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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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La vidéo-pupillométrie pour prédire la douleur procédurale chez les adultes incapables de communiquer après un traumatisme craniocérébral à l’unité de soins intensifs

Cardin-Desrochers, Gabrielle 10 1900 (has links)
Problématique. Le traitement de la douleur procédurale est essentiel pour le confort des personnes incapables de communiquer à l’unité de soins intensifs (USI) après avoir subi un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC). Bien que les échelles d’observation des comportements comme le Critical Care Observation Tool-Neuro (CPOT-Neuro) soient utilisées dans ce contexte, les comportements sont souvent atténués chez la personne TCC à l’USI, dû aux fortes doses de sédation. But. Cette étude visait à examiner si les paramètres du réflexe photo-lumineux (RPL), mesurés avec un vidéo- pupillomètre, peuvent prédire les comportements relatifs à la douleur observés lors de procédures de soins courantes chez des personnes TCC incapables de communiquer à l’USI. Méthode. 12 participants (10 hommes, 41 ans ± 21) avec TCC sévère ont été observés avant, pendant et 15 minutes après une procédure de soin douloureuse et non douloureuse. À chaque observation, les paramètres du RPL (amplitude, vitesse, latence) et le score CPOT-Neuro ont été recueillis. L’auto- évaluation de la douleur a été collectée chez les participants pouvant communiquer. Résultats. Des fluctuations significatives dans la latence du RPL et du CPOT-Neuro ont été observées entre la mesure prise avant et celle pendant la procédure douloureuse. La latence du RPL a été le seul prédicteur significatif d’un score CPOT-Neuro ≥ 2. Aucune corrélation entre le RPL et l’auto- évaluation des participants a été observée. Conclusion. Bien que préliminaires, les résultats suggèrent que la latence du RPL peut prédire la présence de douleur lors de la mobilisation chez les personnes TCC incapables de communiquer à l’USI. / Background. The management of procedural pain is essential for the comfort of noncommunicative individuals in the intensive care unit (ICU) after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Although behavioral observational scales like the Critical Pain Observation Tool-Neuro (CPOTNeuro can be used in this context, behaviors are often attenuated in TBI individuals in the ICU due to high doses of sedatives. Aim. This study aimed to examine if the parameters of the pupillary light reflex (PLR), measured with a video-pupillometer, can be used to predict pain-related behaviors observed during common care procedures in non-communicative TBI individuals in the ICU. Method. Twelve participants (10 males; 41 years ± 21) with severe TBI were observed before, during, and 15 minutes after a painful and a non-painful care procedure. At each observation, the PLR (amplitude, velocity, latency) and CPOT-Neuro scores were collected. Selfreported pain was collected from participants who could communicate. Results. Significant fluctuations in the latency of PLR and CPOT-Neuro scores were observed between measurements taken before. And during the painful procedure. Of all PLR parameters, the latency of PLR was the only significant predictor of a CPOT-Neuro score ≥ 2. No correlation was observed between PLR and participant’s self-reported pain. Conclusion. Although preliminary, findings suggest that PLR latency could predict pain for the mobilization procedure in non-communicative TBI individuals in the ICU.

Pastoraat aan getraumatiseerde kinders in die intensiewesorgeenheid: ’n Gestalt benadering / Pastoral care to traumatised children in the intensive care unit: a Gestalt approach

Strydom, Willie Andries 15 September 2011 (has links)
In Suid-Afrika word kinders dikwels opgeneem in die Intensiewesorgeenheid na 'n traumatiese gebeurtenis. Die Kerk het die opdrag om vir hierdie kinders te sorg en wel in die vorm van pastoraat. In die praktyk ontvang kinders egter nie altyd die sorg waarop hulle geregtig is nie. Een van die faktore waarom dit nie altyd gebeur nie, is omdat daar gebruik gemaak word van 'n intervensie metode wat steun op verbale kommuniekasievaardighede. Die ses stappe van intervensienavorsing is gebruik om 'n pastorale praktykmodel in die vorm van 'n kursus te ontwikkel. Die aanvanklike praktykmodel is in gevallestudies getoets en later verfyn. Die klem van hierdie praktykmodel is die gebruik van spel as modus van intervensie vanuit 'n Gestalt benadering. Die kursus sal pastors en geestelike werkers in staat stel om effektief vir kinders te sorg. Die hoofkonsepte van die navorsing vorm die vertrekpunte van die kursus saam met praktiese oefeninge in spelterapietegnieke. / Many children in South-Africa are admitted in the Intensive Care Unit after a traumatic event. The Church is called to care for these children in the form of pastoral care. In practise children are often neglected and do not receive the care that they are entiteld to. One of the main reasons is because pastors and religious workers use an intervention method that depends mainly on the verbal skills of the child. The six steps of intervention research was used to develop a pastoral model in the form of course. The innitial intervention model was tested in case studies and refined. The focus of this model is to use play as a mode of intervention from a Gestalt approach. The course will enable pastors and religious workers to care for children more effectively. The main concepts of the research forms the basis of this model with practical excercises. / Social Work / D. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Epigenetica comportamentale della prematurità: Come la metilazione del DNA media l'impatto di precoci esperienze avverse sullo sviluppo socio-emozionale in bambini nati fortemente pretermine / PRETERM BEHAVIORAL EPIGENETICS: HOW DNA METHYLATION CONTRIBUTES TO THE EMBEDDING OF EARLY ADVERSE EXPERIENCES INTO THE SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF VERY PRETERM INFANTS

