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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"I feel like a bag lady": Personal Interstices, Self-Disclosures and Empathetic Affiliation during Workplace Meetings

Chubak, Lynda Evelyn Carol 28 November 2012 (has links)
While an extensive body of research exploring professional discourse exists, research investigating off-task talk within workplaces has been relatively side-lined. To better understand the possible functions of personal interstices layered between institutional goal-oriented talk, this study examines instances of self-disclosure that emerged from 34 hours of authentic interactions recorded at three Canadian workplaces. Using conversation analysis, 87 self-reference, self-disclosure declaratives were identified. Of those, 21 occurred within reciprocal sequences between two participants. Similar to a second story telling found in ordinary conversation (Sacks, 1992a), the second speaker’s self-disclosure reflects the first speaker’s, both in content and form, and is often an upgraded version of the initial disclosure. This pattern and in-meeting placement suggest that these types of personal interstices may be a mechanism for displaying co-worker empathetic affiliation. Additionally, hierarchical role relations and institution goals may be temporarily suspended or back-grounded during these sequences.

Escuela de Artes Plásticas en Barranco: El Espacio “Inbetween” como Motor de Superación de un “Cringe” Cultural / Art School in Barranco: Overcoming Cultural “Cringe” with "Inbetween" Space Design

Ferraro Ravettino, Franco 28 May 2019 (has links)
Hoy, en el mundo del arte de Lima, se puede percibir un fenómeno social definido por Robert Hughes (1992) como “Cultural Cringe”. Dicho fenómeno se basa en la incapacidad que tiene el artista para fundamentar su obra en una sociedad en la que el consumidor se ve condicionado por una exposición constante a medios de comunicación masivos. Al parecer, la solución se encuentra en la propuesta de una Escuela de Arte en Barranco, escenario principal de dicho “Cringe”. Dicha casa de estudios debe poder ofrecer una educación integral, teórica y práctica, que permita que los alumnos sean competitivos en una realidad internacional y, eventualmente, debe permitir que el contexto social en el que se encuentra se vea contagiado por el conocimiento y la cultura que la misma imparte. / Defined by Robert Hughes (1992);"Cultural Cringe" is a social phenomenon that can be perceived in Lima’s Art world. This phenomenon occurs when artists are unable to demonstrate their work as conceptually and intellectually coherent pieces, especially as a result of constant exposure to “garbage” mass media. Apparently, said “Cringe” can be corrected with an Art School Project in Barranco, where the problem is more latent. The proposed School should be able to offer a comprehensive, theoretical and practical education that allows students to be competitive in an international reality and, eventually, be the kick starter of a new knowledge and culture based set of customs. / Tesis

Listening Beyond the Image: Toward a Trans-Sensory Cinema

Motts, J. 01 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Territoires entre-deux: agencements, biopolitique et junkspace / In-between territories: assemblages, biopolitics and junkspace

