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日治時期廣告中的女性圖像分析-以《臺灣日日新報》為分析場域 / Representing Female Image during the Period of Japanese Occupation: An Analysis of “Taiwan Jih Jih Shin Pao”s Advertisements陳燕蓉, Chen, Yen-Jung, Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用Roland Barthes符號學分析,研究日治時期發行量最大的《臺灣日日新報》廣告中的女性圖像,試圖瞭解日治時期報紙廣告的圖像運作邏輯,以及廣告中呈現的理想女性形象為何,在女性形象背後又隱藏著什麼樣的意識型態。
研究發現,日治時期,殖民臺灣的總督府雖然基於發展經濟的理由,透過放足運動與興辦現代化教育等手段,提供女性走出家庭,進入工作職場等機會,但由殖民者主導的現代化過程,並沒有讓臺灣女性地位有實質上的提升。女性雖然在現代化的過程中,形象越趨多元、活潑,但一但圖像出現與「他者」的互動關係,傳統社會與殖民統治產生的階級差異便呈現在圖像運作原則之中,「殖民者 > 被殖民者」、「男性 > 女性」的原則顯而易見。日治時期的「理想女性」形象也依循對「賢妻良母」要求而生,最終還是需要符合社會期望,回歸家庭才能成為「理想女性」。此外研究也發現,無論臺灣女性在殖民時期現代化程度為何,最終還是擺脫不了被殖民者被剝削的結果。 / Adopting pictorial semiotics, the present study analyzes female images of advertisements of Taiwan Jih Jih Shin Pao (1898-1944), the largest newspaper in colonial Taiwan. The research aims at discovering the textual and graphic strategies employed by advertisers to represent ”women” and therefore explaining the social, cultural and political struggles embedded in these print ads.
The research results indicates that although during the period of the Japanese occupation, the colonialist liberated the bound feet of Taiwanese women and provided opportunities for women to work and to receive western education. However, Taiwanese women’s social status did not improve accordingly. According to our analysis, even though various female images might be found in the samples, the presentation strategies of the women in print ad often follow two semiotic rules: the status of males is higher than of females. Women in Taiwan were mostly portrayed as dutiful wives or caring mothers at home so as to meet the social expectation of traditional and ideal women. In summary, the social role of Taiwanese women war restricted and exploited despite the modernization during the Japanese occupation period.
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皮日休在晚唐文學中的地位 / The position of P'i Jih-Hsiu in the literature of late Tang Dy- nasty王怡心, Wang, Yi Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
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Modernita a měnící se americký jih: odcizení ve výběru literatury Flannery O'Connor a Eudora Welty / Modernity and the Changing American South: Alienation in a Selection of Fiction by Flannery O'Connor and Eudora WeltyHalášková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the theme of alienation in selected fiction by Eudora Welty and Flannery O'Connor, taking into consideration the geographic as well as ideological positions from which the two authors write, contextualizing their work in its portrayal as well as critique of the South. Firstly, the insular nature of the South is examined vis-à-vis ethnic and racial othering. The exclusionary social politics of Southern communities are satirized and subverted, as the two authors pit the xenophobic and racist tendencies of their provincial characters against a cultural landscape that fails to accommodate their narrow- minded world view. The gap between the Southern ideology and its contemporaneous reality can be partially accounted for due to the rise of consumer culture, which is discussed in its impact on race relations and social mobility as well as religion. The following chapter, entitled "Commodity Culture and the Americanization of the South," explores the conflation of religious and consumerist ideologies, negotiating the proclaimed adherence to Protestantism in the South with the rise of consumer behaviour as supplanting spirituality. The impact of a ritualistic adherence to capitalist structures is analyzed as promoting a culture of hyper-individualism, narcissism and alienation,...
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Efekt vojenských kampaní na politickou identitu: případ Shermanova pochodu / The Effect of Military Campaigns on Political Identitity: Evidence from Sherman's MarchKosík, Martin January 2021 (has links)
I use the military march of Union general William Sherman during the American Civil War to estimate the effects of wartime violence and destruction on post-war voting behavior and personal identity. First, I examine how the march influenced the support for the Democrats throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Second, to proxy for the strength of Southern identity, I construct several variables from both historical and contemporary sources. These variables include the share of individuals likely named after famous Confederate generals, the relative frequency of streets likely named after Confederate figures, and the presence of Confederate monuments. The results show mostly small and statistically insignificant effects of the march on Democratic vote share. For some outcomes proxying for Southern identity, I find a significant positive effect; however, these results are not robust across different model specifications. Overall, the results suggest that Sherman's march did not have a transformative impact on the politics and personal identity in the US South. vii
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Otřes a úzkost: znetvoření ve vybraných povídkách Flannery O'Connorové, Trumana Capoteho a Tennesseeho Williamse / Shock and Awe: Deformities in the Selected Stories of Flannery O'Connor, Truman Capote and Tennessee WilliamsSoukupová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
This thesis traces the phenomenon of American Southern Gothic literature in relation to its most integral part: the exaggerated monstrosity. Even though the prevalent distorted images are usually associated with aesthetic decadence, their moral symbolism should not be neglected. Furthermore, since the Gothic tradition is congruent with the unconscious and irrational, the absence of any psychological interest poses a major limitation in the Southern studies. Drawing on this approach, the following thesis investigates the role of deformities in connection to the individual's mind. Thus, aside from the literary historical concerns that arise within the context of the American South, the main aim of this thesis is to determine whether there is a link between the distortion and psychological trauma of the Southern past. The selected topic is approached from an interdisciplinary point of view; apart from literary history (E.A. Poe, W. Faulkner), Freudian definition of unconsciousness will be likewise employed. I hereby hope my findings may significantly broaden and contribute to the conceptualization of deformities in regards to the context of the American South, more specifically within the historical, literary and psychological field of Southern studies. Key words: American, South, Gothic, Deformity,...
