordmark, Sofia, Östling, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att på den svenska marknaden undersöka om mängden miljöinformation i företags hållbarhetsrapporter påverkas av deras storlek samt miljöprestanda. Metod: För att kunna besvara de framtagna hypoteserna i denna studie har hållbarhetsrapportens omfattning av miljöinformation studerats utifrån en innehållsanalys baserad på GRI:s riktlinjer G4. Storleken har beräknats utifrån nettoomsättningen och miljöprestandan utifrån mängden koldioxidutsläpp. Dessa variabler har sedan undersökts i en multipel regressionsanalys med kontroll för företagens bransch. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet i studien visar likt tidigare forskning att det finns ett positivt signifikant samband mellan företagens omfattning av miljöinformation och deras miljöprestanda. Detta förklaras bland annat med hjälp av intressent- och legitimitetsteorin. Studiens andra resultat mellan företagens storlek och deras omfattning av miljöinformation visar däremot ett icke statistiskt signifikant samband, till skillnad från majoriteten av tidigare studier. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till fortsatt forskning inom området är att genomföra en undersökning baserad på ett mer omfattande mått på miljöprestandan. Detta genom att utföra en kvalitativ studie innehållandes intervjuer. Vidare vore det intressant med ett större urval, då vi i denna studie enbart har studerat ett litet urval på grund av tidsbegränsning. Ytterligare ett förslag är att i framtiden göra en studie som undersöker hur rapporteringen av CSR har förändrats över tiden. Det vill säga om miljöinformationen har ökat eller om utsläppen har reducerats. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien lämnar ett teoretiskt bidrag till forskningen på den svenska marknaden, då den har fyllt det forskningsgap som tidigare existerade. Studien har även tillfört ett praktiskt bidrag genom att bland annat ge allmänheten en insikt om hur företag väljer att rapportera om miljön i deras hållbarhetsrapporter. / Aim:The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Swedish company's extentof environmental information in the sustainability report is affected by their size and environmental performance.Method:In this study, a quantitativeresearch methodand a deductive approachis applied. To answer the purpose of thisstudy a content analysis based on theGRI Guideline has been performed. This is done to study the company's extentof environmental information. The firms sizewas calculated based on net sales and environmental performance based on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. These variables werethen examined in amultiple regression analysiswith aspects taken each company’s line of business. This allows the study’s two hypotheses to be answered.ResultsandConclusions:The results show similar results from previous research, that there is a positive significant relationship between a company's extent of environmental information and their environmental performance. This is partly explained by the stakeholder and legitimacy theory. The study's other findings between company size and the extentof environmental information show however a non-statistically significant association, which is the opposite of the majority of previous studies. Suggestions for future research: Suggestions for further research in this area is to investigatea survey based on a more comprehensive measure of environmental performance. This is by conducting a qualitative study consisting of interviews. Furthermore, it would be interesting to investigate a larger sample, since we in this study only examinea small sample because of time constraints. A further proposal is to conduct a study investigating how the reporting of CSR has been affected over time. That is, if the environmental information has increased or if the emissions have been reduced.Contribution of the thesis: The study makes a theoretical contribution to research on the Swedish market, as it has filled the research gap previously existed. The study also has provided a practical contribution,which inter alia provides the public with an insight on how companies choose to report on their sustainability report.