PROVENZI, LIVIO 17 March 2016 (has links)
Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono riportati i risultati di un innovativo progetto di ricerca longitudinale nell'ambito della psicobiologia. I recenti progressi nel campo dell'epigenetica sono stati applicati allo studio delle conseguenze di esperienze avverse precoci sullo sviluppo socio-emozionale in bambini nati fortemente pretermine. La nascita pretermine costituisce un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo socio-emozionale, in parte per l'esposizione ad eventi stressanti (es.: dolore neonatale) durante l'ospedalizzazione in terapia intensiva neonatale (TIN). L'epigenetica si riferisce a processi biochimici altamente sensibili alle esperienze ambientali e che alterano la funzione di trascrizione di specifici geni, senza modificare la struttura della sequenza di DNA. Il candidato ha sviluppato un razionale clinicamente rilevante per la ricerca epigenetica comportamentale della prematurità. Inoltre il progetto di ricerca ha dimostrato che il livello di esposizione a procedure dolorose si associa a esiti avversi sul piano temperamentale e della risposta allo stress a tre mesi e che tale associazione è mediata da alterazioni epigenetiche a livello del gene che codifica per il trasportatore della serotonina. Le implicazioni teoriche, cliniche ed etiche di questi risultati sono trattate nella sezione conclusiva. Il progetto di epigenetica comportamentale della prematurità fornisce una nuova prospettiva teorica ed empirica sul tema dell’interazione tra genetica ed ambiente. / In the present work, the candidate reports the results of an innovative longitudinal research project in the field of psychobiology. The recent epigenetic progresses have been applied to the study of the consequences of early adverse event exposures on the socio-emotional development of very preterm infants. Preterm birth is a major concern for socio-emotional development, partly due to the exposure to adverse stressful stimulations (i.e., skin-breaking procedures) during the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) stay. Epigenetics refers to biochemical processes which are sensitive to environmental cues and which alter the transcriptional activity of specific genes without changing the DNA structure. The candidate has developed a clinically relevant rationale for preterm behavioral epigenetics (PBE). The research project has demonstrated that the early exposure to high levels of skin-breaking procedures during NICU stay associate with non-optimal temperamental profile and stress regulation at 3 months of age. This association was mediated by epigenetic modifications (DNA methylation) of the stress-related gene encoding for serotonin transporter. The theoretical, clinical and ethical implications of these findings are discussed further in the final section of the thesis. The PBE project provides a new framework for the issue of the interconnections between nature and nurture.

Κλινικοεργαστηριακή διερεύνηση της φορείας και των λοιμώξεων από πολυανθεκτικά στελέχη σε ασθενείς της Μονάδας Εντατικής Θεραπείας και των Μονάδων Αυξημένης Φροντίδας

