Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intimidade.""
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Le discernement en droit pénal / Discernment in criminal lawPetipermon, Frédérick 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le discernement est traditionnellement rattaché à l’étude de l’élément moral de l’infraction.Sous l’empire du Code pénal de 1810, des fondements de droit naturel sont à l’oeuvre, si bien que le discernement fut défini par emprunt au droit canon comme une aptitude à distinguer le bien du mal. Mais cette acception ne révèle pas la teneur originelle du critère du libre-arbitre :il correspondait à la connaissance de la loi divine dont le droit séculier n’était que le reflet.L’analyse du droit positif laïcisé invite à découvrir l’existence d’une présomption de connaissance de la loi toujours aussi impérative que dans les systèmes de pénalité antiques.Le discernement peut alors être défini comme une conscience réflexive : la connaissance des droits et devoirs reconnus à chaque personne, au sein de statuts juridiques que la prolifération des normes contribue à préciser. Aussi, la culpabilité n’est pas une connaissance de l’illicéité d’un résultat ; elle procède de l’ignorance des prescriptions légales chez celui qui est présumé en connaître l’existence. En procédure pénale, cette présomption devient protectrice des droits du mis en cause. Aucun acte coercitif ne peut être exercé à son encontre s’il n’a été avisé du statut dont il relève. Cette information assure ainsi la finalité rétributive de la peine chez celui qui n’ignore pas les raisons de sa condamnation. En tout état de cause, la soumission des individus au droit pénal est le seul objectif poursuivi en la matière, ce qui nécessite parfois la présence de victimes au procès pénal, à la seule fin de préserver leur foi en son impérativité. / Discernment is traditionally attached to the study of the « moral element » of the offense. Under the influence of the Penal Code of 1810, the foundations of natural law are at work, so that the discernment was defined by canon law as the ability to distinguish good from evil. But this understanding does not reveal the content of the original criterion of free will: it used to correspond to the knowledge of the divine law which secular law was only the reflection. The analysis of positive law secularized invites you to discover the existence of a presumption of knowledge of the law as imperative as it was in the systems of ancient penalty. Discernment can then be defined as a reflexive consciousness: the awareness of rights and obligations identified to each person within legal statutes that the proliferation of standards helps to clarify. Also, guilt is not a knowledge of the wrongfulness of an outcome; it proceeds fromignorance of the legal requirements in the person who is presumed to know of its existence. In criminal proceedings, this presumption becomes protective of the rights of the suspect. No coercive act can be exercised against him if he has not been notified of the status to which he belongs. This information ensures the retributive purpose of punishment, for the one who can’t ignore the reasons for his conviction. In any event, the submission of individuals to the established rules is the only objective of the criminal law, which might imply that it accepts the presence of victims in criminal proceedings, for the sole purpose of preserving their faith in his imperativity.
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Indirect effects of invasive species:community effects of invasive aquatic plant control and direct and indirect effects of non-native peacock bassKovalenko, Ekaterina 08 August 2009 (has links)
Biological invasions are one of the main factors responsible for the imperiled status of freshwater ecosystems, but much remains to be learned about their indirect effects on native communities. The first part of this dissertation examines community effects of long-term efforts to selectively control invasive Eurasian watermilfoil. Results of the first study show that native plants immediately recolonized treated areas and habitat complexity was unaffected. Fish community was not influenced by invasive plant control. Macroinvertebrate communities were highly variable and part of their variability could be explained by plant community attributes. Both fish and macroinvertebrates used invasive watermilfoil, which emphasizes the need for timely restoration of native macrophytes to mitigate for lost habitat. Because fish and macroinvertebrates were more affected by complexity than other attributes of plant assemblage, reestablishment of habitat complexity appears to be a promising restoration strategy. The second study, which examined species interactions after watermilfoil control, found that fish feeding activity was not correlated with invasive plants or habitat complexity and that invasive macrophyte control did not affect characteristics of fish feeding investigated. The relationship between fish and macrophytes was further explored in the context of interactions between an invasive piscivore and its native prey. First, I examined the prey naiveté hypothesis with non-native peacock bass in Paraná River, Brazil. Prey responded to visual and chemical cues of peacock bass and displayed avoidance behaviors similar to those observed with a native predator, meaning that lack of recognition was not responsible for the observed vulnerability of native species to this introduced predator. After confirming lack of naiveté, I assessed direct and indirect effects of this non-native predator on native prey. Peacock bass had no indirect effects on its prey feeding activity. Macrophyte type did not affect indirect predator-prey interactions, whereas direct predator effects slightly decreased in the presence of aquatic vegetation. I discuss implications of these findings for native biodiversity and convene other potential explanations for the observed effects of peacock bass. Both projects contribute to our understanding of the relationship between aquatic plants and their animal communities and effects of invasive species in freshwater habitats.
