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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera en Rumanía. Análisis de la situación y propuesta de mejora

Stînga, Paula Andreea 04 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] El auge de la lengua española en muchos países es indudable y esto impulsa la investigación de su enseñanza y aprendizaje. Son múltiples los estudios realizados (Fernández Saavedra y Gómez, 2010; Fondo y Gago, 2022; Manzanares, 2020; Merziq, 2022; Rabadán y Orgambídez, 2018; Rodríguez García, 2022) en diferentes contextos educativos y sus aportaciones y relevancia son de suma importancia para la didáctica de las lenguas. Ante el cambio constante y acelerado en el mundo, principalmente en los ámbitos económico, social y tecnológico, mejorar la actuación docente supone muchos beneficios para la sociedad. Permite formar al estudiantado para su futuro laboral, así como promover el uso de tendencias pedagógicas actuales y plantear nuevas propuestas adaptadas a las demandas de la sociedad. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo general investigar la situación actual de la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera en Rumanía a nivel de secundaria y de universidad para detectar necesidades y carencias y ofrecer propuestas pedago-didácticas innovadoras, aplicables al aula. Para conseguirlo, primero se hace una incursión teórica en los métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y en la evolución del español en Rumanía. Después, la metodología de investigación adopta un enfoque mixto de recogida de datos basado en técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Se recolecta información acerca de las características, creencias, necesidades y dificultades del profesorado y alumnado rumano de secundaria superior y universitario. Se trabaja con una muestra de 60 docentes y 470 estudiantes de diferentes centros educativos del país. Los datos se analizan estadística y manualmente. En base a ello se diseñan dos propuestas de mejora: una guía de buenas prácticas basada en las tendencias pedagógicas actuales y un proyecto formativo para el profesorado de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE). Su implementación en la realidad educativa rumana se lleva a la práctica utilizando dos vías: la guía se aplica a un grupo clase de 23 estudiantes universitarios de la Universidad Babe¿-Bolyai de Cluj-Napoca y el proyecto formativo se da a conocer entre los docentes del país y se difunde bajo la forma de Encuentros virtuales a nivel nacional e internacional. Los resultados obtenidos revelan la necesidad de un cambio en el sistema educativo y en la metodología docente para adaptarse a los intereses de los actuales aprendientes. Asimismo, ponen de manifiesto el requisito del profesorado de formarse en las tendencias actuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Las propuestas responden a los deseos expresados y consiguen motivar al estudiantado y entusiasmar a los docentes. Las conclusiones evidencian los beneficios que reporta la presente tesis doctoral a la comunidad educativa y científica, transferibles a contextos educativos similares. / [CA] L'auge de la llengua espanyola en molts països és indubtable i això impulsa la investigació del seu ensenyament i aprenentatge. Són múltiples els estudis realitzats (Fernández Saavedra i Gómez, 2010; Fons i Gago, 2022; Manzanares, 2020; Merziq, 2022; Rabadán i Orgambídez, 2018; Rodríguez García, 2022) en diferents contextos educatius i les seues aportacions i rellevància són de summa importància per a la didàctica de les llengües. Davant el canvi constant i accelerat en el món, principalment en els àmbits econòmic, social i tecnològic, millorar l'actuació docent suposa molts beneficis per a la societat. Permet formar a l'estudiantat per al seu futur laboral, així com promoure l'ús de tendències pedagògiques actuals i plantejar noves propostes adaptades a les demandes de la societat. La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu general investigar la situació actual de l'ensenyament-aprenentatge de l'espanyol com a llengua estrangera a Romania a nivell de secundària i d'universitat per a detectar necessitats i mancances i oferir propostes pedago- didàctiques innovadores, aplicables a l'aula. Per a aconseguir-ho, primer es fa una incursió teòrica en els mètodes d'ensenyament-aprenentatge i en l'evolució de l'espanyol a Romania. Després, la metodologia d'investigació adopta un enfocament mixt de recollida de dades basat en tècniques quantitatives i qualitatives. Es recol·lecta informació sobre les característiques, creences, necessitats i dificultats del professorat i alumnat romanés de secundària superior i universitari. Es treballa amb una mostra de 60 docents i 470 estudiants de diferents centres educatius del país. Les dades s'analitzen estadística i manualment. Sobre la base d'això es dissenyen dues propostes de millora: una guia de bones pràctiques basada en les tendències pedagògiques actuals i un projecte formatiu per al professorat d'Espanyol Llengua Estrangera (ELA). La seua implementació en la realitat educativa romanesa s'emporta a la pràctica utilitzant dues vies: la guia s'aplica a un grup classe de 23 estudiants universitaris de la Universitat Babe¿-Bolyai de Cluj-Napoca i el projecte formatiu es dona a conéixer entre els docents del país i es difon sota la forma de Trobades virtuals a nivell nacional i internacional. Els resultats obtinguts revelen la necessitat d'un canvi en el sistema educatiu i en la metodologia docent per a adaptar-se als interessos dels actuals aprendientes. Així mateix, posen de manifest el requisit del professorat de formar-se en les tendències actuals d'ensenyament- aprenentatge. Les propostes responen als desitjos expressats i aconsegueixen motivar a l'estudiantat i entusiasmar als docents. Les conclusions evidencien els beneficis que reporta la present tesi doctoral a la comunitat educativa i científica, transferibles a contextos educatius similars. / [EN] The increased interest in studying Spanish as a Foreign Language in numerous countries is unquestionable and thus encourages us to research peculiarities about its teaching and learning. Multiple investigations (Fernández Saavedra y Gómez, 2010; Fondo y Gago, 2022; Manzanares, 2020; Merziq, 2022; Rabadán y Orgambídez, 2018; Rodríguez García, 2022) have been conducted in different educational contexts and their contributions and relevance are of the utmost importance for language teaching. Given the constant and rapid changes in the world, mainly in the economic, social and technological fields, improving teaching performance brings a number of benefits into our society. It allows the student body to be trained for its future inclusion in the labor market, but also promotes the use of current pedagogical trends and proposes new programmes adapted to the demands of the society. The general objective of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the current situation of the process of teaching-learning Spanish as a foreign language in Romania in both secondary and university levels in order to detect needs and deficiencies and offer innovative pedagogical and didactic proposals, applicable to the classroom. To achieve this, first a theoretical incursion is made into the teaching-learning methods and the evolution of Spanish in Romania. Then, the research methodology adopts a mixed approach to data collection based on quantitative and qualitative techniques. Information is collected about the characteristics, beliefs, needs and difficulties of Romanian upper secondary and university teachers and students. A sample of 60 teachers and 470 students from different educational centers in the country was used. The data is statistically and manually analyzed. Based on this, two proposals for improvement are designed: a guide to good practices based on current pedagogical trends and a training project for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE). Its implementation in the Romanian educational context is put into practice using two approaches: the guide is applied to a class group of 23 university students from the Babe¿-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and the training project is made known amongst teachers in the country and is disseminated in the form of virtual meetings at the national and international level. The results obtained reveal the need for a change in the educational system and in the teaching methodology in order to adapt to the interests of current learners. Likewise, they highlight the requirement of teachers to be trained in the current teaching-learning trends. The proposals are based on the highlighted requests and advise to motivate the students and enthuse the teachers. The conclusions demonstrate the benefits that this doctoral thesis reports to the educational and scientific community and how they are transferable to similar educational contexts. / Stînga, PA. (2023). La enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera en Rumanía. Análisis de la situación y propuesta de mejora [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201556