Παπαδημητρίου-Ολιβγέρης, Ματθαίος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας ήταν η επιδημιολογική επιτήρηση της φορείας και των λοιμώξεων από Klebsiella pneumoniae που παράγει καρβαπενεμάση KPC (KPC-Kp), ανθεκτικό σε βανκομυκίνη Enterococcus (VRE) και ανθεκτικό σε μεθικιλλίνη Staphylococccus aureus (MRSA) σε ασθενείς που νοσηλεύονται στις Μονάδες Εντατικής Θεραπείας (ΜΕΘ) του Πανεπιστημιακού Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Πατρών (ΜΕΘ Α) και του Νοσοκομείου «Άγιος Ανδρέας» (ΜΕΘ Β) τη χρονική περίοδο Οκτώβριος 2009 έως Φεβρουάριος 2012. H διασπορά της KPC-Kp αποτελεί το σημαντικότερο πρόβλημα στις Ελληνικές ΜΕΘ, με τα ποσοστά της να αυξάνονται στις παθολογικές και χειρουργικές κλινικές. Κατά τη διάρκεια της παρούσας μελέτης, 12.8% των ασθενών που εισήχθηκαν στη ΜΕΘ Α (52 από 405 ασθενείς) ήταν αποικισμένοι από KPC-Kp κατά την εισαγωγή τους με την προηγηθείσα νοσηλεία σε ΜΕΘ, την χρόνια αποφρακτική πνευμονοπάθεια, τη διάρκεια προηγηθείσας νοσηλείας και την προηγηθείσα χορήγηση καρβαπενέμης ή συνδυασμού β-λακτάμης/αναστολέα λακταμάσης να συμβάλλουν στον αποικισμό. Παρατηρήθηκε μία σταδιακή αύξηση των αποικισμένων ασθενών που εισάγονται στη ΜΕΘ με 3.9% (4 από 102 ασθενείς) τους πρώτους 6 μήνες σε σύγκριση με 15.8% (48 από 300 ασθενείς) τους επόμενους 16 μήνες που αντικατοπτρίζει τη σταδιακή διασπορά της KPC-Kp σε κλινικές εκτός ΜΕΘ. Από τους 226 μη αποικισμένους ασθενείς κατά την εισαγωγή στη ΜΕΘ Α, 164 (72.6%) αποικίστηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια της νοσηλείας τους με σημαντικότερους παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τον αποικισμό να είναι η παρουσία αποικισμένων ασθενών σε διπλανές κλίνες και η νοσηλεία σε κλίνη προηγουμένως αποικισμένου ασθενή, ενώ δε βρέθηκε συσχέτιση ανάμεσα στον αποικισμό και τη θνησιμότητα. Το υψηλό ποσοστό αποικισμού σε συνδυασμό με τους προηγούμενους παράγοντες υποδεικνύει την σημασία της διασποράς της KPC-Kp από ασθενή σε ασθενή μέσω του ιατρονοσηλευτικού προσωπικού και υποδηλώνει τη σημασία πιο αυστηρής εφαρμογής της πολιτικής ελέγχου λοιμώξεων. Συνολικά 53 ασθενείς της ΜΕΘ Α ανέπτυξαν βακτηριαιμία από KPC-Kp με 43.4% θνησιμότητα. Οι σημαντικότεροι παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη θνησιμότητα είναι η αντοχή του στελέχους σε κολιστίνη/τιγεκυκλίνη/γενταμικίνη και η σηπτική καταπληξία, ενώ η θεραπεία με συνδυασμό τουλάχιστον δύο δραστικών αντιβιοτικών σχετίζεται με καλύτερη πρόγνωση επιβεβαιώνοντας τα αποτελέσματα προηγούμενων μελετών υπέρ της συνδυαστικής θεραπείας στην καταπολέμηση των λοιμώξεων από KPC-Kp. Η ανάπτυξη αντοχής των στελεχών KPC-Kp έναντι της κολιστίνης ή της τιγεκυκλίνης, οι οποίες αποτελούν τις τελευταίες θεραπευτικές επιλογές για το συγκεκριμένο παθογόνο, είναι ένα ανησυχητικό φαινόμενο. Συνολικά, 24.4% και 17.9% των ασθενών της ΜΕΘ Α αποικίστηκαν από στέλεχος KPC-Kp ανθεκτικό στην κολιστίνη και τιγεκυκλίνη, αντίστοιχα. Όπως αναμενόταν η λήψη των συγκεκριμένων αντιβιοτικών συνέβαλε στον αποικισμό, όμως ο σημαντικότερος παράγοντας για αποικισμό ήταν η παρουσία αποικισμένου ασθενή στις διπλανές κλίνες υποδηλώνοντας τη σημασία της διασποράς των στελεχών και όχι της de novo ανάπτυξη αντοχής. Η σύγκριση των δύο ΜΕΘ, ανέδειξε ότι μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό των ασθενών της ΜΕΘ Α αποικίζονται κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας σε σχέση με τη ΜΕΘ Β (61.8% vs 34.1%) και σε συντομότερο χρονικό διάστημα (10.6 vs 19.9 ημέρες). Τα στοιχεία αυτά μπορούν να ερμηνευτούν από το υψηλότερο ποσοστό εισαγωγών αποικισμένων ασθενών (11.4% vs 1.8%), τη μικρότερη αναλογία νοσηλευτών/ασθενών καθώς και την αυξημένη κατανάλωση καρβαπενεμών στη ΜΕΘ Α. Συνολικά, 305 και 100 στελέχη K. pneumoniae που απομονώθηκαν από τη ΜΕΘ Α και Β, αντίστοιχα, ήταν θετικά για την παρουσία του γονιδίου blaKPC ενώ πέντε στελέχη της ΜΕΘ Α ήταν θετικά και για το γονίδιο blaVIM. Και στις δύο ΜΕΘ τα στελέχη ήταν ανθεκτικά σε πενικιλλίνες, στις κεφαλοσπορίνες, στην αζτρεονάμη, στην τριμεθοπρίμη-σουλφαμεθοξαζόλη (30% των στελεχών της ΜΕΘ Β ήταν ευαίσθητα), στην αμικασίνη, στην τομπραμυκίνη και στις κινολόνες. Η αντοχή στις καρβαπενέμες (67.9% vs 60%), στην κολιστίνη (35.1% vs 18%), στη γενταμικίνη (50.8% vs 24%) και στην τιγεκυκλίνη (17% vs 18%) στα στελέχη των δύο ΜΕΘ κυμαινόταν στα ίδια επίπεδα. Πενήντα επτά και 20 στελέχη της ΜΕΘ Α και Β, αντίστοιχα, ταυτοποιήθηκαν με PFGE, η οποία ανέδειξε την παρουσία δύο τύπων στη ΜΕΘ Α, με τον τύπο Α να απαρτίζεται από το 65.5% των στελεχών, ενώ στη ΜΕΘ Β όλα τα στελέχη ανήκαν στον τύπο Α. Τα ποσοστά αποικισμού από VRE στις δύο ΜΕΘ είναι χαμηλότερα σε σχέση με αυτά της KPC-Kp. Αποικισμός κατά την εισαγωγή στη ΜΕΘ παρατηρήθηκε σε 14.3% (71 από 497 ασθενείς), ενώ κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας ήταν 14.4% (36 από 250 ασθενείς). Ο σημαντικότερος παράγοντας για αποικισμό από VRE κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας είναι η νοσηλεία αποικισμένων ασθενών σε διπλανές κλίνες υποδεικνύοντας ότι η μη τήρηση των μέτρων υγιεινής των χεριών ίσως διαδραματίζει το σημαντικότερο ρόλο στη διασπορά του VRE. Συνολικά 107 στελέχη VRE απομονώθηκαν (100 E. faecium και 7 E. faecalis). Ογδόντα τέσσερα στελέχη έφεραν το γονίδιο vanA και ήταν ανθεκτικά στη βανκομυκίνη και στην τεϊκοπλανίνη, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα 23 έφεραν το γονίδιο vanB και χαρακτηρίζονταν από χαμηλού επιπέδου αντοχή στη βανκομυκίνη (12 στελέχη ήταν ευαίσθητα) και ευαίσθητα στην τεϊκοπλανίνη. Όλα τα στελέχη ήταν ευαίσθητα στη λινεζολίδη, στη δαπτομυκίνη και στην τιγεκυκλίνη. Η MLST αποκάλυψε ότι τα στελέχη E. faecium ανήκουν σε έξι διαφορετικούς κλώνους (STs: ST117, ST17, ST203, ST226, ST786, ST125) με το 90% των E. faecium, ανήκουν στο Κλωνικό Σύμπλεγμα 17 (Clonal Complex CC17). Τα στελέχη E. faecalis ταξινομήθηκαν σε τέσσερις κλώνους (STs: ST6, ST41, ST19, ST28). Τα ποσοστά αποικισμού από MRSA κατά την εισαγωγή και κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας είναι χαμηλά (5.3% και 3.7%, αντίστοιχα) με το σημαντικότερο παράγοντα που σχετίζεται με τον αποικισμό να είναι ο εντερικός αποικισμός με vanA-θετικό στέλεχος Enterococcus. Ο έλεγχος φορείας για MRSA ανέδειξε 28 mecA-θετικά στελέχη S. aureus, με την πλειονότητα (ν=19) να είναι PVL-θετικά, να ανήκουν στον κλώνο ST80 και να είναι ανθεκτικά σε καναμυκίνη, τετρακυκλίνη και φουσιδικό, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα ταξινομήθηκαν σε τέσσερις κλώνους με MLST (6 στον ST239 και από ένα σε ST225, ST72 και ST30). Το στέλεχος που ανήκε στον ST30 ήταν tst-θετικό. Η σύγκριση των στελεχών φορείας S. aureus που απομονώθηκαν από αθενείς (ν=67) και προσωπικό (ν=23) των ΜΕΘ (Ομάδα Α) με τα στελέχη φορείας (ν=53) και βακτηριαιμιών (ν=75) μη νοσηλευόμενων σε ΜΕΘ (Ομάδα Β), ανέδειξε υψηλότερο ποσοστό MRSA (46.9% vs 31.1%) και PVL-θετικών στελεχών (39.8% vs 25.6%) στην Ομάδα Β, ενώ η Ομάδα Α χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλότερο ποσοστό tst-θετικών στελεχών (21.1% vs 2.3%) υποδεικνύοντας τη σιωπηρή τους διασπορά στους ασθενείς και στο προσωπικό των ΜΕΘ. Προϊόν της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας ήταν η ανεύρεση των παραγόντων κινδύνου για αποικισμό ή λοίμωξη από KPC-Kp, VRE και MRSA με στόχο την καθοδήγηση των μελλοντικών προσπαθειών περιορισμού της διασποράς τους στις δύο ΜΕΘ καθώς και στα ελληνικά νοσοκομεία, τα οποία στο σύνολο τους μαστίζονται από τα συγκεκριμένα παθογόνα. