Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intellectual disabilities"" "subject:"intellectual isabilities""
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Les instruments actuariels d'évaluation du risque de récidive : applicables aux auteurs d'infractions sexuelles ayant une déficience intellectuelle?Rousseau, Katrina 04 1900 (has links)
L’intérêt porté à l’évaluation du risque de récidive chez les délinquants ayant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) a notablement augmenté depuis les 10 dernières années. D’ailleurs, certains croient que les instruments utilisés pour mesurer le risque chez les auteurs d’infractions sexuelles neurotypiques peuvent s’appliquer aux auteurs d’infractions sexuelles ayant une DI tandis que d’autres appuient l’idée d’utiliser et de développer des mesures actuarielles propres à ces individus. Trois objectifs ont été posés pour tenter d’éclaircir ces deux visions, soit 1) Comparer les taux de récidive entre les deux groupes d’auteurs d’infractions sexuelles (ayant une DI et neurotypiques), en plus de déterminer lequel récidive plus rapidement sur une courte période de temps, 2) Analyser la validité prédictive de huit instruments actuariels (et de la PCL-R) auprès d’un échantillon d’auteurs d’infractions sexuelles ayant une DI et 3) Analyser la composition des instruments par domaines (Knight et Thornton, 2007).
L’échantillon est composé de 550 auteurs d’infractions sexuelles dont 54 ont une DI. Les résultats suggèrent que les deux groupes d’auteurs d’infractions sexuelles (neurotypiques et ayant une DI) présentent des taux de récidive similaires. Un nombre restreint d’instruments semblent par contre efficaces chez les auteurs d’infractions sexuelles ayant une DI. De ce fait, le SVR-20 s’est révélé avoir une validité prédictive pour la récidive sexuelle, le RMC, le RMV et le MnSOST-R pour la récidive violente et le VRAG pour la récidive non violente.
Il est toutefois justifié de se questionner sur la manière d’évaluer le risque chez cette clientèle particulière. L’analyse de la composition des instruments semble importante puisque certains domaines pourraient prédire différemment la récidive chez les auteurs d’infractions sexuelles ayant une DI. Une grande partie des facteurs pouvant être utiles dans la prédiction de la récidive ne semblent toujours pas avoir été identifiés, repoussant ainsi la création d’instruments propres aux délinquants ayant une DI. / Interest in the risk assessment for offenders with intellectual disabilities (ID) has particularly grown during the last 10 years. Two opinions are shared on this subject: some believe that the instruments used to measure risk in sexual offenders can apply to sexual offenders with ID while others support the idea of using and developing actuarial measures for these people. Three objectives were set in an attempt to clarify these two visions: 1) Compare recidivism rates between the two groups of sexual offenders (with and without ID), 2) Analyze the predictive validity of the eight most commonly used actuarial instruments (and the PCL-R) based on a sample of sex offenders with ID and 3) Analyze the composition of the instruments according to their domains (Knight and Thornton, 2007).
The sample consisted of 550 sex offenders of which 54 have an ID. The results suggest that the two groups of sexual offenders have similar rates of recidivism. A limited number of instruments also seems to be effective for sex offenders with ID. The SVR-20 was found to have predictive validity regarding sexual recidivism, the RMC, the RMV and the MnSOST-R for violent recidivism and the VRAG for non-violent recidivism.
However, it is justified to question how the risk of recidivism is assessed for this particular clientele. The composition analysis of the actuarial instruments seems important among sex offenders with ID since some domains could predict differently the risk of recidivism. Finally, many of the risk factors that may be more useful in predicting recidivism has not been identified yet, thus delaying the creation of instruments tailored to offenders with ID.