Staff development for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa

Isabirye, Anthony Kiryagana 02 1900 (has links)
The evolution of technologies used for learning in open distance learning (ODL) has compelled academics to upgrade their teaching skills and competencies in order to teach in an ever-changing environment. While the earlier ODL generations were characterised by the use of written, printed texts, radio, television, print media and postal services, the current generations are characterised by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance teaching and learning. This study explored the experiences of academics who participated in the staff development courses for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa. To explore the experiences, a qualitative research design of a phenomenological genre was adopted. Using interviews, data was collected from six purposively selected academics and analysed following Giorgi’s phenomenological methods. The academics’ experiences and concerns provided some insight into their development needs and how they would have liked to have been developed for innovative teaching. It emerged that staff development provided valuable knowledge, skills and competencies, enabling and promoting innovative forms of e-teaching and learning. These experiences and concerns were synthesised into a staff development framework consisting of four phases: Orientation; Learning; Acquisition of skills and Competencies; and Performance indicating that effective staff development requires that participants are initially orientated to the training programme before exposure to authentic learning activities. Through this exposure they acquire the vital online teaching skills and competencies thereby enhancing their performance as online teachers. The staff development framework indicated further that for effective staff development to take place, the different phases should not only be supported by university management but also by an evaluation mechanism to establish whether the objectives in each phase have been achieved. It also emerged that time played an important role in staff development, as the duration of each phase and the development intervention as a whole affects how well academics are able to acquire and perfect their teaching skills. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營與學校效能關係之研究:以國中小特色學校為例 / The relationships among school-based financial management, innovative school management and school effectiveness: A study on the specialist schools of junior high schools and elementary schools