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the colonization and infections caused by KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-Kp), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units of the University Hospital of Patras (ICU A) and the General Hospital “Saint Andrew” during October 2009 and February 2012. The dissemination of KPC-Kp constitutes the most important issue in Greek ICUs, with its percentage rising in medical and surgical wards. During the duration of this study, 12.8% of patients admitted in the ICU A (52 from 405 patients) were colonized upon admission and previous ICU stay, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, duration of previous hospitalization and previous usage of carbapenem or combination of beta-lactamic/lactamase were found to influence colonization. A gradual increase of the percentage of colonized patients admitted at the ICU from 3.9% (4 from 102 patients) during the first 6 months to 15.8% (48 from 300 patients) the next 16 months that reflects the dissemination of KPC-Kp in non-ICU wards. Among the 226 non-colonized upon ICU A admission patients, 164 (72.6%) became colonized during their stay with the presence of colonized patients in nearby beds and the previous colonized occupant in the same bed were associated with colonization, which did not influence mortality. The high percentage of colonization in combination with the aforementioned factors indicates the importance of the dissemination of KPC-Kp among patients via the personnel and signifies the value of a strict implementation of infection control protocols. In total, 53 patients developed KPC-Kp bloodstream infection during ICU A stay with 43.4% mortality. The most important factors that influence mortality were the resistance of the strain to gentamicin/colistin/tigecycline and septic shock, while the treatment with two active antibiotics was associated with better survival confirming the results of previous studies favoring combination therapy for the treatment of KPC-Kp infection. The development of resistance against colistin or tigecycline, which are considered the last frontier in the treatment of KPC-Kp infections, is an alarming phenomenon. In total, 24.4% and 17.9% of ICU A patients became colonized by KPC-Kp resistant to colictin or tigecycline, respectively. As expected, the administration of colistin or tigecycline influenced colonization, while the most important factor favoring colonization was the presence of colonized patients in nearby patients, indicating the importance of dissemination of these strains against de novo resistance development. The comparison of the two ICUs, found a higher percentage of patients colonized during ICU A stay (61.8% vs 34.1%) and in a shorter period (10.6 vs 19.9 days). These results may be explained by the higher percentage of patients colonized upon admission (11.4% vs 1.8%), the lower nurse/patient ration and the higher carbapenem administration. In total, 305 and 100 strains of K. pneumoniae isolated from patients hospitalized in ICU A and B, respectively, were positive for the presence of blaKPC gene while five strains in ICU A were positive for the blaVIM gene also. All strains were resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins, aztreonam, trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (30% of ICU B strains were sensitive), amikacin, tombramycin and quinolones. The resistance rates to carbapenems (67.9% vs 60%), colisitn (35.1% vs 18%), gentamicin (50.8% vs 24%) and tigecycline (17% vs 18%) among the ICUs strains were comparable. PFGE of 57 and 20 isolates from ICU A and B, respectively, revealed that ICU A strains belonged in two types, with type A comprising 65.5% of the isolates, while all ICU B isolates belonged in type A. The percentage of VRE colonization in both ICUs were lower in comparison with those of KPC-Kp. During ICU admission 14.3% (71 from 497 patients) was already colonized, while 14.4% (36 from 250 patients) became colonized during stay. The most important factor influencing colonization was the presence of colonized patients in nearby beds, indicating that non adherence with hand hygiene may play a predominate role in VRE dissemination. In total 107 VRE strains were isolated (100 E. faecium and 7 E. faecalis). Eighty four were positive for the vanA gene and resistant to vancomycin and teicoplanin, while the rest were vanB positive and were characterized by low level resistance to vancomycin (12 were in susceptibility range) and susceptible to teicoplanin. All strains were susceptible to linezolid, daptomycin and tigecycline. As MLST revealed, E. faecium strains belonged in six different Sequencing Types (ST117, ST17, ST203, ST226, ST786, ST125) with 90% among them belonging to the Clonal Complex CC17. E. faecalis strains were categorized in four STs (ST6, ST41, ST19, ST28). The proportion of colonized patients by MRSA upon admission and during ICU stay was very low (5.3% and 3.7%, respectively). The most important factor associated with colonization was enteric carriage of vanA-positive Enterococcus. Surveillance cultures revealed 28 mecA-positive S. aureus strains, with the majority (n=19) being PVL-positive, belonging to ST80 and resistant only to kanamycin, tetracycline and fucidic acid, while the remaining were categorized in four STs (6 strains in ST239 and one at ST225, ST72 and ST30). The ST30 strain was tst-positive. The comparison of colonization strains from patients (n=67) and personnel (n=23) of the ICUs (Group A) with the strains of colonization (n=53) and bloodstream infections (n=75) isolated from non-ICU patients (Group B), revealed a higher percentage of MRSA and PVL-positive strains in Group B, while Group A was characterized by higher percentage of tst-positive strains indicating their silent dissemination between ICU patients and personnel. The present study has identified the risk factors for colonization of infection by KPC-Kp, VRE and MRSA, in order to guide the future efforts towards containing their dissemination in the two ICUs, as well as, to the Greek hospitals, which in total are plagued by the aforementioned pathogens.

