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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Překlady české literatury v Mexiku s přihlédnutím k českým překladům mexické literatury / Translations of Czech Literature in Mexico and Translations of Mexican Literature into Czech

Strnadová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this paper is to create a corpus of translations of Czech literature published in the form of book in Mexico until 2019 included and to describe how they were received. The aim of the paper is to answer questions about which Czech literature was published in Mexico, when and where it was translated, and who originated the translations. The theoretical part of the paper presents Czech-Mexican relations as they evolved in the sociocultural polysystem of the 20th century. The paper further uses the theoretical framework of the praxeology of translation and the translator's role, it explains the phenomenon of direct and indirect translation, it discusses the importance of paratexts for the study of translations, it explains the specificity of producing translations for the Spanish-speaking countries as well as it outlines the issue of translating from small cultures. Historiographical research, paratextual discourse analysis and oral history were used as the methodological core of this paper. Using these methods, the paper presents a corpus of 39 translated Czech literary works published in Mexico, including "imported" translations and re-editions, supplying comprehensive details on every one of them. At the end, the paper updates the corpus of Mexican literature translated into Czech...

Complementary governance for sustainable development in transport: The European TEN-T Core network corridors

Öberg, Maria, Nilsson, Kristina L., Johansson, Charlotta M. 21 December 2020 (has links)
When implementing major European transport corridors, such as the Core network corridors (CNC) which is a part of the European Trans-European Network for Transports (TEN-T), the number of stakeholders affected is huge. A governance framework for the CNC’s implementation was introduced in EU Regulation No. 1315/2013, and is now being enacted. Sustainable development and stakeholder involvement are crucial areas in the implementation. This interview study investigated the need for complementary governance, here meaning governance in addition to the governance framework set in the regulation. The interviews involved 23 individuals from the Baltic Sea Region, who are affiliated to the four categories public authority, infrastructure organisation/company, private company and other organisation. The results confirm the importance of an inclusive approach. Further, the results showed a need to ensure that all three social, economic and ecological dimensions of sustainability are considered. Summarising the interview results, four areas for attention in the further CNC implementation process were identified: more and directed information, extended involvement of private sector transport stakeholders, extended involvement of regional and local stakeholders, and involvement of stakeholders located geographically outside the immediate corridor. Complementary governance can be a tool to address these areas, as governance structures and processes can involve stakeholders and steer towards desired outcomes. The interviewees own ideas for complementary governance are presented in this paper. The CNC implementation is currently an on-going process and these results will be further utilised in the process, as a basis for stakeholder discussions of changes in practice.

Prevalence, co-morbidity and correlates of mental disorders in the general population: results from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (GHS)

Jacobi, Frank, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Hölting, C., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Müller, N., Lieb, R. January 2004 (has links)
Background. The German National Health Interview and Examination Survey (GHS) is the first government mandated nationwide study to investigate jointly the prevalence of somatic and mental disorders within one study in the general adult population in Germany. This paper reports results from its Mental Health Supplement (GHS-MHS) on 4-week 12-month, and selected lifetime prevalence of a broad range of DSM-IV mental disorders, their co-morbidity and correlates in the community. Methods. The sample of the GHS-MHS (n=4181; multistage stratified random sample drawn from population registries ; conditional response rate: 87.6%) can be regarded as representative for the German population aged 18–65. Diagnoses are based on fully structured computer assisted clinical interviews (M-CIDI), conducted by clinically trained interviewers. Results. 12-month prevalence for any DSM-IV study disorder is 31% (lifetime: 43%; 4-week: 20%) with anxiety disorders, mood disorders and somatoform syndromes being the most frequent diagnoses. Retrospective age of onset information reveals that most disorders begin early in life. Comorbidity rates among mental disorders range from 44% to 94%. Correlates of increased rates of mental disorders and co-morbidity were: female gender (except for substance disorders), not being married, low social class, and poor somatic health status. Health care utilization for mental disorders depended on co-morbidity (30% in ‘pure’, 76% in highly co-morbid cases) and varied from 33% for substance use disorders to 75% for panic disorder. Conclusions. Results confirm and extend results from other national studies using the same assessment instruments with regard to prevalence, co-morbidity and sociodemographic correlates, covering a broader range of DSM-IV disorders [i.e. somatoform disorders, all anxiety disorders (except PTSD), mental disorders due to substance or general medical factor, eating disorders]. Intervention rates were higher than in previous studies, yet still low overall.

