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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property / Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property

Lankau, Matthias 20 November 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil widmet sich der Fragestellung inwiefern formelle Gruppeneigentumsrechte Herkunftsgemeinschaften vor unautorisierten Verwendungen ihrer traditionellen kulturellen Ausdrucksweisen (TKAs) schützen können. Kapitel 2 und 3 führen hierzu einen ökonomischen Vergleich fünf so genannter sui generis Rechte zum Schutz jener TKAs durch und leiten Politikempfehlungen ab. Zum einen bilden die Beiträge eine Rangfolge der Transaktionskosten, die bei Verhandlung über Verwendungen der TKAs entstehen können. Zum anderen vergleichen die Kapitel, ob die Schutzpräferenzen der Ursprungsgemeinschaft durch die Modelgesetze geschützt wären. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass ein Prinzipal-Agenten-Problem auftritt sollten staatliche Behörden über zu viel Verhandlungsmacht verfügen. In diesem Fall werden Bürokraten eher ihre eigenen Interessen als die der Eigentümer der TKAs durchsetzen. Letztendlich existiert zwischen beiden Effekten ein klarer Trade-Off: Je mehr ein Gesetz die Schutzinteressen der Ursprungsgemeinschaften schützt desto höher sind seine Transaktions- und somit sozialen Kosten. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit behandelt – auf Basis ökonomischer Laborexperimente – den Fragenkomplex wie Gruppenmitglieder öffentliche Güter im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – so wie TKAs – bereitstellen. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf dem Einfluss sozialer Identität auf das Ausmaß an positiver sowie negativer Reziprozität der Individuen als Determinanten der sozialen Wohlfahrt. Die bedingte Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder sowie das gegenseitige Bestrafungsverhalten untereinander bilden hierfür Maße für positive und negative Reziprozität. Kapitel 4 zeigt, dass Individuen unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität grundsätzlich divergierende Kooperationspräferenzen abhängig davon mit wem sie interagieren aufzeigen. Auf Basis eines Within-Subject-Designs und mehreren ein-Perioden Spielen in Strategiemethode, zeigt der Beitrag, dass Individuen in identitäts-homogenen Gruppen (In-Group) die Präferenz für eine höhere bedingte Kooperation und weniger Eigennutzorientierung als in einer heterogenen Gruppe (Out-Group) zeigen. Zusätzlich neigen Individuen in heterogenen Gruppen eher zu einem vollständigen Trittbrettfahrerverhalten. Somit könnten Politikinstitutionen, die den Zusammenhalt einer Gruppe betonen, die soziale Wohlfahrt steigern. Auf der Basis eines zehn-Perioden-Spiels zeigt Kapitel 5, dass hauptsächlich vergleichsweise höhere Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Mitglieder in einer In-Group als an die in einer Out-Group Wohlfahrtsgewinne in homogenen Gruppen im Zuge mehrperiodischer Interaktionen auslösen. Die bedingte Kooperation – hier die Erwiderung der eigenen Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder durch eigene Beiträge – ist hingegen in In- und Out- Groups ähnlich. Insgesamt belegt dieser Beitrag somit, dass Erwartungen der Individuen der entscheidende Faktor für das Beitragsverhalten der Gruppenmitglieder unter sozialer Identität ist. Kapitel 6 analysiert inwiefern die Möglichkeit einer gegenseitigen Bestrafung die Kooperationsbereitschaft unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität ändert. Hierzu verwendet der Beitrag ein-Perioden-Spiele in Strategiemethode sowohl mit als auch ohne Bestrafung. Es zeigt sich, dass die Antizipation einer Bestrafung in heterogenen Gruppen zur größten Anhebung der Kooperationsbereitschaft führt, was am deutlichsten durch das Verhalten der Free-Rider ausgelöst wird. Darüber hinaus hebt die Bestrafungsinstitution unterschiede in der Kooperationsbereitschaft zwischen homo- und heterogenen Gruppen auf, die sich typischer Weise zugunsten homogener Gruppen verlagert. Letztlich deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass im Vergleich zu einer Situation in der ausschließlich eine Bestrafungsinstitution vorliegt, eine zusätzliche Identitätszuschreibung die Wohlfahrt zusätzlich erhöht. Mit Fokus auf negativer Reziprozität untersucht Kapitel 7 die Frage inwiefern soziale Identität das Bestrafungsverhalten gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern beeinflusst, die weniger zum öffentlichen Gut beitragen als der Bestrafende. Hier zeigt sich, dass Mitglieder identitäts-homogener Gruppen seltener und in geringerer Höhe bestrafen, als es in heterogenen Gruppen der Fall ist. Darüber hinaus ist das Bestrafungsverhalten in heterogenen Gruppen signifikant stärker durch Ärger-ähnliche Emotionen motiviert als in homogenen Gruppen. Insgesamt zeigt der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation, dass Identitätszuschreibungen sowohl positive als auch negative Reziprozität beeinflussen und somit die soziale Wohlfahrt bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter – auch im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – beeinflussen. Diese Ergebnisse sind demzufolge für Verhaltensabschätzungen im Rahmen von Politikempfehlungen relevant, die sich auf Situation mit dem Charakter öffentlicher Güter beziehen.

