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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling Manifest and Latent Structures in a University: Understanding Resources and Dissent Dynamics

Zaini, Raafat Mahmoud 23 January 2017 (has links)
Using modeling and computer simulation, this research focuses on studying two different views to organizational design and their implications for performance in the context of academic institutions. One view represents the manifest structure that includes resources (students, faculty, administration, facilities, finances, partners, donors, etc.); the other view represents the latent structure that focuses on dissent. The dissertation addresses the following two questions; 1. What are the tangible dynamic interdependencies constituting the manifest structure within academic institutions and their impact on performance? 2. What is the impact of the latent structures composed of intangible organizational processes, especially dissent, on performance? The dissertation proposes generic system dynamics simulation models untangling the complexity of the topic by tackling various slices of the problem in separate papers. The models are based on three different theoretical frameworks addressing resources and their composition, dissent, and stakeholder engagement. It is observed that while both the manifest and the latent parts of the university organization impact its performance, the latent part, being invisible, is often ignored. In the long run, the influence of the latent part of the organization can slowly but seriously compromise intangible performances components like quality, reputation, and attractiveness. When the manifest part of the organization is dysfunctional, its tangible performance rapidly suffers. The damage control policies will often impact the latent organizational performance leading the institution into a vicious cycle. The presence of time delays in this framework may create an oscillatory behavior that might modulate a growth or decline trend. Performance measures addressing intangible performance components must be factored into the organizational design since faculty, students, and other stakeholders are not only driven by financial rewards, but also by the organizational environment. The research, besides addressing the important question of the role of latent elements in organization design and demonstrating this can be done using system dynamics modeling and computer simulation, should also be of value to the design and management of higher education institutions.

Gestão dos fatores determinantes para sustentabilidade de Centros de Telemedicina / Management of determinant factors for the sustainability of the telemedicine centers

Gundim, Rosângela Simões 23 September 2009 (has links)
Este estudo trata do desenvolvimento e aplicação de um instrumento de gestão dos fatores indicadores de sustentabilidade de centros de telemedicina e telessaúde. Com base em referencial teórico da administração e na experiência profissional da pesquisadora foram elencadas inicialmente 36 perguntas, categorizadas em 7 áreas de domínio, para avaliação de concordância com 04 pessoas com experiência em telemedicina. As categorias de domínio foram: Institucional, Relacional, Funcional, Econômico-Financeira, Renovação, Técnica-Científica e Bem-Estar Social, que compuseram o roteiro semiestruturado para entrevistas qualitativas individuais de avaliação de desempenho com 10 centros de telemedicina e telessaúde brasileiros, originários das regiões sul, sudeste, norte, nordeste e centro-oeste. As entrevistas foram realizadas em dois momentos distintos, com um intervalo de tempo em torno de 12 meses. Em ambos os momentos foi aplicado o mesmo roteiro aos mesmos entrevistados com o ano de 2007 como períodos de referência de avaliação. As respostas das perguntas de cada centro foram convertidas em valores numéricos. Depois foram apresentados graficamente em forma de um polígono, que tinham morfologia e área própria. Não foi possível comparar os polígonos de um centro com outro. Foi feita a avaliação das diferenças das pontuações das categorias de perguntas entre as 2 entrevistas. Verificou-se que as pontuações nas avaliações feitas na 2ª entrevista foram menores que as da primeira. A esta diferença, foi denominada de fator de ajuste, e foi associado como decorrente da experiência e maturidade adquiridas pelos entrevistados ao longo do tempo. O instrumento foi aplicado para avaliar retrospectivamente a evolução de um centro ao longo de 10 anos de atividades, em cortes bianuais de 1998 a 2008. Essa aplicação do instrumento gerou morfologias e áreas de ocupação do polígono com coerência evolutiva dos traçados. Para completar o monitoramento deste centro foram levantados os acontecimentos relevantes de cada período, o que mostrou a existência de sincronia dos fatos com os indicadores numéricos. Esse procedimento possibilitou verificar que o instrumento desenvolvido foi útil quando aplicado numa mesma instituição ao longo de um período de tempo. O trabalho mostrou que foi possível criar um instrumento que representasse graficamente as 7 categorias de sustentabilidade, e que quando utilizado numa mesma instituição ao longo do tempo, permitiu acompanhar o processo de gestão, principalmente quando complementados com fatos relevantes. Quando utilizado para avaliar o momento atual, foi mostrado a necessidade de uma contra-checagem num período posterior, para evitar falhas de avaliação (fator de ajuste). Quando aplicado com sistemática para levantamento e identificação das características específicas do CTMS, este instrumento pode ser utilizado para fins de desenvolvimento organizacional dos CTMS. / This study is about the development and application of an instrument for the management of indicative factors of the sustainability of the telemedicine and telehealth centers (TMHC). Based on different theoretical sources of data and the professional experience of the researcher, some questions regarding the determinant factors of sustainability of TMHC were elaborated, categorized into 7 groups and submitted to four other telemedicine experts for evaluation. The seven categories were: Institutional, Relational, Functional, Financial, Renovation, Tech-Scientific and Social Welfare, all part of the semi-structured question script to be used as an instrument to carry out individual interviews with the coordinators of ten Brazilian telemedicine and telehealth centers. The interviews were done in two distinct moments at interval of 12 months. The interviews were conducted to the same group of ten people individually to evaluate the year 2007 as reference. The answers were converted into numbers and from numbers in graph form of a polygon. Each TMHC had its own graphic. It was not possible to make any comparison between the TMHC graphics because of the differences of economics, culture and services provided by the different TMHC. In order to analyze the collected data in a different perspective, it was made a comparison of the data collected in the first interview (group a) with the data collected in the second interview (group b). It was verified that the scores of the second evaluation were lower, considered to be under an adjustment factor. This adjustment was associated to the larger experience and maturity the coordinators achieved as time passed by. The instrument was also applied to a 10-year TMHC. Its coordinator answered the same questions taking 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 as the years of evaluation. All the answers were converted into numbers and from numbers to graphics. The 10-year morphologies and relative graphic areas were compared, and . an evolutionary tendency was noticed. To complete the monitoring of this TMHC, the relevant facts over the period of evaluation were registered, which demonstrated a synchronicity with the found sustainability indicators. The study showed that it was possible to develop an instrument that depicted in graph form, the seven categories of sustainability of a TMHC and it was useful to monitor the management process, especially when used in the same institution for a long period of time, and complemented with relevant facts to support the numerical indicators. When used to evaluate the present moment, it was clear that a second evaluation in a later period is necessary, in order to avoid misinterpretation (adjustment factor). When systematically applied, it can also be of utility to identify the specific characteristics of the TMHC in order to support its organizational development.

