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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sentidos construídos sobre a internação em Comunidades Terapêuticas com pessoas em tratamento por uso de drogas / Meanings constructed by drug users about Therapeutic Communities inpatient treatment

Melo, Mariane Capellato 15 June 2016 (has links)
A assistência em saúde mental e, mais especificamente, os cuidados às pessoas que fazem uso problemático de álcool e outras drogas foram por muito tempo negligenciadas pelo Estado. Atualmente, existem diferentes formas de tratamento para o uso problemático de drogas, contudo, as políticas públicas atuais têm aumentado o financiamento para internações em Comunidades Terapêuticas. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender os sentidos construídos sobre a internação em Comunidades Terapêuticas por indivíduos que passaram por estas instituições e atualmente são usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial II álcool e drogas. Para isto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com pessoas em tratamento em um CAPS- AD do município de Ribeirão Preto SP, que passaram por pelo menos uma internação em Comunidades Terapêuticas. Foi realizada uma análise de categoria temática tendo como referencial epistemológico o construcionismo social, levando-se em consideração a influência dos tempos longo, vivido e curto na produção de sentidos. A discussão realizada dialogou com a literatura sobre a Reforma Psiquiátrica. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, respeitando-se os critérios éticos da resolução n.º 466 de 12 de Dezembro de 2012. A análise e resultados foi realizada com 10 entrevistas, sendo construídas quatro categorias: 1) Comunidades Terapêuticas e equipamentos da rede de atenção psicossocial; 2) Momentos marcantes como desencadeadores da decisão de internação e suas expectativas; 3) Funcionamento das Comunidades Terapêuticas; e 4) A saída da Comunidade Terapêutica: decisão e experiências na sociedade. As políticas públicas, ao abrir espaço para financiamento das, CTs, tem investido em um modelo pouco estudado e que age em contradição com as diretrizes da Reforma Psiquiátrica. As CTs trabalham unicamente com a abstinência propondo atividades domesticas, do campo (laborterapia) e espirituais, como principais intervenções. Há uma construção social, pautada no discurso moral religioso e jurídico, de que as internações prolongadas seriam a resolução para os problemas relacionados ao uso de drogas, sendo as CTs privilegiadas pelo financiamento público. Contudo, os usuários e familiares são constantemente enganados e expostos a situações de violência (coerção, imposição e punições). Tem-se desconsiderado a complexidade desse campo, impactando na forma como usuários de drogas são descritos e se descrevem. / Mental health assistance and specifically problematic alcohol and drug use care has been neglected by state policies for a long time. Nowadays, there are different sorts of possible treatments for problematic drug use, however, the current public policies has grown funding for Therapeutic Communities (TC) inpatient treatment. This study aims to comprehend the constructed meanings regarding Therapeutic Communities inpatient treatment experienced by patients whose had been treated by this kind of strategy and now are under treatment on Centro de Átenção Psicosocial - Álcool e Drogas of Ribeirão Preto (CAPS-AD).To achieve this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with people on treatment in a CAPS- AD Ribeirão Preto - SP, who have undergone at least one inpatient experience on Therapeutic Communities. A thematic-categorial analysis was carried out using social constructionist epistemology as reference, taking into account the influence of the long-time, short-time and lived-time in the production of meanings. The discussion held dialogued with the literature on the Brazilian psychiatric reform. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, respecting the ethical criteria of Resolution No. 466 of December 12, 2012. The presented analysis and results were based on 10 interviews, being constructed four categories: 1) Therapeutic Communities and equipment of psychosocial care network; 2) Memorable moments as triggers of inpatient admission decision and their expectations; 3) Operation of Therapeutic Communities; and 4) The output of the Therapeutic Community: decision and experiences in society. The public policies fostering funding for TCs, has invested in an understudied model and acts in contradiction with the guidelines of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. The TCs works only with the perspective of abstinence treatment, proposing as key interventions: domestic, field (larbotheraphy) and spiritual activities. There is a social construction based on moral-religious and legal discourse that extended inpatient stays would be a resolution for problems related to drug use, and this has made the CTs privileged by public funding. However, TCs users and their family members are constantly deceived and exposed to violence (coercion, enforcement and punishment). It has disregarded the complexity of this field, impacting the way drug users are described and describe themselves.

