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Binge-Eating Disorder and Obesity in Women: The Role of Attachment States of MindMaxwell, Hilary January 2017 (has links)
There is evidence that functions related to attachment may play an important role in the etiology and maintenance of eating disorders, particularly anorexia and bulimia nervosa (Kuipers & Bekker, 2012; Tasca & Balfour, 2014). However, there is little research available on attachment functioning in those with binge-eating disorder (BED). This dissertation consists of three studies that examine the role of attachment states of mind and attachment dimensions in understanding BED and co-morbid overweight, and to examine mechanisms related to group treatment response for those with BED. The first study assessed attachment state of mind classifications (i.e., attachment categories) to understand better: 1) the psychopathology and maintenance of BED and co-morbid overweight, and 2) the treatment response of women with BED who receive Group Psychodynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy (GPIP; Tasca, Mikail, & Hewitt, 2005). Overweight women with BED (subsequently referred to as women with BED), overweight women without BED, and normal weight women without BED completed the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI; Main, Goldwyn, & Hesse, 2002). Those with BED completed the AAI pre- and six months post- GPIP and those without BED completed the AAI at one-time point. Women with BED have significantly higher rates of insecure (preoccupied) and unresolved/disorganized attachment states of mind compared to normal weight women without BED. Women with BED had similar rates of insecure and unresolved/disorganized attachment states of mind as overweight women without BED. With respect to treatment completers, changes in attachment states of mind were not statistically significant. However, follow-up analyses indicated clinically meaningful changes which are discussed in the study. The second study used attachment dimensions of coherence of mind and reflective functioning (measured using the AAI) to add to our understanding of the psychopathology and maintenance of BED and co-morbid overweight. Higher Reflective Functioning scores differentiated normal weight women from both women with BED and overweight women without BED, and the latter two groups did not differ from each other. Coherence of Mind scores did not differentiate the groups. The third study used attachment dimensions of coherence of mind and reflective functioning to understand better group psychotherapy response for those with BED who received GPIP. Greater reflective functioning at pre-treatment was associated with a decline in binge eating frequency at 12 months post-treatment. Pre-treatment levels of coherence of mind was not related to group treatment outcomes. Reflective Functioning scores significantly improved from pre- to six months post-treatment. Further, more than 39% of participants demonstrated clinically reliable improvement and almost 32% experienced clinically reliable recovery with respect to reflective functioning. These results were moderated by pre-treatment self-reported attachment anxiety. That is, those with lower attachment anxiety showed significant improvement in reflective functioning, whereas those with higher attachment anxiety did not show this improvement. A third of participants experienced clinically significant improvement in coherence of mind, but this change was not statistically significant. Overall, attachment dimensions and attachment state of mind classification contribute to our understanding of the etiology and maintenance of BED and co-morbid overweight, as well as to our understanding of the group treatment response of those with BED. Addressing attachment insecurity and low reflective functioning in those with BED may improve treatment outcomes.
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Nástroje a metody používané při výběrovém řízení / Methods and Tools Used in Recruitment ProcessPetanová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
The thesis handles with methods and tools used in recruitment process. Theoretical part analyzes and compares the most often used recruitment methods. The practical part aims to decribe and analyze the concrete recruitment process in a bank. The final part considers possibilities of using modern methods of recruitment.
