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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Who is 'the middle manager'?

Harding, Nancy H., Lee, Hugh, Ford, Jackie M. 04 September 2014 (has links)
Yes / Middle managers occupy a central position in organizational hierarchies, where they are responsible for implementing senior management plans by ensuring junior staff fulfil their roles. However, explorations of the identity of the middle manager offer contradictory insights. This article develops a theory of the identity of the middle manager using a theoretical framework offered by the philosopher Judith Butler and empirical material from focus groups of middle managers discussing their work. We use personal pronoun analysis to analyse the identity work they undertake while talking between themselves. We suggest that middle managers move between contradictory subject positions that both conform with and resist normative managerial identities, and we also illuminate how those moves are invoked. The theory we offer is that middle managers are both controlled and controllers, and resisted and resisters. We conclude that rather than being slotted into organizational hierarchies, middle managers constitute those hierarchies.

"Who am I now?" Sense of Gender and Place in Digital Gameplay : Affective Dimensions of gameplay in XCOM: Enemy Within / "Vem är jag nu?" Känslor och betydelser av genus och plats i digitalt spelande : Affektiva dimensioner av spelande i XCOM: Enemy Within

Andersson, Martin January 2016 (has links)
In this essay I analyze the ways in which gender and space are shaped and made sense of through digital gameplay. Specifically in the turn based strategy game XCOM: Enemy Within for the MacBook Air with a computer mouse as the primary input device. Using a mixed methods approach consisting of gameplay sessions of XCOM and qualitative interviews with two players regarding their gameplay I argue that earlier research on space within game studies has overlooked the ways in which the shaping of space in gameplay is also gendered. Developing a theoretical framework influenced by gender studies, critical theory, affect theory, assemblage theories of space, and game theory, I argue for how the shaping of space and gender in game-play is interdependent. This in that the shaping of space and gender in digital gameplay is in constant relation and tension with societal norms and the affective capacities of bodies and digital games. In conclusion, I reflect on the possibilities to develop more empirical research based on the the theoretical framework explored in the essay.

Investigating the subject's identity : the critical treatment of the Lacanian-Althusserian dialectic and subjectivity formation in James Joyce's 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'

Sadjadi, Seyed Bakhtiar January 2010 (has links)
Critically examining the Lacanian and Althusserian theories of the subject, this thesis explored the theoretical problems and methodological premises of a converged version of both theories. The central argument the present thesis seeks to demonstrate is that the Lacanian-Althusserian dialectic provides a more comprehensive and effective account of the process of the subject formation than a purely psychoanalytical or structuralist Marxist analysis of the term. After a critical study of the way the subject is positioned between language and ideology in contemporary critical theory the thesis proceeds to investigate the subject-object relation in the Cartesian and Hegelian subjects. Conceived of as the convergence of lack and material, the Lacanian-Althusserian dialectic focuses on the close affinity between the Lacanian notion of linguistic alienation and the Althusserian concept of ideological interpellation. The subject’s alienation with what is called in the thesis ‘ideological signifier’ is considered as the result of direct and dramatic modes of interpellation in both language acquisition process and the mature phase. The major theoretical premises of this model include the following: first, identity functions through, and because of, the ‘inter-subjective dialectic’ and an ‘intra-subjective lack.’ Identity is never fully constituted because of this antagonism, and thus remains ‘incomplete.’ Secondly, the subject is ideologically constituted through language. The mechanism through which both language and ideology construct a subject never permits the subject enjoying a state of full identity with ideological signifiers. Thirdly, the subject’s identity is represented in the language exposed to and, later, reproduced by him/her. In order to demonstrate a practical reading of subjectivity formation in terms of this critical approach the present research applies it to James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916). The process of the subject formation has been analysed through the subject’s alienation/interpellation by the ISAs. Also, the inter-subjective dialectic between different subjectivities of the subject’s identity has been investigated. The thesis demonstrates that identity reconstruction represented in the novel is a complicated and ongoing process, which begins with disillusionment, goes through materialization of epiphany, and ends with inventiveness in language. This process has been represented as a move from ideological to non-ideological subjectivity through artistic creativity. The exploration of the aesthetics of language is crucial to the analysis of the reconstruction of Stephen Dedalus’ identity in that it happens in and through language.