A conceptual framework and considerations for mergers and acquisitions in the information technology arena / P.J. van Schalkwyk

Van Schalkwyk, Phillipus Johannes January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

The Politics of Canada's Access to Medicines Regime: The Dogs that Didn't Bark

Esmail, Laura Caroline 05 December 2012 (has links)
Decisions to reform pharmaceutical policy often involve trade-offs between competing social and commercial goals. Canada's Access to Medicines Regime (CAMR), a reform that permits compulsory licensing for the production and export of medicines to developing countries, aimed to reconcile these goals. Since it was passed in 2004, only one order of antiretroviral drugs, enough for 21,000 HIV/AIDS patients in Rwanda for one year, has been exported. Future use of the regime appears unlikely. This research aimed to examine the politics underlying the formation of CAMR. Parliamentary committee hearing transcripts from CAMR's legislative development (2004) and from CAMR's legislative review (2007) were analyzed using a content analysis technique to identify how stakeholders who participated in the debates framed the issues. These findings were subsequently analyzed using a framework of framing, institutions and interests to determine how these three dimensions shaped CAMR's final policy design. In 2004, policy debates were dominated by two themes: intellectual property rights and TRIPS compliance. Promoting human rights and the impact of CAMR on innovation were hardly discussed. With the Departments of Industry Canada and International Trade as the lead institutions, the goals of protecting intellectual property and ensuring good trade relations with the United States appear to have taken priority over encouraging generic competition to achieve drug affordability. The result was a more limited interpretation of patent flexibilities under the WTO Paragraph 6 Decision. The most striking finding is the minimal discussion over the potential barriers developing country beneficiaries might face when attempting to use compulsory licensing, including their reluctance to use TRIPS flexibilities, their desire to pursue technological development and the constraints inherent in the WTO Paragraph 6 Decision. Instead, these issues were raised in 2007, which can be partly accounted for by a greater representation of the interests of potential beneficiary country governments. While the Government attempted to strike a balance between drug affordability and intellectual property protection, it designed CAMR as a last resort measure. Increased input from the developing country beneficiaries and shifting to institutions where the right to health gets prioritized may lead to policies that better achieves affordable drug access.

生技製藥智慧資本與研發管理對策 -以台灣新創製藥公司為例 / Intellectual Capital and R&D Management Strategy for Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case Study on New Pharmaceutical Ventures in Taiwan

