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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A figura hist?rica e ficcional do ga?cho : O ga?cho, de Jos? de Alencar, E persegui??o e cerco a Juvencio Gutierrez, de Tabajara Ruas

Melo, Eduardo Silveira Cabral de 22 January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:37:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 399596.pdf: 17142617 bytes, checksum: 9dc962cc80729f65b05a9a6739b8dd41 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-01-22 / A disserta??o analisa as conex?es existentes entre as figuras hist?rica e ficcional do ga?cho, a partir de um corpus liter?rio composto pelas obras O ga?cho, de Jos? de Alencar, e Persegui??o e cerco a Juv?ncio Gutierrez, de Tabajara Ruas, visando identificar e discutir os desvios existentes entre hist?ria e fic??o e as mudan?as na significa??o do ga?cho. Para esse empreendimento, ? realizada uma reconstitui??o do conceito de ga?cho, com o devido levantamento hist?rico. O ga?cho apresenta uma constru??o muito diferente nas obras selecionadas, especialmente em Persegui??o e cerco a Juv?ncio Gutierrez, o que demonstra o distanciamento entre a figura do ga?cho idealizado e o mundo real, hist?rico. Em O ga?cho, encontramos uma figura que idealiza a integra??o do ga?cho com o pampa e a natureza, fundando o par?metro do regionalismo ga?cho. O cotejo entre o ga?cho hist?rico e o ga?cho ficcional evidenciar?, sobretudo, uma tend?ncia para a urbaniza??o dos habitantes do Rio Grande do Sul e a sua gradual inser??o no sistema pol?tico e social.

Fabulae moriendi : a ficcionaliza??o da morte em quatro romances da literatura contemporanea portuguesa

Silva, Gabriela Farias da 26 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:39:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 460557.pdf: 1839798 bytes, checksum: 4d9851d6ef5817f9ab62d6205b1f05c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-26 / This thesis aims at investigating the fictionalization of death in four contemporary Portuguese novels : Apari??o, by Verg?lio Ferreira; Louren?o ? nome de jogral, by Fernanda Botelho; O triunfo da morte, by Augusto Abelaira; and As intermit?ncias da morte de Jos? Saramago. These novels were analyzed according to the concept of death proposed by the philosophical studies of Martin Heiddeger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edgar Morin, Georges Bataille, Jean Baudrillard and Maurice Blanchot among others, as well as mythic, iconographic and historical aspects of the representation of death according to the studies of Phillipe Ari?s and Johan Huizinga. Some theories of Narratology were also used in order to understand the complex relation and representation of death in Literature. / O presente estudo investiga a ficcionaliza??o da morte em quatro romances da literatura portuguesa contempor?nea. S?o essas obras Apari??o de Verg?lio Ferreira, Louren?o ? nome de jogral de Fernanda Botelho, O triunfo da morte de Augusto Abelaira e As intermit?ncias da morte de Jos? Saramago. Para o estudo e an?lise dessas obras desenvolveu-se pesquisa em torno do conceito de morte estabelecido pela filosofia contempor?nea, atrav?s das teorias de Martin Heiddeger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edgar Morin, Georges Bataille, Jean Baudrillard, Maurice Blanchot entre outros; assim como aspectos m?ticos, iconogr?ficos e hist?ricos da representa??o da morte a partir dos estudos de Phillipe Ari?s e Johan Huizinga. Associamos a esse material filos?fico e hist?rico conhecimentos da narratologia que nos permitiram entender a complexa rela??o e representa??o da morte no ?mbito da literatura.

Internetinės reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo modelis / Internet advertising effectiveness measurement model

