Spelling suggestions: "subject:"international grade.""
1301 |
Coexistence of Conventional and Islamic Banking: The Impact on Growth and TradeHawi, André January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims at understanding the impact of Islamic banking development on economic growth and international trade in countries with a dual banking system. For this purpose we use a sample of twenty countries mainly from the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia during the time period from 1999 through 2014. We employ commonly used panel data estimators such as Pooled OLS and Fixed Effects, as well as the generalized method of moments (GMM) to address a possible endogeneity of the banking development indicators. Our findings show that on the one hand Islamic banking development in countries with a dual banking system hinders economic growth while on the other hand it boosts international trade. The study further discusses why Islamic banking might actually obstruct growth.
1302 |
Les accords d'entreprise ou de groupe à caractère transnational / International framework agreements in transnational companiesIzard, Sabine 23 September 2011 (has links)
La mondialisation de l’économie modifie les rapports sociaux. Face au poids grandissant des firmes multinationales, les organisations syndicales s’organisent au niveau international. De nouvelles stratégies de contre-pouvoir émergent dont les accords transnationaux d’entreprise ou de groupe sont le fruit. Résultats d’une négociation spontanée entre des acteurs dont la légitimité reste à prouver, ces accords aménagent les rapports sociaux dans les entreprises et les groupes à caractère transnational et édictent des règles de travail pour les salariés qui les composent, voire au-delà. D’abord envisagés comme de simples déclarations d’intention assurant, par-delà les frontières, la promotion des droits fondamentaux au travail, leur contenu se précise et engage plus fermement leurs signataires. Un cadre juridique propre s’impose. A défaut, ils seront régis selon le cadre national de réception. Malgré ces incertitudes, les signataires s’organisent conventionnellement pour donner effets aux accords. Des clauses spécifiques assurent leur mise en oeuvre et leur suivi. Pourtant le silence demeure sur les effets juridiques réellement produits. Dès lors, une certaine insécurité questionne les parties qui appellent parfois à la définition d’un cadre international de réception pour en définir les règles de conclusion, la portée et les recours envisageables en cas de violation. / The economic globalization changes the social relations. To face this growing importance of multinational firms, global unions get organized at international level. New strategies against this emerging power include the conclusion of international and European framework agreements. Result of a spontaneous negotiation between actors whose legitimacy remains to be seen, these agreements adjust any social relationships in transnational companies and groups and lay down rules for employees who work for the up, and beyond. First seen as mere declarations of intention promoting the Fundamental rights at work beyond borders, their content is taking shape and commitments are stronger for signatories. A legal framework is needed. Otherwise, agreements will be governed by the national legislations. Despite these uncertainties, signatories conventionally organize effects of their agreements. Specific provisions ensure their implementation and monitoring. Yet the silence remains on the legal effects actually occurred. Therefore, some insecurity questions the parties that sometimes ask for an international framework of reception to define the rules of conclusion, the scope of the agreement and possible remedies for violations.
1303 |
Možné dopady zavedení eura na ekonomiku ČR / Possible impact of euro introduction on the Czech economyKačírková, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Possible impact of euro introduction on the Czech economy". The first part of the thesis deal with common problems euro introduction in the Czech Republic. It attend to filling of the convergent criteria, nominal, real and others, then the choice of the scenario and schedule euro introduction. Main part of the thesis deal with the influence analysis of the single currency on the inflation, citizens, international trade and foreign direct investments. Second part focus on the way of the inflation measuring, factors which influence inflation or possible scenarios of the inflation development after euro introductoin, third part on the problems of the conversion coefficient and influences on the price relation and buing power a the fourth part on the expected effects of the euro introduction in international trade, concretely on the balance of goods and services, foreign direct investments and competitiveness. The last fifth part is focused on the future of the euro, how it sees significant world's economists.