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Låt den som undervisar utan omsorg kasta första stenen! : En hermeneutisk studie av examensförordningens betydelse för professionalisering i svensk grundsärskolaRandau, Ola January 2017 (has links)
Fem år har passerat sedan Läroplan för grundsärskolan 2011, LGRSÄR11 (Skolverket, 2016), infördes. Denna läroplan innebar ett tydligt fokusskifte från att som tidigare ha en något mer omsorgsorienterad verksamhet till att istället arbeta på ett mer kunskapsinriktat sätt. Ungefär lika lång tid har gått sedan examensförordningen (SFS2011:688) trädde i kraft och förändrade behörighetskraven för undervisande personal i grundsärskolan. Grundsärskolan får ofta kritik för att fortfarande vara en alltför omsorgsinriktad verksamhet där kunskapsutveckling får stå tillbaka. En viktig fråga torde i sammanhanget vara att utröna vad omsorg är? Är det en term vars innebörd har förändrats i takt med verksamhetens utveckling över tid? Syftet med studien är dels att genom en historisk återblick påvisa en utveckling från en starkt omsorgsorienterad verksamhet till en modernare kunskapsutvecklande dito. Dels att genom intervjuer med tre speciallärare verksamma på grundsärskolor beskriva om och i så fall hur den nya examensförordningen från 2011 har påverkat och påverkar den svenska grundsärskolans verksamhet. Som teoretiskt ramverk har relationell pedagogik (Östlund, 2012) och Vygotskijs (2001) teorier om ett sociokulturellt perspektiv använts. Arbetet tar sin början med en historisk återblick, både för att synliggöra framväxt och utveckling och för att kunna reflektera över det perspektivskifte som är synligt idag. I beskrivningen av vad en speciallärare med inriktning mot utvecklingsstörning förväntas arbeta med omnämns inte ordet omsorg alls. Det nämns bara i styrdokument som rör alla skolformer, skollagen (SFS 2010:800) och LGRSÄR11 (Skolverket, 2016), vilket för tankarna till att omsorg inte är signifikant för grundsärskola. Studien undersöker genom intervjuer vilka effekter examensförordningen och därmed införandet av speciallärarexamen har för professionalisering, beträffande personalens behörighetsgrad och arbetssätt. Resultat och analys visar dels att termen omsorg kan behöva en modernare definition men också att studiens teoretiska ramverk verkar utgöra hörnpelare för ett gynnsamt arbetssätt i den svenska grundsärskolan.
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A prÃtica pedagÃgica do professor de Atendimento Educacional Especializado para o aluno com deficiÃncia intelectual / Multifunctional Resource Classrooms. Educational Specialized Service.Intellectual Disabilities. Pedagogical Pactices.Adelaide de Sousa Oliveira Neta 29 November 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / A investigaÃÃo foi realizada no ano letivo de 2012 em trÃs escolas municipais de Fortaleza-CE, tendo como objetivo geral analisar a prÃtica pedagÃgica do professor do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) junto ao aluno com deficiÃncia intelectual na Sala de Recurso Multifuncional (SRM). As particularidades presentes nas prÃticas docentes desenvolvidas nesses contextos tambÃm serÃo analisadas de modo a identificar a organizaÃÃo fÃsica e pedagÃgica da SRM e a pertinÃncia dos objetivos e das atividades segundo a problemÃtica apresentada por essa populaÃÃo. A pesquisa apresenta como referencial teÃrico os pressupostos psicogenÃticos e sociointeracionistas de Piaget e Vygotsky, respectivamente, bem como os aportes que norteiam os aspectos estruturais e funcionais do aluno com deficiÃncia intelectual. Para subsidiar os estudos sobre Atendimento Educacional Especializado, utilizamos diferentes pesquisas da Ãrea e documentos legais que orientam esse serviÃo. Na escolha metodolÃgica, optamos pela abordagem qualitativa e pelo mÃtodo de estudo de casos mÃltiplos. Foram utilizados como procedimentos a entrevista semiestruturada, a observaÃÃo com base em uma escala elaborada para esse fim, bem como a anÃlise documental dos planos de AEE, dos estudos de casos e dos registros das atividades. Participaram desta pesquisa trÃs professoras (P1, P2 e P3), vinculadas à rede pÃblica, as quais atendiam alunos com deficiÃncia intelectual (A1, A2 e A3). Os resultados foram registrados em uma escala de observaÃÃo, e, no segundo momento, definiou-se trÃs dimensÃes (1. Sala de recursos multifuncional: espaÃo do atendimento educacional especializado; 2. FunÃÃes, ConcepÃÃes e AÃÃes do professor do AEE X PolÃtica de EducaÃÃo Especial na perspectiva da EducaÃÃo Inclusiva; 3. O aluno com deficiÃncia intelectual e a intervenÃÃo pedagÃgica do professor da Sala de Recursos Multifuncional), contendo cada uma delas categorias, constituÃdas do agrupamento de subitens da escala de observaÃÃo. Os resultados apontaram que as professoras seguiam um roteiro para elaboraÃÃo do plano de AEE e definiam em seus planos a frequÃncia dos atendimentos, os materiais e recursos necessÃrios, a duraÃÃo das atividades e a organizaÃÃo dos alunos na SRM. TambÃm se observou que as professoras participantes elaboravam o estudo de caso com base no roteiro de proposiÃÃo de um caso, bem como registravam o desempenho dos alunos em instrumentais especÃficos para esse fim. Essas atividades, no entanto, nem sempre atendiam as especificidades pertinentes à natureza do