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Hållbarhetsredovisning : – En studie om hur sex klädföretag balanserar positiv och negativ information enligt GRI:s princip balans / Sustainability Report : - A study on how six clothing companies balance positive and negative information according to GRI’s principle balanceAldin, Sandra, Sjöstedt, Tove, Johansson, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
Kandidatuppsats, Ekonomprogrammet online, 15 hp, 2FE93E, VT 2017 Ekonomihögskolan - Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö Författare: Tove Sjöstedt, Kristina Johansson och Sandra Aldin Handledare: Yuliya Ponomareva Examinator: Pia Nylinder Titel: Hållbarhetsredovisning - En studie om hur sex klädföretag balanserar positiv och negativ information enligt GRI:s princip balans. Nyckelord: Hållbarhetsredovisning, CSR, GRI, Global Reporting Initiative, Balans, Strategier, Legitimitet. Bakgrund: Hållbarhetsredovisning handlar om redovisning som omfattar miljö, social och ekonomisk påverkan. Klädbranschen är utsatt för mycket press av både media och konsumenter som ställer höga krav när det gäller hållbarhetsfrågor och därför är det viktigt att kommunicera informationen öppet. Som ett stöd för att kunna kommunicera CSR öppet finns det globala ramverket GRI som består av riktlinjer för att få en jämförbar rapportering inom hållbarhetsredovisning. En princip som hör till GRI:s riktlinjer handlar om balans där företag ska redovisa både bra och dåliga resultat. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka innehållet i svenska klädföretags hållbarhetsredovisningar som redovisar enligt GRI:s riktlinjer för att se hur svenska klädföretag redovisar negativ information och förhåller sig till GRI:s princip balans där både positiv och negativ information ska redovisas. Metod: Studien är genomförd i form av en multipel fallstudie. Datainsamlingen består av sekundärdata där sex klädföretags hållbarhetsredovisningar och årsredovisningar har studerats. Slutsats: Studien visar att samtliga klädföretag redovisar både positiv och negativ information i sina rapporter, men det är övervägande positiv information. Det framkom även att klädföretagen använder sig av olika strategier när de presenterar negativ information i sina rapporter vilket gör att informationen ändå kan uppfattas som positiv. / Bachelor thesis, 15 hp, 2FE93E, Spring 2017 School of Business and Economics – Linnaeus University in Växjö Authors: Tove Sjöstedt, Kristina Johansson and Sandra Aldin Tutor: Yuliya Ponomareva Examiner: Pia Nylinder Title: Sustainability Report - A study on how six clothing companies balance positive and negative information according to GRI’s principle balance. Keyword: Sustainability Report, CSR, GRI, Global Reporting Initiative, Balance, Strategies, Legitimacy Background: Sustainability Report is about accounting that includes environmental, social and economic impact. The clothing industry is exposed to heavy pressure from both the media and consumers who have high demands on sustainability issues, and it is therefore important to openly communicate the information. As a support to openly communicate the CSR information, the global GRI framework contains guidelines for obtaining comparable reporting in sustainability reporting. A principle that is part of GRI's guidelines is about balance where companies should report both good and bad results. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the content of Swedish clothing companies' sustainability reports, which report according to GRI's guidelines to see how Swedish clothing companies report negative information and relate to GRI's principle balance in which both positive and negative information should be reported. Method: The study is conducted in the form of a multiple case study. The data collection consists of secondary data where six clothing companies' sustainability reports and annual reports have been examined. Conclusions: The study shows that all clothing companies report both positive and negative information in their reports, but it is predominantly positive information. It also emerged that clothing companies use different strategies when presenting negative information in their reports, which means that the information still can be perceived as positive.
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Jämförbarhet i hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie om jämförbarhet i redovisningen av miljömässig påverkan hos svenska industriföretagÖberg, Rebecca, Granséll, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Ett av de viktigaste målen med redovisning är att informationen är jämförbar över tid och mellan företag, detta möjliggör bland annat för investerare att fatta rationella beslut. Idag är det lagstadgat att stora företag ska hållbarhetsredovisa men denna rapportering är flexibel vilket försvårar jämförelser. För att utveckla riktlinjer för hållbarhetsredovisning bildades 1997 Global Reporting Initiative, GRI. En av GRIs principer för att uppnå hållbarhetsredovisning av hög kvalitet är jämförbarhet och syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka om svenska industriföretags rapportering av företagens miljömässiga påverkan är jämförbar över tid samt företag emellan enligt GRIs princip om jämförbarhet. För att undersöka detta har en analytisk modell tagits fram med hjälp av tidigare forskning. Enligt denna modell finns det fyra faktorer som påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningars jämförbarhet - använda riktlinjer, rapporterade indikatorer, måttenheter samt absoluta och relativa tal. Studien utgick från intressentteorin som innebär att alla intressenter ska behandlas likvärdigt och att företagsledningen ska se till dessa intressenters bästa. En innehållsanalys gjordes av sju företags hållbarhetsredovisningar tre år i rad och rapporterna kodades med hjälp av ett kodningsschema och en kodningsmanual som utformats med utgångspunkt i den analytiska modellen. Dataanalysen visade att hållbarhetsredovisningarna till viss del är jämförbara över tid. Företagen rapporterar i stor utsträckning samma indikatorer och med samma måttenheter från år till år, men rapporterna saknar ofta relativa tal som beskriver förändringen från föregående år. Jämförbarheten mellan företag är något lägre då det skiljer sig åt vilka indikatorer som rapporteras och framförallt vilka måttenheter som används. / One of the most important objectives with accounting is that the information is comparable, both from one year to another and also between companies. This enables stakeholders to make rational decisions. Today, the law requires all large companies to report sustainability data but the requirements are flexible which makes it hard to compare data. To develop sustainability reporting guidelines, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was established in 1997. One of GRI’s principles to achieve high quality sustainability reporting is comparability. The aim of this study is to examine whether swedish industry companies’ reporting of their environmental impact is comparable from one year to another and between companies according to GRI’s principle of comparability. To examine this, an analytical model has been developed using previous research. According to this model there are four factors that affect the comparability of sustainability reports - the guidelines used, the reported indicators, the units of measurements, and absolute and relative numbers. The study was based on the stakeholder theory, which says that all stakeholder should be treated equally and that the managements should look to the best interest of the stakeholders. A content analysis of sustainability reports of seven companies over three years was made and the reports was encoded using a coding scheme and a coding manual that had been developed based on the analytical model. The data analysis showed that the sustainability reports partially is comparable from one year to another. The companies report the same indicators and with the same units of measurements from one year to another to a great extent, but often the reports lack relative number that describe the change from the previous year. The comparability between companies is slightly lower because the indicators reported and especially the units of measurements used vary.
