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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How the use of gamification in migraine tracking effects the perceived feeling of motivation

Ljungholm, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The problem with logging migraines is that patients often forget, or simply choose not to log their migraines. To solve this problem, we investigate in this thesis whether gamification can make a difference in their motivation. To investigate whether gamification makes a difference, an AB test was performed. An A prototype, without gamification, and a B prototype, without gamification, were developed in the initial phases of this thesis, these were tested on people outside of the target group. Motivation was measured using Self Determination Theory and its sub-theory Organic integration. Gamification elements chosen to use in the B-prototype is based on the desired feel of the prototype, the elements included an avatar, badges, and progress bars. The A/B-test was performed on 10 people, 5 for each prototype, and all the participants were diagnosed with migraine and had some previous experience of logging their migraines and symptoms. The result includes interview questions about their experience, observations of user tests and answers from a questionnaire. The results showed no significant overall difference between the two prototypes; however, discussion and some hypotheses can be created by the results. Most difference between the results can be seen in integration regulation, a subcategory of motivation, where the prototype without gamification got a higher result. / Detta examensarbete kommer att undersöka möjligheten att använda gamification i mobila applikationer för migränpatienter, för att se om det kommer att hjälpa migränpatienter med deras loggning. Problemet med att logga migrän är att patienter ofta glömmer, eller helt enkelt väljer att inte logga sin migrän. För att lösa detta problem undersöker vi i detta examensarbete om gamification kan göra skillnad i deras motivation. För att undersöka om gamification gör skillnad gjordes ett AB-test. En A-prototyp, utan gamification, och en B-prototyp, utan gamification, utvecklades i de inledande faserna av detta examensarbete, dessa testades på personer utanför målgruppen. Motivation mättes med hjälp av Self Determination Theory och dess underteori Organic integration. Gamification-element som valts att använda i B-prototypen är baserade på den önskade känslan av prototypen, elementen inkluderade en avatar, badges och progressbar. A/B-testet utfördes på 10 personer, 5 för varje prototyp, alla deltagare var diagnostiserade med migrän sedan innan och hade tidigare erfarenhet av att logga sin migrän och symptom. Resultatet inkluderar intervjufrågor om deras upplevelse, observationer av användartester och svar från en frågeenkät. Resultaten visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de två prototyperna, men diskussion och vissa hypoteser kan skapas av resultaten. Mest skillnad mellan resultaten kan ses i integration regulation, en underkategori av motivation, där prototypen utan gamification resultat visa högre nummer på likert-skalan.

User-Centered Methods on Established Products : Developing a methodology to align already established products to a user-centered approach

