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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estratégias de reformulação da estrutura silábica complexa na interlíngua de aprendizes brasileiros do alemão como língua estrangeira / Strategies to reformulate the complex syllabic structure in the interlingua of Brazilian learners from German as a foreign language

Pereira, Rogéria Costa January 2016 (has links)
PEREIRA, Rogéria Costa. Estratégias de reformulação da estrutura silábica complexa na interlíngua de aprendizes brasileiros do alemão como língua estrangeira. 2016. 203f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-02T12:14:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_tese_rcpereira.pdf: 3664114 bytes, checksum: 4568d6960b4386d7d33a5a3226ceefa6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-02T16:37:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_tese_rcpereira.pdf: 3664114 bytes, checksum: 4568d6960b4386d7d33a5a3226ceefa6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-02T16:37:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_tese_rcpereira.pdf: 3664114 bytes, checksum: 4568d6960b4386d7d33a5a3226ceefa6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / A presente pesquisa objetivou investigar as estratégias de reformulação de constituintes silábicos complexos na interlíngua de brasileiros aprendizes do Alemão como Língua Estrangeira (ALE). Nossa hipótese básica prevê que estes aprendizes possuem dificuldades na produção de ataques iniciais e codas finais do ALE, desenvolvendo diferentes estratégias para acomodar estas estruturas ao molde silábico do PB. Pressupondo a estrutura da sílaba em constituintes (SELKIRK, 1987), comparamos as fonotáticas do alemão e do PB, constatando que o alemão aceita constituintes silábicos complexos com até quatro consoantes (HALL, 1992a, 1992b, 2000; RAMERS e VATER, 1995; WIESE 1996 e YU 1992a, 1992b); e que o PB apresenta mais restrições e uma estrutura menos complexa, com ataques constituídos por até dois segmentos e por codas simples (BISOL 1999, MATEUS e d’ANDRADE, 1998 e 2000). Neste contexto, a Interlíngua (SELINKER, 1972) se apresenta como conceito-chave, a qual entendemos como uma língua natural, sistemática e emergente de um processo complexo e dinâmico, que se desenvolve autonomamente por falantes não-nativos de uma LE em seu processo de aquisição/aprendizagem, objetiva a comunicação estratégica e sofre adaptações a partir da testagem de hipóteses acerca da LE e eventos de interação (CORDER, 1978; MUCKAY, 2012 e RUTHERFORD, 1984). Investigamos a IL de dezoito brasileiros adultos em três experimentos. Analisamos transversalmente cinco tipos de ataque e nove de coda, constituídos por até quatro consoantes, e elegemos como variáveis o nível de proficiência dos aprendizes, a mudança de estilo (LIN, 2001, 2003) e a marcação do constituinte (GREENBERG, 1966b; TROPF, 1987). Discutimos os resultados baseados no Modelo Ontogênico-Filogênico (MAJOR, 2001), em achados de pesquisas acerca da aquisição da estrutura silábica do Inglês por brasileiros, e do ALE por espanhóis (TROPF, 1987; TRUJILLO, 2001). Os resultados revelaram que a frequência de modificação de clusters apresenta correlação com os fatores tarefa e nível de proficiência: quanto mais formal a tarefa e avançado o aprendiz, menos modificações ocorrem. A influência da marcação silábica e dos universais linguísticos foi constatada para a cada, tipologicamente marcada, sendo mais frequentemente modificada que o ataque. Algumas hipóteses foram corroboradas somente para o ataque: houve uma maior frequência de modificações na estrutura mais longa que na curta; e as estruturas que violam o princípio de sonoridade foram mais frequentemente reformuladas que aquelas que o obedecem. Nestes casos, as diferenças percentuais na coda não são estatisticamente relevantes. Exploramos, ainda, a correlação dos mesmos fatores na seleção de três tipos de estratégia: o apagamento de segmentos, a vocalização da lateral e a epêntese por prótese, anaptixe e paragoge. Confirmamos que o nível de proficiência tem influência na seleção da estratégia de modificação, com a epêntese sendo mais selecionada por iniciantes que por intermediário-avançados. Na lista de palavras, foram produzidas mais epênteses que na lista de frases; o ataque é especialmente modificado através da epêntese por prótese, mostrando a coda maior correlação com a proficiência: iniciantes usam paragoge e intermediário-avançados o apagamento ou o paragoge.