Facteurs de risque de mortalité des enfants à l’initiation de la thérapie de remplacement rénal aux soins intensifs

Morissette, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La mortalité associée à l’insuffisance rénale aiguë (acute kidney injury ‘’AKI’’) aux soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP) dépasse les 50%. Des études antérieures sur la thérapie de remplacement rénal (TRR) ont fait ressortir plusieurs facteurs de risque de mortalité dont le syndrome de défaillance multiviscérale (SDMV) et la surcharge liquidienne ≥ 10 à 20% avant l’initiation de la TRR. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les principaux facteurs de risque de mortalité à 28 jours après l’initiation de la TRR chez les patients atteints d’AKI aux SIP. Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude de cohorte rétrospective aux SIP d’un centre tertiaire. Tous les enfants ayant reçus de la TRR continue ou de l’hémodialyse intermittente pour AKI, entre janvier 1998 et décembre 2014, ont été inclus. Les facteurs de risque de mortalité ont été préalablement identifiés par quatre intensivistes et deux néphrologues pédiatres et analysés à l’aide d’une régression logistique multivariée. Résultats : Quatre-vingt-dix patients ont été inclus. L’âge médian était de 9 [2-14] ans. La principale indication d’initiation de la TRR était la surcharge liquidienne (64,2%). La durée médiane d’hospitalisation aux SIP était de 18,5 [8,0-31,0] jours. Quarante patients (44,4%) sont décédés dans les 28 jours suivant l’initiation de la TRR et quarante-cinq (50,0%) avant la sortie des SIP. Le score de PELOD ≥ 20 (OR 4,66 ; 95%CI 1,68-12,92) et la surcharge liquidienne ≥ 15% (OR 9,31; 95%CI 2,16-40,11) à l’initiation de la TRR étaient associés de façon indépendante à la mortalité. Conclusion : Cette étude a permis de faire ressortir deux facteurs de risque de mortalité à 28 jours à l’initiation de la TRR : la surcharge liquidienne et la sévérité du SDMV mesurée par le score de PELOD. / Introduction: Mortality rate associated with acute kidney injury (AKI) in pediatric intensive care units (PICU) exceeds 50%. Prior studies on renal replacement therapy (RRT) have highlighted different mortality risk factors including the presence of a multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and fluid overload ≥ 10 to 20% before starting RRT. The aim of this study was to identify most important risk factors of 28-day mortality in patients with AKI at RRT initiation in PICU. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care pediatric center. All critically ill children who underwent acute continuous RRT or intermittent hemodialysis for AKI between January 1998 and December 2014 were included. A case report form was developed and specific risk factors were identified by a panel of four pediatric intensivists and two nephrologists. Risk factors analysis was made using logistic regression in SPSS and SAS software. Results: Ninety patients were included. The median age was 9 [2-14] years. The most common indication for RRT initiation was fluid overload (FO) (64.2%). The median PICU length of stay was 18.5 [8.0-31.0] days. Forty of the 90 patients (44.4%) died within 28 days after RRT initiation and forty-five (50.0%) died before PICU discharge. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, a PELOD score ≥ 20 (OR 4.66; 95%CI 1.68-12.92) and percentage of FO ≥ 15% (OR 9.31; 95%CI 2.16-40.11) at RRT initiation were independently associated with mortality. Conclusion: This study suggests that fluid overload and severity of MODS measured by PELOD score are two risk factors of 28-day mortality in PICU patients on RRT.

Le mode de ventilation neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) est faisable, bien toléré, et permet la synchronie entre le patient et le ventilateur pendant la ventilation non invasive aux soins intensifs pédiatriques : étude physiologique croisée

Ducharme-Crevier, Laurence 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction: La ventilation non invasive (VNI) est un outil utilisé en soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP) pour soutenir la détresse respiratoire aigüe. Un échec survient dans près de 25% des cas et une mauvaise synchronisation patient-ventilateur est un des facteurs impliqués. Le mode de ventilation NAVA (neurally adjusted ventilatory assist) est asservi à la demande ventilatoire du patient. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la faisabilité et la tolérance des enfants à la VNI NAVA et l’impact de son usage sur la synchronie et la demande respiratoire. Méthode: Étude prospective, physiologique, croisée incluant 13 patients nécessitant une VNI dans les SIP de l’hôpital Ste-Justine entre octobre 2011 et mai 2013. Les patients ont été ventilés successivement en VNI conventionnelle (30 minutes), en VNI NAVA (60 minutes) et en VNI conventionnelle (30 minutes). L’activité électrique du diaphragme (AEdi) et la pression des voies aériennes supérieures ont été enregistrées pour évaluer la synchronie. Résultats: La VNI NAVA est faisable et bien tolérée chez tous les enfants. Un adolescent a demandé l’arrêt précoce de l’étude en raison d’anxiété reliée au masque sans fuite. Les délais inspiratoires et expiratoires étaient significativement plus courts en VNI NAVA comparativement aux périodes de VNI conventionnelle (p< 0.05). Les efforts inefficaces étaient moindres en VNI NAVA (résultats présentés en médiane et interquartiles) : 0% (0 - 0) en VNI NAVA vs 12% (4 - 20) en VNI conventionnelle initiale et 6% (2 - 22) en VNI conventionnelle finale (p< 0.01). Globalement, le temps passé en asynchronie a été réduit à 8% (6 - 10) en VNI NAVA, versus 27% (19 - 56) et 32% (21 - 38) en périodes de VNI conventionnelle initiale et finale, respectivement (p= 0.05). Aucune différence en termes de demande respiratoire n’a été observée. Conclusion: La VNI NAVA est faisable et bien tolérée chez les enfants avec détresse respiratoire aigüe et permet une meilleure synchronisation patient-ventilateur. De plus larges études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’impact clinique de ces résultats. / Introduction: The need for intubation after noninvasive ventilation (NIV) failure is frequent in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). One reason is patient-ventilator asynchrony during NIV. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is a mode of ventilation controlled by the patient’s neural respiratory drive. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and tolerance of NIV-NAVA in children and to evaluate its impact on synchrony and respiratory effort. Methods: This prospective, physiologic, crossover study included 13 patients requiring NIV in the PICU of Sainte-Justine’s Hospital from October 2011 to May 2013. Patients were successively ventilated in conventional NIV as prescribed by the physician in charge (30 minutes), in NIV-NAVA (60 minutes), and again in conventional NIV (30 minutes). Electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi) and airway pressure were simultaneously recorded to assess patient-ventilator synchrony. Results: NIV-NAVA was feasible and well tolerated in all patients. One patient asked to stop the study early because of anxiety related to the leak-free facial mask. Inspiratory trigger dys-synchrony and cycling-off dys-synchrony were significantly shorter in NIV-NAVA versus initial and final conventional NIV periods (both p< 0.05). Wasted efforts were also decreased in NIV-NAVA (all values expressed as median and interquartile values): 0 (0 - 0) in NIV-NAVA versus 12% (4 - 20) and 6% (2 - 22) in initial and final conventional NIV, respectively (p< 0.01). As a whole, total time spent in asynchrony was reduced to 8% (6 - 10) in NIV-NAVA, versus 27% (19 - 56) and 32% (21 - 38) in initial and final conventional NIV, respectively (p= 0.05). No difference in term of respiratory effort was noted. Conclusion: NIV-NAVA is feasible and well tolerated in PICU patients and allows improved patient-ventilator synchronization. Larger controlled studies are warranted to evaluate the clinical impact of these findings.