1304 |
Visegradská skupina - vývoj a postavení v EU / The Visegrad Group - Trends and Position in the European UnionOuředníková, Marie January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe economic trends in countries of the Visegrad Group between 2000 and 2009 and to analyze their economic relations with the EU. The description and analysis are based on Eurostat statistics. Economic indicators which are monitored in this thesis and statistical methods used are defined in the first chapter. The second chapter contains a description of the Visegrad Group and ist member states. The third chapter analyzes similarity of basic internal balance indicators' changes in the countries of Visegrad Group and in EU member states. The fourth chapter deals with the territorial structure of trade of the Visegrad Group. The final chapter is devoted to the geographic origin of foreign direct investment inflows in the Visegrad countries.
1305 |
Úloha a zajištění námořní přepravy v MO / The Role and Ensuring of Maritime Transport in International TradeTheodosisová, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
The first part focuses on advantages and disadvantages conected with shipping goods by maritime transport in comparison with other transport sectors. The second part divides sea transport firstly from a commercial perspective on liner and tramp shipping, and then by type of boats. The third part describes the development and interconnectedness of international trade and maritime transport, its commodity and territorial structure. The fourth part deals with the possibility of contractual ensuring of maritime transport, liability of the carrier and conventions which govern this liability. This section also mentions the role of insurance.
1306 |
Commerce international et investissements directs étrangers : complémentarité ou substituabilité ? / International trade and foreign direct investments : complementarity or substitutability?Tayara, Saeed 29 January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail étudie, théoriquement et empiriquement, l'interaction entre le commerce international et l'investissement direct étranger (IDE), interaction qui a été un des principaux canaux de la mondialisation économique et de l'essor des chaînes de valeur mondiales dans la segmentation des activités de production. Les modèles théoriques montrent que le commerce international et les IDE peuvent se développer dans une relation de substituabilité ou de complémentarité. La nature de cette relation peut être la conséquence de facteurs exogènes, déterminants de la spécialisation des pays, ou le résultat de la stratégie endogène des firmes dans l'organisation de leurs activités à l'international. La validation empirique s'appuie sur une adaptation du modèle de gravité, en appliquant les techniques économétrique sur données de panel sur des données bilatérales pour la France au cours de la période de 1993 à 2012. Les estimations mettent en évidence une relation de complémentarité entre le commerce et l'IDE au niveau le plus agrégé. Cependant, une analyse comparative à un niveau plus désagrégé permet de trouver des indices de substituabilité et de complémentarité selon les groupes de pays partenaires. / This work investigates, theoretically and empirically, the relationship between international trade and foreign direct investment (FDI), which has been one of the key channels of economic globalization, and of the development of global value chains in the international segmentation of production. Theoretical models show that international and FDI may be substitutes or complements. The nature of this relationship may be the consequence of exogenous factors, determinants of country specialization, or the result of the endogenous strategy of firms in the organization of their international activities. The empirical validation relies on an adaptation of the gravity model, using panel econometrics with bilateral data for France during the 1993-2012 period. Estimates show a complementarity relationship between trade and FDI at the most aggregated level. However, a comparative analysis at a more disaggregated level reveals some signs of substitutability or complementarity according to the group of partner countries.
1307 |
Quantifier le contenu environnemental des relations économiques entre la Chine et le Japon : Analyse de trois canaux de transfert de technologies vertes / Quantify the environmental content of economic relations between China and Japan : analysis of three channels of transfer of green technologiesLacour, Pauline 23 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une évaluation du contenu environnemental des relations économiques entre le Japon et la Chine, en se basant sur l'analyse de trois canaux de transfert de technologies vertes. Afin de déterminer des dynamiques de diffusion de technologies environnementales (amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique, récupération des polluants, dépollution ou exploitation de sources d'énergie renouvelables), la démonstration s'est concentrée sur trois vecteurs particuliers : les flux commerciaux, les familles internationales de brevets et les Mécanismes pour un Développement Propre (MDP) du Protocole de Kyoto. L'analyse des flux commerciaux depuis le Japon vers la Chine révèle que les importations chinoises de biens environnementaux, de biens d'équipement et de biens de haute technologie sont des canaux de diffusion technologique. En particulier, les estimations économétriques montrent que les importations de biens de haute technologie affectent négativement l'intensité énergétique et carbonique du PIB chinois. L'analyse des données sur les familles internationales de brevets souligne que les technologies facilitant la diminution des niveaux de pollution atmosphérique dominent les transferts du Japon vers la Chine. Enfin, des transferts de connaissances et d'équipements environnementaux apparaissent également dans le cadre des projets MDP financés par des firmes nippones et implantés en Chine. L'analyse empirique de ces MDP fait apparaître que des plans de formation sont mis