洪嘉鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,傳統製造業所看重的有形資本已不足以維持企業優勢,無形的智慧資本在新型態的企業競爭中所扮演的角色日顯重要。各行各業都有無形資產,種類性質因產業而異,傳統製造業重視營業秘密、商譽,高科技產業的專利則是公司競爭力的核心,而屬於知識高度密集產業的生技產業更需要重視智慧資本的管理。生技產業的結構複雜,價值鏈長、分工專業、產品開發期漫長,在產品成功上市之前的開發時期中,公司資產多屬於無形的智慧資本,無法從傳統的財務報表觀察其真正的企業價值。相較於其他產業,生技公司更必須訴求於正確的無形資產管理方式,方能成功兌現其智慧資本。 本研究先藉由文獻回顧統整台灣生技產業的相關現況、過去相關智慧資本管理研究以及研發管理等議題,歸納出一般性共識與管理原則。接著依循這些重點,訪談三家台灣生技公司的經理人,包括台灣微脂體、中裕新藥與因華生技,深入了解台灣產業經營實務與現況,探討其智慧資本中的人力、組織與關係資本在個案公司內的蓄積方式,從研發管理模式、組織制度設計與智財管理等面向進行綜合比較。 本研究認為研發能量與知識管理在組織制度中的蓄積,是台灣業界經營管理上常見的盲點,台灣生技新藥業者多重視新技術的研發,普遍對智慧資本其他面向的重視程度不高,但對生技產業而言,扣除資金與技術後,公司的長期競爭力往往都是在組織發展的過程中累積而來的,忽視知識管理與組織制度的養成,對於企業長久發展有關鍵性的負面影響。研究中的個案最終都必須往累積組織資本的方向邁進,若不針對組織資本的蓄積設計恰當的管理方法,為研發人才設計合適的制度與生涯發展管道,將研發團隊的知識能量內化為企業自有資產,只期望以短期的數據績效取得資金支持,忽視智慧資本的管理與培養,並非生技產業長久經營之道。建議生技公司除了聘僱專業經理人處理資金與股東的關係外,也要重視研發長與策略長在組織中的地位,大膽給予權利,調整組織的運作模式,設計出能累積公司能量的專案管理流程,才是生技公司創造競爭力之本。 / In the era of knowledge-based economy, the tangible assets highly-valued by traditional manufacturing industry is no more enough solely to maintain industrial competency. Intangible intellectual assets become more and more important in modern commercial competitions. The intangible assets exist and vary according to different industries. Traditional manufacturing industry looks highly upon trade secrets and brand reputation while patent is the core competency to high-tech companies. Biotech industry belongs to a high knowledge-intensive business and should emphasize more on the management of intellectual assets. Biotech industry is characterized of a complicated system, a long value chain, specialized divisions of labor, and a prolonged timeline of product development. The company assets before the successful commercialization of a product are usually intangible intellectual property and a biotech company during this period cannot be accurately evaluated from traditional financial reports. Hence, compared to other business, biotech companies should resort more actively to appropriate intangible intellectual asset management to achieve a successful redemption of its intellectual assets. This thesis will firstly through the literature study depict the current condition of Taiwan biotech industry and important issues on intellectual asset management and R&D management, inducing several principles of management. Further, the study proceeds with the principles induced to examine three new ventures in Taiwan, Taiwan Liposome Company (TLO), TaiMed Biologics, and InnoPharmax. The discussion will elaborate the practice of intellectual asset management of biotech industry in Taiwan, analyzing and comparing the accumulation of human capital, organizational capital, and relationship capital in the three cases. The study proposes that Taiwan biotech companies usually neglect the accumulation and management of R&D capacity and knowledge in the enterprise organization system. The companies in question invest their resources mostly on the development of new technology and less on other intellectual assets. However, in the long run, the competency of a biotech company accumulates while the organization develops, other than the financial capital and technology. The depreciation of knowledge management and organization system will cause fatal influences on the company. The cases in the thesis must eventually develop their own organizational capital. Biotech companies need to devise appropriate management for organizational capital and preferable career paths for researchers and engineers, to internalize the knowledge capacity of the research team into the company assets. It is not beneficial to a biotech company in the long run to expect financial supports with short-termed achievements, instead of the management and cultivation of intellectual assets. It is advised that other than hiring professional manager for investor relations, the biotech company should pay more attention to the function of CRO and CSO in the organization and sufficiently authorize them into full play. It should also focus on the operation of the organization, adjusting and devising program management to accumulate knowledge capacity, to firmly establish the core competency in a biotech company.