國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係研究 / A study on the relationships among elementary school teachers’ knowledge management, organizational citizenship behaviors and effectiveness of school innovation management.

簡正一, Jian, Zheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討並驗證國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係。 本研究主要目的為: 一、修訂教師知識管理量表、教師組織公民行為量表以及學校創新經營效能自評量表。 二、了解教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係。 三、探索教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之現況,並探索增進學校創新經營效能的可行策略。 四、根據教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能的相關文獻與國內的實證研究,提出可供參考的建議。 本研究主要採取「調查研究法」,以新北市與臺北市公立國民小學教師為研究對象,研究工具為研究者修編之「國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係調查問卷」。發出正式問卷870份,回收可用問卷517份,回收問卷可用率為59.4%。 問卷調查所得資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0版電腦統計套裝軟體進行平均數及標準差統計分析、T考驗、單因子變異數分析及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法處理分析。 本研究之研究結果如下: 一、國民小學教師普遍認同學校創新經營效能之效能,且對教師知識管理及教師組織公民行為有正向的知覺。 二、不同職務、不同服務年資、不同學歷的國民小學教師在「教師知識管理」、「教師知識管理」、「教師知識管理」層面的知覺有顯著差異。 三、國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校效能有直接正相關。 四、國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為對學校創新經營效能具有正面預測力。

新北市國民中學校長創新領導行為、教師知識管理能力與學校創新經營效能關聯之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Junior High School Principals’ Innovative Leadership Behavior, Teachers’ Knowledge Management Capability and Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in New Taipei City.