Ursäkta, jag skulle bara vilja prata lite : En studie om den sociala interaktionen mellan patienter och personal på psykiatriska slutenvårdsavdelningar

Sjölund, Cecilia, Robertsson, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är ett stigmatiserat men vanligt förekommande problem överallt i världen. Trots att social interaktion är en viktig del av omvårdnadsarbetet så tillbringar vårdpersonalen inom den psykiatriska slutenvården endast en liten del av sin tid med patienterna. Syfte: Att sammanställa vetenskapliga artiklar för att öka kunskapen om den sociala interaktionen mellan patienter och vårdgivare på psykiatriska slutenvårdsavdelningar. Metod: Litteraturstudie. 18 kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar granskades. Deras resultat syntetiserades med hjälp av quantitative metasummary. Resultat: Social interaktion kan förbättra patienternas situation på många sätt. Utebliven social interaktion har negativa effekter på deras sjukdomstillstånd. Tidsbrist och ett stigmatiserande klimat är faktorer som påverkar den sociala interaktionen negativt. Slutsats: Stigmatisering och nedsatt social interaktion på psykiatriska slutenvårdsavdelningar kan påverka och orsaka varandra. Detta belyser ytterligare vikten av social interaktion mellan patienter och personal. / Background: Mental illness is a common but still very stigmatized problem that can be seen all over the world. Even though social interaction is an important part of nursing, the staff on psychiatric wards only spend a fraction of their time with the patients. Aim: To compile scientific articles to increase the knowledge of the social interaction between patients and staff on psychiatric wards. Method: Review. 18 qualitative and quantitative articles were reviewed. Their findings were synthesized using qualitative metasummary. Findings: Social interaction can improve the patients’ situation in several ways. Lack of social interaction negatively affects their state of illness. Time constraints and a stigmatizing environment are factors that have a negative effect on the social interaction. Conclusion: Stigmatization can reduce the social interaction on psychiatric wards, and reduced social interaction can cause stigmatization. This illuminates the importance of increasing the social interaction between patients and staff.

Quedas de pacientes em instituições hospitalares: uma revisão integrativa da literatura / Patient falls in hospitals: an integrative literature review

