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Förskollärares syn på barns inflytande i förskolan : En jämförande studie om barns inflytande i Filippinerna och Sverige / Preschool Teacher’s views on children’s influence in preschool : A comparative study about preschool teacher’s views on children’s influence in the Philippines and SwedenVentanilla Bellander, Farrah January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers’ views from both the Philippines and Sweden differ based on their own experiences and approaches in relation to the children’s involvement in their everyday life at the preschool. This research sheds light on what strategies and pedagogical approaches the preschool teachers have to involve the children to participate. Moreover, this research will look at and compare what the preschool teachers see as challenges or hindrances in giving children the chance to influence. Qualitative video and personal interviews with five preschool teachers have been conducted from five different preschools in total, two in Sweden and three in the Philippines. The results show that all teachers want to involve the children and give them influence. However, the Swedish preschool teachers put more emphasis on this. It is obvious from the results that the Swedish children are given more influence than the Filipino children. In my analysis I investigate the reasons for this; that might not only be because of a different mindset of the preschool teachers but also structural differences such as a different curriculum, different daily routines, the number of pedagogues per child and the impact of group size.
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”Du har bara en chans på dig” : -Distriktssköterskors upplevelse av god palliativ vård i hemmet / “You only get one chance” : -District nurses experiences in palliative home careChiappe Contreras, Isabel, Hammar, Åsa January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I framtiden tror man att ännu mer sjukvård kommer att skötas i primär och kommunal hemsjukvård. Distriktssköterskorna som idag jobbar inom hemsjukvården har ettstort ansvar för den vården som utförs i hemmet. Att undersöka vilka faktorerdistriktssköterskor upplever leder till god palliativ vård i hemmet är därför viktigt. Syftet:med studien var att undersöka distriktssköterskors egna upplevelser av att jobba medpalliativ vård inom hemsjukvården. Metod: Studien är genomförd i Mellansverige som harbåde tätort och glesbygd som sjukvårdsområde. Kvalitativa intervjustudier genomfördes.Resultat: Det som framkommer i resultatet är betydelsen av symtomlindring och att alltidvara följsam och kunna uppmärksamma förändringar för att kunna lösa situationer somuppstår. För detta behövs erfarenhet och vara en god samordnare, för att den palliativavården ska fungera på ett bra sätt i hemmet. Diskussion/ Slutsats: Huvudresultatet iexamensarbetet visar att det krävs erfarna distriktssköterskor för att kunna bedriva godpalliativ vård fullt ut. Resultatet beskriver också hur viktigt det är med välfungerandesamarbeten mellan alla som är delaktiga. Detta för att vårdtagaren och de närstående skakänna meningsfullhet och livskvalitet i hemmet den sista tiden i livet. Att vårda svårt sjuka isitt hem är en utmaning, men det ger också en stor tillfredsställelse att som distriktssköterskafå följa med på vårdtagarens resa, här finns det bara en chans att göra rätt. / Background: In the future, it is believed that even more healthcare will be provided inprimary and municipal home care. The district nurses who work in home care have a greatresponsibility for the care that is given in a home care setting. Studying the district nursesexperiences and what they think leads to good palliative care in the home is thereforeimportant. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate district nurses own experiences ofworking with palliative care in a homecare setting. Method: The study was conducted in midSweden that have both urban and rural healthcare areas. Qualitative interview studies wereconducted. Findings : What emerges in the results is the importance of symptom relief and toalways be compliant and be aware of changes in order to resolve situations that arise. Forthis, experience is needed and to be a good coordinator. Discussion / Conclusion : The mainresult of the study shows that experienced district nurses are required to be able to give goodpalliative care. The result also describes how important it is that all professions to work welltogether in end of life care. This is so that the patient and relatives at the end of life feel ameaningful and a good quality of life in the home. Caring for seriously ill people in theirhome is a challenge, but it also gives a great satisfaction that the district nurse can follow onthe patient´s journey towards end of life, here we just get one chance to get it right. / <p>Godkännandedatum: 2019-12-11</p>
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Exodus, a Museum of Between: Directing an Original Staging of Object Journalism, Oral Testimony and Early Italian OperaHarrell, Gabriel 18 December 2020 (has links)
This written thesis documents how I, accompanied by a team of talented colleagues, conceived of, planned, and began the process of staging Exodus, a museum of between. I begin with an introduction to the theory and influences that shaped the work in its earliest stages. I go on to discuss the major themes of the work, chiefly an excavation of the idea of belonging, and posit a model of theater making modeled on a kaleidoscope, a model that aims to serve as a device through which to see one of our oldest stories with new eyes. I discuss the three lenses through which Exodus will examine the topic of belonging: a museum exhibition comprised of artifacts of mass migration, the first-hand oral testimony of those whose lives have been immediately effected by events of mass migration and a staging of Monteverdi’s opera L’Orfeo I also discuss the role that chance procedure would have played in establishing the tempo and narrative. I then reflect on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that derailed the production of Exodus and suggest alterations to the project that I would make in the event that production should be recommenced in a post pandemic future. While it is difficult to include much assessment of a project that was still in its early stages when aborted, I finish with a critique of the work that had been accomplished and offer a few thoughts on how I view the work now, in light of the work done and global developments.
