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Loneliness and Emotion Recognition: A Dynamical DescriptionUnknown Date (has links)
Loneliness – the feeling that manifests when one perceives one’s social needs are
not being met by the quantity or especially the quality of one’s social relationships – is a
common but typically short-lived and fairly harmless experience. However, recent
research continues to uncover a variety of alarming health effects associated with longterm
loneliness. The present study examines the psychological mechanisms underlying
how persons scoring high in trait loneliness perceive their social environments.
Evaluations of transient facial expression morphs are analyzed in R using dynamical
systems methods. We hypothesize that, consistent with Cacioppo and Hawkley’s sociocognitive
model, subjects scoring high in loneliness will exhibit hypervigilance in their
evaluations of cold and neutral emotions and hypovigilance in their evaluations of warm
emotions. Results partially support the socio-cognitive model but point to a relationship
between loneliness and a global dampening in evaluations of emotions.
Keywords: loneliness, perceived social isolation, social dynamics, emotion recognition. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Le discours de 'l'intime' dans les 'Rougon-Macquart' : Etude d'une trilogie romanesque : la Joie de vivre, L’OEuvre, Le Docteur Pascal / The Discourse of the “ intimacy ” in the Rougon-Macquart series : a study of the trilogy novels : a Joie de vivre, L’OEuvre, Le Docteur PascalTerashima, Miyuki 23 June 2011 (has links)
Le mot « intime » en français suggère à la fois la convivialité au sein du cercle familial et la conscience intérieure de l’individu. Cette dualité essentielle de l’« intime », qui attire de nombreux écrivains français depuis des siècles, englobe un large éventail de thématiques littéraires, caractérisées par deux courants : la représentation de la vie familiale et les écrits autobiographiques. En règle générale, l’esthétique du naturalisme établie par Zola est considérée comme indifférente à l’égard de la littérature intime, développée par les écrivains romantiques. Cependant, certains de ses romans présentent les caractéristiques de l’écrit de l’intime du XIXe siècle. Dans cette étude, nous nous attacherons à établir le lien intérieur entre La Joie de vivre (1884), L’Oeuvre (1886) et Le Docteur Pascal (1893), trois romans exceptionnellement chargés d’éléments autobiographiques dans la série des Rougon-Macquart. L’intrigue de ces œuvres se déroule au sein du foyer et se concentre sur la psychologie des protagonistes, qui pourraient être définis comme alter ego de l’auteur. Dans La Joie de vivre, Zola projette son angoisse personnelle sur Lazare, jeune pessimiste souffrant de névrose. Dans L’OEuvre, l’auteur exprime sa vision esthétique à travers la création douloureuse du peintre Claude. Dans Le Docteur Pascal, véritable synthèse de la série, Zola manifeste enfin sa croyance optimiste à la vie à travers Pascal, son porte-parole. Le discours de l’« intime » chez Zola, aspect essentiel mais pourtant négligé de son œuvre romanesque, montre ainsi une mise en pratique du roman psychologique que l’auteur semble pourtant vouloir rejeter dans ses écrits « naturaliste ». / This study focuses on the two themes which the word “ intimacy ” refers to : firstly private life in a family, and secondly internal conscience of each individual. Due to the dual meaning of this word, two mainstream themes in the 19th century literature were formed : presentation of familial life and autobiography. In considering “ intimacy ” in naturalism, which have not been taken up until now, the autobiographic nature of Zola’s novels will be brought to light, as compared to autobiography in romanticism. This study examines and analyses three particularly autobiographical novels from total twenty volumes of the Rougon-Macquart series : La Joie de vivre (1884), L’OEuvre (1886) and Le Docteur Pascal (1893), considering those novels as a trilogy. Those three pieces clearly reflect the duality of “ intimacy ”, in depicting family life of the protagonist and, at the same time, the interior mind of Zola who appears as his alter ego. In La Joie de vivre, Zola, as a pessimist suffering neurosis, is depicted through Lazare. In L’OEuvre, Zola, based upon his experience as an art critic, demonstrates his artistic vision through the painter Claude. In Le Docteur Pascal, Zola’s confession full of optimism, contrary to the past after having concluded his works in the Rougon-Macquart series, is reflected in Pascal who is a philosophical scientist. This study analyses how Zola, who has been deemed as a naturalist in sharp contrast to an autobiographical writer, has taken the theme of “ intimacy ” into his novels through his own experience in private life, and how he produced the trilogy novels which are fiction and, at the same time, autobiographical pieces.