莊清寶, Chuang, Ching Pao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著各縣市陸續成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算,使得國中小開始具有發展「學校本位財務管理」之契機。復因近來教育界也開始關切「學校創新經營」如何在國中小特色學校實施的議題。只是「學校本位財務管理」及「學校創新經營」都是一種經營管理的手段,因此本研究希望進一步探討其是否能達到提升「學校效能」之目的。   本研究採用文獻分析法、訪談法及問卷調查法進行研究。訪談法方面,發展出「地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算與國中小學校本位財務管理關係訪談大綱」作為研究工具,並採立意抽樣方式從臺北市、高雄市、新北市、桃園縣、基隆市等5個縣市抽取11位受訪者進行電話訪談。至問卷調查方面,則以「學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營與學校效能調查問卷」為研究工具,並以已成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算且獲教育部補助國中小特色學校經費之49個學校教職員作為研究對象,採簡單隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查並剔除無效問卷,獲得有效樣本數802份。本研究除採用結構方程模式分析方法及LISREL8.72軟體分別驗證學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之內涵外,也進一步據以探討學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之間的關係。並且也透過平均數及SPSS13.0軟體來瞭解學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之現況。此外,更透過具潛在變項的路徑分析及Mplus 5.0軟體,來探討填答者的不同背景變項(包括性別、現任職務、教育程度、服務年資、服務地區、學校規模)是否分別對於學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能具有預測效果。 本研究可獲得幾個主要研究結論如下: 一、「地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算」與國中小「學校本位財務管理」關係之訪談結果  (一)簡言之,縣市政府成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算以後,其所轄國中小多能具備附屬單位預算之特性及優點,並有助於落實「學校本位財務管理」的理念。  (二)地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算在相關制度規劃或授權方面的待改善之處   1.各縣市政府基於財政考量,仍對其地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算自訂額外的限制,有待逐步協調放寬之可行性。   2.非直轄市之地方政府認為宜成立專業、專責的會計單位,以處理地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算相關事務。   3.地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算之預算執行規定及作業方式經常變動,且業務相關人員異動頻繁,造成許多預算執行困擾。   4.「地方教育發展基金會計資訊系統」之開發過程並未充分訪談會計人員需求,且系統不夠穩定而功能不足,故仍有待改善。  (三)多數(6位)受訪者較喜歡「地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算」的運作型態,另有3位認為還好(或各有利弊),2位則相對傾向於較不喜歡。 二、學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之實施現況方面  (一)成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算以後,國中小「學校本位財務管理」之實施現況尚屬略高程度(M=3.88)。  (二)成立地方教育發展基金附屬單位預算之國中小特色學校,其「學校創新經營」實施程度很高(M=4.06),且具有很高的學校效能(M=4.09)。 三、學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之關係方面  (一)「學校本位財務管理」對於「學校創新經營」具有高度正向的直接效果(γ1=.78),此顯示學校本位財務管理之實施程度越高,越有助於提高學校創新經營之實施情形。  (二)「學校創新經營」對「學校效能」具有高度正向的直接效果(β1=.92),此顯示學校創新經營之實施程度越高,越有助於提高學校效能。  (三)雖然「學校本位財務管理」並不能對「學校效能」產生顯著的直接效果,但「學校本位財務管理」卻可透過「學校創新經營」來對「學校效能」產生間接效果(其效果量為.72)。亦即「學校本位財務管理」實施程度越高,越能透過促進「學校創新經營」實施程度之提高,進而間接提升「學校效能」。 四、背景變項對學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營及學校效能之效果方面  (一)對於學校本位財務管理具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有性別(男>女)、現任職務(行政人員>教師)、服務地區(直轄市>一般縣市)、學校規模(12班以下>25班至48班)等4個變項。  (二)對於學校創新經營具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有性別(男>女)、現任職務(行政人員>教師)、學校規模(12班以下>49班以上;12班以下>25班至48班)等3個變項。  (三)對於學校效能具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有性別(男>女)、現任職務(行政人員>教師)、學校規模(12班以下>49班以上;12班以下>25班至48班)等3個變項。   最後,本研究並依據上述研究成果,提出各項具體建議。 / With the establishment of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund by many municipalities and counties, there are more and more opportunities to develop the “school-based financial management” (SBFM). And there were more and more researches stress the way to implement the school innovative management in specialist schools in the academic circles. However, the “school-based financial management” and “school innovative management” are both parts of the management methods. Therefore, the present study wanted to explore whether these two management methods can achieve the purpose of enhancing “school effectiveness.”   The present study adopted three approaches, including “literature review,” “interview,” and “questionnaire survey.” In terms of the interview, the present study designed “the outline of the interview on the relationship between affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund and school-based financial management in junior high schools and elementary schools” as an instrument. The present study chose 11 participants from the county government and schools in the Taipei city, Kaohsiung city, New Taipei city, Taoyuan County, and Keelung city by purpose sampling. Eventually, the present study had interviewed those participants by telephone. In the aspect of questionnaire survey, the study designed the “questionnaire of the school-based financial management, school innovative management and school effectiveness” as the instruments. Teachers and staff from 49 specialist schools were the participants, and they were from schools that implemented the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund. The present study distributed questionnaires by simple random sampling, and got 802 valid samples after gathering and deleting some invalid questionnaires. The study not only took structural equation modeling and the software of LISREL8.72 to confirm the