Interlangue et radicalisation du discours féminin francophone d’Afrique septentrionale et d’Afrique subsaharienne : cas : Assia Djebar, Aminata Sow Fall, Calicthe Beyala et Nedjma / Interlanguage and radicalization of de french female speech in North Africa and Sub-saharan Africa : case : Assia Djebar, Aminata Fall Sow, Calicthe Beyala and Nedjma

Nyingone, Léa 11 December 2017 (has links)
La présente étude a pour but d'analyser le discours féminin francophone dans les textes d'Assia Dejbar,de Calixthe Beyala, d'Aminata Sow Fall et de Nedjma. L'intitulé de la recherche rend compte de deux concepts majeurs: l'interlangue et la radicalisation. Nous fondons notre réflexion en trois grandes paries, la première, définit l'interlangue et interroge l'existence ou non d'objectifs communs à son utilisation par les femmes romancières. La deuxième partie, analyse à travers de nouvelles approches théoriques et critiques sur la langue, les romans Nulle part dans la maison de mon père, Femme nue, femme noire, La Grève des bàttu et L'Amande. La troisième partie quant à elle, traite de la notion de radicalisation par la mise en évidence de la langue du corps, reflétée dans l'ensemble de l'écriture. La lecture des textes littéraires a permis de les scinder en deux catégories. D'une part, il y a les romans qui fustigent et luttent au moyen d'une langue pudique et réservée, et, d'autre part, ceux qui dénoncent et s'affirment, à travers une langue extrêmement transgressive et violente. / The present study aims at analyzing the female speech in the texts of Assia Dejbar, Calixthe Beyala, Aminata Sow Fall and Nedjma. The title of the research accounts for two major concepts: interlanguage and radicalization. We base our reflection on three main bets, the first one, defines the interlanguage and questions the existence or not of objectives common to its use by women novelists. The second part, analyzes through new theoretical and critical approaches on language, novels Nowhere in my father's house, Naked woman, black woman, The strike of the battu and the almond. The third part deals with the notion of radicalization by emphasizing the language of the body, reflected in the whole of writing. The reading of the literary texts allowed to divide them into two categories. On the one hand, there are novels that lash and fight by means of a modest and reserved language, and, on the other hand, those who denounce and affirm themselves, through an extremely transgressive and violent language.

Etude contrastive des systèmes phonologique et phonétique hongrois et français en vue d'une application didactique en FLE / A comparative study of the Hungarian and French phonological and phonetic systems for a didactic application in FLE

Hamm, Dominique 14 March 2013 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre global de la didactique du FLE/FLS puis dans celui, plus précis, de la prononciation du français parlé et porte sur les difficultés des apprenants hungarophones en production orale. Si le matériel phonique des deux langues présente certaines similitudes, le point nodal des interférences réside surtout dans les oppositions vocaliques (durée phonologique en hongrois vs durée phonétique en français), la prononciation de certaines consonnes et la prosodie (accent tonique d’intensité hongrois vs accent rythmique duratif français). Diverses méthodes expérimentales usitées à l’Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg seront exploitées : spectrographie pour le timbre et la durée des voyelles ainsi que pour les phénomènes prosodiques, laryngographie pour les assimilations de sonorité et contacts consonantiques. Les analyses se situeront donc au niveau segmental, comme au niveau suprasegmental. Outre de se poser en tant que contribution à l’étude comparée et contrastive des langues, cette recherche privilégiera les visées didactique et pédagogique et apportera en dernier lieu explications et astuces de remédiation. Nous espérons que cette thèse sera utile à nos collègues français exerçant en Hongrie, mais aussi à nos collègues hongrois n’ayant pas forcément conscience de certaines fautes typiques et redondantes, car partant du même substrat que leurs apprenants. / This research fits into the overall framework of FLE/FLS teaching methods and more precisely, of spoken French pronunciation. It deals with the difficulties of native Hungarian learners in oral production. While the sounds of the two languages have some similarities, most of the interferences are to be found in the vowel oppositions (Hungarian phonological duration vs French phonetic duration), the pronunciation of certain consonants and prosody (Hungarian tonic intensity stress vs durational rhythmic French accent). Various experimental methods commonly used at the Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg were applied : spectrography for the quality and duration of vowels, and for the prosodic characteristics, laryngography for pitch assimilations and consonant contacts. Analyses therefore lean both on the segmental and the supra-segmental levels.This work is more than just a comparative and contrastive study of languages, as it goes beyond by focusing on didactic and pedagogical purposes, using explanations and remediation tips. We hope that it will be useful to French teachers in Hungary, but also to our Hungarian colleagues who may not always be aware of some typical and redundant faults, starting from the same substrate as their learners.