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Exercício do direito à intimidade no ambiente de trabalho: limites ao poder diretivo do empregador / Exercising the right to intimacy in the working environment: limits to the employers directive powerAvila, Priscilla de Oliveira Pinto 24 February 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho é dedicado ao estudo do direito à intimidade do empregado e busca definir o papel do empregador diante de conflitos entre esse direito e outros direitos fundamentais no ambiente de trabalho. No primeiro capítulo examina-se o poder diretivo, dando-se ênfase à sua natureza jurídica, ao seu fundamento jurídico e aos limites que lhe são impostos, a fim de delimitar o âmbito de atuação legitimamente reconhecido ao empregador. No segundo capítulo analisa-se a teoria geral dos direitos da personalidade, a fim de compreender as características gerais aplicáveis ao direito à intimidade. O terceiro capítulo é dedicado exclusivamente ao estudo do direito à intimidade: sua origem, evolução histórica, conceito, alcance, características específicas, limitações e regime jurídico. No quarto capítulo o direito à intimidade é examinado enquanto direito fundamental. Nesse capítulo também é estudada a eficácia horizontal dos direitos fundamentais, a fim de compreender de que forma eles devem ser observados nas relações de trabalho. São apresentadas, ainda, duas propostas de solução para a colisão entre esses direitos: a de José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho e a de Virgílio Afonso da Silva. Por fim, são avaliadas algumas situações hipotéticas em que frequentemente se observa o conflito entre o direito à intimidade e outros direitos fundamentais no ambiente de trabalho e propostas soluções para esses conflitos com base nas ideias dos constitucionalistas mencionados. / This work is devoted to the study of the right to the employees intimacy and its attempt is to define the role of employer before the conflicts between this right and other fundamental rights in the working environment. The first chapter examines the employers directive power, emphasizing their legal nature, legal base and the limits imposed, in order to delimit the scope of action legitimately acknowledged the employer. The second chapter analyzes the general theory of the personality rights, in order to understand the general characteristics applied for the intimacy rights. The third chapter is exclusively devoted to the study of the intimacy rights: their origin, historical evolution, concept, scope, specific characteristics, limitations and legal regime. In the fourth chapter the intimacy right is examined as a fundamental right. In this chapter is either studied the horizontal effectiveness to the fundamental rights, in order to understand how they should be observed in working relationships. There are, in addition, two proposals presented as the solution to the collision between these rights: José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho and Virgílio Afonso da Silva. Finally, some hypothetical situations are assessed where the conflict between the intimacy right and other fundamental rights can be frequently observed in the work environment and it is proposed various solutions to these conflicts based on the ideas of the scholars mentioned.
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Attachment, locus of control, and romantic intimacy in adult children of alcoholics: a correlational investigationUnknown Date (has links)
This study examined the relationships of adult attachment, locus of control, and fear of intimacy between adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) and non adult children of alcoholics (NACOAs). A convenience sample of 224 participants, specifically 108 ACOAs and 116 NACOAs, completed the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised Questionnaire (ECR-R), Rotter's Locus of Control Scale (LOC), and the Fear of Intimacy Scale (FIS). Participants were drawn from self-help groups, gatherings, and a health fair held in Palm Beach County, Florida. Data were analyzed utilizing multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), series of analyses of variance (ANOVA), stepwise regression analyses, discriminant function analysis, in addition to correlational analyses. ... ACOAs demonstrated insecure, fearful avoidant attachment patterns, an external locus of control, and greater fear of intimacy. In contrast, NACOAs exhibited secure adult attachment, an internal locus of control, and lower fear of intimacy. This study lends empirical support to clinical practice pertaining to the constructs of adult attachment, locus of control, and fear of intimacy in ACOAs and NACOAs. / by Raffaela Peter. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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Limites ao poder de fiscalização nas relações de trabalho / Limits to the supervisory power in labor relationsVinagre, Bianca Dias Ferreira 08 April 2015 (has links)