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Bien-être sexuel à l’adolescence selon le vécu d’intimidation, le genre, la configuration relationnelle et l’identité sexuelleGirouard, Alice 06 1900 (has links)
L'adolescence est une période importante dans le développement de soi en tant qu'être
sexuel, qui contribue à façonner le bien-être sexuel ultérieur de l'adulte. La thèse visait à
documenter les barrières aux expériences sexuelles positives à l’adolescence avec les données de
la cohorte PRÉSAJ. La première étude, incluant 1036 adolescents en troisième secondaire, a
examiné le vécu d’intimidation, le bien-être sexuel, et le rôle médiateur des difficultés de
régulation émotionnelle en tenant compte du genre et de l’orientation sexuelle. Le vécu
d’intimidation était négativement associé aux difficultés de désir/excitation sexuelle et
positivement associé à la détresse sexuelle. Les difficultés de régulation émotionnelle ont agi
comme médiateur entre l’intimidation et la fonction orgasmique, ainsi que la détresse sexuelle.
La deuxième étude a examiné les différences en fonction du genre et de la configuration
relationnelle quant à l'orgasme (durant la masturbation et avec partenaire) et les comportements
sexuels (oraux et manuels) chez 2800 adolescents en cinquième secondaire. Les résultats ont
montré que, par rapport aux garçons cisgenres, les filles cisgenres avaient moins de chances de
rapporter un orgasme pendant la masturbation et avec un partenaire. De plus, les filles cisgenres
recevaient davantage de stimulation manuelle, mais moins de stimulation orale. Ensuite, les
individus trans et non-binaires (TNB) assignés au sexe masculin à la naissance (AMAN)
recevaient davantage de stimulation manuelle, mais les individus TNB assignés au sexe féminin àla naissance (AFAN) recevaient moins de stimulation orale que les garçons cisgenres. Pour la
configuration relationnelle, les filles cisgenres ayant des partenaires de genre différent et les filles
cisgenres ayant des partenaires de genre multiple avaient moins de chances d'avoir déjà eu un
orgasme pendant la masturbation, rapportaient plus de difficultés à expérimenter l'orgasme avec
un partenaire et recevaient moins de stimulation orale comparativement garçons cisgenres ayant un partenaire de genre différent. Le groupe TNB AMAN avec des partenaires de même genre
avait plus de chances d’avoir un orgasme en se masturbant et de recevoir davantage de
stimulation orale comparativement au groupe TNB AFAN ayant des partenaires de genre
multiple. En outre, le groupe TNB AFAN avec des partenaires de même genre a rapporté plus de
difficultés d'orgasme avec partenaire et recevait moins de stimulation manuelle. La troisième
étude visait à identifier les classes longitudinales de changements dans l'identité sexuelle, les
décrire en termes de variables sociodémographiques, et tester les associations avec le bien-être
sexuel ultérieur. Une analyse de classe latentes incluant 3027 adolescents de 14 à 17 ans a permis
de dégager trois classes: Identité Hétérosexuelle Stable (Classe 1 : 84,4%), Identité
Principalement de Minorité Sexuelle (Classe 2 : 10,2%), et Identité de Minorité Sexuelle
Émergente ou en Questionnement Constant (Classe 3 : 5,4%). Par rapport à la Classe 1, être
membre de la Classe 2 était associé à une satisfaction sexuelle plus faible et une détresse sexuelle
plus élevée, alors qu’être membre de la classe 3 était associé à un désir/excitation sexuelle plus
élevée. Les implications et contributions cliniques, théoriques et méthodologiques, ainsi que les
limites de la thèse seront discutées. / Adolescence is an important period in the development of the sense of self as a sexual being, which contributes to shape subsequent adult sexual wellbeing. The general objective of this thesis was to document experiences of and barriers to positive sexuality experiences in adolescence. The aim of the first study was to examine the associations between bullying victimization and sexual wellbeing (sexual satisfaction, sexual desire/arousal, orgasm function and sexual distress) via the mediating role of emotion regulation difficulties, considering potential sexual/gender minority differences in 1036 sexually active high school students. Bullying victimization was directly and negatively associated with sexual desire/arousal difficulties and positively with sexual distress. Greater emotion regulation difficulties mediated the associations between greater bullying victimization and greater orgasmic difficulties, as well as greater bullying victimization and greater sexual distress. The second study examined differences in orgasm and sexual behaviours across gender and sexual orientation among 2800 middle adolescents. Results showed that, using cisgender boys as reference, cisgender girls had lower odds of experiencing orgasm during masturbation, more difficulties with orgasm during partnered sex, received more manual sex, and less oral