李俊緯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在分析新北市國民中學校長創新領導行為、教師知識管理能力與學校創新經營效能之關聯。研究採用調查研究法,以新北市之公立國民中學教師為研究對象抽40所學校,計有496位。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及多元逐步迴歸等統計方式加以分析。   本研究得到下列項結論: 一、新北市國民中學校長創新領導行為情況良好,並以「創造思考」為最佳。 二、新北市國民中學教師知識管理能力表現良好,並以「知識獲取」為最佳。 三、新北市國民中學的學校創新經營效能情況良好,並以「創新學校表現效能」為最佳。 四、新北市國民中學不同性別、現任職務、學校規模之教師在知覺校長創新領導行為上有顯著差異。 五、新北市國民中學不同現任職務、服務年資、學校規模之教師在教師知識管理能力上有顯著差異。 六、新北市國民中學不同現任職務、服務年資、學校規模之教師在知覺學校創新經營效能上有顯著差異。 七、國民中學校長創新領導行為、教師知識管理能力與學校創新經營效能三者間具有正向的關聯。 八、國民中學校長創新領導行為及教師知識管理能力的分層面,對學校創新經營效能有正向的預測作用。   最後,根據研究結果提出主要結論與相關建議,以供教育行政機關與國民中學之參酌。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among principals’ innovative leadership behavior, teachers’ knowledge management capability, and effectiveness of school innovation management. Data were collected from 496 teachers of 40 junior high schools in New Taipei City. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlation analysis, and stepwise regression. Conclusions were as follows: 1. The perceptions from the junior high school teachers about principals’ innovative leadership behavior are positive. Furthermore, “creative thinking” is the highest. 2. The perceptions from the junior high school teachers about teachers’ knowledge management capability are positive. Besides “knowledge acquirement” is the highest. 3. The perceptions from the junior high school teachers about effectiveness of school innovation management are positive. “innovative school performance” is the highest in addition. 4. Teachers from different gender, position, and school size in New Taipei City, they had diversely feeling about principle’s innovative leadership behavior. 5. Teachers form different position, seniority, and school size in New Taipei City, their knowledge management capability are obviously difference. 6. Teachers form different position, seniority, and school size in New Taipei City, their perception of school innovative efficiency are obviously diversity. 7. Principle’s innovative leadership behavior, teachers’ knowledge management capability and effectiveness of school innovation management, these three factors had highly positive correlation. 8. The sub-level of the principals’ innovative leadership behavior and teachers’ knowledge management capability can apparently predict the effectiveness of school innovation management.   At last, according to the results, this study provides the conclusion and the suggestions particularly for the institution of educational administration and junior high schools.

Efecto mediador de la innovación organizacional en la relación entre el entorno y el desempeño organizacional en Empresas de servicios

Ostos Mariño, Jhony Lionel 06 July 2011 (has links)
Diversos escrits consideren l’entorn com un element important en l’obtenció d’un acompliment organitzatiu superior i, en aquesta relació, hi inclouen la innovació organitzativa com una variable mediadora. Alguns autors sostenen que no hi ha prou evidències d’aquesta mediació i, per tant, no es pot comprovar (Tidd, 2005; Han, Kim i Srivastava, 1998). En aquest context, aquesta tesi presenta un model conceptual de la innovació organitzativa com a variable mediadora entre l’entorn i l’acompliment organitzatiu, i sosté les característiques organitzatives i les estratègies de negoci com a variables moderadores entre la innovació organitzativa i l’acompliment organitzatiu. L’estudi es va realitzar a partir d’una mostra d’empreses de serveis. Els resultats indiquen que hi ha evidències d’una mediació parcial de la innovació, i es comprova que la innovació tècnica influeix significativament en l’acompliment organitzatiu –però no en la innovació administrativa–, cosa que reforça el plantejament que les empreses han de millorar la baixa percepció que tenen de la importància de la innovació administrativa per aconseguir un acompliment organitzatiu superior. / Diversos escritos consideran al entorno como un elemento importante en la obtención de un desempeño organizacional superior, e incluyen en esta relación a la innovación organizacional como una variable mediadora. Algunos autores sostienen que no hay suficiente evidencia de esta mediación y, por tanto, que no puede ser comprobada (Tidd, 2005; Han, Kim & Srivastava, 1998). En este contexto, esta tesis presenta un modelo conceptual de la innovación organizacional como variable mediadora entre el entorno y el desempeño organizacional, e incluye a las características organizacionales y estrategias de negocio como variables moderadoras entre la innovación organizacional y el desempeño organizacional. El estudio se realizó a partir de una muestra de empresas de servicio. Los resultados indican que existen evidencias de una mediación parcial de la innovación; y se comprueba que la innovación técnica influye significativamente en el desempeño organizacional, pero no así la innovación administrativa, lo que refuerza el planteamiento de que las empresas deben mejorar la baja percepción de la importancia de la innovación administrativa para conseguir un desempeño organizacional superior. / A number of authors contend that the environment is a significant element in obtaining superior organizational performance and include organizational innovation as a mediating variable in this relation. Others assert that there is not enough evidence that this mediation exists and as such, the relation cannot be proven (Tidd, 2005; Han, Kim & Srivastava, 1998). In this context, this thesis presents a conceptual model of organizational innovation as a mediating variable between the environment and organizational performance and includes organizational characteristics and business strategies as moderating variables between organizational innovation and organizational performance. The study was based on a sample of service companies. The results indicate that there is evidence that innovation generates partial mediation and technical innovation significantly influences organizational performance. This, however, is not the case of administrative innovation, which strengthens the assertion that companies should improve the low perception of the importance of administrative innovation to achieve superior organizational performance.

