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The effect of a youth development programme combatting engagement in health risk behaviours amongst grade 8 learners in a selected high school in the Paarl areaCloete, Chanray Lozindi January 2018 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Physiotherapy) - MSc(Physio) / Background: Health risk behaviours can directly affect health outcomes. Healthy behaviours such as exercising and eating sensibly can lower the risk of conditions like heart disease and diabetes, while unhealthy behaviours such as smoking and excessive drinking raise the risk of conditions like lung cancer and liver disease. In a study using two large national data sets, the Youth Risk Behaviour Survey (YRBS) and Add Health, the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) found that teenagers who consume alcohol or take illicit drugs are more likely to engage in sex, to do so at a younger age, and to have several partners. For adolescents who are 14 years old and younger, consuming alcohol or using drugs doubles and quadruples, respectively, the likelihood that sexual intercourse has ever been experienced compared to adolescents who have never used these substances. A study reported that early onset of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, school problems, delinquency, and physical aggression are significantly associated with early onset of sexual behaviour. Alcohol use in adolescence has also been found to be related to more frequent sexual activity and less frequent use of condoms. Aim: To investigate and explore the effect of a youth development programme (YDP) of combatting health risk behaviours amongst 250 Grade 8 learners in a selected high school in the Paarl area.
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På vilka sätt kan lärare hjälpa elever i matematiksvårigheter? : En litteraturstudie / In what ways can teachers help students in mathematical difficulties? : A literature studyBjörk, Kim, Engdahl, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Det finns möjligheter för elever i matematiksvårigheter att nå skolans kunskapskrav i ämnet matematik om de får hjälp iform av effektiva interventioner. Därför är det av intresse att undersöka vilka undervisningsmetoder som ingår i effektivainterventioner.Frågeställningarna för denna litteraturstudie är:• På vilka sätt kan lärare stötta elever i matematiksvårigheter?o Vilka undervisningsmetoder har visats vara gynnsamma för elever i matematiksvårigheter?o Vilka representationsformer använder lärare för att stötta elever i matematiksvårigheter?• Hur påverkar undervisnings- och representationsformer elevers matematiska förmågor?I resultatet framkommer det att effektiva interventioner inkluderar muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner (med hjälp avvisuellt stöd), datorstöd, laborativ undervisning och självbedömning samt olika kombinationer av dessa. Hur effektfull enintervention är mäts med hjälp av effektstorlek och alla artiklar som ingår i denna litteraturstudie har i metaanalyserbedömts ha stor effektstorlek. / There are opportunities for students in mathematical difficulties to reach the school’s requirements in mathematics if theyreceive help in form of effective interventions. Therefore, it is of intrest to investigate which teaching methods areinlcluded in effective interventions.The questions for this literature study are:• In what ways can teachers support students in mathematical difficulties?o What teaching methods have shown to be beneficial for students in mathematical difficulties?o What forms of representation do teachers use to support students in mathematical difficulties?• How does teaching methods and reprepresentations influence the mathematical abilities of students?The result shows that effective inteventions include verbal and written instructions (using visual support), computersupport, laboratory teaching and self-assessment, as well as various combinations of the mentioned interventions. Theeffectiveness of an intervention is measured by means of effect size. All articles included in this literature study have inmeta-analyzes been considered to have a large effect size.
