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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The myth of the vampire and blood imagery in Bram Stoker's Dracula

Zanini, Claudio Vescia January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma leitura do romance Drácula, do escritor irlandês Bram Stoker, publicado em 1897. O propósito do estudo é identificar os arquétipos e imagens predominantes em Drácula, mostrando em que medida eles representam questões pertinentes à sociedade vitoriana e aos públicos receptores que obra teve desde então. A obra é publicada em um momento histórico que se configura ponto crucial na conflituada transição entre os antigos valores rurais britânicos e os da moderna sociedade urbana contemporânea, e a conseqüência desta transição é uma mudança drástica no código comportamental britânico. Diversos elementos desta transformação podem ser identificados nas representações simbólicas encontradas no romance de Stoker, e a voracidade com que a obra é consumida pelos leitores desde a época vitoriana se configura sintoma das premências decorrentes da excessiva repressão daquele período. A análise do arquétipo do vampiro e das imagens arquetípicas apresentadas em Drácula se dará predominantemente através do exame das implicações psicológicas e antropológicas ligadas ao imaginário do Sangue. O embasamento teórico se ampara nas contribuições prestadas por Carl Gustav Jung e Gilbert Durand. A dissertação vem subdividida em três capítulos. Na primeira parte do capítulo um apresento as contextualizações referentes a certos fenômenos observados na sociedade vitoriana, especialmente no que tange às implicaturas de gênero no código comportamental da época, e na segunda apresento contextualizações referentes a personagens históricos que influenciaram Bram Stoker na criação de seu personagem principal. No segundo capítulo, remeto ao embasamento teórico, apresentando os conceitos definidos por Jung nos quais a leitura do capítulo 3 se ampara, bem como analiso símbolos, imagens e arquétipos em Drácula de acordo com os regimes da imaginação propostos por Durand. No terceiro capítulo ofereço minha leitura do romance, na qual identifico e analiso imagens e símbolos do Sangue presentes no romance. Na conclusão, apresento as últimas considerações, com o intuito de ratificar as fortes ligações que se estabelecem entre os significados velados inscritos no romance e as vivências da sociedade receptora, tendo como base o mito do vampiro e sua associação com o imaginário do sangue na tentativa de explicar a bemsucedida e contínua recepção do romance. / The aim of this thesis is to present a reading of Dracula, published in 1897 by the Irish author Bram Stoker. The purpose of the investigation is to identify the predominant archetypes and images in Dracula, showing to what extent they represent relevant issues to Victorian society and the audiences the novel has had since then. The work is published in a crucial historical moment, during which the British traditional rural values are replaced by modern and urban ones. A major consequence of such a transition is a drastic change in the British behavioral code. Several elements in such a transformation can be identified in Stoker’s novel, and the eagerness with which the work was accepted by Victorian audiences is a symptom of the needs that resulted from the excessive repression from that period. The analysis of the archetype of the vampire and the archetypal images presented in Dracula unfolds predominantly through the examination of the psychological and anthropological implications connected to blood imagery. The main theoretical tools come from the studies of Carl Gustav Jung and Gilbert Durand. The thesis is subdivided in three chapters. In the first part of chapter one I present some contextualization referring to certain phenomena perceived in the Victorian society, mainly the ones regarding the gender implications in the behavioral code of the time, and in the second part I present contextualization connected to historical characters who influenced Bram Stoker in the creation of his main character. In chapter two I present the theoretical approach, introducing the concepts defined by Jung upon which the reading in chapter 3 is based. I also analyze symbols, images and archetypes in Dracula according to the orders of the image proposed by Durand. In chapter three I offer my reading, identifying and analyzing blood images and symbols in the novel. In the conclusion, I present the final considerations, with the purpose of ratifying the strong bonds connecting the underlying meanings present in the novel and the life experience of the audience, having as a basis the myth of the vampire and its association to the blood imaginary, in an attempt to explain the successful and continuous reception of the novel.

Zhodnocení Sluneční politiky Korejské republiky vůči KLDR / Evaluation of the sunshine policy of the Republic of Korea towards the DPRK

Krejčová, Dita January 2008 (has links)
The thesis describes Korean Peninsula political development from 1998 to 2008, in the frame of historical context from 1948 when two independent states were oficially founded. Discussed decade was characterized by the policy of engagement or the sunshine policy of the Republic of Korea, respectively. This represented a concept of friendly relationship towards the DPRK, aiming at final unification. Detailed description of the political development year by year and its evaluation is the subject of this thesis.