Bruna Luiza Dutra de Mello 20 December 2013 (has links)
Casos de profissionais cometendo iatrogenias em relação a erros de medicação, lesões cutâneas em clientes por material cortante, entre outros, mostrados na mídia televisiva, muitas vezes com pessoas em menoridade, como as crianças, em geral causam grande impacto e empatia frente à sociedade. Dentre estes eventos adversos, estão as quedas de pacientes, uma das injúrias mais relatadas dentre as que são englobadas na segurança do paciente. Assim, este estudo objetivou aplicar uma metodologia da revisão integrativa para identificar estudos desenvolvidos sobre o tema quedas e/ ou acidentes por quedas de pacientes em instituição hospitalar. A revisão integrativa contemplou seis etapas, sendo que na quinta etapa (interpretação ou integração dos resultados) foram utilizados sete níveis de evidência para a classificação dos estudos. Foi realizada nas bibliotecas Cochrane e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e nas seguintes bases de dados: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), PubMed (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health), Scopus e Web of Science, referente às publicações realizadas dos anos de 2002 a 2012, com os descritores / palavras-chave utilizados que contemplavam os termos quedas, pacientes e hospitais, em diferentes estratégias de busca. A seleção inicial contemplou 33.280 artigos, que após aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão resultaram em uma amostra de 220 artigos. Deste total de artigos, os níveis de evidência baseados nos tipos de estudos, correspondentes ao total de artigos da presente pesquisa, foram o II, III, IV e VI, correspondentes a 10%, 0,9%, 39,1% e 50%, respectivamente. Assim, os estudos descritivos foram os mais presentes; seguido dos de coorte, caso-controle e quase-experimentais; dos ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados; e dos ensaios clínicos bem delineados sem randomização, respectivamente. Pode-se verificar também que os níveis de evidência dos estudos relacionados aos temas características / etiologias / fatores de risco e prevenção de quedas, e condutas pós-quedas acompanharam a mesma sequência daqueles com maior incidência no presente estudo (nível VI) para o de menor incidência (nível III). Os achados referentes às características / etiologias / fatores de risco relacionados a quedas de pacientes hospitalizados foram distribuídos em 14 subtemas, que totalizaram 24 itens, que contemplaram os achados que apresentaram associação com o tema. Em relação às medidas preventivas, encontrou-se 19 achados, dentre eles programas de prevenção de quedas; ferramentas / avaliação de risco de quedas; diretrizes / intervenções; recursos humanos / dinâmica de trabalho; acompanhante / sitter / voluntários; escalas de avaliação da funcionalidade (atividade de vida diária /dependência do cuidado) e função motora; luz de chamada; e cuidados de enfermagem. Somado a isto, das 14 condutas pós-quedas relatadas nos artigos, as mais presentes foram radiografias; administração de medicamentos / analgesia; avaliação médica / especialista; curativo simples / sutura; e observação. Logo, ao se pensar em quedas de pessoas há de ter-se em mente que um corpo desliza ou vai ao chão, devido a uma falta de sustentação do mesmo, decorrente de alguma situação intrínseca ao indivíduo ou devido a fatores externos que contribuem para que a pessoa deixe seu estado de \"equilíbrio postural\". Assim, este estudo proporcionou ter uma visão ampla sobre a diferentes contextos inerentes às quedas de pacientes hospitalizados, a fim de se conseguir desenvolver ações preventivas custo-efetivas e que proporcione uma assistência de qualidade aos indivíduos assistidos em instituições hospitalares / Cases of professionals committing iatrogenic regarding medication errors, cutaneous lesions in customers by cutting material, among others, shown in television media, often with underage people, such as children, in general cause greatly impact and empathy for society. Of these adverse events, patient falls are one of the most reported injuries among which are included in the safety of the patient. Thus, this study aimed to apply an integrative review methodology to identify studies development about the topic of falls and / or accidents from falls of patients in hospital. The integrative review included six stages, whereas the fifth step (interpretation or integration of results) seven levels of evidence were used to classify the studies. Was held in Cochrane and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) libraries in the following databases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database), Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health), Scopus and Web of Science, referring to publications made the years 2002-2012, with descriptors / keywords used contemplated the falls terms, patients and hospitals in different search strategies. The initial selection included 33,280 articles, which after applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria resulted in a sample of 220 articles. Of the total articles, levels of evidence based on the types of studies, corresponding to the total number of articles of the present study were the II, III, IV and VI, corresponding to 10%, 0.9 %, 39.1% and 50%, respectively. Thus, descriptive studies were most present; followed the cohort, case-control and quasi- experimental, randomized controlled clinical trials, and well-designed clinical trials without randomization, respectively. It was also possible to verify the levels of evidence related to the themes of the characteristics / etiologies / risk factors and falls prevention, and post- falls conducts followed the same sequence of those with higher incidence in this study (level VI) to the lowest incidence (level III). The findings relating to the characteristics / etiologies / risk factors related to falls of hospitalized patients were distributed into 14 sub-themes, totaling 24 items, which contemplated the findings that were associated with the topic. Regarding preventive measures, it was found 19 findings, including programs for the prevention of falls; tools / risk assessment of falls; guidelines / interventions, human resources / labor dynamics, companion / sitter / volunteers; assessment scales of functionality (activities of daily living / dependency care) and motor function, call light, and nursing care. In addition to that, of 14 behaviors post- falls reported in the articles, the most present were radiographs, medication administration / analgesia, medical / expert review; simple curative / suturing, and observation. Therefore, when thinking about people\'s falls be borne in mind that a body slides or goes down due to a lack of support of itself, due to some intrinsic situation to the individual or due to external factors that contribute to person to leave their state of \"postural balance\". Thus, this study provided take a broad view on the different contexts inherent to inpatients falls in order to can develop cost-effective preventive actions that provides quality care to individuals assisted in hospitals

