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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gaze tracking: Implementing gaze tracking in cARcassonne

Winkler, Wilmer, Ågren, Simon January 2024 (has links)
As the technology in the field of Augmented Reality (AR) has advanced, its use in different parts of society has increased. Despite this increase, there is still a lack of research on how eye tracking (gaze tracking) can be used to integrate a system with situational awareness (SA) and attention guidance (AG) in an AR board game. This study sets out to implement a gaze tracking system in an AR version of the tabletop game carcassonne. The gaze tracking will be used to implement a first version of a Situational Awareness-based Attention Guidance (SAAG) system. Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) was chosen as the method to create this system. In order to validate the artifact several tests were conducted, both for quality and for performance. The result from the tests validates that the gaze tracking system works when the player is stationary. However, the accuracy of the gaze tracking was negatively impacted when the player was physically moving around while playing. The results also show that the first version of the SAAG system and algorithm that was implemented works as intended.

Bridging the Age Gap Between Streaming Platforms : Improving User Experience for In-between Users

Victor, Winnhed January 2016 (has links)
The media consumption on the Internet is increasing rapidly and people at all ages are getting used to live in an on demand world. Due to this, streaming platforms have to appeal to a broad audience containing children, teenagers and adults. One approach to appeal a broad target audience is to divide the streaming platform into two separate platforms, where one is aiming for children and the other one, for the rest of the users. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the user experience can be improved, to help users of ages 10-13 years old to find their way from one streaming plat- form, to another as they are growing up. The thesis investigate how existing streaming platforms appeal to a broad audience and determines reasons of why a gap can be created between streaming platforms. Based on interviews, work- shops, user tests as well as literature, a final prototype and a set of concluding suggestions have been produced as a result of this study.

How do you feel? : Designing for Emotional Self-Awareness and Perceived Anonymity in an Audience Response System

Ristiniemi, Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
Humans’ emotions have the ability to take over, which might end up with responses inappropriate to the situation. The solution to inappropriate responses is to have a better awareness. Great team-work, calm employees, and rational decision making are all qualities that derive benefit from emotional self-awareness. However, studies show that only 36 percent can identify their emotions as they happen. This paper takes on the opportunity to raise emotional self-awareness by designing a prototype that enables the users to reflect and anonymously share their emotion through an audience response system. Forty-eight participants, in various group sizes, did within-subjects tests. They started by writing down their answer to the question: How do you feel?. They later answered through the prototype. Whether or not the participants managed to be more specific through the prototype was measured, as well as their perceived anonymity. The results revealed that the prototype was useful in both helping the users to learn emotion definitions and further specify their emotion. In regards to the perceived anonymity, it showed that the design was favoring a larger group size around 20 participants.

Communicating a Child's Learning Progress in a Digital Interface

Poucette, Petter January 2020 (has links)
The educational digital games are both used at school and at home by children. However, if used at home, how should parent's be able to tell a child learning progress in the game when they have limited knowledge in children's education? The purpose of this thesis is enhance the knowledge on how to design a digital interface that communicates the learning progress of a child to its parents. This by establishing a suggested framework on this subject. To be able to create the framework the Design thinking method were used. First suggestions, based on literature and interviews with teachers, for the design and framework were created. Then a Hight fidelity prototype of the digital interface based in the suggestions were designed. And lastly the prototype where tested in a Usability test. The usability test showed what in the suggestions that worked. The parts that worked were summarized in the suggested framework that the study where successful in creating. The framework contained both suggestion in how to visually represent a learning progress and how to communicate it. / Pedagogiska digitala spel används både i skolan och hemma av barn. Men om de används hemma, hur ska föräldrar kunna förstå vad ett barns lärandeutveckling i spelet när de har begränsad kunskap om barns utbildning? Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen om hur man utformar ett digitalt gränssnitt som kommunicerar ett barns kunskapsutveckling till sina föräldrar. Detta genom att fastställa en föreslagen ram för detta ämne. För att kunna skapa ramverket användes Design thinking metoden. Först skapades förslag till design och ramverk, baserade på litteratur och intervjuer med lärare. Sedan designades en High fidelity prototyp av det digitala gränssnittet baserat på förslagen. Och slutligen testades prototypen i ett användbarhetstest. Användbarhetstestet visade vad i förslagen som fungerade. Delarna som fungerade sammanfattades i det föreslagna ramverket som studien lyckades skapa. Ramverket innehöll både förslag på hur man visuellt ska representera en inlärningsframsteg och hur man kommunicerar den.