Expectativa média de vida, morbidades e desempenho escolar para idade, de crianças que estiveram internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica da Santa Casa de Maringá, após no mínimo cinco anos da alta da UTI pediátrica / Average life expectancy, morbidity and school performance of children, five years after discharge from PICU

Beltran, Vera Lucia Alvarez 20 October 2010 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica (UTIP) aumentou a sobrevida de pacientes graves, que passaram a receber alta das UTIP e, conseqüentemente, aumentou o número de doenças crônicas sequelares. A proposta deste trabalho é identificar se houve diminuição da expectativa média de vida das crianças, após cinco anos de alta da UTIP, quais tipos de co-morbidades apresentam e identificar alterações no desempenho escolar, observando se necessitam de escola regular ou especial, os índices de reprovação e abandono escolar, correlacionando-os com situação sócio-econômica, doença da internação e tipo de atendimento prestado, público ou privado, no momento da internação. A pesquisa iniciou identificando as crianças internadas na UTIP da Santa Casa de Maringá, que possui atendimento misto (SUS E NÃO SUS), desde que, no momento da internação, apresentassem mais de vinte e oito dias de idade, ficassem internadas por mais de 24 horas e não evoluíssem para óbito durante a internação. Após seleção, aplicamos dois questionários, o primeiro relacionado à internação, com dados pessoais e clínicos, e o segundo aplicado às famílias das crianças encontradas após cinco anos da alta. Encontramos 84% da amostra, com taxa de sobrevida de 88% e 98% para NÃO SUS e SUS respectivamente. Observamos que 35% das crianças estão em escola especial e 18% com seqüelas motoras. No restante das crianças, o índice de reprovação chega a 45%, com 5% de abandono escolar / The development of Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) increased the survival of critically ill patients, now discharged from PICU, and consequently, increased the number of chronic diseases and sequelae. The purpose of this study is to identify whether there was a decrease of average life expectancy of children after five years of discharge from PICU, what types of co morbidities present and identify changes in school performance, noting if they need regular or special school, the failure rates and dropout, correlating them with socioeconomic status, disease hospitalization and type of care provided, public or private, at the time of admission. The research began by identifying the children admitted to the PICU at Santa Casa de Maringá, which has mixed attendance (SUS AND NON SUS) since, at the time of admission, presented more than twenty-eight days old, stayed in hospital for more than 24 hours and not died during hospitalization. After selection, we applied two questionnaires, the first related to the hospital, with personal and clinical data, and the second applied to childrens families found five years after discharge. We found 84% of the sample, with survival rate of 88% and 98% for NO SUS and SUS, respectively. We observed that 35% of children are at special school and 18% of them with motor sequelae. In the remaining children, the failure rate is about 45%, with 5% of dropout

Impacto da assistência fisioterapêutica em unidade de terapia intensiva no tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de internação e custos do paciente cirúrgico / Impact of physiotherapy assistance in intensive care unit in length of mechanical ventilation, length of intensive care unit stay and costs of surgical patients