Sjuksköterskans möjlighet att ge god palliativ omvårdnad inom slutenvården. En litteraturöversikt. / A nurse’s feasibility of providing end-of-life care in an inhospital setting. A literature review.

Hillring, Sanna, Ljudén, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagens sjukvård är oftast inriktad på att bota och därför kan palliativ omvårdnad vara utmanande för sjuksköterskan som är ovan att arbeta nära döden. Sjuksköterskan har ett ansvar för att en god omvårdnad ska uppnås, även i palliativa situationer. Behovet av palliativ omvårdnad förväntas även öka vilket innebär att det är av vikt att studera hur sjuksköterskan kan ge en god palliativ omvårdnad till patienter som befinner sig i övergång från botande till palliativ vård. Syfte: Att beskriva faktorer som möjliggör att sjuksköterskan kan ge en god omvårdnad till patienter som befinner sig i övergång från botande till palliativ vård i livets slutskede inom slutenvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som bygger på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar som söktes fram via databaserna Pubmed, Cinahl samt PsycINFO. Resultat: Vikten av att identifiera och diagnostisera döendet hade betydelse för möjliggörandet av en god palliativ omvårdnad då det ansågs vara betydande för att palliativ vård påbörjades. Ett välfungerande samarbete i teamet hade också betydelse för att kommunikationen var god inom vårdprocessen. Sjuksköterskans attityder till palliativ vård samt hens relation med patienten var även de betydande faktorer för att möjliggöra en god omvårdnad till palliativa patienter. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att en god kommunikation i teamet är av stor vikt för att kunna leverera bra palliativ vård. Faktorer som visade sig underlätta kommunikationen var att vårdlaget arbetar mot gemensamma mål och vårdplaner samt att dessa dokumenterades för att öka kontinuiteten. Det har kunnat påvisats att undervisning om palliativ vård kan göra skillnad och på så sätt säkra att patienten får en bättre vård. / Background: Today's healthcare is usually cure focused and therefore palliative nursing can be challenging for a nurse who is new to work close to death. The nurse has a responsibility in achieving good nursing care, including palliative situations. The need of pallitaive care is expected to rise which means there is a great importance in studying how the nurse can provide good care for patients transitioning from curative to palliative care. Aim: To describe factors that enable the nurse to provide good care to patients who are in transition from curative to palliative care in the end stage of life in the inpatient care. Method: A literature review based on 14 scientific articles who were found at Pubmed, Cinahl and PsycINFO. Results: The importance of identifying and diagnosing dying was important for enabling a good palliative care as it was considered to be significant in order to start palliative care. A well-functioning team-based collaboration also had significance to enable a good communication in the care process. The nurse's attitudes to palliative care and their relationship with the patient were also important factors for enabling good care for palliative patients. Conclusion: The result shows that good communication within the team were of great importance to deliver quality care in a palliative situation. To enable good communication the team should have a common goal, set up goals of care, and be sure to document those in order to maintain continuity. It has been shown that palliative education in the workplace can make a difference so that the patient gets better care.