Similaridades translinguísticas entre português e inglês e os phrasal verbs: a percepção de aprendizes de inglês-LE / Cross-linguistic similarities between Portuguese and English and the phrasal verbs: the perception of EFL learners

Ferreira, Renan Castro 23 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T19:12:39Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Renan_Castro_Ferreira.pdf: 2147576 bytes, checksum: 576e918ce5169b06e2bd38124e8dd6e2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T21:25:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Renan_Castro_Ferreira.pdf: 2147576 bytes, checksum: 576e918ce5169b06e2bd38124e8dd6e2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-17T21:25:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Renan_Castro_Ferreira.pdf: 2147576 bytes, checksum: 576e918ce5169b06e2bd38124e8dd6e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / O presente trabalho buscou identificar as similaridades translinguísticas reais entre português e inglês em estruturas do tipo phrasal verbs e investigar a percepção dessas similaridades por aprendizes de inglês como língua estrangeira (LE) que são falantes nativos de português. Realizamos um levantamento em dicionários de verbos e regência com o objetivo de confirmar a presença, na língua portuguesa, de estruturas do tipo phrasal verbs. Depois, com base no referencial teórico de Kellerman (1977) e Ringbom (2007) sobre a importância das similaridades translinguísticas percebidas e/ou presumidas na aprendizagem de língua estrangeira, assim como no estudo de Sjöholm (1995) sobre o efeito delas na aprendizagem de phrasal verbs, utilizamos um teste de múltipla escolha e entrevistas semiestruturadas para examinar as percepções de aprendizes brasileiros de inglês e determinar se as similaridades entre as línguas em questão afetam o modo como eles compreendem e usam os phrasal verbs. O levantamento evidenciou que o português possui phrasal verbs e que muitos deles conservam similaridades de forma e significado com seus equivalentes em inglês. O teste de múltipla escolha mostrou que há uma tendência maior de escolha de phrasal verbs em inglês quando eles possuem equivalentes em português. Nas entrevistas, todos os aprendizes conseguiram identificar os equivalentes portugueses dos phrasal verbs apresentados, apesar de não terem estabelecido essa relação entre as línguas de forma consciente durante o teste. Os resultados indicam que a percepção de similaridades translinguísticas entre português-LM e inglês-LE na questão dos phrasal verbs leva à facilitação da compreensão e do uso dessas estruturas na LE alvo. / This work aimed to identify the real cross-linguistic similarities between Portuguese and English concerning phrasal verbs and investigate the perception of such similarities by learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) who are native speakers of Portuguese. To confirm that Portuguese has structures that can be classified as phrasal verbs, we carried out a survey in verb and verb collocation dictionaries. Then, based on the research by Kellerman (1977) and Ringbom (2007) on the importance of perceived and/or assumed cross-linguistics similarities in foreign language learning, as well as on Sjöholm’s (1995) study on their effect on the learning of phrasal verbs, we used a multiple-choice test and semi-structured interviews to examine the perceptions of Brazilian learners of English and determine whether the similarities between the two languages in question affect the way they comprehend and use phrasal verbs. The searches in Portuguese dictionaries evinced that Portuguese language has phrasal verbs and that many of them have similarities of form and meaning with their English equivalents. The multiple-choice test showed that the learners have a greater tendency to choose phrasal verbs in English when there are equivalents in Portuguese. In the interviews, all of the respondents were able to identify the Portuguese equivalents of the English phrasal verbs presented, in spite of not having consciously found that relationship between the languages during the test. The results indicate that the perception of cross-linguistic similarities between L1 Portuguese and FL English concerning phrasal verbs leads to the facilitation in the comprehension and use of those structures in the target foreign language.