台灣農業無形資產附加價值提昇之探討 – 蝴蝶蘭產業營運新模式 / Value added for agricultural intangible assets in Taiwan – new operational models of moth orchid industry

蘇春霖, Su, Chun Lin Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣農業有優良的傳統,曾經以優越的生產技術,良好的品質,在外銷市場上,屢創佳績。本文首先探討當前農業發展的困境,源自於過度注重生產導向思維,忽略產業鏈上下游息息相關的產業結構,忽略行銷通路的發展,忽略知識經濟中,創新服務的附加價值。 近年來,蝴蝶蘭產業揚名國際,博得蝴蝶蘭王國美譽。分析蝴蝶蘭產業的價值傳遞過程,發現台灣蝴蝶蘭產業,正逐漸步入早期傳統農業的後塵,策略發展以生產能力為核心。這個營運策略為擴張規模,增加產能,以期降低成本,在市場上以價格競爭為手段。對於一個產業而言,這是一個危險的訊號。 今以蝴蝶蘭產業為例,深究台灣農業是否可以從企業經營觀點,健全產業結構,發掘更多附加價值。這個問題的答案存在於以無形資產創價的觀念,以現有良好的生產技術為後盾,結合農業科技智慧財產、聯合行銷與品牌經營,是未來台灣農業應該努力發展的三大策略主軸。 在此一策略思維主軸下,許多創新事業模式可以發展,包括農業生物科技公司,品質認證公司,拍賣公司,行銷公司,溫室營建公司等,或為周邊產業,或為上下游,唇齒相依。農產業一如其他產業,應思考佔據產業關鍵地位,方能提升議價能力,擁有競爭優勢。這些創新事業的特色為科技運用,服務事業,重視品質,最終以品牌經營為依歸。活絡創新事業,將現代化科技與服務精神引入農產事業,這是一場無產經營的變革,成功關鍵在發揮合作精神與善用優質人力。創造的無形資產價值,有一天可以超越農產品本身的價格。 / Agriculture had helped Taiwan earn economic advance in the early time, but went in vain and into history without sustained development. What constrains agriculture itself is the production-centered mind setting. Recently, moth orchid export has become a rising star among other horticulture products. Through analysis of Taiwan orchid value chain, it is found that orchid industry is stepping into the same path of traditional agriculture practice. Individual orchid farmers focus on enlarging greenhouse coverage in order to reduce cost and to win a price-based war. Discussion is made to ask if business management can be integrated into Taiwan agricultural practice. With good field practice technique supporting, intellectual property protection of biotechnology, brand operation and cooperative marketing should be three main strategies for future development of Taiwan agriculture. Agriculture, just like other business operation, should develop strategy to gain advantage in key position to win competition advantages. The characters of these innovative operational models are applications of current technology, service oriented, emphasis on quality, and ends in good brand management. Taiwan orchid farmers should also realize only through cooperative efforts, they can prevail. In the future, agriculture should recruit quality human resource in all aspects including business management, technology, engineering and service. Value generation by new business models producing intangible assets are proposed and discussed.