Hospitalização integral para o tratamento de transtornos alimentares: características e resultados / Inpatient treatment of eating disorders: characteristics and results

Palma, Raphaela Fernanda Muniz 04 October 2012 (has links)
Os transtornos alimentares (TA) são doenças graves de etiologia multifatorial, que cursam com alterações importantes no comportamento alimentar e complicações clínicas como desnutrição e distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos, além de comorbidades psiquiátricas. A hospitalização integral é uma modalidade terapêutica indicada quando o seguimento ambulatorial não atinge resultados satisfatórios associados à piora dos sintomas. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as características e resultados da hospitalização dos pacientes com TA atendidos pelo Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP. Dados antropométricos, bioquímicos e clínicos foram coletados a partir da revisão de prontuários dos pacientes internados durante o período de 1982 a 2011. Como resultado, observou-se que das 186 pessoas que receberam atendimento pelo serviço, 44,6% deles (n=83) necessitaram de no mínimo, uma internação durante o tratamento. A predominância foi do sexo feminino (95,2%), da raça branca (94%), solteira (76%) e sem filhos (78,3%). Cursavam o ensino médio (50,6%) com idade de 23,3±10,8 anos. O diagnóstico era de anorexia do tipo restritivo (AN-R) para 54,2% (n=45) deles, 31,3% (n=.26) apresentavam anorexia do subtipo compulsão periódica/purgativo (AN-CP) e 14,5% (n=12) tinham bulimia nervosa (BN). A média de internações foi de 1,9±3,9 vezes sendo que 73,5% (n=61) dos pacientes foram internados apenas uma vez, por 41,2±37,6 dias. Para aqueles que precisaram dessa modalidade de tratamento por mais de uma vez, a duração da hospitalização, considerando todas as internações, foi de 70,6±115,9 dias com extensa variação (3 a 804 dias). Não foi observada associação entre o número de internações com o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e com o tempo de sintomas antes do diagnóstico. O IMC dos pacientes mudou significativamente (p<0,05) durante a internação (para o grupo com AN-R: de 13,5kg/m2 para 14,8kg/m2 ; para os com AN-CP: de 15,7kg/m2 para 16,9kg/m2 ; naqueles com BN: de 22,0kg/m2 para 21,0kg/m2 ). A amenorréia esteve presente em 69% (n=45) das mulheres, sendo mais frequente naquelas com AN-R (65,1%). Dos 23 pacientes (27,7%) que realizaram o exame de densitometria óssea, 44,4% (n=10) apresentam osteopenia e 29,7% (n=7) osteoporose. Os valores médios da maioria dos parâmetros bioquímicos avaliados estavam dentro da normalidade, com exceção do beta-caroteno, que encontrava-se elevado, tanto no início quanto no final da internação. A Nutrologia foi a enfermaria na qual a maioria das internações ocorreu (79,5%) e a necessidade de terapia nutricional foi a indicação mais frequente (62,3%). A via de administração de nutrientes preferencialmente utilizada foi a via oral (67,5%), apesar de ter sido observado aumento de 2,3 vezes na escolha da terapia nutricional enteral exclusiva nos pacientes que foram internados mais de uma vez. O acompanhamento multidisciplinar foi evidenciado, pois além do médico, houve a participação maciça de nutricionistas (87,9%) e psiquiatras (72,3%). Como conclusão, a hospitalização integral é uma modalidade bastante indicada no tratamento de pacientes com TA, mas sua duração é prolongada e requer a assistência de diversos profissionais. No entanto, quando indicada a