O acento primário em alemão e sua aquisição por falantes de português brasileiro / The primary stress in German and its acquisition by speakers of Brazilian Portuguese

Renato Ferreira da Silva 18 September 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a aquisição do acento primário do alemão por falantes do Português Brasileiro (PB). Essa análise baseia-se, no campo da aquisição, no modelo gerativista dos Princípios e Parâmetros (Chomsky 1981), bem como na fonologia lexical (Kiparsky 1982, Mohanan 1982, 1985) e na fonologia prosódica (Nespor e Vogel [2007] (1986), Vogel (2009)) como teorias fonológicas. O arcabouço teórico para a análise do acento primário na língua alemã é fornecido pela teoria de acento de Wiese (1995), que preconiza a existência de regras de acento primário em compostos (AB) e não-compostos, como também padrões marcados com atribuição de acento definido lexicalmente (palavras proparoxítonas e oxítonas, compostos do tipo ABC). Além das regras propostas por Wiese (1995), postulo uma regra para a acentuação de compostos do tipo marcado ABC. Para o PB assumo a teoria de acento de Lee (1995,1997). A comparação da atribuição do acento primário em ambas as línguas permitiu-me estabelecer, com base na teoria paramétrica de Hayes (1995), semelhanças e diferenças paramétricas para o acento primário, as quais serviram de base para a tese defendida neste trabalho. Além disso, acrescento um princípio com valores paramétricos não-binários: o Domínio de aplicação da Restrição da Janela de Três Sílabas, cuja reparametrização apresenta-se como indispensável para a aquisição de regras de acentuação primária do alemão por falantes de PB como L2. Enquanto no PB essa restrição é válida para qualquer palavra fonológica (), em alemão, apenas as palavras não-compostas submetem-se a tal restrição. Ademais, propõem-se aqui 9 níveis hierárquicos, os quais constituem uma sequência para a aquisição das regras de atribuição do acento primário no contexto aqui estudado. Um estudo de caso, baseado no modelo pseudo-longitudinal, fornece subsídios para a presente pesquisa. Seis informantes com níveis de proficiência A2, B2 e C2 (segundo a classificação do Quadro Comum Europeu de Referência para Línguas) foram submetidos a um teste de leitura de cinquenta palavras selecionadas de acordo com seu padrão acentual e a posição da sílaba que contém o acento primário. Resultados apontam para um papel importante da L1 na constituição da interlíngua e para o fato de que a refixação de parâmetros, ainda que primordial na aquisição, não é o único fator operante nesse processo. A análise dos dados sinaliza, ainda, que estágios de aquisição do acento primário do alemão por falantes de PB não refletem necessariamente o nível de proficiência de cada indivíduo na língua-alvo. / This study aims at analysing the acquisition of primary stress in German by speakers of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). In terms of acquisition, this analysis is based on the generative model from Principles and Parameters (Chomsky 1981), as well as on the Lexical Phonology (Kiparsky 1982, Monahan 1982, 1985) and Prosodic Phonology (Nespor and Vogel [2007] (1986), Vogel (2009)) as phonological theories. The theoretical framework for the analysis of the primary stress in German is given by Wieses (1995) stress theory which states the existence of primary stress rules in compounds (AB) and non-compounds, as well as marked patterns with stress being lexically defined (words stressed in the third and last syllables, ABC compounds). In addition to the rules proposed by Wiese (1995), I have determined one for the stress of compounds marked as ABC). For BP, I have used the theory of accent by Lee (1995, 1997). The comparison between the attributions of primary stress in both languages has allowed me to establish, according to Hayes (1995) parametric theory, parametric similarities and differences for primary stress, which serve as basis for the thesis I defend in this study. Furthermore, I propose the addition of one principle with non-binary parametric values: the Domain of the Application of the Three-Syllable-Window Restriction, whose reparametrization is essential for speakers of BP acquiring the rules of primary stress of German as L2. Whereas in BP this restriction is valid for any phonological word, in German only the non-compound words are subject to such restriction. Moreover, 9 hierarchical levels are proposed here and they establish a sequence for the acquisition of the primary stress acquisition attribution rules. A case study, based on the pseudo-longitudinal model, provides this research with invaluable aids. Six informants with levels of proficiency A2, B2 and C2 (according to the Common European Framework for Languages) were submitted to a test in which they read fifty words, selected according to their stress patterns and position of the syllable containing the primary stress. Results show that L1 has an important role in the constitution of the interlanguage. They also state that the resetting of parameters is not the only operating factor in this process, even though it is essential in the acquisition. Data analysis indicates that the stages of primary stress acquisition of German by speakers of BP do not necessarily reflect the proficiency level of each individual in the target language.