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L'importance et l'avenir du coton en Afrique de l'Ouest : cas du Mali / Future and importance of cotton in West Africa : Malian caseBagayoko, Karim 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à démontrer l'intérêt du coton dans l'économie africaine particulièrement malienne basée à 70% sur le secteur primaire dans lequel la part de l'agriculture est estimée à environ 60 à 70% avec un taux d'employabilité dépassant plus de 60% de la population active. Aussi, elle soulève des interrogations quant au devenir de cette culture au regard des perturbations que connaît depuis plus d'une décennie le marché mondial du coton. Ce faisant, dans un premier temps, et sur plusieurs périodes, l'analyse des données statistiques à travers les tableaux, les graphiques, les figures et mêmes des cartes a permis de mettre en évidence l'importance pluridimensionnelle (économique, socioculturelle et environnementale, etc.) de cette culture au triple plan mondial, africain et notamment malien. Face, au grand intérêt suscité par la production du coton, des divergences vont naître à plusieurs niveaux conduisant à ce qu'on a appelé la guerre du coton. Ensuite, si d'une part les raisons historiques et géopolitiques ont été avancées pour justifier cette guerre autour du coton, d'autre part, il a été rappelé que celle-ci se manifeste à travers les nombreuses négociations et discussions qui s'enlisent sur le dossier coton notamment au niveau de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce qui, peine à faire respecter, ses propres règles de base (visant la suppression des barrières tarifaires et non tarifaires ) par certains pays appelés «Price makers». Autre manifestation de la guerre du coton a été expliquée par le volume important des subventions américaines, européennes et chinoises versées sous toutes les formes par les pays développés à leurs producteurs au détriment de ceux des pays pauvres singulièrement africains. Plusieurs études à l'appui des modèles et outils d'analyse d'impacts ont confirmé la corrélation négative entre les subventions et le cours mondial du coton exprimé par l'indice Cotlook A. A cet effet, il s'avère que les subventions versées par les pays développés se traduisent par une baisse du cours mondial du coton en moyenne de 15% (entre 3 à 28% selon les cas). Pour arrêter cette pratique des subventions, plusieurs ententes se sont constituées au premier chef, l'Initiative Sectorielle Africaine constituée des pays du C4 depuis la conférence ministérielle de Cancun en septembre 2003 et au second, viennent les initiatives au sein de l'UEMOA et du partenariat UE-Afrique autour du dossier coton. Enfin, dans la dernière partie de ce travail, le problème du coton va au-delà des questions de subventions et de prix qui semblent conjoncturelles. Ainsi, certains chercheurs proposent, outre l'abandon des subventions, une réforme structurelle des filières cotonnières en passant par la libéralisation du secteur et la valorisation (transformation) du coton et de ses sous produits, l'opportunité de cultures alternatives au coton conventionnel, sans oublier la formalisation des aides bilatérales et multilatérales afin de soutenir en perspective les actions envisagées. / This thesis shows the interest of cotton in African economy particularly in Malian one founded about 70% on primary sector in that agricultural part is estimated between 60 and 70%. This last also employees 70% of working population. Following many perturbations ten years ago, on cotton world market, several questions appear concerning the future of this product. Therefore, in the first time, the historic analysis of statistic data with tables, graphics, pictures prove the cotton importance in Mali, Africa and the world in multiple dimensions (economic, social , cultural and in environment). In this situation, appear many conflicts which conduct to a called phenomenon “cotton war “. Many historic and geopolitics reasons, explain this cotton world war which main characteristics are no limit discussions and negotiations at the World Trade Organization which is unable to oblige members to respect its main rules that are to forbid tariffs and trade barriers and others specially by “price makers “ countries. Another characteristic of cotton war is the question of important American, European and Chinese subsidies paid by developed countries in favor of its producers in an error to disadvantage of poor countries producers singularly Africans. Several studies based on models and corporate assets certificate negative impacts between subsidies amount and world cotton price estimated by index A “cotlook”. This direct politics effect bears the world market of cotton about an average rate of 15% (between 3 to 28% by cases). In order to stop these subventions distortions, many agreements are founded about the cotton question, in first African Sector Initiative, a group of four cotton producer countries, since Cancun Ministry Conference in 2003, September, in the second position are UEMOA actions in favor it's cotton areas and the partnership European Union (EU)-Africa on cotton. Finally, in the third and last party of this thesis, cotton problem is highest than price and aids simple questions which are issue as temporary. Thereby, many scientists suggest, after giving up subsidies, structural reforms of African cotton sectors by liberalizing , creating transformation cotton factories, opportunity to farm others products without conventional cotton and without forgetting formal bilateral and multilateral aids in order to help strongly in the future actions undertaken in favor of cotton.