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Conceptions et pratiques de l’accompagnement des formateurs auprès des professeurs des Écoles en formation spécialisée : un exemple de formation CAPA-SH option D en Val-de-Marne / Conceptions and practices of coaching trainers with teachers in schools specialized training in Val-de-MarneBernad, Eric 22 November 2013 (has links)
Une des finalités de la formation CAPA-SH option D1 en alternance, proposée dans le Val-de-Marne, est de favoriser une posture de praticien réflexif chez les futurs enseignants spécialisés.Une des modalités retenue pour y parvenir est de proposer à ces stagiaires un accompagnementpar des formateurs (professeurs de l’IUFM et conseillers pédagogiques) sur le terrain d’exercice,afin de permettre une analyse de la pratique professionnelle au sein d’une classe spécialisée.En dialectisant les approches systémique et clinique, cette recherche doctorale explore lesprincipes organisateurs en oeuvre au sein de cette relation d’accompagnement professionnel àpartir du repérage des postures des formateurs en lien avec les objectifs qu’ils visent. Cetteréflexion s’appuie sur une double origine de données : celles issues des retranscriptions desentretiens semi-directifs du chercheur auprès des stagiaires et des formateurs et cellescorrespondant aux retranscriptions de l’enregistrement des entretiens d’analyse de pratiquesprofessionnelles vécus pendant l’année de formation (2009/2010). / One of the aims of the CAPA-SH training (D2 option) alternately proposed in Val-de-Marne, is tofoster an attitude of reflective practitioner in future special education teachers. One of themethods adopted to achieve this is to offer these trainees an accompaniment by trainers on thetraining ground (professors of the IUFM and educational advisers). The purpose is to allow ananalysis of the professional practice within a specialized class.By integrating and combining systemic and clinical approaches, this doctoral researchinvestigates the organizing principles implemented within this professional relationship coaching,to identify postures trainers in connection with the objectives they aim.The analysis is based ontwo sources of data : - those from transcripts of semi-directive interviews that the researcher hasled with trainees and trainers ; - those corresponding to transcripts of analysis of professionalpractices experienced during the training year (2009/2010).
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Nurses experience of working with health promotion among adults at the community health centers in The Gambia- a qualitative interview study / Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att arbeta hälsofrämjande bland vuxna vid hälsocentraler i Gambia- en kvalitativ intervjustudieEngelmark Andersson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Systém hodnotenia zamestnancov / Employee Evaluation SystemValachová, Alica January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to analyze the employee evaluation system. A thesis objective is to estimate current situation in a given company, to identification strengths and weaknesses and to suggest a possible solution. The solution is administered on the basis questionnaire set analysis. The theoretical part includes objectives, criteria, evaluation categories, competence model description, it is making and the types. It also includes a description of the selected assessment methods with a focus on assessment interviews. The practical part analyzes processes connected to the assessment in the company. The main focus lies on the analysis of the questionnaire outcomes. Strenghts and weaknesses of the evaluation process are being evaluated and possible improvements are being suggested.
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Komparace AC a výběrového pohovoru v procesu výběru zaměstnanců do bankovní instituce / Comparison of AC and selection interview in process of employee selection in bankHovorková, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
The dimploma thesis Comparison of AC and selection interview in process of employee selection in a bank institution is focused on comparison of financial, time and organizational difficulties of these two methods. The theoretic part defines basic terms as employee selection, Assessment Centre and selection interview. The Practical part compares process of selection in a bank institution for business positions. The thesis states time frame of each of the methods, defines invovled employees in processes, evaluates the processes according to costs and in the end copares results from selection interview which took place during AC and the overall results from AC.
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Analýza systému získávání a výběru zaměstnanců ve společnosti KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. / Recruitment and selection process of employees in the company KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s.Tučková, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to analyze the recruitment and selection process of employees in the company KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s., identify its strengths and weaknesses and propose measures to improve its effectiveness. With the questionnaire survey there is also examined satisfaction of employees with the company's process of recruitment and selection of staff. This thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is based on the theoretical background. The findings of this part are also applied in the practical part. In the practical part, there is introduced company KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s., the structure of its employees and the system of recruitment and selection of employees, which is established in the company. Then the questionnaire survey is evaluated, which examines the attitude and satisfaction of the workers with the system of recruitment and selection of employees in the company. In the last part there is a formulation of its strenghts and weaknesses and proposition of measures which could lead to its improvement.