Innovationsmanagement im Service Center

Strehl, Benjamin 23 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Aus Sicht der Innovationsforschung besteht der Kern eines erfolgreichen Unternehmens aus folgender Formel: Innovative Ideen + Gute Umsetzung = Unternehmenserfolg. Hierbei spielten Service Center in der allgemeinen Managementwahrnehmung bislang eine untergeordnete Rolle. Damit wird ihnen Unrecht getan. Denn im Innovationsprozess stehen die Service Center am Ende des Produktzyklus. Was übersehen wird, ist, dass sie zugleich den Anfang eines neuen Produktzyklus bilden können. Insbesondere da in den Service Centern alle Erfahrungen zusammen laufen - vor allem die der Kunden. Um dieses Missverhältnis zwischen allgemeiner Wahrnehmung und effektiver Bedeutung von Service Centern für den Innovationsprozess herauszuarbeiten und Korrekturmöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, wurden im Rahmen der Dissertation informationstechnische Methoden und Werkzeuge entworfen, entwickelt und eingesetzt. Am Ende entstand daraus sogar ein eigenes Produkt, das in Kundensituationen eingesetzt werden kann.

創新活動下之智慧資本衡量系統:以IC設計公司為例 / The Measurement System of Intellectual Capital under Innovation Activities : an Illustration of IC Design House