Organdonation : Perioperativa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att delta vid uttagsoperationer / Organ donation : Perioperative nurses’ experiences of participating in donors’ operations

Bråthe, Johanna, Helander, Fredrica January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Organtransplantation är en behandling som räddar liv på personer med organsvikt. För att detta ska vara möjligt krävs en organdonator, antingen levande eller avliden. Som avliden donator utförs en uttagsoperation efter medgivande till donation. Perioperativa sjuksköterskor deltar tillsammans med transplantationsteamet vid uttagoperationerna för att tillvarata organ och tillgodose donatorns önskan om donation. Syfte: Att beskriva anestesi- och operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att delta vid uttagsoperationer hos avlidna organdonatorer. Metod: En kvalitativ metod genomfördes, där åtta perioperativa sjuksköterskor intervjuades med öppna frågor som var fenomenorienterade. Datamaterialet analyserades med innebördsanalys. Resultat: Den essentiella innebörden är Värdighet och Respekt, som är en tydlig kärna i studiens fyra innebördsteman: Dubbelbottnade känslor, Känslan av att göra gott för andra, Samarbete i teamet skapar en känsla av trygghet och Professionellt bemötande. Konklusion: Resultatet visar att de perioperativa sjuksköterskorna upplevde värdighet och respekt som en central del vid uttagsoperationer hos avlidna donatorer. Uttagsoperationerna erfars av känslor som glädje, meningsfullhet och sorg. Samarbete i teamet upplevs som viktigt och gav en känsla av trygghet. Återkopplingen om mottagarna till organens tillstånd upplevdes som hjälp i den känslomässiga hanteringen. / Background: Organ transplantation is a treatment that saves the lives of people with organfailure. For it to be possible, an organ donor is required, either alive or dead. A donors’operation is performed after consent to donation. Perioperative nurses participate togetherwith the transplant team in the removal operations to remove organs and to pursue the donor'sdesire for donation.The aim: To describe the anesthesia- and operating theatre nurses' experiences ofparticipating in deceased organ donors' operations.Methods: A qualitative method, where eight perioperative nurses were interviewed throughopen-ended questions that were phenomenon-oriented. The data was analyzed with meaninganalysis.Results: The essential meaning is Dignity and Respect, which is a clear core of the study'sfour clusters of meanings: Double-edged emotions, The feeling of doing good for others,Cooperation in the team creates a feeling of security and Professional treatment.Conclusions: The perioperative nurses experienced dignity and respect as a central part indonors’ operations for deceased donors. The operations were experienced by emotions asjoy, meaning and sadness. Cooperation in the team is perceived as important and gives afeeling of security. Feedback about recipients of the organs condition was perceived ashelpful in emotional management.

Men ingen kan språket : En diskursanalys av förskollärares berättelser om sitt arbete med flerspråkighet i förskolan / But no one knows the language : A discourse analysis of preschool teachers' stories about their work with multilingualism in preschool

Overmark, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to generate knowledge about how the preschool's physical and social literacy environment is used and can be used to support multilingual children in their language and literacy development and highlight the opportunities and difficulties that preschool teachers experience in their work with language development of multilingual children. The questions that are answered are: How do the respondents describe the literacy environment in their preschool department? And: How do the respondents describe their support of multilingual children's language development and their conditions for teaching? Surveys and qualitative interviews were used as the method to answer the questions and were analyzed in relation to the study’s theoretical framework, constituted by discourse analytical theory. The results show that four different discourses emerged, each describing different perspectives of multilingualism in preschool education. In one of the preschool departments in the study, where the teachers seem to have put less focus on making the home language of multilingual children visible in the physical environment, they had a home language teacher who came every week. The children then had the opportunity to develop their home language with someone who knows the language. In the departments where the physical environment more clearly reflected the multilingualism that was represented, the teaching was more focused on including and making children's home language visible. The reason was most likely that no one in the team spoke the children's home language. Most of the preschool teachers in the study expressed that they lacked the conditions needed to be able to conduct the teaching they wanted. Some of the preschool teachers expressed that poorer conditions mainly affected the children who needed the most support.

Comparison of VR-interviews to Online Video Conferencing Software and its Impact on User Experience : Studying the experience of VR-interviews compared to generic online video conferencing software like Zoom and MS Teams and its impact on the Interviewer and the Candidate

Bhalja, Rishit Rakesh, Ramsten, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
With the recent advancement of computer technology, having an immersive experience has become more accessible. A technology that offers that is the one of virtual reality, or VR, for short, which immerses the user in another reality that is artificially constructed. It is natural to argue if there is even a need to switch from the general Online Video Conferencing software to VR-interviews.  The proposed research looks to dive into the user experience in this area to answer this question. This problem is important from the perspective of business owners, companies, and employees trying to have the best experience to recruit new employees or get recruited as a new employee, having the best possible experience. This research has three questions, where the first question examines how the user experience of an interview is different in VR compared to video conferencing software. The second and third question examines the user experience "job candidate's and recruiter's perspectives", in comparison to video conferencing software. For RQ1 a mixture of a small experiment followed by a think-aloud session with the participants was done. To gather the data for RQ 2 & 3, a total of three methods were chosen (experiment, interview, and survey), where these methods were both quantitative and qualitative to allow for triangulation.   The conclusions from the gathered data and the analysis of this research were that the user experience of virtual reality was preferable than that of the video conferencing software for both the recruiter and the candidate.