Roos Morales, Carla January 2023 (has links)
With the increasing demand for usability, it is crucial for organizations to understand their users’ needs and align their products to a more user-centered approach. However, due to increasing demands for usability, many companies may find it difficult to hire new UX personnel to quickly fix their issues. This thesis aims to develop a methodology for organizations to conduct user research and analysis on their existing products. The goal is to assist teams with limited UX-personnel to understand their users, product state, and team structure, enabling a more user-centered approach. During this project, the Double Diamond Model of Design was used. The model consists of four phases: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver, which was used to build an understanding of the problem, design a solution, and validate the methodology’s effectiveness.  In the initial stage, Discover, research was conducted to gather insights into the current situation of UX in the form of a general field study and product orientation. The research involved gathering information about product-specific and organizational aspects related to UX. Additionally, various UX methods were explored through a literature study. The findings were synthesized and used for the second stage, Define, where the methods were selected based on the previous findings. In the Develop stage, the methodology was created using well-established UX methods and provided a workflow regarding four key areas: Users, System, Team, and Prototype. During the last stage, Deliver, the methodology was tested by performing a selection of methods on Nasdaq’s product NRP. The methodology was later evaluated by testing it on primarily developers, where the aim was to investigate whether they understood how to utilize the methodology based on a given scenario. The evaluation of the methodology resulted in an over-all positive experience, with participants recognizing its purpose and potential usefulness in encouraging a user-centered approach. Participants proposed including more specific guidelines and actual examples to facilitate the process and increase understanding. The evaluation showed that further information, such as clarifying comments on artifact utilization and method purpose, would enhance the methodology’s effectiveness.  The reliability and validity of the methodology were considered in relation to its use of established UX methods. While these methods are widely taught and recognized, the restricted testing and limited participants prevented a conclusive determination of the methodology’s overall effectiveness. Further testing, refinement, and evaluation with broader participant groups are recommended to further establish its reliability and validity. / I takt med att efterfrågan på användbarhet ökar hos digitala produkter är det viktigt för organisationer att förstå sina användares behov och anpassa sina produkter till ett mer användarcentrerat tillvägagångssätt. På grund av den ökande efterfrågan på användbarhet kan det dock vara svårt för många företag att snabbt anställa ny UX-personal för att lösa sina problem. Denna avhandling syftar till att utveckla en metodik för organisationer för att utföra användarstudier och analys av sina befintliga produkter. Målet är att förstå användarna, produktens nuvarande tillstånd och teamets struktur för att kunna hjälpa team med begränsad UX-personal att anpassa produkterna till ett mer användarcentrerat tillvägagångssätt. Under detta projekt användes Double Diamond-modellen för design. Modellen består av fyra faser: Discover, Define, Develop, och Deliver, som användes för att skapa en förståelse kring problemet, utforma en lösning och validera metodikens effektivitet.  I den inledande fasen, Discover, undersöktes nuläget för UX i form av en allmän fältstudie och produktorientering. Fältstudien innefattade insamlande av information om produktspecifika och organisatoriska aspekter relaterade till UX på företaget. Dessutom utforskades olika UX-metoder genom en litteraturstudie. Resultaten sammanställdes och användes i det andra steget, Define, där metoderna valdes ut baserat på de tidigare resultaten. I Develop-stadiet skapades metoden med hjälp av väletablerade UX-metoder och gav ett arbetsflöde för fyra nyckelområden: Användare, System, Team, och Prototyp. Under det sista steget, Deliver, testades metodiken genom att utföra ett urval av metoder på Nasdaqs produkt NRP. Metodiken utvärderades senare genom att den testades på främst utvecklare, där syftet var att undersöka om de förstod hur de skulle använda metodiken utifrån ett givet scenario. Responsen från deltagarna var positiv, där de uttryckte den att de såg potentialen metodiken hade för att uppmuntra ett användar-centrerad tillvägagångssätt. Deltagarna föreslog att man skulle inkludera mer specifika riktlinjer och faktiska exempel för att un- derlätta processen och öka förståelsen. Utvärderingen visade att ytterligare information, till exempel förtydligande kommentarer om artefakter och metodens syfte, skulle förbättra metodens effektivitet.  Metodikens tillförlitlighet och validitet övervägdes i förhållande till etablerade UX-metoder. Med begränsad testning och deltagaran- tal förhindrades en slutsats om metodikens effektivitet. Rekommendationen är att ytterligare testning, förfining och utvärdering med bredare deltagargrupper krävs för att fastställa tillförlitlighet och validitet.

Navigating the Remote Landscape: Practices and Perceptions of Remote IT Team Leaders : A Survey-Based Study on Team Leaders Working Remote in the European IT Industry

Pailas, Athanasios January 2024 (has links)
The increasing prevalence of remote/virtual work arrangements, facilitated by advancements in technology, necessitates a deep understanding of the unique dynamics involved in managing remote teams. This master's thesis explored the role of leadership within remote/virtual working setups in the Information Technology industry in Europe. Specifically, it focused on the experiences, challenges, and perceptions of remote leaders. A quantitative survey was conducted to collect data, assessing elements such as the frequency and effectiveness of communication, satisfaction with team productivity, the difficulties of collaboration, anxiety in remote settings, and the perceived utility of project management software and collaboration tools.The research findings challenged certain preconceived notions. The study found no significant correlation between the frequency of remote work and the difficulty of conflict resolution, thereby challenging prior assumptions. However, a moderate positive correlation was observed between the difficulty of conflict resolution and communication, emphasizing the critical role of effective communication. Surprisingly, only a weak correlation was found between the perceived effectiveness of Project Management Software and team productivity satisfaction. While these findings offered valuable insights into the dynamics of remote/virtual teams, they had to be interpreted cautiously due to limitations such as sample size and diversity, as well as the non-causal nature of the study design. Nevertheless, these findings contribute to the evolving understanding of effective leadership within remote/virtual work settings—an aspect of the IT industry that had been becoming increasingly essential.