莊弘鈺 Unknown Date (has links)
IC產品的產品生命週期極為短暫且市場上競爭十分地激烈,因此「創新」巳是IC設計公司求生存及求發展的不二法門。而如何有效地管理及衡量公司的創新活動以達成企業的目標,巳是以創新為首要發展要務的IC設計公司,首須面對及解決的問題。 公司在開發新產品或是新技術的過程中,往往須將許多無形資產,進行運用以及整合,而IC設計公司具有「無形資產極大化」之特色,因此在對IC設計公司進行創新活動之管理或衡量時,若能將所有無形資產納入考慮,則必可提昇創新管理或衡量之效率。 故在本研究,擬以創新管理與智慧資本理論結合之應用,建構IC設計公司在創新活動下之智慧資本衡量系統,以幫助IC設計創新活動之管理。因此,本研究擬就下述二問題,進行探討: 1、創新各階段活動(投入-流程-產出-效益)各項智慧資本為何?亦即討論各項智慧資本,何者係屬於創新投入階段所需之資源;何者係屬於創新流程階段所需之公司支援;創新產出階段之生成物對公司各項智慧資本之影響;最後在創新效益階段,則係探討創新生成物於市場上表現及所生價值,對公司各項智慧資本之影響; 2、分析創新各階段活動(投入-流程-產出-效益)中,重要之智慧資本衡量指標,以此建立創新活動下之智慧資本衡量系統,幫助公司創新活動之管理。 本研究,經對2家IC設計領導廠商深入訪談,以及15家IC設計公司,共計30名業者調查,以結合應用創新管理與智慧資本之理論。研究之結果認為: 1、IC設計公司,在創新投入階段所須投入之資源,主要是人力資本、創新資本,其次為顧客資本、關係資本,最後是組織文化資本及IT資本;創新過程中,所需之公司支援,主要是組織文化資本及人力資本,其次為IT資本、流程資本及創新資本;創新之產出,主要係對公司創新資本及流程資本產生影響;創新收益階段對公司顧客資本產生影響,其次係創新資本,最後是人力資本; 2、IC設計公司,於創新投入階段,重要投入資源之智慧資本衡量指標為:人力資本衡量指標中之員工盡責的程度、員工工作動機的強烈程度、員工專業技能的良窳、員工工作勝任程度、公司擁有吸引具潛力員工的能力;創新資本衡量指標中之產品設計與開發平均時間、公司掌握新機會的能力、公司回應市場的能力、新產品研發能力因素;組織文化資本衡量指標中之組織擁有創新文化、經營團隊的領導力因素;顧客資本衡量指標中之對客戶需求的了解程度、市場成長性、對目標市場的瞭解因素;以及關係資本衡量指標中之擁有許多堅強的策略夥伴、與策略夥伴的關係、與上中下游體系的關係因素;其中最重要者係,公司擁有吸引具潛力員工的能力、對客戶需求的了解程度、員工專業技能的良窳、公司掌握新機會的能力、擁有許多堅強的策略夥伴、與策略夥伴的關係、與上中下游體系的關係。 創新流程階段,會影響公司創新進行之智慧資本衡量指標為:人力資本中之員工盡責的程度、員工工作動機的強烈程度、每年核心員工平均流動率、員工專業技能的良窳、員工工作勝任程度;創新資本中之公司智慧財產管理制度;組織文化資本中之組織擁有學習文化、組織員工擁有互相支援的氣氛、組織擁有創新文化、組織成員團隊合作的程度、經營團隊的領導力因素;流程資本中之策略執行程度因素;IT資本中之公司資訊系統存取的容易度、員工透過科技緊密連結組織內部的工作流程因素;其中最重要者為,員工透過科技緊密連結組織內部的工作流程、組織員工擁有互相支援的氣氛、組織成員團隊合作的程度。 在創新產出階段,而主要衡量之智慧資本衡量指標為創新資本中之產品設計與開發平均時間、智慧財產數量、智慧財產品質造成影響;其中最重要者為智慧財產品質。 在創新效益階段,主要衡量之智慧資本衡量指標為創新資本中之研發領導地位,以及顧客資本中之客戶滿意度、客戶忠誠度、市場佔有率;其中最重要者市場佔有率。 / Facing the short life cycle of IC products and competitive market, “innovation” has been the only way for IC design house to survive and develop. But how to manage and measure innovation activities to reach the goal of corporate are really the problem need to be faced and solved for IC design house which reviews innovation as the most important thing. In the process of developing new products and new technologies, companies usually need to use and integrate many resources and intangible assets. IC design house has the features of “maximizing intangible assets”. If IC design house can take all the intangible assets into account when managing and measuring innovation activities, then the efficiency of innovation management and measurement will be enhanced. In this research, I construct “the measurement system of intellectual capital under innovation activities” of IC design house by combining the theories of innovation management with intelletcual capital to manage the innovation activities of IC design. Therefore, this research will discuss the following issues: 1. Which kind of intellectual capital is attributed in each innovation stage (input-process-output-outcome) ? In another word, this study explores what kind of intellectual capital is the necessary resource in the input stage of innovation ? What kind of intellectual capital is the necessary support in the process stage of innovation ? What kind of intellectual capital is influenced in the output stage of innvaiton? What kind of intellectual capital is influenced in the outcome stage of innovation when the innovation output performing and creating value in the market? 2. Based on the findings of important intellectual capital indicators in each innovation activities (input-process-output-outcome), I build the “the measurement system of intellectual capital under innovation activities” to manage the innovation activities of company. Through interviewing 2 leading IC design companies and surveying 15 IC design companies (30 investigators), and combining the theories of innovation management with intellectual capital, my conclusions are as follows : 1. For IC design house, the primary resources in the input stage of innovation are human capital and innovation capital. The secondary resources are customer capital and relationship capital ; organization culture capital and IT capital are the last. In the process stage of innovation, the primary supports are organization culture capital and human capital, then another supports include IT capital, process capital and innovation capital. The innovation outputs influence innovation capital and process capital. The innovation outcomes have the main impacts on customer capital, then on innovation capital, and on human capital at last. 2. For IC design house, the important intellectual capital indicators of resources in the stage of input are as follows : the employee’s responsibility, the employee’s motivation, the employee’s skill, the employee’s qualification and the company’s abilities to attract potential employees for human capital. In addition, another important indicators include time of product development and design, ability of catching new opportunities, ability of reponsing the market, ability of new product design for innovation capital, and innovation culture, leadership for organization culture capital. Knowing the need of customers, market growth and knowing the target market are important for customer capital. Having many alliances, relationship with alliances and relationship with value chain should be noticed for relationship capital. All in all, the company’s abilities to attract potential employees, knowing the need of customers, the employee’s skill, ability of catching new opportunities, having many alliances, relationship with alliances, and relationship with value chain are more important indicators than others. In the stage of process, the important intellectual capital indicators that will have impacts on the ongoing innovation activities are as follows : the employee’s responsibility, the employee’s motivation, turnover of keyperson per year, the employee’s skill, the employee’s qualification for human capital. Mechanism of intellectual property management is important for innovation capital. Learning culture, supportive atmosphere, innovation culture, teamwork, leadership should be considered for organization culture capital. Execution of strategy is necessary for process capital. Convenience of getting/saving information and connecting through IT infrastructure are important for IT capital. In the stage of output, the primary intellectual capital indicators are time of product development and design, quantity of intellectual property and quality of intellectual property. In summary, the quality of intellectual property is the most important. In the stage of outcome, the main intellectual capital indicators are R&D leading position for innovation capital, customer satisfication, customer royalty, and market share for customer capital. All in all, market share is the most important indicator.