contents of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness respectively, but also confirmed the relationships of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness. Moreover, the present study adopted means and the software of SPSS13.0 to understand the current situations of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness. Furthermore, the present study adopted the path analysis with latent variables and the software of Mplus5.0 so as to understand whether the context variables of the subjects would have predictive effects on the school-based financial management, school innovative management, or school effectiveness. Those context variables included the sex, position, education level, seniority, district, and school size of the participants.   There were some major conclusions made as follows: 1.The results of the interview on the relationship between “affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund” and “school-based financial management in junior high schools and elementary schools”  (1) In brief, junior high schools and elementary schools had most of the properties and advantages of the affiliated units’ budget after the municipality and county governments establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund, and it’s helpful for the schools to implement the “school-based financial management.”  (2) The deficiencies of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund: A. There are still some additional restrictions of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund made by the municipal and county governments, which should be loosened. B. Other county governments except for municipal governments suggest that they need to set up a professional special agency to conduct those affairs of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund. C. The regulations and operations of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund always change, and the staff redeploy too often, so that there are some problems in the process of practices. D. The interviews of the accountants’ needs are insufficient during the development process of “the accounting system of local education development fund”. Furthermore, the system is unstable and its functions are insufficient, so there is still room for improvement.  (3) As for the preference degree of the affiliated units’ budget of local education development fund, most of the participants (6 participants) felt “like”, 3 participants felt “fair”, and 2 participants felt relatively “unlike.” 2.The current situation of the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness (1) The current situation of the school-based financial management belonged to the extent of slightly high (M=3.88) after establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund. (2) The specialist schools’ practice extent of the “school innovative management” was very high (M=4.06), and their “school effectiveness” was also very high (M=4.09) after establishing the affiliated units’ budget of the local education development fund. 3.The relationships between school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness (1) “School-based financial management” has far-reaching and positive direct effects(γ1=.78) on “school innovative management”. That is, the higher the implement degree of “School-based financial management” is, the higher practice degree of “school innovative management” will be. (2) “School innovative management” has far-reaching and positive direct effects(β1=.92) on “school effectiveness”. That is, the higher the practice degree of “school innovative management” is, the better the “school effectiveness” will be. (3) Although the “School-based financial management” has no significant effect on “school effectiveness”, “School-based financial management” has an indirect effect on “school effectiveness” through the “school innovative management” (the indirect effect size is .72). In other words, when the practice degree of “School-based financial management” is higher, the “school effectiveness” will be enhanced indirectly through the “school innovative management” 4.The effects of the context variables on the school-based financial management, school innovative management, and school effectiveness (1) 4 context variables have significant effects on the school-based financial management. These variables involve sex, position, district, and school size. (2) 3 context variables have significant effects on the school innovative management. These variables include sex, position, and school size. (3) 3 context variables have significant effects on the school effectiveness. These variables are sex, position, and school size. Finally, according to the results of the present study, there were some suggestions be proposed.