en œuvre parallèlement à la transmission d'équipements environnementaux, sachant que les transferts apparaissent principalement dans le cadre de projets hydrauliques et éoliens. L'analyse révèle bien que la densité des relations économiques entre le Japon et la Chine s'accompagne de la diffusion de technologies environnementales. L'écart de développement entre le Japon et la Chine ainsi que la présence de capacités d'absorption sur le territoire chinois favorisent la diffusion technologique au travers des flux économiques. L'impact positif de ces flux sur la qualité de l'environnement chinois est renforcé par les incitations gouvernementales aux transferts de technologies ainsi que les législations chinoises sur l'orientation géographique et sectorielle des investissements. / This dissertation provides an evaluation of the environmental content of economic relations between Japan and China, analysing three channels of climate-friendly technology transfers To identify the dynamics of green technology transfers (improvement of energy efficiency, pollutant recovery, cleaning up, exploitation of renewable energy sources), the demonstration is concentrated on three vectors: trade flows, international patent families and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects of the Kyoto Protocol. The analysis of trade flows from Japan to China shows that Chinese imports of environmental goods, capital goods and high technology goods are channels of technological diffusion. In particular, the econometric estimations reveal that imports of high technology goods affect negatively the energy and carbon intensity of the Chinese GDP. The analysis of international patent family data enable to identify that technologies aiming at reducing air pollution are dominant in transfers from Japan to China. Finally, transfers of knowledge and capital goods appear in the implementation of CDM projects financed by Japanese firms and implanted in China. The empirical analysis reveals that training plans are implemented in parallel to the transmissions of environmental equipments, knowing that transfers occur mainly through wind and water projects. This dissertation reveals that the density of economic relations between Japan and China is accompanied by the diffusion of green technologies. The development gap between Japan and China as well as the presence of absorptive capacity in China fosters technology diffusion through economic flows. The positive impact of these flows in terms of environmental quality is strengthened by the Chinese Government dedicated to technology transfers and the legislation concerning foreign investment.
1308 |
[pt] O trabalho abordará a Transferência de Tecnologia ressaltando sua importância para a capacitação tecnológica na área de saúde pública no Brasil e a relação do Comércio Exterior neste contexto, tendo a Logística como principal fator de eficiência. Será analisado o processo de Transferência de Tecnologia como fonte de inovação e desenvolvimento na indústria farmacêutica. Serão diagnosticados os principais entraves ao comércio exterior de insumos, medicamentos e equipamentos na área de saúde pública. O processo de importação será analisado como meio de internalização num processo de Transferência de Tecnologia. Através da melhoria na infraestrutura logística será possível aperfeiçoar as operações, gerando redução nos custos de produção e no prazo das entregas, significando economicidade e eficácia para a indústria pública farmacêutica. Serão ainda verificados os desafios para uma Logística Internacional eficiente, relacionando as regras e procedimentos internacionais e as oportunidades de melhoria para a indústria pública de saúde no Brasil. A questão da Logística Internacional como premissa de eficiência na Transferência de Tecnologia e os desafios para a indústria farmacêutica, tendo em vista as características das empresas que atuam neste segmento no Brasil, em especial para a área pública, que encontra nos processos de Transferência de Tecnologia a oportunidade de ofertar produtos inovadores ao Governo nos Programas de Incentivo à Saúde da população. O trabalho apresentará oportunidades de melhoria da Logística na área de Saúde Pública, através da redução de custos e prazos, visando à inovação na área pública, dentro dos mecanismos atuais, incorporando elementos da gestão pública aos mecanismos existentes, gerando resultados positivos para o desenvolvimento da sociedade. / [en] The work will address the Technology Transfer underscoring its importance for technological training in the area of public health in Brazil and the ratio of foreign trade in this context with the logistics efficiency as the main factor. Will analyze the process of technology transfer as a source of innovation and development in the pharmaceutical industry. Will be diagnosed major barriers to trade for supplies, drugs and equipment in the area of public health. The import process is seen as a means of internalizing a process of Technology Transfer. Through improved logistics infrastructure will optimize operations, reduce generating costs of production and deliveries within the meaning economy and effectiveness for public pharmaceutical industry. Will also be checked challenges for efficient Logistics International, linking the international rules and procedures and improvement opportunities for the public health industry in Brazil. The issue of International Logistics efficiency premised on Technology Transfer and the challenges for the pharmaceutical industry, in view of the characteristics of companies operating in this segment in Brazil, especially in the public area, which is in the process of Technology Transfer the opportunity to offer innovative products to Government Incentive Programs in population Health. The work will present opportunities for optimization of logistics in the area of Public Health, through the reduction of cost and time, aiming at innovation in the public area within the current mechanisms, incorporating elements of public management to existing mechanisms, generating positive results for the development of society.