Product innovation in small established enterprises : Managing processes and resource scarcity

Löfqvist, Lars January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines product innovation processes in small established enterprises. The research questions are: (1) what motivates small established enterprises to innovate, (2) how do small established enterprises perform product innovation, and (3) how do small established enterprises manage resource scarcity in their product innovation processes? To answer the research questions, a multiple case study approach was chosen with three small established enterprises as cases and different product innovation processes as embedded units of study. The data collection method used was observation during a period of five months, complemented by interviews and secondary data. Product innovation in small established enterprises seems to be motivated by solving existing customers’ problems and the need for a sustained steady cash flow. A steady cash flow is also found to be a prerequisite during the product innovation processes. Product innovation seems to occur when there is a risk of decreased cash flow and/or when existing customers can be satisfied with new products that increase their loyalty so as to secure future sales, cash flow, and the enterprise’s survival in the long run. Promising innovation ideas alone do not result in product innovation. An innovation idea must also have supportive existing customers for product innovation to occur. Product innovation processes in the studied small established enterprises are found highly context dependent, intertwined in operational processes and made possible by a small organic organization and closeness to existing customers. The product innovation processes are further found to follow a flexible and informal overall scheme optimized for decreasing market and technology uncertainty and risk, dealing with resource scarcity, and facilitating fast and easy commercialization to avoid or moderate dips in cash flow. The design processes within the innovation processes can be linearly structured or cyclical and experimental, depending on the experienced novelty. To manage resource scarcity during the product innovation processes, the studied small enterprises used many different bootstrapping methods in combination. These methods can be divided into three categories according to their overall functions: for using existing resources more efficiently, for increasing resources and to secure a fast payback on resources invested in NPD. The studied small enterprises were due to their resource scarcity further found to favor an innovation strategy, only involving new products done with known technology and targeting existing markets. This way to innovate, which creates new products in a resource-efficient way that are accepted by the enterprises’ existing markets, seems to prevent unsuccessful product innovation, while at the same time excluding technologically radical innovation and innovation targeting new markets. / <p>QC 20140102</p>

Accelerating Global Product Innovation through Cross-cultural Collaboration : Organizational Mechanisms that Influence Knowledge-sharing within the MNC

Jensen, Karina 04 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Globalization, time to market, and customer responsiveness present continuous challenges for achieving market innovation across cultures. A cross-cultural and networked business environment has created increased demand for knowledge-sharing within the multinational corporation (MNC). The inability of geographically distributed team members to effectively share and communicate ideas and solutions can result in a lack of product innovation, delayed product introductions, and reduced sales and market opportunities. This requires managers to leverage cross-cultural team knowledge in order to improve the design and delivery of innovative customer solutions worldwide. This dissertation thus intends to examine and identify organizational mechanisms that facilitate cross-cultural collaboration and knowledge-sharing for geographically distributed teams responsible for the front end of innovation.The resource-based and knowledge-based views of the firm inform this dissertation where integrated cognitive and social practices serve an important role for innovation. Through qualitative research, I will examine organizational mechanisms that influence interactions between the project leader and the geographically distributed team during global product launches, from product concept to market introduction. Since there is a lack of empirical research conducted with organizations on cross-cultural collaboration and global innovation, there is a significant opportunity to advance research within innovation management while assisting organizations in the development of knowledge-sharing capabilities that serve as competitive advantage in conceiving and introducing new products to international markets.The purpose of this dissertation research is to investigate and demonstrate how MNCs can facilitate the cross-cultural collaboration process in order to effectively conceive and execute innovation strategies for new products. The research intends to develop a framework and model for cross-cultural team collaboration in exploring and responding to the following research question: How can MNCs optimize cross-cultural team collaboration in order to strengthen the planning and execution of global innovation strategies? This research responds to organizational needs for sharing knowledge amongst cross-cultural teams in order to accelerate responsiveness to international market opportunities.