Cleantech SMEs’ Expectations and Perceptions of an Established Community-based Intermediary Moving into their Sector

Dahiya, Sushil 07 March 2013 (has links)
Innovation intermediaries provide a range of services to assist firms during the process of innovation. How SMEs perceive innovation intermediaries is an area of investigation that would provide important information on how innovation intermediaries’ assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This study focuses on the cleantech industry and explores SMEs’ expectations and perceptions of an established community-based intermediary (CBI) moving into their sector. A qualitative research methodology was adopted to collect data from 15 sample SMEs. In regards to SMEs, the findings show that cleantech companies face financing, partnerships, marketing, sales, regulatory and bureaucratic challenges. In regards to innovation intermediaries, the findings showcase how CBI, a regional intermediary, is not effective in supporting cleantech SMEs with their sector specific needs or challenges.

Cleantech SMEs’ Expectations and Perceptions of an Established Community-based Intermediary Moving into their Sector

Dahiya, Sushil 07 March 2013 (has links)
Innovation intermediaries provide a range of services to assist firms during the process of innovation. How SMEs perceive innovation intermediaries is an area of investigation that would provide important information on how innovation intermediaries’ assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This study focuses on the cleantech industry and explores SMEs’ expectations and perceptions of an established community-based intermediary (CBI) moving into their sector. A qualitative research methodology was adopted to collect data from 15 sample SMEs. In regards to SMEs, the findings show that cleantech companies face financing, partnerships, marketing, sales, regulatory and bureaucratic challenges. In regards to innovation intermediaries, the findings showcase how CBI, a regional intermediary, is not effective in supporting cleantech SMEs with their sector specific needs or challenges.