O discurso do Diccionario de la lengua española (RAE) em diferentes condições de produção: língua, sujeitos e sentidos / The discourse in the Diccionario de la lengua española (RAE) in diverse production conditions: language, subjects and senses

Oliveira, Ana Paula Fabro de 16 March 2018 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa nos propomos uma análise do discurso do Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE), da Real Academia Española (RAE), a partir de uma entrada teoricamente orientada pela Análise de Discurso pecheuxtiana em articulação com a História das Ideias Linguísticas, tal como vem sendo desenvolvida a partir dos anos 90 em certos projetos da academia brasileira. Dessa forma, concebemos o dicionário enquanto um instrumento linguístico e o abordamos como objeto discursivo, isto é, como \"um discurso sobre a língua\", produzido em \"certas condições sociais e históricas\" (NUNES, 2010, p. 7). O percurso de nossa análise se organiza em função do objetivo de compreender como certas condições de produção, nas quais se reconfiguram as relações de força, produzem deslocamentos de diversa índole no discurso do dicionário. A textualização da pesquisa se organiza em duas partes. Na primeira, atravessando diferentes condições de produção que vão desde a fundação da RAE, em 1713, à publicação da última edição do DLE, em 2014 refletimos sobre o processo de institucionalização dessa Academia e examinamos os prefácios do dicionário a fim de analisar como são significados a língua, o próprio dicionário, a RAE (e os acadêmicos a ela vinculados) e o \"outro\", não projetado apenas como possível leitor ou consulente, mas na complexa diversidade de um universo que inclui adversários ou falantes não necessariamente pensados como interlocutores ou sujeitos passíveis de serem atingidos pelo processo de interpelação presente na obra. O movimento de análise permite dar visibilidade aos deslocamentos e continuidades na projeção desses imaginários. Na segunda parte, tendo como foco as condições de produção vinculadas às independências dos países americanos e à imposição do regime franquista na Espanha, analisamos em certos prefácios e verbetes as posições do sujeito discursivo e o modo pelo qual se significam as línguas ameríndias e espanholas que constituem nossa série discursiva. As análises desenvolvidas, além de trazerem elementos para se pensar a circulação do discurso dicionarístico em diferentes conjunturas sócio-históricas, permitem também uma reflexão sobre determinados movimentos no plano da produção de sentidos, em sua imbricação com as relações de poder em importantes momentos na história dos dicionários da Academia. / In this study we propose to analyze the discourse in the Diccionario de la lengua española Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE), of the Real Academia Española Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), from a starting point theoretically oriented by the Pecheux Discourse Analysis articulated with the History of Linguistic Ideas, as it has been developed from the 90s on in certain projects in the Brazilian academic studies.Therefore, we consider the dictionary a linguistic instrument and approach it as a discursive object, that is, as \"a discourse about the language\", produced in \"certain social and historical conditions\" (NUNES, 2010, p.7). The path of our analysis is organized by the purpose of understanding how specific production conditions, in which strength relations are reconfigured, yield displacement in diverse instances - in the dictionary discourse. The text of the research is organized in two parts. In the first one, going through different production conditions which extent from the foundation of the RAE, in 1713, to the publication of the last edition of the DLE, in 2014 we reflect on the process of institutionalization of this Academy and examine the prefaces of its dictionary in order to investigate how the language, the dictionary itself, the RAE (and the scholars connected to it) and the \"other\", not projected only as the possible reader or consultant, but in the complex diversity of a universe that includes adversaries or speakers not necessarily thought as interlocutors or subjects that could be affected by the process of interpellation present in that work are meant. This effort of analysis brings to light the displacement and continuities in the projection of theses imaginaries. In the second part, focusing on the production conditions imposed by the American countries independencies and the Franco dictatorship in Spain, we analyze the position of the lexicographic subject and the way in which Native American and Spanish languages that compose our discursive series are meant in certain prefaces and entries. The developed analysis, besides bringing elements to think how the dictionary discourse circulates in different social historic conjunctures, also allows a reflection on particular movements in terms of the production of meaning, in its imbrication with the power relations in important moments in the history of the Academy dictionaries.