Finichiu, Ana-Alice 05 November 2014 (has links)
(résumé en français)<p><p>Le diagnostic de Rem Koolhaas sur les métropoles actuelles montre une ville générique, sans fin, sans identité, sans passé, sans rues, la seule activité qui reste est le shopping et la condition « in-transit » devient universelle. À cette analyse manque une partie très importante, la condition biopolitique de la métropole, qui expliquerait plusieurs des caractéristiques de ce Junkspace, comme le fait qu’il contient la possibilité de résistance face au générique.<p>À la lumière de ce constat et suivant les directions de pensée que Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari ouvrent dans Mille Plateaux, cette thèse propose d’identifier les intervalles témoignant de la dimension biopolitique du Junkspace au travers d’une mobilisation de la théorie des agencements comme hypothèse pour la théorie architecturale et urbaine. Le postulat général est que ces intervalles seraient des territoires entre-deux qui fonctionneraient comme des laboratoires d’agencements témoignant d’une pratique architecturale politique redéfinissant le rôle même de l’architecte. <p>Trois axes de recherche sont déployés. Le premier interroge la pertinence d’une pensée architecturale en termes d’agencements dans le contexte des transformations actuelles des territoires. À la suite d’un croisement avec la pensée de Deleuze et Guattari l’architecture se comprend dans son processus d’agencement et réagencement. Le second axe interroge la dimension biopolitique du Junkspace identifiant les points critiques de ses agencements et évaluant le paradoxe de l’entre-deux. Le troisième axe met à l’épreuve le potentiel des territoires entre-deux de créer des opportunités pour de nouvelles configurations spatiales.<p><p><p>(english abstract)<p><p>Rem Koolhaas’s diagnostic of the modern metropolis shows a generic city with no end, no identity, no past, no streets where the only activity remaining is shopping and the « in-transit » condition is becoming universal. An important part is missing from this analysis: the biopolitical condition of the metropolis, that could explain a number of Junkspace’s characteristics, like the fact that it contains the possibility to resist the generic condition. <p>In the light of this review and in accordance with the philosophical directions that Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari draw in A Thousand Plateaus, this research intends to identify the intervals witnessing the biopolitical dimension of Junkspace by rallying the assemblage theory as hypothesis for the architectural and urban theory. The general postulate is that these intervals are in-between territories functioning as laboratories of assemblages that show a political and resistant architectural practice redefining the very part of the architect. <p>Three lines of research are deployed. The first one questions the relevance of an architectural assemblage thinking in the context of the current territorial transformations. Operating a crossing with Deleuze and Guattari’s thought, architecture is understood as a process of assembling and re-assembling. The second line of research is questioning the biopolitical dimension of Junkspace identifying the critical points of its assemblages and evaluating the in-between paradox. The third research line is testing the in-between territories potential to create opportunities for new spatial configurations. <p> / Doctorat en Art de bâtir et urbanisme / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Résistance culturelle hybride des jeunes des quartiers populaires à l’ère du numérique : étude de cas et analyse quali-quantitative comparée (AQQC-QCA) de Medellin, Paris et Sao Paulo / Hybrid cultural resistance of the youth of popular neighborhoods in the digital age : case study and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of Medellín, Paris and São Paulo / Resistencia Cultural Híbrida de jóvenes de barrios populares en la era digital : estudio de caso y análisis cualitativo comparado (QCA) de Medellín, Paris y São Paulo / Resistência Cultural Híbrida da Juventude em Territórios Populares na Era Digital : Estudo de Caso e Análise Qualitativa Comparativa (QCA) de Medellín, Paris e São Paulo