Arbetsterapeuters upplevelser kring arbetet med patienter som har postcovid : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Dagman, Ida, Eriksson, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Postcovid har en bred symtombild som kan påverka människors vardagliga aktiviteter. Det har beskrivits att det varit utmanande för hälso-och sjukvårdspersonal att bedöma tillstånden efter covid-19 samt att det finns behov av att följa dessa patienter över tid för att öka kunskapen kring patientgruppen.   Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters upplevelser av arbetet inom primärvården med patienter som har postcovid.   Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med åtta arbetsterapeuter genomfördes. Arbetsterapeuterna var verksamma inom primärvård och hade träffat patienter med postcovid. Urvalsmetoden var bekvämlighet- och snöbollsurvalet. Analysen genomfördes med Graneheim & Lundmans innehållsanalys. Resultat: I analysen framkom tre kategorier: Betydelsen av multiprofessionellt teamarbete, Dra nytta av tidigare kunskaper och Utmaningar i arbetet. Kategorierna innehåller tillsammans sex underkategorier. Slutsats: Studien visar att det kan vara en fördel att arbeta i team kring patienter med postcovid, vikten av att ta vara på tidigare kunskaper samt utmaningar i arbetet. Resultatet kan fungera som ett underlag för att belysa vikten av riktlinjer och utbildningar om Postcovid samt att dessa behöver integreras med forskning. / Introduction: Postcovid has a broad symptom picture that can affect people's everyday activities. It has been described as challenging for health care professionals to assess the conditions after covid-19 and that there is a need to follow these patients over time to increase knowledge about the patient group. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe occupational therapists' experiences of working in primary care with patients who have postcovid. Method: A qualitative interview study with eight occupational therapists was conducted. The occupational therapists were active in primary care and had met patients with postcovid. The selection method was convenience- and snowball selection. The analysis was implemented with Graneheim & Lundman's content analysis. Results: The analysis revealed three categories: The importance of multi-professional teamwork, Benefit from previous knowledge and Challenges in work. The categories together contain six subcategories. Conclusion: The study shows that it can be an advantage to work in teams around patients with post-covid, the importance of taking advantage of previous knowledge and challenges in the work. The results can serve as a basis for highlighting the importance of guidelines and education about postcovid and that these need to be integrated with research.

Nach der Schule in die Bibliothek: Lernen, schreiben, recherchieren

11 March 2016 (has links)
Emma und Smilla besuchen am Gymnasium Dresden-Cotta zusammen die 5. Klasse und treffen sich oft nach der Schule gegenüber in der Stadtteilbibliothek Cotta.