Hur politiker uttalar sig i riksdagsdebatter om elever som går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik.

Åhrman, Carina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Undersökningens syftet har varit att studera hur politiker uttalar i den politiska debatt om elever som går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik. Om det är så att allt fler eleverna går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik: Vad beror det i så fall på? Vad har politikerna i så fall för åtgärder emot detta? Hur står sig svenska elevers kunskaper i jämförelse med elever i andra länder?</p><p>Studien är utformad som en kvalitativt inriktad textanalys med hermeneutiska inslag. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av riksdagens protokoll från sex debatter som innehåller 147 sidor debatter och interpellationer mellan åren 2000 till 2008.</p><p>Diagrammen i detta arbete visar elever som inte uppnått målen dvs. erhållit betyget IG i matematik mellan åren 2003 till 2007. Då resultaten från diagram 3 visar att den största andelen elever som går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen dvs. erhåller betyget IG i matematik är elever med utländsk bakgrund tolkar jag att det är av stor vikt att politiker diskuterar om dessa elever. Endas en av 15 politiker som analyserades i detta arbete gjorde försök till att skapa en debatt om elever med utländsk bakgrund som inte uppnått målen men fick inte något gensvar bland de andra politikerna i debatten. Det var vänsterpartisten Dinamarca försökte få i gång en debatt om elever med utländsk bakgrund men fick inte någon respons från någon av de andra politikerna. Dinamarca tar upp några bakomliggande orsaker till varför elever går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik. I sitt anförande hänvisar hon till Skolverket som presenterat ”resultaten från 2006 års nationella ämnesprov”. Dinamarca markerar att det framkom i Skolverkets rapport att elever till högutbildade föräldrar klarar kunskapsproven i betydligt högre grad än de elever vars föräldrar har lågutbildning och detta visar sig redan i årskurs 5 menar hon. Faktorer som ”slår igenom ” på elevernas resultat påpekade Dinamarca var: föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå vilket visas redan i årskurs 5 och elever med utländsk bakgrund erhåller betyget IG i matematik i större utsträckning än elever med svensk bakgrund, vilket även mitt diagram 3 visar. Det som ”slår igenom mest” på elevernas resultat är mammans utbildningsnivå, betonar hon. Jag ställer mig frågande till varför inte politikerna i debatten debatterade om den största andelen elever som inte når målen dvs. erhållit betyget IG i matematik.</p><p>Resultatet i detta arbete visar att läsförståelsen utgör en viktig del för elever om de ska kunna tillgodogöra sig matematik. Analysen visade ytterligare att då politiker uttalar sig om hur svenska elevers kunskaper står sig i jämförelse med elever i andra länder att det varken startas nya debatter eller att det kommer fram något nytt i debatterna.</p>

American Ethni/Cities: Critical Geography, Subject Formation, and the Urban Representations of Abraham Cahan, Richard Wright, and James Baldwin

Stone, Joshua Scott 16 December 2010 (has links)
By drawing upon aspects of critical geography to explore three writers' representations of urban space and subject formation, American Ethni/Cities develops and advocates for a new methodological approach to the study of literature. Predicated on theories devised by Henri Lefebvre, David Harvey, Edward Soja, Gil Valentine and other geographically-minded thinkers, this spatially conscious literary practice has the potential to enhance one's understanding of literary texts, power dynamics, identity construction, and the spaces one inhabits. Each of the chapters comprising this study aims to demonstrate what this interdisciplinary partnership between geography and literature can reveal. By focusing on Cahan's representation of Jewish immigrants living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Wright's depiction of black migrants adjusting to life in the industrial North, and Baldwin's exploration of masculinity as a socio-spatial construct, each respective case-study draws attention to the relationship between spatial production and subject formation. The overarching hope of American Ethni/Cities is that others will find this inter-disciplinary partnership productive and will subsequently make it their own, thereby producing even greater understandings of how power works in the spaces we read about, create, and inhabit in our own daily lives.