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ESPIM: um modelo para guiar o desenvolvimento de sistemas de intervenção a distância / ESPIM: a model for guiding the development of remote intervention systemsCunha, Bruna Carolina Rodrigues da 26 June 2019 (has links)
Smartphones são dispositivos móveis ricos em recursos de interação que permitem a usuários realizar inúmeras tarefas. À medida que são adotados por grande parte da população, eles se tornam ferramentas para que profissionais ou pesquisadores realizem intervenções junto a seus usuários-alvo, inclusive remotamente, por exemplo por meio de coleta de dados em ambiente natural. No entanto, para conduzir pesquisas com aplicativos móveis, profissionais de áreas como Saúde e Educação usualmente dependem de ferramentas que demandam adaptação severa de seus planejamentos, ou dependem de desenvolvedores de software para criar aplicativos de acordo com suas necessidades. Trabalhos relacionados contribuem com soluções fundamentadas em métodos como o Método de Amostragem de Experiências (Experience Sampling Method, ESM), o qual foi proposto para coleta de dados no ambiente natural dos usuários-alvo. Entretanto, intervenções demandam, além da coleta de dados, a programação individualizada de tarefas a serem realizadas pelos usuários e acompanhadas pelos especialistas. Uma solução para esse problema demanda mecanismos explícitos para o planejamento e a aplicação de intervenções individualizadas, como proposto na literatura, por exemplo, por meio da Instrução Programada (Programmed Instruction, PI). Considerando a ausência de modelos que integrem métodos para coleta de dados e para programação de intervenções, este trabalho tem por objetivo definir um método que permita a programação de intervenções aplicadas em ambiente natural, método esse denominado Experience Sampling and Programmed Intervention Method (ESPIM). O ESPIM é formalizado por um modelo computacional descrito por meio de diagramas recomendados para a sua representação. O modelo propõe um padrão para o desenvolvimento de sistemas e para o intercâmbio de informações de programas de intervenção. A partir do modelo, foram desenvolvidas provas de conceito para autoria e reprodução de intervenções e para visualização de seus resultados, as quais compõem o sistema ESPIM. O sistema foi utilizado empiricamente por oito especialistas que acompanharam cerca de 340 usuários-alvo em nove estudos de caso reais nas áreas da Saúde e da Educação. Essas experiências foram analisadas a fim de avaliar qualitativamente o modelo em sua capacidade de representação dos estudos de caso. Foi possível concluir que, para os especialistas entrevistados, o modelo e o sistema correspondente capacitaram o planejamento dos estudos sem limitar seus delineamentos originais. / Smartphones are mobile devices with rich interaction features that allow users to accomplish myriad tasks. As these devices are adopted by a large part of population, they become tools for professionals or researchers to carry out interventions with their target users, including remotely, through data collection in natural settings for instance. This being said, to conduct research making use of mobile apps, professionals in areas such as Health and Education usually rely on available apps that require severe adaptations of their design or depend on software developers to build apps according to their needs. Related works provide solutions based on methods such as the Experience Sampling Method (ESM), which was proposed for data collection in the natural settings of the subjects. However, in addition to data collection, interventions require the individualized programming of tasks to be carried out by the users and tracked by the specialists. A solution to this problem demands employing explicit mechanisms for planning and applying individualized interventions, as proposed in the literature, for example, through Programmed Instruction (PI). Given the absence of models that integrate methods for data collection and for programming interventions, this work aims to define a method that allows the programming of interventions implemented in natural settings, entitled Experience Sampling and Programmed Intervention Method (ESPIM). The ESPIM method is formalized by a computational model described by means of diagrams recommended for its representation. The model proposes a standard for the development of systems and for the exchange of data of intervention programs. From the model, we developed tools as a proof of concept for authoring and reproducing intervention programs and for visualizing its results, which compose the ESPIM system. The system was empirically used by eight specialists who accompanied about 340 target users in nine case studies in the areas of Health and Education. These experiments were analyzed in order to qualitatively evaluate the model in its capacity to represent the case studies. It was possible to conclude that, for these interviewed specialists, the model and its corresponding system enabled the planning of the studies without limiting their original designs.
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Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En litteraturstudie om insatser, svårigheter och brister i arbetet mot hederskulturen / Honor related violence and oppression : A literature review on difficulties and shortcomings in the work against honor cultureChamoun, Julia, Pour Mehran, Reihane January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera insatser, svårigheter och brister i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en litteraturstudie genomförts. Studierna som använts har bland annat bestått av rapporter och vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa visar att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett svårdefinierat begrepp som kan ses utifrån olika perspektiv samt ta sig uttryck i kontroll, hot, våld och i de mest extrema fall, mord. Hedersproblematiken har fått mycket uppmärksamhet sedan mordet på Fadime, år 2002. Detta resulterade i att regeringen satsade på arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Trots det antyder analysen att socialtjänsten och en del andra aktörer som är involverade i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck fortfarande känner en osäkerhet då det gäller hur hedersrelaterade ärenden bör hanteras och att det fortfarande råder brist på kunskap inom området och samverkan mellan olika aktörer brister. Studien visar att det förekommer olika förklaringar då det gäller hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck och väcker frågan om en gemensam syn hade förbättrat samarbetet mellan aktörerna och underlättat arbetet med att fånga upp de hedersutsatta. Trots regeringens satsningar finns det sparsamt med forskning inom området. / The purpose of this study is to identify interventions, difficulties and shortcomings in the work against honor related violence and oppression. A literature review has been conducted to answer the questions for the purpose of the study. The studies that were used have consisted, among other things, of reports and scientific articles. Honor related violence and oppression is a comprehensive concept that is difficult to define, partly because it can be seen from different perspectives and because it is expressed in many different forms such as control, intimidation, violence and in the most extreme cases, murder. Honor related violence and oppression has received a lot of attention since the assassination of Fadime took place in 2002. As a result, the Government introduced major efforts to combat honor violence and oppression. The analysis showed that social services and some other actors involved in the work against honor related violence and oppression show an uncertainty in dealing with honor cases where there is a lack of knowledge in the field. This, in turn, is proving to affect cooperation in the work regarding honor matters between the actors. If a common approach to honor related violence had improved the cooperation between the actors and helped capture the victims more easily was discussed in this study. However, it is a difficult question to answer since it has its advantages and disadvantages. But a common consensus would have a lot of benefits in the work as it could reduce the uncertainty in relation to the phenomenon. However, this can be difficult to achieve when some explanations and approaches to honor related violence have interpretation precedence, while others have fallen into the shadows. Despite major efforts, there is scant research and a lack of scientific research in the field.