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Tvaroslovná spisovnost v pořadu Interview Plus / Morphological Norms in the Radio Programme Interview PlusStupková, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to map the use of certain morphological phenomena by the hosts as well as the guests of Interview Plus broadcast at Český rozhlas Plus. The thesis focuses on morphological norms, in particular on three morphological phenomena - competitiveness of conditional forms "bychom", "bysme", the concord in plural neuters in the nominative, accusative, and instrumental cases. The aforementioned phenomena have been chosen because they are problematic, and their nonstandard usage has been infiltrating standard utterances. Both standard and nonstandard forms of all phenomena have been detected. The findings have been interpreted from different perspectives. Firstly, social factors, such as the speakers' profession or their gender, were taken into consideration. Secondly, the thesis observes the proportion of standard to nonstandard forms, that is how many speakers use only standard forms, how many speakers use the nonstandard form only, and how many speakers combine the two. Several hypotheses have been formulated. The first hypothesis claims that the hosts use more standard than nonstandard forms. The second hypothesis states the guests use more nonstandard forms than the hosts. The third hypothesis applies only to journalists for it proposes that the journalists use more standard forms...
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Läppsurr eller sur läpp : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares förhållningssätt till embouchyr i trombonundervisning. / Lipbuzz or buzzkill : A qualitative interview study on teachers' approach towards embouchure in trombone teaching.Axelsson, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att utifrån det fenomenologiska perspektivet samt livsvärldsperspektivet intervjua trombonlärare för att ta del av deras förhållningssätt till embouchyr i deras undervisning. I bakgrundkapitlet presenteras litteratur samt tidigare forskning som är kopplat till embouchyr. Den kvalitativa intervjuformen används som metod att samla in information med interpretativismen samt konstruktionismen som epistemologi samt ontologi. I resultatet presenteras respondenternas egna upplevelser, metodik samt förhållningssätt till embouchyr. Det framkommer en gemensam syn på vilka delar som ingår i en embouchyr samt metoder och punkter som kan förhållas till i sin egen undervisning. I diskussionen diskuteras resultatet med den presenterade forskningen där det uppmärksammas en skillnad i metodik och övningar där forskningen presenterar övningar som riktar sig till äldre elever. Respondenterna presenterar bland annat övningar som kan utföras utan instrumentet, vilket kan göra specifika moment mer riktat till yngre elever. Det framkommer även en till viss del gemensam syn på vad en embouchyr är. Det råder dock inget tvivel om, ur varken forskningen eller respondenterna, att embouchyren och luft är tätt sammankopplade då ingen av dem fungerar utan den andra, dock är de inte samma fenomen. / The purpose of the present study is to, from the phenomenological perspective and the life world perspective, interview trombone teachers to take part in their approach to embouchure in their teaching. The background chapter presents literature and previous research that is linked to the embouchure. The qualitative interview form is used as a method of collecting information with interpretivism and constructionism as epistemology and ontology. The results present the respondents' own experiences, methodology and approach to embouchure. There is a common view of which parts are included in an embouchure and methods and points that can be related to in their own teaching. In the discussion, the results are discussed with the presented research where attention is drawn to a difference in methodology and exercises where the research presents exercises aimed at older students. The respondents present, among other things, exercises that can be performed without the instrument, which can make specific steps better aimed at younger students. There is also a somewhat common view of what an embouchure is. However, there is no doubt from either the research or the respondents that the embouchure and the air are closely linked as neither of them works without the other, however, they are not the same phenomenon.
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“När barnen själv förstår sambandet och ser kopplingen själv, det är så häftigt! -Det är därför man jobbar med det här.” : En kvalitativ studie om hur siffror och tal realiseras samt synliggörs i verksamheten ur fem förskollärares perspektivRustas, Jonna, Axelsson, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Siffror och tal är något som finns runt om oss i samhället. Barn stöter på siffror och tal i hemmet och förskolan på olika sätt, medvetet eller omedvetet. I förskolan är matematik ett ämne som cirkulerar aktivt i dagens verksamheter. Vår studie syftar till att undersöka fem förskollärares synsätt på hur siffror och tal kan uttryckas i verksamhetens miljö och förskollärarnas uppfattningar om arbetssätt gentemot de matematiska läroplansmålen. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och deltagande observationer har vi samlat en empiri som är mångsidig och bred för att belysa ett relativt outforskat forskningsområde. Få studier har forskat om hur konkreta, siffror och tal kan uttryckas i förskolan utifrån ett läroplansteoretiskt samt sociokulturell teori. Våran studie innefattar dessa teorier som utgångspunkt kopplat till forskningsfrågorna i de två olika delstudierna. Studiens diskussion och resultat visade att siffror och tal är en kategori inom matematiken som synliggörs i olika uppfattningar och arbetssätt på de olika förskolorna. Förskollärarna hade en liknande uppfattning av siffror och tal och att dessa behöver implementeras redan i tidig ålder i barnens undervisning. Resultatet visade även att förskollärarnas roll var av vikt för att främja barns utveckling för att vidare kunna bygga upp en förståelse för konkreta siffror och tal.