sex. TNB individuals assigned male at birth (AMAB) received more manual stimulation, and TNB assigned female at birth (AFAB) received less oral sex. For dyad type, using cisgender boys with different-gender partners as reference, cisgender girls with different-gender partners and cisgender girls with multiple-gender partners had lower odds of having ever experienced orgasm during masturbation, reported more difficulties experiencing orgasm during partnered sex and received oral stimulation less often. Using TNB AFAB with multiple-gender partners as reference, TNB AMAB with same-gender partners had higher odds of experiencing orgasm while masturbating and receiving more oral stimulation. Also, TNB AFAB with same-gender partners reported more diffiuclties with orgasm in partnered contexts and received less manual stimulation. The third study aimed to identify and characterize longitudinal classes of sexual identity change across three time points and test the associations between class membership and later sexual wellbeing. A total of 3027 adolescents aged 14 to 17 years completed in-class questionnaires during three waves over three years. Three-step latent class analysis of sexual identity including sociodemographic covariates was followed by Wald tests to examine differences in sexual wellbeing across classes. Three classes emerged: Consistent Heterosexual (84.4%), Mostly Sexual Minority (10.2 %), and Consistent Questioning and Emerging Sexual Minority (5.4 %). Compared to Consistent Heterosexuals, other class members were more likely to be cisgender girls or trans/non-binary youth. Also, members of the Consistent Questioning and Emerging Sexual Minority classes had higher odds of coming from a metropolitan area. Compared to Consistent Heterosexuals, Mostly Sexual Minority members had lower sexual satisfaction as well as higher sexual distress, yet members of the Consistent Questioning and Emerging Sexual Minority class had significantly higher sexual desire/arousal. Results document the complex associations between identity and sexuality during adolescence. The clinical, theoretical and methodological implications and contributions, as well as the limitations of the thesis are discussed.
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L'anxiété sociale et la victimisation par les pairs à l'adolescenceGrimard, François 17 April 2018 (has links)
La victimisation se caractérise par des gestes abusifs répétés posés par un ou plusieurs agresseurs à l'endroit d'une ou plusieurs personnes. Elle peut prendre une forme manifeste caractérisée par des attaques visibles ou une forme relationnelle visant à exclure ou à isoler la victime. Plusieurs études transversales ont montré une association entre la victimisation et l'anxiété sociale chez les enfants et les adolescents. Des recherches longitudinales indiquent que cette relation est bidirectionnelle chez les enfants et unidirectionnelle chez les adolescents où seule la victimisation prédit l'anxiété sociale. Toutefois, la méthodologie qu'elles ont utilisée n'évalue pas la réciprocité de ces relations d'une manière rigoureuse, car le contrôle de l'effet de stabilité n'est pas adéquat. Aussi, ces études sont basées exclusivement sur une auto-évaluation de la victimisation. Par ailleurs, aucune donnée n'est disponible sur les processus qui amèneraient les adolescents anxieux socialement à être ciblés par les agresseurs. Pourtant, plusieurs des stratégies adaptatives associées à une victimisation fréquente sont aussi identifiées par le modèle de Clark et Wells (1995) comme responsables du maintien de l'anxiété sociale. Cette thèse poursuit donc deux objectifs distincts. D'abord, examiner le sens de la relation entre l'anxiété sociale et la victimisation perçue et observée avec des analyses d'équations structurelles. Ensuite, documenter avec des analyses acheminatoires la capacité de l'agression relationnelle et des variables associées au maintien de l'anxiété sociale à expliquer la relation entre l'anxiété sociale et la victimisation relationnelle et manifeste. Trois cent trois adolescents de la région de Québec participent à cette étude comportant deux temps de mesure échelonnés sur une période de huit mois. Les équations structurelles effectuées ne soutiennent pas la réciprocité de la relation entre l'anxiété sociale et la victimisation. En effet, seule l'anxiété sociale prédit la victimisation perçue. Des analyses acheminatoires. L'anxiété sociale et la victimisation montrent que les cognitions négatives associées à l'anxiété sociale et l'activation physiologique prédisent les comportements sécurisants qui constituent en retour un facteur de risque pour la victimisation. L'agression relationnelle prédispose également les adolescents anxieux socialement à être victimises. Les résultats sont discutés d'après les constats d'études antérieures en psychologie du développement et selon le modèle explicatif du maintien de l'anxiété sociale.