洪健雄, Hung,Chien-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,商業交易多半是單純為取得某種物品或權利,由交易雙方協商並訂立合約,如買方為取得房地而願給付價金,賣方為取得金錢乃願出售房屋。然而二十世紀之後,經濟型態的轉變為交易的內容帶來了重大的轉變,智慧財產權的讓與或授權交易漸趨熱門,在商業經營中時時刻刻上演。如同典型的交易一樣,就取得權利者而言,其願意將所有的專利、商標、著作權等權利加以利用,以獲取金錢利益;反之,欲利用者則透過與權利擁有者訂立合約的方式,將之利用於所生產的商品或服務,增加其邊際效用,獲取更大的利潤。 在此背景之下,智慧財產的讓與或是授權,其交易的型態與方式漸行複雜,對於企業的經營更是有著決定性的影響,加上智慧財產權,可說是法律所創設出來的權利,其異於傳統財產實體的特質,更難以令習慣傳統交易的我們加以掌握,因此有深入研究的必要,本論文即基於此背景,開始關於智慧財產諸多活動中的一個課題-「授權」活動展開研究。 因此,本篇論文研究有以下的目的: 一、 從高科技產業獨特的環境去瞭解智慧財產授權所扮演的角色。 二、 智慧財產授權對於高科技企業經營策略之影響與作用,反之,高科技經營策略之擬定後,是否可以傑由授權達成其目的。 三、 高科技企業在面臨智慧財產授權契約談判時,應如何爭取最佳利益。 四、 高科技企業營運策略中,關於簽訂授權契約可能引發的法律相關議題應如何面對。 本研究即基於上述目的,從法律面及商業管理的角度去探討智慧財產授權活動所引發企業經營的策略意涵,以三個層次分別來說明:一、企業經營層次;二、授權契約談判層次;三、相關法律議題層次。透過三個層次的分析與歸納,本研究針對高科技企業之經營與智慧財產權授權的策略運用提出下列數點之建議: (一) 智慧財產授權是一個複雜的領域,涉及法律、管理、技術等面向,因此我國高科技企業必須走出權利金追索與授權的泥沼中,重新架構授權與企業的經營策略。 (二) 我國高科技企業若欲藉由授權活動予以獲利,則最重要的是將企業轉型為真正的知識型企業,持續研發,蓄積優質的智慧財產權,如此才能將智慧財產授權活動的功用發揮到最大。 (三) 企業應培養相關智慧財產權授權相關人才,並考量是否建制一個獨立的智慧財產授權部門。 (四) 授權契約的簽訂將會影響企業未來研發的發展方向,因此建議企業於簽署授權契約時,必須考量企業本身是否可以自行研發該技術,或是其他替代性技術的可行性,切勿因為被國外的企業一警告,即簽署智慧財產權的授權契約。 (五) 反之,既然專利訴訟需耗費大量的人力、物力、時間與金錢,因此面對專利侵權訴訟時,應考量接受授權的可能性,授權所付出的成本與進行訴訟的成本相較後取其較低者。但是需注意的是,縱使獲得他人授權,然亦不代表會侵害第三人之專利,換言之獲得一家企業的授權,並不表示已經一勞永逸的無侵權可能性。故建議企業在接受專利授權時,必須詳細的評估該專利的範圍。 (六) 授權與智慧財產的保護與執行有緊密的關係,因此企業應加強智慧財產的保護與執行,才可以降低授權活動所面臨的風險。 (七) 智慧財產授權,基於智慧財產的無形性的特性而生,與傳統的有形財產有迥然不同的性質,善加利用智慧財產權的特性,將可使企業擺脫傳統的營業模式,邁向新的獲利境界。建議企業應重新的審視自己所有的智慧資產,加以稽核與評估,結合本研究所提出的授權策略架構,重新思索企業的營運方向與智慧資產的利用是否完善,有效的提升企業的競爭地位,創造更多的經營優勢。

台灣農業科技商品化之經營模式研究 / The Research on Business Model of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan

黃燦文, HUANG,TSAN-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
在現今以知識經濟為主的世界經濟潮流之下,尋求高附加價值的產業經營模式,已經成為各國政府與各類產業致力追求的目標。台灣的傳統農業以生產、銷售農產品為主,根據近幾年來的經濟統計資料和經濟發展趨勢都顯示,其所能創造的經濟價值已經相對低微;且在整體經濟環境改變之後,並未善用所擁有的知識、技術為產品注入較高的附加價值,以致使台灣的優質農產品淪為激烈競爭下的相對弱勢,實屬可惜。在遭受如此不利的衝擊、處於充滿挑戰的環境之下,台灣的傳統農業必須有所覺醒與改變。以台灣所具備的優勢農業科技研究條件,並擁有大量且優秀的農業技術為基礎,由生產農產品的傳統農業,進一步發展為以經營、管理、運用農業科技為主的知識型農業,將成為台灣傳統農業尋求轉型以及未來發展機會的重要契機。 要發展以經營、管理、運用農業科技為主的知識型農業,則必須先進行農業科技的商品化;農業科技能否成功地商品化並成功地銷售,乃至於進一步成功地產業化,其是否具備良好的經營模式設計將會是重要的關鍵。唯有具備良好的經營模式,農業科技才有機會成功地商品化,商品才能夠成功地進入市場,進而成功地建立市場地位,也才可能成功地進行產業化。 本研究即以農業科技商品化之經營模式為研究題目,探討台灣在發展農業科技商品化時,其經營模式之設計與需關注之重要議題。本研究共分為六章,依序為序論、文獻探討、台灣對農業科技之管理與運用現況、台灣發展農業科技商品化之挑戰與未來、農業科技商品化之個案研究、結論與建議;藉由以上各章節主題的安排,對研究題目與研究議題進行深入的探討。本研究除就現況進行分析與鋪陳相關理論外,另以個案研究驗證所述理論,以期對台灣農業科技商品化之經營模式規劃有深入的學習與瞭解。 / Presently, the Knowledge-Based Economy is the main trend of the world economy. Under the circumstances, to seek business models with high added value is the major job that each of governments and enterprises must do. The main activity of Taiwan’s traditional agriculture is to produce and sell agricultural products. According to the presentation of world’s economic trend and economic statistical data, the economic value of Taiwan’s traditional agriculture is very low. And after the change of economic conditions in Taiwan, we never add high value to agricultural products with our business experience and agricultural technology. Unfortunately, Taiwan’s excellently agricultural products become victims in this intensely commercial competition. In order to avoid the unfavorable environment and competition, we have to make some change in Taiwan’s traditional agriculture. There are advantaged conditions of agricultural research and a lot of excellently agricultural technology in Taiwan. So to develop the Knowledge-Based Agriculture, that it means to apply, to manage, and to operate the agricultural technology in agricultural operation, is the major way and opportunities that we can do to transform Taiwan’s traditional agriculture. If we want to develop the Knowledge-Based Agriculture, we have to commercialize our agricultural technology first. I think that the good business models will become the key points to influence the successful commercialization of agricultural technology and successful sale of technology-products. If we do not have good business models, we cannot commercialize the agricultural technology successfully, and cannot sell technology-products into markets, and cannot develop the industrialization of agricultural technology. The title of this research is “The Research on Business Model of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan.” I want to study the design of business models and some important subject matter of the commercialization of agricultural technology in Taiwan. There are six chapters in this research, and these are Ch.1 Introductions, Ch.2 Probing for Previous Documents, Ch.3 The Present Circumstances of Application and Management of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan, Ch.4 The Challenges and Opportunities of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan, Ch.5 The Case Study on Commercialization of Agricultural Technology, Ch.6 Conclusions and Suggestions. I will study the subject matter and concerns of this research deeply in the light of the chapters’ order. In this research, I will complete the work by analyzing present circumstances, explaining and illustrating related theories, testing and verifying theories by case study. I want to get deep learning and understanding in the design of business models of commercialization of agricultural technology in Taiwan through this research.

Taranaki waiata tangi and feelings for place

Smith, Ailsa Lorraine January 2001 (has links)
The occupation of Moutoa Gardens in 1995 highlighted efforts by Whanganui iwi to draw attention to the non-settlement of long-standing land grievances arising out of land confiscations by the Crown in New Zealand in the 1860s. Maori attitudes to land have not been well understood by successive New Zealand governments since that time, nor by many Pakeha New Zealanders. In an effort to overcome that lack of understanding, this thesis studies a particular genre of Maori composition; namely, waiata tangi or songs of lament, which contain a strong indigenous sense of place component. The waiata used in this study derive from my tribal area of Taranaki, which is linked historically and through whakapapa with Whanganui iwi. These waiata were recorded in manuscript form in the 1890s by my great-grandfather Te Kahui Kararehe, and are a good source from which to draw conclusions about the traditional nature of Maori feelings for place. Two strands run throughout this thesis. The first examines the nature of Maori feelings for place and land, which have endured through primary socialisation to the present day. By focusing upon a form of expression that reveals the attachment of Maori towards their ancestral homelands, it is hoped that the largely monocultural Pakeha majority in New Zealand will be made aware of that attachment. It is also hoped that Pakeha may be suitably informed of the consequences of colonialist intervention in the affairs of the Maori people since 1840, which have resulted in cultural deprivation and material disadvantage at the present day. In the current climate of government moves to address the problems bequeathed them by their predecessors, it is important that the settlement of land claims and waterways under the Treaty of Waitangi should proceed unhindered by misapprehension and misinformation on the part of the public at large. The second strand of my thesis concerns the waiata texts themselves, which I wish to bring to the attention of the descendants of the composers of those waiata, who may or may not know of their existence. Since so much of value has been lost to the Maori world it is important that the culturally precious items that remain should be restored as soon as possible to those to whom they rightfully belong. Key themes examined in this thesis are the nature of Maori "feelings" for place and a "sense" of place; Maori research methodologies and considerations, including Maori cosmology and genealogical lines of descent; ethical concerns and intellectual property rights; ethnographic writings from the nineteenth century which tried to make sense of Maori imagery and habits of thought; the Kahui Papers from which the waiata were drawn; and the content and imagery of the waiata themselves. I also discuss the use of hermeneutics as a methodological device for unlocking the meanings of words and references in the waiata, and present the results both from a western sense of place perspective and a Maori viewpoint based on cultural concepts and understandings.