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Vems historia ryms inom våra ramar? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur verksamma historielärare ser på och arbetar med elevers mångfald av identiteter i skolan. / Whose history fits within our frames? : A qualitative interview study of how professional history teachers view and work with students’ diversity of identities in school.Svensson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative interview study of how six upper secondary school history teachers view and work with students’ diversity of identities in teaching. The questions that the study sought to answer were how history teachers viewed and worked with students’ diversity of identities, as exemplified by specific assignments, along with their selection of teaching materials, and the impact of their own identity on their teaching. These questions were analysed using Manuel Castells’ three aspects of legitimate identity, resistance identity, and project identity, complemented by Carsten Ljunggren’s reasoning concerning a national identity, as the main theoretical framework. In doing so, the study concluded that the teachers viewed working with identity in the history subject as a luxury, dependent on factors such as lesson time, adaption to students, citizen education, and the room for a norm-critical approach. Due to these factors, it was concluded that the history subject unintentionally and mainly conveyed a legitimate identity to the students. From their exemplified assignments, the study found that student-centred assignments more often enabled the inclusion of resistance identities as well as project identities. The teachers claimed that teaching materials such as textbooks were Eurocentric and needed to be complemented by other material to include other perspectives. It was also concluded that teachers’ gender, social class, and ethnicity had an impact on their teaching. The study found that a new national identity in the history subject, as illustrated by the inclusion of project identities, was linked to the use of intercultural pedagogy and student-centred assignments.
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Medical Model Influence in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Counseling Psychology Training Directors' ViewsJensen, Dallas R. 06 June 2006 (has links)
The practice of counseling and psychotherapy is influenced by a number of ideologies, models, and paradigms. Among these, the medical model's influence is particularly salient. The ideology of the medical field pervades the theory, research, and practice of psychology and its influence deserves close examination. The few studies in this area that have been conducted are descriptive and basic in nature. The present study aimed to contribute richness and depth to conversations about medical model influence. By interviewing Counseling Psychology training directors and applying a qualitative analysis, this study provided the following themes that characterize views of the medical model's influence on professional practice: 1. Psychology can't afford to be dogmatic or deny reality, yet must critically examine the influence of the medical model. 2. Counseling Psychology has a lot to offer—so get in the game. 3. The tension between medical model influence and the values of Counseling Psychology has increased. 4. The medical influence on research is a two-edged sword—we need to think complexly about our science. 5. Medical model focus on pathology is reductionistic and restrictive. 6. Preparing students for the "real world" medical influence on practice while trying to teach values of Counseling Psychology is at times a balancing act. 7. Cautious about Prescription Privilege: Are we trying to be physicians or psychologists? It is hoped that finding and reporting the themes that emerged will lead to increased discussion, thinking, consideration, and examination of the model's influence among counseling psychology professionals.
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Návrh hodnocení zaměstnanců dělnických profesí / Proposal for the Assessment of Employees Working ProfessionsKondýsková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is called „ Proposal for the Assessment of Employees Working Professions“. It is divided into two main part – the theoretical part and the practical part. The objective of this work is to create a proposal for the assessment of employees working professions in the selected company. In the theoretical part there are explanations of terms which are related to the subject of the thesis. In the practical part there is described the selected company and there is created a form for evaluation of blue-collar workers.
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Motivace a evaluace zaměstnanců na Základní umělecké škole Žerotín v Olomouci / Motivation and evaluation of Employees at the Žerotín School of Music in OlomoucKeferová, Regina January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this thesis concerns the issue of motivation and evaluation of staff at the Žerotín School of Music in Olomouc. In the theoretical part, we show the concepts and theoretical principles which are necessary for processing the subsequent analytical part. In the analytical part of the work we will then present information about the Zerotin School of Music, and we will discuss the evaluation system and employee motivation. This thesis will conclude by making suggestions for improvements to existing procedures. The outcome of this work is to evaluate motivation and evaluation of staff at the Žerotín School of Music and make recommendations which will lead to employees being more satisfied and motivated.
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