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Victimisation par les pairs et climat scolaire : une étude menée en contexte de persévérance et de réussite scolaires chez des élèves du secondairePoulin, Rosalie 24 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude vise à analyser les liens entre le climat scolaire et la victimisation par les pairs en contexte de persévérance et de réussite scolaires au secondaire. Après avoir démontré l’existence de liens théoriques entre ces trois variables, elle évalue l’influence du climat scolaire décliné en quatre composantes (sentiment de sécurité, de justice, relations interpersonnelles/soutien et collaboration/participation) sur six formes de victimisation par les pairs (physique, verbale, psychologique, matérielle, électronique, à connotation sexuelle). Les résultats de cette recherche menée auprès de 2 154 élèves de la première à la cinquième secondaire révèlent que la composante du climat scolaire « Sentiment de sécurité » se distingue avec une influence sur les six formes de victimisation étudiées, signifiant que les élèves qui se sentent en sécurité dans leur milieu scolaire sont moins à risque de vivre ces différentes formes de violence. L’influence des autres composantes du climat scolaire sur la victimisation s’est toutefois avérée très faible. Comme le vécu victimaire et la perception d’un climat scolaire négatif peuvent nuire à la réussite et à la persévérance scolaires et entraver la diplomation, et que la décision d’abandonner l’école se prend souvent durant la quatrième et cinquième années du secondaire (Frase, 1989; MELS, 2009), c’est à ce groupe particulier d’élèves que la troisième partie de cette thèse s’est consacrée. Les analyses menées spécifiquement auprès d’élèves de quatrième et cinquième secondaire (n = 715) indiquent que ceux qui subissent au moins une des six formes de victimisation perçoivent plus négativement chacune des composantes du climat scolaire de leur établissement, comparativement à leurs pairs non victimisés. Précisément, les élèves victimes de violence physique et verbale perçoivent plus négativement les quatre composantes du climat scolaire et celles de formes matérielle, psychologique et à connotation sexuelle jugent aussi plus négativement toutes les composantes du climat scolaire, excepté celle du climat de sécurité. L’ensemble de ces résultats indiquent que la perception du climat scolaire influence la victimisation pour l’ensemble des élèves du secondaire et soulignent que cette victimisation, vécue par les élèves de quatrième et cinquième secondaire, affecte plus négativement leur perception du climat scolaire. Des réflexions sont finalement proposées afin d’orienter de futures recherches de même que certaines retombées pratiques pour les milieux scolaires. / This study aims to analyze the link between school climate and peer victimization in context of school achievement and perseverance in high school. After the demonstration of existing theoretical links between these three variables, this research evaluates the influence of school climate that we approach through four components (feeling of security, feeling of justice, relationship and support, collaboration and participation) on six types of school victimization (physical, verbal, psychological, physical, electronic, sexual nature). The findings of this research, that was conducted among 2,154 students from secondary one to five, show evidence that the component of the sub-climate "Feeling of security" has the greatest impact on the six studied forms of victimization; meaning that students who feel safe in their school are less likely to experience the six different forms of violence. The influence of the other school climate components on victimzation is very low. Since the experience of victimization and the perception of a negative school climate can affect the school achievement and perseverance and hinder graduation, and that the decision to drop out of secondary education is often taken during the 4th and 5th year of high school (Frase, 1989; MELS, 2009), we focus on this specific group of students in the third part of this thesis work. The analysis conducted specifically among secondary four and five students (n = 715) indicates that those who are victims of at least one of the six distinct form of violence declare a more negative perception of each school climate component compare to non-victims. Precisely, victims of physical and verbal forms perceive more negativel the four school climate components and victims of material, psychological and sexual nature forms judge also more negatively every school climate components, except for the safety climate. These results show that school climate perception influence victimization for all high school students and highlight how victimization, experienced in secondary four and five, affect more negatively their school climate perception. Some reflections are finally suggested to guide future research as well as some practical outcome for school settings.