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Système de planification en mixed-initiative pour l'assistance à la gestion des systèmes informatisés complexes / Mixed-initiative planning system to assist the management of complex IT systemsRamoul, Abdeldjalil 28 November 2018 (has links)
Le concept de systèmes informatisés complexes rassemble tous les systèmes constitués d’un grand nombre de composantes inter-connectées et gérées par ordinateur. La configuration et la gestion de ces systèmes passe par une multitude de tâches critiques à leur bon fonctionnement et leur évolution. La problématique de la mise en place et la maîtrise des procédures de gestion et de configuration de tels systèmes devient un point critique au vu de la complexité croissante et du besoin d’évolution de ces derniers. L’objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à cette problématique, à travers le développement d’un outil de planification en mixed-initiative pour la co-génération automatique d’actions de gestion et de configuration, indépendamment du domaine d’application. Dans cette perspective, nous développons « Grounded Totally Ordered Hierarchical Planner » (GTOHP), un planificateur automatique hiérarchique, en « Hierarchical Task Network » (HTN), qui présente des performances élevées nécessaires à une interaction en mixed-initiative. Pour cela nous proposons un algorithme d’instanciation et de simplification des problèmes de planification HTN qui réduit de manière très significative leur complexité et améliore de ce fait les performances des algorithmes de planification. Nous proposons aussi une extension au langage de définition des domaines de planification automatique PDDL afin de modéliser les connaissances des experts du domaine d’application sous forme de méthodes de décomposition des tâches qui serviront à guider l’algorithme de planification HTN. Ensuite, nous intégrons au planificateur GTOHP des mécanismes de récolte de statistiques et d’in- formations sur les résultats des tests réalisés lors de la recherche de plans et nous l’intégrons dans le système « Mixed-Initiative Planner » (MIP) qui fournit plusieurs fonctionnalités d’interaction en mixed-initiative. Nous démontrons les performances élevées du planificateur GTOHP et les apports de l’algorithme d’instanciation et de simplification en le comparant à un planificateur HTN de l’état de l’art à travers une série d’expérimentations sur des domaines de planification issues de la compé- tition internationale de planification automatique. Enfin, nous proposons des critères d’évaluation pour les systèmes en mixed-initiative qui servent de base à la discussion du système MIP. / The concept of complex IT systems includes all systems consisting of a large number of inter-connected and computer-managed components. The configuration and management of these systems involves a multitude of tasks that are critical to their proper functioning and their evolution. The problem of defining procedures for managing and configuring such systems becomes very critical in view of their increasing complexity and their rapid evolution. The aim of this thesis is to develop a mixed-initiative planning tool for the automatic co-generation of a set of management and configuration actions, regardless of the application domain. In this perspective, we develop GTOHP, a hierarchical automatic planner, with HTN, that present the high performance needed for a mixed-initiative interaction. We propose an algorithm for the instantiation and the simplification of HTN planning problems, which significantly reduces their complexity and improves the performance of the planning algorithms. We also propose an extension to the « Planning Domain Definition Language » (PDDL) in order to modelize the knowledge of domain experts in the form of tasks decomposition methods that will be used to guide the HTN planning algorithm. Then, we integrate some mechanisms to GTOHP for collecting statistics and information about the tests results carried out during the plans search and integrate them into the MIP which provides several features of mixed-initiative interaction. We demonstrate the high performance of the GTOHP planner and the contributions of the instantiation and simplification algorithm, by comparing them to a state-of-the-art HTN planner through a series of experiments on planning domains from the international planning competitions. Finally, we propose a panel of evaluation criteria of mixed-initiative systems that serve as a basis for the discussion about the performances and contributions of the MIP system.
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