Silva, Janete Maria da 30 May 2012 (has links)
Estudos baseados em parâmetros fisiológicos tem mostrado que a fisioterapia tem papel imperativo na assistência de pacientes pré e pós-operatórios. Os efeitos da assistência fisioterapêutica na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) sobre o tempo de ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI), tempo de internação e mortalidade do paciente crítico não foram elucidados. Tampouco, estudos sobre o impacto do turno diário da assistência fisioterapêutica nestes desfechos tem sido realizados. A despeito disto, e, possivelmente, baseadas na experiência clínica, as UTIs brasileiras adotarão turnos de 18 horas de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI para atender a uma regulamentação governamental. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito da assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI em turno diário de 24 horas (Fisio-24) ao turno diário de 12 horas (Fisio-12), sobre o tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos de pacientes pós-operatórios. Este estudo observacional, prospectivo, de coorte incluiu 114 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-12 e 152 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-24 em condição pós-operatória, idade 18 anos, submetidos a VMI por 24 horas e admitidos na UTI para rotina pós-operatória. Foram coletados dados demográficos e cirúrgicos. Os desfechos primários deste estudo foram tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos. O desfecho secundário foi o dia-livre de ventilação (VFD). Os custos foram avaliados através do Omega French Score que compreende três categorias (Omega 1, 2 e 3). Um modelo de regressão linear múltipla (MRL) foi construído para verificar a associação entre o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI e o tempo de VMI. A despeito dos pacientes Fisio-24 serem mais velhos (p=0,002), possuírem maior número de comorbidades (p=0,001), maior frequência de risco cirúrgico moderado a alto (p=0,003), maior frequência de complicações intra operatórias (p=0,012) e insuficiência renal aguda dialítica (p<0,001), comparados aos pacientes Fisio-12, apresentaram melhores desfechos clínicos, tais quais, menor mediana de tempo de VMI (4 dias versus 6 dias; p=0,002), maior mediana de VFD (24 dias versus 21 dias; p=0,004) e menor mediana de tempo de internação na UTI (10 dias versus 15 dias; p=0,015). Não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre os dois grupos (p=0,704), embora pacientes Fisio-24 tenham recebido mais sessões de fisioterapia respiratória durante a internação na UTI (25 versus 20 sessões; p=0,014). Pacientes Fisio-24 apresentaram menor pontuação do Omega 2 (p=0,007). O MRL manteve como variáveis explicativas o número de sessões de fisioterapia respiratória, APACHE II, realização de Neurocirurgia e o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI. Mantidas constantes as outras variáveis explicativas, a presença de Fisio-24 na UTI reduziu o tempo de VMI em 2,80 unidades. Concluí-se que pacientes pós-operatórios admitidos em UTIs com Fisio-24 apresentaram menores tempo de VMI e tempo de internação na UTI, maior VFD, contudo, não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre Fisio-12 e Fisio-24. A redução da pontuação de Omega 2 nos pacientes Fisio-24 não foi suficiente para promover diferenças no custo indireto entre os grupos / According to studies based on physiologic parameters, physiotherapy plays an imperative role on pre and postoperative patients. The effects of physiotherapy assistance (PTA) in the intensive care unit (ICU) on length of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), length of ICU stay, frequency of ventilator-associated pneumonia and mortality remain unclear. Moreover, studies about impact of PTA shifts have not been conducted. Despite this fact, and possibly based on clinical experiences, Brazilian ICUs are going to adopt 18 hours of PTA shifts in order to attend a governmental regulation. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 24-hour PTA (Physio-24) to 12-hour PTA (Physio-12) daily shifts in the ICU on length of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs of postoperative patients. This observational, prospective and cohort study included 114 patients from ICUs with Physio-12 and 152 patients from ICU with Physio-24. Patients presented postoperative conditions, were aged 18 years, who underwent IMV 24 hours and were admitted on ICU for postoperative routine. We collected demographical and surgical data. Our primaries end-points were duration of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs. The secondary end-point was ventilator-free days (VFD). Indirect costs were assessed by Omega French Score which comprises three categories (Omega 1, 2 and 3). In addition, a multiple linear regression model (MLR) was constructed to verify the association between daily shifts of PTA in ICU and length of IMV. Despite of the fact that Physio-24 patients were older (p=0.002), with more severe conditions such as higher number of co morbidities (p<0.001), higher presence of moderate to severe surgical risk (p=0.003), higher frequency of intraoperative complications (p=0.012) and dialytic acute renal failure in ICU (p<0.001), compared to Physio-12 patients, they presented better clinical outcomes such as fewer median days spent in IMV (4 versus 6 days; p=0.002), higher median of VFD (24 versus 21 days; p=0.004) and shorter median of ICU stay (10 versus 15 days; p=0.015). No differences were found concerning respiratory complications related to IMV between groups (p=0.704), although Physio-24 patients had received more sessions of chest physiotherapy during ICU stay (25 versus 20 sessions; p=0.014). Physio-24 patients presented lower scores of Omega 2 (p=0.007). The number of chest physiotherapy sessions, APACHE II, Neurosurgery, and daily shifts of PTA in ICU remained as independent variables to length of IMV in the MLR model. According to this model, Physio-24 may reduce 2.80 units from length of IMV if the other independent variables are constant. We concluded that postoperative patients admitted in ICUs with daily shifts of 24-hour PTA showed shorter length of IMV and length of ICU stay and increased VFD; however, no reduction in frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV was found between groups. Despite the fact that Physio-24 patients had lower score of Omega 2, it was not enough to provoke a difference on indirect costs between Physio-12 and Physio-24 patients

Avaliação de fatores de risco para injúria renal aguda (IRA) em pacientes oncológicos na UTI / Evaluation of risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) in cancer patients in the ICU