partir de critérios bem estabelecidos proporciona melhora no estado nutricional. Futuros estudos são necessários para ampliar e aprofundar os resultados encontrados possibilitando o aprimoramento de condutas terapêuticas. / Eating disorders (ED) are serious diseases with multiple etiologies that course with major changes in eating behavior and clinical complications such as malnutrition and electrolyte disturbances, and also psychiatric comorbidities. Inpatient treatment is a modality of treatment used when the outpatient follow-up did not reach satisfactory results associated with worsening of clinical status. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics and outcomes of the hospitalization in patients with ED who were treated by Assistance Group on Eating Disorders from the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP. Anthropometric, biochemical and clinical data were collected from the medical records of patients admitted between 1982 and 2011. It was observed that among 186 patients attended by the service, 44.6% (n = 83) required at least one inpatient treatment. Most patients were female (95.2%) and white (94%). The majority was single (76%), with no children 78.3%) and were high school students (50.6%). The mean age was 23.3± 10.8 years old. According to the diagnosis, 54.2% of patients had anorexia nervosa, restricting subtype (AN-R), 31.3% had anorexia nervosa binge-eating/purging subtype (AN-CP) and 14.5% had bulimia nervosa (BN). The mean age at admission was 23.3 ± 10.8 years (range 8-58 years), 73.5% of patients were hospitalized only once. The mean number of admissions was 1.9 ± 3.9 times and 73.5% (n=61) were hospitalized only once, during 41.2 ± 37.6 days. For those who needed this type of treatment more than once, the length of stay, considering all admissions, was 70.6 ± 115.9 days with extensive variation (3-804 days). No associations were observed between the number of hospitalizations and Body Mass Index (BMI) and duration of symptoms before diagnosis. The BMI of the patients changed significantly (p <0.05) during hospitalization (for the group with AN-R, from 13.5 kg/m2 to 14.8 kg/m2 ; for AN-CP: 15.7 kg/m2 to 16.9 kg/m2 , those with BN: from 22.0 kg/m2 to 21.0 kg/m2 ). Amenorrhea was present in 69% (n = 45) women, most frequently in those with AN-R (65.1%). According to exam of bone densitometry of 23 patients (27.7%), 44.4% (n=10) had osteopenia and 29.7% (n=7) had osteoporosis. The mean values of most biochemical parameters were within normal limits, except for beta- carotene, which was above the normal range, both in admission and discharge. The Nutrology was the infirmary where the majority of hospitalizations occurred (79.5%), nutritional support was the most frequent indication for hospitalization (62.3%). The route of administration of nutrients preferably used was oral (67.5%), although it has been observed an increase at 2.3 times on exclusively enteral feeding in patients admitted more than once. The multidisciplinary team reveals, besides the doctor, the massive presence of dietitians (87.9%) and extensive involvement of psychiatrists (72.3%). It is concluded that inpatient treatment is needed in patients with ED, often shows prolonged duration and requires the assistance of various professionals. However, when indicated based on criteria well established can provide improvement in nutritional status. Future studies are needed to broaden the results enabling the improvement of therapeutic approaches.