A maioria das demandas envolvendo pedidos de danos morais no judiciário trabalhista brasileiro é originada a partir de abusos patronais cometidos no exercício do poder diretivo, em especial de sua dimensão fiscalizatória. Embora inexista, no Brasil, disciplina normativa específica quanto aos limites à maior parte das manifestações do poder de fiscalização, seu exercício é restringido pela dignidade da pessoa humana, que deve ser compreendida de acordo com a noção de trabalho decente propugnada pela OIT. A dignidade humana constitui cláusula geral de proteção aos direitos da personalidade, dentre eles, os direitos à intimidade e à vida privada, os mais ofendidos por meio da fiscalização patronal abusiva nas fases précontratual, contratual e pós-contratual. Práticas como a revista pessoal nos trabalhadores e em seus pertences, a limitação à utilização de banheiros, a instalação de câmeras e microfones no local de trabalho e o monitoramento dos computadores utilizados na empresa revelam, por vezes, violações a esses direitos. A revista não encontra fundamento no poder de fiscalização e no direito de propriedade do empregador, salvo quando tiver por objetivo a garantia da saúde ou segurança no ambiente laboral. A instalação de equipamentos audiovisuais, quando visar a proteção patrimonial do empregador ou for essencial ao procedimento de gestão, somente pode se dar nos espaços em que o trabalho for efetivamente desenvolvido e por tempo determinado, fundada em situação específica, sendo imprescindível a ciência dos monitorados quanto à instalação e à localização dos equipamentos. A escuta telefônica e o monitoramento de computadores e e-mails somente será possível quando o empregador determinar a utilização dos meios exclusivamente para os fins da prestação laboral, com ciência inequívoca dos trabalhadores, além de disponibilizar ou autorizar a utilização de meios alternativos para a comunicação pessoal. Não devem ser admitidas quaisquer limitações à utilização de banheiros, bem como o estabelecimento de escala de gravidez no âmbito empresarial. Sendo o tomador de serviços legitimado a exercer o poder fiscalizatório sobre a atividade produtiva empreendida no estabelecimento e havendo a indiscutível imperatividade da proteção aos direitos da personalidade obreiros, é necessária a fixação normativa de limites ao poder patronal, em prol do estabelecimento da segurança jurídica. O direito de resistência é contraface do poder diretivo, no sentido de que o uso irregular deste faz nascer aquele e, consequentemente, os limites do poder diretivo condicionam os do ius resistentiae. Os trabalhadores devem exercê-lo com fulcro nos direitos à vida privada, à intimidade, à honra e à dignidade humana. A doutrina deve valer-se da técnica da ponderação para estabelecer os limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal, com fulcro no princípio da proporcionalidade. A divergência jurisprudencial deve ser minimizada pela atividade criativa dos juízes quanto aos limites ao poder fiscalizatório, consoante o princípio da proporcionalidade, e por meio da utilização de mecanismos específicos voltados à redução da insegurança jurídica no Judiciário Trabalhista, tais como recursos de revista, embargos de divergência, incidentes de uniformização de jurisprudência, súmulas, precedentes normativos e orientações jurisprudenciais. Nada impede, ainda, que limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal sejam estabelecidos por meio de negociação coletiva. / Most lawsuits involving claims for moral damages in Brazilian labor courts are originated from abuses committed in employer\'s power of direction, especially on its supervisory dimension. Although there is no specific normative discipline, in Brazil, about the limits of most of the supervisory power demonstrations, its exercise is restricted by humans dignity, which must be understood according to the concept of decent work proposed by the ILO. Humans dignity is a general protection principle to the personality rights, including the rights to intimacy and private life, the most offended by abusive employers supervision in precontractual, contractual and post-contractual phases. Practices such as inspecting workers and their belongings, limiting the use of toilets, installing cameras and microphones in the workplace and monitoring the computers used at the company reveal sometimes violations of these rights. The inspection has no basis in the supervisory power nor in the employers right to property, except when it is intended to guarantee the health or safety in the work environment. The installation of audiovisual equipment to protect employers heritage or when its essential to the management procedure can only occur in areas where the work is effectively developed and for a specified time, based on the specific situation. The monitored workers knowledge about the installation and location of equipment is essential. Wiretapping and monitoring computers and emails will be possible only when the employer determine the use of the means exclusively for the labor purposes with workers\' unequivocal knowledge, and provide or authorize the use of alternative means for personal communication. Any limitations on the use of bathrooms as well as the establishment of \"pregnancy scale\" should not be allowed in the workplace. Once the employer is legitimated to exercise the supervisory power on the productive activity undertaken on his property and since there is the indisputable imperative protection of the workers personality rights, rules prescribing limits to the employers power are needed for the establishment of legal certainty. The right to resistance is the counterface of the power of direction, insofar as the irregular use of this power raises the right to resistance and, consequently, the limits of the power of direction condition the limits of the ius resistentiae. Workers must exercise it based on the rights to privacy, intimacy, honor and humans dignity. Doctrine should use the weighting technique to establish the limits to employers supervisory power, based on the principle of proportionality. The jurisprudential divergence should be minimized by the creative activity of the judges based on the principle of proportionality, and through the use of specific mechanisms developed to reduce legal uncertainty in Labour Courts, including recursos de revista, embargos de divergência, jurisprudence uniformity incidents, súmulas, regulatory precedents and jurisprudential guidelines. Limits to the employers supervisory power can also be established through collective bargaining.