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Engaging in Very Risky Sexual HIV Transmission Behavior: a Qualitative Description of HIV-Infected Men Who Have Sex with MenTaylor, Scott Wade January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Kevin J. Mahoney / Recent empirical epidemiological and behavioral research has indicated that some secondary intervention preventions (e.g., condom use, HIV-disclosure, serosorting, etc.) might not be suitable for all HIV-infected gay and bisexual men, particularly for those who engage in multiple episodes of unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). The purpose of this dissertation was to answer the primary research question: What are the psychological, behavioral and contextual factors associated with HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM) who engage in risky sexual behavior? A qualitative descriptive approach was used to conduct a content analysis of 14 in-depth, semi-structured interviews and to provide a description of the lives of MSM who do not consistently use traditional secondary risk behavior strategies (e.g., safer-sex negotiation, condom use, etc.) to reduce HIV transmission among sexual partners, particularly those partners who are HIV-uninfected or whose HIV status is unknown. Risky sexual behavior was defined by HIV-infected MSM who had engaged in multiple episodes of UAI in the past three months. These interviews gathered preliminary data on the feasibility and acceptability of secondary HIV behavioral prevention strategies for MSM who engage in very risky sexual behavior. In addition, these data have identified descriptive themes that could be used to augment traditional secondary HIV invention preventions, creating new and specific risk-reduction strategies for this very high-risk group. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Social Work. / Discipline: Social Work.
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Perpetuating a Culture of White Behavior: The Experiences of Non-Native Speaking Hispanic Students in a PBIS SchoolFraczek, Margo January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Elizabeth Twomey / This phenomenological study investigated the effects of a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Program on non-native speaking Hispanic students in a public middle school. The purpose of the study is to discover whether the PBIS program alleviates, intensifies or does not change the degree of bias towards minority students currently in existence through traditional discipline models. It also intends to discover whether the experience of the Hispanic students is similar to the intent of the program as determined by the implementing staff. Finally, this study will investigate whether a program that explicitly teaches values reflects the white, middle class backgrounds of the staff and whether this is detrimental to the primarily minority student population at the school. An outside researcher who had previously spent time at the school site as a principal intern conducted this qualitative, phenomenological study. The researcher used the following data collection tools: individual semi-formal interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and document analysis. The research occurred over approximately six weeks. The study concluded that the values taught through PBIS were designed to bring the students into the teachers' world, a world considered superior to the students as well as universal. This indicated that the teachers held a deficit model of culture towards the students' culture. Another finding indicated a need on the part of the staff to be aware of the students' relationship with their family as they implement any discipline program, especially one that explicitly teaches values. Finally, the study found a need for teachers to build positive relationships with all students, especially those with disciplinary issues. It was through positive relationships with the students deemed "problems" by the school and their parents that the teachers were able to reduce problem behaviors. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.