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Jižanské ženství: příběh za jižanskou kráskou / Southern Womanhood: A Story Behind the Southern BellePetrušová, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
The present MA thesis focuses on the development of the archetype of the Southern Belle in the selected works of American fiction, namely John Pendleton Kennedy's Swallow Barn, William Faulkner's Sanctuary and Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. The main task is to explore how the archetype of the Southern Belle was constructed and (if) transgressed at different times in the American literary tradition from the period of antebellum South to the era of the Southern Renaissance. Since the archetype of the Southern Belle is connected with the white upper class society it will be also discussed in this respect. By comparing texts from different historical periods I want to compare the different nature of cultural and social conditions that contributed and informed the meaning and the function of the Southern Belle. Moreover, by selecting Southern woman writer and Southern male writers respectively I want to compare female and male perspective on the literary representation of the Southern Belle. The first chapter briefly addresses the development of the American South as a region with a distinct social structure and cultural values and attempts to position the figure of the Southern Belle within that socio-historical context. Chapters three, four and five introduce and analyze the archetype of the...
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Sustainability of Urban Agriculture: a comparison of Dakar and AmsterdamOost, Franciene January 2013 (has links)
This paper discusses urban agriculture in Dakar and Amsterdam and its contribution to urban sustainability. Therefore, it establishes an operational definition of urban sustainability, which is comprised of economic, social and environmental dimensions. It gives an insight in urban agriculture in both cities, and it analyzes its contribution to urban sustainability by examining the economic, social and environmental issues which are related to urban farming. Furthermore, it gives an insight in the differences of urban agriculture in the global South and the global North. Its findings suggest that although urban agriculture has potential for creating more sustainable cities, there are several constraints which need to be overcome. Keywords: Urban agriculture, urban sustainability, global South, global North, Dakar, Amsterdam
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韓非之學歸本於黃老析探 / Harn Fei's Learning thought Comes from Hwang Lao陳伯适, Chern, Bor-Kuoh Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Paměť narativu 'Lost Cause' a bílý nacionalismus na americkém Jihu, případová studie: Liga Jihu / The Memory of the Lost Cause and White Southern Nationalism: Case Study of the League of the SouthRadová, Hana January 2022 (has links)
Following the end of the Civil War, the revisionist myth of the Lost Cause spread over the South as an apologist narrative for white hegemony and slavery, which protected the former Confederate states from the devastating effects of their loss. Pro-Confederate organizations lobbied to replace real history with this collective memory of the South through education and memorialization. This national myth then served as a legitimization of white Southern nationalism that sought to restore white hegemony of the antebellum racial order. The white nationalist organization League of the South, whose goal is the second secession of the Southern states, embraces and manifests the ideology of the Lost Cause in its textual and audiovisual discourse and use of iconography. This discourse anchors their separatist intentions in the context of postwar collective memory, and aids the organization in the legitimization of their actions on the basis of revisionist history. The League derives its identity from this collective memory as the self-established white Southern ethnicity of Anglo-Celtic origin and the descendants of Founding Fathers as well as Confederate leaders. In doing so, the League identifies itself as the organization of true heirs of America stigmatized by the external aggression of the federal...
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Jak (vy)povídá komunita ve Faulknerově "Růže pro Emily": studie narativní techniky / Telling Community in William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily: A Case Study in Narrative TechniqueKrtička, Filip January 2013 (has links)
This MA thesis provides a close analysis of William Faulkner's most famous short story, "A Rose for Emily." The focus the thesis is motivated by what I take to be the central theme of the short story: community and its functioning. Shifting the focus from the main character to the narrator, I want to "rectify" the perception of the short story which owns its renown largely to its "shocking" or "gothic" aspect. The utilized methodology is chosen with respect to the proposed interpretation. The prism through which the text is approached is narratology. To account for the peculiar narrator of "A Rose for Emily," I use the narratological framework of "collective narrative" ("we narration"). Another important theoretical framework introduced in order to interpret the short story is the interdisciplinary concept of "collective memory." Some sociological conceptions of community are discussed. In the introductory chapter, I mainly discuss the concept of person in narrative and argue against the traditional distinction between first and third person narratives. In the second chapter, I provide an introduction to the technique of collective narrative. The third chapter provides a close reading of "A Rose for Emily" in the context of collective narrative. Firstly, I identify the narrator as essentially...
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