Mansilla, Juan Camilo 23 November 2017 (has links)
À partir d’une analyse quali-quantitative comparée (AQQC-QCA), conçue par Ragin (1987), nous proposons un modèle théorique sur l’émergence et la transmission des pratiques de résistance culturelle des jeunes des quartiers populaires de Medellín (Colombie), Paris (France) et São Paulo (Brésil). Nos résultats indiquent que les pratiques de résistance culturelle hybride de ces jeunes se produisent selon deux scénarios. Le premier (i.e., M[P+A] → R) apparaît lorsque des communautés morales à forte identité collective (i.e., dont les membres ne sont pas nécessairement localisés dans la même zone géographique) se nourrissent des flux d’information de stigmatisation en provenance de la sphère médiatique centrale de la ville (SMCV), et disposent soit de ressources informationnelles offertes par la mise en place de politiques publiques d’intervention populaire, soit d’un accès libre et répandu aux technologies d’information et communication liées à Internet (TICi). Le second (i.e., OA → R), émerge lorsque l’utilisation des TICi par ces jeunes augmente et qu’ils ont la perception que le gouvernement ne s’intéresse pas à eux, à leurs demandes et besoins. Le contexte actuel globalisé d’échanges présentiels/virtuels d’informations a) modifie les réseaux culturels hybrides des communautés morales, et ; b) construit l’expérience urbaine des individus à partir d’espaces publics hybrides. Notre proposition théorique sert, plus largement, à comprendre l’évolution de la « symbole-sphère » des communautés morales périphériques de la ville à l’ère du numérique, ainsi que la nature de l’information développée par Schumann et Logan (2005) et Logan (2012). / Based on a qualitative comparative analysis (QQA), a method developed by (Ragin, 1987), we propose a theoretical model of the emergence of transmission of the cultural resistance practices of the low income youth from popular neighborhoods of Medellín (Colombia), Paris (France) and São Paulo (Brazil). Our results indicate that the cultural resistance practices of this population appears in two different settings. The first one (M[P+A] → R) happens when the moral communities (that is, not necessarily located in the same geographical area) reach a strong cultural identity, feeds on stigmatizing information flows from the central media sphere of the city (SMCV), and have either information resources offered by the set of public policies of popular intervention or widespread and free use of information and communication technologies related to the Internet. The second one (OA → R), occurs when the use of the TICs by this youth wins density following the growing perception that the government is not interested in attending theirs demands and needs. The current context of global exchange of real and virtual information a) modifies the cultural hybrid networks associated with moral communities and b) builds an urban experience of individuals starting with hybrid public spaces. Our theoretical proposition serves a better understanding of the evolution of the symbolosphere of the peripheral moral communities in the cities of the digital age and the nature of the information as developed by Schumann et Logan (2005) et Logan (2012). / A partir de un análisis cualitativo comparado (QCA), método concebido por Ragin (1987), proponemos un modelo teórico sobre la emergencia y la transmisión de las prácticas de resistencia cultural de los jóvenes de barrios populares de Medellín (Colombia), Paris (Francia) et São Paulo (Brasil). Nuestros resultados indican que las prácticas de resistencia cultural híbrida de estos jóvenes se producen en dos escenarios. El primero (M[P+A] → R) aparece cuando las comunidades morales (i.e., no necesariamente ubicadas en la misma zona geográfica) con una fuerte identidad colectiva, se alimentan de flujos de información estigmatizantes procedentes de la esfera mediática central de la ciudad (SMCV), y disponen ya sea de recursos informacionales ofrecidos por la existencia de políticas públicas de intervención popular, o bien de un acceso generalizado y libre a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación relacionadas con Internet (TICi). El segundo (OA → R) emerge cuando el uso de las TICi por parte de estos jóvenes aumenta y tienen la percepción de que el gobierno no se interesa en ellos, ni en sus demandas ni en sus necesidades. El contexto global actual de intercambio presencial y virtual de información a) modifica las redes culturales híbridas asociadas a las comunidades morales, y; b) construye la experiencia urbana de los individuos a partir de espacios públicos híbridos. Nuestra propuesta teórica sirve, de manera general, para entender la evolución de la “simbolosfera” de las comunidades morales periféricas urbanas en la era digital, así como la naturaleza de la información propuesta por Schumann et Logan (2005) et Logan (2012). / Com base em uma análise qualitativa comparativa ou “Qualitative Comparative Analysis” (QCA), método desenvolvido por (Ragin, 1987), propomos um modelo teórico da emergência e da transmissão de práticas de resistência cultural entre jovens de baixa renda em territórios populares de Medellín (Colômbia), Paris (França) e São Paulo (Brasil). Nossos resultados indicam que as práticas de resistência cultural híbrida desses jovens seguem dois roteiros. O primeiro (M[P+A] → R), quando as comunidades morais (ou seja, não necessariamente localizados na mesma área geográfica) alcançam forte identidade coletiva, alimenta-se de fluxos de informação estigmatizantes oriundos da esfera de mídia central da cidade (SMCV) e dispõem seja de recursos de informação oferecidos pelo conjunto de políticas públicas de intervenção popular, seja de um aceso generalizado e livre as tecnologias de informação e comunicação relacionadas à Internet (TICi). O segundo (OA → R), quando o uso das TICs por esses jovens ganha densidade na medida em que amadurecem a percepção de que o governo não está interessado em atender suas demandas e necessidades. O atual contexto global de troca presencial e virtual de informações a) modifica as redes culturais híbridas associadas a comunidades morais e b) constrói a experiência urbana de indivíduos a partir de espaços públicos híbridos. Nossa proposta teórica serve, mais amplamente, para entender a evolução da “simbolosfera” das comunidades morais periféricas das cidades na era digital e a natureza da informação tal como desenvolvida por Schumann e Logan (2005) e Logan (2012).

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