Arquetipos de Jung en discursos de peruanidad / Jung’s Archetypes in peruvianess discourses: Facebook posts of KFC and Bembos, 2019

Vidal Pacheco, Georgett 13 September 2020 (has links)
Los arquetipos son esquemas innatos que se encuentran en el inconsciente colectivo y ayudan a entender el mundo. El psicoanalista Carl Gustav Jung teorizó y propuso diversos arquetipos de la personalidad que hoy son utilizados en la publicidad. Por otro lado, la peruanidad resulta difícil de definir, a pesar de que, además de Víctor M. Andrés Belaúnde (quien acuñó la palabra y teorizó sobre ella), diversos autores y pensadores hayan abordado el tema de lo peruano. Ello se debería a que esta pertenece a un imaginario, un ideal, un mito, un discurso. En el presente artículo se buscará identificar, relacionar y analizar los arquetipos de Jung empleados en los discursos sobre peruanidad en los pots de Facebook de las marcas fast food KFC y Bembos en el Perú durante el año 2019. Para ello, se realizó una recopilación general de los principales y diversos discursos sobre peruanidad, encontrándose 5 perfiles de lo peruano; y, finalmente, se definieron los 12 arquetipos de Jung empleados en la teoría publicitaria. / Archetypes are innate schemes found in the collective unconscious and help to understand the world. Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung theorized and proposed various archetypes of personality that are used in advertising today. On the other hand, peruvianness is difficult to define, even though, in addition to Víctor M. Andrés Belaúnde (who coined the word and theorized about it), various authors and thinkers have addressed this issue. This is because it belongs to an imaginary, an ideal, a myth, a discourse. This article seeks to identify, to relate and analyze Jung's archetypes used in the peruvianness discourses of the fast food brands KFC and Bembos in Peru during the year 2019. For this, a general compilation of the main and various discourses of peruvianess was made, finding 5 profiles of the Peruvian; and, finally, the 12 Jungian archetypes used in advertising theory were defined. / Trabajo de investigación

Dialektika krotkosti a divokosti v románech Hermanna Hesseho / A Dialectic of Tameness and Wildness in Hermann Hesse's novels

Berný, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Annotation: The main topic of this thesis is an analysis of tameness and wildness phenomena in particular Hermann Hesse's novels. Thesis will aim to expressions and interpenetrations of those phenomena and their position in period mind frame.Aim will be chronological analysis of those phenomena, their evolution and change in particular novels and an attempt of their synthesis. Key words: Hesse, Nietzsche, tammeness, wildness, Freud, Jung, Demian, Steppenwolf, Narcissus and Goldmund, The Glass Bead game, dialectic, dualism

Mýtus jako psychologický fenomén a jeho význam pro moderního člověka v pohledu C. G. Junga. / Myth as a Psychological Phenomenom and its Importance to the Modern Man from the Perspective of C. G. Jung.

Najbrt, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA EVANGELICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Dizertační práce MÝTUS JAKO PSYCHOLOGICKÝ FENOMÉN A JEHO VÝZNAM PRO MODERNÍHO ČLOVĚKA Z POHLEDU C. G. JUNGA Tomáš Najbrt Katedra religionistiky Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Vojtíšek, Ph. D. Studijní program: Teologie Studijní obor: Historická teologie a teologie náboženství Praha 2020 Summary This work deals with three main areas: myth, human psychology and Carl Gustav Jung's personality. It deals with the contradiction between the rational evaluation of myth and its actual influence on shaping the ideas of the modern man about the world that surrounds him, and the creation of new myths in modern times. It shows the influence of myths containing archaic symbols and archetypes on the conscious and unconscious psychic processes of man and their interaction on the border of human psychology and psychology of religion. It also presents the possibilities of mythical and religious traditions for understanding the identity of modern man and his life.

Como una manada de búfalos a la carrera : Un análisis junguiano del grupo en dos cuentos de Julio Cortázar

Rosengren, Lina January 2020 (has links)
El propósito de esta tesina es analizar el comportamiento grupal en los cuentos Queremos tanto a Glenda y Las Ménades del escritor argentino Julio Cortázar. La investigación se basa en las ideas de Carl Jung, y más específicamente en sus teorías sobre el inconsciente colectivo y los arquetipos. También hemos consultado algunos de los escritos que ha presentado Jung sobre la relación entre el individuo y el colectivo, y sobre el arte. El objetivo del estudio ha sido investigar la razón detrás de la reacción del grupo en los cuentos elegidos, y mirar más de cerca cómo esta reacción afecta al desarrollo de la historia. La conclusión de nuestro análisis es que la fuerza impulsadora detrás de la reacción grupal, en ambos cuentos, es el deseo inconsciente, de los miembros de los grupos, de cumplir con los arquetipos. A través del colectivo se fortalecen los impulsos de los arquetipos hasta volverse imposibles de detener. Esto causa el fin inesperado e infeliz, tanto en Queremos tanto a Glenda, como en Las Ménades.