Användarupplevelse i digitala miljöer : En kvalitativ studie om vad som skapar engagemang inom digitala sociala nätverk / User experience in digital environments : A qualitative study on what creates engagement within digital social networks

Stövander, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar undersöka användarupplevelse i digitala miljöer med inriktning engagemang inom digitala sociala nätverk. Studien syftar till att ge en fördjupad förståelse kring området användarupplevelse inom hedoniska motivationssystem (HMS) med fokus på vad som skapar engagemang inom digitala sociala nätverk. Som ett hjälpmedel att på ett strukturerat sätt förklara användarupplevelser och hur engagemang uppkommer har det teoretiska ramverket Hedonic-motivation System Adoption Model, HMSAM, applicerats. De begrepp som användes var användarvänlighet, upplevd användarnytta, nyfikenhet, glädje, kontroll och fördjupat engagemang. För att bättre förstå begreppet fördjupat engagemang har även flow-teorin fungerat som teoretisk bas. Då studien syftade till att ge en fördjupad förståelse kring ett fenomen har dess ansats varit kvalitativ där semi-strukturerade intervjuer använts som datainsamlingsmetod. En innehållsanalys kopplat till teman användes i syfte att strukturera och tematisera den insamlade empirin. Resultatet visade att intresse nämndes inom samtliga teman och hade en stark korrelation till uppkomsten av engagemang. Detta var dock beroende av dess konsumerande kontext. Om det konsumerades i en kontext som inte främjar det fördjupade engagemangets uppkomst, tenderar det att förlora dess betydelse. Vidare framkom att kontroll spelar en viktig roll i sammanhanget då en upplevd bristande kontroll bidrar till en negativ användarupplevelse. Detta visades dock vara komplext då ett fördjupat engagemang delvis innefattar en bristande kontroll i form av förlorad självmedvetenhet och tidsuppfattning. Det spekuleras om de övertygande tekniker som används i dessa digitala sammanhang kan ha någon koppling till den upplevda negativa kontrollbristen. Studien kan ses som ett första steg i en designprocess för framtagande av digitala sociala tjänster med användaren i fokus, med inriktning engagemang och positiv användarupplevelse. / This study aims to examine user experience in digital environments with a focus on engagement within social networking sites. The study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the area of ​​user experience in hedonic motivation systems with a focus on what creates engagement in social networking sites. As a tool to explain user experiences in a structured way and how engagement arises, the theoretical framework Hedonic-motivation System Adoption Model, HMSAM, has been applied. The concepts used were perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, curiosity, joy, control, and immersion. To better understand the concept of the strong engagement named immersion, flow theory has also served as a theoretical basis. Since the study aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of a phenomenon, its approach has been qualitative where semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection method. A content analysis linked to themes was used to structure and thematize the collected empirical data. The results showed that interest was mentioned in all themes and had a strong correlation to the emergence of engagement. However, this was dependent on its consuming context. If it was consumed in a context that does not promote the emergence of immersion, it tends to lose its significance. Furthermore, it emerged that control plays an important role in the context as a perceived lack of control contributes to a negative user experience. However, this proved to be complex as immersion partly includes a lack of control in the form of loss of self-consciousness and time distortion. It is speculated that persuasive technology that is used in these digital contexts may have some connection to the perceived negative lack of control. The study can be seen as a first step in a design process for the development of user-centered social networking sites, with a focus on engagement and positive user experience.

Considering the Social and Emotional Experiences of Access Control Interactions

Isaksson, Clara January 2022 (has links)
Access control solutions face challenges of the implications of social and emotional behaviour of their human users. Thus, the research questions I set out for my thesis deal with how the social and emotional aspects of humans affect access control security interactions and what the implications of considering these aspects when designing access control systems will have for the emotional experience of authorised users. By selecting cases from my fieldwork representative of the social and emotional experiences of authorised users of current access control solutions I have been able to uncover issues of how the technological system is inconsiderate of the social and emotional behaviour of its human users, resulting in negative social and emotional experiences of access control solutions. However, by considering how technology can be designed to reshape the social behaviour of users I have explored ways of designing access control solutions that consider both the technological security and the emotional experience of authorised users.