Innovative leadership in managing conflict at selected senior secondary schools in Botswana

Orapeleng, Shathani Rejoyce 16 October 2017 (has links)
The phenomenon of conflict is the problem that principals are faced with in their respective schools. The aim of this study was to explore the role that innovative leadership could play in managing conflict at the selected schools in Botswana. For the purpose of this study, a qualitative research approach was adopted. It included interviews, during which the informants responded to open-ended questions; observations, where the researcher visited the schools and interacted with the informants; and document analysis. These methods were employed to determine the perceptions of participants regarding the nature, extent, and causes of conflict at the selected schools. The study indicated that a number of factors could significantly contribute in managing conflict. Employing innovative educational leaders, benchmarking, using bottom-up communication skills, and the engagement of policy analysts, are some of the key recommendations made for avoiding further conflict within schools and between schools and the Ministry of Education. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

Staff development for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa

Isabirye, Anthony Kiryagana 02 1900 (has links)
The evolution of technologies used for learning in open distance learning (ODL) has compelled academics to upgrade their teaching skills and competencies in order to teach in an ever-changing environment. While the earlier ODL generations were characterised by the use of written, printed texts, radio, television, print media and postal services, the current generations are characterised by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance teaching and learning. This study explored the experiences of academics who participated in the staff development courses for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa. To explore the experiences, a qualitative research design of a phenomenological genre was adopted. Using interviews, data was collected from six purposively selected academics and analysed following Giorgi’s phenomenological methods. The academics’ experiences and concerns provided some insight into their development needs and how they would have liked to have been developed for innovative teaching. It emerged that staff development provided valuable knowledge, skills and competencies, enabling and promoting innovative forms of e-teaching and learning. These experiences and concerns were synthesised into a staff development framework consisting of four phases: Orientation; Learning; Acquisition of skills and Competencies; and Performance indicating that effective staff development requires that participants are initially orientated to the training programme before exposure to authentic learning activities. Through this exposure they acquire the vital online teaching skills and competencies thereby enhancing their performance as online teachers. The staff development framework indicated further that for effective staff development to take place, the different phases should not only be supported by university management but also by an evaluation mechanism to establish whether the objectives in each phase have been achieved. It also emerged that time played an important role in staff development, as the duration of each phase and the development intervention as a whole affects how well academics are able to acquire and perfect their teaching skills. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Cleantech SMEs’ Expectations and Perceptions of an Established Community-based Intermediary Moving into their Sector

Dahiya, Sushil January 2013 (has links)
Innovation intermediaries provide a range of services to assist firms during the process of innovation. How SMEs perceive innovation intermediaries is an area of investigation that would provide important information on how innovation intermediaries’ assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This study focuses on the cleantech industry and explores SMEs’ expectations and perceptions of an established community-based intermediary (CBI) moving into their sector. A qualitative research methodology was adopted to collect data from 15 sample SMEs. In regards to SMEs, the findings show that cleantech companies face financing, partnerships, marketing, sales, regulatory and bureaucratic challenges. In regards to innovation intermediaries, the findings showcase how CBI, a regional intermediary, is not effective in supporting cleantech SMEs with their sector specific needs or challenges.

Teacher Perceptions of Blended Learning to Support 21st Century Learners

Hensley, Nikki 01 December 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand teacher perceptions of blended learning as an instructional methodology for addressing the needs of diverse learners. The researcher explored the perceptions of teachers who were participating in an ongoing professional development program within their school district. This program focused on improving teaching and learning through the implementation of a blended learning approach. The researcher examined the experiences of teachers as they learned to adapt pedagogical practices to address the learning needs of 21st century students through blended learning. The researcher sought to gain a better understanding of how teachers perceived that utilizing a blended learning methodology impacted pedagogical beliefs, practices, and student learning. Based on the research questions guiding this study, data was collected from individual, in-depth interviews with fifteen educators. Twelve participants were classroom teachers and three participants were school administrators. The analysis of this data identified the following commonalities regarding teacher perceptions of blended learning as an instructional methodology for addressing the needs of diverse learners: knowledge and understanding of effective instructional practices, enhancing instruction with the strategic use of technology, personalizing learning, technology-enabled assessments to support instruction, engaging and empowering learners, and relevant professional development and support. These results can benefit educators in adapting effective instructional practices to reach all learners.

Learning, Improvisation, and Identity Expansion in Innovative Organizations

Keidan, Joshua January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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