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Entre portos imaginados: construções urbanísticas pensadas a partir do projeto Porto Maravilha, cidade do Rio de Janeiro / Among imagined ports: urbanistic constructions designed from the Porto Maravilha project, Rio de Janeiro cityCorreia, Mayã Martins 08 November 2013 (has links)
A dissertação aqui apresentada busca compreender as dinâmicas que envolvem as intervenções urbanísticas englobadas no projeto Porto Maravilha, sobretudo os discursos focados no embelezamento. O processo de implantação do projeto é iniciado no ano de 2009 na Região Portuária do Rio de Janeiro, alvo de discursos assentados no léxico da decadência. A abordagem metodológica deu-se por meio da sistematização de materiais da imprensa, da gestão pública e de guias de turismo, bem como do trabalho de campo, analisado a partir da perspectiva situacional e realizado em eventos oficiais, entre vendedores ambulantes na roda de samba da Pedra do Sal e na participação de espetáculos que lidam com uma complexa relação entre o projeto e grupos artísticos locais. O atual período nesse cenário é compreendido como uma possibilidade de acessar questões sobre as transformações no contexto contemporâneo do Rio de Janeiro, no qual as mudanças urbanísticas observadas possibilitaram a análise de um momento que torna latentes certos conflitos e percepções de cidade, como o fomento da atividade turística e o discurso de retorno ao centro e aos seus patrimônios. / The following dissertation seeks to comprehend the dynamics which involves the urbanistic interventions embraced by the Porto Maravilha project, especially the discourses focused on embellishment. The process of implantation of this project was initiated in 2009 at the port area of Rio de Janeiro, target of discourses focused on the lexicon of decadence. The methodological approach was given by a systematization of press material, public management and tourist guides, as well as field work, analyzing from the situational perspective and performed at official events, amongst street vendors at the Pedra do Sal samba gatherings and by participating on spectacles which deals with a complex relation amongst the project and local artistic groups. The current period in this scenery is comprehended as a possibility to access questions about the transformations on the contemporary context of Rio de Janeiro, when urbanistic changes allowed the analysis of a moment which makes latent certain conflicts and perceptions of the city, such as the promotion of touristic activities and the discourse of \"return\" to the city center and its patrimonies.
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Processo de projeto: intervenções em edifícios de saúde / Design process: interventions in healthcare buildingsCaixeta, Michele Caroline Bueno Ferrari 17 January 2011 (has links)
O rápido avanço da tecnologia médica e as alterações no perfil dos usuários demandam novas configurações da prestação de serviços e, consequentemente, novos espaços, aptos a suportar e contribuir com a realização das novas atividades. Este trabalho traz o mapeamento do processo de projeto para intervenções em edifícios de saúde, dos pontos de vista teórico e prático, e um modelo genérico do processo de projeto destas intervenções. O objetivo foi estudar métodos que favoreçam e facilitem a atualização contínua dos edifícios de saúde existentes devido à grande complexidade que envolve estes projetos. O método foi estruturado em levantamento e análise de dados. O levantamento contou com revisão bibliográfica, entrevistas e um estudo de caso numa empresa de projetos de arquitetura para saúde com vasta experiência no setor. Na análise de dados, as informações foram cruzadas e foi elaborado o modelo genérico, que serve de base para o desenvolvimento de projetos de intervenções em edifícios de saúde, podendo ser adequado para as peculiaridades de cada caso. O modelo, que abrange desde o início do processo de projeto até o acompanhamento do uso, é composto por cinco macrofases, divididas em fases e sub-fases, e contempla as diferentes relações entre elas, caracterizando o processo de um modo geral como cíclico, mas pontuando possibilidades de interrupção e retrocesso. São também apresentadas as interfaces entre os diversos agentes do processo em cada uma das macrofases e entre macrofases distintas. / The fast advance of medical technology and changes in user profiles require new configurations of service delivery and, consequently, new spaces, able to support and contribute to the implementation of new activities. This research presents the mapping of the design process for interventions in healthcare buildings, both from the standpoint of theory and current practice, and a generic model of the design process for these interventions. The aim was to study methods to encourage and facilitate continuous upgrading of existing healthcare buildings, due to high complexity involved in these designs. The method was structured in data collection and data analysis. The data collection was composed by literature review, interviews and a case study in a company of healthcare design with extensive experience. In data analysis, data were crossed and the generic model was developed, which can be the basis for the design development and can be suitable for the peculiarities of each case. Ranging from the beginning of the process to monitoring of use, the model consists of five macrofases divided into phases and sub-phases, and includes the various relationships between them, characterizing the process as cyclical generally, but with chances of break and retreat. We also present the interfaces between the different actors of the process in each macrophases and between different ones.