Kritiska upplevelser : En kvalitativ studie om sociala mediaanvändares upplevelser av att vara källkritiska / Critical Experiences : A qualatative studie on social media users experience of critical evaluation of sources

Rogenäs, Erik, Lorch, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
Fake news, misinformation och desinformation är begrepp som synts i den allmänna debatten de senaste åren och har använts i såväl politiska sammanhang för att påverka opinion liksom för ekonomiska syften. En särskilt central aktör i spridningen av sådan information är även sociala medier. I kampen mot fake news, misinformation och desinformation utvecklas olika lösningar för att göra det enklare för användare att urskilja sant från falskt. Tidigare forskning påvisar emellertid kontraproduktiva effekter utav flera av de sätt som vilseledande information idag motarbetas på. Ett mer tillförlitligt sätt är därför att främja människors egna psykologiska försvar och därför underbygga den källkritiska förmågan. Källkritik hos människor har också tidigare undersökts, men främst utefter människors förmåga. Föreliggande studies syfte var därför att istället undersöka sociala medieanvändares upplevelser av ett källkritiskt förhållningssätt. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes 9 semistrukturerade intervjuer med sociala medieanvändare. Datan analyserades därefter utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk Theory of planner behavior (TPB), varpå deltagarnas attityder, subjektiva normer, upplevda egna förmåga och intentioner skulle ge en förklaring för de befintliga beteenden som uppvisades. Resultaten visar bland annat att deltagarna besitter en god förståelse för hur källkritik bör tillämpas men att tillvägagångssättet uppfattas som kognitivt belastande och tidskrävande vilket i förlängningen gör att förfarandet främst uppges ske när information anses vara viktig. Framtida lösningar bör således sänka resurströskeln utan att för den delen kompromissa användares analytiska förmåga. / Fake news, Misinformation and disinformation are terms that have been prevalent in the public debate in recent years and have been used in political contexts to influence political opinion as well as for economical purposes. A particularly central actor in the dissemination of such information is social media. To combat fake news, misinformation and disinformation, certain solutions are developed to make it easier for users to distinguish true from false. However, previous research showscounterproductive effects in many of the ways that deceptive information is being fought today. A more reliable way is therefore to promote people's psychological defence and instead underpin critical skills in evaluation of sources. People's ability to critically evaluate the reliability of sources have also been a subject for research, although mainly focused on people's capabilities. The present studies aim was therefore instead to explore social media users' subjective experiences of practicing source evaluation. To answer the studies research questions, 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted with social media users. The data was then analysed with the help of the studies theoretical framework Theory of planned behaviour (TPB), from which the participants' attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behaviouralcontrol and intentions would explain the existing behaviours. Inter alia, the results show that the participants have a good knowledge of how sources should be evaluated although the behaviour is viewed as cognitively cumbersome and time consuming which in the long run purports the behaviour to mainly happen when the information is viewed as important. Future solutions should therefore lower the resource requirements without compromising the users’ analytical capabilities.

The Influence of Duolingo's Gamified Design Elements : A study on maintaining user engagement

Cederberg, Wilda, Rus, Andreea-Elena January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of specific gamification elements in the Duolingo application on user experience, engagement, and motivation in language learning. Despite the widespread integration of gamification in educational technologies, there is a lack of detailed analysis on how individual elements—such as streaks, levels, XP, lingots, hearts, badges, and rewards—affect learning outcomes. To address this gap, we conducted A/B testing with two prototypes of Duolingo: one with gamification elements (Gamified Duolingo) and one without (Non-Gamified Duolingo). Six participants, who do not have Swedish as their native language, completed a Swedish lesson using both prototypes. The results indicate that specific gamification features significantly enhance user engagement and motivation. Elements like streaks and badges were particularly effective in motivating users to maintain consistent learning habits and achieve milestones. However, some participants found that overemphasizing gamification could distract from deeper learning. This suggests that while gamification can positively impact user experience, it needs to be carefully balanced to avoid potential drawbacks. The study's findings have practical implications for the design of language learning applications. Customizable and balanced gamification features are recommended to cater to diverse user preferences and enhance overall learning effectiveness. Additionally, timely and relevant feedback through gamification elements can sustain long-term user engagement. Scientifically, this research contributes to a nuanced understanding of how specific gamification components affect learning, emphasizing the importance of personalized and adaptive strategies in educational technologies. Future research should include larger and more diverse participant samples to validate these findings and explore the long-term effects of gamification on language learning. Investigating the underlying psychological mechanisms and adaptive gamification systems could further refine the application of gamification in education, ultimately leading to more effective and user-centered learning solutions.