Hur politiker uttalar sig i riksdagsdebatter om elever som går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik.

Åhrman, Carina January 2009 (has links)
Undersökningens syftet har varit att studera hur politiker uttalar i den politiska debatt om elever som går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik. Om det är så att allt fler eleverna går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik: Vad beror det i så fall på? Vad har politikerna i så fall för åtgärder emot detta? Hur står sig svenska elevers kunskaper i jämförelse med elever i andra länder? Studien är utformad som en kvalitativt inriktad textanalys med hermeneutiska inslag. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av riksdagens protokoll från sex debatter som innehåller 147 sidor debatter och interpellationer mellan åren 2000 till 2008. Diagrammen i detta arbete visar elever som inte uppnått målen dvs. erhållit betyget IG i matematik mellan åren 2003 till 2007. Då resultaten från diagram 3 visar att den största andelen elever som går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen dvs. erhåller betyget IG i matematik är elever med utländsk bakgrund tolkar jag att det är av stor vikt att politiker diskuterar om dessa elever. Endas en av 15 politiker som analyserades i detta arbete gjorde försök till att skapa en debatt om elever med utländsk bakgrund som inte uppnått målen men fick inte något gensvar bland de andra politikerna i debatten. Det var vänsterpartisten Dinamarca försökte få i gång en debatt om elever med utländsk bakgrund men fick inte någon respons från någon av de andra politikerna. Dinamarca tar upp några bakomliggande orsaker till varför elever går ur grundskolan utan att nå målen i matematik. I sitt anförande hänvisar hon till Skolverket som presenterat ”resultaten från 2006 års nationella ämnesprov”. Dinamarca markerar att det framkom i Skolverkets rapport att elever till högutbildade föräldrar klarar kunskapsproven i betydligt högre grad än de elever vars föräldrar har lågutbildning och detta visar sig redan i årskurs 5 menar hon. Faktorer som ”slår igenom ” på elevernas resultat påpekade Dinamarca var: föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå vilket visas redan i årskurs 5 och elever med utländsk bakgrund erhåller betyget IG i matematik i större utsträckning än elever med svensk bakgrund, vilket även mitt diagram 3 visar. Det som ”slår igenom mest” på elevernas resultat är mammans utbildningsnivå, betonar hon. Jag ställer mig frågande till varför inte politikerna i debatten debatterade om den största andelen elever som inte når målen dvs. erhållit betyget IG i matematik. Resultatet i detta arbete visar att läsförståelsen utgör en viktig del för elever om de ska kunna tillgodogöra sig matematik. Analysen visade ytterligare att då politiker uttalar sig om hur svenska elevers kunskaper står sig i jämförelse med elever i andra länder att det varken startas nya debatter eller att det kommer fram något nytt i debatterna.

Spiderman, Ironman samt en och annan hamster : Förskolebarns subjektskapande i actionlek

Andersson, Tomas January 2011 (has links)
Denna uppsats avser att utforska förskolebarns köns- och subjektskapande i och i förhållande till lekar med ett actiontema, som Superman, tjyv och polis och transformers. Genom deltagande observation har jag samlat empiri som jag med feministiskt poststrukturellt perspektiv och diskursanalys analyserat. Studien går i motstånd mot en uppfattning om dessa actionlekar som sprungna ur ett maskulint behov. Genom att titta på hur tecknet ”kille” kopplas ihop med andra tecken, visar studien hur actionlekarna istället går att förstå som en arena där ting och företeelser konstrueras som maskulina. Studien visar även att actionlekar kan förstås som subjektspositioner i vilka barnen interpelleras in i, snarare än som naturligt inneboende behov för pojkar. En motstridig läsning av actionlekarna gör gällande att dessa inte enbart går att förstå som våldsamma, utan även som odlande av relationer.