Designing UI for non-professional level creation regarding location-specific mobile games

Skogh, Petter January 2022 (has links)
The release of the location-based game Pokemon Go saw the creators breaking world records for most revenue grossed by a mobile game within its first month. With location-based games and services such as Pokemon Go becoming mainstream, new opportunities in the market have been opened. But as location-based services become more popular there is a need for research and development of UX-design to keep up. Regarding location-based services there are multiple important questions in the field. For example, how are map interactions made intuitive and how are elements that interact with the map designed for the best user experience? Questions such as these will be explored in this thesis. This thesis is done in collaboration with the company Exenze which develops a location-based mobile game called Oknytt - Jakten på amuletten (Oknytt - The hunt for the amulet). The game is tailored to specific outdoor areas of the company's clients' choosing, such as campsites, parks or playgrounds. As of the writing of this thesis, the way of creating a level for Oknytt was very complex and took a lot of time. Exenze wanted an easier way to create levels, in which clients could make make their own levels; hence, the aim of this study was to create a user interface in which a non-professional user could create their own fun, engaging, and safe level for Oknytt. The method of this thesis consisted of development and testing of a low fidelity prototype, a mid fidelity prototype and a high fidelity prototype. The resulting high fidelity prototype divided the complex task of creating a level on a specific location into four dependable sub-tasks; finding a place, marking the game zone, marking areas that were unsafe for children, and managing collectibles. These sub-tasks were made into steps in a Wizard with one added step for filling billing information. The prototype was generally well received by users. Most of the problems in the interface had to do with the marking of game zones as well as marking areas that were unsafe for children.

Driving Towards Sustainability : Ethical Data Gathering and Sustainable Driving Practices for Environmental Stewardship

Söderbergh, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
This thesis integrates scoring, gamification, and Corporate Sustainability Reporting(CSR) to encourage sustainable behaviours through electronic driving journals. As environmental stewardship becomes increasingly important, the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates greater transparency in reporting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities. In this context, driving journals in Sweden, primarily used to distinguish between professional and personal vehicle use, emerge as a critical factor in influencing sustainable practices. The study explores the potential of scoring and gamification, which involves incorporating game-design elements into non-game contexts to transform routine compliance activities into engaging processes that promote sustainable behaviour. By combining these journals with the requirements of the CSRD, the research examines their effectiveness in fostering an environmentally conscious driving culture among corporate fleets and individual users. The study employs a multidimensional approach, which involves conducting a comprehensive literature review, analysing the market, and practically applying the findings with Northtracker, a leading driving journal provider. The goal is to examine how aligning Northtracker's systems with CSRD guidelines can help promote and comply with sustainable practices by enhancing user engagement. The results indicate that incorporating scoring and gamified elements within driving journals can effectively increase user participation and compliance, leading to a measurable reduction in environmental impact resulting from improved driving habits. Nonetheless, the study highlights several challenges, such as privacy concerns, data accuracy, and user acceptance, which require a balanced approach to scoring and gamification in sustainability initiatives. The thesis concludes by recommending strategic actions that policymakers and corporations can take to exploit this integration's potential fully. These implications go beyond the immediate scope of driving journals and offer valuable insights into the broader application of scoring and gamification in environmental sustainability efforts.

Vilka designelement kan inspirera till engagemang  på en digital lärplattform? : En studie baserad på universitetsstudenters upplevelser på distans. / What design elements on a digital learning platform inspire engagement ? : A study based on the experiences of remote university students.