trabalho do AEE. Identificamos propostas vinculadas ao reforÃo de conteÃdos curriculares, alÃm de outras estruturadas com base em situaÃÃes lÃdicas. Estas Ãltimas, na maioria das vezes, nÃo contribuÃam para o desenvolvimento cognitivo do aluno com deficiÃncia intelectual. Essas propostas eram pautadas pela variedade de oferta de jogos e de atividades, mas sem a mediaÃÃo explÃcita do professor. Acreditamos que as salas de recurso multifuncional constituem espaÃos auxiliares para o desenvolvimento dos alunos que apresentam deficiÃncia intelectual. Observamos, porÃm, que ainda hà desafios prÃticos quanto à compreensÃo do AEE para essa populaÃÃo, muitos deles, em virtude da fragilidade da formaÃÃo do professor especialista, falta de acompanhamento tÃcnico e ausÃncia de intercÃmbio com os professores da sala de aula comum. / The present research was conducted in three public schools in Fortaleza-CE during the academic year of 2012, aiming to analyze the pedagogical practice of the teacher who works on Educational Specialized Service, dealing with studentwho has intellectual disabilities in theMultifunctional Resource Classroom (MRC). The special features found in the teaching practices in these contexts was also analyzed to identify the physical and pedagogical organization of MRC and the relevance of the objectives and activities according to the issue found in this population. As theoretical referential, the study has made use of the psychogenetic andsocial-interactionistpresuppositions ofPiaget e Vygotsky, respectively, as well as the contributions that guide the structural and functional aspects of students with intellectual disabilities. To support studies on Specialized Education Service, it was made use of several researches in the area and also legal documents that govern this service. As methodological approach, we opted for a qualitative study and for the method of multiple case study. As procedure for data collection, it was made use of semi-structured interview, observation based on a scale developed with this purpose, and documental analysis of AEEâs plans, case studies and records of activities. Three teachers from Public Schools (P1, P2 and P3), who attended students with intellectual disabilities (A1, A2 and A3), participated of this study. The results were recorded on a scale of observation, and,in a second moment, it was defined in three dimensions (1. multifunctional resources classroom: space of the Specialized Educational Service;2. Functions , Conceptions and Actions of the AEE teacher X Policy of Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education; 3. The student with intellectual disabilities and thepedagogical intervention of the teacher working in theMultifunctional, Resource Classroom). Each of them contains categories constituted of the grouping of the sub-items of the observation scale. The results demonstrated that the teachers followed a script to formulate the plan of AEE and they defined in their plans the frequency of visits, materials and resources, duration of the activities and organization of students at MRC. It was also observed that the teachers elaborated the case study based on the guide of proposition for a case and recorded the performance of students in specific instruments for this purpose. However, these activities do not always attend the relevant particularities of the nature of the AEE perspective. It was identified some proposals to support the curriculum contents, and also others based on ludic situations. The latter, in most cases, did not contribute to the cognitive development of students with intellectual disabilities. These proposals were guided by a variety of games and activities, but without the explicit mediation of the teacher. We understand that the Multifunctional Resources Classrooms constitute supportive spaces for the development of students who have intellectual disabilities. However, we observed that there are still practical challenges regarding to the understanding of AEE for this population. Many of them due to the fragility of the educational training of the teacher to be a specialist in this subarea, the lack of technical support, and the absence of interaction with the teachers of regular classroom.
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Using Read-Alouds of Grade-Level Biographies and Systematic Prompting to Promote Comprehension for Students With Moderate and Severe Developmental DisabilitiesMims, Pamela J., Hudson, Melissa E., Browder, Diane M. 01 June 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a modified system of least intrusive prompts on text-dependent listening comprehension for four middle-school-aged students with intellectual disability and autism during read-alouds of adapted grade-level biographies. A system of least intrusive prompts was modified by inserting a rule for answering questions and an opportunity to hear sections of the biography again. The procedure was evaluated via a multiple probe design across students. Outcomes indicate that all students improved listening comprehension after intervention and all students maintained high levels of correct responding 2 weeks after intervention. In addition, three students generalized skills to new biographies. The need for future research and implications for practice are discussed.