Bridging the Age Gap Between Streaming Platforms : Improving User Experience for In-between Users

Victor, Winnhed January 2016 (has links)
The media consumption on the Internet is increasing rapidly and people at all ages are getting used to live in an on demand world. Due to this, streaming platforms have to appeal to a broad audience containing children, teenagers and adults. One approach to appeal a broad target audience is to divide the streaming platform into two separate platforms, where one is aiming for children and the other one, for the rest of the users. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the user experience can be improved, to help users of ages 10-13 years old to find their way from one streaming plat- form, to another as they are growing up. The thesis investigate how existing streaming platforms appeal to a broad audience and determines reasons of why a gap can be created between streaming platforms. Based on interviews, work- shops, user tests as well as literature, a final prototype and a set of concluding suggestions have been produced as a result of this study.

How do you feel? : Designing for Emotional Self-Awareness and Perceived Anonymity in an Audience Response System

Ristiniemi, Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
Humans’ emotions have the ability to take over, which might end up with responses inappropriate to the situation. The solution to inappropriate responses is to have a better awareness. Great team-work, calm employees, and rational decision making are all qualities that derive benefit from emotional self-awareness. However, studies show that only 36 percent can identify their emotions as they happen. This paper takes on the opportunity to raise emotional self-awareness by designing a prototype that enables the users to reflect and anonymously share their emotion through an audience response system. Forty-eight participants, in various group sizes, did within-subjects tests. They started by writing down their answer to the question: How do you feel?. They later answered through the prototype. Whether or not the participants managed to be more specific through the prototype was measured, as well as their perceived anonymity. The results revealed that the prototype was useful in both helping the users to learn emotion definitions and further specify their emotion. In regards to the perceived anonymity, it showed that the design was favoring a larger group size around 20 participants.

Communicating a Child's Learning Progress in a Digital Interface

Poucette, Petter January 2020 (has links)
The educational digital games are both used at school and at home by children. However, if used at home, how should parent's be able to tell a child learning progress in the game when they have limited knowledge in children's education? The purpose of this thesis is enhance the knowledge on how to design a digital interface that communicates the learning progress of a child to its parents. This by establishing a suggested framework on this subject. To be able to create the framework the Design thinking method were used. First suggestions, based on literature and interviews with teachers, for the design and framework were created. Then a Hight fidelity prototype of the digital interface based in the suggestions were designed. And lastly the prototype where tested in a Usability test. The usability test showed what in the suggestions that worked. The parts that worked were summarized in the suggested framework that the study where successful in creating. The framework contained both suggestion in how to visually represent a learning progress and how to communicate it. / Pedagogiska digitala spel används både i skolan och hemma av barn. Men om de används hemma, hur ska föräldrar kunna förstå vad ett barns lärandeutveckling i spelet när de har begränsad kunskap om barns utbildning? Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen om hur man utformar ett digitalt gränssnitt som kommunicerar ett barns kunskapsutveckling till sina föräldrar. Detta genom att fastställa en föreslagen ram för detta ämne. För att kunna skapa ramverket användes Design thinking metoden. Först skapades förslag till design och ramverk, baserade på litteratur och intervjuer med lärare. Sedan designades en High fidelity prototyp av det digitala gränssnittet baserat på förslagen. Och slutligen testades prototypen i ett användbarhetstest. Användbarhetstestet visade vad i förslagen som fungerade. Delarna som fungerade sammanfattades i det föreslagna ramverket som studien lyckades skapa. Ramverket innehöll både förslag på hur man visuellt ska representera en inlärningsframsteg och hur man kommunicerar den.

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