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Étude exploratoire de l'incidence de l'intimidation sur le parcours scolaire et la construction identitaire d'étudiants universitairesPatton, Suzy 24 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but d’examiner la façon dont s’est opérée la construction identitaire d’étudiants et d’étudiantes universitaires ayant subi de l’intimidation à l’école secondaire. Il vise en outre à mieux cerner le processus de résilience qui a conduit à la persévérance jusqu’à l’université. L’intimidation est une problématique sociale d’importance, qui touche entre 16,5 % et 36 % des élèves durant leur parcours scolaire (Beaumont, Leclerc, Frenette & Proulx, 2014; Conseil canadien sur l’apprentissage, 2008; Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2012). Sur le plan scientifique, cette problématique a été examinée sous différents angles, mais peu d’études se sont intéressées à la façon dont elle peut influencer le parcours scolaire et la construction identitaire des adolescents et adolescentes qui en ont été victimes. Pour réaliser ce mémoire, dix-huit étudiants universitaires ont été rencontrés dans le cadre d’entretiens individuels s’inspirant de l’approche biographique du récit de vie. L’angle d’approche choisi a permis de mettre en lumière « la vie après l’intimidation » et d’en dégager une typologie comprenant trois types de parcours. Le premier type, le parcours où la persévérance scolaire a été compromise, est caractérisé par le fait que l’intimidation a agi comme un frein à la poursuite d’un parcours scolaire positif. Le deuxième type, le parcours axé sur la transition, met en lumière des répercussions d’ordre contextuel. Puis, pour le parcours axé sur la réussite, l’intimidation a poussé les étudiants à s’investir davantage sur les plans scolaire et professionnel et à vivre des réussites. Par ailleurs, cette étude apporte un éclairage descriptif quant aux répercussions de l’intimidation sur la persévérance scolaire et le choix de carrière. Les résultats ont également permis d’appliquer un nouvel éclairage théorique à la construction identitaire des élèves qui subissent de l’intimidation, soit la théorie de contrôle identitaire (Kerpelman et coll., 1997).
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Autobiography of an Exile: Analyzing the Reproduction of Subjugation Found in Sean O’Casey’s Dublin TrilogyUnknown Date (has links)
Sean O’Casey’s Dublin Trilogy travels through the Irish revolutionary period and
explores how this environment created a revolutionary Dublin where armed militants
struggled to overthrow the authority and privileges of their British oppressors. Seeking to
remove the colonial authority that had oppressed the Dublin population for so long, these
revolutionaries fought, killed, and died in their quest for an independent Ireland. In this
struggle, groups of armed men can be seen employing tactics that would only lead to the
continued oppression of other sections of the Irish population. By connecting the Dublin
Trilogy to his autobiographies, in which he highlights the importance of family as a
supportive unit for the Dublin poor, I propose that O’Casey, in the Dublin Trilogy, warns
that these ideological reproductions would eventually lead to the continued subjugation
of Irish women and other members of the Irish population outside of the masculinist,
militant identity supporting the Irish independence struggle. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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The intersection of power, knowledge, shared perspectives, and participatory processes in organizational direction-setting: a study of a churchWollf, Randy 05 1900 (has links)
The abuse of power, dominance of certain shared perspectives, and reduction of personal values into so-called organizational core values are problems that plague traditional organizational direction setting. The purpose of this study was to explore how power intersects with the knowledge formation process, shared perspectives, and participatory processes within organizational direction setting.
The study used an ethnographic case study approach to focus on a church that went through a yearlong direction setting process. The church had lost its senior pastor and wanted to determine its direction before hiring a new pastor. The researcher was a participant in that process. His field notes and other documentation provided one source of data. The researcher also interviewed 20 people who participated in the process.
In terms of the intersection of power and knowledge formation, the study revealed that the discursive practices of the facilitator along with the voices of those in privileged groups, the outspoken, and those who had engendered trust in others carried considerable weight during the process.
At the intersection of power with shared perspectives, there were two major perspectives representing subgroup cultures: a traditional perspective that resisted change and a progressive perspective that wanted change. The progressives dominated the church’s privileged groups and exerted extensive influence on the direction setting process. The organizational symbols of church staff and worship music style served to galvanize some people in the battle over which perspective would prevail. Transparency functioned as a bridge that brought some on either side of the conflict closer together.