Marcinkevičiūtė, Milda 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tyrimo objektas yra interneto reklamos efektyvumo vertinimas. Darbo tikslas – atlikus teorines internetinės reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo studijas (teorinių straipsnių, praktinių tyrimų ir pan.) parengti koncepcinį IREV modelį bei empiriškai ji patikrinti. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti interneto reklamą, jos savybes, tikslus, skleidimo priemones, funkcijas, privalumus ir trūkumus; pateikti interneto reklamos efektyvumą bei jo vertinimo problematiką – efektyvumo vertinimo priežastis, reikalingumą bei matavimo sudėtingumą bei kliūtis; išnagrinėti interneto reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo aspektų grupes (technologinę, psichologinę, komunikacinę ir ekonominę); sudaryti internetinės reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo (IREV) koncepcinį modelį ir atlikti jo empirinį vertinimą. Naudojantis mokslinių publikacijų bei šaltinių analizės metodais, prieita prie išvados, kad interneto reklama vis dar yra nauja reklamos forma, kurios dar ne visi privalumai yra išnaudojami. Nors interneto reklama turi daug savybių, kurių neturi reklama kitose žiniasklaidos priemonėse (interaktyvumas, grįžtamasis ryšys, informacijos talpumas, reklamos formatų gausa), jų įtaką reklamos efektyvumui dar sunku nustatyti. Taip yra todėl, kad interneto reklama ir jos efektyvumas daugumoje teorinių ir praktinių tyrimų vertinamas tik tam tikrais aspektais, akcentuojant arba tik vartotojo, arba tik reklamuotojo tikslų svarbą. Tačiau norint kuo tiksliau nustatyti kriterijus, į kuriuos turi būti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research object of the master thesis is internet advertising effectiveness measurement. The goal of the work is after making theoretical studies of internet advertising effectiveness measurement (theoretical articles, practical researches and cetera), formulate the conceptual IAEM model and examine it empirically. The main tasks of the work are: to analyze internet advertising, it’s features, purposes, spread formats, functions, advantages and disadvantages; present the effectiveness of internet advertising and indicate the complexity of it’s measurement – the reasons to assess effectiveness, the need of doing this and also difficulties; to explore groups of internet advertising measurement aspects (technological, psychological, communicative and economical); to form the internet advertising effectiveness measurement (IAEM) conceptual model and to make it’s empirical assessment. Using the scientific publications’ and other sources’ analysis methods the conclusion was drawn, that internet advertising still is a new form of advertising, which has unexploited advantages. Although internet advertising has many features (interactivity, feedback, information capacity, plenty of advertising formats), its influence to advertising effectiveness is still hard to determine. ). The cause of it is that the internet advertising and its effectiveness in the majority of theoretical and practical researches are assessed only on certain aspects, with an accent on the importance of the user... [to full text]

José Martí: Aesthetic Discourse on Identity

Fehskens, Matthew Thomas 27 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Aiming to Please: Antoine-Denis Chaudet's <i>Cupid Playing with a Butterfly</i> and the Issues of Iconography and Patronage

Nystrom, Karen JoAnn Bangsund 15 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

"Staging lo Andino: The Scissors Dance, Spectacle, and Indigenous Citizenship in the New Peru"

Bush, Jason Alton January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

L’élaboration d’un langage musical basé sur la musique traditionnelle québécoise et influencé par les musiques savantes

Maziade, Marc 12 1900 (has links)
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU). / Le présent travail explique et approfondit la démarche artistique d’un compositeur travaillant à partir de la musique traditionnelle québécoise et cherchant à donner un élan à son travail en s’inspirant des musiques savantes. Il est divisé en trois chapitres dans lesquels on retrouve des analyses détaillées de pièces issues du répertoire traditionnel québécois et des répertoires classique et jazz. Le premier chapitre traite d’œuvres de Joseph Allard, Louis « Pitou » Boudreault, Jos Bouchard et Aimé Gagnon en cherchant à préciser les éléments stylistiques qui caractérisent le style d’ici. Le deuxième chapitre analyse les pièces Stolen Moments d’Oliver Nelson et Waltz for Debby de Bill Evans et explore un jazz en équilibre entre conservatisme et innovation. Le troisième chapitre explore deux approches originales à la modalité dans des musiques riches en variations par l’analyse de Pagodes de Claude Debussy et de Ostinato de Béla Bartók. Le quatrième chapitre expose ma démarche. / This work explains and elaborates the artistic approach of a composer that works primarily with traditional Quebec music and wishes to give momentum to his work by inspiring himself with the jazz and classical idiom. It is divided in three chapters in which pieces of the traditional repertoire and of the classical and jazz repertoires are analyzed in detail. The first chapter describes works of Joseph Allard, Louis « Pitou » Boudreault, Jos Bouchard, and Aimé Gagnon and aims at defining some stylistic elements specific to Quebec's traditional style. The second chapter addresses the pieces Stolen Moments by Oliver Nelson and Waltz for Debby by Bill Evans and explores a jazz in balance between conservatism and innovation. The third chapter deals with original approaches to modality through the analysis of two musical pieces rich in variations: Pagodes by Claude Debussy and Ostinato by Béla Bartók. The fourth chapter presents my own creative process.