A influência das atividades expressivas e recreativas em crianças hospitalizadas com fissura labiopalatina: a visão dos familiares / The influence of expressive and recreational activities in inpatient children with cleft lip and palate: standpoint of the family

Moraes, Marcia Cristina Almendros Fernandes 30 October 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca as atividades expressivas e recreativas no contexto hospitalar e, sendo os familiares um elemento importante nesse processo, objetiva-se verificar a visão dos familiares a respeito da influência dessas atividades na hospitalização de crianças com fissura labiopalatina, procurando identificar os benefícios dessas atividades no período pré e pós-operatório, a influência no processo de recuperação cirúrgica, a atividade preferencial das crianças e a importância da participação dos familiares nas atividades. Participaram, deste estudo, 138 familiares de crianças com fissura labiopalatina, na faixa etária de 07 a 12 anos, hospitalizados no HRAC, e que freqüentaram o Serviço de Educação e Terapia Ocupacional. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo por meio de aplicação de formulário de entrevista, abordando questões referentes ao tema estudado, envolvendo familiares de criaças, em condição pré e pós-operatória. Dos 138 familiares questionados, 135 (97,83%) acham que as atividades expressivas e recreativas no período pré-operatório deixam a criança mais calma. Todos 138 (100%) responderam que as atividades expressivas e recreativas aceleram o processo de recuperação cirúrgica. Dentre as atividades das quais participaram com a criança, 127 (92,03%) dos participantes referiram-se a brinquedoteca e, na opinião de 103 (74,64%) dos familiares questionados, esta participação contribui para melhorar o estado emocional da criança, favorecendo, na opinião de 125 (90,58%) familiares, seu relacionamento interpessoal e 137 (99,27%), acham que as atividades contribuem para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das crianças hospitalizadas. Concluiu-se que, na visão da maioria dos familiares, 136 (98,55%), as atividades expressivas e recreativas amenizam os efeitos negativos advindos da hospitalização. / This study addresses the expressive and recreational activities within a hospital context; since the family is an important element in this process, this study investigated the standpoint of the family on the influence of these activities on the hospitalization of children with cleft lip and palate, to identify the benefits of these activities both pre- and postoperatively, their influence on postoperative recovery, preferential activities of the children, and the importance of family participation in the activities. The study was conducted on 138 relatives of inpatient children with cleft lip and palate at HRAC, aged 7 to 12 years, attending the Education and Occupational Therapy Service. A descriptive study was conducted by application of an interview comprising questions related to the subject, involving families of children both pre- and postoperatively. Among the 138 relatives, 135 (97.83%) consider that expressive and recreational activities performed at the preoperative period reassure the child. All 138 interviewees (100%) stated that the expressive and recreational activities accelerate the process of postoperative recovery. Among the activities in which they participated with the child, 127 participants (92.03%) mentioned the toy room; according to 103 relatives (74.64%), this participation contributes to improve the emotional status of the child, favoring their interpersonal relationships according to 125 relatives (90.58%); 137 interviewees (99.27%) stated that the activities contribute to the growth and development of inpatient children. In conclusion, according to the standpoint of the family, 136 relatives (98.55%) believe that expressive and recreational activities reduce the negative effects of hospitalization.

Improving Spiritual Care in Preoperative Nursing

Ogbuji, Victoria Ngozi 01 January 2019 (has links)
Spirituality and nursing have been intertwined from the beginning of the profession; however, there is little evidence that clearly defines spiritual nursing care and no standardized practices that can be included in the routine preoperative plan of care for patients undergoing invasive surgical procedures. The purpose of this project was to conduct a systematic review of the literature to define spiritual care and identify specific spiritual nursing care interventions. The biopsychosocial model, Narayanasamy's transcultural care practice model, and Watson's theory of human caring provided the theoretical framework for the project. MEDLINE, PubMed, Wiley online library, SCIENCE, WOS, Cochrane, and SciELO databases were searched for the literature review. Keywords and phrases used included spirituality, spiritual nursing care, holistic health practices, inpatient, hospital, and preoperative care. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) II tool was used for data analysis. Interventions found in the literature to be supportive of spirituality included healing presence; providing effective communication; praying with the patient and family or facilitating other religious rituals; using the therapeutic self to be with the patient; listening to and exploring the patients' spiritual perspectives; and showing support and empathy through patient-centered caring, nurturing spirituality, and creating a healing environment. Employing these nursing actions might promote positive social change by contributing to a sense of well-being as patients find meaning and purpose in their illness and life overall, which will promote improved surgical outcomes and better patient satisfaction with care.

Relationship Between Senior Leadership Style and Patient Satisfaction in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

Elder, Amy 01 January 2019 (has links)
Patient satisfaction has a significant role in the healthcare industry, as high patient satisfaction can improve quality outcomes. Hospital leadership is responsible for the culture, outcomes, and patient experience, which can involve different leadership styles. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between leadership style of senior leaders and patient satisfaction in inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs). Through the theoretical framework of transformational and transactional leadership theories, the research questions were designed to determine whether a statistically significant relationship existed between leadership style (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership) and patient satisfaction. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was administered electronically to senior leaders in an IRF system and combined with secondary patient satisfaction data obtained from the IRF system. Senior leaders from 72 IRFs completed the online survey. Pearson's correlation and multiple linear regression revealed mixed results. The Pearson's correlation indicated small negative linear correlations between transformational leadership and laissez-faire leadership with patient satisfaction as well as a small positive linear correlation between transactional leadership and patient satisfaction. For multiple regression, none of the tests produced statistically significant results, which led to a failure to reject the null hypotheses and inconclusive findings. Through the further examination of the relationship between the leadership subscales and patient satisfaction, healthcare administrators can impact patient satisfaction through education and trainings for senior leaders.