How Active Engagement in Art Assists the Artist in the Process of Self-awareness

Ahmadi, Mohamad Javad January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation is a phenomenological study on the origin of expressive arts as an innate human need rooted deeply in the psyche in order to grasp and relate to the human condition. Carl Gustav Jung said, “Life has no rules and that is its mystery.” Art compensates for the chaos that originates and often rules life. The history of art and its evolution in society was explored to paint a picture of the experiences that dominate and leave permanent etchings of the complexities, attachments, and traumas on the psyche. I explored the history of art and its ability to stimulate curiosities, discoveries, and learning. Additionally, I followed the birth of art education and its crossroads within the discovery of the unconscious mind and Jungian psychology. I followed the effects of the unconscious mind and psychology on art and art education, the ecological agents of the Industrial Revolution, the birth of the middle class, and the new accessibility of art. I also discussed the Industrial Revolution and its impact on pushing the artist to new interior boundaries of altered states and the birth of abstract art. Moreover, I looked at expressive art, painting, poetry, and sculpture as the foreground to discover the psychic energy and complexes that stimulate and inspire the artist. I presented eight artist interviews randomly chosen from different backgrounds, specialties, and age. The data analysis process allowed me to gain insights into the artists’ perceptions of how art has enriched the development of their psyches and their lives.

C.G. Jung och Leo Perdue om Jobs bok : En jämförande receptionsstudie

Johansson, Marie January 2020 (has links)
This study in Old Testament exegesis is focused on two interpretations of three central passages in the book of Job, by C.G. Jung in Answer to Job (1952) and Leo Perdue in Wisdom in Revolt – Metaphorical Theology in the Book of Job (1991). The study examines the questions addressed to the book of Job by Jung and Perdue respectively, and the expectations that are imbedded in their readings. The concepts of "horizon of expectation" and "gaps" from Reception theory are central to the interpretation.  More particularly, the study examines the interpretations by Jung and Perdue of two passages in the book of Job where there is a verbal confrontation between Job and God, and the very last sequence of the book, the epilogue. These scenes also represent what W. Iser calls "gaps" (Leerstellen) in the narration, ambiguous passages, designed to activate the reader’s participation in the interpretation of a text. In the study, the horizon of expectations of Jung and Perdue respectively, is outlined and compared. The results show that, while the theologian Perdue is interested in the psychological aspects of Job’s process in relation to God, Jung, the psychologist, paradoxically is focused on the theological question of God’s character and being.  The study’s point of outlook is that in each interpretation of a text, the reader’s horizon of expectation is embedded. When it comes to Bible commentary, layers of historical contexts and theological tradition shape the interpretative work. Nevertheless, each reader also confronts the text anew while reading, within the frames of his own experiences and expectations.

Adult Toys

MALCOLM, KRISTINA L. 21 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

L'analyse psychanalytique de la symbolique du Zarathoustra de Nietzsche

Picard, Claude. 12 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse veut réactualiser les Séminaires dirigés par C. G. Jung de 1935 à 1939 sur la lecture de l'œuvre maîtresse de Nietzsche, Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra. Nous présentons, comme élément préalable d'investigation, un examen des méthodes des deux auteurs concernés. Le lecteur sera à même de saisir à quel point il est opportun de prolonger dans la psychologie analytique de Jung le projet initié par Nietzsche, ce dernier admettant lui-même être guidé par l'investigation psychologique, si ce n'est avoir écrit le Zarathoustra sous la pression des archétypes. Notre recherche nous amène à réévaluer le projet réformateur de Nietzsche à la lumière de ce qui se présente au départ comme une projection de l'homme/Nietzsche dans la figure du dieu/Zarathoustra. Nous établissons dans quelle mesure le concept de spiritualisation devient plus fondamental que celui d'esthétique lorsqu'il s'agit d'interpréter le fond de l'intention philosophique de Nietzsche; puis nous voyons comment s'associe l'ensemble du système nietzschéen à la perspective jungienne du quaternion, ce qui révélera le rôle essentiel que joue le corps dans un ensemble qui veut dépasser une tradition philosophique dominée par l'idée chrétienne de trinité. Cette réflexion éclairera ce qu'il convient d'appeler la pensée la plus abyssale de Nietzsche, soit l'Éternel retour, dans la dynamique des manifestations de l'inconscient. Nous résumons l'essentiel des volumineux Séminaires et présentons, en annexe, un lexique des concepts philosophiques importants qui s'y trouvent ainsi qu'une description contextuelle des symboles utilisés par Nietzsche, travail essentiel d'investigation de Jung qui se laisse porter par cette "rivière de figures" qu'est le Zarathoustra. À travers la lecture de Nietzsche, nous découvrons certaines motivations obscures que peut cacher l'intention philosophique. Nous verrons en quoi l'essentiel du processus d'identification entre Nietzsche, Zarathoustra et le Surhomme fait état de la présence irrépressible de la figure du Vieil homme sage; et comment la recherche du "sens de la Terre", chez Nietzsche, intègre une dimension "numineuse" caractéristique qui rend si complexe l'idée de "dépassement de la métaphysique" et la tenue d'un discours moralisateur, entendu l'ambivalence de la psyché humaine, notamment en situation de crise.

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