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Crenças e expectativas sobre uso de álcool: avaliação do efeito do treinamento em intervenções breves / Beliefs and expectations about alcohol use: evaluation of the effect of training in brief interventions.Lopes, Jane Moraes 07 April 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As Estratégias de Diagnóstico e Intervenções Breves (EDIB) propostas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde são consideradas efetivas para o diagnóstico e prevenção dos agravos decorrentes do uso do álcool. Atitudes, crenças e expectativas dos profissionais de saúde em relação ao uso de álcool influenciam o efeito destas novas propostas. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho propõe a avaliação do efeito do treinamento em EDIB sobre as crenças e expectativas a respeito do uso de álcool. MÉTODOS: O estudo é do tipo observacional, transversal, comparativo, sobre uma amostra de 88 profissionais da atenção primária à saúde, provenientes de Ribeirão Preto e região, que concordaram em participar da pesquisa conforme os procedimentos éticos recomendados, treinados pelo Programa de Ações Integradas para Prevenção e Atenção ao Uso de Álcool e Drogas na Comunidade (PAIPAD) no período de 2003 a 2006. Os dados foram coletados através de questionários individuais aplicados antes do treinamento e no período de 4 a 6 meses depois. Os questionários incluíram um formulário sócio-demográfico, o Teste de Conhecimento sobre álcool e Intervenções Breves (IB), o Inventário de Expectativas e Crenças Pessoais acerca do Álcool (IECPA) e um formulário de estimativas sobre o uso do AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) e das IB. A amostra foi caracterizada quanto à prática e preparação profissional na atenção primária, papel, atitudes e crenças dos profissionais em relação aos problemas relacionados ao uso de álcool ou outras drogas pelos seus pacientes. RESULTADOS: No Teste de Conhecimento sobre álcool e Intervenções Breves, a pontuação média foi maior após o treinamento, passando de 4,1 para 5,57(Wilcoxon Test: z= -4,936; p 0,001). Os resultados médios do IECPA passaram de 93,45 pontos na fase pré para 78,74 pontos na fase pós-treinamento (Wilcoxon, z=-4,138; p 0,001). Através do teste de Spearman observou-se tendência à correlação positiva entre a aquisição de conhecimento e as variações no IECPA (p=0,095); o nível de conhecimento pré-treinamento e as estimativas de realização de EDIB(p=0,082); as estimativas de aplicação de AUDITS e o intervalo de tempo(p=0,009). As variações do IECPA se correlacionaram positivamente com as expectativas de aplicação de EDIB (Nonparametric Chi-Square: p=0,053). No Teste de Conhecimento, o nível médio (incompleto e completo) apresentou menor nível de aproveitamento que os outros níveis de escolaridade. As maiores variações no IECPA foram observadas entre os profissionais de nível de escolaridade superior (incompleto e completo). Os profissionais com ocupações de nível superior apresentaram maiores variações positivas quanto ao conhecimento que os de nível técnico, e maior redução na pontuação do IECPA. CONCLUSÕES: A estratégia de formação oferecida pelo PAIPAD foi efetiva, promovendo mudanças nas crenças e expectativas da equipe sobre uso de álcool, interferindo positivamente na conduta preventiva dos profissionais treinados junto aos pacientes. / BACKGROUND: The Strategies of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) proposed by World Health Organization (WHO) are considered effective to perform the diagnosis and the prevention of damage caused by alcohol. Attitudes, beliefs and expectations of health professionals in relation to alcohol use have influence over the effect of these new proposals. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at evaluating the effect of training in SBIRTs on the beliefs and expectations of professionals about the alcohol use. METHODS: The study is observational, cross-sectional and comparative, with a sample of 88 professionals of primary care, from Ribeirão Preto and region, who agreed to participate following ethical procedures, trained by Program of Integrated Action for Prevention and Attention to Alcohol and Drug Use in the Community (PAIPAD), in period from 2003 to 2006. Data were collected through individual questionnaires applied before the training and in the period from 4 to 6 months later. The questionnaires included a socio-demographic inventory, the Test of Knowledge about alcohol and brief interventions (IB), the Inventory of Positive Expectations and Beliefs about Alcohol (IECPA) and an inventory of estimates on the use of the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) and brief interventions. The sample was characterized in relation to the practice and professional preparation in primary care, the professional role in primary care and attitudes and beliefs of professionals about problems related to alcohol or other drugs for their patients. RESULTS: In the Test of Knowledge about alcohol and brief interventions, the average score was higher after the training, increasing from 4.1 to 5.57 (Wilcoxon test: z =- 4.936, p0001). The IECPA average changed from 93.45 points to 78.74 points after intervention, in the post-training (Wilcoxon, z =- 4.138, p0001). A trend toward positive correlation between the acquisition of knowledge and changes in IECPA (p = 0,095) was found (Spearman test), as well the level of pre-training knowledge and estimates of conducting SBIRTs (p = 0,082), estimates of implementing AUDIT and the time (p = 0,009). In the Test of Knowledge, the intermediate level of schooling (complete and incomplete) showed lower score than the others. Variations of IECPA correlated positively with the expectations of applying SBIRTs (Nonparametric Chi-Square: p = 0,053). The highest changes in IECPA were seen among higher level professionals (complete and incomplete). The professionals of higher-level occupations showed bigger positive changes in knowledge than workers of technical level and higher reduction in scores of IECPA. CONCLUSIONS: The strategy of training offered by PAIPAD was effective, promoting changes in beliefs and expectations of the team about alcohol use, interfering positively in the preventive attitudes of trained professionals with the patients.