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Représentations de l'intime dans les œuvres des artistes femmes du XIXe au XXIe siècle : de Camille Claudel à Louise Bourgeois / Representations of the intimacy in women artists work from the XIXth century to the XXIth century : from Camille Claudel to Louise BourgeoisBagi, Marie 12 January 2018 (has links)
En 1971, Linda Nochlin s'interrogeait sur la visibilité des femmes dans le monde de l'art. A travers ce travail de recherches, il sera question de reprendre ce questionnement fondateur afin d'analyser les diverses étapes que la femme a dû traverser du XIXe siècle jusqu'à nos jours. De par un discours centré essentiellement sur Camille Claudel et Louise Bourgeois, d'autres artistes femmes vont être sollicitées afin de comparer leurs parcours. Ceci pour comprendre la démarche artistique de ces femmes dont l'intimité surgit au travers de leurs œuvres. L'intime, sous diverses formes et médiums proposés, est le moteur de leurs créations. A cela, vient s'ajouter la possible interrogation sur l'existence d'un « art féminin » ou d'un art des femmes dont le noyau central serait l'éclosion de cet intime qu'elles font partager au public. L'analyse des œuvres et leur réception par le public seront des éléments clés de ce discours. La redécouverte et la reconnaissance dite tardive de Camille Claudel et Louise Bourgeois dans les années quatre-vingt est l 'un des éléments importants qui sont étudiés dans ce travail. Ces deux artistes, sculptrices, sont liées par le temps -1982- et par la vie dont le passé est la source majeure de leurs œuvres. / In 1971, Linda Nochlin was questioning herself about the visibility of the women artists in artʼs world. This thesis analyses this question and has an overview of womenʼs path in Art from the XIXth Century up to this day. Camille Claudel and Louise Bourgeois are the central artists of this work and others women are introduced too in a comparative way. You will see that their intimacy shine trough their work. The intimacy, in all its shapes, layers and mediums, is the motion of theirs creations.Up to this merges the questioning about “feminine art” or “women art” in which the intimacy is discovered by the public. The analysis of their work and the reception of it by the public are the central elements of this argumentation. The rediscovering and the recognition of Camille Claudel and Louise Bourgeois in the eighties is one of the importants elements studying in thisthesis. These two women artists, sculptors, are linked by the time - 1982 - and life in which the past is the key source of their work.STAR
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Romantic attachment in Hong Kong: its relationships with parental attachment, relationship outcomes and psychological well-being. / Romantic attachmentJanuary 2005 (has links)
Chan Ching. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 48-54). / Abstract in English and Chinese. / List of Tables --- p.v / Chapter CHAPTER 1: --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Two dimensions and four-group model of adult attachment --- p.2 / Attachment to father and gender differences --- p.5 / Attachment and psychological adjustments and relationship outcomes --- p.8 / Relationship outcomes --- p.9 / Psychological well-being --- p.10 / Chapter CHAPTER 2: --- METHOD --- p.13 / Participants --- p.13 / Measures --- p.13 / Attachment --- p.14 / Relationship quality measurements --- p.15 / Psychological well-being --- p.16 / Chapter CHAPTER 3: --- RESULTS --- p.18 / Prediction of Adult Romantic Attachment --- p.18 / Prediction of Anxiety Dimension --- p.20 / Prediction of Avoidance Dimension --- p.25 / Using Attachment Dimensions to Predict Outcomes --- p.30 / Conflict --- p.32 / Commitment --- p.32 / Relationship Satisfaction --- p.32 / Depression --- p.33 / Life Satisfaction --- p.33 / Chapter CHAPTER 4: --- DISCUSSION --- p.37 / Parental attachment as predictors for adult romantic attachment --- p.37 / Relationships of Attachment Dimensions and Outcomes --- p.41 / Future Studies --- p.46 / References --- p.48 / Appendix --- p.55
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[pt] A Era da Informação, na qual vivenciamos atualmente é essencialmente marcada pelos grandes avanços tecnológicos tanto na área da informática, quanto no campo das telecomunicações. A acentuação do processo de globalização do mundo capitalista, bem como a necessidade crescente das empresas em atender as demandas oriundas dessa nova realidade capitalista, reforçam a necessidade de inserção destas na atual conjuntura global por meio da introdução destes avanços no contexto do pacto laboral. Em razão do baixo custo na sua manutenção; facilidade de acesso em qualquer dispositivo informático conectado à internet e, por fim, em função da grande velocidade na transmissão da informação, a utilização do correio eletrônico (ou e-mail) corporativo se tornou uma ferramenta de trabalho indispensável no meio empresarial. Contudo, não obstante aos enormes benefícios trazidos ao empregador no uso do e-mail corporativo pelo seu empregado, diversas questões jurídicas acabam sendo levantadas muito principalmente em função das lacunas