Língua e alimentação: dois elementos da identidade italiana em Pedrinhas Paulista / An analysis of the language spoken by Italian immigrants living in Pedrinhas Paulista

Liana Lagana Fernandes 09 June 2006 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta uma análise da atual linguagem ligada à alimentação falada por imigrantes italianos em Pedrinhas Paulista, pequena comunidade italiana fundada nos anos \'50, localizada no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Utiliza, para tanto, depoimentos colhidos na própria comunidade em 2002 e em 2005. Os trechos destacados para a pesquisa foram transcritos obedecendo as normas para transcrição do projeto NURC. Que língua seria mais usada pelos imigrantes quando se trata de referências alimentares: o italiano ou o português? Os italianos mantiveram a tradição da sua gastronomia? Mantiveram o léxico original das suas preparações? Absorveram, em parte ou não, os hábitos alimentares locais e sua terminologia na língua local? Os imigrantes criaram uma interlíngua italiano-dialeto-português? Essas e outras questões serão levantadas e analisadas no decorrer do trabalho / The present study is an analysis of the language spoken by Italian immigrants living in Pedrinhas Paulista. This small community was founded in the 50\'s, and is located in rural Sao Paulo state. The analysis utilizes depositions from the community in 2002 and in 2005. Deposition excerpts chosen for the study were transcribed observing the NURC Project norms. Which language was spoken by the immigrants when discussing nutritional matters: Italian or Portuguese? Did the Italians maintain their gastronomic traditions? Did they change their recipes? Did they acquire local eating habits and their local terminology? If so, did they do it partially or completely? Did the Italian immigrants create an Italian-dialect-Portuguese interlanguage? These and other questions will be raised during the present study

A Study and Analysis of Errors in the Written Production of Swedish Adolescent Learners of English : Comparing the Evolution of a Class at Two Different Points in Time

Demailly Tulldahl, Karine January 2005 (has links)
The subject of this essay is a comparison of essays written by the same learners at two different points in time - i.e. while they were in the first and in the third grades of the Swedish secondary school. The essay includes a presentation of the raw data that have been used. The theoretical background is a general survey of some of the abundant literature relating to Second Language Acquisition and Error Analysis, and a large part of it deals with interlanguage theories. The analytical part of the work presents the results of the study, including a grammatical classification of the totality of the errors encountered as well as a presentation of the results for the whole of each class and for each individual learner. Finally, some of the theories are related to the results of the analysis and some conclusions are drawn. A part of the work consisted in the gathering of essays written by learners (exclusively with Swedish as their mother tongue) of the same class in a real school context, first to make a quantitative study of their errors, and second to make a comparison between their essays written at two different points in time. The aim was to find out if there had been an evolution, and to what extent the evolution had taken place. The hypothesis formulated at the beginning of this essay is that learners, in general, should make fewer errors after two years have passed. The results are that errors concerning Verbs (especially Concord), as well as miscellaneous spelling errors, were the most frequent ones, and this is true for both grades. As the total number of errors is lower for the third grade than for the first, and since the learners' production is larger in the third grade than in the first, the hypothesis can be considered to be true, though a larger study should be conducted to see if a general pattern can be found.