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Effects of a Treatment Package to Facilitate English/Language Arts Learning for Middle School Students with Moderate to Severe DisabilitiesMims, Pamela J., Lee, Angel, Browder, Diane M., Zakas, Tracie-Lynn, Flynn, Susan 01 January 2012 (has links)
This pilot study sought to develop and evaluate the use of a treatment package that included systematic and direct instruction on acquisition of literacy skills aligned with middle school English/Language Arts standards for students with moderate to severe disabilities, including autism. Participants included five teachers and 15 middle school students with moderate to severe disabilities who were primarily served in a self-contained setting. A one-group, nonrandomized, pre-posttest design was implemented to measure vocabulary, comprehen- sion of familiar text and unfamiliar text, poetry, research, and writing skills. Results indicated significant gains in vocabulary and comprehension of familiar text. Limitations, implications, and the need for future research are discussed.
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Lecture de l’heure et incapacités intellectuelles : Cahier des Charges d’un cadran évolutifRobichaud, Paul 11 1900 (has links)
La présente étude s’inscrit à l’intérieur du programme de recherche mené par le Groupe DÉFI Apprentissage (GDA) de l’Université de Montréal. Notre projet avait pour buts de réaliser les deux premières phases précédant la conception d’une ressource pédagogique qui offrira à l’enfant (6 à 12 ans qui a des incapacités intellectuelles) et à son entourage un dispositif temporel évolutif pour l’initier à la lecture de l’heure et à la gestion des activités de son horaire quotidien à l’âge approprié. Depuis quelques années, maints organismes tels que l’American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) , la Classification internationale des déficiences, incapacités et handicaps (CIDIH) de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et des sports du Québec (MELS) ainsi que le Réseau international sur le processus de production du handicap (RIPPH) soutiennent que les chercheurs doivent s’attarder aux composantes impliquées dans l’interaction Personne-Milieu pour concevoir des stratégies d’intervention auprès de diverses populations qui éprouvent des limitations. Notre recherche adoptera cette démarche en s’appuyant sur les assises suivantes : cadre méthodologique (analyse de la valeur pédagogique), cadre conceptuel (écologie de l’éducation et processus de production du handicap) et cadre technologique (ergonomie). / The present study is part of an ongoing research program which has been undertaken by the « Groupe DÉFI Apprentissage (GDA) » at « l’Université de Montréal ». Our precise mandate was to complete the two initial phases preceding the conception of a pedagogical ressource that will offer to a child (6 to 12 years old with intellectual disabilities) and to his immediate surrounding an evolutionary temporal device that will initiate him, at the appropriate age, to time telling and to daily schedule management. In recent years, a number of organizations such as the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR), the World Health Organization (WHO) the Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport du Québec (MEL) and the Réseau International sur le Processus de Production du Handicap (RIPPH) have recommended that researchers should take into account the components involved in the Person-Environment interaction when they are studying intervention strategies that could be used by people with various limitations. Our research has adopted this ecological approach and it will be supported by the following foundations: methodological approach (pedagogical value analysis), conceptual approach (educational ecology) and technological approach (ergonomics).
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Balises pour l’intervention avec les technologies auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuellesChalghoumi, Hajer 07 1900 (has links)
Considérées comme des moyens incontournables de participation à la société, les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) constituent une piste de solution prometteuse pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Toutefois, plusieurs auteurs dénoncent la faible utilisation des TIC en éducation de ces élèves. Pire encore, les recherches sur le sujet génèrent des résultats intéressants, mais d’une contribution limitée pour l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine. Guidées par l’intuition et par un enthousiasme empirique évident, ces recherches s’appuient rarement sur des cadres de référence. Certes la documentation scientifique foisonne de champs de savoirs qui peuvent contribuer à ce domaine, mais ces contributions sont parcellaires et peu adaptées aux spécificités de ce dernier. L’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles demeure donc un champ conceptuel mal défini qui n'est légitimé par aucun cadre de référence en particulier. Cette recherche doctorale se situe en phase de préconception d’un modèle de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Elle vise à mettre en place des balises solides pouvant servir de cadre à l’élaboration d’un modèle de cette intervention. Dans cette phase de préconception, nous poursuivons deux objectifs, à savoir : 1) la mise au point d’un référentiel qui constitue un cadre intégrateur des connaissances existantes en la matière, qui servira avant tout à structurer et à organiser les informations disponibles à l’intérieur d’une synthèse validée par des experts et des intervenants oeuvrant auprès de ce type d’élèves et 2) l’élaboration d’un cahier des charges fonctionnel qui s’appuie sur le référentiel développé et qui précise les fonctions qu’un modèle idéal de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles devrait remplir pour répondre pleinement aux besoins de ses différents utilisateurs. Ces balises (le référentiel et le cahier des charges fonctionnel) sont destinées, principalement, à des chercheurs, des concepteurs de technologies, des formateurs d’enseignants, etc. Les élèves, les enseignants et autres agents de l'éducation pourront