Berglund, Nellie, Eriksson, Maria, Törnberg, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19-pandemin drabbade hela världen från år 2019 och var ännu pågående under studiens genomförande. Många branscher påverkades av detta, där ibland hotellbranschen. Polisen i Malmö uppmärksammade hur brottsligheten på hotellen verkade ha förändrats under Covid-19-pandemin och önskade att detta undersöktes vidare. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med ansvarig personal på sju hotell i Malmö studerades det hur hotellen upplevde att brottsligheten hade förändrats under Covid-19-pandemin och i sådana fall på vilket sätt. Vidare undersöktes vilken typ av brottslighet hotellen i huvudsak utsätts för och hur hotellens rutiner samt hur samverkan med polisen ser ut vid brottslighet. Samtliga hotell upplevde någon form av förändring men på olika vis. En del lyfte att kriminaliteten hade ökat medan andra menade att den hade minskat. Flera förklarade att nivån på brottsligheten antagligen var densamma som före Covid-19-pandemin men att de på grund av färre gäster och mer tid över för personalen enklare kunde uppmärksamma då något skedde. Gällande vilken brottslighet som var mest förekommande på hotellen var detta stöldbrott, bilinbrott, sexuella trakasserier, köp av sexuella tjänster, narkotikabrott och kortbedrägeri men även ordningsstörningar i form av fester, nedskräpning eller överförfriskade gäster. I de flesta fall fick receptionspersonal bedöma situationen då brott skedde på hotellen och kontakta vaktbolag, säkerhetsvakter eller polis. Från ett antal hotell uppkom även förslag på förbättringsområden angående samverkan med polisen samt hotellen emellan, trots att de redan upplevde den som god. Gällande samverkan mellan hotellen och polisen efterfrågades en direktlinje in till polisen likt Stockholm samt ett smidigare sätt att lämna anmälan om misstänkta brott. För samverkan hotellen emellan föreslogs en mail-slinga för att enklare kunna tipsa och varna varandra då situationer uppstår. / The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the majority of the world since 2019 and the pandemic's impact continues at the time of writing. Industries around the world were severely affected, among those are the hotel industry. The Police in Malmö noticed how crime in hotels seemed to have changed during the Covid-19 pandemic and requested for this to be examined further. Through qualitative interviews with seven hotels from Malmö City the perceived change in crime at the hotels during the Covid-19 pandemic were studied. Furthermore, it was also examined what type of crime the hotels are mainly exposed to and what the hotels' routines and cooperation with the police look like in the event of a crime. All of the hotels experienced some sort of change, but in different ways. Some mentioned how the crime rate had gone up, while others said that it had gone down. Several of the hotels explained that the crime rate probably was at the same level as before the Covid-19 pandemic but that they, because of the fact that they had a smaller number of guests, were able to more easily notice when something happened. Regarding which crime was most common in the hotels, the results showed that it was theft, car theft, sexual harassment, purchase of sexual services, drug offenses and card fraud, but also disturbances in the form of parties, littering or over-refreshed guests. In most of the cases it was up to the staff in the reception to determine the level of the situation and then contact the security company, the security guards or the police. From a number of the hotels some suggestions on how to improve the collaboration between the hotels and the Police but also between the hotels came in, even though they described the cooperation as good. Regarding cooperation between the hotels and the police, a direct line to the police was proposed, a similar method to the ways in Stockholm, as well as a more flexible way of reporting suspected crimes. For collaboration between the hotels, an email loop was proposed to make it easier to tip and warn each other when situations arise.

Klassiskt i klass : En fenomenologisk intervjustudie om brasslärares syn på obligatorisk brassundervisning i klass / Classical in class : A Phenomenological interview study about brass teachers attitudes on compulsory brass-playing in class

Lundborg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete ämnar ge en bild av hur brasslärare i Sverige ser på de obligatoriska undervisningsformerna klassorkester och El Sistema. I inledningsdelen presenteras arbetets valda intresseområden, arbetets problemområde samt arbetets disposition. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras undervisningsformerna klassorkester och El Sistema samt tidigare forskning kring dessa områden. I bakgrundskapitlet formuleras även arbetets frågeställningar: Vilken syn har brasslärare på obligatorisk klassrumsundervisning på brassinstrument? Vilka uppfattningar har brasslärare om skillnaderna mellan klassorkester och El Sistema? samt: På vilket sätt upplever lärare att obligatorisk klassundervisning påverkar och kan påverka kulturskolans verksamhet? I kapitlet teoretiska utgångspunkter presenteras konstruktionism, interpretativism, fenomenologi samt livsvärldsperspektivet som legat till grund för detta arbete. I metodkapitlet redogörs för de metodiska val som använts i föreliggande arbete. I resultatkapitlet presenteras resultaten från de intervjuer som gjort med fyra brasslärare där två av lärarna jobbar med klassorkester eller El Sistema, och två lärare som inte gör det. I diskussionskapitlet diskuteras lärarnas svar och upplevelser av fenomenen i förhållande till den tidigare forskning som tagits upp. / This work aims to provide a picture of how brass teachers in Sweden view the compulsory teaching methods of class orchestra and El Sistema. The introductory part presents the work's selected areas of interest, the work's problem area and the work's disposition. The background chapter presents the areas of class orchestra and El Sistema as well as previous research on these areas. The background chapter also formulates the questions of the work: "What is the view of brass teachers on compulsory classroom teaching on brass instruments?", “What are the views of brass teachers on the differences between the class orchestra and El Sistema?” and"In what way do teachers feel that compulsory classroom teaching affects and can affect the voluntary music-school's activities?" The chapter theoretical starting points presentconstructionism, interpretivism, phenomenology and the life world perspective that formed the basis for this work. The method chapter describes the methodological choices used in the present work. The results chapter presents the results from the interviews conducted with four brass teachers where two of the teachers work with a class orchestra or El Sistema, and two teachers who do not. The discussion chapter discusses the teachers' answers and experiences of these phenomena in relation to the previous research that has been taken up.

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