legislativas acerca da sua utilização no ambiente empregatício. A doutrina e a jurisprudência vêm se debruçando sobre a questão relacionada aos limites do poder diretivo do empregador que, com fundamento no direito fundamental à propriedade garantido no artigo 5, XXII da CF/88, monitora o conteúdo das mensagens existentes nesses ditos e-mails, em aparente afronta ao direito à intimidade do empregado que se encontra tutelado pelo artigo 5, X da CF/88. O exame da questão apresentada se fará por meio da aplicação de técnicas de ponderação e por meio do uso do princípio da proporcionalidade; não se olvidando a necessidade de se estabelecer critérios prévios a este monitoramento a fim de se harmonizar tais direitos no ambiente de trabalho. / [en] The Information Age in which we are experiencing today is essentially characterized by great technological advances, both in computer science and in telecommunication field. The intensification of the capitalism s globalization, and the growing need for companies to meet new demands arising from this reality, reinforces the necessity of including these companies in the current global conjuncture embedding these improvements in the labor pact. Due to the low cost to keep it working; easy access from any computing device connected to the internet and, finally due to the high speed transmission of information, the use of corporate e-mails (or emails) has become an indispensable working tool within the business environment. However, despite the use of the corporate e-mail by employees brings enormous benefits to the employer, several legal issues arises mainly due to legal loopholes regarding its use in the employment environment. Scholars and legal doctrine have been focusing on the question regarding limits of the directing power of the employer, based on the fundamental right to property guaranteed in article 5, XXII of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, in monitoring the contents of the existing messages in these corporate emails, in apparent confront to the right to privacy of the employee who is protected by article 5, X of the same Constitution. The analysis of this issue will be presented through the application of weighting techniques and through the use of the principle of proportionality; not forgetting the need to establish prior criteria to this monitoring, in order to harmonize these rights in the work environment.
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The Effects of Implosive Therapy on Fear of Interpersonal Interaction and Counseling EffectivenessTanski, Thomas Stephen 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was the reduction of a hypothesized fear of intimate interpersonal interaction among counselor trainees. This study had three purposes: 1. To determine whether implosive therapy is effective in reducing conditioned fear of close interpersonal interaction. 2. To determine whether the use of implosive therapy is effective in enhancing the counseling effectiveness of counselor trainees. 3. To provide information that may be beneficial for future research involving the use of implosive techniques in counselor training. Six hypotheses were formulated for the study. The .10 level of significance was chosen as the level at which the hypotheses would be accepted or rejected. Hypotheses I, II, and III were not supported. Hypotheses IV, V, and VI were accepted; however, no conclusions could be drawn without prior acceptance of at least one of the three hypotheses: I, II, or III. It was concluded that: 1. Group implosive therapy, as utilized in this study, was not effective in reducing conditioned fear of close interpersonal interaction. 2. The underlying assumption of the present study that the counselor trainees are as likely as clients to have developed a fear of close interpersonal interaction is seriously questioned. 3. Group implosive therapy as applied in this study is not effective in increasing the counseling effectiveness of counselor trainees.
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Deníková a autobiografická tvorba Juliena Greena / Julien Green's journals and autobiographic writingsSuchá, Radka January 2012 (has links)
Julien Green (1900-1998) was the famous novelist of the 20th century. He was dealing with spiritual and moral dilemmas in his novels, which were among others due to his life experience with several faiths. He was also the author of an extensive diary and autobiographical works. He was keeping diary from young age and covers almost the entire 20th century. His aim was not to describe events, rather to let his thoughts, observations and dilemmas took shape. This work aims to explore that angle of Green's work and reveal its character. It will thematically examine specific centers of interest through this work, focusing on the relationship that exists between the diaries and autobiographical prose, whether by consensus or differences in the content, but also in the form of works. The final goal is to transcribe a specific form of statements about himself, which Julien Green created. Keywords autobiography, introspection, christianity, history, intimacy
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