en bénéficier indirectement à travers les applications dérivées de ces balises (programmes de formation, technologies, recherches, scénarios pédagogiques, etc.). / Regarded as essential means of participation in society, information and communication technologies (ICT) are a promising track for teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities. However, several authors denounce the low use of ICT in education of these students. Worse yet, research on the subject generate interesting results, but a limited support to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Guided by intuition and empirical enthusiasm, theses researches often rely on reference frames. While the literature abounds with fields of knowledge that can contribute to this area, these proposals are fragmented and poorly adapted to the specifics of the latter. The educational intervention with ICT with students with intellectual disabilities remains an ill-defined conceptual field that is not legitimized by any particular reference frame. This doctoral research precedes the conception of an educational intervention model using ICT with students who have intellectual disabilities. It aims to establish strong tags that can serve as a framework for developing this model. In this phase of preconception, we pursue two objectives: 1) developing a repository consisting in a framework for integrating existing knowledge on the subject that will serve primarily to structure and organize the information available within the a synthesis validated by experts and practitioners; 2) developing a tender specification of the functions that a perfect model of this intervention should meet to fully satisfy the needs of different users. These tags (the repository and the tender specification) are intended, mainly, to researchers, technology developers, teacher educator, etc. Students, teachers and other educational agents will benefit indirectly from these tags through their applications by the first users of (training programs, technologies, studies, lesson plans, etc.).
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Modélisation des conséquences pédagogiques induites par des incapacités intellectuelles et auditives chez l'élèveNoël, Marie-Josée January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Diference rodičovských rolí v rodině se zdravým dítětem a v rodině s dítětem s mentálním postižením / Differences between Family with Healthy Child and Family with Mental Disabilities ChildHRKALÍKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The families with a mental disability child go through the information of child´s diagnosis very hard test which can means even the marital break-up. These mentioned families should manage the crisis, but successful managing of this situation can be very strengthening element. The families with a mental disability child manifest in different way than the families with healthy children, because the birth of child with a mental disability intervenes the peace of the whole family. This fact can remark the family even this way, which the physical problems can appear by the parents or they can incline to risk change of their behaviour. The parents? roles also could change and exists also risk, that brothers and sister of child with a mental disability can follow contacts with difficulties. These families have their own particularity, because the birth of child with a mental disability means great stress for these families. The theoretic part of this work pays attention to a mental disability and its classification. Further are the welfare services available, which can families with a mental disability child use of. It is not also left out the role of family, the importance of parental roles and brotherly and sisterly constellation. I describe style of upbringing and further I concern the particularity of family with a mental disability child in my dissertation likewise the role of brother and sister by the child with a mental disability. There are also stages of acceptance with the diagnosis of a mental disability and risk behaviour of parents these children with a mental disability as results of managing critical situation described and the related physical problems. The target of dissertation is finding out if exists diametrically differences between parental roles by the care about a mental disability child and the healthy child. The intermediate target is finding out if the families with a mental disability child are more predisposed to a presence of social pathological syndromes. The theory expects following fact that the care for a mental disability child has provided by overall in majority by mothers. Families with a mental disability child incline to risk change of their behaviour than by the families with the healthy child. Brothers and sisters of a mental disability child do less friendly relationships than of the healthy children. The approach to quantitative study was used at all. The strategy of questionnaire: The questionnaire inquiry was performed by the 20 families with healthy children and by the 20 families with a mental disability child. The filled questionnaires had evaluated using the elementary statistics of software programmes SPSS and Excel. I found out more conflicting relationships between brothers and sisters in the families with a mental disability child than in the families with healthy children. Brothers and sisters of a mental disability child care more about their mental disability brother or sister than the elder brothers and sisters care about their younger ones. Likewise the brothers and sisters with a mental disability brother or sister have less friendly relationships than the children with healthy brothers and sisters. Families with healthy children enjoy more harmonious parental care than by the families with a mental disability child and mainly mothers do it. The grandparents act on behalf of parents with healthy children more often than in the families with a mental disability child, there exists often absence caring grandparents. The same is the fact that both compared families models using mostly democratic style of upbringing. Psychical problems exist more often by the parents with a mental disability child.