Klara, Andersson, Jamar, Tom January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker vilka designelement som påverkar distansstudenters upplevda engagemang i online-lärmiljöer, mer specifikt den etablerade digitala lärplattformen Moodle. Studiens syfte är att upptäcka och analysera vad som kan utvecklas, för att ytterligare inspirera till engagemang hos universitetsstudenter i Sverige. En kvalitativ metod användes, där studien tillämpade semistrukturerade intervjuer och användartester med sju deltagande studenter för att samla in empirisk data. En tematisk analys användes för att identifiera flera teman som påverkar studenters engagemang. Dessa teman inkluderar: information och navigation, struktur och gränssnitt, social och gemenskap, brist på stöd, begränsad interaktion, kommunikation och tekniska problem. Resultaten visade bland annat att bättre strukturering av innehåll, mindre komplicerat användargränssnitt och navigation, bättre social interaktion och effektivt studentstöd, väsentligt skulle bidra till att förbättra studenters upplevda engagemang. Dessa resultat understryker också institutionens och lärarens ansvar att skapa en känsla av gemenskap och stöd för att förbättra upplevelsen med att studera på distans. Insikterna från resultaten visar på flera praktiska utvecklingsområden på den undersökta lärplattformen. Studien bidrar till kunskap kring den pågående utvecklingen av distansundervisningen sedan pandemins spår. Där förståelsen kring hur lärplattformar kan utvecklas, kan skapa en bättre och mer engagerande lärande-upplevelse i framtiden. / This study explores which design elements affect distance students' experienced engagement in online learning environments, specifically focusing on the established digital learning platform, Moodle. The aim of the study is to discover and analyze areas for improvement that could further inspire engagement among university students in Sweden. A qualitative method was implemented by utilizing semi-structured interviews and user tests on seven participants to gather empirical data. A thematic analysis was used to discover several themes that influence student engagement in the current distance education environment. These themes include: information and navigation, structure and interface, social and community aspects, lack of support, limited interaction, communication, and technical issues. The results indicated that better content structuring, a less complicated user interface and navigation, improved social interaction, and effective student support could significantly enhance students' engagement. These findings also underscore the institution's and teachers responsibility to foster a sense of community and support to improve the experience of distance education. Insights from the results suggest several practical areas for development on the investigated learning platform. This study contributes to the knowledge about the ongoing development of distance education, post pandemic. Understanding how learning platforms can be developed can create a better and more engaging learning experience in the future.

Puckar, Passion & Interaktion : En kvalitativ studie om hur relationen mellan klubb och supportrar påverkas av det kommunikativa arbetet på sociala medier

Sundström, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
This theses in the field of Information Design, with a focus on Interaction Design, has been conducted in collaboration with AIK Hockey with the aim of exploring how a mobile application can be designed to effectively meet the information needs of supporters of the club, improve communication between AIK Hockey and its supporters, and simultaneously adhere to good practice in interaction design.   Through a review of relevant literature and the collection and analysis of empirical data from users and stakeholders, this study seeks to contribute insights into how design principles can be applied to create a user-friendly and engaging mobile application suitable for a sports club. With a focus on strengthening the bonds between the club and its supporters, this work aims to explore the role these identities play for each other and how they can be used as guidance for the design process.  In summary, this thesis addresses a complex topic regarding supporters’ identification with a sports club and offers insights into how these needs and behaviors can be addressed through the design of a mobile application. By integrating theoretical perspectives such as human-centered design, semiotics, and Norman’s seven fundamental design principles, along with insights from the collected empirical data through surveys and a semi-structured interview, this study aims to present a design proposal that addresses the needs and expectations surrounding a mobile application for AIK Hockey.

Change your Perspective : Exploration of a 3D Network created with Open Data in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment using a Head-mounted Display and Vision-based Motion Controls

Reski, Nico January 2015 (has links)
Year after year, technologies are evolving in an incredible rapid pace, becoming faster, more complex, more accurate and more immersive. Looking back just a decade, especially interaction technologies have made a major leap. Just two years ago in 2013, after being researched for quite some time, the hype around virtual reality (VR) arouse renewed enthusiasm, finally reaching mainstream attention as the so called head-mounted displays (HMD), devices worn on the head  to grant a visual peek into the virtual world, gain more and more acceptance with the end-user. Currently, humans interact with computers in a very counter-intuitive two dimensional way. The ability to experience digital content in the humans most natural manner, by simply looking around and perceiving information from their surroundings, has the potential to be a major game changer in how we perceive and eventually interact with digital information. However, this confronts designers and developers with new challenges of how to apply these exciting technologies, supporting interaction mechanisms to naturally explore digital information in the virtual world, ultimately overcoming real world boundaries. Within the virtual world, the only limit is our imagination. This thesis investigates an approach of how to naturally interact and explore information based on open data within an immersive virtual reality environment using a head-mounted display and vision-based motion controls. For this purpose, an immersive VR application visualizing information as a network of European capital cities has been implemented, offering interaction through gesture input. The application lays a major focus on the exploration of the generated network and the consumption of the displayed information. While the conducted user interaction study with eleven participants investigated their acceptance of the developed prototype, estimating their workload and examining their explorative behaviour, the additional dialog with five experts in the form of explorative discussions provided further feedback towards the prototype’s design and concept. The results indicate the participants’ enthusiasm and excitement towards the novelty and intuitiveness of exploring information in a less traditional way than before, while challenging them with the applied interface and interaction design in a positive manner. The design and concept were also accepted through the experts, valuing the idea and implementation. They provided constructive feedback towards the visualization of the information as well as emphasising and encouraging to be even bolder, making more usage of the available 3D environment. Finally, the thesis discusses these findings and proposes recommendations for future work.