Digitally recoding Althusser: ideology, interpellation and the new digital landscape

Reed, Matthew 27 August 2010 (has links)
From Facebook to Pandora, the various opportunities available online for entertainment, self-exploration and socialization have caught the attention of hundreds of millions of Internet users. While users value these opportunities for entertainment as well as an increased ability to connect with friends, these websites, in turn, are able to tap into the value of audience as commodity. While interaction is generally open and free, users are persuaded to internalize notions of commodity fetishism and commodity consumption. Further, the diversification of identity-forming opportunities available to users on these sites, although beneficial to the user, ultimately serve to benefit the sites and their corporate advertisers. It is the dialogical relationship between the user and platform in particular, that effectively veils the highly structured nature of these platforms. As a result of corporate actions on these sites, ideological interpellation, the process entailing the creation of, and recognition within, subjectivities, becomes more prevalent as a function of new technologies. This thesis will serve as an introduction to the concept of recursive interpellation and demonstrate how individuals come to configure subjectivities in the digital era.

O processo de individualização do sujeito no discurso publicitário /

Silva,Walkiria Aparecida David. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: José Horta Nunes / Banca: Cristiane Dias / Banca: Maria Onice Payer / Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise do processo de individualização do sujeito no discurso publicitário a partir da perspectiva teórica da Análise de Discurso. Nosso corpus constitui-se de algumas páginas publicitárias da Revista Veja do período de Maio a Julho de 2008. A partir dessas propagandas procuramos depreender as regularidades do funcionamento do discurso propagandístico, bem como delimitar as marcas lingüísticas e nãolinguísticas do processo de individualização do sujeito presentes no discurso em questão. A publicidade exerce papel fundamental na sociedade contemporânea, explicitando a relação do sujeito com o conjunto social, em determinada conjuntura histórica. O texto publicitário influencia a constituição de sentidos junto aos leitores, interpelando os mesmos enquanto sujeitos. O discurso publicitário tem um funcionamento que lhe é próprio e que, portanto, lhe dá especificidade. Assim sendo, esse discurso se particulariza, remetendo-nos às formações imaginárias e ideológicas ali presentes. Baseando-se na relação linguagem e contexto, a Análise de Discurso busca explicitar como, em seu funcionamento, o texto produz sentidos, sempre observando as condições de produção. Visa-se, ainda, à compreensão da historicidade dos sentidos e dos sujeitos. No que se refere às regularidades encontradas no funcionamento do discurso propagandístico, percebemos a relação estabelecida entre o sonho, o desejo e a ideologia; a sustentação dos dizeres dos anúncios pela forma-sujeito histórica da atualidade; o atravessamento (tanto no verbal quanto no não-verbal) do discurso publicitário por outros discursos como o ecológico, sobre a beleza, sobre a mulher, da globalização. Quanto às marcas lingüísticas da individualização, apontamos a pronominalização (seu, sua), que individualiza por marcar um certo tipo de abordagem junto... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This dissertation presents an analysis of the individualization process in the advertising discourse, based on the theoretical perspective of Discourse Analysis. The corpus consists of some advertising pages of Veja Magazine from May to July of 2008. Based on the advertisings, this research looked for describe some regularities of advertising discourse working, as well as set out some linguistic and non-linguistic marks of the individualization process in this discourse. Advertising plays a fundamental role in the contemporary society, expliciting the relation between subject and the social set, in certain historical period. Advertising texts influence the construction of meanings , interpellating readers. Advertising discourse has a proper working that particularizes it. So, this discourse is very specific, and reveal the imaginary and ideological formations. Based on the relation between language and context, Analysis Discourse points out, how in its working, text creates some meanings, always observing the production conditions. The aim, even, is to understand the historicity of subjects and meanings. Regarding to the regularities that were found in the advertising discourse there are the relation among dream, desire and ideology; statements of advertising are supported by the historical form-subject; the "crossing" of advertisings by other discourses like environmental, about beauty, about women and globalization discourse. Referring to the linguistic marks of individualization process, there are the pronominalization (your) which individualizes due to a certain kind of reader's approach; the use of some adjectives (exclusive, personalized) which refers to the reader named as "you"; imperative mood that establishes identification between to say and to do. In the enunciation, there are collectivization the shows the company's position as an organized group... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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