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Programa “Vida na Comunidade” para familiares de jovens com deficiência intelectualZutião, Patricia 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2016-10-14T12:58:50Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Não recebi financiamento / This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the "Community Life Program" for
parents/family in order to promote independence in life activities in the community for young
people with Intellectual Disabilities. Participants were four young people with intellectual
disabilities aged 19-29 years who formed dyads with their family member. The research took
place in two cities in São Paulo State, Brazil, in community places near the residence of these
young people. With dyads 1 and 3 it was worked shopping activities and with the dyads 2 and
4 it was worked activities related to moving around community. It was employed the
intermittent multiple baseline design across subjects to verify the effects of program
implementation and to demonstrate the validity of experimental control and manipulation of
the study variables. The independent variable was introduced at different moments for
participants. The dependent variable was analyzed before, during and after the
implementation of the program. The “Community Life Program” was employed based in
theoretical and practical intervention sessions. In the theoretical sessions it was used
instructional material to assist parents/family members during the sessions and also in the
absence of the researcher. The practice sessions were recorded and analyzed by the
observation protocol. The results showed that, when the intervention was started with the
implementation of the program, parents/family started demonstrating more appropriate
responses, which favored the learning of young people with intellectual disabilities, which
increased the percentage of independence in performing the activities. These results were
maintained over time in all dyads and generalized to other contexts in dyads 1, 2 and 4. The
dyad 3 did not perform generalization sessions due to non-availability of the mother. The
good performance achieved by the participants may have been possible due to changing
environmental contingencies provided from the implementation of the "Community Life in
the program." It is noteworthy that teaching the activity for each of the young people provided
learning in various skills that generalized to other functional activities. This study presents
contributions on the implementation of a program to assist parents / family in education of
young people with intellectual disabilities, especially with regard to the teaching of adaptive
activities in the "Community Life" to promote the inclusion and participation in society and
improve quality of life. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral avaliar a eficácia do “Programa Vida na Comunidade”
para pais/familiares com a finalidade de favorecer a independência em atividades de vida na
comunidade de jovens com Deficiência Intelectual. Participaram do estudo quatro jovens com deficiência intelectual na faixa etária de 19 a 29 anos, que formaram díades com seus
respectivos familiares. A pesquisa ocorreu em duas cidades do interior paulista em locais da
comunidade próximos à residência dos jovens. Com as díades 1 e 3 foi trabalhada a atividade
“fazer compras” e com as díades 2 e 4 a atividade “deslocar-se na comunidade”. Utilizou-se o delineamento de linha de base múltipla intermitente entre sujeitos para verificar os efeitos da implementação do programa e demonstrar a validade interna, o controle experimental e a manipulação das variáveis do estudo. Introduziu-se a variável independente em diferentes momentos para os participantes e analisou-se os efeitos na variável dependente antes, durante e após a implementação do programa. Atividades teóricas e práticas de intervenção foram trabalhadas no “Programa Vida na Comunidade”. Nas sessões teóricas foi utilizado um material instrucional para auxiliar os pais/familiares durante as sessões e também na ausência da pesquisadora. As sessões práticas foram gravadas e analisadas por meio do protocolo de observação. Os resultados demonstraram que, ao iniciar a implementação do programa, os pais/familiares passaram a emitir mais respostas adequadas, o que favoreceu a aprendizagem dos jovens com deficiência intelectual e aumentou a porcentagem de independência na realização das atividades. Esses resultados foram mantidos ao longo do tempo em todas as díades e generalizados para outros contextos nas díades 1, 2 e 4, visto que a díade 3 não realizou as sessões de generalização devido à não disponibilidade da mãe. O bom desempenho alcançado pelos participantes pode ter sido possível devido à mudança de contingências ambientais proporcionadas a partir da implementação do “Programa Vida na Comunidade”. Ressalta-se que o ensino de uma atividade para cada um dos jovens proporcionou a aprendizagem de diversas habilidades que podem ser generalizadas a outras atividades funcionais. O presente estudo apresenta contribuições sobre a aplicação de um
programa para auxiliar pais/familiares no ensino de jovens com deficiência intelectual,
principalmente com relação ao ensino de atividades adaptativas na área de “Vida
Comunitária”, favorecendo a inclusão e participação na sociedade e a melhora na qualidade de vida.
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