Intégration des russophones dans la vie française / The integration of russian speakers into french life

Abzalova, Irina 09 December 2016 (has links)
L’immigration russophone en France se nourrit de quelques siècles de l’Histoire contemporaine. La population à laquelle nous consacrons notre étude correspond aux départs ayant eu lieu au lendemain de l’effondrement de l’URSS. Notre intérêt s’attache tout particulièrement à l’intégration des migrants dans la vie française.Cette étude a donc pour objet l’analyse du processus d’intégration d’une population russophone échantillonnée vivant en France en s’appuyant sur l’analyse théorique des interférences linguistiques et socioculturelles rencontrées. L’apport de ce travail est notamment de montrer à quel point l’influence des interférences peut jouer sur l’intégration. Nous cherchons ici à définir l’intégration comme le résultat d’un certain nombre d’étapes à accomplir et de compétences à acquérir dans les domaines du savoir, du savoir-faire et du savoir-être.Cette analyse permet d’évaluer les difficultés des russophones, créées par les conditions de l’immigration sur la base des témoignages, des observations, des échanges dans le cadre associatif et éducatif, ou encore au travers du forum russophone Infrance.Cette expérience permet de recenser ou compléter des lacunes des apprenants au profit de l’enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère.Au-delà du défi permanent qu’impose à tout apprenant l’interlangue, c’est dans l’intimité de l’intégration des russophones que ce travail de recherche propose au lecteur de se plonger. / The immigration of native Russian speakers to France has been going on for several centuries but in this study we will focus primarily on the migrants who left following the collapse of the USSR. More especially we will look at the integration of these migrants into daily French life.This study has therefore chosen to analyse the integration process of a selected Russian speaking population living in France with particular attention on the theoretical analysis of language transfer (L1 Interference) and also on socio-cultural issues. The aim of this study is to show to what extent language transfer plays a role in the integration process. Here we seek to define integration as a number of steps to accomplish in order to acquire not simply language skills but the “soft” skills which add up to real savoir-faire.This analysis allows the evaluation of the difficulties faced by Russian speakers in France based on personal testimonies, observations and discussions in ex-pat associations, in education and also via the Russian language internet forum, Infrance. As a result of this study, FLE (French as a Foreign Language) teaching will be better able to cater to the precise needs of French language learners from a Russian speaking background.As well as looking into the ongoing challenge of interlanguage, this study invites the reader to explore the interesting question of integration for the Russian speaker.

"Understanding what you've never learned?" - Chances and limitations of spontaneous auditive transfer between Slavic languages

Heinz, Christof January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This paper is dedicated to the investigation of receptive transfer with a special focus on the comprehension of spoken utterances in nonfamiliar Slavic languages. It investigates the possibility of applying the concept of passive multilingualism to the field of Slavic languages. It is often assumed that closely related languages provide ideal conditions for mutual intelligibility. By means of positive transfer from a previously known language of the group, one can achieve a certain degree of passive knowledge in related languages, even if these have never been learned consciously. In this paper, however, it will be shown that spontaneous intercomprehensibility of spoken utterances within the group of Slavic languages is rather restricted. After a short outline of the peculiarities of receptive and auditive transfer phenomena, as opposed to productive and written transfer, the paper provides empirical evidence for the failure of comprehension at different stages of the perception process. / Series: WU Online Papers in International Business Communication / Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning

Topicalization in English writing of form four students

Wong, Yin Yee 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

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