Den avskalade effekten : Om effekten av ett minimalistiskt skrivverktyg och hur det upplevs i en interaktiv användningssituation

Annerbrink, Totte, Talovic, Nizar January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie och uppsats har behandlat och fokuserats på att synliggöra interaktionseffekten som uppstår när ett informationssystems gränssnitt är avskalat. Fallstudien i denna uppsats utgår ifrån ett webbaserat skrivverktyg vid namn Writer. Syftet med studien har varit att tydliggöra interaktionseffekten vid personligt handlande i en interaktiv användningssituation och hur det i sin tur påverkar användarupplevelsen. Studiens teoretiska område och ramverk är Handlingsbarhet där fokus har varit på den interaktiva handlingsnivån i koppling till den grundläggande interaktionsloopen. Den grundläggande interaktionsloopen består av fyra steg där en användare frågar, gör får ett svar och sedan utvärderar. I koppling till teorin har fem interkationskriterier för teorin inkorporerats som dessa är; Tydlig handlingsrepertoar, Känd & begriplig vokabulär, Handlingstransparens, Tydlig feedback och Ändringsbarhet . Dessa fem kriterier har varit tematiseringen för det empiriska arbetet. Genom både det målinriktade urvalet och snöbollsurvalet har sex journalister/skribenter involverats för att samla in data. I metodarbetet genomfördes användartest på skrivverktyget med uppgifter som utformats i enlighet med de fem interaktionskriterierna. Efter detta användartest fick samtliga informanter utvärdera upplevelsen och göra tretton ställningstaganden utifrån ett användarupplevelse-frågeformulär där begrepp såsom lätt att lära sig/inte lätt att lära sig och effektiv/ineffektiv efterfrågades. Efter dessa två moment utfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med femton framtagna frågor som också dem baserats på de fem interaktionskriterierna. För att analysera den insamlade datan tillämpades metoden innehållsanalys som resulterade i 25 kategorier med tillhörande beskrivningar och citat. Utifrån innehållsanalysen och dess resultat analyserades kategorierna i jämförelse med modellen D.EU.PS och dess 18 klasser baserat på deras definition. Detta mynnade i sin tur ut i tio stycken interaktionseffekter baserat på sju klasser. Resultatet och de tio effekterna är: Säkerhet, Tidigare referenser, Terminologi, Igenkännelse, Förståelse för sekvens/handling, Uppfattning, Enkelhet, Effektivitet Tillgänglighet och Gruppering (närhet). Utifrån det personliga handlandet som perspektiv är dessa effekter ett resultat av ett avskalat skrivverktyg som bidrar till en god användarupplevelse. / This thesis and report has addressed and focused on identifying the interaction effect that occurs when an information system's interface is scaled off and is minimalistic. This case study is based on a web-based writing tool called Writer. The purpose of the research has been to clarify the personal interaction effect in an interactive usage situation and how it in turn affects the user experience. The theoretical field and framework of the study is Actability , focusing on the interactive action level in connection with The Elementary InterAction Loop . The Elementary InterAction Loop consists of four steps where the user asks, does, gets an answer and then evaluates. In conjunction with the theory, five interaction criteria have been incorporated, which are; Clear Action Repertoire , Intelligible Vocabulary , Action Transparency , Clear Feedback , and Amendability . These five criteria have been the thematization of the empirical work. Through both targeted selection and snowball sampling, six journalists/writers have been involved in collecting data. In the method work, user test was performed on the writing tool with tasks formulated in accordance to the five interaction criteria. In the method work, user tests was performed on the writing tool. Thereafter the tasks was formed according to the five interaction criteria from the theoretical framework. All informants evaluated their experience and made thirteen statements based on a user experience questionnaire where concepts such as easy to learn/not easy to learn and effective/ineffective were asked for. Following these two steps in the empirical study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen questions based on the five interaction qualities. In order to analyze the collected data, the content analysis method was applied which resulted in 25 categories with descriptions and quotes. Based on a content analysis and its results, the categories were then analyzed using the D.EU.PS model and its 18 classes. The analysis resulted in ten interaction effects placed in seven different classes. The result and the ten interaction effects are: Security, Previous references, Terminology, Recognition, Understanding of sequence/action, Perception, Simplicity, Efficiency Availability and Grouping (proximity). Based on personal behavior as a perspective, these effects are the result of a minimalistic writing tool that contributes to a good user experience.

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