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Diagnosing organisational culture and critical success factors for an airline : the case of Thai Airways International in Star AllianceHongratana-Uthai, Narisara January 2011 (has links)
In the past two decades, a need in forming strategic alliance has become increasingly important, especially for small companies. Likewise, airline alliances act as a vehicle for small carriers to obtain their superior position or to survive competition in a competitive international market where they do not appear to be a dominant player. In strategic alliances, the greater integration conveys greater benefits. However, the level of failure and success are varied among alliance members. This thesis was underpinned by the aim to conduct an in-depth study under the concept of organisational culture to reveal the key issues and barriers that appear to distort the ability of an organisation to foster success as well as to boost up its ability to obtain the benefits from the alliances to the maximum level.The empirical investigation employed a qualitative approach as a mechanism, driving this thesis through the process of research design, data collection, and data analysis. Using a single case study as a main technique, the case company of this thesis is Thai Airways. Data was collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed using thematic grouping and organised through NVIvo software.This thesis displayed the findings into two main themes. The first theme is associated with the activity to diagnose organisational culture, whereas the Competing Values Framework (CVF) was adopted as an initial framework. The main objectives are to develop a cultural profile for Thai Airways and to identify the key issues and barriers that distort the ability of Thai Airways to foster success. The key finding derived from this theme offered the identified problems and barriers derived from organisational culture. Using the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) method, the second theme is associated with the activity to identify the critical success factors for Thai Airways, deriving as a set of CSFs proposed to help enhance the ability of Thai Airways to obtain big firm's benefits. The outcome of this thesis could be considered as a new reference for the areas of organisational studies and the success of airlines, where the literature appears to be limited. More importantly, this thesis believed that the research journey offered an empirical experience reflecting a piece of organisational culture study in a non-Western context.
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"Vad det hela faller på är flera saker..." : En diskursanalytisk studie utifrån mellanstadielärares utsagor om muntlighetsundervisningen i den svenska skolans svenskämne / “It All Comes Down to Several Things…” : A discourse-analytic study of Swedish intermediate-school teachers’ views on oracy education in the Swedish subjectSöderberg, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to better understand how oracy education is viewed by a selection of active intermediate-school teachers in the school-subject Swedish. Oracy in the intermediate-school level of education is a subject which is rarely researched and this study thus seeks to broaden the base of knowledge available to future studies. Data was gathered through internet-based interview questions sent to respondents from a selection of Swedish schools as well as teacher students. This was then analysed through a discourse-analytic method. Through the use of this method, common themes were identified within many of the respondents’ answers which in turn pointed to some discourses about oracy. What I found was that common topics circled around the pupils and the classroom climate, Oracy in education and time in both a resource- and fairness perspective. These made up for three main discourses in the material: A preparatory-activities discourse concerning how the pupils are to be prepared for oracy education. This was separated into two discussions about: (1) the maturity of the pupils and (2) teaching proper preparation strategies. A benefits discourse centring on how the student benefit from oracy education. The respondents’ statements point towards there being two benefits of oracy education: (1) its role in providing a well-rounded education and (2) it acting towards their own personal maturity as speakers. A resource discourse which addresses the time-aspect of a teacher’s practice. Two main parts of this discourse focused on: (1) how teachers save time by taking notes during oral examination forms and (2) The problems with fairness faced when time constraints force an oral exam to be split into more than one period.
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Den fulaste tavlan : En undersökning av kontroversiell konst i vårdmiljö / The Ugliest Painting : A study on controversial art in a health care environmentVedin, Sofi January 2017 (has links)
Decorative art is not a natural part of an health care environment to many people. Still it exists – in Sweden the county councils have some of the largest art collections in the country, and they are often the ones responsible for the art in hospitals, health centers and dentist offices in each county. This study is about the art in health care environments that is controversial – and why. With the help of interviews and a semiotic picture analysis, I will try to sort out what kind of paintings and pictures make people uncomfortable when viewed in a health care context.
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