The research revealed two major types of power related to the intersection of power with participatory processes: the power of pain and intimidation. Both minimized the participation of some women, youth, and traditionalists.
All three intersections featured deployments of power that influenced the construction of directional knowledge. This knowledge helped to inform the rules of “appropriate” conduct within the organization’s emerging truth regime.
The study revealed that, in this case, robust directional knowledge would have accommodated personal, subgroup, and widely shared values in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
The researcher concluded with a discussion of implications for organizational leaders.
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The intersection of power, knowledge, shared perspectives, and participatory processes in organizational direction-setting: a study of a churchWollf, Randy 05 1900 (has links)
The abuse of power, dominance of certain shared perspectives, and reduction of personal values into so-called organizational core values are problems that plague traditional organizational direction setting. The purpose of this study was to explore how power intersects with the knowledge formation process, shared perspectives, and participatory processes within organizational direction setting.
The study used an ethnographic case study approach to focus on a church that went through a yearlong direction setting process. The church had lost its senior pastor and wanted to determine its direction before hiring a new pastor. The researcher was a participant in that process. His field notes and other documentation provided one source of data. The researcher also interviewed 20 people who participated in the process.
In terms of the intersection of power and knowledge formation, the study revealed that the discursive practices of the facilitator along with the voices of those in privileged groups, the outspoken, and those who had engendered trust in others carried considerable weight during the process.
At the intersection of power with shared perspectives, there were two major perspectives representing subgroup cultures: a traditional perspective that resisted change and a progressive perspective that wanted change. The progressives dominated the church’s privileged groups and exerted extensive influence on the direction setting process. The organizational symbols of church staff and worship music style served to galvanize some people in the battle over which perspective would prevail. Transparency functioned as a bridge that brought some on either side of the conflict closer together.
The research revealed two major types of power related to the intersection of power with participatory processes: the power of pain and intimidation. Both minimized the participation of some women, youth, and traditionalists.
All three intersections featured deployments of power that influenced the construction of directional knowledge. This knowledge helped to inform the rules of “appropriate” conduct within the organization’s emerging truth regime.
The study revealed that, in this case, robust directional knowledge would have accommodated personal, subgroup, and widely shared values in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
The researcher concluded with a discussion of implications for organizational leaders.
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Teachers' experiences of power relations as psychological violence / Alecia Human-van der WesthuizenHuman-van der Westhuizen, Alecia January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine teachers’ experiences of power relations as
psychological violence and the impact it has on their health. This study, using a qualitative
approach, thus investigates the association between power relations and the dimensions
thereof and how it manifests as psychological violence. In turn, it may have detrimental
effects on the health of the teacher and the whole teaching-learning process. Based on the
findings, recommendations for this - and future research - are proposed.
Open-ended phenomenological interviews were used to collecct the qaulitative data. Eleven
participants indicated their willingness to be individually interviewed for the study. The
qualitative findings indicated that teachers experience power relations as psychological
violence, it is experienced severely and emanates mostly from colleagues in management
positions. The most prevalent and severe forms of power relations as psychological violence
as experienced by teachers include being subjected to power abuse from principals; being
subjected to autocratic management styles and management’s power abuse through the
abdication of responsibility. The most severe physical health consequenses as experienced
by teachers include feeling tired and experiencing physical ill health. It further emerged that
the most severe phychological health consequenses were experienced in the form of feelings
of helplessness and feeling emotional or wanting to cry. Teachers’ lack of work productivity
and motivation were the most severe behavioural consequense because of the experience of
power abuse as psychological violence. Teachers’ personal and family relations and
teachers withdrawing socially were the most evident social consequense due to negative
The findings from the study indicated that teachers experience power relations as
psychological violence in various forms and that it is highly prevalent. The research results
have shown that teachers identified many dimensions of power relations, such as
management styles, the perception or experience of someone’s power or “weak point”,
possessing no power or status, female teachers being treated in a subordinate manner and
racial or cultural differences of others as a contributer to abuse power in relationships at
This study contributes towards the power relations and psychological violence literature in
general and in particular, teachers’ experiences in South Africa. In the light of the findings
the study recommends that teacher support programmes should be put in place in order to
address the experience of power relations as psychological violence. It further recommends that teachers and students studying to become teachers should be provided with information
about power relations as psychological violence to create awareness. / Thesis (MEd (Educational Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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