Dal Santo, Ana Cristina Martins 04 April 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Pacientes portadores de câncer estão sobrevivendo mais devido aos avanços no diagnóstico precoce e tratamento dos tumores. A diminuição da mortalidade relacionada ao câncer e o envelhecimento da população acarretaram um número crescente de pacientes oncológicos internados em UTI. Objetivos: Identificar a prevalência e os fatores de risco para IRA nos pacientes oncológicos críticos. Métodos: Foram avaliados, prospectivamente, 371 pacientes oncológicos internados nas UTIs do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo e do Hospital AC Camargo, entre novembro de 2011 a março de 2013. Os pacientes foram avaliados na admissão, 24h e 48h da internação na UTI. Foram coletados os parâmetros demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais os quais foram analisados para os desfechos IRA, conforme o critério AKIN (Cr > 0,3 mg/dl ou aumento de 50% sobre a Cr basal em 48h) e óbito na UTI. Os dados foram submetidos à análise bivariada e multivariada. Resultados: A incidência de IRA nos pacientes oncológicos foi de 45,1%, sendo que apenas 5,2% necessitaram de tratamento dialítico. Os pacientes com IRA apresentaram mais frequentemente admissão cirúrgica (49% IRA vs 34% sem IRA; p=0,022). Na admissão à UTI, os fatores associados ao desenvolvimento de IRA (IRA vs sem IRA) foram: ventilação mecânica (26,6% vs 16,0%; p=0,031), frequência cardíaca (88 bpm vs 82 bpm; p=0,029), balanço hídrico (575 ml vs 275 ml; p = 0,0002), lactato (19 mg/dL vs 17 mg/dL; p= 0,046) e fósforo (3,9 mg/dL vs 3,4 mg/dL; p < 0,0001). A taxa de óbito hospitalar foi de 37,3% sendo que 25,3% ocorreu na UTI. A mortalidade foi mais prevalente em pacientes com câncer hematológico (8,6% sobreviventes vs 19,5% óbitos; p = 0,008), procedentes do pronto atendimento (23,5% sobreviventes vs 34,1% óbitos; p = 0,002), admissão clínica (50,4% sobreviventes vs 84,1% óbitos; p < 0,0001) e internação não planejada (59,9% vs 86,6% óbitos; p < 0,0001). Outros fatores relacionados ao óbito foram: sinais de congestão, uso de drogas vasoativas, choque séptico e infecção respiratória (p < 0,0001). Os dias de internação prévios à admissão na UTI também se relacionaram ao óbito (6 dias óbitos vs 2 dias sobreviventes; p < 0,0001). Os exames laboratoriais que se relacionaram ao óbito foram (sobreviventes vs óbitos): hipoalbuminemia (2,7 g/dL vs 2,4 g/dL; p= 0,003), aumento do INR (1,3 vs 1,5; p < 0,0001); aumento do lactato (17 mg/dL vs 20,5 mg/dL; p = 0,037), PCR (41,8 mg/dL vs 148,4 mg/dL; p < 0,0001) e TP (69% vs 59,5%; p = 0,001). Conclusão: A IRA é frequente em pacientes oncológicos admitidos na UTI e apresenta alta mortalidade. As ocorrências de IRA e óbito encontram-se mais relacionados com a gravidade das disfunções orgânicas no momento da admissão à UTI, do que às características da neoplasia de base / Introduction: Cancer patients are currently presenting longer survival due to advances in diagnosis and treatment. Mortality reduction related to cancer and aging of population had led to an increased admission of cancer patients in the ICU. Objectives: Evaluation of the prevalence and risk factors for AKI in critically ill cancer patients. Methods: It was prospectively evaluated 371 cancer patients admitted to the ICU in Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo and Hospital AC Camargo, from November 2011 until March 2013. Patients were evaluated at admission, 24h and 48h in the ICU. Demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters were collected which were correlated with the outcome AKI (AKIN I - Cr > 0.3 mg/dL or 50% increase over baseline in 48h) and mortality in the ICU. Statistical analysis was performed using bivariate and multivariate analysis. Results: The incidence of AKI in cancer patients was 45.1% but only 5.2% were dialysed. AKI patients were more frequently admitted due to surgical admission (AKI 53% vs. 49% non-AKI, p=0.022). At ICU admission, factors associated with AKI development (AKI vs. non-AKI) were: mechanical ventilation (26.6% vs. 16%, p =0.031), heart beats (88 bpm vs. 82 bpm, p=0.029), fluid balance (575 ml vs. 275 ml, p=0.0002), lactate (19 mg/dLvs. 17 mg/dL, p=0.046) and phosphorus (3.9 mg/dL vs. 3.4 mg/dL, p < 0.0001). Hospital mortality rate was 37.3% whereas ICU mortality was 25.3%. Mortality was more prevalent in patients with hematological cancer (8.6% survivors vs. 19.5% non-survivors, p = 0.008), patients from emergency room (23.5% survivors vs. 34.1% non-survivors, p = 0.002), patients with clinical admission (50.4% survivors vs. 84.1% non-survivors, p < 0.0001) and non-elective admission (59.9% vs. 86.6% non-survivors, p < 0.0001). Other factors related to mortality were: volume overload, vasoactive drugs use, septic shock and pulmonary infection (p < 0.0001). Hospitalization period before ICU admission also correlated with mortality (6 days survivors vs. 2 days non-survivors, p 0.0001). The laboratory parameters that correlated to mortality were (survivors vs. non-survivors): hypoalbuminemia (2.7 g/dL vs. 2.4 g/dL, p=0.003), increased INR (1.3 vs. 1.5, p < 0.0001), increased lactate (17 mg/dL vs. 20.5 mg/dL, p=0.037), PCR (41.8 mg/dL vs 148.4 mg/dL, p < 0.0001) e PT (69% vs. 59.5%, p = 0.001). Conclusions: AKI is a frequent complication in cancer patients admitted to ICU, presenting high mortality rate. AKI and mortality outcomes are more related to the severity of organs dysfunction at ICU admission than the patient´s cancer disease

Contribuições da integração do design baseado em evidências e experiências para um projeto em design de serviços no contexto hospitalar

Rosa, Mirela Sousa da 26 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-05-08T19:40:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mirela Rosa.pdf: 33214432 bytes, checksum: 6b8afee33b9a338a882f4914815741d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T19:40:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mirela Rosa.pdf: 33214432 bytes, checksum: 6b8afee33b9a338a882f4914815741d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-31 / Nenhuma / O Design de Serviços é constituído de uma metodologia que utiliza um conjunto de ferramentas que permitem projetar soluções para melhorar a percepção dos usuários sobre os serviços, que podem ser aplicadas em diversas áreas e contextos. Conforme a complexidade de cada setor, se torna necessário considerar abordagens de projeto que tornariam os resultados desta metodologia mais eficazes e mensuráveis, como é o caso da Saúde. Alguns autores que vêm pesquisando a aplicação neste setor, sugerem uma possível integração do Design baseado em evidências (DBE) e do Design baseado em experiências (DBEx) para viabilizar que um projeto orientado pelo usuário seja implementado em larga escala. Em busca da investigação sobre a lógica de evidências, foi estudada uma ferramenta utilizada no setor de serviços chamada Mecanismo da Função Produção (MFP), que prevê a quantificação das perdas dos processos. O presente estudo teve como contexto o Intensivismo Adulto (CTI) de um hospital privado em Porto Alegre e aplicou um caso em Design de Serviços com a lógica das evidências através da ferramenta MFP, para o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem integrada. Foi utilizado o método de pesquisa-ação com a descrição de todo o processo de projeto e dos resultados obtidos. A partir das análises pode-se constatar que (i) o olhar das evidências contribui para replicações dos resultados do projeto em casos futuros, (ii) o MFP pode ser um argumento para justificar a realização de um projeto em Design e (iii) para a integração das experiências com as evidências no setor hospitalar, pode-se gerenciar o projeto de modo a destinar um tempo maior para o diagnóstico e para a implementação. / Service Design consists of a methodology that uses a set of tools to create solutions to improve users perception on services, which can be applied in many fields and contexts. As the complexity of each field, it is necessary to consider approaches that would make results of this methodology more effective and measurable, such as health sector. Some authors have been research application of Service Design in this sector, and suggest a possible integration of evidence-based design (EBD) and experience-based design (ExBD) to enable a user-oriented design on a large scale implementation. In search on the logic of evidence, we studied a tool used in service sector called Mechanism of the Production Function, that provides quantification of loss processes. The present study was context in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a private hospital in Porto Alegre and applied a case of Service Design with the logic of the evidence through MFP tool for the development of an integrated approach. We used the method of action research with the description of the whole design process and results. From the analysis it was found that (i) the look of the evidence contributes to replication of project outcomes in future cases, (ii) MFP is an argument supporting the realization of a Design project and (iii) to integrate experiences with evidence in the hospital sector, we can manage the project in order to devote more time to the diagnosis and implementation.

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