Effect of Supportive Versus Assertive Case Management on Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization for Patients With Schizophrenic Diagnoses

Brown, Quentin 01 January 2019 (has links)
Schizophrenia has been a public mental health barometer for many decades, and health professionals and government agencies continue to look for treatment options that produce the best outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of assertive community treatment (ACT) and supportive case management (SCM) outpatient treatment interventions as an alternative to inpatient psychiatric hospital care. Social cognitive learning theory and choice theory provided the framework for the study. Archival data from inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations for 153 adult men and women with a primary diagnosis of schizophrenia who received ACT or SCM services were analyzed using regression analysis and a correlation. Predictor variables were gender, age cohort, and treatment model, and criterion variables were the number and duration of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations for patients with schizophrenic diagnoses. Results showed some correlation between the number of admissions and length of stay for both ACT and SCM interventions. The first admission accounted for the longest length of stay, with a significant decline by the second admission, indicating that many participants received the appropriate and necessary treatment to address any changes or increase in symptoms during the first admission. Findings demonstrated the value of outpatient treatment interventions such as ACT and SCM for men and women in reducing the number and length of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations. This translates into cost reductions for federal and state mental health care spending.

En utmaning att hantera - Fysisk aktivitet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Sjuksköterskans uppfattning av att främja fysisk aktivitet

Höglund, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter med en allvarlig psykisk ohälsa når inte upp till rekommenderade miniminivåer av fysisk aktivitet trots att forskning påvisar att det både förebygger och är en effektiv omvårdnadsåtgärd vid psykisk ohälsa. Trots påvisad forskning möts fysisk aktivitet som en omvårdnadsåtgärd med många hinder och en osäkerhet till att vara drivande för omvårdnadsåtgärden. Barker och Buchanan-Barker ger i Tidvattenmodellen stöd till sjuksköterskan till att vara möjliggöraren för en återhämtningsprocess med hjälp av fysisk aktivitet. Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av att främja fysisk aktivitet för patienter inom psykiatrisk slutenvård. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom slutenvårdspsykiatrin. Data analyserades med en fenomenografisk ansats. Resultat: Uppfattningar som framkom är att sjuksköterskan kan främja fysisk aktivitet genom att hantera utmaningarna, att samarbeta med patienternasamt att ta sitt professionsansvar Slutsats: Deltagarna uppfattning är att fysisk aktivitet är en evidensbaserad omvårdnadsåtgärd som idag inte anses vara prioriterad, men att sjuksköterskan i samarbete med patienten åstadkomma en förändring utifrån de erfarenheter som patienten besitter och på så sätt vara drivande för att omvårdnadsåtgärden skall få en plats inom slutenvårdspsykiatrin. / Background: Patients with a serious mental illness do not reach recommended minimum levels of physical activity despite the fact that research shows that it both prevents and is an effective nursing action in the event of mental illness. Despite proven research, physical activity is met as a nursing action with many obstacles and an uncertainty to be the driving force for the nursing action. Barker and Buchanan-Barker provide The Tidal model support to the nurse to be the enabler for a recovery process using physical activity. Purpose: To describe nurses perceptions of promoting physical activity for patients in psychiatric inpatient care. Method: Semistructured interviews with five nurses working in psychiatric inpatient care. Data was analyzed with a phenomenographic approach. Results: The perception that emerged is that the nurse can promote physical activity by Addressing the challenges, by working with patients and taking the profession's responsibility. conclusion: The respondents believe that physical activity is an evidence-based nursing action that is currently not considered Prioritized, but that the nurse, in collaboration with the patient, bring about a change based on the experience of the patient and thus be motivated for the nursing action to have a place within the inpatient care.

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