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Intervenções de um serviço de saúde mental direcionadas aos usuários sob tratamento pelo uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas: das políticas e documentação à prática cotidiana / The interventions of a service of the mental health in the treatment of the users of the drugsSouza, Jacqueline de 07 January 2008 (has links)
Tendo em vista a iniciativa do Ministério da Saúde de instituir aos indivíduos com problemas pelo uso abusivo de álcool e/ou outras drogas serviços de saúde mental de base comunitária nos moldes do Sistema Único de Saúde e em conformidade com as preconizações das atuais políticas de saúde mental; objetivou-se neste estudo conhecer as intervenções previstas pelos documentos que embasam as práticas de Centro de Atenção Psicossocial do município de Alegrete/RS, buscando, complementarmente, evidenciar tais ações no contexto prático dos trabalhadores na atenção aos indivíduos sob tratamento pelo uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas. Estruturado nos moldes de uma pesquisa qualitativa, adotou-se como referencial teórico para sustentação da análise dos dados, a Política Nacional sobre Drogas, a Política do Ministério da Saúde para Atenção Integral dos Usuários de álcool e drogas e as preconizações da Organização Mundial da Saúde com relação à prevenção e controle do uso abusivo de drogas. No tocante aos aspectos metodológicos, adotou-se a técnica de análise documental e a observação-participante (682 horas). Para apresentação dos resultados foram organizados quatro capítulos: \"Dados de identificação e aspectos históricos do serviço de saúde mental de Alegrete\"; \"Apresentação dos documentos utilizados na pesquisa\"; \"Descrição das intervenções: da documentação à prática cotidiana\" e \"Intervenções comunitárias: reflexões sobre o processo de exclusão social e possibilidades de construção da cidadania\". O serviço apresentou uma boa articulação para atuação em rede, flexibilidade para ações intersetoriais e constante preocupação e empenho para a capacitação dos profissionais da equipe; no entanto, evidenciouse a dificuldade de consolidação das ações na comunidade, falta de articulação com o Programa de Redução de Danos do município e atuação incipiente nos problemas de ordem social (por exemplo, nenhuma iniciativa efetiva relacionada à geração de trabalho e renda, exceto a venda de produtos da oficina de artesanato). Enfim, este estudo reforça o desafio lançado aos serviços de saúde mental, sobretudo àqueles que atendem indivíduos usuários de drogas, de \"exteriorização\" de suas práticas. / The treatment by service of mental health with action in the community is the present orientation of the Department of the Health on Brazil for the care of patients that abuse of the drugs. The aim of this study was to know the interventions registered in the documents that organize the actions of the service of mental health of Alegrete/RS and to observe the work of the professionals for confirm these actions in the attention of patients that abuse of the drugs. This is a qualitative study and data analysis was based on: the National Politics about Drugs; Politics of the Health\'s Department in Brazil for Integral attention of patients that abuse the drugs and orientation of the World Organization of the Health for prevention and control the abuse of drugs. Methodology: was utilized the documentary analysis and the participant observation (682 hours). The results was organized in four chapters: \"identification and historic aspects of the service of mental health of Alegrete/RS\"; \"Presentation of the documents used in the research\"; \"Description of the interventions: the documents and the practical routine\"; \"Professional practices in the community: reflections about the process of social exclusion and possibilities of construction of the citizenship\". Results: the actions of the service are articulated in a healthcare network; the service has flexibility for actions in partnership with social and healthcares sectors; there is a constant worry and endeavor for the qualification of the professionals. However, there is difficulty in carry out actions in the community; is lacking working in partnership with the Harms\' Reduction Program of the town; there are necessity more professionals actions for attend the social problems (for example, effective interventions with the objective of generate work and yield for the users). Finally, the results of this research reinforce the challenge put to the service of mental health of \"it put for outside\" their professional practices.
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