新北市國民小學校長分布式領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationships among Principal’ s Distributed Leadership, Teacher’ s Job Stress and the Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in Elementary Schools in New Taipei City

黃國政 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前新北市國民小學校長分布式領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能的現況,分析不同背景變項下之教師,知覺校長分布式領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能之差異情形,並探討三者間之關係,最後探討校長分布式領導與教師工作壓力對學校創新經營效能之預測力分析。 本研究採問卷調查法,以新北市之公立國民小學教師為母群體,共計抽樣50所學校,發出800份問卷,回收707份,回收率約達88.4%;有效問卷668份,問卷回收可用率為94.5%。問卷調查結果以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析與探討。本研究獲致之結論如下: 一、目前新北市國民小學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「領導能量的投 入」得分最高,「營造信任文化」得分最低。 二、目前新北市國民小學教師工作壓力感受為中低程度,以「工作負荷」壓力感受 最高,以「支持系統」壓力感受最低。 三、目前新北市國民小學教師知覺學校創新經營效能為中高程度,以「環境設備創 新效能」得分最高,「行政服務創新效能」得分最低。 四、新北市國民小學教師,因性別、年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、現任職務、校長 最高學歷與校長年資的不同,在知覺校長分布式領導上有顯著差異。 五、新北市國民小學教師,因性別、婚姻狀況、年齡、最高學歷、現任職務、學校 地區、校長年齡、校長最高學歷與校長年資的不同,在知覺教師工作壓力上有 顯著差異。 六、新北市國民小學教師,因性別、年齡、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模、校長 性別、校長年齡、校長最高學歷與校長年資的不同,在知覺學校創新經營效能 上有顯著差異。 七、新北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師工作壓力、教師工作壓力與學校創新經 營效能具低(弱)負相關;新北市國民小學校長分布式領導與學校創新經營效能 則具接近高(強)正相關。 八、新北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師工作壓力對學校創新經營效能有顯著預 測作用,以「適當的變革時機」的預測力最佳。 最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未來研究參考。 / The main purposes of this research are to understand the current situations of principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in elementary schools in New Taipei City, and to analyze the differences of principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in terms of principals’ background, teachers’ background and school background in elementary schools. Furthermore, to explore the relationships among principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in elementary schools. Finally, to predict the effectiveness of school innovation management by principal’ s distributed leadership and teacher’ s job stress. To achieve the purposes, this research adopts a questionnaire survey and the population are teachers of public elementary schools in New Taipei City. The samples include 50 schools and 800 questionnaires were distributed. There were 707 questionnaires retrieved. The response rate of the questionnaire was 88.4%, and there were 668 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistical analysis, overall the usable rate was 94.5%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis are conducted to analyze the data collected. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding principal’ s distributed leadership are medium-high level. The item “investment in leadership capacity” was the highest, and the item “a culture of trust” was the lowest. 2.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding teacher’ s job stress are low-medium level. The item “work loads” was the highest, and the item “supporting system” was the lowest. 3.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding the effectiveness of school innovation management are medium-high level. The item “innovative effectiveness of environment equipment” was the highest, and the item “innovative effectiveness of administrative service” was the lowest. 4.There are significant differences among gender, age, academic degree, service period, position, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of principal’ s distributed leadership. 5.There are significant differences among gender, marriage, age, academic degree, position, school area, principal’s age, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of teacher’ s job stress. 6.There are significant differences among gender, age, academic degree, position, school size, principal’s gender, principal’s age, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of the effectiveness of school innovation management. 7.Teacher’ s job stress has low-negative correlation to principal’ s distributed leadership and the effectiveness of school innovation management. Principal’ s distributed leadership is medium-high-positively related to the effectiveness of school innovation management. 8.Both principal’ s distributed leadership and teacher’ s job stress serve a predictive function on the effectiveness of school innovation management, especially in the variable of principal’ s distributed leadership and the dimension of “a turning point”. Based on the above conclusions, some suggestions and references are proposed for educational authorities, principals and teachers of elementary schools, and future research.

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