Vietinio poveikio vaisto formų ir jontoforezės poveikio 5-aminolevulino rūgšties ir jos provaisto skvarbai į (pro) odą įvertinimas / Evaluation of the effect of topical formulations and iontophoresis on the penetration of 5-aminolevulinic acid and its prodrug into (through) skin

Armoškaitė, Vilma 30 September 2014 (has links)
Siekiant pagreitinti 5-aminolevulino rūgšties (5-ALA) skvarbą į (pro) odą ir sudaryti terapines fotodinaminiam gydymui tinkamas jos koncentracijas, įvertinta 5-ALA ir naujo provaisto skvarba į (pro) odą iš įvairių vietinio poveikio vaisto formų. Atlikta naujo provaisto 2-(dimetilamino)-etil-5-amino-4-oksopentanoato (DMAE-ALA) sintezė, ištirtos jo charakteristikos. Nustatytas susintetinto provaisto stabilumas įvairių pH verčių buferiniuose vandeniniuose tirpaluose ir odos esterazių poveikyje, įrodytas provaisto tinkamumas pernašai į (pro) odą. Atlikti 5-ALA ir du teigiamus krūvius vaisto formoje įgaunančio provaisto jontoforetinės ir pasyvios pernašos iš buferinių tirpalų ir celiuliozinės bei polivinilkarboksilinės kilmės polimerinių gelių į (pro) odą tyrimai in vitro. Patvirtintas reikšmingas skatinamas jontoforezės poveikis krūvinių molekulių pernašai į (pro) odą ir krūvio dydžio reikšmė elektros srovės skatinamos pernašos greičiui. Ištirta vaisto formų, pagamintų iš polivilinkarboksilinės kilmės ir celiuliozės polimerų, kokybė ir jų pasyvioji bei jontoforetinė pernaša. Įrodyta, kad provaisto įterpimui naudojant celiuliozės polimerų pagrindu pagamintus gelius, pasiekiama didžiausia 5-ALA pernaša. Nustatyta, kad du krūvius turintis 5-ALA provaistas į (pro) odą skverbėsi geriau negu vieną krūvį įgaunantys arba elektriškai neutralūs 5-ALA dariniai. Sudarytos rekomendacijos, skirtos pasiekti didžiausiai 5-ALA pernašai į (pro) odą. / Passive and iontophoretic delivery of 5-aminolevulinic acid and newly synthesized prodrug into (through) skin from various topical formulations was evaluated, while trying to accelerate the penetration of 5-ALA and its derivative into (through) skin and to generate the therapeutic concentration suitable for photodynamic therapy. A new prodrug 2-(dimethylamino)-ethyl-5-amino-4-oxopentanoate (DMAE-ALA) was synthesized, its characteristics have been evaluated. Stability of the prodrug in aqueous solutions of various pH values and at exposure with skin esterases (dermal and epidermal stability) has been evaluated. Suitability of the prodrug for topical delivery was confirmed. Studies for the evaluation of 5-ALA and DMAE-ALA passive and active delivery from cutaneous solutions, cellulose and polyvinyl carboxy polymer gels into (through) skin in vitro have been performed. Significant effect of iontophoresis on delivery of charged molecules into (through) skin as well as the significance of the charge of the molecule on the delivery rate has been confirmed. It has been shown that the insertion of the prodrug into cellulose-based polymer gels produces the highest amount of 5-ALA delivered into (through) skin. It was determined that the two-charged prodrug DMAE-ALA penetrated into (through) the skin more efficiently than single-charged or electrically neutral 5-ALA derivatives. Recommendations for achieving most efficient 5-ALA delivery into (through) the skin have been composed.

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