Taranaki waiata tangi and feelings for place

Smith, Ailsa Lorraine January 2001 (has links)
The occupation of Moutoa Gardens in 1995 highlighted efforts by Whanganui iwi to draw attention to the non-settlement of long-standing land grievances arising out of land confiscations by the Crown in New Zealand in the 1860s. Maori attitudes to land have not been well understood by successive New Zealand governments since that time, nor by many Pakeha New Zealanders. In an effort to overcome that lack of understanding, this thesis studies a particular genre of Maori composition; namely, waiata tangi or songs of lament, which contain a strong indigenous sense of place component. The waiata used in this study derive from my tribal area of Taranaki, which is linked historically and through whakapapa with Whanganui iwi. These waiata were recorded in manuscript form in the 1890s by my great-grandfather Te Kahui Kararehe, and are a good source from which to draw conclusions about the traditional nature of Maori feelings for place. Two strands run throughout this thesis. The first examines the nature of Maori feelings for place and land, which have endured through primary socialisation to the present day. By focusing upon a form of expression that reveals the attachment of Maori towards their ancestral homelands, it is hoped that the largely monocultural Pakeha majority in New Zealand will be made aware of that attachment. It is also hoped that Pakeha may be suitably informed of the consequences of colonialist intervention in the affairs of the Maori people since 1840, which have resulted in cultural deprivation and material disadvantage at the present day. In the current climate of government moves to address the problems bequeathed them by their predecessors, it is important that the settlement of land claims and waterways under the Treaty of Waitangi should proceed unhindered by misapprehension and misinformation on the part of the public at large. The second strand of my thesis concerns the waiata texts themselves, which I wish to bring to the attention of the descendants of the composers of those waiata, who may or may not know of their existence. Since so much of value has been lost to the Maori world it is important that the culturally precious items that remain should be restored as soon as possible to those to whom they rightfully belong. Key themes examined in this thesis are the nature of Maori "feelings" for place and a "sense" of place; Maori research methodologies and considerations, including Maori cosmology and genealogical lines of descent; ethical concerns and intellectual property rights; ethnographic writings from the nineteenth century which tried to make sense of Maori imagery and habits of thought; the Kahui Papers from which the waiata were drawn; and the content and imagery of the waiata themselves. I also discuss the use of hermeneutics as a methodological device for unlocking the meanings of words and references in the waiata, and present the results both from a western sense of place perspective and a Maori viewpoint based on cultural concepts and understandings.

Executive Function in the Intellectually Disabled Offender: A Preliminary Investigation

Nesik, Aleksandra January 2008 (has links)
Despite executive function deficits now been examined in relation to the propensity to commit crimes in the general offending population, to date there has been little investigation of this within an intellectually disabled offending sample. The aim of the present study was to undertake a content analysis of the offending patterns and general behavior of Disabilities SA clients with a view to ascertaining whether such an assessment is justified for this offending group. The present study involved content analysis of five participants, currently clients of Disabilities SA. A coding schema was used to assess for evidence of four executive functions: Learning from previous experience; Engaging in logical reasoning; Impulse control; and Understanding the reactions of others. Findings suggest that offenders with intellectual disability have difficulties in all four areas. These findings are discussed in terms of the need for more comprehensive assessment and treatment implications.

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