1309 |
Les frontières extérieures de l'Union européenne : étude de l'internationalisation du marché intérieur / EU external borders : internationalization of the internal marketUllestad, Antoine 01 February 2019 (has links)
La mondialisation interroge le dogme de la frontière. Peut-être que la représentation d’une ligne nette et tranchée séparant de manière catégorique et intemporelle un « dedans » et un « dehors » n’est pas la seule forme juridique possible de la frontière. Peut-être aussi que l’élimination des frontières dans le marché intérieur de l’Union européenne (au sens de l’article 26 TFUE) et l’établissement d’un « village-global », qui aurait irrémédiablement fait disparaître toute forme de démarcation, ne l’est pas non plus. Peut-être que la mondialisation n’est pas, en définitive, une invitation à s’interroger sur la déchéance ou la résurgence des frontières, mais l’occasion de réfléchir à leur pertinence afin de retrouver un sens à la notion de « frontière ». / Globalization questions the very dogma of the border. Perhaps the representation of the border as a clear and distinct line – separating unequivocally and timelessly – the “inside” from the “outside” is not the only possible legal status for the border. Perhaps the elimination of borders within the internal market of the European Union (in the sense of article 26 TFEU) and the implementation of a “global village”, which would have irreversibly erased all forms of dividing lines, do not match the legal reality of international trade. Perhaps globalization is not an invitation to question the decline or resurgence of borders, but an opportunity to think about their relevance in order to rediscover the very meaning of the notion of “border”.
1310 |
A evolução da dimensão social da integração regional: o caso das normas do Mercosul-Saúde / The evolution of regional integration\'s social dimension: the case of Mercosur-health normsSato, Nathalie Suemi Tiba 25 July 2014 (has links)
O trabalho, composto por dois artigos, tem como tema a dimensão social da integração regional, caracterizada pela relação entre direitos sociais e interesses comerciais, com foco no caso do Mercosul. O primeiro artigo realiza uma revisão bibliográfica, sistematizando-a em duas grandes linhas de estudo. Primeiramente, a relação entre comércio e direitos humanos, em particular o direito à saúde, e o potencial da integração regional para a sua efetivação. Em segundo lugar, as interpretações sobre a evolução institucional e conceitual da dimensão social do Mercosul. O segundo artigo apresenta os resultados do estudo empírico do caso das normas do Mercosul-Saúde, orientado pela hipótese de que, em consonância com uma suposta mudança de paradigma, as normas sanitárias teriam migrado da eliminação de barreiras ao livre comércio para a proposição de políticas integradas tendentes a dar efetividade ao direito à saúde dos cidadãos mercosulinos. / This work, consisting of two articles, has as its main theme the social dimension of regional integration, characterized by the relationship between social rights and commercial interests, focusing on the case of Mercosur. The first article conducts a review of the literature, systematizing two main lines of study. Firstly, the relationship between trade and human rights, especially the right to health, and the potential of regional integration for its effectiveness. Secondly, the interpretations of the institutional and conceptual evolution of the social dimension of Mercosur. The second article presents the results of a empirical study of Mercosur\'s health standards, based on the hypothesis that, in line with a supposed paradigm shift, they have migrated from the elimination of barriers to liberalize trade to the proposition of integrated policies to give effectiveness to the right to health of Mercosur\'s citizens.
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